A Study on the Level of Job Satisfaction of Employees

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study on level of job satisfaction with reference to HCL technologies




A project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree











CHENNAI – 600059

MARCH 2012


This is to certify that the project titled “A STUDY ON LEVEL OF JOB SATISFACTION

OF EMPLOYEES” is a record of personal work done by PRINCY MARIAM PETER, a

full time student of bachelor of commerce, Madras Christian College (Autonomous),

Chennai, during the period of the study in the academic year 2009-2012.This project report

represents entirely an independent work of the candidate under my supervision and guidance.

Mrs. Tabitha Durai,

Research Guide


I am very grateful to Almighty God and his channels in this world for giving me the strength,

confidence and knowledge to conduct this study at every step of it.

I express my heartfelt thanks to Dr. Alexander Jesudasan, the principal, Madras Christian

College for giving me an opportunity to be part of this distinguished institution.

I also thank Mr. Charles Suresh David, Head of the department, for his constant support and

encouragement towards the research. I extend special thanks to my research guide

Mrs. ,Tabitha Durai for her continuous and strong guidance at every stage of the research

process. I thank all other faculty members of the department who have been helpful and

supportive for the completion of the research.

I extend my gratitude towards my parents who have always encouraged me and gave

suggestions. Their support has always motivated me

My heart full thanks to HR Executives and all the respondents who have been a source of

help to complete my research.

Place: Chennai

Date: Princy Mariam Peter



















Job Satisfaction:

Human beings strive to seek satisfaction in every aspect of their life. From satisfying their

basic primal needs - hunger, thirst, rest and social interaction - the complex society today has

its benchmark of goals and fulfillment that should be achieved by individuals. This set of

goals and fulfillment includes securing a good job, preferably with a good pay and hopeful

with job satisfaction

Why the wishful thinking in the latter part? Is it so hard to achieve job satisfaction? What is

satisfaction anyway? Human beings are known for their nature of being hard to please. It is

human nature to be inquisitive and curious.

The insatiable thirst for knowledge coupled with the incessant desire and craving for

something new are factors which determine the never ending quest of humans striving for

"satisfaction" in every aspect of their life. The ever changing and developing technology

proves the never ending quest for satisfaction in life and the ever increasing number of people

experiencing undue stress and problems denote an underlying sense of dissatisfaction.

There are many ways to seek satisfaction and different people opted for different ways to

search for job satisfaction. There is a general rule of thumb - change your mindset and be



Job satisfaction has been defined as a pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal

of one’s job; an affective reaction to one’s job; and an attitude towards one’s job. Weiss

(2002) has argued that job satisfaction is an attitude but points out that researchers should

clearly distinguish the objects of cognitive evaluation which are affect (emotion), beliefs and

behaviors. This definition suggests that we form attitudes towards our jobs by taking into

account our feelings, our beliefs, and our behaviors.

Importance of improving job satisfaction

Human capital in any organization is its greatest asset and this asset should not be

compromised during times of economic disorder. The retention of good employees is

essential for the organization to achieve constant growth. During times of financial crisis in

the organization, many employees intend to leave the organization due to payroll cuts and

layoffs. In spite of such crisis, the organization can devote their attention for taking effective

steps on selective basis to improve job satisfaction of employees for their retention. If this is

not done, top talented people may leave the organization adding to further crisis. The

productivity of the organization depends significantly on employee job satisfaction. It not

only influences the maximum workforce but greatly improves the sense of morale and

commitment towards the organization amongst the employees.

The necessity of job satisfaction is not related only to performance of employees but its great

contribution to cohesiveness of workers for sustainability of achieving the organization’s


Conductive work environment is one that gives workers a sense of pride in what they do.

However, employers that implement monetary as well as non- monetary initiatives to

increase employee job satisfaction in the organization.

Signs of high employee job satisfaction:

Opportunity for growth

Exceptional compensation package

Boss is a mentor

Morale is high


Corporate values

Ethics and integrity

Ways to enhance job satisfaction:

Positive work culture

Appreciation, reward and recognition

Employee participation

Improve workers skills and potential

Assessment of job satisfaction

Non monetary ways to enhance job satisfaction:

Reduce employee stressors

Encourage flexible work schedule

Give meaningful and consistent praise

Make frequent and honest communication

Provide onset wellness opportunities

Strategies to enhance employee job satisfaction:

Shared mission and vision:

The employees in many organizations do not know the mission, vision and objectives of the

organization in spite of being an integral part of the organization who contribute effectively

for the development of the organization through their talents and competencies. It is therefore

necessary to build appropriate corporate culture to achieve the same. Regular feedback

should be obtained from employees to know their opinion in this regard

Work itself:

The job satisfaction of employees can be increased by job rotation, knowledge enlargement,

task enlargement and job enrichment of each employee on a periodical basis.

Compensation and benefits:

Suitable policies should be built as regards compensation and various benefits for the

employees to motivate them, considering the financial position from time to time.

Performance appraisal:

The proper and fair assessment of the work done by each employee needs to be carried out

with reasonable justice which certainly encourages employees to perform better.

Relationship with supervisors:

Cordial employee- management relationship plays an important role in the development of an

organization or vice versa. In order to have a cordial relationship of the employees with the

management the company should treat the staff fairly, be ready to help them, provide training

to enhance their skills and positive attitudes and be ready to listen and respond to employees.

There are many ways to seek satisfaction and different people opted for different ways to

search for job satisfaction. There is a general rule of thumb - change your mindset and be

realistic in your expectations.

Tips for improving job satisfaction level

Tip1: Embrace changes

Accept the fact that things may change - people change and you may also change over time.

Embrace changes and you will find that, you just might be a step closer to job satisfaction.

Bear in mind that what brings you satisfaction today may not be so in the future. There is no

one set rule of how to be satisfied with your job. There is also no fixed guideline on how to

overcome challenges at work into a motivation for you to achieve job satisfaction.

Tip2: Acknowledge differences

For a gardener with eight mouths to feed at home, the meaning of job satisfaction may be to

bring home his daily pay of RM15 and to ensure that his wife has the means to put the needed

food on the table. For a top executive with a five-figure salary, job satisfaction is no longer a

matter of daily survival - unlike the aforementioned gardener - it may be a matter of fulfilling

his own personal goals and meeting other set objectives and aims of his organization. With

such a broad definition and interpretation of satisfaction, we are back to square one - How to

achieve job satisfaction

Can happiness bring you satisfaction? Yes, to a certain extent. Those who are wiser will say

that satisfaction equates happiness and contentment. How to be happy then? "It is all in the

mind" - a cliché which applies to almost everything in life - including in your quest for job


Tip3: forgive yourselves

Be kind to yourself. Most people who find it hard to achieve job satisfaction are normally too

harsh on themselves. Do not blame yourself if things do not turn out as you expect them to

be. Admit your weaknesses but do not disparage yourself in any way.

Always remember that regardless of what others say about you, they cannot make you feel

bad about yourself until you allow yourself to do so. In other words, forgive yourself for

making mistakes because after all, "to err is human". Build up your self-esteem and self-

confidence to perform better the next time around.

Once you accept your own shortcomings and come to terms with your limitation, you are on

the right path to achieving job satisfaction.

Tip 4: forgive others:

Your quest for job satisfaction is one that should be taken alone but along the way, you need

to work with others and answer to your bosses. Hence the need for you to accept the fact that

you cannot please everybody.

Learn to forgive others who actually seemed to have tried to sabotage your plans and career

advancement. Holding grudges can be a temporary measure to express anger but you should

learn how to let go of the feelings of ill-will against those who have wronged you at work and

free yourself of the unnecessary stress.

By being angry with others or by being frustrated with your surroundings, you are only

subjecting yourself to more hurt and pain while others have almost no inkling of how

troubled you are and they might just perform better than yourself while you were still

wallowing in self-pity and anger. This is where you learn to let go of your bruised ego and

actually try to accept things as they are and forgive others. Accept the work environment and

only then will you strive to improve on things.

