Abhinav Bhatnagar Manifesto 2014

Post on 22-Mar-2016

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Abhinav Bhatnagar, LCP Candidates 2014, Manifesto.


Opening Note

Rediscovering Grace

When we we’re little, we come across these small things that we feel we relate to, maybe a like

minded life enthusiast or a hard core academic, someone who wants strive to be the best footballer

in the world, someone who just wants to be with his family all his life.

These people, You feel you ‘get’ them and even they might feel the same for you.

Sometimes, you come across ideas that you relate to, maybe a political or philosophical point of view

in a debate or just a video that you saw, a song that you heard that stuck on in your head till day, defined you, made you feel that it was written just for you!

There can so many such things that you’ve felt since childhood that come close to your identity, you

feel they’re a part of you know.

So, has it ever happened before, that you saw a way of life that you felt was just You?

Ever happened that some people drive you more than you thought anyone ever could?

Ever happened that the need to achieve something became so bad that you ended up giving all you

had to do it?

Because I did. And some other smart people around me do it every single day.

That is the power of this organization, to a certain set of us, it starts making sense, little by little, it’s

not easy to find out what it really does, people sometimes take a couple of years to themselves realize and be able to convince someone else how it works.

Some understanding of it might come though, through the simplicity with which it claims that it was made for nothing less than to change the world.

And nothing comes simpler than this, that is it’s beauty, it churns out leaders day after day and

people never even find out that through the course of the hardest phase of their lives, they became

the strongest of individuals that humankind could ever produce.

Through the course of that phase, there lay a code, a code which silently but consistently was shaping them up from inside, somehow so beautifully that even they didn’t get to know.

AIESEC is deeper than we think, it runs you on a more holistic level than we can see, buried deep inside lies the code, a code which ones revealed will help us in providing the same experience to

hundreds and thousands of people. Make more leaders in an year than the world has seen in all it’s time, make more experiences that an MNC could produce in 10 years.

So I invite you, on this journey with me, to understand how we can dig out this code, the most

beautiful secret of our time, the most powerful secret of our lives.

Hope you join the search for ‘Grace’.

Abhinav Bhatnagar


Local Committee President 2014

Section A

Personal Information

Name Abhinav Bhatnagar

Address 5659, Duplex, MHC, Mani Majra, Chandigarh

Telephone 01722735270

Mobile +918968611344 Email abhinavbhatnagar84@gmail.com

Academic Information

Bcom II 49%

Bcom I 58%

Class 12th 83.8% Class 10th 88.6%

Additional Achievements and Experiences

Attended Football National’s Training Camp in 2010, was Captain of School, House and Class

Football team

Attended the Delhi Photo Festival in 2011

Won 2nd prize in the Photography Competition of PECFEST 2011

Attended the Shodh Yatra 2012 in May this year. It is a like TGY but it is in one particular

district and is on foot; is based on Rural Development

Attempted Cross-Country in 2012 in June, July this year, travelling across the country in

General Compartments, living the life of the average Indian


Football | Travelling | Photography | Video Editing | Music | Gaming

Section B | AIESEC Experience

Current AIESEC position Vice President | Marketing

Applying for

(if more than one, list according to preference) Local Committe President 2014

Section C | AIESEC Experience

1. List all positions held in AIESEC along with duration of the role. Also briefly elaborate on

your contribution/performance, as well as the main learning you derived from each role.

Team Member (Exchange Coordinator: iGIP)

Duration: 3 Months

I was barely able to contribute but the team experience of being around similar minded people was

what made a difference for me. My 1st Team-Leader Subigya Basnet, one of the most simplistic

leaders I’ve ever come across, made it so easy for me to connect despite of having been so different

than the rest of the members of my team.

Team Leader (Vice President: Marketing 2013)

Duration: 1 year

The difference or the gap was fulfilled when I applied for the executive board for this portfolio called

Marketing, going back to something that I was passionate about, and the experience turned out to be

one of the most intellectualy competitive and physically challenging, probably because it was not just

the role of a strategic head that lay there, but also because there was the position of one of those 13

leaders who were going to lead an LC.

The experience of being an EB member of AIESEC in Chandigarh is one of the most envigorating ones

out there, it challenges you to the core, brings out the best in you and also shows you your worst. I

would never have imagined going through anything like this ever in my life had it not been day I

decided to make the call of joining this oganization.

The team experience of being in a group of 13 motivated individual transforms you, going through

the same high’s and low’s living life as if it were a fight undertaken by set of individuals together,

having come together to the point where we could really look at each other and see ’SuperHeroes’.

Lost in the

Crowd Connect

Knowing myself better

The Why

Let's do it now

The How

Let's do it now

The What

Failures Dissappointment


Believe 2.0



Deliver Let's

make it big

By making it


2. What have been your main achievements and non achievements in AIESEC in the past?

3. List the Local/ National/ International conferences you have attended and in what capacity.

Main AIESEC Achievements:

1. EBC Experience (Wanderlust)

2. Strategic Responsibility for Driving oGCDP in Q1

3. Delivering a strong Q3 and Q4 with my Team

Main Non Achievements:

1. EBC Experience (The Reds)

2. Portfolio State of Q1 and Q2

3. NTT Application

1. Describe the experience of being a part of the Executive Body of AIESEC Chandigarh. How

do you think other members on the team would evaluate your contribution to the team &

LCs organizational direction?

Being on the executive board of AIESEC in Chandigarh has been a nothing but a privilege, an experience that I

feel has shaped my AIESEC Journey and will always be the guiding light for me whenever it comes to the core of


In it’s essence, I would divide my experience on these 3 lines:

Value Based Leadership Development:

Through the course of my EB Term, I established this strong belief that it is nothing but Values that form the basis

of a Leadership Body or an Individual Leader. Values form over the course of going through a challenging inner

and outer journey and that is the process that we want every single team and individual to go through in this

organization. Values pave the way for Greatness more so than any Strategy or focus area, because they guide the

collective direction of an organization over a longer course of time. When the Value Systems of an organization

are shaken, it is shaken by it’s very core, something which needs to be re-built by people who think they are

worthy of it.

