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fremonitorA publication of Fremont Community Church [ home of Christian Community Schools ]



At Christmas time many of us are plagued with the problem of trying to buy gifts for our family and friends. What will we get and for whom? Where will the money come from? And why do we buy gifts anyhow? We get so caught up in the commercialization of Christmas that we become easily distracted from the true meaning. Quite simply –God gave the ultimate gift, His only son, Jesus, who was born in a

stable to a young girl named Mary. This special little baby was sent to be the Savior of the world. What a wonderful time to celebrate!

The Christmas season is so full of excitement, the hustle and bustle, trimming of the tree and hanging of the stockings and yes, even exchanging gifts are cherished times with your family that will always be remembered. For many of us, simple tasks like these have turned into traditions that will continue throughout the years. So, why not take the opportunity to add some new and meaningful traditions, ones that will turn your focus to the true meaning of Christmas and that you and your family can enjoy together?

Some new traditions that could help your family focus on the true meaning of Christ-mas through the act of giving to Jesus by giving to others are:

- Offer to care for the child/children of a single parent, giving them an evening or afternoon of “child free time” to spend how they choose.

- Adopt a grandparent or young family – many elderly and young families do not have extended family members that live close enough to be together on Christmas. Con-sider inviting a “Grandma or Grandpa” to participate in your family celebrations.

- When preparing to shop with your children for Christmas, ask them to take some of their own money along to give specifically to the “Bell Ringers” who stand outside of the store entrances. Allow your children to place their coins in the kettle and experi-ence the joy of giving to others.

During the Christmas season many charities ask donors to give to less fortunate chil-dren by providing Christmas gifts. An easy way to go about this is to pick an orna-ment from the Giving Tree in the Atrium. Not only will you be helping a child, you will be making a difference in the life of a child who is directly involved with one of

inside this issue

02Ministry Highlights

02Planning Ahead

03December Calendar

04Family News

05Long-winded Preacher



Fremont Community ChurchHome of Christian Community Schools39700 Mission Boulevard. Fremont. CA 94539510.657.0123 www.gofcc.org

By Diane Hurst, CCS Preschool Director

Diane Hurst

(continued to page 5, second column)




This enlightening children’s musi-cal reaches directly to the heart of this matter, and from the voic-es of children comes the ultimate truth - a Christmas without Jesus is like giving a present with no gift inside. Join the students of CCS as they share the real story of Christmas! For details, please contact Janell at 657.0123, ext. 502 or jwatts@gofcc.org.


DEC 06DEC 07DEC 07DEC 07DEC 11-12DEC 13DEC 17DEC 18DEC 19-21DEC 31-JAN 1

Christmas Bake ExchangeCityServe Prayer GatheringThe Knot BrunchAmbassador’s PotluckCCS Children’s Christmas ProgramFocus Singles Christmas DinnerJH Fog WarsHS Christmas PartyStarlight CarolsHS New Year’s Eve Party


To Help You Plan Ahead

STARLIGHTCAROLS a Christmas celebration

FRIDAY, DEC. 19 & SATURDAY, DEC. 20 // 7PMSUNDAY, DEC. 21 // 9 & 11AM

Celebrate Christmas at FCC with a musical narrative tell-ing of the Christmas story. The story of Christmas will be told with both spoken word and song. Although we present a story many have heard before, we seek to tell it in a way that engages people on a new level.

Plan to bring your family and friends for a program that will enhance their Christmas season. For more details about Starlight Carols, please contact Janell at jwatts@gofcc.org or 657.0123 ext. 502.


