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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 054214042







Every happiness needs a hard struggle and

process so, DO THE BEST and NEVER GIVE UP


Be Yourself


This thesis is dedicated to

MY beloved father (R.I.P) and my beloved mother

My beloved Brothers and sister

My family

My music

My Friends

My Almamater



First of all, I would like to thank Jesus Christ, my savior, who has guided

me in the difficult process, I praise for His blessing and guidance everyday, and

He is my light in my life.

I am grateful to my advisor, Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd., M.A, who has given

valuable suggestions to finish my thesis. My deepest appreciation goes to my co-

advisor, Adventina Putranti S.S., M.Hum., for the nice discussion and valuable

suggestions in this thesis. The gratitude goes to Anna Fitriati, SPd., M.Hum., for

her advice and suggestion. The gratitude also goes to Harris H. Setiajid, SS.,

M.Hum, for his advice and suggestion.

I dedicated this thesis to my family: My beloved parents for loving and

supporting me. I dedicate this thesis for my late father (F.X. Rismiyanto); I know

that you are happy in heaven, my lovely mother (M.E. Umsiyah), my brothers (B.

Agus Rukmono, OMI and Ant. Didik Deniarto), my aunt Atik, my sister (Th.

Novita Handayani), for their support, love, prayers and care.

The gratitude also goes to St. Angga B.P and Yohanes Trimbil, who

have helped me for editing this thesis, and solving some technical problems in

typing this thesis, to Asthu, for lending me handout. My deepest appreciation also

goes to Andanti, Ellen, Banon, and Frettyana, for the nice occasion, to Adven

and his family, for the nice place to finish my undergraduate thesis, to Ex Susuh

Emprit, for the small family in Yogyakarta. I want thank to all of my friends in

my music world, Dito, Adven, Blacky, Be, and Inug.


At last but not least, I want thank to all my friends in English Letters

Department, Jimmy, Fajar, Bayu, Miki, Budi, Debby, Cita, Orie, Dela, Oie,

Ichen, and the Underpants team.

Ignatius Agung Ismiyanto



TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE ...................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL ........................................................................................................ ii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE....................................................................................... iii

MOTTO PAGE ................................................................................................... iv

DEDICATION PAGE.......................................................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS............................................................................... vi


UNTUK KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS………............................................. viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................... ix

ABSTRACT......................................................................................................... xii ABSTRAK .......................................................................................................... xiii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...........................................................................1

A. Background of the Study ............................................................................1

B. Problem Formulation....................................................................................3

C. Objectives of the Study ..............................................................................3

D. Definition of Terms .....................................................................................4

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW ........................................................6

A. Review on Related Studies .........................................................................6

B. Review on Related Theories ........................................................................8

1. Types of Writing .....................................................................................8 a. Descriptive ...........................................................................................8 b. Narrative ..............................................................................................9 c. Expository..........................................................................................10 d. Persuasive ..........................................................................................10 2 The Language Styles and Persuasive Effect ..........................................11

3. The Linguistic Features of the Advertisement Texts ............................12 a. Sentence Pattern.................................................................................13

b. Sound Pattern.....................................................................................14 c. Diction ...............................................................................................16


4. Persuasion..............................................................................................17

5. The Writing Techniques Used in Advertisement ..................................18

6. Advertisement........................................................................................18 a. Definition and Function of Advertisement.........................................18

b. Kinds of Advertisements...................................................................22

7. Marketing Strategies Cigarette Companies ..........................................25 a. Targeting Teens .................................................................................26 b. Toughness and Masculinity ...............................................................26 c. Targeting Kids ...................................................................................26

C. Theoretical Framework .............................................................................27

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY ...................................................................28

A. Object of the Study ....................................................................................28

B. Approach of the Study ...............................................................................29

C. Data Collection...........................................................................................30

D. Method of the Study ..................................................................................31

CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS ................................................................................33

A. The Functions of Writing in Marlboro Advertisement Texts ....................34 1. Descriptive Writing ..............................................................................35

a. The Specific Details...........................................................................36 b. The Use of Sensory Details ...............................................................39

2. Persuasive Writing ................................................................................41 a. Product Guarantee..............................................................................42 b. Tone of Affectiveness........................................................................45

B. The Ways the Writing Techniques and Linguistic Features Create Persuasion ..................................................................................................47

1. The Ways The Writing Techniques Create Persuasion in Marlboro

Advertisement Texts ............................................................................47 a. Emotional Appeal .............................................................................49 b. Ethical Appeal ..................................................................................50 c. Logical appeal ..................................................................................51

2. The Ways The Linguistic Features Create Persuasion in the Marlboro Advertisement Texts ............................................................................53 a. Sentence Pattern ..............................................................................53


b. Diction.............................................................................................56 c. Sound Pattern ..................................................................................61

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION ...........................................................................63 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...............................................................................................66

APPENDICES ......................................................................................................68

Appendix 1..............................................................................................68 Appendix 2..............................................................................................79



IGNATIUS AGUNG ISMIYANTO. A Study of Language Styles on Marlboro Advertisement Texts. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2010. The advertisement texts play an important role in the product’s selling. The Advertisement texts have several parts: the headline, subhead, body copy, slogan, and also logo. The parts can be defined as the advertisement texts. In this case, the writer uses the cigarette advertisement texts. There are many kinds of cigarette advertisement texts. However, the writer chooses Marlboro advertisement texts to be analyzed. Marlboro advertisement texts have famous images and slogans, Marlboro Men, and Come to where the Flavor is, Come to Marlboro Country. The writer is curious to investigate the language styles by analyzing the element of writing and linguistic features. Analyzing the language styles in the advertisement text and the linguistic features in the advertisement texts can improve our knowledge about the media language, writing skill, and help us to predict the effect to the text in order to create persuasion.

This thesis covers two main problems. The first is dedicated to investigate the functions of writing shown in Marlboro advertisement texts. The second problem is devoted to study the way the writing techniques and the linguistic features create the persuasion. Hopefully, this study will help the readers to know the styles of writing in Marlboro advertisement texts.

In order to answer those problems, the writer did some steps. The first was data collection and the second was data analysis. In collecting the data, the writer applies purposive sampling technique. The data were purposively chosen one which represents the different type of text from the year 1950s until 2000s. The data between 1950s until 2000s can be represented in the certain years. The data consisted of 24 data which represent the different advertisement texts from Marlboro. After the data were collected, the writer then analyzed the data. The analysis deals with stylistics writing application. Moreover, the most appropriate approach was stylistic because it studies the linguistic features in writing texts. From the analysis the writer concludes that the Marlboro advertisement texts show that to convince the target market the advertisement could be write in both in persuasive and descriptive writing. There were 8 data showed the function to describe the details of the product. There were 24 data showed the function to convince and persuade the target market. The ways the writing techniques created the persuasion was investigated by the appeals. There were 9 data of emotional appeal, 2 data of ethical appeal, and 13 data of logical appeal. The writer also investigated that the Marlboro advertisement texts had 12 key sentences which can be analyzed its linguistic features like sentence pattern, certain rhyme, and diction. Their certain effect to texts to be more attractive is the way to create and strengthen the persuasion toward the target market.


ABSTRAK IGNATIUS AGUNG ISMIYANTO. A Study of Language Styles on Marlboro Advertisement Texts. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2010. Teks iklan mempunyai peran yang sangat penting dalam penjualan produk. Teks iklan mempunyai beberapa bagian yaitu, judul utama, sub judul, teks, slogan, dan juga gambar. Bagian-bagian itu dapat didefinisikan sebagai teks iklan. Dalam hal ini, penulis menggunakan teks iklan rokok. Ada banyak jenis teks-teks iklan rokok. Akan tetapi, penulis memilih iklan teks Marlboro untuk dianalisis. Teks iklan Marlboro mempunyai image yang terkenal dan juga slogannya, Marlboro Men, dan Come to where the Flavor is, Come to Marlboro Country. Penulis sangat ingin meneliti gaya bahasa apa yang terdapat dalam teks iklan Marlboro dengan menganalisis unsur penulisan dan karakteristik-karakteristik bahasanya. Menganalisis gaya bahasa dalam sebuah teks iklan dan karakteristik bahasanya dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan kita tentang bahasa dalam media, keterampilan menulis, dan membantu kita untuk memprediksi pengaruhnya terhadap teks dalam rangka mempersuasi. Skripsi ini mencakup dua pokok masalah. Masalah yang pertama ditujukan untuk meneliti fungsi apa yang ditunjukkan iklan Marlboro. Masalah yang kedua ditujukan untuk mempelajari bagaimana cara teknik penulisannya dan karakteristik bahasa dapat mempersuasi. Harapannya studi ini akan membantu pembaca mengetahui gaya bahasa dalam penulisan teks iklan Marlboro Untuk menjawab masalah-masalah tersebut, penulis melakukan beberapa langkah. langkah pertama adalah pengumpulan data dan yang kedua adalah analisis data. Dalam pengumpulan data, penulis menerapkan teknik purposive sampling. Data yang dipilih mewakili jenis teks iklan yang berbeda dalam kurun waktu tahun 1950an sampai tahun 2000an. Data antara tahun 1950an sampai dengan tahun 2000an mewakili tahun-tahun tertentu. Data yang terkumpul terdiri dari 24 data yang mewakili teks iklan yang berbeda. Setelah data dikumpulkan, kemudian data dianalisis. Analisisnya mengacu pada penerapan stilistika penulisan, sehingga pendekatan yang paling sesuai adalah stilistika karena mempelajari karateristik bahasa dalam sebuah tulisan. Dari hasil analisis, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa teks iklan Marlboro berfungsi untuk mempersuasi target pasar adalah dengan menggunakan penulisan deskriptif dan persuasif. Dari 24 data, 8 data yang ditulis secara deskriptif, 24 data ditulis secara persuasif. 9 data berdaya tarik emosional, 2 data berdaya tarik etikal, dan 13 data berdaya tarik logikal. Marlboro memiliki 12 kalimat kunci yang memiliki karakteristik bahasa seperti pola kalimat, rima, dan pilihan kata. Efek tertentunya kepada teks sebagai sarana untuk menciptakan dan memperkuat persuasi kepada pangsa pasar.




A. Background of The Study

Language is important for human life. Language is a means of

communication which relates someone to another in interaction. In the daily life,

we use a language as a means of communication of expressing what we think or

what we feel. In communication language conveys information. Language can

control human thought and actions, even available on manipulating people

(Rakhmat, 1999: 267).

There are several terms of language such as descriptive, narrative,

expository, and persuasive. Persuasive is a type of language that has function to

persuade others. Persuasive language is often used in advertisement.

Psychologically, it is used in order to influence and motivate people to use the

products or services or to follow the ideas. To achieve purposes, advertisements

use certain patterns to gain persuasive meaning. The advertisement texts are also

use the description in other way to create persuasion.

The companies often use the persuasive language. The companies use the

persuasive languages when they make advertisement of their products. The

advertisements usually have different language styles. Furthermore, they have

their own brands and different messages based on their product’s character. Based

on Ross, Style involves the kinds of words and language in which we clothe our

messages. It advises us to use acceptable, correct, and appropriate language.