Enriching with knowledge….!!!

Job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his /her job. The happier people

are within their job, the more satisfied they are said to be. Job satisfaction is not the same as

motivation or aptitude, although it is clearly linked. Job design aims to enhance job

satisfaction and performance, methods include job rotation, job enlargement, job enrichment

and job re-engineering. Other influences on satisfaction include the management style and

culture, employee involvement, empowerment and autonomous work position. Job

satisfaction is a very important attribute which is frequently measured by organizations. The

most common way of measurement is the use of rating scales where employees report their

reactions to their jobs. Questions relate to rate of pay, work responsibilities, variety of tasks,

promotional opportunities, the work itself and co-workers. Some questioners ask yes or no

questions while others ask to rate satisfaction on 1-5 scale (where 1 represents "not at all

satisfied" and 5 represents "extremely satisfied").


One of the biggest preludes to the study of job satisfaction was the Hawthorne studies. These

studies (1924–1933), primarily credited to Elton Mayo of the Harvard Business School,

sought to find the effects of various conditions (most notably illumination) on workers’

productivity. These studies ultimately showed that novel changes in work conditions

temporarily increase productivity (called the Hawthorne Effect). It was later found that this

increase resulted, not from the new conditions, but from the knowledge of being observed.

This finding provided strong evidence that people work for purposes other than pay, which

paved the way for researchers to investigate other factors in job satisfaction.

Scientific management) also had a significant impact on the study of job satisfaction.

Frederick Winslow Taylor’s 1911 book, Principles of Scientific Management, argued that

there was a single best way to perform any given work task. This book contributed to a

change in industrial production philosophies, causing a shift from skilled labor and piecework

towards the more modern of assembly lines and hourly wages. The initial use of scientific

management by industries greatly increased productivity because workers were forced to

work at a faster pace. However, workers became exhausted and dissatisfied, thus leaving

researchers with new questions to answer regarding job satisfaction. It should also be noted

that the work of W.L. Bryan, Walter Dill Scott, and Hugo Munsterberg set the tone for

Taylor’s work.

Some argue that Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, a motivation theory, laid the foundation

for job satisfaction theory. This theory explains that people seek to satisfy five specific needs

in life – physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, self-esteem needs, and self-

actualization. This model served as a good basis from which early researchers could develop

job satisfaction theories.

Job satisfaction can also be seen within the broader context of the range of issues which

affect an individual's experience of work, or their quality of working life. Job satisfaction can

be understood in terms of its relationships with other key factors, such as general well-being,

stress at work, control at work, home-work interface, and working conditions.

Models of job satisfaction

Edwin A. Locke’s Range of Affect Theory (1976) is arguably the most famous job

satisfaction model. The main premise of this theory is that satisfaction is determined by a

discrepancy between what one wants in a job and what one has in a job. Further, the theory

states that how much one values a given facet of work (e.g. the degree of autonomy in a

position) moderates how satisfied/dissatisfied one becomes when expectations are/aren’t met.

When a person values a particular facet of a job, his satisfaction is more greatly impacted

both positively (when expectations are met) and negatively (when expectations are not met),

compared to one who doesn’t value that facet. To illustrate, if Employee A values autonomy

in the workplace and Employee B is indifferent about autonomy, then Employee A would be

more satisfied in a position that offers a high degree of autonomy and less satisfied in a

position with little or no autonomy compared to Employee B. This theory also states that too

much of a particular facet will produce stronger feelings of dissatisfaction the more a worker

values that facet.

Dispositional Theory

Another well-known job satisfaction theory is the Dispositional Theory Template:Jackson

April 2007. It is a very general theory that suggests that people have innate dispositions that

cause them to have tendencies toward a certain level of satisfaction, regardless of one’s job.

This approach became a notable explanation of job satisfaction in light of evidence that job

satisfaction tends to be stable over time and across careers and jobs. Research also indicates

that identical twins have similar levels of job satisfaction.

A significant model that narrowed the scope of the Dispositional Theory was the Core Self-

evaluations Model, proposed by Timothy A. Judge, Edwin A. Locke, and Cathy C. Durham

in 1997. Judge et al. argued that there are four Core Self-evaluations that determine one’s

disposition towards job satisfaction: self-esteem, general self-efficacy, locus of control, and

neuroticism. This model states that higher levels of self-esteem (the value one places on

his/her self) and general self-efficacy (the belief in one’s own competence) lead to higher

work satisfaction. Having an internal locus of control (believing one has control over her\his

own life, as opposed to outside forces having control) leads to higher job satisfaction. Finally,

lower levels of neuroticism lead to higher job satisfaction.

Opponent Process Theory

According to opponent process theory, emotional events, such as criticisms or rewards, elicits

two sets of processes. Primary processes give way to emotions that are steady with the event

in question. Events that seem negative in manner will give rise to the feelings of stress or

anxiety. Events that are positive give rise to the feeling of content or relaxation. The other

process is the opponent process, which induces feelings that contradict the feelings in the

primary processes. Events that are negative give rise to feelings of relaxation while events

that are positive give rise to feelings of anxiety. A variety of explanations have been

suggested to explain the uniformity of mood or satisfaction. This theory shows that if you try

to enhance the mood of individual it will more likely fail in doing so. The opponent process

theory was formulated to explain these patterns of observations

Equity Theory

Equity Theory shows how a person views fairness in regard to social relationships. During a

social exchange, a person identifies the amount of input gained from a relationship compared

to the output, as well as how much effort another person’s puts forth. Equity Theory suggests

that if an individual thinks there is an inequality between two social groups or individuals, the

person is likely to be distressed because the ratio between the input and the output are not


For example, consider two employees who work the same job and receive the same benefits.

If one individual gets a pay raise for doing the same or less work than the other, then the less

benefited individual will become distressed in his workplace. If, on the other hand, one

individual gets a pay raise and new responsibilities, then the feeling of inequality is reduced.

Discrepancy theory

The concept of self-discrepancy theory explains the ultimate source of anxiety and dejection ].

An individual, who has not fulfilled his responsibility feels the sense of anxiety and regret for

not performing well, they will also feel dejection due to not being able to achieve their hopes

and aspirations. According to this theory, all individuals will learn what their obligations and

responsibilities for a particular function, over a time period, and if they fail to fulfill those

obligations then they are punished. Over time, these duties and obligations consolidate to

form an abstracted set of principles, designated as a self-guide Agitation and anxiety are the

main responses when an individual fails to achieve the obligation or responsibility. This

theory aslo explains that if achievement of the obligations is obtained then the reward can be

praise, approval, or love. These achievements and aspirations also form an abstracted set of

principles, referred to as the ideal self guide. When the individual fails to obtain these

rewards, they begin to have feelings of dejection, disappointment, or even depression Two-

Factor Theory (Motivator-Hygiene Theory)

Frederick Herzberg’s Two factor theory (also known as Motivator Hygiene Theory) attempts

to explain satisfaction and motivation in the workplace] This theory states that satisfaction

and dissatisfaction are driven by different factors – motivation and hygiene factors,

respectively. An employee’s motivation to work is continually related to job satisfaction of a

subordinate. Motivation can be seen as an inner force that drives individuals to attain

personal and organizational goals (Hokinson, Porter, & Wrench, p. 133). Motivating factors

are those aspects of the job that make people want to perform, and provide people with

satisfaction, for example achievement in work, recognition, promotion opportunities. These

motivating factors are considered to be intrinsic to the job, or the work carried out. Hygiene

factors include aspects of the working environment such as pay, company policies,

supervisory practices, and other working conditions.

