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2 Mid & West Wales Fire and Rescue Service A Sustainability & Environment Strategy 2020-2025


Foreword – the Chief Fire Officer 1 Introduction 2 Our Environmental Strategy 3

Environmental Overview 4 Legislation 4 National Targets 4 Achievements and Voluntary Obligations 5 Monitoring, Communication and Collaborations 6 How we measure progress 7

Strategy Aims and Objectives 8 Sustainability in our Community 9 Sustainable Procurement 10 Energy Consumption and Management 11 Water Consumption 12 Operational Activities 13 Waste and Recycling 14 Transport and Fleet Management 16 Decarbonisation 17 Biodiversity and Wildlife 18

Mid & West Wales Fire and Rescue Service A Sustainability & Environment Strategy 2020-2025

1 1 Mid & West Wales Fire and Rescue Service A Sustainability & Environment Strategy 2020-2025

Foreword by the Chief Fire Officer

It gives me great pleasure to introduce Mid and West Wales Fire Service’s third Sustainability and Environment Strategy for the next 5 years between 2020-2025. It makes me incredibly proud to think of our progress over the years, and we have accomplished many environmental targets since our first Strategy was launched in June 2009. As a Fire Service we have continually developed and implemented environmental improvements with a number of big milestones along the way. Including becoming the first Fire Service in the UK to achieve the highest accreditation available under the Green Dragon Standard, seeing the implementation of Hydrogen and Electric fuelled Vehicles

into our fleet and the installation of Solar Photovoltaic Panels onto a number of Service sites roofs.

Everyone is accountable for the choices they make, and the choice we made yesterday will affect tomorrow. Looking towards the future, we still have challenges to overcome, including further minimising our impact on the environment, reducing our carbon footprint and continuing to embed the Future Generations Wales Act, Wellbeing Goals into all our activities.

Our 5-year Corporate Objectives ensure that we make our environment one of the central strategic aims, which we endeavour to do in all our activities.

I look forward to continuing what is a very important journey for us all, both as a Service and individually.

Chris Davies QSFM MBA

Chief Fire Officer

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As a Service, Mid and West Wales Fire & Rescue (MAWWFRS) cover 4,500 square miles (11,700 km2) of rural land which holds a wealth of wildlife and natural environments which support and enrich our lives. We are lucky enough to live and work in the beautiful, natural Welsh landscape and it is important to ensure it is protected and enjoyed for generations to come.

As a Public Body, the Service has a responsibility to be accountable for its actions and to set an example to others. Currently, we encourage Fair Trade in our Mess Room in Headquarters, Carmarthen and alternatives to plastic packaging. We have both Hydrogen and Electric vehicles in our fleet and have Solar Photovoltaic Panels installed on a number of our buildings.

There is still a lot more we can do and as such the aim of this Strategy is to outline what the Service hope to achieve in the next five years and to demonstrate our commitment to sustainability by continuously working towards a sustainable environment, assisting our vision to be a World Class Organisation.

Within the Services Corporate Objectives, one of our Strategic aims is ‘Our Environment.’ This ensures:

“We will improve our working practices and reduce the impact of our activities on the environment. We will continue to embrace our responsibilities by striving to reduce our carbon footprint, whilst exploring other opportunities to protect and improve the environment around us.”

Mid & West Wales Fire and Rescue Service A Sustainability & Environment Strategy 2020-2025

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Our Environmental Strategy

Our Sustainability and Environmental Strategy sets out the main principles, proposals and required actions to reduce the environmental impacts of the Services activities and operations.

This is the third Environmental Strategy published by Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Services which will set out our environmental priorities up to the end of March 2025. The first Strategy, published in 2009, was commemorated by the planting of a Shumard Oak on the grounds of Service Headquarters in Carmarthen, which started life from a seed at the local National Botanical Gardens of Wales and is now flourishing 10 years on.

Progress under the previous two Strategies has continued and annual environmental objectives are set and outlined in the Annual Environmental Report to ensure continual environmental improvement. The environmental objectives are reviewed through both an Annual Environmental Report and our Environmental Management System to monitor performance against objectives.

