:A, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 'WiS - newspapers.cityofwayne.orgnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald...

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Hart SchaffneT -& Marx---------

suits and overcoats. If you have yourbwn ideas about pattern,

~""-""...".::'w , "'~":~"'~~'--yeu !'ui·..e to' do-is to mention them; ~e.'lLsh.o~__,-,- ~you. --.----------- ---- "--- "- . .

--if~Qi1-ha::vea.n~ide.!L.i:>Lnw_.J>nceyou wa.:Ill'to pay mention that;__ but we shall wanfyou to see our sp~cial suits-and ov-ercoats at -$20--..;-~-- ~ ~~;~~ :... Vri" ;..,.., "''''T- mnrp- nr i"''''''hnt h~

~~- '.~1t

~.. .j" - --11IEWAYNEHIlRALD. .'l:HVRSiJAY:~~O:irS;'l,,:a-,:"-- "

f "'lF~L~O~Q~AL~~N~E~W~S~.=:':;""111·;'fc~t~,~~:~~a,~.i~,O~"~~Il~~:~·,~~~~:~.~~~~,:~e5~i~~'~:~~~1::::::=~======~~===::':S===~=:=~====~=~~~==~§::==~:=~;tc S~p}iHl a!'PJ~·'3rt.ltQ.. eal . once. 'Give me a d·/a!. BespeetfuUy'

~..~.OM~\\'illnh=g~=~~~~)O~;:;,';,:~r:;,", ~"6'lAd~l. . '._ In~uguration Day-at Gamble & Sen,ter's

~'~~:;'1~¥?~;;:oo:':,~::~~'1~~~6~:;:::,;~i:1~~~;~:~- -va-'. - -,---1.)-can in~ugurate'yourself as one of the best dres~d-'-'C.,-.. . D,. '1'.,'1'.•Jon., W''.L' "",,,., "'""'1 -.. ··<-.~c, M"l. Ad'.' .... '. . . ,', . men to town ·any day you please now.' you can do: _~c or in Sioux Cit;}· .Monda,:... MI; _an~ ~Ir~. W,lh.:lI11. 'BlllroJ'-;~~ _ . _" - " ' - ,

E._ Jd"'~d "", L,e ''''wo of ,,,,,n,;'h, fi'" oft'", "''''k fO_' K,ligldo '0_ -- . it quietly with true "Jeffersonian simprc't ". '. t lk' h'::':_~"\._ Vl3ltedlll,\r:-8.~Tuesday_ IcatcoD.thCl,rfurnv _'- __ '--"~K7~~-" '-.:. '. . 1 _~Y.,JUS wa In ere~~.~: ".fo~~~;~~i:\~~8;:~~:;.\',iti~ted.~~_m~IkI:~r!'e:jJ:n~~~h:~ to Ho~· - _. -~ver it'-s ~onvenient ·.t() you-it's always convenient t9r us-and- inG~~~:RS,O~~~~=;-:~~~~ss \'15Itor(l'~i:~~~:r'~:::i'a~v:t~oJome, -so D., is ask to see some 'of our --=--"-""~_'-------'--,---'----~---+-~

. .'~' . Tents, ML and Mrs. C. .

. l"liU! BtH' InH"Y to the en C Bastian in :Wayne.M6tl Adv . Mrs. Irenry Jones and' son Vd,VO, an

~~ -----'-_ Ralph Clo.rk went ~ SlollX City 'fliea·, Mrs. H. L. Hornby. of Carroll, were.- dll-y tll attend t!;te auto'..Jlhow, Wayne mitors Tuesday.

Bev. William Kearns vi__,!Ued in K.or· Mrs. S. A. Mick of South ,Sioux City,fork'the fo;e_part. of-the w~ek. wall in Wayne Tuesday looking after

to~;\:j:~::n:~~:~ut~iOs~:ity yes, be~.p~.o~e:;io:nS~i:~~ City, ap,-ot S\!n-

Apploll at fittO" ear.·--·rr ' ay In· Wayne, tile gues 0, ,I

~_~~~~_~w,.~~~ ~_ t~~~61+~~~.:;: ,~':;b:~Sb~:~s ar~'e-;L.lwm.QMiss (.lIara Stallsmith went to Wo.kl!· Frida-y frot!L.Q!n~~L~~_... ~,h.~ .. spent

fjeld Tnesday to visit relatives. two weeks in a millinery house. ~-Yr. -and Mrs. E. J. 'Raymond were James Conever of Siota-.. Ci-t3', .in

~5ltots in Siou;:J:- City yesterday. spending a fe~ days this__ ~ek with hisI.-F. Barrett~ved home· T<l%day mot&lr ~nd b~other in Wayne.

evening from a. visit-a-tIfiiiUap, Iu. Chester Hansen Villi) WliBeilIployed:#w: Ilna Jll1'8. -' a re Jeft this

sure to see these. ----; -


models -m-vven:uat&;-'for--_If--UU'~.Qthers.-

".- -----.MIDil Ad,? the_ laHer's sister, Miss Edna Gru-Mr. ann Mra. Herbert Lessman ara nth, spent Tuesday III SWUl: 'CIty.