While Hertzberg's model has stimulated much research, researchers have been unable to

reliably empirically prove the model, with Hack man & Oldham suggesting that Hertzberg's

original formulation of the model may have been a methodological artifact. Furthermore, the

theory does not consider individual differences, conversely predicting all employees will

react in an identical manner to changes in motivating/hygiene factors.

The Results of Positive or Negative Job Satisfaction

A major practitioner knowledge gap is in the area of understanding the consequences of job

satisfaction. We hear debates and confusion about whether satisfied employees are productive

employees, and HR practitioners rightfully struggle as they must reduce costs and are

concerned about the effects on job satisfaction and, in turn, the impact on performance and

other outcomes. The focus of our discussion in this section is on job satisfaction, because this

is the employee attitude that is most often related to organizational outcomes. Other

employee attitudes, such as organizational commitment, have been studied as well, although

they have similar relationships to outcomes as job satisfaction.

Job Satisfaction and Job Performance

The study of the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance has a

controversial history. The Hawthorne studies, conducted in the 1930s, are often credited with

making researchers aware of the effects of employee attitudes on performance. Shortly after

the Hawthorne studies, researchers began taking a critical look at the notion that a “happy

worker is a productive worker.” Most of the earlier reviews of the literature suggested a weak

and somewhat inconsistent relationship between job satisfaction and performance.

Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction

An emerging area of study is the interplay between job and life satisfaction. Researchers have

speculated that there are three possible forms of the relationship between job satisfaction and

life satisfaction: (1) spill over, where job experiences spill over into non work life and vice

versa; (2) segmentation, where job and life experiences are separated and have little to do

with one another; and (3) compensation, where an individual seeks to compensate for a

dissatisfying job by seeking fulfillment and happiness in his or her non work life and vice


Job Satisfaction and Withdrawal Behaviors

Numerous studies have shown that dissatisfied employees are more likely to quit their jobs or

be absent than satisfied employees Job satisfaction shows correlations with turnover and

absenteeism in the–.25 range. Job dissatisfaction also appears to be related to other

withdrawal behaviors, including lateness; unionization, grievances, and drug abuse, and

decision to retire. Hulin et al. (1985) have argued that these individual withdrawal behaviors

are all manifestations of “job adaptation” and have proposed that these individual behaviors

be grouped together. Because the occurrence of most single withdrawal behaviors is quite

low, looking at a variety of these behaviors improves the ability for showing the relationship

between job attitudes and withdrawal behaviors.

Building Job Satisfaction

Once you have identified the blend of status, power, or intrinsic enjoyment that need to be

present in your work for you to feel satisfied, you then need to work on some of our seven

'ingredients' for a satisfying job. These ingredients are:




Positive attitude.

Knowing your options.

Balanced lifestyle.

A sense of purpose.


The first step in the search for job satisfaction is to know yourself. If you're to be happy and

successful, you need to understand your strengths and weaknesses. This will help you

identify what types of profession will allow you to build on those strengths, and minimize

those weaknesses. A useful framework for conducting this type of analysis is a Personal

SWOT analysis.

It is difficult to feel satisfied with something you aren’t very good at, so rather than spend

time beating yourself up about it, take a long hard look at the things at which you excel, and

try to find a position that uses some of those skills too.

Another important component of self-awareness is to have a good understanding of your

personality traits and your preferred style of working. A useful tool for this is Schein’s Career

Anchors, which helps you understand what you value and what motivates you in your career,

(and also what you do not value, and what de-motivates you

By increasing your self-awareness, you can work towards the ideal blend of compensation,

status, and intrinsic reward that suits you, and that you can realistically achieve. Knowing this

will help you to set appropriate goals, and manage your own expectations.

The greater the match between your preferences and the requirements of the job, the more

potential for job satisfaction you have. The remaining six 'ingredients' determine how much

of that potential you actually achieve.


Different things challenge different people at different times. You just need to figure out what

you can do to make sure you don’t allow yourself to go stale at work.

Even if the job itself is not all that challenging, you can make it challenging. Some great

ideas here include:

Set performance standards for yourself – aim to beat your previous record, or set up a

friendly competition among co-workers.

Teach others your skills – nothing is more challenging, or rewarding, than passing

your skills and knowledge on to others.

Ask for new responsibilities – these will give you opportunities to stretch yourself.

Start or take on a project that uses skills you would like to use, or want to improve.

Commit to professional development – take courses, read books or trade magazines

and attend seminars. However you do it, keep your skills fresh and current.


Closely related to the need for challenge is the need to minimize boredom. Boredom is a

common culprit when it comes to job dissatisfaction. When your mind is bored you lack

interest and enthusiasm and even a well-matched job becomes dissatisfying. Some common

methods to alleviate boredom at work include:

Cross train and learn new skills.

Ask to be moved to a new assignment or department requiring the same skills.

Ask to work a different shift.

Volunteer to take on new tasks.

Get involved with committee work.

Go on an extended leave, or take a sabbatical.

Positive Attitude

Attitude plays a huge role in how you perceive your job and your life in general. If you are

depressed, angry or frustrated, you're much less likely to be satisfied with anything. Making a

change to a positive attitude is a complex process that requires a lot of work and a strong

commitment. However, over time, you can turn your internal dialogues around and start to

see most events in your life as positive and worthwhile. Here are some tips:

Stop negative thoughts from entering your brain.

Reframe your thoughts to the positive.

Put the events of the day in the correct context.

Don't dwell on setbacks.

Commit to viewing obstacles as challenges.

Accept that mistakes are simply opportunities to learn.

Become an optimist.

Know Your Options

When you feel trapped, you can start to get anxious. At first you wonder what else is out

there for you. This progresses to the point where you become convinced that anything other

than the job you're doing has got to be more satisfying. To combat this, continuously scan

your environment for opportunities. When you feel you have options, you have more control.

When you make a positive choice to stay with a job, that job has much more appeal than if

you feel forced to stay because you feel you have no alternative.

Keep a list of your accomplishments.

Update your resume on a regular basis.

Keep up to date on employment trends.

Research other jobs that interest you.

Adopt an 'I’m keeping my options open' approach.

Maintain a Balanced Lifestyle

You'll have heard many times that you need to keep your life and work in balance. When you

focus too much on one at the expense of the other you risk putting your whole system in

distress. When work takes over your life, it is easy to resent it and lose your sense of

perspective: Suddenly everything about your life is clouded with negativity.

Find a Sense of Purpose

Last, but certainly not least (for many people) is the need to find a sense of purpose in the

things you do. Even if you have a boring job, it helps a lot if you can see the real benefit

you're providing for people.

Even the most mundane job usually has purpose if you dig deep enough. And if it doesn't,

should you be wasting your life doing it?


The basic need of the study is to know the level of job satisfaction of employees in HCL

technologies. This study also enhances various tools to reduce the level of dissatisfaction

among the employees. The overall objective of the study is to acquire knowledge about the

job satisfaction strategies undertaken in the organization and tools to improve the same. The

study analyzed the actual atmosphere of the organization which helped in giving a clear

picture of the employee’s work culture. The study is carried out among the employees to

know how they are able to cope up their job dissatisfaction as it will affect employee both at

work and in personal life and vice versa.


Primary objective

To study the level of job satisfaction of employees

Secondary objectives

To analyse the measures taken by the company to improve the job satisfaction level

To study the level of job dissatisfaction among the employees

To ascertain employees opinion about the organization culture and work environment

To find out the cause of absenteeism, conflicts and disputes among the employee


Field of study:

This research is done on the study on employees working in the IT sector, HCL technologies.

IT is the area of managing technology and spans wide variety of areas that include but are

not limited to things such as processes, computer software, information systems, computer

hardware, programming languages and data constructs. In short anything that renders data,

information or perceived knowledge in any visual format whatsoever, via any multimedia

distribution mechanism, is considered part of the IT domain.