The Essence of a Team:

The essence of a team lies in it’s ability to believe in a common long term stand and the ability to uniformly take it

forward. Failing in either of the 2 makes it a make or break situation where both people and the organization

suffer, where we say that Team Experiences drive Organizational Growth. One Leadership stand taken by the

entire organization together can make us achieve the impossible, provided again, we keep it simple and clear, and

uniformly take it forward.

General conduct & behaviour: 6

Contribution in meetings: 8 Contribution to LC culture: 8

Communication style: 6

Understanding of AIESEC: 8 Ability to motivate people: 8

Marketing/Selling skills: 8 Ability to organise own work: 6

Commitment towards Job role: 9 Willingness to cooperate: 9

Performance*: 5

Crisis Management: 7 Handling pressure: 6

Assistance to others: 9

2. What are your three basic Learning’s/Values for life, which you have derived through your

AIESEC experience?

I have always connected to AIESEC values very deeply. Starting from the time I joined, I stayed

because of my belief in long-term impact generation models and absolute disbelief in short term

gratification gimmicks. Also the idea of working on someone else’s growth and development and

someone else looking over you, was the second bigger reason that I believed in this organization


Over the course of time; I realized how these values we call ‘AIESEC Values’ are the sources of

guiding light when you’re particularly going through a hard time, through a challenging

environment, through a strong inner and outer journey, they make you see the bigger picture with

so much ease.

The problem with us is that we don’t stand and stare. How many times do we look back in the day

and see how many values we followed, for some it’ll be hard to say that they even followed one, for

some it might even be that they managed to follow more than 4 out 6, one in a million will be that

person who might say, he followed all 6.

We talk more about passion, ambition and growth while we stop even looking at integrity,

excellence and leadership.

And that is the challenge, the journey that we undertake, together to make a 800 of those people

feel like they lived through a leadership experience, ready to change the world with the ideals that

they just formed here in our beautiful city of Chandigarh.

I have come to associate very closely with the following 3 values;

Striving for Excellence:

I associate very closely to this because I had always felt that I had been a fighter, probably a

tendency that every boy gains if he was ever close to a sport. I’ve faced the hardest of struggle in

this EB Term, and the feeling of striving continuously, tirelessly never ended, when it did, I knew

that it would turn out to be the start of something bigger.

Activating Leadership:

I figured a little later how satisfying it is to enable an individual to reach an end goal, no matter

who they are, what they do, how they think, it always feels like the best thing to do even if it takes

them even a step further.

Demonstrating Integrity:

This I think is probably the easiest and hardest part of Leadership. It gets harder when the going

gets tougher and few manage to stick by it. My experience majorly left me at cross roads whether

to stick by it because it was getting too difficult too manage, but then you probably need to fall

once and then rise above. Integrity is hard to find if it hasn’t been looked for long enough, when it

is, it is the simplest to live by.

Section D | Motivation

1. Why did you decide to run for LCP of AIESEC Chandigarh? What are the qualities required for

this role & what makes you best suited for this role?

I genuine believe that every individual carries unlimited potential and unlimited power to change the

world. I believe the same for myself. All it needs is experiential learning. These 3 things coming

together makes me believe that Leadership can change the world, and that is the thought that makes

me believe in AIESEC.

If I think of what I could tangibly do to take a step forward towards that, the idea of delivering these

life-changing experiences is the best thing that comes to my mind.

Also, having seen the Local Chapter so closely, in it’s high’s and low’s with it’s strength and

weaknesses, I feel it brings in me a need to apply, because the learning’s I have gone through, I feel

there is a lot to give back to this place where I learned so much, a lot more to do in the place where I

could have done so much.

The Power of an Experience

The Power of Multiple Experiences

Change the world

2. Describe your future short-term and long-term career and personal goals. How do you expect

an LCP term to help you achieve these goals and why now?

Short Term Goals

Passion for


Drive Belief and value Driven Mindsets

Foresightedness and Clarity of thought

Driving Actions to build and operationally and organizationally

strong organization

Idealism and Righteousness


Direction and Growth

Local Committee President 2014

Completetion of my PG Diploma

Gain the ideal Leadership Experience

Go for an internship to

Morroco,Turkey and/or South


Beat ManU 6-0 with India on


Optimize Personal and Professional


Develop 1 person everyday - Intiate


Explore Interest

Training and Developmen


Long Term Goals

3. Highlight your time commitment throughout the whole of next year (till Dec 2013; Academic

or otherwise). Ideally, how much time should an LCP give to his role?

Study Advertising from MICA

Work at Nike in Advertising

Make Videos like those on Vimeo, Incredible India

Click Photographs like Steve McCurry

(Probably on exchange!)

Study Marketing or Training from Ivy


Achieve a state of Happiness with

High Potential and High Growth

Activate Global Leadership as a Life and Organizational


My Post Graduate Diploma ends in the April of 2014, post that I do not have any Academic Plans for

the year, at least physically from Chandigarh. I will aim to complete at least 2 Virtual Courses from

Coursera, but nothing apart from that. I will start preparing for Management Studies during the latter

part of the year, since I intend to start studying at MICA from the year 2015, if at all.

I also aim to follow a strict diet and a workout schedule, with running and swimming being an integral

part, mental and physical fitness has become important for me again, we can probably look forward to

an LC Health Drive next year! It is desperately needed.

An LCP needs to give a 100% time commitment to the role, more so of mind than for the body, with

most of his/her time being spent in analysis, developing thought to drive the organization, supporting

his team closely, followed by the management body with his team, followed by the LC with his

management body.

An LCP needs to know LC, MC, Program and External Cycles like the back of his hand, and have plan A,

plan B, plan C which should ideally never come out, since he empowered his Strategic Heads to make

their own Plans, resources and estimate and fulfil requirements.

In that sense, an LCP needs to give every single second to his role, just because it takes a lot more

than it seems to lead an organization of 200 people and deliver a 1000 leadership experiences.

4. What are your three most substantial personal accomplishments (non-AIESEC), and why do

you view them as such? Provide a candid assessment of your strengths and weaknesses.

5. What is your vision for AIESEC in Chandigarh for the year ahead? What legacy would you

want to leave behind? Also, frame a mission statement for the LC for 2014.

