A proposed satellite laser ranging station in Taiwan

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A proposed satellite laser ranging station in Taiwan

Cheinway Hwang , Tingjung Lin, and Yishan Lee

Dept of Civil Engineering, National Chiao Tung University

1001 University Road, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan, ROC

1Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

Benjamin Fong Chao, Institute of Earth Sciences,

Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC

Ming Yang, Dept of Geomatics, National Cheng Kung University

No. 1, University Road, Tainan 701, Taiwan, ROC

TP Tseng, SPACE Research Centre, RMIT University, Australia

5th FORMOSAT-3 / COSMIC Data Users Workshop

And the International Conference on GPS Radio Occultation

April 13-15, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan


• The primary objective :

(1) track current and future Taiwan satellites with corner-cube

reflectors for orbit improvement.

(2) Define the geocenter coordinate and join the international terrestrial

reference frame, serve as a reference station for plate tectonics of


(3) provide data for time-varying gravity/climate change research

2Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

(3) provide data for time-varying gravity/climate change research

• SLR and FORMOSAT-7 (COSMIC follow on)

potentially equipped with SLR reflectors, to be launched in late 2014.

The accuracy of SLR-derived ranges, is better than 1 cm, and can be

used to validate the accuracy of GPS-derived orbit, and calibrate

antenna offset and center-of-mass

SLR ground station- Argentina

3Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

Seeber (2003)

Example of corner-cube reflector: The CHAMP laser

retroreflector array

4Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

Telescope and Laser: can we reduce the size and

time-delay?Mobile and automated



•Small or no telescope

•Automated, real-time

Conventional SLR:


•Large telescope

•Manual operation

5Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

Validation of LEO GPS-derived Orbit:

Examples from GRACE and Jason-1

6Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

Examples from GRACE and Jason-1

Difference between GPS-derived orbit (one-D) and SLR

range for satellite GRACE A over 300 days, since DOY 100,


(average RMS : 3.5 cm)

7Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

Difference between GPS-derived orbit and SLR ranges for

satellite (altimeter) Jason-1 over 170 days

8Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU(Scott et al., 2002)

SLR data processing: normal point reduction

• Subdivide the accepted fit residuals FR into fixed intervals (bins) starting from

0h UTC. The bin sizes for various satellites are listed at the end of this note.

• Compute the mean value and the mean epoch of the accepted fit residuals

within each bin i. Let ni be the number of accepted fit residuals within this bin.

• Locate the particular observation Oi with its fit residual FRi , whose

observation epoch ti is nearest to the mean epoch of the accepted fit residuals

in bin i.

9Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

in bin i.

• The normal point is computed as

• (10) Compute the RMS of the accepted fit residuals in each bin i from their

mean value :

where the summation over j is over the accepted points within the bin.

RMS of raw and filtered (normal-point) orbits for

COSMIC satellite FM5

10Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

Improving regional orbit of FORMASAT-7 using


11Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU XI ,YI ,ZI:Inertial Coordinate System

Near-real time orbit improvement for COSMIC2

satellites using SLR

Orbit error in radial, along-track and cross-track direction

(projection in the station-Leo direction)

• One-cycle-per-orbital-revolution (1CPR) empirical cofficients

12Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

:argument of latitude

, , :empirical coefficients for the orbit errors in the

radial, along-track and cross-track direction


• Adjustment model

:error vector in the distance between station and Leo due to orbit error

:real-time LEO state vector (based on real-time orbit)

:true LEO state vector

13Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

:true LEO state vector

:SLR observable

:SLR state vector

V :residual vector of

Establishment of a reference frame of Taiwan

using SLR observations

14Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

Global and near-Taiwan ITRF stations (GPS, SLR,


15Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

• SLR can be used to define geocenter coordinates and the

motion of geocenter, which can be expressed as a time

series of degree 1 harmonic coefficients in the Earth’s

gravity field model

1111 3 CRRCdx ==


16Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

R : the Earth’s radius

and :fully normalized potential coefficients

1111 3 SRRSdy ==

1010 3 CRRCdz ==


Example of using SLR to solve for geopotential

coefficients and station coordinates by GEODYN II

17Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

Differences between the geocenter motions estimated

from SLR data of CHAMP and the result from ITRF2005

18Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU(Guo et al., 2008)



19Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

G P S G ro u n d S ta tio n L aser S ta tio n

Scenario 1: Ground Station to GPS (ground – high)

Scenario 2: LEO (Receiver) to GPS (low – high)

Combined scenario: Form three Layers (ground – LEO – GPS)(Zhu and Shih, 2003)

Scenario 1. Ground stations to GPS

- Usefulness: reference frame (site positions), EOP, trop., GPS orbits, ...