“Style can also make the language clear and direct, polished, noble, and also

vivid. It also adjusts the language into the message, audience, and speaker”.

Besides that, it also arouses the appropriate emotional response in the audiences,

and helps establish the proper ethical image for the speaker ( Ross, 1994: 64).

To convey persuasive messages to public, advertisement often uses

persuasion terms. The goal of persuasion is to persuade people. Persuasion is also

an influential aspect. Persuasion is a factor of every day life, and it is what can

make people feel more or less comfortable, improve or weaken cooperation

between colleagues and friends, and maintain relations with family and the

community (Mulholland, 1994: xvi). It is able to manipulate and influence one’s

actions and thoughts.

The advertisements often use certain language style to establish the image

and the message. In this thesis, the writer analyzed the texts on printed

advertisement. The advertisement which is chosen is cigarette advertisements.

Since there are too many cigarettes advertisements, the writers chose the

advertisement text of Marlboro. Marlboro is one of the popular brand in the world.

Marlboro certainly has several persuasive languages to introduce the products to

the consumer. “The general goals of a persuasive message are to convince people

to believe something, convince them to do something, and stimulate them to a

higher level of enthusiasm and devotion” (Ross, 1994: 168). Marlboro is also a

company which uses different types of languages to construct the persuasive

messages on their advertisement texts.


By 1924 was advertised Marlboro as a woman's cigarette based on the slogan "Mild As May". The brand was sold in this capacity until World War II when the brand faltered and was temporarily removed from the market. During the 1950s Reader's Digest magazine published a series of articles that linked smoking with lung cancer. Philip Morris, and the other cigarette companies took notice and each began to market filtered cigarettes. The new Marlboro with a filtered end was launched in 1955. In the early 1960s Philip Morris invented "Marlboro Country" and distilled their manly image into the rugged cowboys known as the "Marlboro Men” (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 2006)

The Marlboro slogans have changed by years. For the example, the slogan

“Mild As May” changed into “Come to Where the Flavor is. Come to Marlboro

Country”. The target also changed from the woman at first and then for the man in

the end. Moreover, the Marlboro advertisement texts also have the strong image

of Marlboro men. The study is focusing on the language styles which are used on

the Marlboro advertisement texts writing.

B. Problem Formulation

To analyze the topic the writer conducted the analysis based on two problem


1. What functions of writing are shown in Marlboro advertisement texts?

2. In what ways the writing techniques and the linguistic features of

Marlboro advertisement texts create persuasion?

C. Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is divided into two parts. The first is to identify

the functions of writing which are shown in Marlboro’s advertisement. The

second objective is to analyze the ways the writing techniques and the linguistic


features of the Marlboro advertisement texts to create the persuasion toward the

target market.

D. The Definition of Terms

In order to elude the misunderstanding in reading this paper, to have better

understanding to the stylistics and persuasion, certain terms should be defined, so

that the meaning can be grasped profoundly.

1. Stylistic

Verdonk in his Stylistics proposes that stylistics is” the analysis of

distinctive expression in language and the description of its purpose and effect”

(2002: 4). Stylistics studies the style in language. Style in language is a set of

conscious or unconscious choices of expression, inspired or induced by particular

context (2002: 121). Style in language can be defined as distinctive linguistics

expression (2002: 3).

“Style can also make the language clear and direct, polished, noble, and

also vivid. It also adjusts the language into the message, audience, and speaker”.

Besides that, it also arouses the appropriate emotional response in the audiences,

and helps establish the proper ethical image for the speaker (Ross, 1994: 64)

2. Advertisement Text

Advertisement is “a persuasive communication media designed to

respond and to help achieve marketing objectives” (Gilson and Berkman, 1980:

11). Advertisement usually aimed to achieve these following purposes: to make


sales, to create consumer goodwill and production differentiation, costumer

awareness, and to reinforce existing behavior (Taylor, 1986: 395).

Bovee and Arens (1986: 262) present the key elements of print

advertisements. They are headlines, illustrations, subheads, body copies,

captions, boxes and panels, slogans, logotypes (logos), seals and signatures.

3. Persuasion

Raymond S. Ross in his Understanding Persuasion proposes that

Persuasion is “a change process resulting mostly from shared, symbolic thinking

activity”. The persuasion concerns with social influence and human motivation.

The effects of the persuasion are in the intrapersonal responses of the receiver.

(1994: 7)

According to Trimmer (1984: 329), “Persuasion is verbal communication

that attempts to bring about a voluntary change in judgment so that the readers or

listeners will accept a belief they did not hold before”. They create the desire by

appealing to the reader's emotion (emotional appeal), by establishing the

researcher's credibility (ethical appeal) and by showing how logical thinking and

sound evidence lead to certain conclusions (logical or argumentative appeal)

(Trimmer, 1984: 333).




This chapter covers three parts: Review on Related Studies, Review on

Related Theories, and Theoretical Framework. The first part contains the review

of the related studies that will be used as the comparison and as the related

studies in the different object and researches of this study. The second part

contains the review on some theories that will be applied in analyzing the object

of the study. The last part is the theoretical framework that is concerning with

the contribution of the theories in answering the problems of the study and the

way the theories are applied in answering the problem in this study.

A. Review on Related studies

In this part the writer will review a study previously done by Natasia

Andita Hermawan entitled “A Study on Advertising Language in BMW

Mercedes-Benz and Toyota Car Advertisements Issued in 1996-1997”, 1998.

Natasia analyzed the advertising languages which are used in the car’s

advertisement on TIME magazine. Natasia investigates the language styles which

are used in car advertisement. She also investigates the writing techniques which

are used on the car advertisement. Furthermore, her research also investigates the

reasons why the company uses the language style and techniques to advertise cars

in TIME magazines.


The research was used three kinds of car advertisement. They are BMW,

Mercedes-Benz, and Toyota car advertisement. Firstly, Natasia collected the

samples of the advertisements of BMW, Mercedes-Benz and also Toyota from

TIME magazines issued in 1996-1997. After collecting the samples, Natasia tried

to find out what kind of language style used to advertise cars based on particular

criteria. From the data, Natasia found that the advertisements use the descriptive

style and the persuasive style. The next step was to group the advertisements

based on the techniques used. From the advertisements that use descriptive style,

Natasia found that the techniques used are the subjective description and the

dramatic order. From the advertisements that use persuasive style she found that

the techniques used are ethical appeal and logical appeal.

Finally Natasia tried to answer the reasons why the company uses the

language style and the techniques to advertise cars in TIME magazines. Natasia

stated that the reasons depend on the company's aims and market target. Since the

advertisements are put in TIME Asia magazines, the market target here is clear.

They are educated Asian people. Usually educated people concern more about the

quality of the product that they are going to buy. In terms of cars, educated people

concern more about the feature and the safety system of the car, not only the


Nevertheless, the study that will be done in this thesis is not the same as

the study previously done by Natasia Andita. In this thesis, the study will be

focused on language styles on the Marlboro advertisement texts. This study will


investigate the use of language styles and in what way the language styles create

persuasion. The study does not investigate the reason of using certain language

styles and advertisement technique, but the study focused more in the persuasive

effect of language styles and the element of advertisement of Marlboro

advertisement text. The study investigates the element of stylistics, advertisement

and persuasion. The study uses the collection of Marlboro advertisement text from

the online resources.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Types of Writing

The types of writing used in the novel is different with the which is types

of writing used in the newspaper. The language which is used in scientific books

is different with the language which is used in advertisement. There are several

types of writing.

a. Narrative

According to Trimmer, “narration is a story told to make a point”. The

writers often use narration to lead into the body of their writing. The purpose of a

narrative is to share a main idea. “An effective narration also depends on pace

and purpose. Pace is the speed with which events are narrated”. It is used to

introduce or illustrate an event in a great detail in order to show what happened

(Trimmer, 1984: 159).


b . Descriptive

According to Trimmer, descriptive writing presents a verbal portrait of a

person, place or thing and identifies the subject's significant features by evoking

all senses. “Description can be the strategy for developing a picture of “what it

looks like” ( Trimmer, 1984: 163).

The advertisements texts can be categorized into the descriptive writing if

the advertisement text has the function to give description about the product in

detail. “The Descriptive writing seeks to create a clear picture or impression of a

person, place, or object” (Warriner, 1977: 43).

The advertisements can be categorized as the descriptive writing has at

least one of these criteria:

1) The description gives the specific details (Warriner, 1977: 44)

2) The description uses sensory details (appeal to the senses) (Warriner,

1977: 53)

The writer also analyze about the choice of words (diction) in the

descriptive writing. Warriner also stated that “only through the use of precise

nouns and verbs and vivid adjectives and adverbs can the writer evoke a clear

picture of the person, place, or object being described” (Warriner, 1977: 46).

Moreover to see the specific details, the writer can analyze by the arrangement of

selected details (Warriner, 1977: 47) and also about the locating details by using

the words and phrases reveal spatial relationship (Warriner, 1977: 58). The

descriptive writing creates an impression in part to the reader trough sensory


details. “Appealing to the reader’s senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch”

(Warriner, 1977: 53).

c. Expository

According to Trimmer, expository writing shows the meaning of things.

The subtypes of exposition are comparison and contrast. They are types of

exposition that note similarities and differences between two or more things.

Illustration is a method that explains or clarifies the writer’s purpose by presenting

examples. Definition is a type of exposition that explains the meaning of a word by

bringing its characteristics into a sharp focus. Division or classification is a type of

exposition that divides something large into its constituent parts and is useful

when clarifying and explaining the relationship of parts to the whole and to one

another (Trimmer, 1984: 165-177)

d. Persuasive

According to Trimmer (1984: 329), “Persuasion is verbal communication

that attempts to bring about a voluntary change in judgment so that the readers or

listeners will accept a belief they did not hold before”. The persuasive writing is

the styles that can persuade someone to buy or to use the products of certain

advertisement. According to Warriner, Persuasion tries to persuade the reader to

pursue a course of action based on it (Warriner, 1977: 164). According to

Gillespie (1986: 294), persuasive writing uses all the techniques of exposition,

narration, and description, but for their own purpose, that is, to create in an

audience desire to do or to believe something.


“Tone—the writer’s attitude toward a subject-is usually obvious in an

essay of opinion” (Warriner, 1977: 162). The advertisements that use a

persuasive writing have at least one of these criteria:

1. The advertisements can convince the target market by give statement,

command, suggestion, and rhetorical question about the product (product

guarantee) (Trimmer, 1984: 332-333)

2. The advertisement build in the tone of affectiveness (Trimmer, 1984: 302)

They create the desire by appealing to the reader's emotion (emotional

appeal), by establishing the researcher's credibility (ethical appeal) and by

showing how logical thinking and sound evidence lead to certain conclusions

(logical or argumentative appeal) (Trimmer, 1984: 333). Persuasive writing uses

all of the techniques of exposition, narration, and description, but for their own

purpose, that is, to create in an audience the desire to do or to believe something.