For more information, contact Cezanne Ma at 510.742.1418 or



All married couples are invited to our Knot brunch! We will have new materials for our next study, “The Love Dare” from the movie “Fireproof” to review. For more informa-tion, please contact Bill or Deb Bontadellia at 656.9134 or hmjjmom@comcast.net

DEC. 7 // 11AM // RM. 15






01 02 03

07 08 09 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23

sunday schedule

Celebration Worship (contemporary) Sunday School/Adult Small Groups Analog Worship (informal)

09.00 am10.45 am11.00 am

throughout the week: CITY REACHING CELLS

monday schedule

Focus Men’s Dicipleship06.00 pm

tuesday schedule

Celebration Choir Rehearsal Celebration Band Rehearsal

07.00 pm07.30 pm

thursday schedule

Women’s Bible Study (1 & 3rd week)High School (9-12 grade)

07.00 pm07.00 pm

friday schedule

Alive! (Young Marrieds & Singles) 07.00 pm

saturday scheduleSaturday Morning Prayer (1,3,4 Sat. at FCC & 2nd Sat. at Family Resource Center)Family Night at Home/Prep for Sunday

09.00 am

06.00 pm

City-Reaching Cells meet throughout the week. Pick up a Women’s Net-work, Men’s Network or Adult Small Groups flyer in the Atrium Literature Rack for the contact person of a CRC that fits your schedule!

24 25 26

29 30

wednesday schedule

Jr. High (7-8 grade)LeadershipJr. High (7-8 grade)Family Bible StudyAlive! (Young Marrieds & Singles)

05.00 pm06.30 pm07.30 pm07.00 pm


04 05 06

Starlight Carols // 7pm12/19-20

Starlight Carols 9 & 11am

Christmas DayOffices Closed

ChristmasBake Ex-change11am

Focus Singles Christmas DinnerThe Knot’s


Christmas Eve Offices Closed

CCS Children’s Christmas Program12/11-12 at 7pm

Jr. High Fog Wars 6pm

High School New Year’s Eve Party 6pm-1am

New Year’s Eve

High SchoolChristmas Party 7pm

Last Family Night for 2008

Ambassador’s Potluck12:30pm

CityServe Prayer Gathering 6:30pm

3rd Sunday of Advent

4th Sunday of Advent

No Tidal Wave, Club 56, HS or JH Sunday School

Offices Closed

CCS closed for Christmas break (12/22-26)

CCS closed for Christmas break (12/28-1/2)

2rd Sunday of Advent



Cityserve Compassion Network: Volunteer Opportunities

Cityserve Compassion Net-work needs your help. We need volunteers for: Writing a resumé, Hanging a rod, Le-gal Advice, Helpers for mov-ing, Various household dona-tions. If you are interested in volunteering or helping with one of these requests, please contact Elisabeth Huffmaster at huffmaster@gmail.com or 510.565.0057.

Family/Child Dedication

Family/Child Dedication will be held on December 14th. If you are interested in dedicating your child or children, please contact Liz Fischer at 657.0123, ext. 167 or lfischer@gofcc.org.

Employment Opportunities

We have several job openings at FCC, including some at Christian Community Schools. Among those positions is an immediate need for a part -time Building & Grounds Attendant, part-time substi-tute Receptionist and part-time substitute Preschool-8th Teacher. If you’re interested in applying or if you have any questions, please contact Helen Wong at 657.0123 ext. 112 or hwong@gofcc.org.

Keep in prayer:

+ The Rudholm Family, for the re-cent passing of Bruce’s mother.

Year End Contribution

Please remember that in accordance with IRS tax regulations, all contributions for the year 2008 must be dated, postmarked and/or received no later than December 31, 2008 in order to qualify for deduction in the 2008 tax year. Our offices will be closed on December 24th, 25th, and 26th. Questions? Contact Ginny Lavie, glavie@gofcc.org or 510-651-0123 ext 182. Thank you!

Creative Ways to Give

Writing checks isn’t the only way to give to FCC. Some other gift ideas include the following:

-Stocks: If you’re making a stock gift, please inform FCC about the details, so we’re sure to include this in your giving records.

-Matching Gift Programs: Check with your employer to see if they provide a match to your charitable gifts.

Contact Gabriela Eaton, geaton@gofcc.org or 510-657-123 ext 144 for more information.

Welcome Our New Members:

+ Wendy Tu

+ Monica Lincavage


Are you up early on Sundays? Join Arise! We’re a new FCC adult small group that meets on the 2nd and 4th Sundays at 8am in the Family Room with A View! Arise prays for our worship services and min-istry programs happening on Sunday mornings while also fellowshipping with each other ove r co f f e e and b reak fa s t . There’s a special joy in arriv-ing early to our Father’s House for fellowship with purpose! Call Jerry Borden for details at 510.794.4434 (or just Arise and attend!).