The Environmental Strategy and our Environmental Policy highlights our commitment to environmental improvement in both our operational and non-operational activities, both of which can be found on our internal and external websites.

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Environmental Overview

Legislation The Well-being of Future Generation (Wales) Act 2015 aims to improve the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales. It is intended to make the public bodies listed within the Act think more about the long-term future by encouraging organisations to work better with their communities and each other, as well as look towards preventing problems and take a more joined up approach.

There are 7 wellbeing goals outlined in the Act which all Welsh Public Bodies must work towards. These are illustrated in the diagram.

As a Service, we ensure that these goals are taken into account when making any strategic decisions. As a Statutory partner, we assist in the delivery of each of our Public Service Boards Wellbeing objectives.

The Environment (Wales) Act 2016 puts into place the legislation needed to plan and manage Wales’ natural resources in a more sustainable and joined up way. Under this Act, MAWWFRS reports on the Section 6 Duty to ensure, as a Public Authority we seek to maintain and enhance biodiversity as far as is reasonably practicable in our function as a Fire Service, and in so doing, promote the resilience of ecosystems. The Act supports and compliments the goals outlined in the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.

National Targets As a Public Sector Organisation, it is important to be aware and consider both National and Local Environmental Improvement targets.

Environmental Targets have been set by Welsh Government within key Strategies including One Wales : One Planet and Towards Zero Waste. These outline targets for the reduction in Greenhouse Gases and waste to landfill which puts a requirement on both Public and Private Sector organisations to measure and reduce these emissions year on year. The Welsh Government aspire to be the first Refill Nation with the aim of reducing Single Use Plastic bottles.

In 2018, DEFRA published its 25-year Environmental Plan which outlines targets in relation to clean air, water, biodiversity, sustainable resource consumption, minimising waste, biosecurity and enhancing the natural environment.

A globally responsible


A prosperous Wales

A Wales of vibrant culture

and thriving Welsh language

A resilient Wales

A Wales of cohesive


A healthier Wales

A more equal Wales

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Achievements and Voluntary Obligations




Over the last 5 years MAWWFRS have maintained our Level 5 Green Dragon EMS accreditation through externally verified audits by the Green Business Centre. As a Service we have demonstrated continuous environmental improvement in both our procedures and activities including a number of Environmental Projects.

The Green Dragon Standard recognises the Services commitment to managing environmental matters at all levels and have provided guidance and assistance in achieving sustainable objectives.

The Green Dragon Standard offers an Environmental Management System (EMS) relevant to the specific needs of the Service and demonstrates the Services commitment to improving Environmental Management, the importance of Compliance Obligations and effective communications. Any organisation who reaches Level 5 can use it as a springboard to attain ISO 14001:2015, the International Standard for Environmental Management

In January 2014, MAWWFRS achieved the Gold Standard award in the Corporate Health Standard. This Standard is one of the Healthy Working Wales programmes and is the National mark of quality for health and well-being in the workplace run by the Welsh Government.

The Service aims, along with the backing of Health Challenge Wales, to assist its employees to make small and inexpensive changes to their daily routing to lead healthier lifestyles.

The next level to work towards is the Platinum Award, which concentrates on the Services Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development. The Platinum Standard will be awarded to exemplar Employers who demonstrate sustainable development as an integral part of their business practice and culture.

In 2018, the Service achieved the Platinum Standard for Investors in People award. This award recognises organisations which invest in the training and development opportunities within the organisation.

The Platinum accreditation is the highest accolade that can be achieved against the Investors in People Standard and is currently held by only 1% of IIP Accredited organisations which truly met and advanced the expectations of the framework. This framework is based on 3 pillars, Leading, Supporting and Improving people management systems within the Organisation.

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Monitoring, Communication and Collaboration The Sustainability and Environment Manager runs a Sustainability and Environment Group which is a platform to discuss environmental issues and objectives set out in the Strategy and to enable the group to monitor and communicate progress clearly and effectively to all members of staff within Commands and Departments. The group meets quarterly and consists of members from a cross section of the Service, including an active member of the Fire Authority and is chaired by a member of the Executive leadership Team. Minutes and Actions from these meetings are published on @Work (MAWWFRS Intranet Site) for all members of staff to view.