•To deliver 820 leadership experiences by rediscovering the essence of AIESEC in it’s purest form, and create 500 responsible and entrepreneurial leaders who are ready to take it forward locally, nationally and globally in the years to come.

The Vision 2014

•This year will leave behind a legacy of rediscovering the essence of the AIESEC experience, with challenging team and individual experiences to take forward the local chapter and create the strongest leaders for the organization in this process.

The Legacy 2014

•To achieve high Customer Centricity and Brand Relevance in the market by Internal Core Strengthening of the organization, thereby setting the course of magnanimous growth in 2015

Mission 2014

Football Camp

o A fighter’s spirit

o Passion and Strength

o Sportsmanship

Success in Photography

o Purpose

o Openness to Learn

o Commitment

o Perfection and Practice

Travelling and Exploring

o Overcoming a challenge

o Inner Discovery

o Understanding People, Societies and the Country

6. Describe your leadership style? Explain how your style will be suitable for AIESEC Chandigarh

in it’s current state.

Right now, the LC needs a leader who is mix of Transformational, Charismatic and a

Bureaucratic Leader.

He needs to be passionate, inspiring and value driven but should also Lead by Example and guide by

his Way of Being. He needs to be aligned, driven by simplification, clarity, efficiency and clarity.

Paternalistic Laissez-Faire





Passionate & Value Driven

Section E | LC Administration

1. List down the different aspects of the job role of an LCP.

Governance and accountability

Being the face of AIESEC in Chandigarh

Guarantee the legality and accountability of the Local Committee and ensure the education, review and application of the internal legislation - the local


Representation on National Role

Representative of the LC in the National and International Association

Defining and aligning the year plans according to the National Growth Strategy

Strategic Direction

Facilitating the direction, envisioning and implementing the strategy of AIESEC

in Chandigarh for the year 2013 leading to 2015

Nurturing the brand, culture and identity of the Local Committee

Executive Body Management

Mentorship of the executive body to reinforce efficiency, accountability and

sustainability of operations. Being a constant support to the team at all levels.

Administration and Operations

Committing to high quality functions and programs , contributing to a

remarkable performance of the LC

Developing and maintaining local BoA and stakeholder relations. Empowering the management of the Local Committee to maintain efficiency

and propel sustainability.

2.Analyse the trends of the past three years (including 2013) of AIESEC Chandigarh's

strategic direction (include performance & culture). How do you see the organization

direction of AIESEC Chandigarh shaping up in the coming two years? Also, give a SWOT

analysis of the LC for 2013

Year/Criteria Strategy Culture

2011 -Growth in


-Focus on MC

Contribution in

terms of






throughout the


-Driven by Changing strategies and


-Evolving LC to 2015

-Strong MB Culture

2012 -Sustained



-High Focus on

Functions, Talent

Capacity and



major successes

of the year

-Emotional Connect throughout the


-People driven by a common goal,

-High value for Leadership, Purpose

Driven State for the LC, Resilient

Management, Relatively high

member performance,

-Loss of connect to 2015 due to

immediate state

2013 -High Volume

Exchange and






-L&D and

Pipeline as focus

areas in Q3 and


-Driven by Operational Growth

-Good office culture in Q2 and Q3

-Strong conferences and forums

driving culture but lack of an LC


-Loss of emotional connect to 2015

despite of relatively high


The next 2 years

Year/Program iGIP oGIP iGCDP oGCDP

2014 180 75 350 200

2015 250 120 470 280

Given the idea of 2015, it’s targets and strategies, it is clear that the next 2 years need to be about

growth, but growth in a manner which is defined and sustained. Such growth can only come from

an equal focus internally and externally. External Market understanding and positioning followed by

selling and servicing, all of this encompassed by organizational and operational Growth.

It will also be about rediscovering AIESEC, the essence of AIESEC, the idea of 2015, the idea of

transformative Leadership changing the course of impact that we as an entity are going to create in

the city till 2015.

It will be about team experiences driven by team purpose, team missions collectively coming

together to deliver 2000 leadership experiences creating an impact across all organizations or

individuals that might come in the way.

It will be about discovering the direction that we need to take as an ideal local chapter, that we

need to take to pioneer across the global network.

3. What focus areas do you propose for AIESEC in Chandigarh in 2014? Give action steps that

will contribute to these focus areas.

4. Propose the organizational structure that you plan to follow for the next year including the

middle level management, functional roles as well LC entities

The Focus Areas for 2014 will be defined on the line of:

‘Achieving 100% growth by simplicity and rediscovering AIESEC’

Action steps

Improving Client/Customer Experience, building loyalty in the external market

Improving Delivery Rate and Reducing Delivery Time by right positioning, right

raising, right expectation settings, optimizing IR building and OS evolution to

serve stakeholders as independent products and sub-products

Increasing efficiency, affectivity and flexibility internally with functions evolving

as sub-systems inside individual portfolio’s

Increasing Conversion Rate by client delivery, servicing and engagement.

Evolving External Positioning according to the new products and strategies

Going into phase 1 of Engagement and Servicing

Documentation according to previous data from existing customers.

Board, alumni and existing customer engagement and support.

Gaining Market Sense through external feedbacking and surveys.

Driving documentation along standardized parameters so as to provide a strong

base for growth.

Internal Core Strengthening as the basis for the above 2 (Building Operational and

Organizational Strength)

Revising Program Definition for the LC

Defining Key Focus Areas, Strategies, Key Activities for each Program along the

lines of integrated functional understanding and implementation independently

and focus on external positioning

Defining key synergy points for programs and functions, building Q1 OS and

initiating Training with the same

Implementation of L&D to empower individual teams to deliver high

performance as well as providing a flexible environment for them to innovate

according to their client’s needs


Key Changes in the Structure:

The structure has been evolved to a 2 tier OS with Independent Product Responsible

and Senior Body Members in the management body level.

iGIP has been divided according to Sub-Products being handled by Team-Leaders and

Markets being overlooked by Senior Body Members.

iGCDP has been divided into Projects being handled by Team-Leaders and Issues being

overlooked by Senior Body Members; a similar OS with the existing OC structure will

evolve into the same; the only difference being the time based nature of some of the


oGCDP has been divided according to geographical markets and sub-markets with

independent processes being handled by each team separately thus bringing in

accountability for it’s overall functioning.

oGIP follows a similar structure because there still needs to be utilization of the existing

market in terms of raising.

