A2 Week 9 Depression

Post on 24-Apr-2015

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A2 Week 9 Depression


What is depression?


Learning Objectives By the end of this lesson you:

• Must be able to describe (AO1) the diagnostic criteria for depression.

• Should be able to identify (AO1) the different types of depression.

Pg. 28

There are four recognisable general domains of characteristics common to all depressive disorders:

• Affective e.g. Depressed mood, sadness, feeling low

• Behavioural e.g. Social withdrawal, restlessness, also move and even speak much more slowly.

• Cognitive (Thoughts) e.g. Feeling guilty about any shortcomings of thinking of themselves as worthless

• Physical e.g. Changes in sleep patterns, appetite, sex drive.

Mood Disorders

Unipolar Depression

Biplolar Depression

(a.k.a. Manic-depression)

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)

a.k.a. Clinical Depression

Dysthymic Disorder (MDD)

a.k.a. Chronic Depression

Euthymia is a normal non-depressed, reasonably positive mood. It is distinguished from euphoria, which refers to an extreme of happiness, and dysthymia, which refers to a depressed mood. It is a term used frequently in mental status exams. The term is also sometimes used referring to the neutral mood (absence of a depressive or manic cycle) that some people with bipolar disorder experience with varying frequency.

Celebs who have suffered from unipolar depression

Unipolar Depression Prevalence

• Depression ranks first among the top 10 causes of worldwide disability

• Occurs in 1 in 10 adults in the UK at any one time.

• Average age of onset is late 20’s

• Women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression as men

• About 10% of people with depression eventually commit suicide.

• The difference is in the duration, type and number of symptoms.

• Have three or more characteristics (instead of 5), including depressed mood, but not suicidal thoughts.

• Cannot be without these symptoms for more than two months

• Must have the symptoms for 2 years

Dysthymic Disorder (MDD)a.k.a. Chronic Depression


– A winter depression that affects half a million a year

– Characteristics = sleeping problems, lethargy, over eating, loss of concentration, anxiety, social problems

Other Subtypes of Unipolar Depression

• Postnatal Depression

– Feelings of depression after having a baby for no obvious reason.

– Feelings of guilt for not being a good mother

– Inability to cope

– Occurs in 1 in 10 women

Other Subtypes of Unipolar Depression

Read the case studies and underline or highlight the clinical characteristics of depression.

10 minutes

• Must be able to describe (AO1) the animal studies.

• Must be able to describe (AO1) Castner’s experiment.

• Should be able to evaluate (AO2) the use of animals in psychological research.

Answer (bullet points) the following question…

Outline the different types of depression and the four characteristics of depression (ABCP) with examples.

Learning Objectives By the end of this lesson you:

• Must be able to describe (AO1) the DSM diagnostic criteria for depression.

• Should be able to describe and evaluate (AO2) the cognitive explanation for depression.

Pg. 28

Outline the diagnostic criteria for unipolar depression [4 marks]

5 mins

Cognitive approach

The Cognitive Triad

Silent Assumptions

"I must get people's approval"

"I must do things perfectly or not at all"

"I must be valued by others or my life has no meaning"

"The world must always be just and fair"

Information Processing






Consolidation Task

1) Answer the question: “Describe and Evaluate the cognitive approach to explaining depression.


2) Create a revision sheet summarising the cognitive approach to explaining depression.

• Must be able to describe (AO1) the DSM diagnostic criteria for depression.

• Should be able to describe and evaluate (AO2) the cognitive explanation for depression.