2. The Language Style and Persuasive Effect

The language styles play important role to create the persuasive effect. In

The advertisement, the persuasive technique can be seen in the text. What makes a

sentence in advertisement distinctive is the use of certain form of grammar, word-

choice, sentence structure, etc. “The use of sentence structure delivers various

expressions, for example the use of negative sentence. The negative sentence is

commonly used in certain institution’s prevention and campaign” (Verdonk,



3. The Linguistic Features of the Advertisement Text

Linguistics contexts refers to the surrounding features of language inside a

text, like the imagery, sound pattern, the sentence pattern, and diction which are

relevant to the interpretation of other such linguistics elements.

a. Sentence Pattern

i. The Use of Ellipsis

There are two elements that are used in advertisements there is ellipsis or

its simple sentence, when the subjects of those sentences are omitted, those can be

replaced by anyone. It means whoever reads the sentence, he, she, they, etc,

become the subject substitute. Therefore, they who read the advertisement deed an

action of what the aim of the sentence, the writer intention or purpose. (Titscher,

et al. 2000: 22)

The use of ellipsis, in this case, functions as the general persuasion. What

is meant by the general persuasion is the advertisement can persuade people

generally. Regarding to the purpose and the effect that is expected, that is, the

interest of the reader and the use of the product or service offered, therefore,

ellipsis is used in order to deliver the writer intention accurately to the public or

reader in all social class. As every reader in general in any social class stimulated,

the ellipsis is used as persuasive device.

ii. Simple Sentence Patterns

A simple sentence is a sentence which has only one finite verb. However

in certain other form the finite verb replaced by finite phrasal verb or finite verb


phrase. It consists of a single independent clause, which means can be stand or has

the meaning by itself. A Simple sentence can be categorized into statement,

question, command, and exclamation (Quirk, et al. 1985: 749).

The simple sentence is used because it fulfills the requirements of

advertisement language, namely effective, meaningful, and distinctive. In the

matter of effectiveness, simple sentence commonly reveals the writer intention

directly. Because written advertisement is not a long-term reading, it is a short-

term reading; therefore simple sentence is the preferable pattern on delivering

advertisement messages to the reader (Niesfield, 1972: 62).

Regarding to the result of analysis of the simple sentence classification,

there are three types of sentence.

1) Statement

A Statement can function as a suggestion also. In short, the use of

statement in simple sentence is as the persuasion sense stimuli by convincing and


2) Command

The use of command in simple sentence related to the forming of

persuasive effect to the reader. The persuasive effect appears as the command is

usually giving order to the reader (Niesfield, 1972: 62). The reader is

unconsciously motivated or persuaded to obey the writer’s intention presented in

an order.


3) Question

Commonly a question a question is aimed or uttered to find an answer or

information, such as w-h question, yes-no question, and to make sure a certainty

like tag-question (Quirk, et al. 1985:756). They unconsciously motivated to turn

into the product as the goal of the text advertisement.

iii. Phrase

Phrase is a group of related words that act as a unit within a sentence, a

clause or another phrase. A phrase differs from a clause in that a phrase lacks a

subject, a predicate, or both. There are several types of phrases: Noun phrase,

Verb phrase, Verbal phrase, prepositional phrase (Podis,1986: 460).

e.g. The choir sang the anthem beautifully NPh NPh

b. Sound Pattern

“Relating to phonology, the sound system of a language. A phoneme is a

single unit of sound. Phoneme substitution is the replacement of an unexpected

sound by an unexpected one, for deliberate effect” (Goddard, 2002: 127). The

phonological knowledge gives us the information about the combine sound and

sound pattern of the words. There is some classification of the sound pattern in the


i. Alliteration

Alliteration is “the repetition of an initial sound in words that follow each

other” (Hicks, 1998: 62). For example:


Popular Price

Six simple secrets

This method gives certain effects to the readers. According to Verdonk,

alliteration is not only pleasing to our ears but also drawing the attention and

giving long memorable sense to the readers (Verdonk, 2002: 5).

ii. Consonance

Consonance is defined as “repeated consonant sound” (Madden, 2002: 70).

The consonance is the repeated consonant sound in one line or one sentence at the

end of words.

For Example;



iii. Rhyme

Rhyme occurs when words or syllables end in the same sound

(McLaughlin, 2000: 21).

For example;

Never Over

Way Day

In the example above, the word `way' and `day' have perfect rhyme. The

ending sections of these words have the same sound /ei/.


c. Diction

The choice of words or diction gives particular effect to the reader. “The

good diction is the choice of words that best allows you to communicate your

meaning to your readers” (Trimmer, 1984: 271). Moreover, the choice of word

must be appropriate with the context. The way to determine the word is

appropriate is to distinguish between two kinds of meaning.

Three qualities of good diction are appropriateness, specificity, and

imagery. The words are appropriate when they are suited to the writer purpose.

Words are said to be specific when they refer to individual persons, objects, or

events. Imagery has two general meaning: the images or pictures that concrete

words sometimes suggest, and figures of speech such as similes and metaphors

(Trimmer, 1984: 271-282).

The diction has several forms like comparison word, antonym, synonym,

phrase, and idiom. For example:

i. Idiom

In Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, the word idiom has the

meaning “a group of words whose meaning is different from the meanings of the

individual words” (Hornby, 2002: 672).

e.g. Let the cat out of the bag

it has the meaning to tell a secret by mistake.


ii. Comparison

According to Trimmer, the comparison is “a change in the form of an

adjective or adverb to show degree of comparison”. There are three degrees:

positive, comparative, superlative (1984: 706).

iii. Synonym and antonym (contradiction)

Synonym is the word which has the same meaning. Antonym is the word

which has the different meaning. The antonym can create the irony.

e.g. Taste Flavor (synonym)

e.g. Rich and Poor (antonym)

iv. Imagery

Imagery has two general meaning: the images or pictures that concrete

words sometimes suggest, and figures of speech such as similes and metaphors

(Trimmer, 1984: 282). The visual imagery, in this matter the picture of the

advertisement text play important role in the persuasion.

4. Persuasion

To convey persuasive messages to public, advertisement often uses

persuasion terms. The goal of persuasion is to persuade people. Persuasion is also

an influential aspect. Persuasion is a factor of every day life, and it is what can

make people feel more or less comfortable, improve or weaken cooperation

between colleagues and friends, and maintain relations with family and the

community (Mulholland, 1994: xvi). It is able to manipulate and influence one’s

actions and thoughts.


Raymond S. Ross in his Understanding Persuasion proposes that

“Persuasion is a change process resulting mostly from shared, symbolic thinking

activity”. The persuasion concerns with social influence and human motivation.

The effects of the persuasion are in the intrapersonal responses of the receiver.

(Ross, 1994: 7).

5. The Writing Techniques Used in Advertisements

The writing techniques in persuasion can be divided into three groups

based on the appeal that the advertiser uses to invoke the readers' desire to do or

to believe what the advertisements say. “The three appeals are emotional appeal,

ethical appeal, and logical appeal” (Trimmer, 1984: 333).

The advertisements that use the emotional appeal are those which elicit

an emotional reaction from the readers. The advertisements that use the ethical

appeal are those which establish the company credibility. Whereas the

advertisements that use logical appeal are those which show the readers how

logical thinking and sound evidence lead to a certain conclusion (Trimmer, 1984:


6. Advertisement

a. Definition and Function of Advertisement

Gilson and Berkman (1980: 11) define advertisements as “persuasive

media communication designed to respond to and help achieve marketing

objectives”. This definition highlights two crucial purposes of advertisements: its


persuasive quality (all advertisements aim to somehow affect consumers'

attitudes or behavior), and advertisements' role as a marketing tool.

Bovee and Arens also give a more extensive definition of

advertisements. They argue that advertisements are the non-personal

communication of information, usually persuasive in nature, about products,

services, or ideas by an identified sponsor through various media (Bovee and

Arens, 1986: 5).

This definition explains some points in advertisements. First,

advertisements are directed to a group of people, therefore, non-personal in

nature. It is not personal or face to face communication. Second, most

advertisements are paid by sponsors, but for public service, advertisements

usually have no charge. Third, most advertisements try to be persuasive.

However, some advertisements, such as legal announcements, are intended

merely to inform, not to persuade. Fourth, advertisements are not restricted to

the promotion of tangible products, such as soap, but also used extensively to

help selling services, such as laundry and car repair. Increasingly,

advertisements are used to sell economical, political, religious and social ideas.

Fifth, most advertisements reach us through the mass media such as newspapers,

televisions, and billboards.

Taylor, et al. argues that advertisements usually attempt to accomplish

one or more of the following purposes: to create consumer awareness and


product differentiation, to create consumer good-will, to reinforce existing

behavior, and to make sales (Taylor, et al, 1986: 395).

Next, Taylor, et al, gives further explanation about these purposes of

advertisements as follows:

1. To create consumer awareness and product differentiation

Some advertisements simply want to make consumers aware that

a product exists. They introduce its features, its quality, its purposes or

its uses to people who may not know about it. Other advertisements

want to differentiate a product, service, or person from others that are

similar. It takes massive amount of advertising to get us to see the

product as different from one another and believe that one is better than

the others.

2. To create consumer good-will

It is often done by utility companies (Telephone Company and

electric company) and by many institutions. In this case, the consumers

have few choices about where they buy electricity. Most advertisements

about these services are not trying to sell something. They want to make

the consumers feel good about the company, to make the consumers

believe that the company tries to satisfy the consumers' needs.

3. To reinforce existing behavior

There are advertisements for products or services many people

are already aware of them and have been using them. The advertiser


simply wants to keep them visible, to reinforce existing habits, for

example: advertisements for Pepsi.

4. To make sales

Some advertisements actually seek to make sales, for example,

supermarket advertisements. They try to attract customers' attention and

get the customers into the store.

According to Bovee and Arens (1986: 8), there are four basic functions

of advertisements:

1. to communicate information about a product, its features and its sale


2. to induce consumers to try a new product and to suggest reuse.

3. to increase product usage.

4. to build brand preference and loyalty.

Beside those four basic functions, advertisements have many functions:

1. Marketing function

Advertisement falls in the promotion category and is part of the

promotion mixing a long with personnel selling, sales promotion and

public relation.

2. Communication function

All forms of advertisements communicate some messages to a

group of people.


3. Education Function

People learn from advertisement. They learn about the product

available to them, and they learn how they can get the better live.

4. Economic function

By making people aware of the products, services and ideas,

advertisement promotes sales and thereby commerce as well.

5. Social function

Advertisement is one of the major forces that has helped improve

the standard of Living in United Stated of America and around the world

(Bovee and Arens, 1986: 9-11)

b. Kinds of Advertisements

There are two basic categories of media in which the advertisers

possibly run their advertisements, for example, broadcast and print media. The

broadcast media include television and radio. Newspapers, magazines, direct

mails are three main classifications of the print media.

