A solid-state chemist’s eye for the development of materials ......basic and technological...

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  • mater.scichina.com link.springer.com Published online 26 September 2019 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s40843-019-1194-0Sci China Mater 2019, 62(12): 1783–1787

    SPECIAL TOPIC: Dedicated to the 70th Birthday of Professor Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier

    A solid-state chemist’s eye for the development ofmaterials science in ChinaYadong Li

    PREFACEChemistry, especially solid-state chemistry, always playsan important role in materials science with respect to thediscovery of new compounds and structure–propertycorrelations. Professor Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier is aninternationally renowned, intellectual leader in the re-search for synthesis and structure of new materials, andtheir technologically important properties. Turning 70this year and still immersed in solid-state chemistry, hecontinues to make special contributions to the develop-ment of materials science in China. In celebration of his70th birthday, this editorial summarizes Professor Poep-pelmeier’s many connections with Chinese professors andstudents and lists his contributions to the discovery ofacentric materials, oxide-based catalysts, luminescentmaterials, and transparent conducting oxides. Importantdesign principles leading to new materials have beenproposed with his Chinese collaborators, which demon-strate successful routes to materials and performanceoptimization.

    Professor Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier was born in 1949 inMissouri, USA, and received his BSc and PhD from theUniversity of Missouri and Iowa State University, re-spectively. He is now a Charles E. & Emma H. MorrisonProfessor of Chemistry in the Department of Chemistryat Northwestern University. During his forty-year re-search career, he has fused a deep understanding of in-organic chemistry with sharp insights into the connectionbetween structure and function, producing a unique andelegant body of work that has defined modern solid-statechemistry, in which some conceptual approaches havebeen also epitomized to guide the discovery of non-centrosymmetric crystals, transparent conducting oxides,and rare earth luminescent materials, etc. ProfessorPoeppelmeier is a tremendously engaging and effective

    lecturer with infectious enthusiasm for chemistry that isreadily appreciated by a variety of audiences.

    VISITING CHINA AND LEADINGRESEARCH FROM SOLID-STATECHEMISTRY TO MATERIALS SCIENCEProfessor Poeppelmeier made his first connection withChina when he visited several universities in Taiwan in1991. He subsequently arrived in Beijing in 1997 to attendthe M2S-1997 High-Temperature Superconductivitymeeting, which was his first trip to the mainland ofChina. These visits sparked a deep connection betweenProfessor Poeppelmeier and the solid-state chemists inChina, marking the beginning of a profound friendship.In 1997, Professor Yadong Li hosted Professor Poeppel-meier for the latter’s visit to the University of Science andTechnology of China in Hefei as well as to Peking Uni-versity and Tsinghua University in Beijing, where Pro-fessor Poeppelmeier met several Chinese solid-statechemists including Professor Chuangtian Chen. In 2004,Professor Poeppelmeier visited Jilin University forChemistry Week in China, hosted by Professor ShouhuaFeng. In 2005, Professor Poeppelmeier attended the SolidState and Inorganic Chemistry meeting in Beijing,meeting many more Chinese solid-state and inorganicchemists. By this time, Dr. Shilie Pan had joined ProfessorPoeppelmeier’s group as a postdoctoral researcher andpublished joint papers from 2004 to 2014 on acentricmaterials for nonlinear optics applications. After a nine-year break, Professor Poeppelmeier made another longtrip to China in 2014, visiting Beijing, Urumqi, Xi’an,Fuzhou, and Shanghai, where he met many old friendsand made some new ones. His visits then became morefrequent as he traveled to China in 2016, 2018, and 2019for various conferences, including the Chinese Solid State

    Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, ChinaEmail: ydli@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

    SCIENCE CHINA Materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EDITORIAL

    December 2019 | Vol. 62 No. 12 1783© Science China Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019


  • and Inorganic Chemistry Meeting, International Sympo-sium on Rare Earth Resource Utilization, and NatureConference on Emergent Materials and Devices, respec-tively. Fig. 1 shows photos of Professor Poeppelmeier as aplenary speaker at the Nature Conference held inChengdu (a) and with Professor Yadong Li (b).