Jl.Ow~t~~~!~~1!u!!.8mail.~rm, e~t. ,!,h.e l~di_e.s....Q!_~. }du.ry.:'s_~~i_~d_;n~'_G(:town..-, '.' havB:.anotber~food excbahge Saturday

J. G. Mines went_ tQ Omaha yoster· afternoon at the C, A. Berr~' store, '..,..;..,., A 1\ ii, n T" ~.. ,.. ',...,. .~...., l\.T'/,.,..,. r, rio-,:' dar to 8.tt~d~a'-'bUBiness men 8 mile - - r.es -. ':1':.: .. ' " e.~'~l1-----'---~'----t'i'--j\:~VjHj-±~l-':"~'--1"-~,---~1..:~J=L~r\~~.I~~....y.....,~~~_:.--._~~~j~b!'g. . ', good~ to Powell, Wyo.,. yesterday. \....J.~: r .i;V'J I ).' ••• -I.3t. "-- '.1'---'---. ~ 1 .

- .._B_~v.!'arker Smith of Parker, a'-n" Thol~:rru:t! willlea,ve in a few days. _:. .~j-~- -- :--~., ,........" ,~.~.. .I. ..Y:.1. '"spl1llt!dew days this ,week with friends Miss Helen Sentet was an arrival --- ./:;1

:: ,:~r~:·Ol' ' U_~n ,D.. from ·Baneroft- ~:5terda"Y t°fa:~~ltv~.h_'''--1'-1--_ This store is the home of Hart Schaffner'& Marx clothes~~~ .. _e1'oft.Jeatordl\Y afternoon to 'visit her John' MllI1ainger of TaBor, fu~,~5~arents. ' '. ': nn rrivel Tuesdav evening to visit <his

..•. ~~:n~~:.~~~~ ~~;:;~~~~~E~~~~~:~;:~1;b~~,:;?~B:~;?::I}~f~::lfA~~~~~Ts~~ ..a~out A.P.'.;.1 1, !nt.". 'h'. "..eSide."..•ce la. tel)'.I. ,." .. "."., .. ,.rrs. Frank .K10~.Plng a.nd :es\ Jng for hiS home ye.sterdllY Jll1l.rn '.lid Wj;iln~Sd..'Y'.. Mr. CUll.'.U an. d. family . A.t 4 ..0'.clOc~ the tram wa~ pushed! Notwithstanding......lhat Sa.turda.Y". w..bought of C. S. Beebe. \'1\"0 f<ons and :\fr. fIna Mrs. lI-hlo Kremp' ng. _'_'.! are stoppmg at Long ~each at p1'Elsent 'back. to Oeonee w.here the fr.lllght ears -one of the mos.Ldisagreeable days of the

Guar~nt~fJd the ?:.~_ono_~~el, ~! ~e~· ke ~l~~!~u,gbt('rs were J]l S10UX~.2C-ity -----lir.----1illQ Ths ..~,----: 1'l.~....=.. r?!1u.lli__ In-.Uiti-for~ to- reIDti.in;l)iii!,g t---were:-Si~lrackOO <rnd - -the. -pas5en~l'si-;;;t'----m ·the -matter .--of_w..eJ!.~!'L1..he_'~.___", ·tilre- program ever· eXb·ibite~~.i.n_ ,thCj-YifBlerdll,,y. _ -- - - - ..-. - JQ!~e.li.JO :11[[011 .:\Iouda} c\ ~nJllg,.ha, .! In qtre~f-.~.lO:C~tlO.Q He says there were taken hac~~~P s.! aynetn'estoclrpaTlHon-was----era-wded,---:--

Crystal th..ilt;r~._¥_:~:id.a..y.·~-·:-- •. Renntor Phi] II. Kohl rame up from. lug been Ul Wa)n,e to attend the, fu· i will be ITo more Nebraska climate in seIJ.ger... -"::ll!~·-able to'make connections: anththere were plept}'-of eager buyers'-:-=__~'-". ~______ ~ MOt! Adv the legi~llltive grind at Linroln Friday, l~oral ?_f the latter s grandmother, :Mrs. ihis. The Journal hopes to see Mr. ,CuI,. with the late passenger trai~, arriving 110 k'eep up lively. ·interest. The after_