Homeless Donations

We are currently collecting dona-tions for the homeless living in the Fremont TriCities Area and San Francisco. If you would like to donate, the blue donation box is located near the Atrium Welcome Center. There is a list located at the box regarding what is needed. For more information, contact Kim Hensley at 657.0123, ext. 115 or khensley@gofcc.org.

Birth Celebration:

+ Mark & Ruby Camarena, for the recent birth of their daughter, Hannah.

Church Community Builder Sign Ups

Church Community Builder is a site that enables you to con-nect to the FCC Church fam-ily. It ’s a tool to get connected to your small groups or to get updated news from FCC. If you haven’t sign up for our new Church Community Builder and would like to, please con-tact Kim at 657.0123, ext. 115 or khensley@gofcc.org.


I am excited to be going through the book of Mark. Learning the background helps make the Word come to life and easier to understand.

I just want to thank Marti for her beautiful accompa-niment through worship, for the young 5th graders and communion. I appreciate her talent and versatility!

I really enjoy hearing and learning from Dr. Walt. Thank you for having him on the preaching team!

Dear Friends in Christ:

On behalf of New Hope Community Church I would like to thank you for praying for us on Sunday, October 26. We appreciate very much this prayer support from our brothers and sisters in Christ as we minister in the name of Jesus Christ together. Your prayers mean a great deal to us, and we appreciate the support and encouragement.

As you continue to minister in the name of Jesus in our community, it is our prayer that God will richly bless you, lead you and encourage you.

In Christ ’s love, Pastor Jim Schoon



LONG-WINDED PREACHERS By Sherman Williams, Founding Pastor

our own FCC ministries. Include your children in this process by choosing recipients who are the same sex and age as your children. Shop with your children for the gifts, allowing them help select the items that you purchase. Encourage your children to create a homemade card to enclose with this gift; doing this will give them an opportunity to add a personal touch to give of themselves.

I encourage you to embrace the old traditions and enjoy the new ones. You will be truly blessed as you watch your family live out kindness and love with a pure and unselfish heart and receive joy by the experience.



The Giving Tree is back and will be in the Atrium beginning Nov. 30th! Give a gift to someone in our com-munity that is in need and may not have any other Christmas gifts. Turn in your Christmas gifts to the Giving Tree in the Atrium by Dec. 21 at 11am. For more info, con-tact Kim at 657.0123 ext.115 or khensley@gofcc.org.


Hosted by Pastor Jack and Marge’ along with a white elephant gift exchange. For more infor-mation, please contact Jan Hiller at 657.0123, ext. 143 or jhiller@gofcc.org.

DEC. 13

I thought you’d enjoy this!!!

A rich man went to his Pastor and said, “I want you and your wife to take a three-month trip to the Holy Land at my expense. When you come back, I’ll have a surprise for you.” The Pastor accepted the offer, and he and his wife went off to the Middle East. Three months later they returned home and were met by the wealthy parishioner, who told them that while they were gone, he had had a new church built. “It’s the finest building money can buy, Pastor,” said the man. “No expense was spared.” And he was right. It was a magnificent edifice both outside and in. But there was one striking dif-ference. There was only one pew, and it was at the very back. “A church with only one pew?” asked the Pastor. “You just wait until Sunday,” the rich man said. When the time came for the Sunday service, the early arrivals entered the church, filed onto the one pew and sat down. When the pew was full, a switch clicked silently, a circuit closed, the gears meshed, a belt moved and, automatically, the rear pew began to move forward. When it reached the front of the church, it came to a stop. At the same time, another empty pew came up from below at the back and more people sat down. And so it continued, pews filling and moving forward until finally the church was full, from front to back. “Wonderful!” said the Pastor, “Marvelous!” The service began, and the Pastor started to preach his sermon. He lauched into his text and, when 12 o’clock came, he was still going strong, with no end in sight. Suddenly a bell rang, and a trap door in the floor behind the pulpit dropped open. “Wonderful!” said the con-gregation, “Marvelous!”

See, I thought you’d enjoy it!