Marketing and BD have 1 senior body member according to the need of the focus

areas and strategies to be driven for the same. These will ensure synergy in terms of

strategy and lead generation for the exchange departments in all their respective areas

of functioning.

Finance, TM and CIM have Managers according to Programs, senior body members will

need to be there if the portfolios have excess information and operations to track and

strategy to drive.


VP iGIP (1)

SB Market 1

TL Sub Product 1

TL Sub Product 2

TL Sub Product 3

SB Market 2

TL Sub Product 1

TL Sub Product 2

TL Sub Product 3

SB Market 3

TL Sub Product 1

TL Sub Product 2

TL Sub Product 3

VP oGIP (1)

TL Marketing


VP iGCDP (1)

SB Issue 1

TL Rising India

TL Rural Developmen



SB Issue 2

TL Conserve

TL Footprints

TL Worldview

TL Healthcare


SB Market 1

TL Sub Market 1

TL Sub Market 2

TL Sub Market 3

SB Market 2

TL Sub Market 1

TL Sub Market 2

TL Sub Market 3

VP Marketing

SB Brand Positioning

Manager Social Media

Manager OGX

Manager ICX

VP ER and BD

SB Sales

Manager ICX (project selling)

Manager ICX (NEP)

Manager CRM and

other Sales


Manager OGX

Manager ICX


Manager OGX

Manager ICX

VP Finance

Manager OGX

Manager ICX

5. Give an activity calendar of AIESEC in Chandigarh for the year 2014.

Events Timeline Objectives

Managing Body Summit January Presenting EB and

Senior Body Plans to

the MB, Preparing LC

Direction and Major

Growth Strategies,

Training and L&D

Review Defining

Individual Product and

Project Plans

Recruitment January-February Pocket Recruitment to

fill Talent Capacity as

per MB Plans

oGCDP Promotions and

iGIP Raising Drive

February Initiating

implementation of Q1

strategies by focusing

on right positioning

and selling

Internal Stakeholder


End of March/April To bring major

stakeholders together,

EP’s Interns, Alumni

together, showcase Q1

for AIESEC in

Chandigarh, creating

pool for growth from

the same

CSR Summit (Pre Event

and Post Event)

End of June and

Beginning of July

To Deliver Q1 of

Project Selling and

other BD/ER Clients,

Used as a platform for

Branding iGCDP

Projects, Strong OC


MB Summit Mid July Revising Q1 and Q2,

Looking ahead

towards Q3 and Q4,

Planning for the same

July Local Congress End of July Revisiting Q1 and Q2

with the MB,

Presentation of Plans

to the GB

Recruitment Beginning of August to

Beginning of


Filling Talent Capacity

for Q3 and Q4,

Delivering Strong OC


October Strategic


Beginning of October Road to 2015, journey

of 2014, Assessing

final growth path of


Corporate Conclave November To promote final drive

for NEP and iGIP, Used

as a platform to brand

GIP as a brand,

service all BD/ER


6. Critically analyse the culture of AIESEC in Chandigarh. What aspects of the current culture

will you retain and what aspects will you change in the coming year? How do you plan to

do the same?

Culture in 2013

- Operational Growth in

terms of Individual


- Operational Processes

have been strong

- Decently empowering


- Conferences a highlight

-Resilient Leadership and

Management Body

- Resilient Leadership and

Management Body


Understanding driving

growth; Synergy

A Collaborative


Proactivity and


A global environment

(TMP/TLP+X and


-Intern and Member


-Overall LC Culture

Culture in 2014

Retain Add How?

Operational Growth driven by

strong department culture

and Strong Operational



strength as the

biggest driving




Value Based



Consistent direction, Constant Alignment throughout

leadership and management body, Conferences and Forums

Building strong Talent Management Practices inside

departments, Culture comes directly and naturally though

X+TMP/TLP TMP/TLP+X and Alumni engagement

Conferences and Forums Operational

Growth driven

by functional


OS Evolution, Functions acting as subsystems inside individual

departments with strategic support from functions, team

experiences being driven by an entrepreneurial outlook, L&D

as a tool to boost the same

Resilient Leadership and

Management Body

Reviving the



spirit strongly

driving culture

IXP and




Intern Engagement Plans

A culture of



support and

proactivity, a

culture of



Basic Lead Sensing and Lead Planning, Value Based Approach,

Independent and Entrepreneurial Outlook driving Effective

Leadership, Timely achievement of plans driving work

satisfaction and mutual relationships, Strong Support approach

and processes from the leadership and L&D

7. Describe the role a VP will play in the LC (around performance & attitude) in 2014.

8. Propose a Governance & Accountability model for the LC for the year 2014.


The Governance & Accountability Model of 2014 would be based on programs delivering experiences

to their customers in the right manner by effectively tracking utilization of functional processes and

A VP will play the following the role in the year 2014 :

According to Performance:

As a product responsible, he will be solely responsible with his team for the growth of his

product working on aspects of Product Development, Packaging and Selling, Market Understanding

and Research, Branding the product as a whole and seeing the financial viability of the same.

As a strategic head, he will only cater to the overall functioning of the product with regards to

the external and internal market.

He will also be responsible for guiding behaviour of the department in regards to the product and

the learning curve of his/her senior body members, team leaders and members in accordance to the

skills and development that GIP and GCDP develop build in the TMP/TLP Program.

He will be responsible for balancing resources, talent and finance, according to the needs of all


As an EB Member, he will play the role of the ideal EB member, driving events as a coordinator,

conferences, forums and summits as conference manager, agenda manager and facilitator.

According to Attitude

He will play a role in thought and directional assessment being part of a decision making authority,

overall and product strategy creation, defining ambition, goals and targets, and will all of these,

driving all of the above 3 in all teams he is responsible for, play the bigger role in defining the

course that this LC needs to take it to where it deserves to be, a giagantic force that contributes,

pioneers and becomes the support system in the national network by working passionately for the

LC’s 2015 vision, selflessely for the experiences of his and his members’ and the stakeholders that

he engages.

independancy of the units functioning as Products, Sub-Products, Projects or Markets.