Gilson and Berkman classify the media of advertisements into four

types. They are: (a) print media: newspapers and magazines, (b) broadcast

media: televisions and radios, (c) direct and special media: catalogues, direct-

mail packages (an envelope containing a sales letter, a brochure and a reply

card with which to order some products), and special media (pens, matchboxes,

funny paperweights, calendars and so on) that can be emblazoned with an

advertiser's message, (d) out-of-home and directory media: outdoor


advertisements media such as billboards and transit posters, and directories like

the Yellow Page and a movie theatre where advertisements are permitted (1980:


The other element of advertisements is format. The format of

advertisements is known as a copy. As stated by Bovee and Arens (1986: 258),

a copy refers to what to say and how to say it. A short copy of advertisements

consists of headline, body copy and slogan or signature (Gilson and Berkman,

1980: 407). Specifically, Bovee and Arens (1986: 262-274) present the key

elements of print advertisements. They are headlines, illustrations, subheads,

body copies, captions, boxes and panels, slogans, logotypes (logos), seals and


1) Headline

A headline refers to the words in the leading position of the

advertisement. A headline is the words that will be read first or that are

positioned to draw the most attention. As a result, headlines are usually set in

larger type than other portions of the advertisement.

2) Subhead

A subhead usually appears in a smaller type size than the headline. It is

almost invariably larger than the body copy or text type size. A Subhead may

appear in boldface (heavier) type or in different ink color. The purpose of the

subheads is to transmit key sales points fast. The subheads should be reserved

for important facts that may not be as dramatic or memorable as the headlines.


The important thing is the subheads should reinforce the headline and

advertisement theme.

3) Body Copy/Text

The body copy or a text as it is sometimes called, tells the complete

sales story. It is a logical continuation of headlines and subheads. The body

copy is where the sale and information about the product is explained. The role

of body copy is to expand on the basic concept with persuasive and informative

prose that sells the product and the image.

4) Slogan

“A Slogan is similar to the headline. It becomes the standard

statements for salespeople and company employees”. Slogans have two basic

purposes. The first is to provide continuity for a campaign. The second is to

reduce a key theme or idea the company wants associated with its product or

itself to a brief, memorable positioning statement. “Effective slogans are short,

easy to understand, memorable, and easy to repeat”. Rhyme, rhythm, and

alliteration are valuable copy aids to use when writing slogans.

5) Signature/ Logo

A signature or Logo is a special design of the advertiser’s name or

product name.


The following is an example of an advertisement copy:

New Improved Marlboro Filter Headline

Marked improvement in Marlboro filter does not disturb famous Marlboro

flavor subhead

Improved filter, plus a significant break-through in cigarette engineering, places Marlboro

among the leading filter cigarette in mild smoke delivery. New Marlboro gives you more to

like than ever—Filter, Flavor, Pack or Box. Body copy

Come to where the flavor is. Come to Marlboro Country. Slogan

MarLboro        Logo

(http://marlborocigarettesblog.blogspot.com/2008/02/marlboro-cigarettes-ads.html )

accessed (July 18, 2009)

5. Marketing Strategies Cigarette Companies

As quote from Susan Carney in her online article on At-Risk Youth

Support, 2007, Susan investigates about the advertising strategies which are used

by the cigarettes companies. She views that the teens and adults in cigarette

advertising may be one of the most influential peer groups of all. Moreover, she

gives some explanation about the marketing strategies Cigarette Companies as

quote below:


a. Targeting Teens

“As they move into their teens, kids often feel insecure about their

appearance and their popularity. Cigarette ads use these insecurities to make

empty promises. Advertisements give teens the message that smoking can help

them become attractive, desirable, and independent when the reality is quite


b. Toughness and Masculinity

“Images such as the Marlboro Man equate smoking with a macho

ruggedness that is appealing to men and boys. This theme mirrors the pressures

many boys face to be “tough”. Boys may believe that smoking will give them the

aura of coolness they are searching for”.

c. Targeting Kids

There are several reasons why tobacco companies target children and teenagers. In order to keep profits up, new customers need to be recruited to replace the thousands of smokers that die each day. Tobacco companies know that very few people begin smoking as adults; therefore, their best bets for these new customers are kids. (http://youthdevelopment.suite101.com/article.cfm/tobacco_advertising_and_teens ).

Advertisements are often geared specifically for teens. They use colorful

graphics and images that catch their attention. They run in magazines that have a

large teen readership. In stores, cigarettes are often placed close to candy displays

and other products popular with kids.

All of this advertising seems to work. According to The Campaign for

Tobacco Free Kids, 2000, most teenagers who smoke use one of the three most


heavily advertised brands. Tobacco companies realize that once a teen smokes

their brand, they are likely to remain loyal to that brand for the rest of their lives.

(http://youthdevelopment.suite101.com/article.cfm/tobacco advertising and teens)

C. Theoretical Framework

In analyzing the data, the writer has to combine every theory so that it

will create a good analysis. These theories are used as groundwork of this thesis.

Therefore, by using these theories we will establish a good and accurate analysis.

Theories of the types of writing and linguistic features are applied to

answer the problem number one. Based on the theory provided, the writer is

expected to come to a conclusion of the functions of writing in Marlboro

advertisement texts.

Theories of advertisement, persuasion, writing technique used in

advertisements, theories of linguistics features of advertisement text, and also

journal and article of marketing strategies cigarettes companies were used to solve

the second problem. The theories are also elaborate with the language styles to

overcome to the conclusion. The journal and article about marketing strategies

Cigarettes companies is used as the review for the persuasive and the impact of

the Marlboro advertisement texts. Moreover, those theories actually can be

elaborated in every problem formulation because those are in correlation each





A. Object of the Study

This thesis deals with the using of language styles in writing in order to

create persuasion which can be analyzed in Marlboro advertisement texts. Online

resources at online magazine which contain Marlboro advertisement texts serve as

a primary source which will be extensively examined. Marlboro is a brand of

cigarette made by Philip Morris USA (a branch of Altria) within the US, and by

Philip Morris International (now separate from Altria) outside the US. It is famous

for its billboard advertisements and magazine advertisements of the Marlboro

Man. “The brand is named after Great Marlborough Street, the location of its

original London Factory. Richmond, Virginia is now the location of the largest

Marlboro cigarette manufacturing plant”. (http://www.


Philip Morris, a London-based cigarette manufacturer, created a New York

subsidiary in 1902 to sell several of its cigarette brands, including Marlboro. They

were advertising Marlboro as a woman's cigarette based on the slogan "Mild As

May" in 1924. The brand was sold in this capacity until World War II when the

brand faltered and was temporarily removed from the market. At the end of the

war, three brands emerged that would establish a firm holds on the cigarette

market: Camel, Lucky Strike, and Chesterfield. These brands were supplied to US


soldiers during the war, creating an instant market upon their return. (http://www.


During the 1950s Reader's Digest magazine published a series of articles that linked smoking with lung cancer. Philip Morris, and the other cigarette companies took notice and each began to market filtered cigarettes. The new Marlboro with a filtered end was launched in 1955. In the early 1960s Philip Morris invented "Marlboro Country" and distilled their manly imagery into the rugged cowboys known as the "Marlboro Men." (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 2006) Marlboro cigarettes have three types: the Marlboro, the Marlboro Lights,

and the Marlboro Menthol. The dominant color on the Marlboro pocket is red; on

the Marlboro Lights packet, yellow, and on the Marlboro Menthol, green. Thus,

the moods of the advertisements change depending on different types of


In this study, the advertisement can be written in certain types. This study

focuses on the language styles in writing and the writing techniques and linguistic

features create persuasion. The stylistics, types of writing, advertisement,

persuasion and writing techniques of advertisement theories are the basics of this


B. Approach of the Study

In analyzing the language style of Marlboro advertisement texts, stylistics

approach will be used as the approach of the study. “Stylistic is a critical

approach which uses the methods and finding of the science of language in the

analysis of literary texts” (Barry, 2002: 303). Stylistic also studies about the

linguistics features and its effect. Moreover, stylistic can be applied not only in the


literary text but also in the non-literary texts. “Stylistics, it should be added, is not

confined to the analysis of literature: it can be applied equally to expository prose,

political speeches, advertisements, and so on” (Barry, 2002: 204). In this thesis

the data which were going to analysis is the non-literary texts (advertisement).

C. Data Collection

The data were collected from the online resources and reviewed also the

magazine like TIME to crosscheck the validity. The data which are taken are non-

random sampling. The data collection reviews the Marlboro advertisement from

the beginning in 1950s until 2000s. The data were taken from the catalogue of

Marlboro from 1951-1994. The data were taken from the 1950s until 1990s

because the Marlboro in the late 2000s was a sponsor of team F1. Moreover, there

is no advertisement text again. The data is reduced up to 24 data, because there

were the same texts from Marlboro. The writer also explains the data which were

selected from years to years that represent the different types of writing and also

convey the different language styles.

This technique is classified as purposive sampling. “Purposive sample

takes intentionally certain key group or key cluster” (Hadi, 2004: 91). There are,

however, certain considerations that can be put to support this method. The first is

the language styles and the texts in some years are same. The writer took the

sample by observe the use of different body copy, typography, pictures, and

different headline. The writer also eliminated the same types of the advertisement

texts. Moreover, the data are taken by selecting the different language styles in


different texts to make effective and accurate analysis. The second is the data

which are taken can represent certain language styles. And the last is a matter of

convenience in which such data are the most appropriate samples to investigate in

terms of this study.

D. Method of the Study

This study is categorized as a library and online research. The writer works

and focuses on the online magazine or blog which contains the data and also

review from TIME magazine which will be used as the data. The theories used to

analyze the data were taken from linguistics books. These theories are presented

to make a clear and understandable analysis. Data collection was done first to get

the sample for the analysis. The writer will use examples and evidences to answer

the problem formulations which are stated in previous chapter. To reach the goal

of this study, this thesis will be conducted by applying certain theories related to

this study.

After finding and collecting the data, then the writer did some steps that

were useful for the analysis. The first step was to identify the functions of writing

of language in Marlboro advertisement texts. It was needed to answer the first

problem. From that, the writer applied the theory of types of writing, to recognize

the functions of writing in Marlboro advertisement texts.

After knowing the functions of writing used in Marlboro advertisement

texts, the next step was to analyze the language styles in relation with persuasion.

It can be the writing techniques and the linguistic features. In this step, the theory


of advertisement, persuasion and writing technique in advertisement, the theory of

Linguistic features likes sentence pattern, diction, and sound pattern were used to

analyze the way the Marlboro advertisement texts can create persuasion toward

consumer. The journal and article about Marketing Strategies Cigarettes

Companies were used as the review for the persuasion and the impact of the

Marlboro advertisement texts.




The language styles which are used by advertisement texts is different

each other. The advertisement has the goal to persuade consumer or the target

market with a different way. The advertisement uses certain language styles in

their advertisement writing.

The data were taken from the catalogue of Marlboro from 1951-1994. The

data were from the year 1950s until 1990s because the Marlboro in the 2000s was

a sponsor of team F1. Moreover, there is no advertisement text again. The data

were reduced up to 24 because there are the same texts from Marlboro. The writer

also explains the data from years to years that represent the different types of

writing and also convey the different language styles.

