Abstracts di Glocale 2/3

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/ 2-3 / 2011



Rossano Pazzagli Economics and Knowledge.

School and agriculture in the south of Italy in the years of the Unity of the Nation

During the 19th Century an intense debate about agricultural training led to

the birth of agricultural schools and other ways of imparting technical knowledge such as farming contracts, farming rallies and mobile schools. There was a big cultural push to improve Italian agriculture, linked with the advances in science and the role of the state. Even during the reign of the Due Siclie, the 1840’s seem to mark a change, with reforms to education and the creation in 1847 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce. During the 1850’s there were more decentralised initiatives such as the in-troduction of teaching farming at secondary schools. Studies on how knowl-edge was imparted seem to show that Southern farming culture was not iso-lated but rather it was integrated with both European and Italian and in par-ticular with that of Tuscany. There was no lack, therefore, of either human resources or ideas which nonetheless had to clash against a political structure which was largely insufficient and a limited amount of capital available for funding innovation.

Roberto Parisi Factories and territory: the role of the building industry in the south of Italy

For little more than a decade, the Italian construction sector has been the focus of a renewed interest in historiography. For Southern Italy, this area of study is very important today, because we can grasp with greater cultural and environmental awareness the outcome of a long history of economic policies and business strategies which have become stratified into the landscape and in its visible forms to achieve the industrial and social unification of the whole country. This study should be read from the point of view of industrial architecture, therefore the factory, through which design, processing and control practices of the anthropic space have been experimented on, both at an architectural and territorial level, in order to achieve a better understand-ing of some of the some of the many aspects of the building history of Southern Italy, which are still poorly investigated.

/ 2-3 / 2011


Gabriella Corona The Planners, the Environment and the City. Technique and politics in Italy

during the last forty years of the twentieth century

Beginning in the Sixties, a trend in town-planning studies known as “reform-ist” developed in Italy, largely revolving around the Istituto Nazionale di Ur-banistica (national institute for town-planning studies). This trend marked a deep change in land management concepts. Its adherents sought to “reform” – rather than merely rationalize – the economic growth to limit its negative so-cial and environmental impact. This was to be achieved by controlling the real estate market and the regulation of land rent processes. Thanks to the strong ties they formed with public administrations and left-wing parties, many expo-nents of this trend (including Guido Alborghetti, Pier Luigi Cervellati, Giuseppe Campos Venuti, Edoardo Detti, Vezio De Lucia, Edoardo Salzano, Alberto Todros, and many others) became leading figures in the public debate on cities of the Seventies and early Eighties, and were responsible for many institutional decisions adopted in this period at the national as well as the local level (e.g., the land law of 1977 and the ten-year housing plan of 1978). In the Eighties and Nineties, in spite of the spread of a private conception of urban planning – the so-called “contrattata” (negotiated) urban planning – the ex-ponents of this trend were still able to carry out programs and plans – e.g., in Bologna, Rome, and Naples – aimed at safeguarding the physical integrity of the land. This was achieved through a juridical and legislative evolution (as in the case of the Galasso law of 1986 and subsequent measures) that provided public administrations with new instruments for the protection of natural re-sources and the landscape, even within urban areas.

Gino Massullo Agricultural issues

The study synthetically traces the history of agriculture in Molise during

the last two and a half centuries, identifying its changes and continuities. From the mid-eighteenth century to the infamous “battle of the grain” of

the fascist era, agriculture in Molise has been characterized by the enormous spread of cereal. Its modernization starts up after World War II, albeit largely confined to territorial infrastructure. This occurred within special policies of exceptional measures for the South (Intervento straordinario) and the land Reform financed by the Cassa per il Mezzogiorno.

In Molise, the final step in the primary sector modernization occurs only as late as in the last twenty years of the twentieth century. In this period the previous gap with the rest of the South and of the country, in terms of pro-ductivity, employees and company size, is at least partly filled.