- weakness: scale, geocenter (especially, z-direction)

Scenario 2. LEO to GPS

- Usefulness: orbit, gravity, occultation, ....

CHAMP (GRACE、FORMOSAT-3) is a (low altitude) satellite, its dynamic orbit is

sensitive to gravity, including 1st. degree term (geocenter). And at the same time is a

20Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

sensitive to gravity, including 1st. degree term (geocenter). And at the same time is a

flying receiver (station).

Combined together to form 3 layers(at different height)


Solving orbits of GPS and LEO, ground station coordinates, EOP, etc.(incl. gravity)

together simultaneously. Overcome the weakness of each individual scenario.

Solution is more homogeneous and consistent.

SLR and GPS Data from CHAMP and GRACE strengthen

the reference frame

Estimated geocenter variation in Z-directions

DAY 020502 030502 040502 050502

ground only 16.2 ±±±±13.0 3.8 ±±±±11.7 -39.4 ±±±±13.1 19.4 ±±±±12.1

unit: mm

21Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

ground+LEO -7.7 ±±±±4.2 7.3 ±±±±4.7 -0.5 ±±±±4.7 0.9 ±±±±4.7

(Zhu and Shih, 2003)

Time-varying gravity recovery using

combined GPS and SLR observations

22Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

1. Restitution of the orbits of GPS satellites from GPS ground tracking data.

2. Determination of the orbits of CHAMP and GRACE satellites from space

receiver GPS data based on fixed GPS ephemerides and clocks from step 1.

3. Simultaneous determination of orbits of the GPS and LEO satellites and

recovery of gravity field model coefficients, EOPs, and station positions from

GPS ground and LEO space-borne data in the same solution. Attitude,

23Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

GPS ground and LEO space-borne data in the same solution. Attitude,

accelerometer, thruster, and K-band data can also be added if required. This is

the one-step or integrated procedure.

4. SLR data can be added with some realistic weighting.

)()( 332211


332211 UcUcUcNcNcNcX ++++=−

Time series of delta C20 from CSR RL04 and SLR solutions from

September 2006 to December 2007

24Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

The possible locations of the Taiwan SLR station

• Low cloud cover rate

• Avoid aviation safety

• Accessibility to station

25Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

• Power supply

Comparison of possible locations of Taiwan SLR


Ali Mountain

weather station((((阿里山氣象站阿里山氣象站阿里山氣象站阿里山氣象站))))

Kunyang at

Provincial high


Mt. Hehuan


Mt. Small-


Height 2413m 3070m 3390m 2997m

Administrative Chiayi Nantou Nantou Taichung

26Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU



Chiayi Nantou Nantou Taichung



Good Good Good Bad

Power supply Good Average Average Unknown

Difficulty in site


Unknown Easy Easy Hard



Low High Average Very Low

Ali Mountain weather station


27Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

Advantage:Good maintenance and stable power supply

Disadvantage:1. The weather-induced disasters may interrupts road access

2. Less suitable space for site construction



28Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

Advantage: Entrance limitation in snowing season

Disadvantage: High man-made interference

Mt. Hehuan


29Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

Advantage: Vehicle control

Disadvantage:Too many tourists

Mt. Small-Snowy


30Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

Advantage:Very low man-made interference

Disadvantage:High construction difficulty

Conclusions and suggestions

• Data from the Taiwan SLR station can be applied to precise orbitdetermination/validation, determinations of geocenter coordinate andtemporal gravity (primary). Other applications are fundamentalphysics, solid/ocean tides, time-transfer and alternative trackingwhen GPS fails (secondary).

• An NSC proposal (2011-2014) was submitted to develop theories and

31Department of Civil Engineering, NCTU

• An NSC proposal (2011-2014) was submitted to develop theories andcomputer programs for SLR applications.

• The success of the proposed Taiwan SLR station will depend onmany parties in Taiwan, including NSPO, NSC, MOI and academicinstitutions.