Research design

The nature of the study is descriptive research. Descriptive study attempts to obtain complete

and accurate description of the situation. The methodology involved in the design is mostly

qualitatively in nature.

Sampling details


The universe includes the employees working in HCL technologies

Sample size:

The sample size chosen for the study is 50. These respondents were selected randomly from

every department are covered under the study.

Sampling technique –Snow ball sampling method:

Tools of data collection

Questionnaire method

List of a research or survey questions asked to respondents, and designed to extract specific

information. It serves four basic purposes: to (1) collect the appropriate data, (2) make data


comparable and amenable to analysis, (3) minimize bias in formulating and asking question,

and (4) to make questions engaging and varied.

Sources of data collection

Primary data:

The employees who are working in the corporate office and involved in back office

functions were the sources of primary data.

Secondary data:

Internet, articles, journals pertaining to the research topic becomes the source for secondary


1.5 Limitations of the study

1. There may be difficulty in talking to the respondents as they may not be open to answer a

third person.

2. This study is limited only to a certain company and hence may not have generalized


3. Time constraints

4. This study is restricted to 50 respondents only

5. This study is conducted in Chennai city only

1.6 Organization of the study

The study would be divided into five different chapters:

Chapter 1

Chapter I the “INTRODUCTION” brings to light the research topic. It begins with

introduction of “job satisfaction”, explains about the statement of the problem, need and

importance of the study, objectives, limitations. It also focuses on the methodology to be

adopted by the researcher for the systematic problem of the study.

Chapter II

Chapter II the “COMPANY PROFILE” critically investigates the details of the company

including its history, achievements etc.

Chapter III

Chapter III the “ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION” deals with statistical analysis and

interpretation of the data collected through research with the aid of structured questionnaire.

Analysis refers to studying the data collected in terms of statistical numbers and

interpretation refers to understanding the implication of the statistical finding.

Chapter IV

Chapter IV exhibits the important and relevant “MAIN FINDINGS AND SUGGESTION

AND CONCLUSIONS” of the complete body of research. Main findings mean something

that has been found. It is a conclusion reached after examination or investigation. A

Suggestion is a proposal offered for acceptance or rejection. It is also a psychological process

by which an idea is induced in or adopted by another without argument, command, or

coercion. If implemented the researcher hopes it would bring certain improvements and a

probable change for the better. The “conclusions” gives a brief overview of the entire

research from the Chapter I to the end of the research.


The last part of the project consists of the bibliography and the appendix where a copy of tool

used to collect data (questionnaire) is attached.




At a time when India had a total of just 250 computers, Shiv Nadar, the founder of HCL, led

a young team of eight people who passionately believed in the growth of the IT industry.

That vision in 1976, born out of a Delhi “barsaati”, (akin to a garage start-up), resulted three

and a half decades later into a global transformational technology enterprise.

Over the years, HCL witnessed many firsts which legitimized its status as a pioneer in

modern computing. The most significant of these was the development of the first indigenous

micro-computer in 1978 - at the same time as Apple and three years before IBM's PC. This

micro-computer virtually gave birth to the Indian computer industry. The 80's saw HCL

developing several know-how’s in multiple areas of technology. HCL's in-depth knowledge

of UNIX led to the development of a fine grained multi-processor UNIX in 1988 - three years

ahead of Sun and HP.

HCL’s journey of 35 years has been truly transformational with the enterprise creating

valuable Joint Ventures and alliances with marquee partners such as Hewlett Packard, Cisco,

Perot Systems, Deutsche Bank and NEC Corporation, amongst others, to drive strategic


After a strong focus on manufacturing for over two decades, HCL Technologies was spun off

as the information technology and software services arm of the enterprise, with listing in


Presently, HCL Enterprise comprises two companies listed in India, HCL Technologies

(www.hcltech.com) and HCL Info systems (www.hclinfosystems.in). Over a period of time,

both HCL Info systems and HCL Technologies have emerged as institutions in their own

right with HCL Technologies emerging as a leading player in the IT services sector.

Today, HCL is a $6.2 billion global behemoth with 90,000 professionals from diverse

nationalities, operating from 31 countries - including over 500 points of presence in India

alone. From designing India’s first PC at the same time as global IT peers in 1978, to

working on the Boeing Dream liner’s airborne systems today, HCL has stayed a true pioneer

of innovation and technology excellence. HCL’s range of offerings spans Product

Engineering, Custom & Package Applications, BPO, IT Infrastructure Services, IT Hardware,

Systems Integration, and distribution of ICT products across a wide range of focused industry


HCL is a global technology enterprise and a name to reckon with, in the industry. The

passion of its founder and the entrepreneurial zeal of its employees have made its Information

Technology and Software services arm, HCL Technologies [HCLT], a leading provider of

business transformation, enterprise & custom applications, infrastructure management,

business process outsourcing, and engineering services. Leveraging its extensive global

offshore infrastructure and network of offices in 26 countries, HCLT delivers solutions across

a wide range of verticals such as financial services, manufacturing, consumer services, public

services and healthcare. HCL takes pride in its philosophy of ‘Employees First, Customers

Second’ which empowers its 83,076 transformers to create real value for over 500 forward

looking customers, seeking to shift paradigms and transform the way business is being done.

When HCLT commenced its transformation journey based on the foundation of ‘Employees

First’ in 2005, disruptive technologies and new business models were beginning to impact the

industry. HCLT had already anticipated the shift from ‘employer driven’ to ‘employee

driven’ market conditions. Today, the impact of this unique management philosophy is being

recognized and praised worldwide for empowering employees to become the drivers of

growth. HCL has also become one of the fastest-growing IT services companies in the world.

“Employees First, Customers Second - Turning Conventional Management Upside Down” –

a business book authored by the CEO Vineet Nayar encapsulating HCLT’s transformation

journey from 2005, was launched in June 2010. Already a massive bestseller in key markets,

the book has won accolades from leading management thinkers and CEOs such as Tom

Peters, Gary Hamel, Tony Hsieh, Judy McGrath, and Victor Fung. Covered by leading media

groups around the world, the book has already been translated into five languages - French,

Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, and Chinese, and over 50 Employees First, Customers Second

[EFCS] workshops for clients and partner organizations have been conducted in the USA,

UK and APAC regions.

HCL Technologies, along with its subsidiaries, had consolidated revenues of US$ 3.9 billion

(Rs. 18,344 crores) as on 31 Dec 2011 (on LTM basis). 


"To be the technology partner of choice for forward looking customers by collaboratively

transforming technology into business advantage."


"We will be the employer of choice and the partner of choice by focusing on our stated values

of Employees First, Trust, Transparency, Flexibility and Value Centricity."

Awards & Recognitions:

HCL technologies recognized as one of Britain’s top employers for the

fourth consecutive year

HCL Technologies Ltd. (HCL), a leading global IT services provider, has been named as one

of Britain's Top Employers 2010 by the Corporate Research Foundation (CRF) Institute, the


Golden peacock innovation award

HCL Technologies Ltd. (HCL), a leading global IT services provider, today announced that it

has been conferred with the prestigious ‘Golden Peacock Innovation’ Award for its MTaaS...

Hewitt best employers in India

Hewitt Associates, a global human resources consulting and outsourcing company, revealed

main findings in its annual Hewitt Best Employers in Asia 2009 study today, and named HCL

among the 30

HCL’S stunning victory at the FT arcelor mittal boldness in business awards

HCL was presented the prestigious 'Readers Award' in a ceremony that took place in London

last week. This is an illustrious award where the winner is selected for their wonderful


Global services 100 2009 HCL technologies leaders in human capital


HCL Technologies has been declared Leaders in the category Human Capital

Development and is ranked 3rd amongst the 100 best global IT service provider companies

that made it to an exceeding level today.

Employee first customer second

Darden Business Publishing, University of Virginia, has published a case study on HCL’s

innovative management philosophy - Employee First, Customer Second (EFCS).

