A Story in Many (creative commons) Pictures

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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Think it's hard to find amazing photos that are free to use and share? Think again. Proof it's possible, and a guide to get you there at: www.openequalfree.org/guide


A story in many (creative commons) pictures.

Once upon a time, there was a young prince

who loved his people so much

that he searched for objects of beauty to share with them.

But alas, found nothing.

He began to get angry.

“How can someone own the beauty of a flower?”

“Or the happiness of a child?”

Still, his heart was pure,

and he began to search far and wide.

Many tried to stop him.

Some thought he was a thief and screamed for justice.

“Is sharing beauty wrong?” He asked.

Others simply wanted to enforce the status quo.

“Can’t we change for beauty?” He begged.

He had almost given up,

when he received a kiss of luck.

Someone who had walked this path before, said:

“Artists are creating and sharing beauty every day,

if only you know where to look…”

Open Content: A Beginner’s Guide


Creative Commons Love �

Credits  use  real  names  or  Flickr  handles.  

Stephen  Poff  Pink  Sherbet  Photography  Mataparda  Sean  Mcgrath  Josh  Liba  Via  Moi  Demandaj  Stephen  Poff  Tayrawr  Fortune  Garry  –  www.visionandimaginaDon.com  


Daniel*1977  Darwin  Bell  Sukanto  Debnath  Onkel_wart  Hocus  Focus  Click  La_farfalla  Ia7mad  h.koppdelaney  Rilnd  Hoxha  Studio  Tempura