However, the author emphasizes the strong persistence of a number of problems, from the past to the present days. Among them: the excessive



spread of cereals – resulting in the further worsening of hydrogeological in-stability –, sputtering enterprises, fragmentation of property, the ageing of manpower, the difficulties of accessing credit, the lack of social cohesion, the abandonment of mountainous inland areas. These problems seem today – within the framework of the global market – even more urgent, in view of the new challenges set by the European Community which invites the local agriculture to compete on the market, to manage environmental resources in a sustainable manner, to engage in a real governance of rural areas; all of that in a glocal dimension able to contextualize the European agricultural policy within specific local strategies.

Rosa Maria Fanelli The food industry

The aim of this paper is to highlight the structural and operational features

of the first two components of the agro-food system in Molise: the agricul-tural sector and the food industry. Regarding the first component, data from Istat make it possible to draw the main patterns of development over the pe-riod 2000-2007. In particular, from 2000 to 2007 the situation of the primary sector was almost unchanged in Molise. At the moment, it is still character-ized by the same elements of backwardness: small firms, high rate of senility of employees, high production costs, low competitive products in foreign markets. These factors generate a strong impact on the economic and pro-ductive efficiency, especially for firms located in mountain and marginal ar-eas of the region. However, these firms are still able to survive thanks to the introduction in Agenda 2000 of the concept of “multifunctional agriculture”.

Special attention is paid to the food industry and to food chains character-ized by specific factors depending on the local context in which they operate.

A more updated picture of the agricultural production and of the produc-tion process is built on the basis of data provided by the Chambers of Com-merce of the two provinces in Molise. Data make it possible to identify, as for the agriculture sector, the patterns of growth concerning the production process in the food industry in the last decade. More specifically, data show that companies operating in the manufacturing sector were 2,815 in 2008. Of these companies, 811 (i.e. 28.8 per cent) operated in the food and beverage sector. Moreover, the incidence of firms operating in Molise on the total number of firms operating in the food sector in Italy is 0.8 per cent. In terms of the number of employees, value added and exports the incidence is, re-spectively, equal to 0.7, 0.5 and 0.2 per cent. To sum up, from the analysis it can be inferred that, as for the agricultural sector, the food industry shows some weaknesses: fragmentation, family-based ownership of firms, diffi-culty in accessing credit, difficulty in managing trade relationships.

From a more disaggregated analysis of the data, it can be inferred that the most important branches of the food industry in Molise are: milk, oil and fats,

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pasta and meat. These products are usually produced by firms operating in ar-eas of the territory which are particularly suitable for the production of tradi-tional products and which are characterized by a high level of integration be-tween the first and the second phase of the production process (i.e. the produc-tion of raw materials and the firms and second transformation of products).

Ilaria Zilli Looking for an industrial vocation

For a large part of the last century, Molise has remained on the fringes of de-

velopment in our country and not only in terms industrial development. The three “islands” of industrialisation of the region (the indiustrial hubs of Ter-moli-Rivolta del Re, Isernia-Pettoranello and Campobasso-Bojano) emerged only at the beginning of the seventies thanks to heavy investment by the state in infrastructure and also thanks to incentives from the Cassa per il Mezzog-iorno for the establishment of new companies in the regions of Southern Italy. However industrialisation by the state, in Molise or the rest of the South of It-aly, has not been able to change significantly the entrepreneurial culture in the region nor moreover has it been able to guarantee the independent growth of local business. The example of Molise appears to be a model in this sense: that after two decades of passion for industrialisation, today its economy is divided between agriculture and the service sector, more or less advanced, whilst heavy industry has not been able to put down its roots nor create sustained pe-riods of employment. In the face of ever clearer signs of the economic crisis in the world, perhaps the real challenge is to lead Molise away from the classic routes of development and make it a guinea pig for models of growth that not only re-establish the relationship between man and the environment, still very positive in the region, but which also increase the value of local areas making them more prominent in building their own future.

Massimiliano Crisci What future for the working-age population of Molise?

After a long period of strong depopulation and some decades of demo-

graphic stagnation, in the last years Molise has avoided a slight decrease of population only thanks to foreign immigration.

Labour forces are ageing because the people born during the baby boom are now reaching adulthood and maturity and because a restricted genera-tion born in low fertility periods is reaching working age.

