Aaa olivia media ident

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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“Vision Productions” ident

The step by step insight to the making of our company ident

In order to create our company ident of “Vision Productions” we used both photoshop and livetype. We have chosen this specific image, of an eye, as we thought it suited our company well due “Vision” having references to eyes. Also, we tried to choose a very simple ident because we found, whilst researching idents, that the simple logos were most effective, such as “The Weinstein Company” and “Icon”.Here we have put our chosen image, into photoshop and removed the background.

We wanted to make the eye of the company our own in some way therefore we edited it. We put the chalk and charcoal effect on the eye because we thought it looked creative and artistic, as if someone had drawn it, which was a good representation of our company.

Next, we proceeded onto livetype. This is a program ideal for creating idents due to the essential features it contains.We got the background video of the flashing cameras from youtube. We thought it was effective as although the background and eye are essentially black, the lights flashing behind the eye give the impression that eye is slightly more forwards. Also, we were inspired by professional idents such as, “Summit Entertainment” by their use of bright light.We thought that flashing lights gave the impression of our company being popular and setting the theme for a film due to the saying “lights, camera, action!”

The next step was deciding on appropriate entrances and exits for the eye and “Vision Productions” writing. For the writing we decided on a rotation due to it subtly drawing attention to the company name. We then chose a swooping in movement for the eye because again it was quite subtle and professional-looking.Lastly, we added in the sound from Movie maker. This was the sound of cameras taking photos. We decided on this because we thought it was simple and was parallel to the rest of the clip.