Forrester counts HCL as the leader in SAP implementation

According to Forrester report titled “The Forrester Wave TM: Australia/New Zealand SAP

Implementation Providers, Q2 2008” by Tim Sheedy Forrester evaluated seven of the leading


HCL is providing mobile and remote working solution (MRWS) for Wiltshire

police force

According to IDC case study titled “Mobile and Remote Working Adopted by Wiltshire

Police Force: Improving Police Visibility” by Jan Duffy the case study describes how HCL

built a government insights.

From volume to value: HCL strategies to growth

This IDC Flash summarizes the key highlights from the HCL Technologies' annual

Asia/Pacific Industry Analyst Summit held in October 2007 in Singapore. During the event,

the company presented the IDC

Investor’s business daily

One bedrock principle of capitalism is that customers always come first. HCL Technologies

is chipping away at that idea. The India-based tech services firm is breaking new ground by

placing its investors business daily.

Partnership and alliances:

Bmc software:

HCL & BMC software share a strategic alliance wherein HCL is BMC's Global Outsourcer,

SI Partner & Global Managed Service Provider Partner. This partnership allows HCL to

focus upon all the major BMC disciplines of Business Service Management such as Service

Resource Planning, Service Automation, Service Support, Service Assurance & Atrium Core,

and has a dedicated technology team known as 'Center of Excellence' which proactively

develop/deploy these solutions. HCL also provides SaaS offerings based upon on BMC

platforms to various customers. BMC also plays a pivotal role in HCL "Business Aligned IT"

(BAIT) platform.


HCL and CA have established a strategic relationship to meet the Enterprise IT Management

needs of customers. The partnership is focused on solutions around CA's ‘Govern’, ‘Secure’

and ‘Manage’ products across distributed and mainframe environments. The HCL-CA

partnership combines CA's leadership in platform technologies and HCL's business

transformation services to deliver efficiency and cost advantage for customers. The joint go-

to-market (GTM) initiative with CA has been launched in early 2009 in all major geographies

covering north America, EMEA and APAC. As part of the GTM initiative, CA & HCL has

been working together developing joint solutions. The first  joint solution which is ‘Smart

Certified’ by CA is in Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) where HCL has integrated the

compliance process in HIP AA(Healthcare), FDA 21CFR11 (Life Sciences),

ISO27001(across any industry) and others (country and vertical specific) with CA’s ‘GRC


The data that is created and replicated by HCL’s client base is growing at 60% YoY.   The

HCL/EMC Alliance program has enabled HCL to partner with EMC to cut costs and/or

improve client operations through refresh, content management, consolidation, upgrade,

virtualization (VMware) and security (RSA) programs.  EMC is an industry leading

information and data management product and solutions provider.  HCL is regarded as one of

the top EMC Global Alliance partners http:. HCL is a Gold Tier Partner and a part of the

Velocity Global Alliances Program - a ‘best in class’ Alliance Partner program.  HCL 

delivers full lifecycle EMC based Documented Content Management Solutions including

Package Implementation, Customization, Support Upgrade/Migration, Reengineering . 

HCL’s Content Management Practice has over 50+ Industry specific vertical frameworks &

solution accelerators and has experience in over 400+ projects across various domains.  HCL

has also created solutions based on EMC technologies: Content Management solutions based

on EMC’s documented product for the managing content for the Media and Entertainment

Industry and a Customer On-Boarding Solutions for the Financial Services Industry. HCL has

created solutions to Optimize Code in SAP environments and an Information Lifecycle

Management (ILM) to virtualize, optimize, automate, protect and store information

management. HCL’s Security Practice has created an Enterprise Security Solution for Banks

(ESS) for Bank Fraud Protection based on EMC’s RSA Security Products.


HP is a leading  global technology company that offers a broad product portfolio of

infrastructure and business solutions. HCL, as a Global Systems Integrator for HP, is able to

offer a comprehensive suite of solutions to our Customer by utilizing HP hardware and

software platforms.  As a Global Alliance partner HCL offers a comprehensive suite of

Infrastructure and Enterprise Transformational Services that effectively utilize HP’s

extensive portfolio of products.  Some of the most  popular solutions to date  have included -

Integrated Operations Management – which utilizes the HPSS Operations Portfolio;

Independent Testing services – which makes use of HP QTP ; and Project Management

services- featuring HP PPM.  HCL has a large experienced global HP practice with hundred

of Consultants certified on BAC, QTP, QC, LR, etc.  For more information on how we can

help you with your HP requirements please contact Dale Bagnell at dbagnell@hcl.com.


HCL leverages a broad range of IBM products to build world class, flexible and industry

leading infrastructure and business intelligence solutions. These flexible mainframe solutions

(z Series, Web sphere) and Blade Center systems infrastructure solution help our clients

manage the growth and change in their business operations while simplifying their IT

environment.   These solutions simplify management of HCL’s client IT infrastructures by

making workloads independent of hardware resources. HCL uses its industry leading

mainframe frameworks to deliver world class operations management and systems

development services and such as Managed Mainframe Services, Integrated Operations & 

Application Management,  Application Development & Support, End to End Migration,

Application Migration, Application Modernization, Performance Optimization, and

Workload Rationalization. HCL delivers full lifecycle IBM based File Net Content

Management Solutions including Package Implementation, Customization, Support

Upgrade/Migration, Reengineering .  HCL’s Content Management Practice has over 50+

Industry specific vertical frameworks & solution accelerators and has experience in over

400+ projects across various domains. HCL also leverages IBM/Congo business intelligence

solution to improve business agility, manage risk and meet regulatory standards by

transforming data into reliable, accurate information for better decision making


HCL is partner for Informatica for APAC, US & Canada. HCL and informatica are focusing

on providing Data Integration Solutions to different verticals including Financial services,

Insurance, Healthcare, Life sciences, Telecommunications etc. The Informatics Platform

provides organizations with a comprehensive, unified, open and economical approach to

lower IT costs and gain competitive advantage from their information assets. For more

information, please contact Global Alliance Head – Durga Prakash Kone.


The HCL + Microsoft alliance is focused on driving individual productivity and enterprise

value. Our 15+ year relationship has been built upon enabling the success of our shared

clients. HCL and Microsoft leverage our collaboration to deliver this value through industry

solutions and client innovation. A key driver for the Microsoft relationship is the HCL

Infrastructure Services Division which continues to dramatically expand in the delivery of

managed services on the Microsoft platform


HCL and Misys are long term strategic partners in offering end to end best of breed product

solutions in the areas of banking and capital markets. For the past 7 years, HCL has brought

in its significant understanding of banking domain and technology to build and enhance

Misys products to keep it in line with changing market and regulatory requirements. HCL has

taken these products to some of its key customers. HCL and Misys have jointly engaged for

successfully implementing these solutions for a number of customers.

HCL has invested significantly in Misys Product CoEs, where dedicated consultants are ring

fenced to carry out customer implementation, integration, development and testing activities.

This relationship has successfully delivered value to customers consistently over the past

years and is reflected in its growth of over 100% YOY for last two years. Some of the key

highlights of our strategic partnership are:

HCL is the sole partner of Misys which has various versions of Misys products installed

in its product labs. This has enabled HCL to service a large number of Misys customers

as well as ensure availability of staff skilled in latest versions of the products.

HCL has developed Misys specific value added frameworks which have helped banks and

institutions significantly reduce time and risk for implementation and upgrade. These

include Test Automation Frameworks and Report Comparison Tools for Summit, Opics

and Loan IQ.

HCL has access to detailed Knowledge Repository on Misys portal and Intranet.


HCL has a 6+ year relationship with Oracle Corporation and today we are their Worldwide

Platinum Partner. Besides this, we have partnerships with Oracle to resell their application

and technology products in various parts of the Globe. We also offer subscription based

Platform BPO services based on Oracle platforms being their BPO partner. In addition we

also co develop and Beta test Oracle products.