Basic Framework

The framework will incorporate basic exchange targets plus functional performance for eg Member to

Exchange Ratio in case of TM, No of Stakeholders engaged in case of Marketing, Percentage of

Recievables collected in terms of finance, Project selling appointments done in case of BD and

Dcumentation Procedures followed in case of CIM.

Focus Areas and Tracking

The Governance and Accountability Model will also be based upon focus areas of the year decided,

for eg, Learning and Development, Financial Sustainability and NPS etc. The same will be created and

tracked by Special Task forces created within the senior body for these specialized areas.

9. According to you, what role will AIESEC play in the city of Chandigarh as an International

Youth Organization in 2015? In context to this, how will the year 2014 count to the

progress to the same?

2015 for Chandigarh

We will be the most credible and diverse youth voice in the student sector by extending

our outreach to deeply penetrate Chandigarh and surround regions.

We will be recognized for building leadership, which as a product will start holding value in

the city, with us providing the maximum amount of TMP/TLP and Exchange opportunities

in the city, via which we will easily become a monopoly for providing leadership

experiences in the city.

We will be known for generating cross generational impact on the society by engaging

more and more people under the TMP/TLP program and by providing a high quality AIESEC


2014 for Chandigarh

We will grow our scale of operations to cater to wider markets for all programs thereby

becoming the youth voice of the city

We will build loyalty among our customers there by creating a strong base for us to

penetrate the market and increase our client base.

We will build and improve our processes to provide high quality AIESEC Experiences and

thereby create cross-generational impact on the society.

Section F | Programmes

1. What will be the changes that will leverage the volume of AIESEC in Chandigarh ELD

Experiences in 2013? How are these connected with the external environment?

Program Evolution Proposed Top 3 strategies Relevance with

External Market

iGIP Board & Alumni

engagement for


Understanding and

Expansion as a

measure for

calcualated growth

GIP Branding

Brand Positioning

Process Optimization

External Brand

Relevance for iGIP,

Value-Based Delivery

oGIP Branding YGIP

through effective

collaboration, content

generation and

showcasing impact

Process Mapping for

effective Marketing

Content Generation

for Branding YGIP

Uniform and

dedicated IR building

Brand Outreach for

the Product of YGIP

iGCDP Project Selling via

proper packaging


Sustainability through

project budgeting

planning and selling

IR Building though

continuation of Open

Heart with process

mapped content


Project Branding for

increasing the

relevance for iGCDP

as a product and

support growth of



Sustainability driving

better experiences,

better delivery,

helping Upscaling,

branding issues,

increasing outreach,

resulting in more


oGCDP Market Segmentation

according to

geographical division,

independent units

working to provide

more experiences

Marketing synergy

driving growth,

Implementation of

Campus Units

according to new OS,

OGX Based Events

driving ELD

Conversion to OGX,


showcasing impact


implemented across

all teams

Better Delivery for

EP’s, Brand


TMP OS Evolution driving

growth in GIP GCDP

Entrepreneurial Units

acting independently

to achieve optimum

utilization of

functional strategies,

Performance tracking

and Appraisal with

L&D implementation,

Predefined Job-Roles

based on Program

Behaviour and



Value of AIESEC

Experience more

externally relevant,

Brand Strengthening

in the student sector


2. Please give your (probable) targets for the next year. Please justify the same, especially

along the lines of:

Portfolio Project Project Target Portfolio Target


Issue Health and Lifestyle 65


Issue Cultural Understanding 40

Issue Equal Rights 80

Issue Poverty Reduction 65

Issue Environment 50

Issue Economic Growth 30


Sub Product Marketing 60


Sub Product IT 35

Sub Product Business



Sub Product ET 75


In-Bound 60

200 Out-Bound 80

Expansions 60


Education 15

50 Marketing & Communication (Mgt) 10

IT 15

Alumni 10

TMP 2000

TLP 500


(According to Backward Planning)

Floating Membership: 200

No of TMP: 2000

No of TLP: 500


(Experiences will be clearly enabled on 2 major aspects)

Program behaviour: Experience that TMP and TLP promise to provide under GCDP and GIP

will be tracked according to the same parameters along with national and global guidelines.

Leadership Role: Experience that a GB, MB and EB role promise to provide according to the

leadership development of an individual will be tracked according to specified parameters.

There will be proper definition and differentiation of GIP GCDP TMP and TLP roles according to

responsibilities, requirements and learning curve achieved in the beginning of the year and all program

heads will work towards building the same competencies throughout the year.

This will help in uniform delivery of TMP/TLP experiences by enabling us to understand lead sensing and

enabling us to implement leadership development at all levels across all programs.

Tools to Implement the above:

Structured Long Term TM planning in the beginning of the year integrated within departments

Building an L&D Plan for the same supporting both in terms of Operational, organizational and

Individual Growth

X+TMP/TLP, TMP/TLP+X, IXP, Reintegration and CEED to be brought in as a culture with proper

structure and support

Specialized EB and MB Training and Development a focus from the beginning of the year

Review Mechanisms and PGS’s be structured within departments and with the TM Cell as need be

Proper focus on competency and skill based Recruitment

a. Logistical Management


(Trainee House Needs)

Trainee House Outsourcing to be responsibility of VP Finance & VP ICX, increasing to 5

Trainee Houses by the end of 2014

Quality Task Force to be formed inside ICX departments that would cater to Trainee and

Landlord and other stakeholders’ needs. VP ICX to ensure effective documentation and tracking of complaints, have the task force be enabled with training and resources to


Office Culture

(Building an Environment)

Office to be arranged for by the end of Quarter 1 and Beginning of Quarter 2 to boost understanding, engagement and performance with OS Evolution.

Implementing workplace ethics, creating an enthusiastic and flexible environment with

the same, supported by logistics to initiate a new work culture drive in the LC.

Logistical management

(Small Logistics)

Building and maintaining a pool of reusable logistics with the LC, ensure Logistical

Management within departments with an end responsible, doing the same LC logistics by

the finance department

Having standardized LC and Internal Departmental processes for Logistic Management,

using basic tracking for the same.

b. Stakeholders Experience Delivery

d.University Clients

(University Support Groups)


Please refer to part (a).


Please refer to part (a).