To ensure compliance and openness MAWWFRS publish an Annual Environmental Report for each financial year. The Report highlights our sustainability and environmental performance and outlines our objectives for the year ahead. The Annual Environmental Report is published each Summer and is available on our internal and external websites.

The Annual Environmental Report includes updates on our environmental performance in terms of carbon emissions, waste generation and environmental projects, as well as highlighting our achievements for the year and objectives for the year ahead.

MAWWFRS undergo an annual external environmental audit by the Green Business Centre to ensure compliance with the Green Dragon Standard. We are measured against a set of criteria to ensure our Environmental Management System (EMS) complies with legislation and we are showing continual environmental improvement. This is used as a tool for us to measure our success.

Surveys are currently carried out of the condition of our estate, with the hope of developing these further to include the aspect of sustainability, biodiversity and environment within the Survey.

In all aspects of our work, we as a Service, try to work with our partners such as the Police, Local Authorities and Natural Resources Wales (NRW) to collaborate and take guidance on aspects of our Activities. With the introduction of Public Service Boards (PSBs) from the Well-being of Future Generations of Wales Act 2015, collaboration has become even more important and is encouraged across the board.

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How we measure our progress The Strategy is one way we keep our progress on track over the 5 years of its life span. To ensure continual improvement and to keep our focus we have a system of governance in place:

Annual Report

Green Champions

Internal @Work site

External Networking &

Knowledge Sharing

Bench Marking

Project Work

Internal &External Audits

Collaboration Sustainability &

Environment Group Meetings

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Sustainable Procurement

Operational Activities

Sustainability in our

C ommunity

Water Consumption


Energy Transport Consumption & and Fleet

Management Management General Waste

and Mixed Recycling

Biodiversity and Wildlife

8 Mid & West Wales Fire and Rescue Service A Sustainability & Environment Strategy 2020-2025

Strategy Aims and Objectives

All staff within MAWWFRS have a role to play in ensuring our Service moves towards a more sustainable future. In 2018, the Service committed to this by making ‘Our Environment’ a Strategic Corporate objective in our 5-year Corporate Plan. This embeds the environment and sustainabilityinto all Service decisions and activities.

Over the last 5 years, we have taken huge steps forward ensuring theService is continually improving our environmental impact. This has beenachieved though sustainable improvements to our buildings to make themmore energy efficient, purchasing Ultra Low Emission Vehicles when ourfossil-fuel vehicles come to the end of their life, installing electric vehiclecharging points on our Stations, encouraging Fair Trade products arepurchased where possible, encouraging Skype and conference callinginstead of attending long distance meetings and reducing our productionsof waste to landfill through increased recycling.

As well as our environmental objectives, the Strategy outlines our long- term goals for our impact on the environment. The following sectionoutlines what we have achieved in the last 5 years and our aim forthe next 5 years in all of the different areas. These align with the AnnualEnvironmental Report which highlights achievements and targets made bythe Service.

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Sustainability in our Community


As a Public Body, we endeavour to have a positive presence in the Community we serve and give opportunity for the involvement of the public where possible. Throughout the year, Fire Stations hold their own Open Days for their Local Community, hold school visits and open their doors to Community Project Groups.

Our Community Risk Reduction Teams (CRR) are heavily engaged both in the Community and in Schools throughout the Service Area. Their aim is to reduce risk such as arson and wildfires within their Community. Arson events not only destroy homes and lives, but also cause huge amount of damage to the environment and natural habitats.

Reducing arson helps to protect and maintain the quality and on-going viability of the environment and places where we live, work, learn and spend our leisure time.

It is important to educate and raise awareness about the impact of arson on the environment. We should encourage sustainability and environmental education when visiting schools in an attempt to highlight the amount of deliberate fires in the community.

• Proactively participate in Communityengagement and meetings to reduce arson and wildfire;

• Community engagement with localSchools to raise awareness of the dangers of fire;

• Deliver the Phoenix Programmeand Young Firefighters Programme;

• Participate and give guidance toexternal Wildfire and Arson reduction Groups;

• Improve Home Fire Safety within localcommunities.