In the future, we can foresee that such trends are going to trigger off a wor-kforce decline, particularly intense in the youngest age groups.

Work placement in Molise is very difficult for young people. The mis-match between their occupational expectation and the local market supply



continues to indicate territorial mobility as a necessity. Labour market flexi-bility stimulates temporary and intermittent migrations to the Central-Northern regions of Italy, not as strong as they used to be, but still substan-tial. These are silent migrations affecting the quality of life of migrants and their families, but they are difficult to trace through official sources and im-possible to analyse without using ad hoc surveys.

Ilenia Pasquetti The modernization of Molise region in the WW II postwar period through

the records of Svimez

In the WW II postwar period, Svimez (Bureau for the industrialization of Southern Italy) considered the State aids as the only way to solve the prob-lems pertaining to the underdevelopment of Southern Italy. In the case of the Molise region, Svimez has pinpointed the lack of infrastructures as the main reason for its socio-economic depression. Svimez also considered the devel-opment of an agricultural economy as the first step towards the moderniza-tion of Molise. In the 1950s the Cassa per il Mezzogiorno (a programme for exceptional projects for the development of Southern Italy) started to estab-lish a general plan for the civic and economic exploitation of the Biferno river. At the same time, the Cassa assisted the local manufactures. In the 1970s the Cassa supported the industrialization of Molise through the indus-trial clusters. The new firms, a produce of the top down system of industri-alization did not establish a connection with local manufactures. The indus-trialization of Molise has not become a model of propulsive development.

Marinangela Bellomo The first steps of Tourism Molise: the fascist era

Fascism gave the travel industry its first real recognition on the economi-

cal, social and cultural level. The regime established state bodies for the con-trol and development of the sector, produced a framework legislation which remained enforced in its basic features beyond the Eighties of the Twentieth century and finally promoted Italian tourism to such an extent that the nation reached the top of world rankings for tourism offer.

Molise tried to keep up with the policy of tourism development imposed by the Regime: special bodies were established to manage and control the sec-tor, efforts were made to set off the existing assets of the region in order to attract “tourists”, and to spread advertising material locally as well as na-tionwide.

Efforts to follow the guidelines were enormous as were the major issues to be addressed in a region where the facilities, the routes of communication and access to finance were the elements that did not allow the start of a regional

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tourism development. Except for enthusiastic local administrators’ enthusiasm, proud of their municipalities and of their beauty, the rest of the population did not seem particularly eager to engage in developing tourism, intent as they were mainly on surviving. The outbreak of the war froze every project and every effort to modernize the touristic framework of the province.

Angelo Presenza Tourism: a lever for local development

The successful emergence of a tourist destination depends primarily on the

structural components of the local system and, secondly, on the way they in-teract to create value for different stakeholders, balancing their strategic ob-jectives. The offer of a place, therefore, must be built.

If weconsider the Italian tourism industry we can easily find a confirmation of what has just been stated so much so that, despite a unique heritage, there is often a lack of development models that can synergistically combine com-petitiveness, innovation and sustainable development.

Starting from these premises, the work presents a thorough examination of theories and management practices concerning destination management and goes on to examine the issue of destination competitiveness with a Molise-based case study. The focus is on the City of Termoli and the analysis of the Integrated Urban Development Project (Pisu). The Pisu is a financial instru-ment made available by the Region of Molise to implement participatory in-tegrated and sustainable approaches addressed to the economic, environ-mental and social needs of urban settlements. The case study has enabled us to outline interesting insights, including the importance of special issues, such as local governance, innovation and community participation.