HCL's strategic alignment with Oracle helps in:

Joint Solution Development across industries and products

Joint Go To Market across geographies

Competency development across various Oracle products

Enhanced services portfolio

Practice maturity improvement through various enablement programs

Assured customer delivery

Quick Facts

Large engagement with Global Fortune 500 companies in Hi-tech & Manufacturing and

Life Sciences Industry across the US and Europe

HCL provides multi-year, multi-service delivery for a US based Supplier of

Automated Test Equipments provider, with the largest Oracle Technology footprint

HCL has set-up the Global Delivery Center for a leading Business Conglomerate, also

a strategic customer with Oracle Corporation

HCL’s successful execution of one of the few complex Oracle Process Manufacturing Re-

implementation projects, is one of the key references for Oracle in India

HCL’s Oracle Universe has over 3000 Oracle professionals including Oracle EBS, Siebel,

PeopleSoft, JDE, Edge Apps, Industry Apps and Oracle Technology

Oracle Services include Consulting, Package Implementation & Roll-out, Migration &

Upgrade, Application Maintenance & Operations Management and Product Engineering


HCL adopts a domain centric & Micro-Virtualization strategy across select verticals that

includes Hi-tech & Manufacturing, Life Sciences, Communications, Retail & Transportation

and Financial Services


For over 35 years, RedPrairie has put commerce in motion™ for the world's leading

companies by optimizing inventory, improving employee productivity and increasing speed

to market. With 60,000 customer sites in more than 50 countries, RedPrairie provides

unparalleled service and support. Red Prairie’s best-of-breed supply chain and all-channel

retail solutions help ensure visibility, collaboration and velocity between manufacturers,

distributors and retailers to guarantee the consistent flow of goods from raw materials to

finished products in the hands of consumers.

Since 2009, HCL Technologies has partnered with RedPrairie to provide System Integration

services and support for RedPrairie software project implementations across the globe. More

recently, in 2012, RedPrairie and HCL teamed up to offer to Indian customers Red Prairie’s

industry leading WMS - on-demand, priced on a "pay as you go" model and hosted on HCL's

world-class infrastructure.


HCL’s ten year relationship with SAP is multi-faceted as a customer, a

development partner and a go-to-market partner. While the partnership was tactical with

focus on APAC and India markets, in the last one year the relationship has turned strategic

with depth of investments, enhanced relationships and growth beyond application support


Expanding the relationship to a new height, HCL has joined the ‘SAP Global Partner –

Services’ program. As a new Global Services Partner, HCL Technologies will invest in

significantly enhancing its SAP consulting practice and will create dedicated SAP sales

resources and supporting marketing activities across North America, Europe and Asia



TIBCO Software Inc. is a leading independent business integration software company and

enabler of real-time business, helping companies become more cost-effective, agile and

efficient.  TIBCO has a proven track record of delivering business value to its customers by

helping them solve problems and execute on strategies in three key areas Service Oriented

Architecture (SOA), Business Process Management (BPM) and Business Optimization (BO).

As a TIBCO Alliance Partner HCL has built a dedicated Center of Excellence featuring 550+

TIBCO Consultants experienced with Service Oriented Architecture, Enterprise Message

Service, Complex Event Processing, Business Process Management, Application Integration,

Adapters, Portal Builder and Portal Packs and B2B. In addition, HCL has developed the

following Best Practices and Frameworks- Process monitoring framework (Process Watch);

Proprietary testing framework for SOA/BPM solutions (HCL x FIT); BPM as a shared

service framework and ICC Setup Methodology. To date we have delivered over 45

successful SOA/BPM implementations and developed a large number of connectors and

adapters. For more information, please contact Global Alliance Head – Durga Prakash Kone


Xilinx is the world's leading provider of programmable platforms, with more than 50 percent

market share in the programmable logic device (PLD) segment of the semiconductor industry

(Source: iSuppli Corp.).

Xilinx has a worldwide ecosystem of qualified companies through the Xilinx Alliance

Program to help mutual customers develop their products faster and with confidence on

Targeted Design Platforms.  Alliance Member companies include FPGA IP providers, EDA

vendors, embedded software providers, system integrators, and hardware suppliers.

HCL Technologies is a Certified Member of the Xilinx Alliance Program and has

demonstrated qualified expertise on the latest Xilinx devices and implementation techniques

on Xilinx programmable platforms. As a Certified Member, HCL Technologies  has gone

through a stringent certification process to ensure that our products and services are

optimized to streamline customer product development cycles while minimizing risk.



Table 3.1 Number of years of service in the organization

Years No of respondents Percentage (%)

0-5 years 35 70

5-10 years 8 16

10-15 years 5 10

15 years and above 2 4


In this table, 70% of the respondents are working in the organization within 0-5

years, 16% of the respondents are within 5-10 years, 10% of the respondents are

working within 10-15 tears and only 4% of the respondents are working for

more than 15 years in the organization.





0-5 yrs5-10 yrs10-15 yrs15 yrs & above

Table 3.2 other works better than present work

Factors Noof respondents Percentage

I cannot say for certain 7 14

I do this better that I could do the most 10 20

Almost any other work 10 20

There are few others which I could do


20 40

I am best at this work 3 6

Total 50 100


From the above table, it is found out that 40% of the respondents agrees that

there are few other works that they could do better and only 3% says they are

best at this work compared to others

Chart 3.2

I cannot say for certainI do this betterAlmost any other workThere are few other worksI am best at this work

Table 3.3 employee’s preference of work environment

Factors No of respondents Percentage

Sharing and caring 2 4

Respect and integrity 7 14

Liberty to do work 8 16

Flexible in any


8 16

All the above 25 50

Total 50 100


From the above table, it is clear that majority of the respondents(50%) prefers

all the factors which are essential for a better work environment.


ng and ca



and in




y to do w



le in an

y circ


All the a



Chart 3.3

Chart 3.3

Table 3.4 Factors to be avoided from workplace

Factors No of respondents Percentage

Rumors 6 12

Stress 5 10

Politics 11 22

Partial environment 5 10

All the above 23 46

Total 50 100


From the above table, it is understood that 22% of the respondents wants to

avoid politics from the workplace while compared to those who wants to avoid

rumours, stress and all the factors to the tune of 12%, 10%, and 46%.





RumoursStressPoliticsPartial environmentAll the above

Table 3.5 Role of supervisor in accomplishment of work

Factors No of respondents Percentage

Keeps you updated 20 40

Takes your views into


13 26

Consideration of your


7 14

Giving suggestions 10 20

Total 50 100


From the above table, it is clear that 40% of the respondents agree that their

supervisor plays a major role in updating with what is happening in the

organization. 26% agrees that they take the employees vies into consideration

whereas 10% says they help the employees by giving suggestions.

keeps you updated ; 40

Takes your views into consideration; 26

Consideration of your interest; 14

Giving sug-gestions; 20

Table 3.6 Satisfaction of employees with the pay scale

Factors No of respondents Percentage

Highly satisfied 6 12

Satisfied 32 64

Dissatisfied 12 24

Total 50 100


From the above table, it is found that 64% of the respondents are satisfied with

the pay scale given to them while 24% are dissatisfied.




chart 3.6Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied

Table 3.7 Basis of pay scale

Factors No: of responded Percentage

Company norms 19 38

Seniority basis 10 20

Qualification 9 18

Employee skills and caliber 15 30

Total 50 100


From the above table it is clear that 38% agrees that the basis of pay scale given

to the employees is company norms whereas 30% says that it is based on

employees’ skills and caliber




Chart 3.7

Company normsSeniority basisqualificationEmployess skills and caliber

Table 3.8 Satisfaction of pay packages

Factors No: of responded Percentage

High percentage of variable


6 12

Non taxable benefits 19 38

Deployment allowances 5 10

High basic salary 18 36

Others 2 4

Total 50 100


From the above table it is understood that 385 of the respondents are satisfied

with the non taxable benefits provided by the organization while 36% and 12%

of the employees are satisfied with high basic salary and high percentage of

variable pay.