THE AIM OF THE NEXT 5 YEARS IS TO: • Promote Community Safety to prevent

fires and other incidents from occurring;

• To deliver the Wales Arson ReductionStrategy objectives;

• Work towards the Targets outlinedwithin the Service Biodiversity Action Plan 2019-2022;

• Build strong connections withPartners and continue to develop innovative solutions with our communities in line with the Future Generation Well Being Goals and the Environment (Wales) Act 2016;

• Continue to engage with Local Schoolsto raise awareness of the dangers of fire.

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Sustainable Procurement


By collaborating with other Fire and Rescue Services and Public Sector organisations within Wales we aim to improve our performance in areas of sustainable procurement, with the aim of setting best practice standards for the Welsh Public Sector.

We endeavour to collaborate and benchmark against other Emergency Services and Public Sector organisations in order to measure our performance and ensure continuous improvement. A Sustainable Risk Assessment (SRA) will be applied to all competitively tendered contracts over defined thresholds.

As a Service, we ensure supplies, services and works are not only procured in accordance with public sector regulations, but also in a way that allows Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to develop. As a Public Body, we seek to make our procurement process more sustainable and therefore commit to the Value Wales Public Sector Sustainable Procurement Programme.

• MAWWFRS are the first Fire Serviceto sign up to the Welsh Government, Cymru Copier Scheme through Lyreco;

• Implementation of Steinbeis Eco Paperinto all Stations and Departments;

• Regular attendance at NationalProcurement Service meetings and relevant training events;

• Purchase and utilise biodegradabletake away cups and the use of Fair Trade and UTZ coffee in Headquarters Mess Room, Carmarthen.

THE AIM OF THE NEXT 5 YEARS IS TO: • Ensure sustainable procurement for all

purchases and incorporate this into the tender process;

• Consider locally sourced productsbefore looking further afield in terms of both edible products and equipment;

• Ensure all Service Canteens usebiodegrable food packaging and purchase at least 30% of their produce as local or Fair Trade / UTZ products;

• Consider packaging on any itemspurchased and delivered into the Service.

Mid & West Wales Fire and Rescue Service A Sustainability & Environment Strategy 2020-2025

Energy Consumption and Management


As a Fire and Rescue Service we recognise the importance of reducing our energy consumption across our estate. We are continually improving our system for monitoring consumption and are installing Energy saving initiatives where possible to reduce our Carbon Footprint.

We continually seek the most efficient and green energy tariffs and currently have 7 sites which have Solar Photovoltaic Panels installed, including our Service Headquarters site in Carmarthen, with the intention to increase this over the next 5 years and improve the renewable energy where possible.

We have 5 locations with heating oil tanks located throughout Powys and 3 heating oil tanks located at our Earlswood Training site.

23 of our Service buildings hold Display Energy Certificates (DECs) which range from A to D Rating. This indicates to visitors how energy efficient our buildings are. As a Service we are continuously researching new green technology to make our Service buildings more sustainable.

• Change of Energy Supplier to a moresustainable and energy efficient provider;

• Upgraded the lighting across allStation Bays to more efficient LED lighting and installed energy saving efficient systems where required;

• Installation of gas and electricAutomated Meter Readers (AMRs) at all of our sites;

• Installation of Solar PhotovoltaicPanels to 7 sites, including our Headquarters building in Carmarthen and Earlswood training Site;

• Winter Heat awareness circularssent to raise awareness of energy conservation amongst staff.

THE AIM OF THE NEXT 5 YEARS IS TO: • Reduce the Services Electricity and

Gas consumption by 5% (1% per year) from 2019/20 baseline year;

• Improve monitoring and reporting ofour Service wide energy consumption though a more accurate back office and monitoring system;

• Promote energy reduction initiativesand raise awareness internally with the aim of establishing a culture of energy conservation and accountability;

• LED relamping as standard on all lightsin Service car parks as the lights get upgraded;

• Consider the retro fit of SolarPhotovoltaic Panels to all south facing aspects.


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Water Consumption


As an organisation that relies heavily on water for a number of our activities, it is essential to use it in a sustainable way. Not only water consumption at incidents but also water that is used on Stations.

Over the years, we have installed a number of water saving devices in our buildings but more can be done in terms of rainwater harvesting and grey water reuse.