    Breaking the inversion symmetry to design new acentricmaterialsProfessor Poeppelmeier’s work on acentric materials il-lustrates his ability to open up new directions of bothbasic and technological importance through creativechemical thinking. Although acentric materials (such aslead zirconate titanate used in actuators and barium bo-rate used in nonlinear optical applications) are key tocurrent technologies, there is no unified chemical un-derstanding of how they arise, frustrating those who at-tempt to design them. Prior to Professor Poeppelmeier’swork, such materials were often discovered largely byaccident, and no common understanding informed theirdesign.

    Professor Poeppelmeier’s research focuses on one cen-tral question: why are acentric materials such a smallsubset of crystalline materials when the majority of pos-sible space groups are noncentrosymmetric? His insightsinto this fundamental issue have begun to unify andgeneralize the rational synthesis of acentric materials.This work began with a review article with ProfessorHalasyamani (Fig. 2) that started a renaissance in thisfield [1]. By examining all the known acentric oxides andconnecting their chemistry to their structures, they de-veloped design rules for synthesizing new acentric ma-terials. This new approach not only led Professor

    Poeppelmeier to discover entirely new routes to newacentric materials [2] but also influenced huge numbersof other groups working in this area [3,4].

    Recently, Professor Poeppelmeier and co-workers [5]made the profound observation that optical activity, i.e.,circular dichroism, should be possible in racemic, achiralnoncentrosymmetric compounds. This observationoverturned a long-held assumption that chirality wasrequired for optical activity. This same fundamental un-derstanding of how nonlinear optical activity is controlledby chemistry drove an imaginative synthetic program thatled to new families of high-performing nonlinear opticalsystems, e.g., LiCs2PO4 [6] with 2.6 times the response ofthe benchmark KH2PO4 (KDP) and a new deep-ultra-violet nonlinear optical material, NH4B4O6F [7], capableof replacing Be-containing KBe2BO3F2. This work trans-lated the basic chemical understanding into new materialsof interest to device developers. Beryllium-free NH4B4O6F(Fig. 3) not only inherited the favorable structural char-acteristics of KBe2BO3F2 but also possessed balancedoptical properties. Thus, NH4B4O6F became the mostlikely candidate for generating a deep-UV laser by thedirect second harmonic generation method.

    Searching for heterogeneous catalysts and new oxideoptical materialsProfessor Poeppelmeier’s chemical understanding of thesolid state is exceptional, demonstrated by his seminalwork connecting defect ordering to metal coordinationgeometry in oxidation catalysts at Exxon Research andDevelopment [8–10]. An impactful and profound reviewon double perovskites [11] that determined three specificcation arrangements was also published by his group.Importantly, he explained that a specific sublattice ar-rangement had implications for cuprate superconductors.This was followed by the aptly titled publication, ‘Dis-covering New Oxides’ [12], in which he explained the

    Figure 1 (a) Professor Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier as a plenary speaker at the Nature Conference held in Chengdu. (b) Professor Kenneth R.Poeppelmeier in China with Professor Yadong Li.

    EDITORIAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCIENCE CHINA Materials

    1784 December 2019 | Vol. 62 No. 12© Science China Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019

  • umbrella concept for the formation of unconventionalstructures in multi-cation systems. He further identifiedchemically sensible structures for complex oxide surfaces[13,14].

    Professor Poeppelmeier’s research has had tremendousimplications for understanding thin film growth on oxidesubstrates and has more recently led to identification ofthe surface structures of oxide nanoparticles [15]. Thisharnessing of chemistry to address key fundamental andapplied issues is typical; for example, the success of hiscollaboration with Northwestern colleagues on identify-

    ing new transparent conducting oxides (TCOs) is furthertestament to this (Fig. 4) [16–18]. Professor Poeppelme-ier’s TCO work spans multiple disciplines but is driven bya clear understanding of solid-state inorganic materialschemistry. The impact of this approach is shown in thehighly cited overview in MRS Bulletin [19].

    Professor Poeppelmeier has made many other im-portant contributions, from his recent work on newhighly stable solid oxide fuel cell anodes and Mg batteryelectrodes to his studies of cation ordering in oxides,including high-temperature superconductors. ProfessorPoeppelmeier’s thorough understanding of the chemicalcontrol of physical phenomena in extended solids is ex-emplified by two new exciting research directions: na-noscale control of photoluminescence by local cationsegregation [20] and reconstructive transitions triggeredby complex anion reorientation (Fig. 5) [21]. Both thesepublications are typical of the fresh insights that con-tinually emerge from his laboratory.