In this chapter, the writer divided data which were analyzed based on the

language styles in the advertisement texts. Furthermore, this chapter is divided

into two main parts. The first is the analysis of the functions of writing which are

shown in the Marlboro to advertise their advertisement texts. In the second part

the writer investigated the way that the text can create persuasion by analyzing the

way of the advertisement texts create persuasion by investigating the writing

techniques in the advertisement texts. The writer also analyzed the way the

advertisement texts create persuasion by investigating the linguistics features in

the advertisement texts like sentence structure, phonological aspect, and the

diction which create persuasion.




A. The Functions of Writing in Marlboro Advertisement Texts

The first problem deals with the function of writing which are shown in

Marlboro advertisement texts. After analyzing the data, the writer investigated

that the functions of writing which are shown in Marlboro advertisement texts are

to describe the details of the cigarettes and to persuade the target market. In order

to investigate the functions of writing, the writer analyzed the types of writing.

Based on the criteria which have been explained by Warriner (1977) and Trimmer

(1984), the writer investigated the types of writing into descriptive and persuasive

writing, and the research finding the functions of the writing which are shown by

Marlboro advertisement texts:

Table 1. The Functions of Writing in Marlboro Advertisement’s Texts

From the table above, we know that the Marlboro advertisement texts

which shown the function of descriptive writing which is creating a clear picture

of the Marlboro’s product in detail are 8 advertisement texts. There are 24

advertisement texts which showed the function of the persuasive writing which is

The Functions of Writing Total data

Creating a clear picture of the

Marlboro’s product in detail


Convincing and persuading the target

market to consume Marlboro Cigarettes





convincing and persuading the target market to consume Marlboro Cigarettes. The

writer analyzed that there are two elements which build the function of the

writing. Those are descriptive writing and persuasive writing. Moreover, the

writer will explain the result of the data analysis into the specific explanation.

1. Descriptive Writing

The advertisements texts can be categorized into the descriptive writing if

the advertisement text has the function to give description about the product in

detail. “The Descriptive writing seeks to create a clear picture or impression of a

person, place, or object” (Warriner, 1977: 43), while, according to Trimmer, the

descriptive writing presents a verbal portrait of a person, place or thing and

identifies the subject's significant features by evoking all senses ( Trimmer, 1984:


The advertisements that use the descriptive writing have at least one of

these criteria:

1) The description gives the specific details (Warriner, 1977: 44)

2) The description uses sensory details (appeal to the senses) (Warriner,

1977: 53)

The writer also analyzed about the choice of words (diction) in the

descriptive writing. Warriner also stated that “only through the use of precise

nouns and verbs and vivid adjectives and adverbs can the writer evoke a clear

picture of the person, place, or object being described” (Warriner, 1977: 46).

Moreover to see the specific details, the writer can analyze by the arrangement of




selected details (Warriner, 1977: 47) and also about the locating details by using

the words and phrases reveal spatial relationship (Warriner, 1977: 58). The

descriptive writing creates an impression in part to the reader trough sensory

details. “Appealing to the reader’s senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch”

(Warriner, 1977: 53).

Based on the criteria, following is the table presenting the fulfillment of

the criteria in the descriptive writing of Marlboro advertisement texts:

Table 2. The Descriptive Criteria in the Marlboro Advertisement Texts

The advertisement texts number The Descriptive

Criteria 4 5 6 8 11 16 20 22

The specific details

The use of sensory


The table above shows that there are 8 advertisement texts which are

shown as the descriptive writing. There are the advertisement texts numbers 4, 5,

6, 8, 11, 16, 20, 22

a. The Specific Details

From the data the writer can analyze that the first criterion are fulfilled by

7 advertisement texts. The first criterion of descriptive writing that the

advertisements text can describe the specific details of the cigarettes, for example

its filter. The word filter (N) in Oxford Learner’s dictionary has the meaning as




“a device containing paper, sand, chemicals, etc. that a liquid or gas is passed

trough in order to remove any materials that are not wanted” (Hornby, 2000:

496). The selection of the specific detail, in this case the word filter will ease

the target market can get clear portrait of the Marlboro cigarettes. The following

is the example of the first criterion of the descriptive writing:

Example 1

1956 Marlboro Flip-Top Box Man Swimmer Ad You get a lot to like -filter -flavor -flip-top box. You get the man-size flavor of honest

tobacco without huffing and puffing. This filter works well and draws easy. The Flip-Top Box keeps every cigarette in good shape. You’d expect it to cost more, but it doesn’t.

(http://marlborocigarettesblog.blogspot.com/2008/02/marlboro‐cigarettes‐ads.html ) accessed (July 18, 2009) 


From the example of the advertisement text number 5, related to the

analysis the advertisement text has the specific details which are shown by the

diction tobacco, filter, flip-top box, and the price. For example, we can know that

the body copy or the text talks about the filter of the Marlboro cigarettes. The

filter is described as an easy instrument to enjoy the smoking and it works well.

The word filter (Noun) in Oxford Learner’s dictionary has the meaning as “a

device containing paper, sand, chemicals, etc. that a liquid or gas is passed




trough in order to remove any materials that are not wanted” (Hornby, 2000:


The selection of the specific detail, in this case the word filter will ease

the target market can get clear portrait of the Marlboro cigarettes. Related to the

definition of the diction filter, the filter in cigarette actually is a device

containing of paper or special device like cork that the gas through in order to

remove the substance that are not wanted (nicotine). The detail can be

specifically mentioned to ease the portrait of the cigarette features.

The body copy also talks about the element of cigarettes: tobacco. The

diction of honest (Adjective) and tobacco (Noun) in the body copy “….of honest

tobacco” has the definition, honest (Adjective) “always telling the truth, and never

stealing or cheating” (Hornby, 2000: 652). The diction can be interpreted as the

pure tobacco. The tobacco is described as the good tobacco which has a special


The texts also give description about the cigarettes Flip-Top Box; The

writer will explain the diction Flip (verb) has the definition “to turn over into a

different position with sudden quick movement” (Hornby, 1977: 513). The word

Top has the definition (Noun) “the highest part of or point of something”

(Hornby, 2000: 1425). The word Box (noun) has the definition “a container made

of wood, cardboard, metal, etc. with a flat stiff base and sides and often a lid, used

especially for holding solid things” (Hornby, 2000: 146). It can be interpreted that

the definition of the diction flip-top box in Marlboro cigarette is a container made

of cardboard with a flat stiff base and the highest lid can be turned over into a




different position with sudden quick movement.

In the texts, the flip top box is described as an instrument which will save

the cigarettes in a good shape. Moreover, the price is also mentioned as low. The

descriptive writing criterion can be seen in those texts. The specific details of

cigarettes (filter, tobacco, the flip-top box) can be investigated from the text.

b. The Use of Sensory details

The descriptive writing creates an impression in part to the reader trough

sensory details. “Appealing to the reader’s senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste

and touch” (Warriner, 1977: 53). The writer analyzed the sensory details in

descriptive writing through words or phrases that can be identified in 6 data of the

advertisement texts, except number 16 and 20. The text gives the vivid description

to a reader largely through imagery (Podis, 1984: 250).

The words mild, smooth, long, menthol, lights, which convey in the 6

advertisement texts, can give the significant aspect of senses. For example, the

diction of mild (Adjective) (of flavour) has the definition “not strong, spicy or

bitter” (Hornby, 2000: 841). The diction relates to the sense of taste. The

following is the example of the second criterion of descriptive writing:

Example 2

1963 Marlboro Country Man Riding Horse Ad

Marlboro Country. There’s not another place like it. You get a bigger helping of flavor here. The tobacco in Marlboro’s famous Richmond Recipe tastes richer… smoother, too, through the exclusive Select rate Filter.

You get a lot to like: a man’s world of flavor in a filter cigarette




The advertisement text number 16 represents the second criterion. In the

texts, the diction which represents the sensory details is smoother. The word

smoother comes from the adjective smooth which has the definition “pleasant and

not bitter” (Hornby, 2000: 1268). The diction related to the sense of taste.

The other example can be investigated in advertisement text number 11,

that describe the new product of Marlboro (New Marlboro 100’s). The following

is the example of the second criterion of descriptive writing:

Example 3

The longhorns come to Marlboro country The “longhorns”. New Marlboro 100’s. Big gold pack. Big flavor, too! Extra long, so you

can spend a little more time in Marlboro Country. (http://marlborocigarettesblog.blogspot.com/2008/02/marlboro‐cigarettes‐ads.html) 

accessed (July 18, 2009) The diction which is investigated big, long, and gold. The word big has the

definition “large in size, degree, amount, etc” (Hornby, 2000: 115), long can be

defined as “measuring or covering a great length or distance” (Hornby, 2000:

790), and gold defined as “a chemical element. Gold is a yellow precious metal

used for making coins, jewellery, ornaments, etc” (Hornby, 2000: 578). In the

advertisement texts number 11 the using of sensory details refers to the visual

imagery/sense of sight. The background of the image also suitable with the diction

gold, “Gold is a yellow precious metal” (Hornby, 2000: 578).




From the descriptive writing in the Marlboro advertisement texts, the

writer can conclude that the descriptive writing can be identified and analyzed by

observe the criteria. The criteria can be the criteria of the specific details (filter,

flip-Top box, long size, etc), the criteria by the using of sensory details (good

flavor, mild, big, gold, long, smooth). The function of the descriptive writing in

Marlboro advertisement texts is to create a clear picture of the Marlboro’s product

in detail.

2. Persuasive Writing

The persuasive writing is the styles that can persuade someone to buy or to

use the products of certain advertisement. According to Gillespie (1986: 294),

persuasive writing uses all the techniques of exposition, narration, and

description, but for their own purpose, that is, to create in an audience desire to do

or to believe something.

In the data there are 24 advertisement texts which are used the persuasive


The advertisements that use a persuasive writing have at least one of

these criteria:

1. The advertisements can convince the target market by giving opinion

(Warriner, 1977: 151), statement, command, suggestion, and rhetorical

question about the product (opinion) (Trimmer, 1984: 332-333)

2. The advertisement build in the tone of affectiveness (Trimmer, 1984: 302)




Based on the criteria, following is the table presenting the fulfillment of the

criteria in the persuasive writing of Marlboro advertisement texts:

a. Product Guarantee

The first criterion of the persuasive style that the advertisements can

persuade the target market by give command, suggestion, and rhetorical

question to use or consume the product (product’s guarantee) can be identified

in all of the advertisement texts. The product’s guarantee can be analyzed from

the argumentative diction which shows the positive aspect of the product. For

example, in the Marlboro advertisement text there is a statement Where There is

a Man…there’s a Marlboro… (Advertisement texts number 7), from the

example the statement shows that Marlboro is targeted for every man. It can

persuade the target market, especially for man.

The power to persuade can also be seen from the rhetorical question. In the

Marlboro advertisement texts, there are some rhetorical, for example Why don’t

you settle back and enjoy Marlboro?, the question contain the verb phrase Settle

back and enjoy with Marlboro which has the phrase interpretation “ride and enjoy

the experience with Marlboro” . That example can strengthen the persuasion

which indirectly pursues the consumer or smoker to enjoy the Marlboro. The

product guarantee may have different styles. It can be argument, suggestion,

rhetorical, or command. The example of the advertisement text which represents

the first criterion can be seen below:




Example 4

1951 Marlboro Cigarette Ad-Cute Baby Says Light Up Mom

Before you scold me, Mom….maybe you’d better light up a Marlboro Yes, you need never feel Over-smoked….that’s the Miracle of Marlboro!