It is important to raise awareness to all employees to understand the true cost and scale of our water usage by the Service to ensure water.

• Utilise technology devices to reducewater quantity;

• Devices installed to allow variable flushcontrols, low volume showerheads and taps;

• Installation of water efficient taps andWCs during refurbishment projects;

• Reduced the quantity of water beingused for operational training and at incidents.

THE AIM OF THE NEXT 5 YEARS IS TO: • Identify levels of water usage at all our

Sites in order to set quantitative water reduction targets;

• Consider rainwater harvestingand water conservation techniques on existing and new projects;

• Consider greywater re-use on allService sites.

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Operational Activities


The Service regularly assists the public in dealing with the outcomes that arise from natural climate change such as flooding etc.

We are committed to ensuring that we operate our Service in an effective manner that gives appropriate cognisance to the effect of our actives, whether that is due to our usage of natural resources, our use of firefighting media such as foam, or whether it is our efforts to minimise the impact of the waste products eg. water run-off or smoke into the environment.

As a Service, we continually review our Operational Procedures and equipment and fully embed the principle of environmental impact assessment into all our activities in order to fully consider the wider environment.

We try to reduce the amount of water used on incidents which will reduce the Fire water runoff, through a variety of new and improved firefighting techniques.

• Included an additional layer on theMDT to enable Crews to observe information on biodiversity locations in Pembrokeshire Command;

• Continue to work closely with NationalResources Wales at Incidents and during regular strategic and tactical meetings;

• Utilise drone technology to helpmonitor and tackle fires in situations such as Wildfires incidents.

THE AIM OF THE NEXT 5 YEARS IS TO: • Ensure the procurement process

for acquiring new operational equipment includes consideration of all environmental factors, including the ‘total end of life’ disposal costs;

• Continue to work closely withNational Resources Wales and other Environmental Agencies to ensure best practice and minimal impact to the environment and local biodiversity;

• Research new technologies to reducethe environmental impact of fires and protect biodiversity;

• Work with Local Authority EnvironmentOfficers and Local Nature Partnerships to include Biodiversity layers on the MDT to more Command areas

• To consider the environmental impactwhen choosing the type of foam to fight fires at each individual incident.

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Waste and Mixed Recycling


Waste is a big issue for an organisation which covers such a vast geological area as Mid and West Wales. Reducing the amount of refuse we produce in the first instance is one of the best chances we have to avoid sending waste to landfill. As a Public Body, we need to be accountable for the amount of waste we produce and reducing waste at source will be one of our main objectives moving forward.

In 2010, Welsh Government produced a Waste Strategy for Wales to give targets for waste minimisation for different Sectors. ‘Towards Zero Waste’ provides the details to inform organisations how to be a zero waste Nation by 2050. As outlined within this Strategy, we aim to maximise recycling, minimise the amount of residual waste produced and send as little waste as possible to landfill.

As a Service, we work towards annual reduction targets in relation to our waste and regularly review our waste contracts to ensure we have the best fit possible to help us with the targets. Due to the geography of the Service area, this can provide a number of logistical challenges on a day to day basis.

As a Service which produces its fair share of waste, we must take measures, as far as is reasonably practicable, to prevent waste and use recyclable products where available. By considering and applying the waste hierarchy, it gives priority to preventing the creation of waste in the first instance. It is also important to educate our staff to be aware that waste minimisation at source is much more sustainable than the recycling of waste materials, this can avoid or reduce the production of waste in the first place.

WASTE • New waste contract set up to

streamline waste collections. A monitoring system has been introduced to ensure the service meets our requirements;

• Obtain a baseline reading and develop a system to more accurately monitor waste collected in each Command area;

• General and Mixed recycling contracts for all of our Service Sites;

• Removal of individual waste bins and replaced with central office bins for general and mixed recycling;

• Replaced shredder machines with a central contract for confidential waste collection at our main sites.

SINGLE USE PLASTIC • Carried out a Plastic Waste bottle

trial on Stations to test the feasibility of using Individual Water Bottles on Stations to help reduce the number of single use plastic items purchased by the Service;

• Removed Single Use Plastic food wraps in our Service Headquarters, Carmarthen and Aberystwyth Community Fire Station.