Fariners, hring your cream .to. David Ireturning to the rapital rity Suuda)' af· R. Cutler.. ",! len g,et rich~r on the business upheaval in Norfolk at 11 0 'clock Saturday night. : noon~B !:Iales. amoun'ted t~ $5,QOO. 4-0-.Cole~cream .station, two -uoors south oi l-ternoon Andrew Chrlstenscn ann hndo w\)ro t due ,n Wilmington _ Iother big safe will be held at the pa-

tbo DOJd hotal,.. where ;y.nll WJIJ. alWllYRI ~r_ an'!.... Mr~ W .A Hwox r~turned arfl~als_ from IIarlo.n: ]a, )emrdaYj R"" WJlliam..Gorst goes !Q.l~~ COURSE IN DAIRYING i vdlon next Saturday A qnart.erpaga, 'T.ue~dav c\('nmg from a week 5 Vl!rrt and hav-e- gon3 to-haJJ.Eek.e.eplug OILJ!!.fi@ld Sunday to preach the- cone1udlngl Nebraska's sholt COUISe inb~o"nccment roll be fonnd ltl this

_ ~~ -;: r~lah~ at Hast~gsan~L~ol~~~eu~~rth_of ~~::to;{::-:r:;:s-~~-or~~:;j=e:f~~~:U~:~d2~'v::dh;dt~~ lpaper.

eRA :\[cF:arhen flnd Ben M(En~ben Mrs G W F"rtncr left Fwwy forlf1('(1-at thatplac--e Aquarterofa<:Jmtury tho state It ;~cd;Jireo~essL_~LET1ER LISl.

:~~~~~~~~~~~j17:tl,:tl three ~~~~s of I<'arle~, la, called ~e b~ the serIOus ago, Rev Gorst pre ,ehed oue of the by all who were Intorested- ---I ~m-rs -J~ll-ton,.-Edwa.rdJolin·­

_ fat catHe res]lecb\el~ ill So~~ ~maha I ness oT'lilITJ'illlier :::Shu~word Itwo MfJl10'~s at I e do do t 6n---af~ !!!iL course ~as pra-ctJeal SOD, A. T Robertsollj, R. SoUD.sysie:?i,

urs a~ ),~F.""Fori-l-'er t.harlIEr=:;fathe.Ld!.eJtj-----Ranil.elP1k~"''''~ol,~K_~lwork.JllhU.!.~nlakJ:~~....:.n~TC8'erea ~em-;-wmlalilJ'01ln~-'I. son 'Hl~ horn E'ebruar~ 28 to }O[r [I day IIJlllced hy a new one eosbng $20,QOO makmg, and 'the Joogmg ano.'4'e:eifftig-- Cardsia'fs -Jaines-:S-row~-

__ ' 1:; D "hlle III t;IOUX Cltv thl~ ~ee-k, A E Ilt_lSo- therefore espeClalJ~ appropriate o~d!l.lry cows A B ~eConnell, J. M~ Tillotson.

,T-HEREASON:-· .--~---


l?8~ANI<S~=~MORGANi. , ·Ifu· .cOld;Stand'C . .. ."

fones' Bookstore is NoW:- ShOWlrig. .... --~f.disoll'S-LatesL' _~~-

The judges, were Superinferrdent J. H." reeeh'ed, <>,.nd. -referred to the _Chief of :~mlr~~~v s lIce011tl,Is ey suceee _ .

1'>:'emp, Dr. Ale)Lan~""?l).:L_:!IJ!':our Mu~ie n,,'ision. As ror·the stronger sex, there stiliW.-D, Rdmond. The JU(lges awarded the 1l now--T1)purlt<-tfrat-,--l-O---the -best of seem to be men In eIl~tell('e who wearfiTst prize to Alfred 11. Lewis the see.' hili knowleuge, neither "The Star wollleo's gnrlJ nnJi;.e.uiey-\-t.--.~n..ond prize to -John Rockwell and -thir IHLng e( Ilwr- -om . !leTloa IllS ' ee ,- rJ' ID -lin -- u IVpla,-e' wa~ woo by Hayes II~iu, of the )J.eeo de~i_gnated officially as our M· there. nre bnnds"or. despernte br:Igunds