(http://marlborocigarettesblog.blogspot.com/2008/02/marlboro‐cigarettes‐ads.html ) accessed (July 18, 2009)

The advertisement text number 2 can represent the first criterion, because from

the advertisement texts the writer analyzed that the advertisement text have a good

subject as the narrator. It is also effective because the text gives the suggestion

(you’d better light up a Marlboro), argumentative (you need never feel Over-

smoked), and the product guarantee (that’s the Miracle of Marlboro!) as the power

to persuade. The example is related with the use of simple sentence pattern.

That is the Miracle of Marlboro S V C

The simple sentence is used because it fulfills the requirements of

advertisement language, namely effective, meaningful, and distinctive. In the

matter of effectiveness, simple sentence commonly reveals the writer intention

directly (Niesfield, 1972: 62).

The persuasive writing can be built by comparison. According to Podis in

his Writing Invention and Style said that the comparison or contrast you make

must contribute to some larger insight you have or support some general concept




you’re trying to prove (Podis, 1984: 125). In this matter, the Marlboro

advertisement texts use the comparison diction for example, smoother, better,

more flavor, etc. The usage of those words certainly has the goal to gain the target


The writer analyzed that the comparison of the Marlboro advertisement

texts is indirectly comparison. It means the texts do not compare the Marlboro

with another cigarette brand directly. From 16 data, the comparison data can be

seen in the 3 advertisement texts. The comparative diction in those data can be

analyzed as the second power to persuade in the product guarantee. Below is the

example of the comparison element in the persuasive writing:

Example 5

1959 MARLBORO Cigarette Ad-Sculptor Chisels Statue

the better the makin’s, the better the smoke. You get better makin’s in a Marlboro. If you’re thinking of changing brands, tattoo this in your mind Marlboro’s exclusive Filter-Flavor Formula give you flavor you can get

hold of. The improved Marlboro filter does what it’s there for you’re smoking better when it’s Marlboro

(http://marlborocigarettesblog.blogspot.com/2008/02/marlboro‐cigarettes‐ads.html ) accessed (July 18, 2009) 

The Marlboro advertisement texts in this example build the comparison by

the usage of the word better. From the word better the writer can investigate the




definition better (Adjective) (Comparative of good) “of a higher standard or less

poor quality; not as bad as something else” (Hornby, 2000: 112)

The body copy states that Marlboro is the better cigarette to smoke. The

whole advertisement also involves the sculptor as the object. The key sale is in

the sentences The better the makin’s, the better the smoke. You get better makin’s

in a Marlboro. It implies that the working or the statue’s making will reach the

nice result if the sculptor is also smoking Marlboro. Furthermore, by this

comparison from the text, Marlboro gives the implied message that their product

is better and has a good quality than the other brands.

b. The Tone of Affectiveness

“The tone should help strengthen the identification with the readers; it

should certainly avoid anything that will increase the distance between the writer

and the reader” (Trimmer, 1984: 332). The following is the example of the second


Example 5

1970 Marlboro Cig Campfire River Cowboys Horses Ad

Come to where the flavor is. Come to Marlboro Country. (http://marlborocigarettesblog.blogspot.com/2008/02/marlboro‐

cigarettes‐ads.html ) accessed (July 18, 2009) 




The writer investigated that the tone of the Marlboro advertisement texts in

persuasive writing writes in the tone of partnership. It can be analyzed by the use

of phrase or words that can establish the good respect of the target market. For

example, come to where the Flavor is. Come to Marlboro country, it is implied

that the Marlboro cigarettes can be consumed by all of people in the world. The

sentences convey the ellipsis of you as the subject. The tone can also be affective

to influence the reader in some ways (affect them) (Trimmer, 1984: 302).

Therefore, they who read the advertisement deed an action of what the aim

of the sentence, the writer intention or purpose (Titscher, et al. 2000: 22).

Moreover, the persuasive writing tries to build the good partnership with its

reader. Especially in advertisement which has the goal to convince and persuade

the consumer.

The writer concludes that the persuasive writing can be investigated from

the opinion about the product (product guarantee) which conveys certain dictions,

simple sentence pattern, and also tone of partnership to build the persuasive

writing function to convince and persuade the reader. In this case the Marlboro

advertisement texts want to persuade the target market to consume Marlboro

cigarette. All of the advertisement texts in Marlboro build in persuasive writing.

The persuasive writing can be built also with descriptive writing in order to give

more convincing sense toward the target market.


B. The Ways the Writing Techniques and The Linguistic Features Create


The writing techniques in the advertisement texts are different. The

different writing techniques which are used can gain the persuasion. The main

goal of product’s advertisement is to persuade peoples to use and consume the

products. In this matter, the writer analyzed that Marlboro has several writing

techniques to create the interesting advertisement. The types of writing which are

used in Marlboro advertisement texts are descriptive and persuasive writing. The

functions of the writing are to describe the specific details of the product and to

persuade the target market to consume Marlboro cigarette.

The persuasion can be created based on the appeal that the advertisers use

to invoke the reader desire to do or to believe what the advertisements say. The

three appeals are emotional (emotional reaction from the readers), ethical

(establish the company credibility), logical (show the readers how logical thinking

and sound evidence lead to a certain conclusion) (Trimmer, 1984: 333). Beside

the techniques which are used to write the advertisement texts, the persuasion can

be created the language features especially sentence pattern, diction, and sound


1. The Ways the Writing Techniques Create Persuasion in Marlboro

Advertisement Texts

The Marlboro advertisement texts have two different types of writing.

There are descriptive writing and persuasive writing. The main goal of the writing




in Marlboro advertisement texts is the same. It can persuade the target markets to

buy and consume the Marlboro cigarettes.

The persuasion can be divided into three groups based on the appeal that

the advertisers use to invoke the reader desire to do or to believe what the

advertisements say. The three appeals are emotional (establish the emotional

reaction from the readers), ethical (establish the company credibility), logical

(show the readers how logical thinking and sound evidence lead to a certain

conclusion) (Trimmer, 1984: 333). The appeals are the way to persuade the target

market in the persuasive style. Based on the appeals in persuasive style, following

is the table of the techniques which are used in persuasive styles:

Table 3. The writing techniques in writing to create persuasion in Marlboro advertisement texts

The Appeals

Emotional Ethical Logical

The Advertisement


9 2 13

Total 24

After analyzed the data, the writer can present the data on the table. Based

on the table, the persuasive style has three appeals. There are Emotional appeal,

Ethical appeal, and Logical appeal. The main goal of the appeal is to attract the




target market to buy the product. The appeal can invoke the reader’s desire to do or

to believe what the advertisements say.

a. Emotional Appeal

According to Trimmer, The emotional appeal is the effective way toward

the reader that they need to give attention to what is said. The emotional appeal is

suspect, because it relies on the feeling, instinct and opinion of reader (Trimmer,

1984: 338). “The strongest emotional appeals usually dramatize a situation

through examples” (Trimmer, 1984: 338). From the table, the Marlboro

advertisement text has 9 texts (advertisement texts number 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13,

14, and 20) which build in emotional appeal. The writer can present the example


Example 6

Gee, Dad, you always get the best of everything…even Marlboro! Yes, you need never feel Over-smoked….that’s the Miracle of Marlboro!

(http://marlborocigarettesblog.blogspot.com/2008/02/marlboro‐cigarettes‐ads.html ) accessed (July 18, 2009)

The Marlboro advertisement texts which are built in emotional appeal can

establish the opinion, feeling, and instinct from the target market. The

advertisement texts persuade the target market from their opinion toward the

advertisement texts. The example can attract the reader to have feeling and opinion




about the texts. The target market may give their opinion about what a baby said

toward his father Gee, Dad, you always get the best of everything…even Marlboro!

After that, the target market emotionally attracted by the baby’s saying toward his

father you need never feel Over-smoked….that’s the Miracle of Marlboro! Those

will be the key sales of this advertisement text.

b. Ethical Appeal

The ethical appeal persuades the target market by the company’s image

building. The target market can trust the product from the company. In this

matter, the Marlboro advertisement texts can attract the target market by

establishes the company’s credibility. The advertisement texts give the evidence

about the positive aspects of the product toward the target market. Furthermore,

the Marlboro advertisement texts which use the ethical appeal are 2 advertisement

texts (advertisement texts number 15 and 16). Below is the example of the

advertisement texts which use the ethical appeal:

Example 7

1963 Marlboro Cigarette World Globe Smoking Ad

A satisfied customer. The entire world enjoys a Marlboro. For everyone knows the special quality of this fine American cigarette. Marlboro’s full-flavored blend comes from the kind

that grows most of the world’s best tobaccos. People everywhere have made it the best-selling cigarette in the famous Flip-Top box. For richer taste and a fine Select rate fiber try

Marlboro. You get a lot to like, a lot to satisfy you. (http://marlborocigarettesblog.blogspot.com/2008/02/marlboro‐cigarettes‐ads.html ) 

accessed (July 18, 2009)




From the example, the ethical appeal can be investigated from the sentence

The entire world enjoys a Marlboro. It shows that Marlboro is the great cigarette

brand all over the world. In the texts also mentioned that Marlboro has the special

quality because it has composition of the best tobacco that grows most in the

world. The text also mentions about People everywhere have made it the best-

selling cigarette in the famous Flip-Top box.

The company credibility always requires some evidences in order to be

trusted by the target markets. The example gives the strong evidence that Marlboro

is famous as the best cigarette all over the world. After that, the texts persuade the

target market to try Marlboro as quote from the text for richer taste and a fine

Select rate fiber try Marlboro. You get a lot to like, a lot to satisfy you.

c. Logical Appeal

The logical appeal is one of the appeals in the persuasion writing that is

built by the argumentation to establish a certain conclusion. In the texts there are

also some evidences to lead to certain conclusions. From the 24 data there are 13

data (advertisement texts number 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, and 24)

which use logical appeal as the techniques in writing to create persuasion. Below

is the example of the advertisement texts which use the logical appeal:




Example 9

1958 Marlboro Cigarette Man Tattoo Hand Ad Where there’s a Man…there’s a Marlboro -with a filter that delivers a

smoke of surprising mildness YOU GET A LOT TO LIKE…FILTER, FLAVOR, FLIP-TOP BOX

(http://marlborocigarettesblog.blogspot.com/2008/02/marlboro-cigarettes-ads.html ) accessed (July 18, 2009)

From this example, the logical appeal can attract the target market with the

statement Where there’s a Man…there’s a Marlboro. This statement gives the

target market logical thinking about the relationship with Marlboro and man. The

statement gives the effect toward the target market mindset that the Marlboro

cigarette are identical with the man. Moreover, the argument about Where there’s a

Man…there’s a Marlboro lead to conclusion that every man smoke Marlboro.