Corporate Clients

(Driven towards Increasing Customer Loyalty)

Reducing Delivery time for each client and increasing delivery rate for each

client by data analysis and interpretation for reducing matching time.

CRM Process Mapping and Implementation for physical and virtual engagement

for all Clients and Customers.

Virtual Engagement and Communication Plans involving content generation for

newsletters, photos and videos.

Event Participation in the Corporate Conclave as part of the CRM Package.

Taking forward University Support Groups with fixed engagement plans created and

standardized by the oGCDP department.

Investing in Gift Packages for University Contacts, eg Mementos, Trophies or any other token

of thanks as a gesture.


Regular Physical and Virtual Media Engagement through newspaper articles, logo spaces,

pictures etc integrated into the showcasing module.


Reintegration plan for EP’s till the point of allotment

Delivering Pre Scheduled and Pre Prepared EPIC’s like we deliver our own conferences, with a

specified agenda and effective delivery

Engagement through showcasing module


Defining delivery mechanisms and task forces within teams and proper training of delivery


Intern Engagement Plan defined in the beginning of the year and implemented throughout.

A minimum of 25 Trainee events to be planned through the year to engage 350 trainees.

Minimum MoS to be set as 1 trainee having attended at least 1 trainee event.

Engagement thorough showcasing module.

e. International Relations

3. How important is the integration of Net Promoter Score in evaluation of our Program

Delivery? What are the action steps that you propose leading to better delivery of our


4. Propose key synergy areas for GCDP & GIP, and how it would lead to growth of GCDP & GIP.

Sensible Demand and Supply Analysis

Promotion of

Continuation of Strong Internal Marketing Campaigns with Content Generation and Showcasing

integration of national resources with the same

CEED, IXP, National Conferences

EP Task Forces

Focus on Co-Delivery to build long term IR

Net Promoter Score distinguishes our customers on the basis of Promoters, Detractors and Passive

Customers. It is the driving factor behind growth because we as an organization have reached a

saturation point in terms of delivering quality experiences with the kind of knowledge that we have 1st

hand access to. NPS involves Data Analysis and Intrepretation to give us the exact areas that we need to

focus on in providing quality experiences to all our stakeholders. It gives us a basis for strategy

formulation along the lines of customer experiences without which we would not be able to grow.

Following are the action steps

OS Evolution forming a base for improved stakeholder servicing

Prejoct Delivery Model to be standardizaed according to the TN Taker

Reduction in Delivery Time and Increase in Retention rate by Optimized Matching

CIM in process optimization

Supply Demand Management

Effective IR Building with constant content generation focussed on LC-LC Partnerships

Improved IM processes to engage clients better

Be as elaborate as possible.

Project Primary



Portfolio 1


Portfolio 2

Timeline Final Results from


Budgeting & Tracking,


tion of Contracts,

Investment Module

Finance All Exchangers CIM Through the year

Better tracking, All books in place,

Better investments

driving growth, Increased ROI,

Better processes, Legalization,

Professional and Accountable

Project Primary Porfolio

Supporting Portfolio 1

Timeline Final Results from Project


n & BI Reports

CIM Marketing Throughout the


Standardization of

Documents and Visual materials to be

presented to externals

Project Primary


Supporting Portfolio


Timeline Final Results from


Knowledge Management


Communication as a


CIM All Exchangers Through the Year

Database of all the Documents Recorded. A

maintained, updated

documents wiki # of files stored on

Podio, Myaiesec.net (all operation recorded)

Internal Communication,

Feedbacks, Processes

Optimized, Legalization.

Project Primary Porfolio

Supporting Portfolio 1

Timeline Final Results from Project



TM CIM Throughout the


Delivery of Resouces

and Learning to the membership to

achieve Organizational goals

Project Primary Porfolio Supporting Portfolio 1 Timeline Final Results from Project

Recruitment TM Marketing February, August New Members in the LC | Brand strenghtening

Project Primary Porfolio Supporting Portfolio


Supporting Portfolio 2

Timeline Final Results from Project

Project Selling

iGCDP BD Marketing End of the year

Projects from iGCDP/iGCDP as a

product being sold | Contribution to

Footprints corpus

Project Primary



Portfolio 1


Portfolio 2

Timeline Final Results from



TM oGCDP February/August

Integrated Expeience to EPs

Project Primary



Portfolio 1


Portfolio 2

Timeline Final Results from


Campus UNITS

oGCDP TM Marketing Throughout the Year

Different campus Unit resulting in

more raises and experience delivery

Project Primary



Portfolio 1

Timeline Final Results

from Project

Showcasing Impact and Social Media

Marketing All Exchangers July - September

Brand Strengthening |

Credibility | Online EWA

(COW) | Engagement of


Stakeholders | Strong

Promoters of AIESEC

Project Primary Porfolio Supporting Portfolio 1 Timeline Final Results from Project

UR Marketing oGCDP August - october ELD Conversion - Establishing brand in internal Campus -

Initiating Education support


Project Primary Porfolio Supporting Portfolio 1 Timeline Final Results from Project

AM TM oGCDP Year long oGCDP Conversions from AMs

Section G | Functions

External Relations

1. What is your understanding of External Relations and Business Development? What all

according to you falls under the purview of the portfolio?

2. Give your (probable) ER target for the next year. Justify the same, considering the ground

realities faced in the LC in 2013.

External Relations and Business Development collectively provide a pool of

resources to the organization to grow in terms of its operations as well as


Following are the key activities of External Relations and Business Development


Raising money according to previously packaged products via sponsorships and other


Striking business partnerships for exchange

Alumni Relations and Board Engagement, Support and Utilization

CRM or Customer Relationship Management across the Local Chapter

ER Target: Rs 15,00,000

Following were the major bottlenecks of 2013

Lack of Product Packaging

Lack of Market Knowledge

Inability to capitalize on Hospitality and Education

Low capitalization of IT Sector

Delivery of Events not a focus area

Lack of Utilization of existing clients and Upscaling

Lack of Utilization of NEP in Q1 and Q2 but strong growth in Q3

Following are the ways we can achieve our ER target in 2014:

Proper Product Packaging in the beginning of the year along with extensive Market


Focus on NEP as a major fund raising source

Customized Product Selling according to the needs of the Client

Focus on the IT sector and partly on the hospitality and Education sector for both NEP

and Fund Raising

3. What sources of revenue do you propose that will bring in regular income to the LC (apart

from direct exchange programs)?