chart 3.8

High percentage of variable paynon taxable benefitsdeployment allowanceshigh basic salaryothers

Table 3.9 Measures organized to evaluate job satisfaction level

Factors No: of respondents Percentage

Yes 40 80

No 10 20

Total 50 100


From the above table it is understood that 80% of the respondents agrees that

the company undertakes some measures to evaluate the job satisfaction level,

while 20% disagrees.



chart 3.9


Table 3.10 Steps taken to evaluate job satisfaction

Factors No: of respondents Percentage

Performance appraisal 25 50

Regular supervision 6 12

Feedback 8 16

Regular meeting 1 2

Total 50 100


From the above table it is clear that 50% of the respondents say that

performance appraisal is undertaken by the company to evaluate job satisfaction

whereas 16% said regular feedback is obtained from the employees for the



20% 3%

chart 3.10

performance appraisalregular supervisionfeedbackregular meeting

Table 3.11 Motivation of work

Factors No: of respondent Percentage

On a regular basis 26 42

Often 17 34

Rarely 8 16

Never motivated 4 8

Total 50 100


From the above table it is clear that 42% of the respondents are motivated often

for their work while 8% says that they are never motivated at all.



16% 8%

Chart 3.11

On a regular basis oftenrarelynever motivated

Table 3.12 relationship among colleagues

Factors Noof respondents Percentage

They are like my family members 5 10

They are like my close friends 18 36

Have a professional relationship 21 42

None of the above 6 12

Total 50 100


From the above table it is clear that 42% of the employees says that they have a

professional relationship with their colleagues while 36% and 10% of the

respondent agrees that they are like their family members and close friends.





chart 3.12

they are like my family memberthey are my close friendsI have a professional relationship none of the above

Table 3.13 role of peer groups in satisfying jobs

Factors No: of



Provide help at the right time 8 16

Team outings 8 16

Team building activities 6 12

Sharing knowledge and thoughts 15 30

Open feedback 4 8

Private discussions 3 6

Sharing responsibilities in others absence 6 12

Total 50 100


From the above table it is understood that peer group plays a major role in

satisfying job. 30% of the respondents agree that the peer groups helps in

sharing knowledge and thoughts while 16% agrees that they provide help at the

right time.






chart 3.13

provide help at the right timeteam outingteam buliding activitiessharing knowledge and thoughtsopen feed backprivate discussionsharing responsibilities in others absence

Table 3.14 enhancement of job satisfaction level

Factors No: of respondents

Positive work culture 17

Appreciation, rewards and recognition 20

Employee participation 5

Improves worker skill and potential 17

Promotion 9

Job rotation 5

Training programmes 18

Total 91


From the above table it is clear that 20% of the respondents prefer appreciation

rewards and recognition while 17% and 18% prefers positive work culture and

training programmes for satisfying jobs.







chart 3.14

positiive work cultureappreciation,rewards and recigni-tionemployee participationimprove woorker skill and poten-tialpromotionjob rotationtraining programmes

Table 3.15 pattern of working hours

Factors No: of respondents Percentage

Fixed 17 34

Flexible 33 66

Total 50 100


From the above table it is found that 66% of the respondents agrees that their

pattern of working hours is flexible while 34% says it fixed.



chart 3.15


Table 3.16 Exposure to experiment things

Factors No of respondents Percentage

Strongly agree 10 20

Agree 35 70

Disagree 5 10

Total 50 100


From the above table it is found that 20% of the respondents strongly agree that

they are free to experiment on various things in the department and have

minimal fear and 70% of the respondents agree to the same whereas 10%

disagree that they have free exposure.




chart 3.16

strongly agree agreedisagree

Table 3.17 Accomplishment of work within the prescribed time

Factors No of respondents Percentage

Yes 41 82

No 9 18

Total 50 100


From the above table it is found that 82% of the respondents are in a position to

accomplish their work within the prescribed time whereas 18% of the

respondents are not able to accomplish their work on time



chart 3.17


Table 3.18 Ample exposure to implement skills

Factors No of respondents Percentage

Yes very much 8 16

Sometimes ,it depends 36 72

Not at all 6 12

total 50 100


From the above table it is found that 16% of the respondents gets ample

exposure to implement skills, 72% of the respondents says that it depends

whether they get ample exposure whereas 12% of the respondents says that they

doesn’t get at all.




chart 3.18

yes very muchsome times it dependsnot at all

Table 3.19 Job reliability and security

Factors No of respondents Percentage

Yes definitely 24 48

May be am not sure

about it

24 48

No not at all, am scared 2 4

total 50 100


From the above table it is found that 24% of the respondents are definite about

their job security and reliability, 24% of the respondents are not sure about the

their job reliability and security whereas 2% are not definite and are scared

about loosing their job at any time.




chart 3.19

defenitelynot surenot at all

Table 3.20 getting everything from the job

Factors No of respondents Percentage

Definitely I love my job 14 28

It depends, not that am

getting everything

31 62

Am very upset 5 10

Total 50 100


From the above table it is found that, only 28% of the respondents says that they

are getting everything from the job, 62% of the respondents tells that it depends

whether they everything or not whereas 5% says that they are upset as they

don’t receive what they expect from the current job.




chart 3.20

i love my jobit dependsam very upset

Table 3.21 Better place to work

Factors No of Respondents Percentage

Yes 39 78

No 9 18

Somewhat 2 4

Total 50 100


From the above table it is found that 78% of the respondents agrees that their

organization is a better place to work when compared to any other organization

whereas 18% totally disagree to the above statement and only 4% are not sure

about the same.




chart 3.21






The main findings are the nut shell of the whole study. The statistics shows the significant

findings that the researcher has derived from the study, from which valuable suggestions for

development can be obtained.

In table 3.1, most (70%) of the respondents are working in the organization within 0-5


In table 3.2 , it is found out that 40% of the respondents agrees that there are few

other works that they could do better

In table 3.3, it is clear that majority of the respondents (50%) prefers all the factors

which are essential for a better work environment.

In table 3.4, it is understood that 22% of the respondents wants to avoid politics from

the workplace while compared to those who wants to avoid rumours, stress and all the

factors to the tune of 12%, 10%, and 46%.

In table3.5, it is clear that 40% of the respondents agree that their supervisor plays a

major role in updating with what is happening in the organization. 26% agrees that

they take the employees vies into consideration whereas 10% says they help the

employees by giving suggestions.

In table 3.6, it is found that 64% of the respondents are satisfied with the pay scale

given to them.

In table 3.7 it is clear that 38% agrees that the basis of pay scale given to the

employees is company norms whereas 30% says that it is based on employees skills

and calibre

In table 3.8 it is understood that 38% of the respondents are satisfied with the non

taxable benefits provided by the organization while 36% and 12% of the employees

are satisfied with high basic salary and high percentage of variable pay.

From the table 3.9, it is understood that 80% of the respondents agrees that the

company undertakes some measures to evaluate the job satisfaction level.

From the table 3.10, it is clear that 50% of the respondents say that performance

appraisal is undertaken by the company to evaluate job satisfaction whereas 16% said

regular feedback is obtained from the employees for the same.

From the table 3.11, it is clear that 42% of the respondents are motivated often for

their work .

From the table 3.12, it is clear that 42% of the employees say that they have a

professional relationship with their colleagues while 36% and 10% of the respondent

agrees that they are like their family members and close friends.

From the table 3.13, it is understood that peer group plays a major role in satisfying

job. 30% of the respondents agree that the peer groups helps in sharing knowledge

and thoughts while 16% agrees that they provide help at the right time.

