A2 media studies evaluation

Post on 16-May-2015

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A2 Media studies evaluation

Music promotional packageRuth Heffernan

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and

evaluation stages?Apple MacsThroughout our whole project we used the Apple Macs. We chose to use these, as they not only have a lot more programmes on but they allow us to use software that can’t be used on a normal Microsoft computer.

The program that we mainly used was called iMovie. This allowed us to upload of our videos directly from our camera straight onto the computer. Once our footage had been uploaded, we were able to edit and cut our clips to help us to develop a music video.

iMovie allowed us to change the colouring of clips for e.g. we chose of music video to be in black and white which was achievable on this program, by either reducing the saturation to 0% or pressing the black and white button under clip adjustments. We were also able to get rid of the sound on our clips as this sound wasn’t at the same tempo as our song. To do this we hovered over the clip we wanted to edit, and then clicked the blue arrow that appeared and clicked on video adjustments. We were then able to reduce the sound to 0% and put the ducking up to 17%. We chose 17% as this meant that our soundtrack wasn’t too loud but at the same time it wasn’t too quiet.

For our music video, we decided during our planning that we wanted to have a split screen within our video. For this to be successful we need the use of the programme Final cut express. This software allowed to import our clips from iMovie. However to do this we had to first save them as a new project and export them from iMovie to allow them to be exported and then imported onto final cut express. From the image below your can see that import is under file and this is also an example of what final cut express looks like.

Below is an example of where the imported clips can be placed and ordered into a sequence.

The screen below is where we could see the changes that we had made. This is the screen that allowed us to see our split screen in action. This screen is one if two and was shown on the right of our screen.

This is the second screen, where we were able to make the alterations to our clip for e.g. changing the length. We were able to see our clip playing here but not the whole clip as a whole. We could only see the clip we were editing.

Below is an example of our split screen.

BloggerThroughout this whole project I have updated my blog at regular intervals to show my progress. This was mainly used to show my planning as this was a big bulk of the coursework. However, it also allowed me to post up our music video , digipak and poster. This allowed me to view my own progress and see any mistakes that I had made so I could correct them.

InternetThe internet contributed in my planning a lot, as it allowed me to view existing indie videos, CD covers (digipaks) and band posters, which helped to develop my knowledge on the generic conventions on the indie genre as this was our chosen genre. The main sites that I used were google, slideshare, blogger, facebook and youtube. I used google to help me research existing digipaks and posters to help me in not only making my own but developing my knowledge within the genre.

I used slide share mainly when transferring PowerPoint's onto my blog such as the PowerPoint I made on the generic conventions of the indie genre. Below is an example from my blog of my use of slide share.

I used facebook to help me to receive audience feedback on my video by sending my video out in a message to friends and family.

I used youtube a lot when doing my planning, as not only did we need to analyse three music videos, but I needed it to help me learn the generic conventions of a typical indie genre, which helped in the planning and making of my own. Below is a link to an example of one of the many videos that I watched within the indie genre. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkaMiaRLgvY&ob=av2e

Filming, Digipak and poster equipment-Video camera – Used for filming The footage needed for my music video-Tripod – Needed to help keep the video camera steady and straight whilst filming-Camera – Used to take photos of the band for use on the digipak and the poster-IPod and IPod speakers – Used when in rural location to allow the band to listen to the soundtrack whilst filming-Lighting – Needed when taking photos for the digipak and the poster to ensure that the photos were the best that they could be.

PhotoshopThe was used mainly when editing the photos we had taken for our digipak and poster to make them look better. We Removed the saturation to make the photos black and white to match the video and made only the pictures/logos on their tops in colour and we thought that this looked effective and went with the style and genre of the music. Below is the photo that we used on out digipak and poster.

In what ways do your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions

of real media products?In the first phase of our planning and research we worked on the textual analysis of 5 music videos in the genre that we were planning to use, which in our case was the indie genre. This was in order to help us to develop of knowledge of the generic codes and conventions of the genre we were interested in using for our own music video. From watching and writing textual analysis’ of these music videos, we were able to take note of parts of the videos that we liked, so that we could incorporate what we liked into our questionnaire to find out whether our target audience would also like it. We also did this so we could incorporate some of the same shots, edits and lighting into our own music video.

The Kooks - Naive

Throughout our video we used a lot of mid shots, which from our research are generic to the indie rock genre. This uses the codes and conventions from real media products as we thought that this looked the best.

Our production

The Kooks - Naive

We also used a lot of mid/long shots throughout the video as this enabled the viewer to see not only the character but their surroundings also.

Our production

Our production Arctic monkeys – when the sun goes down

The Foals – Spanish Sahara Kings of Leon – Sex on fire

Below is examples of the uses of long shots in Indie music videos, which as you can are frequent and generic to this genre. These clips show that are video uses the codes and conventions of real media products

Split Screens

Oasis - Wonderwall

Our production

Mise en scene and location – outside places such as streets and parks and generic to the Indie genre, due to their simplicity. As you can see that we have chosen to use the

codes and conventions of real media products.

Arctic Monkeys – When the sun goes down

Our production

Oasis - Wonderwall

Performance – We have chosen to challenge the codes and conventions of real media products when it came to performance, because not only did we feel this looked better,

but it was more convenient and we didn’t have the correct equipment for the performance part of our video to follow the codes and conventions of real media products.

Oasis – Don’t look back in anger Our production

The kooks – She moves in her own way

Props –The three main props that we used were guitar, drums and microphone, which from our research are generic to the Indie genre. We chose to the follow the codes and

conventions of real media products as we thought that not only the appearance of the band was important but we thought that it would help to promote and improve their popularity.

Ancillary Texts

We also did a similar thing for our ancillary task. We did 5 textual analysis’ of a CD front cover/back cover and the inside inlay left and right. This again helped to develop our knowledge of the generic codes and conventions of a digipak, which helped us in developing our own in the same genre. Below are a few examples of the CD’s we chose to analyse.

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Our PosterCD digipak

What have your learned from your audience feedback?