About us issue 33 2012

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About us -inhouse bulletin of Rotary Mysore Midtown


ISSUE : 33 VOLUME : 31 14-3-2012 PAGES - 4

Education2008: Ph. D Scholar at SVYASA Deemed University, Bangalore.2000: M.R.A.V (Member Rashtreeya Ayurveda Vidyapeetha, New Delhi)1996: M.D (Doctor of Medicine, Kayachikitsa), University of Mysore.1992: B.A.M.S (Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery), University of Mysore – GOLD MEDALISTThesis and Papers

Thesis on Management of VICHARCHIKA (Eczema) to the University of Mysore. Thesis on Aphorisms of Vagbhata on Panchakarma Therapy to Rashtreeya Ayurveda Vidyapeetha, New Delhi.

Has several Research papers to her credit and has been a prominent voice at various National and International Conferences.

Ÿ Director and Chief Consultant, Prajna Kuteera, Unique Ayurveda Panchakarma Rejuvenation Centres, Ramakrishnanagar and Siddarthanagar, Mysore.

Ÿ Director, Abhijna International Academy of Ayurveda and Yoga, Mysore.Ÿ Member, Rashtreeya Ayurveda Vidyapeetha, New Delhi. Ÿ Secretary, Global Alliance Of Traditional Health Systems(GATHS), India Ÿ Secretary, Mind Body Spirit Society Of India ( MBSSI), India.Ÿ Member, South Asian Society For Atherosclerosis And Thrombosis (SASAT) IndiaŸ Visiting Faculty, National Institute of Integrative Medicine (NIIM), Melbourne,

Australia & the Australian Institute of Holistic Medicine, Perth, Australia.Ÿ Treasurer, Swami Vivekananda Research Institute of Medical Sciences and

Rural Development Centre (R), Mysore and Tumkur Districts, Karnataka.Ÿ Chief Consultant, Emerge Spa, Wind Flower Resorts, Mysore, Karnataka.Ÿ Senior visiting faculty, SKB Ayurveda Medical college , Bangalore.Ÿ Senior visiting faculty -Yoga, Bharatiya vidya bhavan, Mysore.Ÿ One of the 100 Doctors on the Medical Renaissance Movement, Melbourne,

Australia.Ÿ Conducted innumerable health camps and yoga therapy camps under the

auspicious of Swami Vivekananda Research Institute of Medical Sciences and Rural Development Centre (R) and at Prajna Kuteera, Mysore. Ÿ Awarded by the Rotary –Vijay Vocational award for her yeoman service to

the society in the field of health care. Ÿ Secretary, International Co-ordination Committee, ICYN-2012


Rotary Midtown Extends Warm Welcome to Dr. Poornima K Murthya

President's MessageMy Dear Rotarians,

Bye till next week…..

Thank You

Last week we had a great time celebrating Charter Nite of our Club. It was indeed a great show except the acoustics & sound system. Our young dynamic Rock conducted show in a unique style. I immensely thank him for making the Charter Nite memorable one. It was indeed a great honour to have all the Charter members & Past Presidents at the celebration. I sincerely thank all of them for making the function a great success. And I thank all my Board members & fellow Rotarians for the support extend to make the function a great show. Today let us hear from Dr. Poornima.K. Murthy about Stress Management

Rtn. Raghavendra


Once upon a time, there was a rich merchant who had 4 wives. He loved his fourth wife the most, because she was the most beautiful one amongst his other wives, and gave her a lot of his riches and wealth.

This man was very proud of his third wife and always tried to introduce her to all his friends, though he was always worried if his wife would run away with other guy. He loved his second wife very much, because she was patient and understanding. Whenever he had a problem, he always asked for her opinion; she was the one he could rely on. Through difficult times, the second wife always helped and was always by her husband's side.

His first wife was a faithful partner. She always brought goodness for the family. She was the one who took care and organized her husband's business. Unfortunately, the merchant did not love her that much. Although the first wife loved the merchant so much, he did not really care about her.

One day, the merchant was very sick and realized that he was going to die soon; so he called for all his wives. He asked his fourth wife, “You are the one I love the most, I gave you beautiful dresses and jewelleries. Would you accompany me?” His wife was stuck shut,

then she answered him, “Of course I wouldn't!” then she left without another word. That answer hurt the merchant's heart so much. Then, he asked his third wife, “I too love you with all my heart and, this time, my life will be over. Would you go with me?” The wife answered, “Life is so beautiful here, I will marry again if you die.” The merchant was very struck with her saying.

Again, he asked his second wife, “I always turned to you every time I have problems and you always helped me. Now, I really need your help. If I die, would you stand beside me?” The wife quietly answered, “Please forgive me,” she said, “I cannot help you this time. I can only see to your grave. However, I'll make a beautiful burial plot for you.”

The answer was like a striking lightning. The merchant felt so hopeless. Suddenly, he heard a voice, “I will stay with you. I'll go wherever you go. I won't leave you; I'll be faithful to you.” The merchant looked to his side and saw his first wife there. She looked so thin, like a person in starvation. Feeling very sorry, the merchant whispered, “If only I could take care of you while I could, you would not look like this, my wife.”

The True Life Partner



Major Donors Rtn. Ramki & Rtn. Narendra Babu

Two New faces of Midtown - Rtn. Vinod Maroli

and Rtn. Dr. Ravindranath

Rock Quizzing PP. Das

beloved AG as Guest of Honor and Rtn Jim Freeman as guest of Honor on the last leg of his tour to India who is the MVA (Most Valuable Asset) of Midtown.