From the table 3.14 it is clear that 20% of the respondents prefer appreciation rewards

and recognition while 17% and 18% prefers positive work culture and training

programmes for satisfying job.

From the table 3.15 it is found that 66% of the respondents agrees that their pattern of

working hours is flexible while 34% says it fixed

From the table 3.16, it is found that 70% of the respondents agree that they are free to

experiment on various things in the department and have minimal fear.

From the 3.17 table it is found that 82% of the respondents are in a position to

accomplish their work within the prescribed time.

From the table 3.18 it is found that, 72% of the respondents say that it depends

whether they get ample exposure.

From the table 3.19 it is found that 24% of the respondents are definite about their job

security and reliability, 24% of the respondents are not sure about the their job

reliability and security whereas 2% are not definite and are scared about losing their

job at any time.

From the table 3.20 it is found that, 62% of the respondents tells that it depends

whether they everything or not.

From the table 3.21 it is found that 78% of the respondents agrees that their

organization is a better place to work when compared to any other organization


Proper training should be provided as job satisfaction depends upon three criteria:

a) Pay b) peer c) your work

No pressure and stress is much found in the organization

The employees are much free to do their work

The informal groups should be viewed carefully to control the rumors

More promotional strategies should be undertaken

There should be e peaceful family relationship so as to have a peaceful work


Some of the respondents wants to give recognition for their work

Few respondents suggest that online forums should be introduced so as to evaluate

employee performance effectively

Some of the respondents wants much improvement in the field of management related

activities, training programs, top management interaction, skill level and also team

building activities must be undertaken.

Few respondents suggest that work should be given according to their own efficiency

and must be rewarded accordingly.


Work plays a significant role in our lives. In our quest to be happy and productive, having a

strong sense of job satisfaction is important. When you are dissatisfied with your job, this

tends to have an influence on your overall outlook on life. While you may not be in the career

of your dreams right now, it is still your responsibility to make sure that what you are doing

is satisfying to you.

By knowing the key elements that go into job satisfaction, you can choose to take control and

make the changes you need to feel really satisfied and motivated by what you do. Make one

small change at work today that makes you feel good or different – build on that change and

create a satisfying environment for yourself.

Investigated by several disciplines such as psychology, sociology, economics and

management sciences, job satisfaction is a frequently studied subject in work and

organizational literature. This is mainly due to the fact that many experts believe that job

satisfaction trends can affect labor market behavior and influence work productivity, work

effort, employee absenteeism and staff turnover. Beyond the research literature and studies,

job satisfaction is also important in everyday life. Organizations have significant effects on

the people who work for them and some of those effects are reflected in how people feel

about their work .This makes job satisfaction an issue of substantial importance for both

employers and employees. As many studies suggest, employers benefit from satisfied

employees as they are more likely to profit from lower staff turnover and higher productivity

if their employees experience a high level of job satisfaction. However, employees should

also ‘be happy in their work, given the amount of time they have to devote to it throughout

their working lives’

Job satisfaction of employees in any organization is of paramount importance to achieve

targeted goals on a sustainable basis. It is observed that free cafeteria food and flexible

programs are not enough. It is experienced that job satisfaction is attributable to high self

confidence of the individuals. It varies from individual to individual

The proactive attitude together with physical and emotional resources which are bought by

the employees to the workplace decides the degree of job satisfaction amongst them. They

are not only satisfied with their jobs but they also feel competent in work and life, which are

mutually reinforcing.

This research has put forth that building of employee’s competencies and self confidence

through training, feedback and recognition should be a permanent activity of the

organization. It is noticed that high job satisfaction is closely related to the feelings of

effectiveness on the job. Similarly it can only be achieved effectively by encouragement of

genuine self confidence through training, feedback and recognition should be a permanent

activity in the organization. Such highly satisfied employees ultimately show extraordinary

devotion for mission, vision and enthusiasm for their work. They are excited to achieve

mission- driven changes within the shortest time. In order to face new challenges by the

individuals and groups, constant encouragement and suitable rewards are essential from the

management. High job satisfaction correlates strongly with the feelings of having fun at


Highly satisfied individuals also are reported to have found it easy to wake in the morning

and that their sleep was deep and restful. Enhancement of performance through rest and

recovery at the workplace is also reported by top performers in almost every field. It is

evident that monetary and non- monetary ways to enhance employee job satisfaction have to

be adopted by the organization depending on the prevailing circumstances.



Human resource management, L.M Prasad

Employee job satisfaction: an essence of organization, Dr. D B Rane

Stephen p bobbins , organizational behavior, prentice hall, 1997


http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/ 2011-08-31/work/29948591_1_job satisfaction





1. How long have you been working in this organization?a) 0-5 years b)5-10 years c)10-15 years d)15 years & above

2. Is there any other work you think you would be able to do better than your present work?

a) I cannot say for certain b) I do this better that I could do the mostc) Almost any other work I think I would be able to do betterd) There are few others which I could do better e) I am best at this work

3. What type of work environment do you prefer and think will make you feel comfortable in your workplace?

a) Sharing and caring b) respect and integrity c) liberty to do work d) flexible in any circumstances e) all the above

4. From the following factors which one do you like to avoid from your workplace?

a) Rumors b) Stress c ) politics d) partial environment e) all the above

5. In what way does your supervisor help you in the accomplishment of work?

a) Keeps you updated with what is happening in the organization b) Takes your views into your concern c) Consideration of your interest d) giving suggestions

6. How satisfied are you with the pay scale given to you?a) Highly satisfied b) satisfied c) dissatisfied7. What you think are the basis on which the pay scale is provided by the

organization?a) Company norms b) Seniority basis c) Qualification d) Employee skills and caliber8. Which among the following pay packages provided by the organization will

satisfy you?a) High percentage of variable pay b) Non taxable or flexi benefits c) Deployment allowances d) High basic salary (PF and HRA) e) Any other specify……….9. Is there any measures organized by the department to evaluate the job

satisfaction level?a) Yes b) No10. If yes what you think are the steps to be taken by your company to evaluate

the same?a) Performance appraisal b) regular supervision c) feedbacks d) regular meeting11. How often are you motivated for your work? a) On a regular basis b) often c) rarely d) never motivated at all

12. How do you find your relationship among your colleagues in your organization?

a) They are like my family members b) they are like my close friends c) I have a professional relationship d) none of the above

13. What are the ways do you think your peer groups can help you in satisfying your job?

a) Provide help at the right time b) team outings c) teambuilding activities d) sharing knowledge and thoughts e) open feedback f) private discussions

g) sharing responsibilities in other’s absence14. Choose from the following ways that you think can enhance your job

satisfaction level?a) Positive work culture b) appreciation, rewards and recognition c) Employee participation d) improve worker’s skills and potential e) Promotion f) job rotation g) training

programs15. How is the pattern of working hours in your dept? a) Fixed b) flexible16. “There is minimal fear of failure in my department and therefore we are free

to experiment on various things”. How far do you agree to the above statement?

a) Strongly agree b) agree c) disagree17. Are you in a position to accomplish your work / projects within the

prescribed time?a) Yes b)no If no, what do you think are the reasons?a) Lack of proper guidance b) work overload

c) limited time d) lack of coordination18. Do you get ample exposure to implement your skills?a) Yes very much b) sometimes, it depends c) not at all19. Do you think your job is reliable and secured?a) Yes definitely b) may be am not sure about it c) No not at all, I am scared of losing it at any point.

20. Are you getting everything that you have expected from your job?a) Definitely I love my job and am content with it b) it depends, not that am getting everything c) Am very upset, am not at all getting everything I deserve21. Do you feel this organization is a better place to work compared to other


a) Yes b) no22. Would you like to make any other suggestions or put forth any comments

regarding your level of job satisfaction?……………………………………………………………………………………