Maria Iarossi Breaking isolation: the transport network between 1800 and 1900

The absence of an efficient transport network is a constant element in the

history of the region. The Molise geomorphological characteristics are the principal causes of this long lasting infrastructure weakness. When Italy be-came united, the interest in the infrastructure network increased and finally the possibility emerged for Molise to build roads, railways and even a port. How-ever there were considerable financial and technical obstacles to overcome. In addition other problems occurred and made it more difficult to reach this ob-jective. The case of Castelverrino is typical: until the Great War it was isolated (like Concasale, Monacilioni, Montemitro, Roccavivara, S. Polo Matese), and the documents tell us the story of this failure. The difficulties to connect Cas-telverrino with the nearby town of Agnone are typical of the serious problems that municipalities, especially the one located in the mountain area, had to face



to be integrated into an intra-regional transport network. Only in the second post war period, in fact, were problems of isolation, which had lingered on from the previous century, solved. Still today, however, internal connections are difficult and, unlike what happened in the past, the attention given to this problem has dwindled.

Letizia Bindi Selling assets, enjoying places

The paper focuses on the relationship between the intangible cultural heritage

and the ‘consumption of places’. Valorisation and commodification of the terri-tories, of ‘traditional’ practices, of local know-how is today an interesting sub-ject for ethnography. Ethnographers analyse them as a complex area of interac-tion between institutional subjects, private actors and managers, local commu-nities and translocal, or more often transnational cooperation and interaction (European Projects, Unesco Protocols, media). The author critically approaches the relation between ‘tradition’ and the market; she goes on to discuss some case studies where intangible and tangible cultural heritage are presented in the public sphere as ‘contested objects’, within a web of economic and political re-lations and interests.

Paolo di Laura Frattura Molise: socio-economic condition and prospects

about its territorial developement

The following analysis aims at stimulating some reflections about the per-spectives of growth and development of the Molise region. Firstly we will analyze the impact and the position of our region in the national economic system and in relation to the wider frame of the international relationships to understand the development differential compared to the other areas of our Country; the foundations on which it is possible to build the future of our re-gion, considering the current situation, and, finally, we will analyze how we can stimulate the development course.

To do this we will use numbers, economic data as a tool to understand and outline complex phenomena and human, economic and social conditions. The analysis of a number of social-economic variables (such as population, work and employment, income and available wealth, entrepreneurial dynamics and economic sectors, training, research, innovation, infrastructures) will enable us to make some remarks about the responsibilities of the local administrators, at different levels, and to decide on which field it would be useful to intervene, with farsightedness and common purposes, to lead to the future our territory, the present and the forthcoming inhabitants, the social and economic activities which people will be able to carry out.

/ 2-3 / 2011


Antonio Ruggieri Molise and the cure for crisis

The economic crisis, which started in the United States in 2008, is still

sweeping over the old continent and is making it extremely difficult for the economy of every State.

In the past weeks, Greece has been at risk of default, and prospects appear bleak for Ireland, Portugal and Spain, in a “domino effect” with an unpre-dictable outcome.

Outstanding experts on Molise economy have had a thorough, close con-frontation with glocal minded representatives of the academic and institu-tional world, have assessed the consequences that such an unstable and per-nicious global situation will have on Molise.

Under the coordination of mr Antonio Ruggieri, the meeting was attended by Professor Giovanni Cannata, Chancellor of the University of Molise, Mr Gianfranco Vitagliano, Spokesman for Regional Planning, Ms Erminia Mi-gnelli, secretary of CGIL trade Union, Mr Gianfranco De Gregorio and Mr Franco Di Nucci, entrepreneurs, Ms Ilaria Zilli, expert of History of Econ-omy and Mr Norberto Lombardi, immigration historian.

Massimiliano Crisci What future for the working-age population of Molise?

After a long period of strong depopulation and some decades of demo-

graphic stagnation, in the last years Molise has avoided a slight decrease of population only thanks to foreign immigration.

Labour forces are ageing because the people born during the baby boom are now reaching adulthood and maturity and because a restricted generation born in low fertility periods is reaching working age.

In the future, we can foresee that such trends are going to trigger off a workforce decline, particularly intense in the youngest age groups.

Work placement in Molise is very difficult for young people. The mis-match between their occupational expectation and the local market supply continues to indicate territorial mobility as a necessity. Labour market flexi-bility stimulates temporary and intermittent migrations to the Central-Northern regions of Italy, not as strong as they used to be, but still substan-tial. These are silent migrations affecting the quality of life of migrants and their families, but they are difficult to trace through official sources and im-possible to analyse without using ad hoc surveys.