After the initial protocol and introduction of guests, it was time to honor our Gems, the Past Presidents of the club and Rock made it very interesting by reading out the theme of the year and for those who are in the club by making the audience ask interesting questions. Humor prevailed in the entire exercise despite frequent interruptions from the sound system.

Two new members in Rtn Dr Ravindranath (Reentering Midtown) introduced by Rtn Dr Prahlad and Rtn Vinod Maroli introduced by Rtn Farooq were ceremoniously inducted into Midtown. Major Donors

Much is already commented in FB, about the Acoustics, Golf Club, etc. All credit to the evening and its Master, Rock, for carrying the program with great innovation which induced inquest. Midtown is and will always be the innovators and this program proved we can turn challenging circumstances into effective ones with limited resources.

The program was well planned with the chief guest Rtn Chitta Ranjan from our parent club Rotary Mysore gracing the occasion, Rtn Aacha Ashok Kumar our

Chief Guest - Rtn. Chitta Ranjan addressing

Rtn Babu and Rtn Ramki were honored. Our beloved AG released our mouth piece 'About Us', this time with guest editor Rtn Ramki Reminiscing the glorious past

of Rotary Midtown.Jim spoke on why we are Rotarians and reiterated

service as the prime motto of Rotary. Much of his interesting speech was lost out due to his difficult accent and bad acoustics. Our Chief Guest Rtn Chittaranjan set the tone for fellowship and praised Midtown for its projects and programs.

Soon after Vishwa's towering vote of thanks, Midtowners, Anns and Annets jumped into the bandwagon of fellowship as they caught up with topics interesting amongst themselves, enjoying every

ndmoment of the 32 evening which was slipping into the awaiting horizon to begin a new day, a new year for Rotary Midtown. ----- SBC


Rtn. Jim Freeman - being honoured

Photo of the Week

Next Week in MidtownVisit to Community

Service Centre, Date : 21.03.2012 Time : 6.30pmVenue : “Mother Theresa Home”, Near J.s.s.

Dental College, Mysore Bangalore Road


Moral codes and ethics give us tools but also raise questions to be answered: How should we live? What is morally good and bad, right and wrong? Shall we aim at happiness or knowledge? Virtue or the creation of beautiful objects? If we choose happiness, will it be our own or the happiness of all?

And what of the more specific questions that face us? Is it right to be dishonest for a good cause? Can we justify living in opulence while elsewhere in the world people are starving?

Ethics deals with such questions at all levels. The subject's core consists of the fundamental issues of practical decision making, and its major concerns include the nature of ultimate value and the standards by which human actions can be judged right or wrong.

For Rotary, The Four-Way Test is the cornerstone of all action. It has been for years, and it will be in the future. Of the things we think, say or do

1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? The test is one of the hallmarks of Rotary. Since it was

developed in 1932 by Herbert J. Taylor, who later became RI president, it has never ceased to be relevant. Its four brief questions are not based on culture or religion. Instead, they are a simple checklist for ethical behavior. They transcend generations and national borders.

As Rotarians, we should have The Four-Way Test in mind in every decision we make, all day long. Our utmost responsibility is to speak the truth, to be fair, to build goodwill and better friendships, and to do our very best in all situations.

Life is very turbulent today, and people all over the world are exhausted in their duties. Where are the dreams of a better world? Where are we? Who are we? What is our duty to ourselves, neighbors, and fellow citizens? Where are charity and our joint responsibility to humankind?

Now more than ever, we need a vision and knowledge of what is happening around us, a new view of cultural and religious phenomena, without dividing humankind into limited and subjective categories. That's the tenet for a better world and a job for us Rotarians: not engaging in politics, but serving without any boundaries.

This happens through our programs, and it happens through acting as a guide for international coexistence, providing a forum for dialogue and discussion worldwide, giving perspective to views and models, finding new solutions using Rotarians' great knowledge and expertise, and having interfaith, multicultural, and ethical standards as guiding principles in all dealings.

No divine right can be vested in anyone to pronounce the final word or the ultimate truth. In matters of faith and religion, prescriptive morality should be avoided, as it often is the root cause of hostility and divisiveness. Global ethics is based on an interfaith mind and ecumenical way of living.

The one universal, unsurpassed principle expressed by nearly every major religion and values system is similar to the golden rule: Do to others as you would have them do to you. Today, it is especially confusing to determine what is really right and wrong. But the fundamentals of Rotary are bound to universal ethics and humanity without any boundaries between race, religion, or ethnic background.

Rotary offers a possibility for solving ethical problems. Well-trained, well-engaged in social life, and with strong consciences, Rotarians must try to address these issues through Rotary's vocational and community service programs.

Rtn. Rajesh R. Shah17-03-2012 (Mobile: 9845302935)



Rtn. PHF Sambasivan R & Shobha. 19-03-2012 ; Cell : 9845111096

Wedding Anniversary

Rotary quiz: Who developed Rotary 4 way

test? In which year?

See Answer in Rotary Information

Today’s Tea Hosted by

Rtn. Deepak Solanki

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Photo of the Week

Look Dear - Your AIM There ! I Am With You

Rtn. Venkatesh C.P. & Leelavathi R. 22-2-2012 Cell : 9448022967

Rtn. Rajendra Babu M.K. & Rasitha26-2-2012 Cell : 9342184004

Wedding Anniversary