h~gh schooL 1fr. Christensen appeared tlonal 'nntheol. He _Und(lrSta!lUS, ho~" ::~~ :~e~t~:~~e~~ o~~nke~db~~,t _~o.r.~t.__('-n t.he chapel 'I'lntform '-Wednesd.llY ever" tllat----{)u-J :a-n-1mr-y..31.;- 19Ja,....-:a. bill. -for -&-II tbe .w.m:ld----Uk-e-g-j,nn~:oQJ~'::a~O;:~mOrOlU,g _und awarded the lJrizerin - ae·' _w_.as_l_nt-l'Odliced. lD f_Ongrl'~A to (~eslgnate. let 'g-ir-I~ -In their '!hort, "br!ghtly color­'~ordauee -with the, llecision of the "Th.e Star15pangled-BannerH ns-sueh, ed skirts,' w.hleh .nre-mnde vtjry full

-- .b:bcls :ne then put on and as

'-fioerr"iit--=-Us call -be-'pIoducc:!I j;-­

ready_for the <.:Oilsumers uod mer·

'ebn~ who are l~o:-~ng for "Re~1

, • . judges. but he has been unll-ble to secure nny an somet me9 loWeD ral . n t.B'EAMA1\1 'S The pupils of the training school ha.e further information eonrernin~ thi" Thes ~m treIrieDdoU~ly proud or

- ::. I(~' ~e:e~t1y b~en studyi~g the shol'.mak- bill; Ver~ ttu])-, _ ;;;~~~'h a~~e~I;~lv~:i~~s~t~t\lt'~Ide!1 . " GrQi:ery mg Industry. In addition to the 'regu_ J,_,L.- FA-R-N-Wlf, terns all(J newness (If Btyles. -_'kx..AT-JIOU~ '~:IIt::;~"I:':"':;;';;"i"";k~CI~ift~·"'r;;d';;P~'";;"~• .;;"":",~~_~~ ..-:s:':":"'::"'.:.Y·t·'''''b~""':''':.'.~·_c---~'';;;'~

_ -P~o~e ~~.;;~ -. W~~~,---N-~ the Normal stud"lIto, wh!L...kllQWS tbeart of shoe-making jTt all of its details, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, ~IS-APPE:ARING--G-DNS.

oiDg- .worli~_ .dU='fW&=-tliU"r-ent--sb

ever inae;H;-ing buS'iness is the fi.nal,proof of ,..whether it pays teh@qle'qul!Jity goods, The--L'l)'e

------ -peelingJ},"prClQess--will- be e-:.:;

plained n'eil week.

- (at H.tinounce theHrrtval-bf the.New 6prin£{

- ::.,.. -. -- :1Vl.4&4"'~-+~ --. ~ -'-'J r.l:al~-;-- --~--~

-~5--WE-EK--we-lnwe-----bee&--lmsy--unpack.. __

~ ing, an'd"getting ready fOf your ins'j:JCc·

tion, the new <g~ods from the, m~rkets of the

East. OUT selections have been made from the

---~-iii-'tiffiiui'e(f 'stYles, corirmiled=wnh: a




PHONE. 247

-- --.:s~~tail~i~~ Cloth ._'_"_' ._' -------#-~ ~~ - ~+_

_We have JOT your approval- the larges~nct'-finest-lin-e---:-of_~Percales,Ginghams. Prints,

. all's Voile, Woof-Suitings, Silks, Satins and ,dress patterns in the' -latest shades in_'-

We have not stocked up with a large assortment of cheap dress ginghams but have selected_the freshedt, prettiest patterns we~~id filii in gingha~-s~ - ---- ----- ---

:Thf}, lJJeal1es in lJJashqoods~re the prettiestiR-1/etH-s.

Jpring qinghams :That.ldere .Dought jor ~ualit!l and J'attenr

------~~tine" and Eponges are soft, clinging matetials that bring out the delicate spring

----~o'1OI'liigS1.)eautlfutly:----youwill welcome them because they ~re such a decide~rand agreeabl~--

c~ange from the summer goods styles of pa.llt seasons. W.e look fouLhig demand for these

g':)Qd·s,.--and-ha¥e-p~~patedan unusually large stock for Y_Qur .illectl~~--=-~=~--_~-==-

Jllllles Gner 10'\ sen iDS as a Juror -TllO~Ill-il;y,~~~,,~Ok~.~. ~I~T~.~n~oa~,~IO~.d~.~Of}'~"~tl~. ~"~riY~'~dfs.~tu~,·1i.-.$2DO-IineW'lci<:e<lb~~-~lf~;=~~4~t=::t'~~========~~tI~tbil week. Ia., who visIted at ~t~e AJ:t Zie~le:, day morningo',from Wyoming-to be us froe~ the lace m· home since Tuesday, lett Saturday to on tbe Hysbam ra~ch south of town.