Norberto Lombardi Criticism of the “Pleasure island”.

The karst route of “Proposte” in the modernization of Molise

Between the second half of the 60s and the second half of the 80s, publisher Enzo Nocera issued some publications about the modernisation of the Molise Region and of Southern Italy: Proposte the first series of Proposte Molisane, the second series with the same title, and Molise. These reviews tried to propose a critical overview of the societal changes in the region and at the same time the gathering and organization of a new generation of intellectuals from Molise aimed at creating a different perspective for the economic and cultural develop-ment. The background of this process was the vision of Southern Italy, which was no longer conceived as a region with a homogenous delay in its growth, but as a varied and dynamic reality: In this context the so called “Molise case” – ac-cording to the opinion of authoritative researchers – was arising, and many rep-resentatives of the political world described it as an “oasis of happiness”.

The scholars publishing on those reviews put forward a different picture, dramatically influenced by mass emigration and ill-concealed contradictions of an unquestionable development process. At the same time, these scholars pointed out mass education as an occasion for real modernisation and con-tributed to the great battles for the civil rights of those years, such as the struggle for the right to divorce. Going over those experiences today can be an occasion to reflect upon the fragile modernisation of Molise and a reason to go deeper into the present struggles.

Petrocelli Molise after the 70s development model fell into crisis

The model for development which had been refined after Molise had gained

regional autonomy has been in crisis for about twenty years. The ruling class has yet to understand the gravity of the situation and they have to deal with the many contradictions that thwart the improvement of policies in this sector. Pro-posals, ideas and understanding are not lacking but should be tested and up-dated to make them suitable for the new diverse challenges of the global crisis.

This small region has a greater disadvantage than others because of its size and because increasingly, it has to measure itself against European or inter-regional infrastructures and choices which require a suitable economic or po-litical clout.

The solutions hampered by the territorial dimensions are characterised by a dangerous improvisation which does not help planned future choices, espe-cially because of the lack of certainty of the catchment area to be taken into consideration. The timings and methods used to redesign Molise follow gen-eral institutions lines but such a wait does not justify the inertia or the uncer-tainty of powers and of the community at local level.

/ 2-3 / 2011


Sebastiano Martelli 25 years of fiction

The Paper presents analytically the 28 titles which make up the series “Au-

thors from the South”, which appeared in Edizioni Enne of Campobasso from 1981 to 2005. In line with the “brave” approach taken throughout in editorial policy, the series has works that represent effectively both a thread of continuity and the changes made by the social and cultural transformation seen in contemporary Molise. By careful literary criticism of the texts of new writers and well known authors as well established writers (like Francesco Jovine and Felice Del Vecchio) not only is a rich and ordered panorama sketched in which it is easy to view significant parts of the region’s identity but it also gives the suitable prominence to a type of literature which, in Molise has known mature expression only after the second world war.

Valeria Cocozza Livestock traders and farmers: notes about gypsies

living in Molise between 1700 and 1800

The latest studies of historical demography are slowly rediscovering the paradigm of a sedentary lifestyle. The population was not immobile. There were different mobility patterns, therefore, it could be defined as a regional endemic mobility, that cannot be fixed into a specific pattern: either mobility or immobility.

The study analyzes the complementarity between mobility and immobility of a group of gypsies, who were important cattle traders in the fairs of Southern Italy in the XVIII and XIX centuries. Their mobility was limited in space and concerned short or long periods, making them become part of the local fair economy. In this sense, their mobility was not affected by anthro-pological factors or exclusion, but was instrumental to the activities that they themselves chose to carry out.

The obligationes penes acta have represented a privileged point of view and a starting point to trace the profiles of some gypsies, such as their ex-periences and their social integrations with other populations.

They moved across Molise and the surrounding regions following the rhythm of fairs. Through the study of their activities, their movements, their genealogy we have reconstructed some models of cultural, social and eco-nomic integration.