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Waste and Mixed Recycling


Reducing waste at the source will ensure less pollution which is one of our main objectives.

An area we will be carrying out further research into is the vast number of Single Use Plastic Bottles the Service consume for both welfare and during everyday activities, with the number of bottles being purchased increasing year on year.

When purchasing any items to come into the Service, consideration needs to be given to the packaging and alternatives.

The use of any suitable plastic food packaging needs to be considered when purchasing all items, replacing with biodegradable packaging where possible.

We aim to eliminate plastic products and packaging to reduce the amount of Single Use Plastic bottles purchased in the first instance.

WASTE • Reduce the amount of waste sent to

landfill by 3% by 2025 on the baseline year (2019/20);

• Encourage the re-use of materials and equipment whenever it is safe and reasonably practicable to do so;

• Promote recycling initiatives with Service Staff through training, awareness and competition;

• Improve monitoring and reporting systems for waste and recycling generated to ensure maximum diversion from landfill;

• Engagement with the groups that use our Community Rooms to eliminate waste at the source through awareness and communication – ‘Take it with you’ campaign.

SINGLE USE PLASTIC • Obtain a baseline reading of Single Use

Plastic bottles and develop a system to more accurately monitor plastic waste collected in each Command area;

• Work towards a target of reducing avoidable SUP throughout the Service area. 40% reduction on plastic purchases on 2019/20 baseline;

• Implement the use of individual water bottles for each member of staff to replace single use water bottles.

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The Service have a wide range of vehicles in our 350-vehicle fleet, including both response and non-response vehicles. Providing an effective service to the public across such a large geographical area of Wales is reliant upon the way we provide and manage this fleet. We are committed to reducing the Carbon Footprint which is left by the use of our vehicles and as such, are constantly researching the best green technology to assist us with this aim. We regularly monitor our vehicles and report on our emission levels from our fleet in our Annual Environmental Report. In 2017, the Service purchased 2 Hydrogen Vehicles with help from OLEV Grant funding, for use with Community Risk Reduction activities in the Swansea and Neath Port Talbot areas. This was the start of the Ultra-Low Emissions Vehicle (ULEV) journey for the Service. In 2019, the Service established a Ultra-low Emission Vehicle Project to assist in progressing this journey, with the installation of electric charging points at our Headquarters site in Carmarthen and the purchase of 7 electric vehicles for use as pool cars. These electric vehicles replaced diesel fuelled pool vehicles and was a starting point of our Ultra-low Emission Vehicle Fleet Programme.

Over the next 5 years, our Electric Vehicle Fleet and Fire Station charging locations will continue to grow and will encourage external collaboration opportunities and hopefully enable improvements to public charging infrastructure in the years ahead.

• Undertaken extensive trials of electric and hybrid vehicles;

• Installation of charging points at a small number of Service sites and the purchase of electric vehicles to use as pool cars;

• Successfully achieved OLEV funding for the implementation of 2 Hydrogen Vehicles into the Service Fleet;

• Implemented electric bikes into our fleet for use in Swansea Command Area for local BFS duties;

• Established relationships with local organisations and attend meetings in relation to Ultra-low Emission Vehicle Fleet and local infrastructure;

• Improved tracking and monitoring of fleet driving behaviour;

• Implementation of a new system to monitor vehicle statistics.

THE AIM OF THE NEXT 5 YEARS IS TO: • Research and promote technology and

Ultra Low Emission Vehicles throughout our whole fleet and monitoring the emissions for annual reporting;

• Improve the Pool Car booking system across the Service to enable up to date information to be provided to Staff to increase the possibility of Car Sharing;

• Consider collaborative opportunities with external organisations to shape and improve public electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

• Build relationships with organisations which already have established charging points along access road to Fire Stations;

• Continue with the Service Ultra-low Emission Vehicle Programme to install charging points at Strategic locations across the Service to enable ease of charging between Stations;

• Ensure modern and fuel-efficient technology is researched and embedded within both Operational and Support Fleet

Transport and Fleet Management

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The Welsh Government has set a target to reduce the Greenhouse Gas emissions of Wales by 3% year on year. Landfill gas is one of the largest sources of methane emissions to the atmosphere. The Service aims to reduce its impact upon Carbon emissions by means of detailed data collection of its activities and waste creation and putting in place effective reduction measures.