. Men'Soand~~ irfs an vera s- ­

comfort a~d durability. The "GLOVER" ~Dci"'BOSs-b~--AL[,·.iIi'--,wai,si-~d. .an~, -hl~hS~(It low back. 0

when :ompleted wi.ll h,D,:e twent~'-se\'enI Fred Nelson und'R'arh UuJ{)W'-'\>';-ere

'!~r~::~;Z;::::IJE~:;~7,:=::,;::,Jth: ~::a~'~oDtest will_ be held in the au~1 to~~a2~:,~,(~~~sr::~ ;,:~~~~.r~~·~:r:·:~:.ill 'ditoriuill Monda.y evening, the -iinners I·~~~;;:;~;~~=~...er~_· hej<l_in------rliG

to repl'e~ent \Va,kefield at tile uec!llllHl.-: German -Luthertl'D {'hurd!, on FridaYJa~tory -~onte~ in ,Norfolk March 21. i :'tfi~s Sh,jja ZielllN 0, thlJ' Wayl!.€

:::g~:i~ll l:li~8 bf:~;:W;;rornptIY at 8;30 ISt;'::n~O~;;I:~" :;~I,l;:~~/~~: :~::a:~:O,'crlure., :-.~.-.. _ OHhcstra: Coleridge, spent Sunday in Ho~kin~. ILaska. Olive AistropeJ "Huth Rohrke -waCs! eonfill('d toThe Fate of Virginia, Led the I'list week witl,-the"gripl'e.. •",---.,,.. .. ,., _._...Fl__OreJl.CLh®.~ }je,o~g€ _, B_€I1!!!ng _oL~_,_.~~

~~~l~.~~~:e.s~ ;~~~~;~;~~c~~pentei-I rla~r~. '~'b~iS Ziemer and 'Mr~~~:r::!-

\,_ . . _c~__ ~iiATD0'i:irilRSDiY.MtdWH6 191FCc

~~COUNTY C~ES"-:Nl)fNCE """,,.i,., '"PI''' '''Hmolh""."", .._. ----.e.........:-,....o- .__ -- ~ -,_.-~-- .

oves are ere. ty e.!


"~e. ,No~~ fS ~, soprano of: high .cnlture, 8i?ging,with"ri:ui.gni~"a6nt !3x,~

year-or more. "It's not necessary to raise smut if the seed is

properly treated before ~owiJig. The seed '~heat treated with

BLUE VITRIOL (clissolved in ~ater)-will kill all of the smut

sPl?r~s and not injure the seed at all.

~- ,.~ .

AbsoliJ-teby Fre~!

, To farmers RaiSi:g WlteaJ

-==------c.._~,~_ ~'81'-e=-----wi1"-J:i-n$ tc furm;-I:k=the Blue Vjtriol wjth iDstC!lctjODS

how to use i{ p;ovid-ing~'"ouwill furnish the wat-er to ,clisolve it

--;~~;~-~th~r~i'~-atitfh; extra W;~~~~onnect{;(JMtl\-rt,'-but­

it will par anyone who, sows wgeat to -perform this extra labor.

Come to the Wayne Roller Mills and let' us know how many

bushels of wheat you-intend to sow and we wil-l fuffii-sh -you _

w.ith-~e..JLitr:io~_o~ar~._,_ ! {'!


D stmus, , p1ctur~ for euch or t, guests 0


- per cent fertile. - Cal an see my ," 'I was mighty glad to rOi~ ; _" • •stock or- phone Red 387.-Mrs. .L. P. Admiral ~('hley 'Farra'gUt stood' there ~Dd Its Art," quotes the marvelousWalker. 1I-f6tf Wlth-tbi:'sbells bUfEtllll\"--ii-JrilrOiliTIf;8tlJ'l ~i@.,,--em~i:ukuLKQtel~ ~bo.:!!~_--,-'--- labolt never (cm?e;t how bfl:: aod grand selected to e:'(biblt his provess be'ro-fROSE' Aiijj-SINGLl::--dOMB WHITE he appeared· "-Wnah.lngton Post Prince ArtlIUr ot Conoaoght wheo tb~Legborn"coc'kereJs for sale at 75 cent~ ~ ,'. ·~;~~ee 7:Soi:eJ~~:~~

FoB 8~N'OBl!4AN STALLION--w---;g~O--p;:;un~{1Sll1rtg

grade animal.-Pbil'Sullinn.· "18 J30 tt

~~o~~~oo~~o~~~_~~~;... ,.,'~.+,~