    Building materials design principles and collaborationwith computational researchersProfessor Poeppelmeier’s extensive career has focused onestablishing structural design principles and continues totake new directions. The idea of chemical unit cosub-stitution is explored as a useful “pairing” concept that canpotentially lead to the creation of many new members of

    Figure 2 Interrelationships of noncentrosymmetric crystal classes usingboth Hermann–Mauguin and Schoenflies symbols. Adapted with per-mission from Ref. [1], Copyright 1998, American Chemical Society.

    Figure 3 Structural evolution from KBBF to NH4B4O6F (a, b), transmission spectra (c) and phase-matching conditions (d) for NH4B4O6F crystal.Adapted with permission from Ref. [7], Copyright 2017, American Chemical Society.

    SCIENCE CHINA Materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EDITORIAL

    December 2019 | Vol. 62 No. 12 1785© Science China Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019

  • a particular framework structure. Cosubstitution is de-fined as the simultaneous replacement of two or morecations, anions, complex anions, other fundamentalbuilding units, or vacancies. Although the overall sum ofthe oxidation states remains constant, individual com-ponents are not necessarily isovalent. Such a strategy canbe readily applied to extend and modify the properties ofsolid-state compounds, including nonlinear optical ma-terials, luminescent materials, TCOs, and photocatalyticand photovoltaic materials [22,23]. Recently, anotherdesign principle toward the discovery of a blue-light-ex-cited Eu2+-doped red-emitting oxide-based phosphor wasproposed based on the collaborative work of ProfessorKenneth R. Poeppelmeier and Professor Zhiguo Xia,which was applied to screening of activator site occupa-tion in polyhedra with small coordination numbers(CNs); accordingly, Eu2+ ions were located at Rb2+ andY3+ cation sites of Rb3YSi2O7 with CN = 6, and a newoxide-based phosphor, Rb3YSi2O7:Eu was discovered thatdemonstrated a broadband red emission under 450 nmblue light excitation [24].

    Professor Poeppelmeier has also driven collaborativework with computational researchers to develop andperform material property calculations to discover novelmaterials with designed target functionality [25]. Thispioneering work fused his understanding of the crystalchemistry that opened up new material classes with thepower of modern computational methods, allowing thediscovery of hitherto unknown compounds in the la-boratory. The success of this approach demonstrated tothe research community that chemical understanding,rather than brute-force screening, is the ideal route toeffective use of computation in materials discovery. Re-

    cently, Professor Poeppelmeier was also Editor-in-Chiefwith Jan Reedijk of the nine-volume reference series,Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd Edition. Thismuch needed work followed the classic 1973 1st Editionedited by Bailar, Emeléus, Nyholm, and Trotman-Dick-enson. Professor Poeppelmeier led the effort and co-ordinated contributions from hundreds of experts fromaround the world. The articles were written at a level thatprovided undergraduate students and active researcherswith a ready reference resource in the field of inorganicchemistry. This daunting task was, by every measure, agreat success.

    This series of research results led by Professor Poep-pelmeier is encouraging and can guide chemists with newthoughts in the fields of acentric materials, oxide-basedcatalysis, luminescent materials, and TCOs. More im-portantly, the in-depth collaboration between ProfessorPoeppelmeier and Chinese chemists has led both sides tomake better breakthroughs in solid-state chemistry andrelated fields.

    Received 19 September 2019; accepted 23 September 2019;published online 26 September 2019

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    SCIENCE CHINA Materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EDITORIAL

    December 2019 | Vol. 62 No. 12 1787© Science China Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019


    A solid-state chemist’s eye for the development of materials science in China PREFACEVISITING CHINA AND LEADING RESEARCH FROM SOLID-STATE CHEMISTRY TO MATERIALS SCIENCECONTRIBUTING TO NEW MATERIALS DISCOVERY AND ESTABLISHING DESIGN PRINCIPLESBreaking the inversion symmetry to design new acentric materials Searching for heterogeneous catalysts and new oxide optical materialsBuilding materials design principles and collaboration with computational researchers