/ 2-3 / 2011


Gli autori di questo numero Rossano Pazzagli è professore associato di storia moderna presso la Facoltà di Economia dell’Università del Molise e direttore dell’Istituto di Ricerca sul Terri-torio e l’Ambiente “Leonardo” di Pisa. È autore di numerose pubblicazioni di storia economia e sociale e fa parte della redazione di “Ricerche storiche” e di “Locus. Rivista di cultura del territorio”, oltreché cel direttivo di «Glocale». Roberto Parisi insegna Storia della città e del paesaggio e Storia del patri-monio industriale presso l’Università del Molise. Visiting Professor nel 2003 presso l’Università di Marsiglia – Aix-en-Provence, dal 2007 è vicepresiden-te dell’Aipai, Associazione Italiana per il Patrimonio Archeologico Indu-striale. Attualmente è direttore scientifico della rivista «Patrimonio Industria-le», membro del Comitato di Direzione di «Ricerche Storiche» e del Comita-to direttivo di «Glocale». Ha svolto ricerche in ambito nazionale e interna-zionale sulla storia dell’architettura e del territorio, con particolare riguardo all’edilizia storica di carattere produttivo, alle infrastrutture del paesaggio, all’iconografia della città, alle trasformazioni urbane e territoriali indotte dal processo di industrializzazione nel Mezzogiorno d’Italia. Tra le sue principali e più recenti pubblicazioni: Ferrovie e tranvie in Campa-nia. Dalla Napoli-Portici alla Metropolitana regionale, Giannini, Napoli 2006 (con F. Assante, M. de Luca, G. Muto, S. de Majo); Percorsi del Patrimonio Industriale in Italia, Crace, Perugia 2008 (con M. Ramello); Paesaggi del lavo-ro in Molise. Itinerari culturali tra storia e valorizzazione, Aracne, Roma 2009. Gabriella Corona è primo ricercatore presso l’Istituto di studi sulle società del Mediterraneo del Cnr di Napoli dove coordina il gruppo di ricerca Le risorse na-turali e le fonti storiche. Dirige «Global Environment. A Journal of History and Natural and Social sciences» ed è condirettore de «I frutti di Demetra». È mem-bro delle redazione di «Meridiana» e di «Glocale». Oltre a numerosi saggi di storia dell’agricoltura e dell’ambiente su riviste e volumi collettanei nazionali ed internazionali, ha pubblicato: Demani ed individualismo agrario nel Regno di Napoli, Esi, Napoli 1995; I ragazzi del piano. Napoli e le ragioni dell’ambienta-lismo urbano, Donzelli, Roma 2007; (con D. Fortini), Rifiuti. Una questione non risolta, XL edizioni, Roma 2010. Ha curato (con P. Bevilacqua) Ambiente e ri-sorse nel Mezzogiorno contemporaneo, Meridiana libri, Corigliano calabro 2000 e (con S. Neri Serneri), Storia e ambiente, Carocci, Roma 2007. Gino Massullo è storico della società rurale italiana. Ha pubblicato numerosi studi dedicati al storia del mondo contadino relativi alle tecniche agrarie, la proprietà fondiaria e la riforma agraria, l’emigrazione. Molte anche le sue