.---~",--'- '. T~HJS-WAYNE-'HEIr1tr:n--THURS?AY, ~;e;Ql{lf; I9I~_. __"c,~ __ "";,:~

..... '"':"''''''''11 MARIE .ANTOINE.+TE'S. JaMB._-.MST., OF_ L CDCKIAIL , .• ----=-=-. __..::::::.::=.- -,-.,--------lIt I~ ~oca.te(l tin '~--tbe 5;dd~~t Spot In The Drink .. You~g BU8meS3 M.n H.d

Paris." to Have Be'for.. Lunch.~ COil-TrIbutor to llle t\!ancl:lester In ,New ~'urll dtr there 18 n' man

u.~_rO),nD .Ilus: lJeell ~isltl~~.---!!!,e Chao ;,~O;fl~.!1;it-[ (~:~2,/:;·~,m~O:n~ ~~';:e~~I~I ~~I~~~XP~~~i~'Il~n Ilt~:'r~~: ~~s '~b:- 'I'I"!Jl kllllW It UUIl',,~-he Il~p[leu!' -to readIsaddest spot III Purls," Be'had got It tills "tor~·

Into iiI8iielldTIliiTTIiel'cmnluS or umtr- --~tutn---prospel"Olls [lIuu-Iltal't--I1FlngSeize twd Murle AutoloNte',1llld entire:-c-.;i[IJiiul~'- lleedeif Ii liew depa'!1me"o!1l1

lY,~::PI~~I~:\~~~1C~e ::: ~~~e;:~~~~~:~ ~e~i~llge;;'lJ"T~ffle~~u';;f'~:; 1~-=~_the restoratloo. on thl:' site of the old consillel'l!d u great Ullll(V eanLlfLl'ttteaburIal ground ot tile ~Judelclue 8.9 fill und lit IUl'l'declded to offer tbe positionnct or e3::platfoD for the horrol~-ot,th!! to a cll;'yer .1""\10.,, lllall of utlu,>ual buill­revohitJon and 'espL>cllllly fnr tbe mur· lless uhiiitr He ~eemed to be exactlyder ot the klug nnd _\]ucen In that t,be mun for that I,artkulnr pJa('t'" Tbe

i!.\:,eY.Ar:d ILwlllllbllt' tbey were has· president and general-manager lnvited

'1,"~""~·~I!.:-,n~o~t.h""5i'I;;n~g~'~";"'~~":;.-1t~~~~"1.'1~~~':T".~'-":;~~lle:iid'"-Wltb~~-the-=;"':J::'r;;'0i,i=~i"'=~,~'o.lnncl>~~,.ID~.~tl>~tl>~,,",,;mii·"~'1===.=.....=..=...:..=-"':Q;eev'Hi_"""t=..-1>m;6Il'1C-I; :=c~~ r:thpa~biSfO~aP:;l1d::: ~~I~ek~~:e"an~U~I~;~~~eihe: ~~~t.ha:~ :v~ro':~~~:~Ill:i~o~s~~~~ne:s __:uttel'" - - -Whrner~--et=a Mtt.UWC- 'COO€EuRN~~C,.'NY.llIN~G~~ r

when co is handed in":t'b aVllid the daY_S!l~,;~·be!l--.!4e----'-!QQ(~r.eu:aj.lI,!LTIW~ WUlll ...l_to_",lo:ok blm over" ust _ A ~~~~YI~NG? This i~~actly what we are g~irig tobotik;kee-ping and eoUeating.


~'rRE.:wAYNE Hl!:RALJr.-TQlij;lr~; mmmt-l1l;113- -Z=;;;;--,~

.wUliam Peterson ~da II busineas Charlie Ca:rpenter loaded fI. cal Isst er, who later kit i.or .ber neW horn.c i~_ M-enr-omd -M'li'ggte-Nt~ -enter~-as..-dedi.e.a.te~. On Mon- I to Iowa.-1;rlp to Norfolk last Frld~1'. Monday and. 'Started for. _Verdigris, Oregon. I sehaol:U d y morning Meta entel'ing' day eveni-ng a br-olhecllO..o.d meeting wa~ I Merle Roe moves ~o the Bfessler farm.

__ .:... _~d ~~eh went t~SiouJ: CitY,Mon- where he has'bough~ a f~rm. Grandma . -- Ithe se;o:~ ~ade lUld ' Maggie the A 'I held at the ChUf{'~__7i!l! _~r'?i_~Bsor Bri· . '"t~ _of-town,- IIsated by .

=--:~~~~~=~~ WaJDs for 'Carpentet-~m go W,lth hun., _WAlt. _ _ ~PV: BmTHDAY. . Iclass. tell of th~. Wayne Normal; as s~eaker: IE~nest ~piekler, .while ~r. Spi~~!_~r will

