A vision for infoDev

Post on 13-May-2015

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NMDL, final presentation by Nicolas Friederici Email to nfriederici at gmail dot com All ideas are mine and do not represent infoDev's opinion. All information in this presentation was based on publicly available content. Download for pdf with links to all sources / images. Contact me for information about references and links / copyrights for images, etc.


A Vision for Embracing the Global ICT4D* Conversation By Nicolas Friederici

* Information and Communication Technology for Development

Engage in the conversation! “A conversation is a dialogue, not a monologue. That’s why there are so few good conversations: due to scarcity, two intelligent talkers seldom meet.” Truman Capote

… and many


A blog by

An interactive blog as the core communication hub

… featuring…

Themes: Professional & Personal Ratings & reviews for reports Videos and podcasts to illustrate

local conditions in developing world Social blogs include personal stories

about work in developing countries Guest blogs In addition to social media: Inter-

active database of infoDev projects

Example Incubator Dakar, Senegal Client Firms: 62 Graduated Firms Jobs Created: 15 Success Story: A Women's Sewing and Dyeing Enterprise at NCNW in Senegal Local Voice: Mbarou Gassama What others say: No replies yet (give us feedback!) Research report: pdf, reviews (write a review!) Other links: My Senegal Experience by Maja Andjelkovic Related topics: Business incubators, success stories

Example: Incubator Info

What can a blog do for infoDev?

Benefits Metrics

Visibility of infoDev Clicks

Feedback on prior work # of comments on blog, regular mini-surveys with bloggers, ratings of blog entries / reports

Best practices for future work Mini-surveys with bloggers

Give SMEs and other clients in developing world a voice

# of comments & clicks by these stakeholders

Marketing of infoDev projects & toolkits

Click throughs

Facilitate global collaboration (e.g., webinars, online conferences)

E.g., savings through telecommuting


infoDev is donor-funded, no revenues / ROI Benchmark: Share of social media marketing in marketing budgets: infoDev spending for dissemination and outreach in 2006:

infoDev annual social media marketing budget:

1 http://www.brafton.com/news/cmos-planning-increases-in-social-media-marketing-budgets 2 2006 is most recent year available, http://www.infodev.org/en/Publication.482.html

~ 10 %1

~ $700k2

~ $70k

Budget item Number of units

Cost per unit

Cost per item

Man-days turning reports into blog entries (assistants) 40 200 8,000

Man-days creating other content (2 blog entries per year from every one of 20 staff members expected & paid)

20 600 12,000

Man-days taking quarterly surveys (~20 min, staff of 20) 4 600 2,400

25 % position for blog content admin 0.25 80,000 20,000

25 % position for blog technical admin (assistant) 0.25 40,000 10,000

Commissioning mini video production to local stakeholders in developing world

10 2,000 20,000

Domain, hosting, software 1 500 500 Total spending per year 72,900

Jan: Content & tech admin set up blog

Feb & Mar: Staff and stakeholders are briefed (e.g., through mailings)

Mar & Apr: Recent & new reports are turned into blog content

Apr & May: First videos, staffers post, outreach to ICT4D blogs & SEO by admins

Jun & ongoing: Conversation: Rich content & interaction (comments, ratings, feedback, surveys…)

Timeline & Conclusion

Turn technical reports into something that will be heard, increase impact Encourage interaction between multitude of stakeholders & experts Receive localized feedback & different perspectives for improvement of own work