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Paired Research Task – Half Term

Due: Monday 21st October 2013 (You will present your findings in this lesson)

In your pairs YOU MUST:

- Choose 2 Case Studies from the Film Industry (Studio, Film) from no later than 2010.

- 1 Film = Hollywood Blockbuster- 1 Film = Low Budget, Indie produced outside of Hollywood

Using the Blog Page and your own Research skills, YOU MUST gain a better understanding of these films and the 7 areas YOU COULD be asked to write about in the exam in May 2014.

The presentation should contain relevant Film Terminology, Statistics, Marketing strategies and any thin to do with the 7 areas highlighted on the previous slide.

AS Media Studies – Exam Lesson –

Issues raised by Media Ownership

Monday 16th September 2013

Unit G322: Key Concepts Exam


Aims & Objectives

So you can succeed in the exam!

• Re-cap prior learning of HOW to approach Section B of the Exam.

• Focus on Case Study examples from across the Film Industry to establish the Issues raised by Media Ownership.

• Establish some of the differences within these case studies

• Complete some research into this area in preparation for completing your own Case Study research into a Contemporary Blockbuster and Low-budget film.

Key term: Inter-relationship

• Review the learning and set homework for the next Exam lesson.

We are going to look at this through Film Case Study examples today, such as:


‘Taken 2’ (2012)

Dir. Oliver Megaton

‘The Angel’s Share’ (2012)

Dir. Ken Loach

YOU MUST make notes on EACH case study example as we go through them.

YOU SHOULD make then use this information to help you research your own case study examples.

Key Term:

Event Movie

UK audiences are overwhelmed by the dominance of Hollywood and the concentration of media ownership they possess.


Find out how many of the films released in 2012 – 2013 were Produced and/or distributed by Hollywood.

Some examples of successful multi-national media conglomerates who are ensuring Hollywood stay dominant are:


Estimated Marketing Budget: $30 million

Released in 3,661 Theatres in the US alone!

Grossed $50 million in it’s opening weekend at the box office in the US alone

Would you expect a similar ‘blanket release’ in the UK?

Unit G322: Institutions & Audience (Film)

“Blanket release” - UK£1.1 Billion generated at the Box-Office in 2012 – 4% increase.


32% of this figure, however, represents UK Produced Blockbusters such as ‘Skyfall’ (2012).

9% of this figure represents UK Produced Low Budget films such as ‘The Angels Share’ (2012).

23% of this figure represents Hollywood produced ‘Event Movies’.


Who Produced the Movie?


Section B –

DUE: MONDAY 23rd September – Period 3

1) YOU MUST have decided on your 2 Studio/Film Case Studies (x1 Blockbuster; x1 Low budget) by NEXT WEEK

2) Find out who produced and distributed these films.

3) Is there a co-production deal in place?

4) Do these studios have a trend in producing or distributing certain genres?

AS Media Studies – Exam Lesson –

Issues raised by Media Ownership Continued

Monday 23rd September 2013

Unit G322: Key Concepts Exam


Section B –


1) YOU MUST have decided on your 2 Studio/Film Case Studies (x1 Blockbuster; x1 Low budget) by NEXT WEEK

2) Find out who produced and distributed these films.

3) Is there a co-production deal in place?

4) Do these studios have a trend in producing or distributing certain genres?

“The films that have succeeded have not tried to ape Hollywood. They have typically British subjects, done in an entertaining, confident way” (Grant – 2007)

‘The Angels Share’ (2012) Dir. Ken Loach

Key Term: Realism

‘The Angels Share’ (2012) Dir. Ken Loach


Go onto the Blog Page titled:

Ken Loach – British Film, Director and Studio Case Study – ‘The Angels Share’ (2012) and ‘The Spirit of ’45 (2013)′

YOU MUST look at the information under 1) Media Ownership and just above this section to understand the differences between this style of film Production and Distribution when compared to Event Movies and Franchise movies such as ‘Taken 2’ (2012)

Key Term:

Shoestring Film

‘The Angels Share’ (2012) is a prime example of a Low budget British film that endeavors to provide verisimilitude (realism) for it’s target audience without being overpowered by the business and money making Hollywood machine.

Estimated Marketing Budget: ?

Key Term: Cross over Hit

Who Distributed this film?

Why did this NOT succeed in being a Cross-over hit?

Key Term: Cross over Hit

Was the film successful in the US?

Critically: YESCommercially: NO

Why so low? Was the film marketed poorly? Was it released in Multiplex cinemas?

Key Term:Event Movie

Budget: $225m

The movie was PRODUCED by one of the Hollywood majors that dominate the film market – Warner Bros.

The movie was DISTRIBUTED by one of the Hollywood majors that dominate the film market – Warner Bros.

Shared Universe

Josh Berger - Warner Bros. Chief Executive for the UK & Europe

The success of the film is not only dependent on the Distribution power of Warner Bros, but also it’s co-production deal with other Media Institutions such as Legendary Pictures and DC Comics.

Shared Universe

(See link in the Blog Page for more detail on this)

Thomas Tull – Legendary Pictures CEO


• “We want to grow to a size and want to control as much of our destiny as much as possible”.

• May was a big month for the company, with Legendary announcing it bought marketing shop FIVE33; and brokered a three-year co-production agreement with Beijing-based Legendary East and China Film Co. That marked the first time the state-backed film venture has inked a long-term, multi-picture production deal with a Chinese or international partner.

