A-Town Park

Post on 04-Dec-2014

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Episode 1:Party boys


The following program is classified M, and should only be viewed by mature audiences 15 years and over.

A-town Park

Newy crew Summer 08

‘Hey Im Turtle, I enjoy smoking, drinking, the occasional drugs and making girls so paro they actually kiss me! This is my girl friend…

Hi I’m Tobin, I love black, it turns me on, some bastards say I’m emo, but I can’t help loving screamo, I also get forced to do a lot of things by turtle! He teaches me to do drugs. This is me, in my mind

I Pitty The Fool !!

Fuckin hello how the fuck r ya…Im aj and ACDC roks my soks…I make sure every1 nos my life stories.I live at some joint that I cant even pronounce the name but oh well chill out…I like

Hey I’m Kerrod, I’m having withdrawels atm coz I aint listened to no Linken Prak for like alf an hour!!! I slightly resemble chubacca, and my hobbies are killen shit on my 360 and in my dreams. When I Grow up I’m gunna be in the S.W.A.T.

Now……… 10 years later

Yo ma nig’s, Karl here, yeh I kinda umm….like uh …love mel im gangstar, don’t mess wit me or ill get mi italian wog mafia on ye.

GRR my names sgt. Cbas, or Seb, bas, or dawso, or I also get called a filthy fuckin ranga, but hay shit happens…”I Never start arguments…I finish them!”…I Love my Xbox much xox I also have over 1 000 000 gamer points

Hey Darl im Pat, or PK..What Can I say well..I ABSOULUTLY LOVE RUNESCAPE, and Punk Rock musik, and I ditch my m8s for chix!

And this is their story…..

One Saturday Morning ( 3 am)after all the boys had been at a party Turtle, who is drunk, decided to jump on a car!

+ =Getting chased by sum dude!


As Tobin ran like a bitch, the other boys stayed and spoke to the crazy man.

“U Jump MY CAR

Wasn’t us dude

I Fuckin didn’t do shit

, still fairly drunk

“ any1 got a ciggi?”

After pat’s sweet talked the guy, he let them leave, though he said “its not cool”

Im not a fuckin girl!

The boys left and headed to the golf corse, whilst picking up alex another 2 beers, which was then enough to get him trashed

The boys tried to sleep until they were chased by an insane groundskeeper

After they had escaped the wrath of the evil groundskeeper they got to the outside, where they started bagging out turtle!

“Turtle, I love u but I’m not in love with u”(drunk slurr)

“Turtle Ya fuckin fat cunt!”

(grabs phone and plays ‘killing in the name of”)

Turtle just fuck off u fat cunt!

stop doggin me!

(asleep on road)

After a while he got the message and left to shag his missus.

‘Id tap that”!

After a while, the boys finally got back to seb’s where they had originally been told they could crash, this was at 5 am, this was the best night of their lives so far…


No No im not sleeping!

This has been a presentation by PAL PRODUCTIONS©.

No Offence was intended to any of the ‘characters’ in this production, and if the people who they are based “on’ did get offended AJ AND PK suggest u harden the fuck up!