Ability Task

Post on 26-Jan-2017

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Ability Task

According to (Kelly, 2012) Academic writing refers to the forms of expository prose used by

university students and researchers to express a body of information. Academic writing

requires good research skills which will help in picking up the main and good sources that are

suitable for any writing. In addition, it also requires one to be attending lectures and tutorials

helps in revealing the hidden meanings of a reading enabling one to understand very well.

One should be able to use several theories and examples so as to create a discussion and to be

able to analyse the specific writing given. Moreover, one should be able to reference correctly

in the style required thereby following the citation which was being used in the academic

writing. Citing and referencing helps in reducing the plagiarism percentage and it also shows

that one is respecting the thoughts of the author of the resources being used. The academic

writing should be well structured with perfect not too long sentences and the paragraphs that

link logically. It requires the use of formal language with correct grammar, punctuation and


To write successfully at university, learners need to be mindful of a discipline’s vocabulary,

discourses and methods of thinking (Strydom, 2015). In order for an academic writing to be

perfect there is the need to manage time well thus giving yourself time to research and to get

as many sources as possible. Taking responsibility for own learning is also required for

academic writing thus giving yourself time to seat down and think of what is required by the

essay on top of that getting into groups will help in motivating one to work hard and it also

enables the sharing of ideas. Being in contact with your tutors thus asking questions when

you don’t understand will help so much in correcting the mistakes you were making before

and by correcting the mistakes it enables one to come up with a perfect academic writing.

Academic writing comes with challenges which students face, the main challenge would be

the lack of time management thus most students fail to manage time properly and thereby

living very little time for research as a result the academic writing will be not meaningful.

The other challenge would be that of plagiarism thus the tendency of just coping and pasting

in order to avoid to think a lot. Most students and researchers fail to reference well thus a

very big challenge in academic writing as all the work is supposed to be referenced. The

other challenge would be not knowing the right sources to use in the writing thus one will end

up saying things that are not necessary .The other challenge is the not knowing how to write

formally and at the end one might choose not to finish the writing. However, the main

challenge is the belief that writings are boring and they require too much energy and time for

them to be finished thereby already the negative attitude becomes the main problem.


Kelly, S. E. (2012)Lecture Attendance Rates at University and related factors.Journal of

Further and Higher Education, 36(1) : 17-40

Urquhart, B. and Pooley, J. (2007) “The transition experience of Australian students to

university: The importance of social support”, The Australian Community Psychologist,

19(2): 78-91.