about crowdsourcing & patent information

Post on 13-Jan-2015

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my slides for the annual working group meeting of "Arbeitsgruppe Digitale Medien in der Patentinformation" of the "Deutschen Gesellschaft für Informationswissenschaft und -praxis e.V."


Crowdsourcing &

Patent Information

about crowdsourcing by @herrkrueger


about crowdsourcing by @herrkrueger

sharing, cooperation, and collective action

always constrained by transaction/managerial costs

social tools enable ridiculously easy group-forming


about crowdsourcing by @herrkrueger

The Tragedy of the Commons, Garrett Hardin, 1968

The Governing of the Commons, Elinor Ostrom, 1990


remember outsourcing?sending jobs to india and china is so 2003.

the new pool of cheap labor: everyday people using their spare cycles to create content, solve problems,

even do corporate r&d.

-jeff howe, wired.com 2006

about crowdsourcing by @herrkrueger


distributed problem solving and production model

open call for solutions

large undefined group of people or a community

acknowledgement, fame, learning, money

about crowdsourcing by @herrkrueger


about crowdsourcing by @herrkrueger

you can‘t crowdsource if you don‘t have a crowd(make sure you really have some people...)

you won‘t attract attention without adequate bait(campaign to attract enthusiastic participation…)

if you make it too much work, it won‘t work(make it as easy and fun as possible…)

about crowdsourcing by @herrkrueger

about crowdsourcing by @herrkrueger

about crowdsourcing by @herrkrueger

Crowdsourcing &

Patent Information

about crowdsourcing by @herrkrueger

about crowdsourcing by @herrkrueger

about crowdsourcing by @herrkrueger

about crowdsourcing by @herrkrueger

about crowdsourcing by @herrkrueger

about crowdsourcing by @herrkrueger

about crowdsourcing by @herrkrueger

about crowdsourcing by @herrkrueger

about crowdsourcing by @herrkrueger

about crowdsourcing by @herrkrueger

about crowdsourcing by @herrkrueger