The appeals of the persuasion can be divided into emotional, ethical, and

logical appeals. This appeal is the strategic way to attract the target market. The

target market are emotionally attracted to look the advertisement texts so that, they

can know the product before they buy. The ethical appeal is also used by the

Marlboro to advertise their product. The evidences, testimonials, and the

information about the company which are attached in the advertisement texts will




establish the target market belief about the company’s credibility. The target

market will trust that Marlboro is a good brand all over the world by using the

ethical appeal. The last is the logical appeal. The logical appeal is the most used by

Marlboro advertisement texts. The logical appeals show the logical thinking sound

evidence lead to a certain conclusion. Furthermore, the advertisement texts use

more emotional and logical appeal to be the strategic way to create persuasion.

2. The Ways the Linguistic Features Create Persuasion in the Marlboro

Advertisement Texts

All of the commercial companies certainly use the several sentences to

create the persuasion. Marlboro is the one of the company which uses the sentence

as the power to persuade. The writer has investigated the sentences by the

sentence pattern, diction (lexical), and sound pattern. The writer analyzed how

the linguistic elements can strengthen the persuasion in the advertisement texts.

The analysis will be presented below:

a. Sentence Pattern

i. Simple Sentence Pattern

The advertisement texts certainly have the key sentences which persuade

the reader to give more attention toward the advertisement texts. The sentences

which will be analyzed are categorized as the headline and slogan of Marlboro

advertisement texts. The characteristics of slogan and headlines are built in the

simple sentences but it can strengthen the persuasion. A headline refers to the

words in the leading position of the advertisement. “A headline is the words that




will be read first or that are positioned to draw the most attention” (Bovee and

Arens, 1986: 262).

A Slogan is similar to the headline. It becomes the standard statements for

salespeople and company employees. Slogans have two basic purposes. The first

is to provide continuity for a campaign. The second is to reduce a key theme or

idea the company wants associated with its product or itself to a brief,

memorable positioning statement  (Bovee and Arens, 1986: 274). Effective

slogans and are short, easy to understand, memorable, and easy to repeat.

The writer analyzed that most of the advertisement texts use the simple

sentences for the key sentences. The construction can be SVC, SVO, SV,

SVAC, SVOC, SVOA, and SVA. The writer analyzed 12 key sentences from the

data which were identified as the key sales. A simple sentence can be categorized

into statement, question, command, and exclamation (Quirk, et al. 1985:749). The

writer also analyzed that most of the sentences were categorized as statement. The

other can be categorized as the question and command. The example of a simple

sentence pattern can be seen below:

The Longhorns come to Marlboro country. (Statement) S V A

The filter doesn’t get between you and the flavor. (Statement) S V A ii. Ellipsis

There are two elements that are used in advertisements there are ellipsis

and its simple sentence, when the subjects of those sentences are omitted, those

can be replaced by anyone. It means whoever reads the sentence, he, she, they,




etc, become the subject substitute. Therefore, they who read the advertisement

deed an action of what the aim of the sentence, the writer intention or purpose.

(Titscher, et al. 2000: 22).

e.g. (You) Come to where the flavor is. (You) Come to Marlboro country


The use of ellipsis you as the subject, in this case, functions as the general

persuasion. What is meant by the general persuasion is the advertisement can

persuade people generally. Regarding to the purpose and the effect that is

expected, that is, the interest of the reader and the use of the product or service

offered, therefore, ellipsis is used in order to deliver the writer intention accurately

to the public or reader in all social class. As every reader in general in any social

class stimulated, the ellipsis is used as the persuasive device.

iii. Phrases

The writer investigated that the Marlboro advertisement texts consisted of

phrases. Below is the table of the phrases which supports the persuasion:

Table 4. The phrases in Marlboro advertisement text sentences

phrase types of phrase phrase interpretation

A new low tar cigarette

Noun phrase a new cigarette which contain the low grade of tar

A Great win

Noun phrase a great successful in the competition

Come to

verb phrase move to a place

The miracle of Marlboro

Noun phrase a very good product of Marlboro




Settle back with Marlboro

Verb phrase ride and enjoy the experience with Marlboro

The longhorns Noun phrase The new products of Marlboro which has long size (New Marlboro 100s)

a satisfied customer Noun phrase a customer who achieve satisfaction

The Marlboro advertisement texts have the several types of phrases. It can

be the Noun phrase or the Verb phrase. Based on the table, the phrases have

certain meaning which will lead the target market to have the good mind about the

Marlboro product.

b. Diction

The diction or the choice of word is also the way to persuade the target

market in the advertisement text. The words which are chosen will be better if it is

simple but contain the strong persuasion. The words can be the synonym,

contradiction, comparison, idiom, and phrase. The writer analyzed some of words

from the key sentences and it is presented below:

i. Synonym


The writer analyzed that the Marlboro advertisement texts often uses the

word flavor. The word flavor  in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary has the

meaning how food or drink tastes, a particular type of taste ( Hornby, 2000:

510). The word taste has several meaning; it can mean flavor, sense, small

quantity, short experience, ability to choose well, what you like (Hornby, 2000:




1384). Furthermore, the writer can analyze that the word flavor is the specific

word of taste. It can be conclude that the Marlboro advertisement want to show

the target market that their cigarettes has a particular type of taste.

e.g. A new low tar cigarette. When you want more flavors

(data number 23)

e.g. The filter cigarettes with the unfiltered taste (data number 12, 13, 14)  ii. Contradiction

The Marlboro advertisement texts also create the contradiction to

strengthen the persuasion. The contradiction can lead the dramatic sense which

will gain the persuasion.

e.g The filter cigarettes with the unfiltered taste (data number 12, 13, 14)  The message of this sentence is the Marlboro is the filter cigarettes but, the taste

just like the cigarettes without filter. Furthermore, the target market will not worry

with the filter because it does not disturb the flavor.

iii. Comparison words

The comparison can be used in the advertisement texts to show the

positive aspect of the product compare to the other product. In this matter, the

Marlboro advertisement texts always use the word better, more, and best.

e.g. You get the better makin’s in a Marlboro (data number 10)

e.g. Marlboro are better in every way for those who smoke through out the day

(data number 3)

e.g. A new low tar cigarette. When you want more flavors (data number 23)




iv. Idiom

The Marlboro advertisement sentences also use idiom which support the

persuasive sentences. Below is the example of idiom in the Marlboro

advertisement sentence:

e.g. Flavor you can get hold of (data number 14)

The idiom get hold of has the meaning to find/ to contact. Moreover, the sentence

means you can find flavor or flavor that you can find in a Marlboro cigarette. This

diction really strengthens the persuasion toward the Marlboro’s target market.

v. Imagery

“One attention-seeking strategy developed in recent years to increasing

levels of sophistication is the startling image” (Goddard, 1998: 10). Imagery has

two general meaning: the images or pictures that concrete words sometimes

suggest, and figures of speech such as similes and metaphors (Trimmer, 1984:

282).The images in the advertisement texts are the important parts that will attract

the target market. In this case, the advertisement texts will be more attractive if

the image which is presented support the main idea of the texts.

As quote from Susan Carney in her online article on At-Risk Youth Support

(2007), Images such as the Marlboro Man equate smoking with a macho

ruggedness that is appealing to men and boys. This theme mirrors the pressures

many boys face to be “tough”. Boys may believe that smoking will give them the

aura of coolness they are searching for. The strong image in Marlboro

advertisement text is the character of Marlboro men. Below is the example of

visual imagery in Marlboro advertisement texts:





ads.html ) accessed (July 18, 2009)

The character of man, cowboy, horse, and country is the strong image

which can improve the power to persuade in Marlboro advertisement texts. The

colors also become the thing which is used by Marlboro to differ their products.

Marlboro cigarettes have three types: the Marlboro, the Marlboro Lights, and the

Marlboro Menthol. The dominant color on the Marlboro pocket is red; on the

Marlboro Lights packet, yellow, and on the Marlboro Menthol, green. Thus, the

moods of the advertisements change depending on different types of cigarettes.

The mood of the Marlboro is like the general Marlboro advertisements: a

cowboy or a group of cowboys accompany with the horses on a broad pasture.

The background color of the Marlboro Lights advertisements is golden. This is

similar to the Yellow brand of the Marlboro Lights. Moreover, the Background of

the Marlboro Menthol is a green valley or the horses run in the water. Below is the

example of each type of Marlboro products:




1. Marlboro Red 2. Marlboro Lights 3. Marlboro Menthol


ads.html ) accessed (July 18, 2009)

  In addition to the colors, the types of the brand of the cigarettes can also be

divided by their tastes. The red Marlboro is the heaviest one, so the

advertisements focus more on the cowboy image or man image. The word red is

identical with blood and fire. The word fire can be defined as “very strong

emotion, especially anger or enthusiasm” (Hornby, 2000: 500). From the name of

the Marlboro Lights, lights has the definition “ pale in colour” and “easy to lift or

move; less than average of usual wage” (Hornby, 2000: 776). From the definition

we can know that the taste is not so heavy. Therefore, the advertisements stress

the lightness of golden sunlight.

From the same formula, the taste of the Marlboro Menthol is cool so the

advertisements emphasize the fresh water. Menthol has the definition “a substance

that tastes and smells of Mint, that is used in some medicines for colds and to give

a strong cool flavour to cigarettes” (Hornby, 2000: 834). The word mint has the




definition “a plant with dark green leaves that have a fresh smell and taste and are

added to food and drinks to give flavour” (Hornby, 2000: 846)

Based on Susan Carney in her online article on At-Risk Youth Support

(2007), Advertisements are often geared specifically for teens. They use colorful

graphics and images that catch their attention. They run in magazines that have a

large teen readership. The writer can conclude that the visual image of Marlboro

has the strong power to persuade the target market, especially for the teen.

c. Sound Pattern

The writer also analyzed that in the Marlboro advertisement texts there are

alliteration, consonance rhyme, and assonance.

i. Alliteration

Alliteration is when the initial sound is duplicated in following words

(Hicks, 1998: 62). The following is the alliteration in the Marlboro advertisement



Filter- Flavor




This method gives certain effects to the readers. According to Verdonk,

alliteration is not only pleasing to our ears but also drawing the attention and

giving long memorable sense to the readers.







This part is the conclusion of the problems that have been analyzed. Based

on the analysis, the writer can present some points that can be noted. The

generalization of some important points of this study can be presented as follows.

There are two problems that need to be answered. The first problem is the

functions of writing which are shown in Marlboro advertisement texts. The

second problem is the way the writing techniques and linguistic features create

persuasion. In order to get the functions, the writer analyzed the writing styles in

the first step. The writer investigated two kinds of writing in Marlboro

advertisement texts. It is descriptive writing and persuasive writing.

The writer classified the data into some criteria. The criteria of descriptive

writing are about the specific details and the use of sensory details. From the 24

data of the advertisement texts, there are 8 data which are investigated as the

descriptive writing. The writer investigated that the advertisement texts which

shown the descriptive writing, there are 7 advertisement texts fulfill the first

criteria, 6 advertisement texts and 5 advertisement texts both of the criteria. The

Marlboro advertisement texts also written in the descriptive writing to describe

their product in details, give the information about their new products.

