A Sim Legacy Chapter 9

Post on 31-Oct-2014

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Welcome to Chapter 9 of A Sim Legacy. We last saw how the first set of twins Carlotta (in yellow) and Delilah (in purple) had aged into very nice looking children.

After the birthday party everything in the house went back to normal. I often found Beatriz outside tending to Amber’s old garden, even though she hates being outside.

Carlotta has taken to chatting online as much as she can.

Amber’s ghost comes on almost every night. She’s not really that interesting, she just watches TV for a while then goes to sleep in her old bed. I don’t know why a ghost would need sleep. I supposed she needs her ghostly beauty sleep.

She also likes to haunt things, specially the TV. No one seems to care though.

Scotty continues taking care of his girls. Seriously, toddlers are so demanding now. He spends most of his time taking care of them and when his done he is so tired he just goes to sleep.

Tina is a big crybaby. She is always demanding attention. Right now are her needs are full she’s just crying for the fun it. There is even a toy right next to her and she just cries instead of playing with it.

Delilah enjoys playing with toys a lot. She is a very quiet little girl. Since she is a technophobe she doesn’t like watching TV or using the computer. She prefers to sit upstairs and play with her toys.

Carlotta likes to visit her friends after school. This is …I forgot his name. His last name is Clavell.

At least I remember something.

She also enjoys visiting her uncle Carlos. She chats with him a while before going home.

This is her cousin Davon Sim. He is blond and has light blue eyes. I have no idea who he got that from.

Back at home Delilah invited one of her friends over. Meet Shad Bachelor. That’s right, Bella and Mortimer’s little offspring. I never got Bella and Morty married so he ended up with his mom’s last name. Maybe I’ll go visit them and get them hitched so that I can have more little Goth’s running around my hood.

Amber apparently got tired of watching TV and sleeping and went to visit her old neighbors the Frios. I had no idea ghost could leave the lot.

She even went into their house where she proceeded to…

watch TV! -_-

I saw her through the window.

Sometimes I confuse the twins. I guess it wasn’t such a good idea to dress them both in the same PJs and give them the same hair style.

Morgan really likes her little rocket toy. She even keeps it in her inventory.

Scotty is pretty boring so I don’t pay much attention to him. He does look pretty happy when he’s with the girls.

Scotty’s dad, Hank, came to visit. I guess he came to Scotty that his mom, Pauline, had died. Poor Hank he looks so heartbroken.

When your parents don’t pay much attention to you, you can eat ice-cream for diner.

The twins like to do their homework together, but Delilah always finishes first.

Yes, that is a birthday cake on the table.

It’s Beatriz birthday. She is going to be an adult now so it isn’t really that exciting.

“Cake! I love cake!”

She’s excited though.

“Oh no! The fairies are back!”

“Ha! Those fairies go scared of my awesomeness and decided to leave. I’m am so awesome.”

If by awesome you mean completely delusional, then yes you are.

Scotty’s attempts to speak with his stepdaughters are complete failures

“For the last time I don’t like you!”

“Come on Carly I just want to chat.”

“Don’t call me Carly!”

At long last came Morgan and Tina’s birthday. They didn’t throw a big party and just celebrated among family.

Scotty seemed very proud that his girls were growing up.

Here is Morgan.

She got Neat as her third trait.

So far she is: Athletic, Loner, Neat

Here is Tina . Do girls always grow up with that hair?

She got Over-Emotional as her third trait.

So far she is: Artistic, Light Sleeper, Over-Emotional

Here they are after a makeover. They look pretty similar to each other except for their hair color.

Beatriz also has trouble speaking to the girls. They still dislike her for her affair with Scotty.

“I’ll clean up if I want to, don’t tell me what to do.”

“Delilah I’m your mother.”

“I don’t care.”

“My daughters hate us.”

“Don’t worry honey. I’m sure they will warm up to us eventually. In fact I’ve been wanting to tell you something.”

“Beatriz you make me happy and you have given me two beautiful daughters. Will you marry me?”

“Oh Scotty look at this ring it is so shiny!”

“Is that a yes?”

“Of course I’ll marry you Scotty!”

Beatriz and Scotty are now engaged.

Being a light sleeper Tina is always tossing and turning in bed while she sleeps. She also has trouble taking naps.

Cycl0n3’s ghost finally showed up and just like Amber he just sit down and watches TV all night.

Beatriz went to visit her brother and found Kirsten hanging around with Davon.

“Hi Beatriz.”

“Hi Kisty, and hi Davon. Where’s Carlos?”

“His inside with the baby.”

It turns out Carlos got busy while I wasn’t watching and had a second child with Kirsten. Meet Jacob Carlo’s second son. He has Kirsten coloring and eye color.

I actually like the fact that spares keep on with their lives when I’m not playing with them. It surprises me to see what they do.

Remember that little girl with the goatee a few chapters ago? Latonya Ursine. Well this is her kid who also happens to have a little goatee thing going on. He is friends with Morgan.

This house is full of kids. The girls like to bring their friends over from school.

“Don’t you have a sink in your house?”

Now that all the girls can tend to themselves Scotty and Beatriz have more time to work on their lifetime goals.

Scotty starts practicing his guitar skill, while Beatriz works on her painting skill.

It’s birthday time again and the family decided to throw a party. It’s Delilah and Carlotta’s turn to be teens.

I was surprised to see Bella is once again heavily pregnant. This is her third child.

Carlos came over too and although Julius was invited to see his daughter’s birthday he never showed up.

This is Bella’s other kid. I’m horrible at remembering names. He looks a lot like Mortimer and likes to pout too.

“I’m pouting.”

First up was Delilah. That kid in the back with the leather jacket is Shad Bachelor, he grew up.

Delilah spins as she is cheered by her family and some old guy in his swimsuit.

Delilah is very nice looking. She looks like Julius and she’s a little on the chubby side. I like her. She rolled Unflirty as her fourth trait.

Next up was Carlotta.

She spun around and turned into…

…a clone of her mother! O_o

She looks just like Beatriz. She rolled Schmoozer as her fourth trait.

Beatriz looked a little confuse about how her daughter turned out.

“Why is there a mirror in front of the cake?”

“Mom, it’s me Carlotta.”

“The mirror speaks! Run away!”

Here are the twins after a makeover. I didn’t really change much cause I liked the clothes the changed into.

The next day it was Scotty’s birthday.

He is now an adult and is still as boring as ever.


And this is where I end this chapter. Until next time.