RESEARCH TASK – 5 minutes

YOU MUST go onto one or both of the following websites:

1) How much has the movie grossed at the Box-Office? (US and Worldwide)

2) Look for the Opening Weekend takings in the UK (Google) – What did the film compete with that weekend and how did they fair? How many screens was it shown in the UK?

3) How much was spent on marketing the film Worldwide?

Other Case Study examples to use – as well as your own….

Unit G322: Institutions & Audience (Film)

Smaller UK Studio – Case Study

AS Media Studies – Exam Lesson –

Issues raised by Media Ownership

Monday 7h October 2013

Unit G322: Key Concepts Exam


Aims & Objectives

So you can succeed in the exam!

• Re-cap prior learning of areas coevred for this particular topic.

• Finalise your understanding of the issues surrounding media ownership in the Contemporary Film Market.

Key term: Co-Production Deal

• Complete some independent research around the case study examples YOU MUST know for the exam.

• Review the learning.


• What does PDME stand for?

• What is a Co-Production deal? Extension - YOU COULD give an example of 2 studios who are in a co-production deal

• WHO (Institution) Produced and Distributed ‘Taken 2’ (2012)?

• Who Produced ‘The Angels Share’ (2012)?

Co-Production deal

Founded by Tim Bevan in 1984

A key element in the company's working methods has been its attention to marketing, striking deals with American and European companies, thus ensuring world-wide distribution for its products.

Tim Bevan (1958 – present)

Univers owned a ____% stake in the production company – Known as a C__-P________ DEAL


Co-Production deal

Founded by Tim Bevan in 1984

A key element in the company's working methods has been its attention to marketing, striking deals with American and European companies, thus ensuring world-wide distribution for its products.

Tim Bevan (1958 – present)

Univers owned a ____% stake in the production company – Known as a C__-P________ DEAL


Co-Production deal

The Co-Production Deal has been extended through to 2015 – however this is now a “first look agreement” between the 2 Institutions.

Recent Examples of their success together – but HOW successful?


• Find out the UK and US opening weekend release dates for:

• What film(s) were released over those weekends that were competing with obtaining “bums on seats” at the box-office? YOU SHOULD note down statistics such as how many screens the film(s) were released in, as well as the box-office takings, THEN find out who produced/distributed these texts.


USA – Release Information

Knowing how to establish the “facts behind the stats” is crucial for the exam –

For example did ‘The Angels Share’ (2012) fail at the box office and why?

Task 2) - RESEARCH TASK – Go on to the Blog Page (ncrafts.wordpress.com) and go to:

US Distributor

Task 1) – Go onto their website and find out x3 interesting facts about this Institution.

1) Issues raised by Media Ownership

This is a Case Study YOU WILL need to apply in the exam regardless of the question you get.

Produced and Distributed by:

Facts about the film:

• Experimental “Multi-Platform Day-and-Date release” (Katherine Butler – Film Four)• Mark Kermode, a respected film critic, declared the film as being a part of a new wave

of “Simultaneous Distribution”.• Released on: 5th July 2013 – Production Budget: £300,000• Will be Distributed in 2014 in the US by:

Facts about the film - Continued:

• Grossed around £21,400 from 17 screens (Box-Office)• Film Four (TV Channel) – Around 288,000 viewers (This figure rises to around 357,000

when you factor in people who recorded the film and watched over the same weekend – These are known as part-consolidated figures)

• DVD and Blue-Ray – 11,000 Copies by the following Monday

• Film 4OD and iTunes (VOD) – 1,200 Transactions –

Is this an example of a Co-production deal OR synergy between two Media Institutions?

Unit G322: Institutions & Audience (Film)

CASE STUDYhttp://www.vertigofilms.com/about.php#.Uk65dBYnFUQ

This is an example of a UK Film and Distribution company that has succeeded by capitalizing on recent developments in Digital technology in the Film Industry – in particular with 3D releases and the VOD market.

Their films tend to be Indie (Independent from mainstream Hollywood Production and Distribution), low budget releases – for example:


Sequel to the 2010 low budget hit ‘Monsters’ – cost $500,000 to produce.

Unit G322: Institutions & Audience (Film)

‘Taken 2’ (2012) ‘Man of Steel’ (2013)

‘The Angels Share’ (2012)

‘A Field in England’ (2013)

Table Comparison - COMPLETE FOR Homework –

YOU MUST complete a comparison between all 4 Case Studies to establish the similarities/differences between the Production/Distribution of each Text.YOU MUST focus on the following areas:

• Ownership – what financial backing do the studios have to produce and distribute the films? For example 20th Century Fox is behind the PD of ‘Taken 2’ (2012), which is owned by News Corporation.

• Ownership – Do the power of the majors effect

YOU SHOULD use terminology like Oligopoly and Co-Production Deal where relvant, along with facts and figures.

‘Taken 2’ (2012) ‘Man of Steel’ (2013)

‘The Angels Share’ (2012)

‘A Field in England’ (2013)

Plenary 2 – What have you learnt?


Section B –

DUE: The presentation Date will now likely take place after Christmas so you understand what you need to research.

Continue with your research into your chosen Event movie and Indie Movie

2) COMPLETE your Compare & Contrast Table of the 4 Case Studies we have covered and how they compare and contrast in terms of PD.

DUE: Monday 14th October