Abridge: (v) to make shorter€¦ · 1. Abridge: (v) to make shorter –Dad was so tired that he...

Post on 14-Oct-2020

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1. Abridge: (v) to make shorter

– Dad was so tired that he was only able to read the abridged version of the bed time story.

Syn: shorten, condense, abbreviateAnt: expand, enlarge, augment

2. Adherent: (n) a follower, supporter; (adj) attached, sticking to

Self-adherent wrap. Dressed in traditional clothes, these monks are loyal adherents of Buddhism. Syn: disciple

Ant: opponent, adversary, critic, detractor

3. Altercation: (n) an angry argument

Syn: quarrel, dispute, squabble.Ant: agreement, accord

4. Cherubic: (adj) resembling an angel portrayed as a little child with a beautiful,

round, or chubby face; sweet and innocent

Syn: beatificAnt: impish, devilish, diabolic,fiendish

5. Condone: (v) to pardon or overlook

• I do not condone the violence seen in many of today’s video games.

Syn: ignore, wink at, look the other wayAnt: censure, condemn, disapprove, deprecate

6. Dissent: (v) to disagree; (n) disagreement

Lebron James dissents

the referee’s call.

An anti-war protest is a form of dissent.

Syn: differ, disputeAnt: agree, concur;unanimity

7. Eminent: (adj) famous, outstanding, distinguished; projecting

An eminent rapper.

An eminent figure in history.

8. Exorcise: (v) to drive out by magic; to dispose of something troublesome,

menacing, or oppressive

In Salem, hanging witches was thought to exorcise the devil.

Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spent their lives trying to exorcise hatred and violence from the lives of millions of people.

9. Fabricate: (v) to make, manufacture; to make up, invent

• After getting caught sneaking out, Joe quickly fabricated a story that began with a late-night and an unquenchable thirst for milk.

Syn: put together, devise, contrive, concoctAnt: take apart, undo, destroy, demolish

10. GLUTTONY: (n) engaging in extreme eating or drinking;

greedy overindulgence

Syn: overeating, ravenousness

Ant: abstemious

11. Irate: (adj) angry

Syn: incensed,Infuriated, lividAnt: calm, composed, cool, unruffled

12. Marauder: (n) a raider, plunderer

• Marauders raided the farmhouse, stealing everything they could find.

Syn: looter, pirate

13. Pauper: (n) an extremely poor person

Pauper Prince

Syn: destitute person

Ant: billionaire

14. Pilfer: (v) to steal in small quantities

Syn: rob, swipe,purloin

15. Rift: (n) a spilt, break, breach

Syn: crack, fissure, gap, cleftAnt: reconciliation

16. Semblance: (n) a likeness; an outward appearance; an apparition

No semblanceof fear.

Syn: air, aura, façadeAnt: dissimilarity, contrast, total lack

17. Surmount: (v) to overcome, rise above

The climbers attempted to surmount Mount Everest.

The young girl tries to surmount her fear of heights.

Syn: conquer, triumph over Ant: be vanquished, be defeated, succumb to

18. Terminate: (v) to bring to an end

Syn: conclude, finish, discontinueAnt: begin, commence

19. Trite: (adj) commonplace; overused, stale



Syn: hackneyed, cornyAnt: original, innovative

20. Usurp: (v) to seize and hold a position by force or without right

Scar attempted to usurp the throne from Mufasa, the rightful king of the jungle.

Syn: seize illegally,supplant