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MATFORD ARABLE SYSTEMS LTDMatford Barton, Alphington, Exeter, Devon EX2 8XW UK

Ma� ord Arable Systems are a fully independent agronomy company owned and managed by their senior agronomists. We aim to provide a class-leading service, in both advice and products, backed up by a highly skilled and motivated team of technical and logistics sta�

Our goal is to be the ‘partner of choice’ for farmers in the South West.

We exercise full control over the delivery of our products, guaranteeing that customers will get their items delivered in a timely fashion.

Please feel free to contact us so that one of our team of experienced agronomists can visit you on your farm to discuss your requirements.

About Us Contact Us

T 01392 424265 F 01392 424283info@matfordarable.co.uk

Neil Po� sMid & East Devon07785 774644neil@matfordarable.co.uk

Andy HillCornwall & Devon07899 792652andy@matfordarable.co.uk

Craig LawrenceWest Cornwall07525 860167craig@matfordarable.co.uk

Dominic EdmondEast Devon & Cornwall07889 217857dom@matfordarable.co.uk

David NorthmoreEast Cornwall & West Devon07805 195840david@matfordarable.co.uk

Jan SpieringsSouth Devon & Somerset07788 314042jan@matfordarable.co.uk

Matford Arable Systems produce their own certi� ed cereal seed wherever possible, providing many bene� ts to our customers

We only select varieties that are appropriate for growing in the South West

Our seed is always produced to the highest possible standard, with a zero tolerance set for wild oats

All crops are inspected at least twice by fully quali� ed seed crop inspectors, to ensure that high standards are maintained

Highly skilled and trained operatives continually achieve among the best seed dressing loadings on our seed of any seed produced in the UK and this is regularly veri� ed by independent seed testing and monitoring

We exercise full control over the delivery of our seed, guaranteeing that customers will get their seed delivered in a timely fashion

In addition, we o� er a mobile grain cleaning service, allowing customers to have their farm-saved seed cleaned on their premises.

We source our crop protection products from many di� erent suppliers

Being fully independent we match the right product for the job, rather than relying on just one supplier. � is ensures that the integrity of our advice on farm is completely uncompromised.

Our agronomists are in a constant programme of training and professional development to ensurethat they remain ahead of the curve in crop protection developments in order to meet individual farm requirements.

All our agronomists are able to provide a full soil testing service

Tests range from a straight pH test through to full broad-spectrum soil analysis, which allows us to provide recommendations for the application of both lime and fertilizer.

Matford Arable Systems have been appointed as an agent for Yara Fertilisers, with the full backup and support that a manufacturer like Yara is able to o� er.

Grass seeds are a rapidly expanding part of our service portfolio

With the purchase of PG Seeds, a well-respected West Country grass seed producer, our grass seed business has been taken to another level.

We are able to provide a full range of standard agricultural and amenity mixtures as well as bespoke mixtures, which can be tailored precisely to meet your own individual requirements.

Matford Arable Systems o� er a large portfolio of maize varieties

Specially selected for their suitability for growing in the South West, ensuring that their performance is matched to local growing conditions.

� is means that by the time a new variety goes commercial we know the ideal site to grow it.

Cereal SeedCrop Protection

Lime & Fertiliser

Grass Seeds