The writer investigated that the Marlboro advertisement texts are more

written in persuasive writing. The writer analyzed that there were 24 data which




were written in persuasive writing. There are two criteria of persuasive writing

that can be used to identify the data. There are 24 data which fulfill the first

criterion about the product guarantee; it can be statement, question, command, and

suggestion that show the product as the good ones. There are also 16 data which

fulfill the second criterion of the persuasive writing; it is about the use of affective

tone and tone of partnership. The advertisements also use the comparison diction

to persuade the target market. It can be the direct comparison or indirect

comparison. The data that were analyzed show that the criterion of product

guarantee is used by all of the data in persuasive writing. Furthermore, relates to

the basic concept of advertising, the persuasive writing is used by most of the

company to write their advertisement texts. The persuasive writing can be built

also with descriptive writing in order to give more convincing sense toward the

target market.

The appeals which can be the writing technique can be divided into

emotional, ethical, and logical appeals. The emotional appeal is used mostly in the

persuasive style of Marlboro advertisement texts. This appeal is the strategic way

to attract the target market. The target market are emotionally attracted to look the

advertisement texts so that, they can know the details of the product before they

buy. The ethical appeal is also used by the Marlboro to advertise their product.

The evidences, testimonials, and the informations which are attached in the

advertisement texts will establish the target market belief about the company’s

credibility. The target market will trust that Marlboro is a good brand all over the

world by using the ethical appeal.




The logical appeal is the most used by Marlboro advertisement texts. The

logical appeals show the logical thinking sound evidence lead to a certain

conclusion. Furthermore, the advertisement texts use more emotional and logical

appeal to be the strategic way to create persuasion.

The linguistic features in Marlboro advertisement texts can be the way to

persuade the target market. The writer analyzed that there are four types of

linguistic features which can be analyzed. The first is about the sentence pattern.

The sentence pattern also influences the persuasion. The Marlboro advertisement

texts have the simple sentence pattern, ellipsis, and phrases in some sentences

which are the key sales point.

The use of diction in Marlboro advertisement texts can be divided into

synonym, antonym (contradiction), comparison, imagery and idiom. The diction

lexically has the certain meaning to strengthen the persuasion. The imagery of

Marlboro also strengthens the persuasion, especially the visual imagery. Marlboro

advertisement texts have the strong figure of Marlboro man and Marlboro

Country. The Marlboro advertisement texts have the colorful graphic and image

to persuade their target market. The sound pattern of the Marlboro advertisement

texts can be analyzed into alliteration, consonance, and rhyme. The sound pattern

also gives the strong influence toward the persuasive sentences. The text will

draw attention and give long memorable sense to the readers.



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“Marlboro Cigarettes Ads”. British America Tobacco. 2008 <http://marlborocigarettesblog.blogspot.com/2008/02/marlboro-cigarettes-ads.html> ( accessed on July 18, 2009 ) “The Cigarette Companies Cannot Survive Unless Kids Smoke”. 2000 <http://www.tobaccofreekids.org/research/factsheets/pdf/0012.pdf> ( accessed on September 16, 2009) “Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report”. 2006. <http://www.csnews.com/csn/cat_management/tobacco/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1004007737> ( accessed on August 8, 2009) “Marlboro Cigarettes”. 2009. <http:/ www. Cigarettespedia.com/index.php/BrandMarlboro> ( accessed on July 18, 2009 )



Appendix 1 : List of Advertisement texts which are analyzed in this study


cigarettes-ads.html) (July 18, 2009)


1951 MARLBORO Cigarette Ad-Cute BABY Gee Dad

Gee, Dad, you always get the best of everything…even Marlboro! Yes, you need never feel Over-smoked….that’s the

Miracle of Marlboro! 2

1951 Marlboro Cigarette Ad-Cute Baby Says Light Up Mom Before you scold me, Mom….maybe you’d better light up a Marlboro

Yes, you need never feel Over-smoked….that’s the Miracle of Marlboro!



1952 Marlboro Cigarette Couple Escape Ad

ESCAPE from the commonplace Enjoy something different…try MARLBORO CIGARETTES Finer taste, superior mildness—a luxury in

smoking unmatched by any other cigarette! When smoking has stopped being a pleasure and becomes only a habit, its time to freshen up your taste. So if you need a change, remember… MARLBOROS are

better in every way for those who smoke throughout the day! 4

1955 Marlboro Cigarette Ad ~ Cowboy smokes close up

The filter doesn’t get between you and the flavor! Yes, this easy-drawing but hard-working filter sure delivers the goods on flavor.

Popular filter price. This new Marlboro makes it easy to change to a filter. This one you’ll like.



1956 Marlboro Flip-Top Box Man Swimmer Ad

You get a lot to like -filter -flavor -flip-top box You get the man-size flavor of honest tobacco without huffing and puffing. This filter works well and draws easy. The Flip-Top Box keeps every cigarette in good

shape. You’d expect it to cost more, but it doesn’t.


Marlboro Man 1957 Ad ~ USAF Tattoo

Marlboro You get a lot to like -filter -flavor -Flip-top box Here’s old-fashioned flavor in the new way to smoke. The man-size taste of

honest tobacco comes full through. The smooth-drawing filter feels right in your mouth. It works fine but doesn’t get in the way. Modern

Flip-Top Box keeps every cigarette firm and fresh.



1958 Marlboro Cigarette Man Tattoo Hand Ad

Where there’s a Man…there’s a Marlboro -with a filter that delivers a smoke of surprising mildness YOU GET A LOT TO LIKE…FILTER,



New Improved Marlboro Filter Marked improvement in Marlboro filter does not disturb famous Marlboro flavor Improved filter, plus a

significant break-through in cigarette engineering, places Marlboro among the leading filter cigarette in mild smoke delivery. New

Marlboro gives you more to like than ever—Filter, Flavor, Pack or Box.



1959 Marlboro Cig Man Decisions Packs 3-Pg Ad Decisions, decisions, decisions Which will it be?....

1959 Marlboro Cig Man Decisions Packs 3-Pg Ad2

Soft pack...or flip-top box?


1959 MARLBORO Cigarette Ad-Sculptor Chisels Statue

The better the makin’s, the better the smoke You get better makin’s in a Marlboro If you’re thinking of changing brands, tattoo this in your

mind Marlboro’s exclusive Filter-Flavor Formula give you flavor you can get hold of. The improved Marlboro filter does what it’s there for you’re

smoking better when it’s Marlboro.



The longhorns come to Marlboro country

The “longhorns”. New Marlboro 100’s. Big gold pack. Big flavor, too! Extra long, so you can spend a little more time in Marlboro Country.


1960 Marlboro Cigarette Skis Skier 2-Page Ad

You get a lot to like with a Marlboro -the filter cigarette with the unfiltered taste Why don’t you settle back and have a full-flavored

smoke? 13

1961 Marlboro Cigarette Man Tattoo Hand 2-Page Ad

Why don’t you settle back with a Marlboro the filter cigarette with the unfiltered taste. It takes mighty good makin’s to give you unfiltered

taste in a filter cigarette. That’s the flavor you get in the famous Marlboro recipe from Richmond, Virginia. Plenty rich, plenty mild through the pure white Selectrate filter. Settle back and enjoy a




1962 Marlboro Cigarette Man Hand Eagle Tattoo Ad

Flavor you can get hold of Marlboro The filter cigarette with the unfiltered taste. You get a lot to like.


1963 Marlboro Cigarette World Globe Smoking Ad

A satisfied customer The entire world enjoys a Marlboro. For everyone knows the special quality of this fine American cigarette. Marlboro’s

full-flavored blend comes from the kind that grows most of the world’s best tobaccos. People everywhere have made it the best-selling

cigarette in the famous Flip-Top box. For richer taste and a fine Select rate fiber try Marlboro. You get a lot to like, a lot to satisfy you.



1963 Marlboro Country Man Riding Horse Ad Marlboro Country. There’s not another place like it. You get a bigger helping of flavor here. The tobacco in Marlboro’s famous Richmond

Recipe tastes richer… smoother, too, through the exclusive Selectrate Filter. You get a lot to like: a man’s world of flavor in a filter cigarette.


1967 Marlboro Country Man Cowboys Horse Ranch Ad

Come to where the flavor is. Come to Marlboro Country. You get a lot to like with a Marlboro—filter, flavor, pack or box.



1967 Marlboro Country Man in Tack Room Ad

Famous Marlboro Red! And new extra-long Marlboro 100’s - The Longhorns! Either way, You get a lot to like. Come to where the flavor

is. Come to Marlboro Country.


1970 Marlboro Cig Campfire River Cowboys Horses Ad

Come to where the flavor is. Come to Marlboro Country.



1976 Marlboro Lights Cowboy Horses Art 2-P Ad

The spirit of Marlboro in a low tar cigarette. Marlboro Lights Lighter in taste. Lower in tar. And still offers up the same quality that has made

Marlboro famous. 21

1985 Marlboro 25's Spurs Double-Page Ad

For smokers who prefer the convenience of five more cigarettes per pack. Marlboro 25’s Famous Marlboro Red and Marlboro Lights in the

convenient 25’s pack


1988 Marlboro Lights Cigarette White Horses Ad

made especially for menthol smokers by Marlboro. Spirited refreshment in The Flip Top Box SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING:

Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide.



1991 Marlboro Medium Cigarette Boots 4-Pg Ad

A new low tar cigarette. When you want more flavor. NEW MARLBORO MEDIUM SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Smoking by pregnant women may result in Fatal Injury. Premature Birth. And Low Birth



1994 Al Unser Jr Indy Race Car Marlboro 2-Page Ad

Here’s to A1 Unser Jr. and his crew for a great win at Indy. SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Quitting Smoking now greatly produces serious

risks to Your Health.


Appendix 2: Table of simple sentence Analysis of the key sentences

No Sentence Subject Verb Object Adverb Complement

You need feel

never over-smoked 1. You need never feel over smoked. That’s the miracle of Marlboro That is The miracle of

Marlboro 2. Marlboro are

better in every way for those who smoke through out the day

Marlboro are For those who smoke through out the day

better in every way

3. The filter doesn’t get between you and the flavor

The filter doesn’t get

Between you and the flavor

You 4. You get a lot to like filter-flavor-flip-top box


a lot (filter, flavor, flip-top box)

to like

5. Where there is a man there’s a Marlboro

There is a Marlboro Where there is a man

6. You get the better makin’s in a Marlboro

You get the better makin’s

In a Marlboro

7. The Longhorns come to Marlboro country

The Longhorns

come To Marlboro Country


8. Flavor you can get hold of

You can (modal) & get hold of

Ellipsis (You)

come To where the flavor is

9. Come to where the flavor is. Come to Marlboro country

Ellipsis (You)

come To Marlboro Country

10. Gee, Dad, you always get the best of everything

Gee, Dad, you

always get

the best of everything

11. you’d better light up a Marlboro

you would better light up


12. Here’s to A1 Unser Jr. and his crew for a great win at Indy.

Here is For a great win at Indy

to A1 Unser Jr. and his crew