By increasing the Services use of sustainable transport, we can help cut carbon emissions and improve air quality, making a significant contribution to meeting our Local and national Carbon Reduction Targets.

We report on our Carbon Emissions annually through our Service Annual Environmental Report. This Report gives a breakdown of emissions for Gas, Electric, Oil, and Vehicle Emissions.

• Report annually on our direct and indirect (Scope 1 and 2) emissions in our Annual Environmental Report;

• Worked with the Carbon Trust to develop a Carbon Management Plan for the Service;

• Collaboration with Local Authorities through PSBs within the Service Area;

• Increased planting of wildflower beds and at Service Headquarters and applicable sites.

THE AIM OF THE NEXT 5 YEARS IS TO: • For the Service to identify key areas

of Carbon emission reduction and improvement;

• Consider Welsh Government funding to increase Projects to reduce the Service Carbon Emissions;

• Create a culture within MAWWFRS that acknowledges and proactively reduces carbon emissions;

• Increase the Electric Vehicle Fleet within the Service to assist in reducing Vehicle emissions by ending the purchase of new diesel cars and vans for Pool vehicle purposes.

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Biodiversity and Wildlife


Many areas which our Service covers in the six Commands is agricultural land which are home to many wildlife habitats of Wales. These support a rich variety of flora and fauna which includes many species found in Britain and species unique to Wales. We want to encourage and enhance biodiversity on our sites and surrounding areas where possible and protect the local environment in which we operate.

Protecting the natural biodiversity of Wales is important to us as we cover areas which include 3 National Parks, 5 Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and a number of Sites of Special Scientific Interest.

We aim to help to protect and conserve these areas by working closely with National Resources Wales and local Environmental Groups and Specialists which can advise on the best approach when it comes to incidents involving these areas.

Section 6 of the Environment Wales Act 2016 ensure that all Public Bodies work towards conserving these important environments.

• Inclusion of a biodiversity layer on the MDT for use in Pembrokeshire Command;

• Proactive participation at several Environmental Groups to advise on Arson and Wildfire handling;

• Increased planting of wild flower beds on Service sites;

• Collaboration with Local Biodiversity Officers and Nature Partnerships to advise on encouraging biodiversity to Service sites;

• Developed the Services first Biodiversity Action Plan 2019 to outline how we will encourage and enhance wildlife to site.

• Produced a Section 6 Report in line with the Environment (Wales) Act 2016.

THE AIM OF THE NEXT 5 YEARS IS TO: • Work towards the objectives outlined

within the Services Biodiversity Action Plan 2019-2022 and the Section 6 Duty, Nature recovery Action Plan (NRAP) Objectives to comply with the Environment (Wales) Act 2016;

• Collaborating with Local Organisations and Charities to encourage increased biodiversity to Service land. Such as Buglife Wales;

• Carry out Biodiversity surveys on applicable sites which may benefit from increased biodiversity projects;

• Ensure all construction / refurbishment projects take into account the impact on bird and wildlife habitats;

• Collaborate with National Resources Wales/Environment departments of Councils to develop a Biodiversity Layer on the MDT throughout more Command areas;

• Consider better utilisation of Green Space on Service sites, where applicable, to encourage a variety of biodiversity and encourage pollinators to sites to assist in improving Bee-lines across Wales.

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THANK YOU! WHAT’S NEXT AND HOW TO GET INVOLVED. A big thank you to all the Departments and Stations enthusiasm for environmental sustainability and helping to spread the word over the last 5 years. If you have an Environmental Project you wish to raise awareness of or have included within the Services Annual Environmental Report please get in touch with the Sustainability and Environment Manager on 01267 226867. Alternatively, you can view the Sustainability and Environment Pages on @Work or visit the external website on www.mawwfire.gov.uk

20 20 Mid & West Wales Fire and Rescue Service A Sustainability & Environment Strategy 2020-2025

Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub

Canolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru

Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service

5 Year Environmental Strategy 2020-2025