- '-4e~.l'lOtk--.last..-1::lM.~":"".. W8'- e 1uae~;J3ruri"8"Ii CO~, a..!IirJ": .Jurgbnl!~m, So ijU~risa .last .Monda~.night, it bein~! neli:'~:;a\:i";;es::'t~l~~a;:~:e';~~~neI"~~~~iweek. . .1, Pete Ca~~on. haa r~nt~d 6om9 lap.d-,- 8heri!f porter ~aB. ,.!!p. from . yn WinSIde dealers, on pa~~ five o_f the! his flfteenth Imthday. The hous~ was IGl".rl ~ Neel -un-U- Neliie Connell weI"e---1---- Berl-Brown of Wayn~,.cameup to our:rr': of Charles Nairn and Mr. Kuhnen of&~,. on --Offi~ buame!ll.---- '. in second section of this paper. Ifull of kids about his age and t~y cxcU;Cd Fria:y afternoon. !burg on W~dne~day evening a.~ created Laurei, will occupy the place Mr. Carl.

W. O. ~w,er3'; W..ill d.O the 8llBeBBiUg" 'Fred Ziemer ha.s bought and taken played game.s· and made as much {!Olse i . . I~:::~~rnatIon among our CItIzens by son lea,.'es. . •_....JViMidft....prell~n.et thiB,-year._ .... possession of a business at' Pilger and-1Las'S{)me older-peop1e-.------A-luneh----wa-!! fur~l- Cerhfl~ates of !,-ward b~ve. b_een, 'ng'mcl\ e of them fOI dnly e 'mg !>Of ira-ndolp-hj---will---

Frank Pemn and Gus.t.JioffmaILwer~ lVill'--move his family,:there 81l-'SOOn -as- nJs:be~ tlie -trlother and mimv niee--l,earned bJ each of the follOWing. Clar.a ',.'- : IT'h-us- nV. '---se-vna . . . ._


WAYNE, N:&BRA~KA;- -TIttJRSDAY,MARClCil, i91:r--

The first two weeKs of sale ~ave brought in many pleas~d customers for miles in every directIon and the sales havebeen more than double what we 'anticipated. Our $15,000 stock has been greatly reduced yet the lines] are com­

- ~ -prete_enOilghJogil1f:everyei.n.e--a~1endllLselec1ij)nO'f\1aTties.- NQtIiIn~ill~lie stoiereseryed TIIILEnffre ~lotl~~o""f~'----te~-~---------=---~-----.--


.. -



-3Y.ewillfllrn!s.Ji.::-.You: wlth:- --~

~~tfl€~besri; our~7-=-.=-,~-:- - --make A--£P--ECIA~oL.

~'~=~_±J~Ri9- ME - -

1~~~~~;~~i~~~~~S~· ~._.__ B~k~~f()~·~-,~

~']f;~~=;::E~;:~';~;'''::;!;;;:~;~;~;;;~;~'JE~.k~;~~.~i?:£:~::~l:~0::-.: --:: Acc.oraittg-,--t~_the ~l~te~nt_of ,th.o-,!1J;_o,-_-\ nd-e:. tlie-democratg--will-::!,\,ondeJ:;;-wba.tc-

. • -. . '-VOun man - tha devil is to ll;;·, ..

- :::'QI!r1 !101lenLI'I'1I1,)JtFi'luay -for SpO--; achlr, rl~1\',<~ - 1)01801l1-11-:;.- ; ,

_ Ba~ ralllOl'll,'- knives and Ilheilra kane~ WaBh,~ after ~nr·n'tnlhlerl \i~it 'UI 'lIcgular an4111ful kidll-e~· ad iou, . WOMAN S:!!PFRAGE. ..Ilhprpened a~ the- N"O"v61ty Worn. with ltis Jlar~rit~, ?IIr.lind Mr~. N. p, Thc~' :lTC stn'n~tlll'lling. tOl!i~ aud tum:.." (Bixby iri).in~oln .JournaI.)

:~~~]ft1~~~~;i;ii;~~?~~f~~~~~~~~\~-Mmm ~~~~~.-

-" - -"-.---------'-------=------

-:--=-;....;.."'----~~~'~.~7.--~-""·-...-=.;-~,·~~,.;-,:.-..:----:'"".. ·"

