A ROUND-UP OF NEWS FROM BICKLEY PARK SCHOOL • ISSUE 11€¦ · A King is Born The Reception...

Post on 12-Nov-2020

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• AuthorJamieLittlervisitedBPStotalkabouthisbook‘Frostheart’.

• ExpeditionDayTrips


• Concerts,performancesandartworkaplenty

• TwelfthNightandTreasureIsland


• BathrugbytourandIndiancrickettour

• ForestandAdventureSchool

• BuckmoreParkgo-kartingday


• Fromlitterpickingtocharitycarol-a-thons,theboyswereouthelpingthelocalcommunity

...and much more!

A spirit of derring-do pervaded the first half of the year, as we established our new Forest and Adventure School schedules from Reception to Year 8. We welcomed our adopted adventure traveller, Charlie Walker, into school to talk about his incredible trip to Papua New Guinea as well as ultra-athlete, and record international marathon runner, Nick Butter. The creative curriculum reflected this theme with a ‘Storms and Shipwrecks’ topic, including lessons on many of the great explorers and culminating in a fantastic performance of ‘Treasure Island’. The drama group, comprising Year 7 and 8 boys, also presented Shakespeare’s ‘Twelfth Night’ at The Churchill Theatre. Expeditions Day

created opportunities to enrich much of the boys’ learning with trips to The Imperial War Museum, The Cutty Sark and The Maritime Museum as well

as The Science Fair at The Excel.

The Spring Term began with a global outreach project as our cricketers returned fresh from their trip to Gujarat in India,

where they celebrated BPS’s international cricketing link and learnt more about Indian culture. Back

in school, we also celebrated Chinese New Year.

Aspire • Endeavour • Achieve


Somefantastictripsandspeakersbackedupclasslearninginthe firsthalfoftheyearandit’sbeenbrilliantfortheboystohave useofournewsciencecentre.

NewScienceCentreOur new Science Centre has been named the Tiley Science Centre in recognition of John Tiley, who has served Bickley Park School as governor for 35 years, in addition to being Chair of Governors for much of that time.

JamieLittlerVisitAuthor Jamie Littler visited BPS to talk about his book ‘Frostheart. He spoke about how he creates book characters and his personal transformation from author to illustrator.

BoreFarmTripY1 and 2 had a wonderful time at Bore Farm in September. They made bread, picked fruit to make smoothies and Y2 boys even saw a calf in the process of being born.

PoletoPoleExplorer, Robynne Nowicki, delivered a fascinating talk to Y1 and 2 about life in the Arctic.

NationalmaritimemuseumTripY3 and 4 boys went to the National Maritime Museum and the Cutty Sark as part of their Storms and Shipwrecks topic. The Cutty Sark was resplendent in the sunshine and the boys could walk through the holds, venture onto the upper deck and even stand beneath the keel and look up at the ship from underneath.

NewScientistExpoYears 6 and 7 enjoyed a day out at the New Scientist exhibition at London Excel. The boys enjoyed many hands on activities relating to STEM subjects and even saw a rocket propelled jet-pack in use. Y8 learnt about World War I and why and who has won Victoria Crosses.

WWII‘PortalstothePast’Y5 experienced the sights and sounds of World War Two with Portals to the Past. With many hands-on activities such as, Morse code reading, stretcher bearing and even bomb disposal practice they discovered what it may have been like in the war.


year8Self-PortraitsYear 8 created some great self-portraits - inspired by pop art and graffiti.THE ARTS


Someamazingartworkandperformanceshavebeenpresentedsofarthisyear, andthestandard,particularlyfromtheupperyears,hasbeen outstanding.

year8GothichorrorYear 8 pulled a superb show out of the bag in their Gothic Horror Performance Assembly. The words, entirely composed by the boys, were gripping and enhanced by some very atmospheric special effects.

BandontheRunThe culmination of 5 weeks of blowing and tooting by Y4 boys resulted in a fabulous ‘Band on the Run’ concert as every boy performed on trombone, trumpet or clarinet in a remarkable display of what can be achieved in a handful of sessions and with a bit of practice!

year2CollagesYr2 developed some great collages, inspired by Nancy Standlee and in line with the creative curriculum. They look good enough to eat!