Financial Management

1. Describe your understanding of the role of Vice-President Finance in the LC.

We as an organization with a major outreach in all sectors and a multitude of products to offer can

provide extensive deliverables to the external market. The focus should be on packaging and

customized selling. Following are the avenues where we can sell from:

Event Sponsorships

Finishing Strong | 25th Year | Alumni Event

Annual Stakeholder Events

CSR Summit | Balakalakar 2014

Youth Corporate Conclave 2014 | Youth To Business Forum

Packaging Operational Activities

GCDP Project Selling

oGCDP Promotion Programme


Youth Empowerment Plan

Intern Engagement Events

EPIC Programme Plan

Stakeholder Databases

Packaging LC Activities


General Body Meetings

Management Body Meetings

Executive Body Meetings


LC Days



Implementation of Finance as a sub system:

Tracking of Project Budgeting and Overall LC Budgeting

Creating and Tracking Financial Policies, Strategies and Focus Areas

Reviewing financial accountability, setting mechanisms to track and review the same

Timely overview of Cash inflow and outflow

Setting Governance procedures to ensure smooth flow of finances and ensuring overall


2. Define a financially sustainable LC. How do you envision AIESEC Chandigarh in 2014 with

respect to financial sustainability?

A financially sustainable LC is that state of an LC where it is sustainable in terms of it’s short and long-

term financial strategy, and ensure that all incomes, expenditure, investment and savings are

regulated to ensure growth driven by Profitability.

Characteristics of a Financially sustainable LC

Fixed Deposit of more than 2,50,000 at all times

Bank Balance of more than 1,50,000 at all times

Short Term and Long Term financial strategy in place with an aim to help the LC grow by

investing and sustain by saving

Standard financial processes in terms of planning, timelines and profitability models

Standard review and tracking mechanisms, timelines as to collection and transfer set

Proper Documentation at program levels and at an LC level

Constantly Trained membership and Leadership to take forward financial policies and


Zero Debt, Liabilities or Receivables at quarterly periods

Strong ROI Plans for all investments to be made short term and long term

Financial Sustainability for 2014

Defined exchange, ER, expenditure, investment plans from the beginning of the year

Programs equipped with Training, resources and documentation to take forward their

independent plans for growth

Every program becomes a self sustainable unit, thereby making the local chapter move from

financial sustainability to financial growth and prosperity

3.What long-term action steps do you propose that will prevent the LC from facing a similar

financial situation as it did in the previous year?


Inflow- iGCDP- Rs 8,00,000

oGCDP- Rs 18,00,000

iGIP- Rs 21,00,000

oGIP- Rs 8,00,000

BD- Rs 13,00,000

Outflow- iGCDP- Rs 7,00,000

oGCDP- Rs 3,60,000

iGIP- Rs 3,60,000

oGIP- Rs 1,00,000

Misc- Rs 4,00,000 (conferences, subsidies, RnR)

Talent Management

1. What is your understanding of the distinction between TM as a function and TM as a

program? Evaluate the performance of both in 2013.

Long-term action steps to ensure financial sustainability and growth

Empowering iGCDP to become financially sustainable by project planning and


Initiating Long term program planning by the EB in support with the SB/MB

Corpus: 1.80000 800000

Bank Balance 100000 1.50000

Working for Client Retention in all programs

Up scaling with existing clients by better delivery and CRM

Sustained growth in all programs in terms of expansion

CIM strengthening and evolution in programs

Building infrastructure to sustain high operations and synergy

ER Partners to build infrastructural support

Standardizing control, tracking and review. Governance and accountability models.

1. Attach an outline budget with respect to your ELD program targets, including ER income

from events, collaborations etc.

The Difference

Talent Management (As a function)

Talent Management (As a Program)

Recruitment Allocation, Induction and Training

Learning and Development Performance Tracking and Appraisal

Contribution to GCDP GIP Implementation of Team Experiences

Alignment to TMP/TLP Principles

Performance of the Portfolio

Talent Management (As a function)

Talent Management (As a Program)

4 recruitments done throughout the year; 2 major and 2 pocket recruitments

High Contribution to GIP GCDP by TLP; Very less contribution from TMP; Low

member engagement; lack of retention

Allocation and Induction focus areas for

August Recruitment, Training also worked out for August recruitments

Membership Crunch due to lack of

member retention and haphazard recruitment; pressure on TM as afunction

Lack of Member Engagement and retention from programs brought in the

need for 2 extra cycles of recruitments; putting pressure on allocation induction

and training in both cycles

Need assessment of Membership has been low; Team Experiences need to be

more holistic

Learning and Development a focus area

for Q3 and Q4, implemented majorly in Q4, working out well

Alignment to TMP/TLP Principles has

been low due to lack of understanding of TM as a program

Performance Tracking and Appraisal has been problem with lack of tracking

procedures in place and delay in synergy

with exchangers

2. Analyse the recruitment’s conducted this year. What innovations do you propose in the

existing processes to make them even more effective for next year?

Recruitments in 2014

January Recruitments Pocket Recruitments

No of People recruited: 30

No of registrations: 120

Source of Recruitment: Social Media

Retention Rate: 60% (relatively high)

Poor induction and training

Wanderlust (Exchange Support+OGX OC) (Recruitment plus oGCDP raising)

Source of Recruitment: Campus Promotions and Social Media

No of people recruited: 30

No of Raises for OGX: None

Retention rate: 20% (Very Low)

Poor induction and training

May Recruitment (No OC) Pocket Recruitment

Source of Recruitment: Social Media

No of Registrations: 75

Conversion Rate: 30% (Low)

No of people recruited: 20

Retention Rate: 25% (Very Low)

Poor induction and training

August Recruitment (The Reds)

Major Recruitment (Focus Area)

Source of Recruitment: Social Media, Campus Promotions, Word of Mouth, YE, Empower No of Registrations: 1600 (including online)

Conversion rate: 60% (Low)