It is so pleasant to sit in one's ow.n home ­and- taik to one's friends or -'members .of one'Sf~ri~ who-m~~e-hu?~t.cdS -of~m-iles-away.

.. ,.. bridgc----space and_~g:: -friends nem:;- rind far

',:- -_-=:-'=- =-::=~~~~~~-_c~~Do{ .~

al~- , ,

LADlES WAISTS, $lWaat_.. .-.,. : ::

$J~aq~p;cides "- ---~.". ---,at - , "-·"1

$2 gradesat---; ~ ~.-; -.~-;:-.-;--;-. ;:,;-.~:o;

" Ladies L $10, $12.50, $15, and $).7.50 COA'l'S-m.blackJ~ gray, red,. blue, -tight fitted. and loosebacks,---- trimmed~ -and- -illind-:-tailored, ---in- thier-

~_"lau~hte!.sale,$6.95;_.!5.95, $4~~~d_'= _all-wool ~KIR.TS~ iii tbIs sale~--

____ _ _ --'l,..,,".~=:-

_: ~5 Valyu Garment compa.i:ry.'s gtiar-anteed

-arWayne, N;ei.traska in this·StQpen(JuQI

worth SHe gair,nQvv

--==-.--,- -,-

't' T~~re are a·greaj many things'wef!ave riot. . make asaviiIg ofrrQm 25c to15conevery

I·:..-.......- .....------"":.."...--~-~ dollar to the_Largest

- f ~ . - - - -: . <:l


-~'=--.__.. -

c'._al .. _~-.~~"_..~~.:7~_:;;;;'~=,-":",.'-"".. ~=lF"-1I'!f=

o u,. tq $2:50, in this"ilate ., . !.-'---..--'- ••• --'.

MEN'S $3 FL'fE DRESS AND PLAIN STYLE---------,--£H0ES,-both in gutton and'lace

styles, ~';j.;;t"t::~=~~~~A<'-nILiL1i=:'~"lii':~~~~~~~~~~~~~=1]JI:'~Pick 'em out: --'-

I~T:'R~' SAT. MARCH- 8tb~i&iiiI ¥"'@ii!)Mf +49 .... E.·_ "if4lf4ffiE geiq

~ an_ '-

~~ll:~~_~~~.~~i.t~,..~_~..~~ ,~~.::~i.~,.:$l2]5:~These $12.65' suit .embrace an-·Of-our new

and'up-to-dat'e·mod,els,-and·no woman :who val­ues ~oney and._app'ea~~~e s~ould' neglect. :~

e une-

~ '._ very '8~aternent made here and will take' back, exchange, orI wh veT, _.=. . _. . _

us-ij-me-to-re-arr~ng-e~iid'.'niarK -down this-tremepdous stock. It will~ -g~t~1lp£ning:...day...,----Satur_dj]!,_1K1arch8 '1~13.,_at.8 o'_clock a._m-----4--~

.... .' : : C~I ·-'"-$119:::: :':::::~: ::::$1:39..7. $t9

r.· .-.. . .' < ~ ••

iIi-~l1trn--s-----trTg-h--cta-ss--stock-win---ea-u-se-it--4-e-mo\7empidJ-YG-~uch· a sale as' this will be.-· -One:of t.he f!'Leatest sales inau~ura-ted__ in.--- -'"- - --~- -oura~aYa-----u=tllillllWi.es::--'rif:::ITiis.--ilitt~- . £=~

~ thist~e of ~ear. It will' pay ,you ~.o com_~ timnY..l!liles tQ~.h:::le a.s._~lJ --. -

IefiTg~ome:u's-and (:ihITdre~'s-Shoe.s-tu-b; so]d~in ten days at priiies. W YIle'S' greatest m~rchant has decided to place 'his entire 'stock'rae ,] 0 < --valtI-e--a-n9-.gi~e.opl£' of Wayne and sut­lver efore quoted in' this' part' of the .stata-Th-e------nn-eK--pegted..-.smn.~_

:ea ' _-th.e-iirresL.:n:iake~gh grade shops- women's fnrnishin sDUS t r miles' around \Vayn'e. .

;';'X," .

not 'odin to mention on·this ~eefthat willerY9liar you spend. Come arid hitch your~st Jll~~f it ever pulled.


---.- .~--- ._~"--- -.- •.-- -".,--,-=


----~-_.. ~.._._---

="----~ -------"-- - ------~-"--