TwelfthNightThe drama enrichment group delivered a fine performance of Shakespeare’s ‘The Twelfth Night’ at The Churchill Theatre. The boys tackled the complexities of Shakespeare’s language with aplomb, enjoyment and confidence.

2NPmeerkatAssemblyThose who attended 2NP’s assembly became experts on Meerkats!


AKingisBornThe Reception Nativity, ‘A King is Born’, was a good old-fashioned nativity – not an alien or octopus in sight!

SuperStarThe Year 1 and 2 Nativity ‘Super Star’ was a glorious celebration of Christmas.

NurserySing-alongThe Nursery gave a wonderful display of singing and dancing in their Sing-along. They sang Christmas favourites as well as The Christmas Robot!


RuairiBellVisitWorld Rally Championship driver, and B.P.S. old boy, Ruairi Bell, visited his alma mater to speak to Prep Department boys. He spoke with great enthusiasm about his amazing achievements at a young age and the impact BPS had on him and his life journey: an impressive young man and a talent to watch in the future.

Acombinationoftheboys’ownactivitiestogetherwithhearingaboutothers’outwardboundachievementsandchallenges setupaninspiringterm.

year7AdventureSchoolYear 7’s Adventure School trip included fire making, laser quest, working as a team to navigate a route through pitch black tunnels and driving Landrovers.

year3AdventureSchoolYear 3 had a great time in their first ever Adventure School event: a series of team work and problem solving challenges which they undertook with the girls from Bromley High.

RugbyWith 63 rugby matches being played across the age groups, ALL boys in Years 3-8, represented the school in a competitive fixture in the Autumn Term. The school’s ‘A’ teams have been particularly successful with the teams across the age groups winning 25 and drawing 2 of their 38 matches Overall there have been 41 wins, 3 draws and 19 losses (a win/draw ratio of 70%).

CharlieWalkerBickley Park’s adopted adventure traveller, Charlie Walker, visited the school for a third time. He emerged from the jungles of Papua New Guinea earlier this year where he had slept in a BPS sponsored hammock whilst on his latest expedition.

NickButterVisitOn 10th November 2019 Nick Butter completed the world record to run a marathon in all 196 countries in the world! We were delighted to welcome Nick into school to speak to Prep boys and parents.

CricketTriptoIndiaThree Year 8 boys and one Alumni, selected by the Kiran More Cricket Academy in Gujarat, had a very successful trip to India in the Christmas holidays. They played cricket and trained at the world class academy, visited a local international school, as well as several cultural sites and made what are likely to be lifelong friends.


BickleyParkboyshaveenjoyedschoolcommunityevents,aswellas makingadifference outinthelocal community.

BromleyFoodbankHarvest services took place in Pre-Prep and Prep. Many thanks to all who donated food items, which have been taken to the Bromley Borough Foodbank.

BPSABakers The BPSA bake sale left hundreds of boys very happy, having both enjoyed creating and eating a wide variety of autumn themed cakes.

TeawiththeheadmasterThe Headmaster enjoyed entertaining Reception boys for three tea parties at the start of the year.

Litter PickingYear 7 boys have been out litter picking in the local community.

GingerbreadmenAs a pre-Christmas treat, Holroyd Howe, BPS’s caterers, sent a gingerbread man for every child in Pre-Prep to decorate.

Bingo!Everyone had a fabulous time at the BPSA Family Bingo Night.

ChristmasCheerNursery entertained the residents at the local Crown Meadow nursing home with some Christmas songs and carols.


BICKLEY PARK SCHOOL14/24 Page Heath Lane, Bickley, Bromley, Kent BR1 2DS

Telephone 020 8467 2195 • info@bickleyparkschool.co.uk www.bickleyparkschool.co.uk

Aspire • Endeavour • Achieve



BickleyParkiscurrentlyclosedtomostpupilsuntilfurthernoticefromtheGovernment, butourstaffbodyisworkingcreativelytooperateanengagingremotelearningprogramme,