No of people recruited: 116

Retention Rate: 75%

Good Induction and allocation; Lack of Training

Major Problems for Recruitments in 2014

Poor conversion rate because of lack of proper sales training

Lack of Proper Packaging and late in timelines in the case of Wanderlust; Lack of a proper

OC Experience due to unorganized structure and lack of direction

Tracking and Conversion of registrations and form sales a major problem

Social Media conversion has been low due to lack of tracking, engagement and follow up

Innovations Proposed for 2014:

Recruitment to be done only twice an year with programs and EB focusing on member

engagement, retention and growth in membership learning curve Recruitment be done only in batches of more than 120; at the minimum

Campus Promotions and Word of Mouth to become a major strategy for effective


Timely Product Packaging, Market Research and Selling so as to be able to make

investments and generate profit IM processes to be stronger in OC Culture

Market Segmentation to be done according to requirements

Proper Promotion timelines to be followed

Proper Packaging to be done along with OC training by LTT

Proper Finance Tracking

Synergy and timelines between promotions and selections to be decided

Phase wise promotion and selections for separately clustered colleges

Timely and focused induction

Focus on skill based allocation so as to improve retention rate and followed up with

strong training

3. Propose learning & development plan for 2014, and how would lead to evolution of

membership learning curve and provide high quality leadership experiences.


1. What emphasis does Marketing as a function hold currently for AIESEC in Chandigarh?

Critically analyse the same. Also evaluate its contribution to growth in ELD programs.

Learning and Development will need to be focus area next year, given the state of TMP/TLP as a

program right now, with low productivity, hampering of experiences, and state of growth driven by


Following will be the effective measure to evolve the state of Learning and Development in the LC:

Expansion of L&D Task Force for 2014 with EB and SB/MB responsible

Setting quarterly task forces to implement LTT at the local level

Building year long LC Plan for L&D with EM and SB/MB and the LTT taskforce

Focus on Tracking performance measures in January and February to build a reality check of

current membership learning curve and leadership development with on going basic trainings.

Marketing as a function serves the following roles for AIESEC in Chandigarh in the year 2013:

Brand Building and Strengthening

Enabling Operations to achieve direct growth in Sales (Tracking)

Brand Building of Products and Projects offered by AIESEC in Chandigarh, along with a

basic focus on branding AIESEC in totality (Partnerships and Social Media)

Content Generation to serve Social Media and PR

Current State

The High’s:

Processes based specialized OS in Q4 resulted in minor growth but improvement of synergy and

understanding of the function in exchange portfolio’s thus also resulting in minimal growth in

terms of sales.

The Year has seen some good online campaigns, generating high traffic and high number of

registrations. Innovation and dedicated content generation has been the key in making Social

Media work.

Youth Empowerment has been a success in Q3 and Q4 with Recruitments and oGCDP delivering

results in UR and On Ground Promotions.

The Low’s:

Constantly changing direction has hampered the growth of our Brand and the products

Lack of Synergy with programs has slowed down the growth of both Brand and Sales

PR and Partnerships have seen an all time low, due to delay in timelines of both events and

programs, and lack of product packaging due to the same

2. How should Marketing evolve in the LC in 2014? How do you see it contributing to ELD

programs in 2014?

Communication & Information Management

1. What are the various spheres in the LC in which Communication & Information Management

plays a huge role or can a play a huge role?

2. Comment on how you envision the role of Information Systems in the functioning and

administration of the local committee in 2014.

Marketing will see growth in 2014 majorly as a function acting as a driver for individual products

and sub-products driving sales and brand building.

Major changes for the same will include:

Change in OS according to product to supplement growth of individual products and the

brand of AIESEC

Exchange portfolios majorly being responsible for the growth in sales of their products by

performing marketing operations on their own as independent units and the marketing

department acting as a strategic unit to support the same in terms of direction and leads

External Branding of Products will see a bigger role than the brand of AIESEC

Business Intelligence: Data Collection, Analysis and Decision Making

Process Optimization: Documenting Procedures, Creating SOP’s, Reducing Delivery Time,

Increasing Delivery Rate, Client Servicing, Loyalty and Retention

Internal Communication: Channels & Frequency of Internal Communication, Developing an

Internal Communication Plan

Increasing Customer Loyalty

To attain high client retention rate and improve NPS, thus also helping in Up scaling.

Reducing Delivery time for each client and increasing delivery rate for each client by data

analysis and interpretation for reducing matching time.

CRM Process Mapping and Implementation for physical and virtual engagement for all

Clients and Customers.

Virtual Engagement and Communication Plans involving content generation for newsletters,

photos and videos.

Brand Positioning and Strengthening

Leading to Growth (Internal and External)

Feedbacks and Surveys to understand market requirements and documenting the same.

Utilization of the above information to create specified internal and external brand

strengthening plan for all new programs according to their new brand policies (majorly

involving dedicated content generation within departments).

Capitalization and effective utilization of all leads and sign up’s generated from the same


Increasing Team Performance and Work Satisfaction

By increasing collective productivity of teams, departments and the local chapter

Providing the right resources to be used at the right time so as to effectively capitalize on

available opportunities in the right way.

Enabling personal relationship building bringing the ‘Human Element’ in work in the process

of handling their own stakeholders.

Blank Paper Challenge

The 6 S’s

2013 2014

Structure: Basic, Sustainability Driven Structure: Evolved, Growth Driven

Systems: Operational, Undefined, Less


Systems: Functional, Defined and Structured,

High Prodcutivity

Strategy: Basic, Low Implementation, Operational Growth

Strategy: Evolved, Grounded, Directional, Functional, Sustained and Growth Driven

Staff: Low Capacity, Management high,

membership Low

Staff: High Capacity, Management High,

Membership High

Skills: Management and Leadership Highly

Skilled, Membership unskilled, lack of resources

and structures

Skills: Management and Leadership will have

Leadership Development, Membership Highly


Style: Operational, Goal Driven, Action Oriented,


Thought Driven, Action Oriented, Sustained and


Shared Values

2013 2014

Needed Growth, Strong Departmental Culture, High level of participation, Resilient Management

and Leadership, Value Based Development

Thoughtful Growth, Evolutiion in Organizational and Operational functioning, Synergy Driving

Growth, Customer to Product centric behaviour