A Very Drone Christmas

Post on 21-Jan-2017

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A Very Drone Christmas

T’was the night before Christmas and all the good girls and boys, were snuggled in bed, dreaming of toys.

Though under the tree was not a doll, video game, or even an iPhone,What all the children wanted was this thing called a drone.

The government was worried because a million might be sold,So they asked the good girls and boys to do as they’re told.

You must follow the rules," they said with a clammer,"Or we just might throw you into the slammer."

We are warning you very sternly now on this Christmas Day,That before you take your new toys out to play.Even before you enjoy your holiday ham,We must add you to a list, not of Saint Nick but of Uncle Sam."

The Feds indeed had reason to fright,These unmanned devices had caused some trouble in flight.

Airplane pilots were worried for their passengers' care,Because drones had flown close and caused quite a scare.

They’ve flown into crowds and bonked people on their heads,and been shot down invading people’s private homesteads.

They’ve frightened tourists and wildlife in national parks,and bothered the brave battling wildfire sparks.

But the children all cried, rather boldly with alarm,"We just want to play, we don’t want to cause any harm.""We promise to be most extremely careful,like A Christmas Story Ralphie with his air rifle."

So the Feds shouted, "Go out and go play,Just let us know if you own a drone by sometime around Valentine’s Day." "Don’t fly next to airports and keep your drones always in sight,and stay away from crowds with all of your might."

"Make sure you don’t fly above four hundred feet, or you just might end up in a courtroom seat.""You must obtain a license to use your drone for monetary gain,And Never…NEVER point its camera through a windowpane."

The children all cried, with their new toys in hand,"Yes…indeed….We understand…we understand!""Then away with you," the Feds let out a yell,"Enjoy your new toys, go fly them well!”

"Maybe these drones will help you, my dear,become a pilot, an astronaut, or an engineer."“Or you might be there when it’s flown,and you will drive the world’s first Amazon delivery drone!"

From Our Family to Yours…

Merry Christmas

The Future Point of View Team