Gli autori di questo numero


pubblicazioni riguardanti il Molise, tra cui si ricordano Storia del Molise, Laterza 2000 e Storia del Molise in età contemporanea, Donzelli 2006, da lui curate e scritte insieme ad altri studiosi. È stato membro del comitato e-secutivo dell’Imes e del comitato di redazione di «Meridiana». Divide da sempre il suo tempo di lavoro tra didattica e ricerca; ha insegnato in diverse scuole medie e nelle università Sapienza e Roma Tre; ha tenuto corsi in uni-versità straniere. Attualmente è dirigente scolastico in un istituto romano. Rosa Maria Fanelli, è professore aggregato presso la facoltà di Economia dell’Università degli Studi del Molise, insegna Economia delle aziende agroin-dustriali e Economia e sociologia delle aziende agroalimentari presso la stessa facoltà. È autrice di circa quaranta pubblicazioni su tematiche che da anni sono oggetto dei suoi studi: il sistema agroalimentare, il commercio con l’estero dei prodotti agroalimentari, i sistemi agricoli territoriali, i consumi alimentari, le fi-liere agroalimentari, la qualità e la sicurezza alimentare. Buona parte di tali pub-blicazioni riguarda il Molise. È stata titolare di quattro borse di studio, ha conse-guito il titolo di Dottore di ricerca in Economia e politica agraria presso l’Università degli Studi di Siena e il Master in Economia agraria presso il Centro di Studi e Ricerche Economico Agrarie per il Mezzogiorno di Portici (Na). Ilenia Pasquetti ha vinto una borsa di ricerca presso l’Istituto regionale per gli stu-di storici del Molise “V. Cuoco” di Campobasso. Ha conseguito il Master scienti-fico-culturale in Conservazione, gestione e valorizzazione del Patrimonio indu-striale istituito dall’Università di Padova, dallo IUAV di Venezia e dal Politecnico di Torino e la Laurea in Lettere presso l’Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, discu-tendo una tesi in Storia contemporanea con il prof. Giovanni Sabbatucci. Marinangela Bellomo si è laureata in Scienze Turistiche presso l’Università degli Studi Del Molise e specializzata in Progettazione e Gestione dei Siste-mi Turistici presso l’Università degli Studi di Teramo. Attualmente è tesorie-re dell’AIPAI, Associazione Italiana per il Patrimonio Archeologico Indu-striale e collabora alla cattedra di Storia della città e del paesaggio e di Storia del patrimonio industriale all’Università degli Studi del Molise. Ha parteci-pato alla realizzazione dell’Atlante delle emergenze culturali del Molise a cura del Centro di Cultura dell’Ateneo molisano. È autrice di “Tra monti e mare”. Appunti per una storia della promozione turistica del Molise nel pe-riodo fascista, Almanacco Del Molise 2011, Il Molise nel Ventennio storia, cultura, società, Habacus Editore, Campobasso 2011. Angelo Presenza è ricercatore in Organizzazione aziendale presso l’Università degli Studi “G. D’Annunzio” di Chieti-Pescara, dove insegna Progettazione organizzativa. Collabora anche con l’Università degli Studi del Molise dove

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insegna Event management presso il corso di laurea specialistica in Archeolo-gia, Beni culturali e Turismo e partecipa alle attività di ricerca del Centro Studi sui Sistemi Turistici. È laureato in Economia del Turismo e ha il titolo di dot-tore di ricerca in Organizzazione, Tecnologia e Sviluppo delle Risorse Umane. Svolge attività di ricerca sui temi del turismo con particolare riferimento al de-stination management e all’analisi degli stakeholder. Ha pubblicato, tra l’altro, con Antonio Minguzzi, Destination building. Teorie e pratiche per il mana-gement della destinazione turistica, Franco Angeli, Milano 2010. Maria Iarossi, dottore di ricerca in Storia economica, è funzionario tecnico presso l’area storica del Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche Gestionali e So-ciali dell’Università degli Studi del Molise. Studiosa dell’economia molisana fra Otto e Novecento, tra i suoi lavori: Mercato e commercio tra Otto e Nove-cento, in Gino Massullo (a cura di), Storia del Molise in età contemporanea, Donzelli, Roma 2006; Le acque minerali in Molise tra passato e presente, in Ilaria Zilli (a cura di), Il turismo tra teoria e prassi, Esi, Napoli 2007; Strade e ferrovie, in Roberto Parisi, Ilaria Zilli (a cura di), Il patrimonio industriale in Molise. Itinerari di un censimento in corso, Crace, Terni 2011. Letizia Bindi è professore di Antropologia Culturale e Antropologia del Tu-rismo presso l’Università degli Studi del Molise. Si è formata a Roma “La Sapienza”, presso l’E.H.E.S.S. di Parigi e alla Johns Hopkins University di Baltimora (USA). Ha insegnato presso la facoltà di Sociologia dell’Univer-sità di Roma “La Sapienza”, l’Università Suor Orsola Benincasa di Napoli, l’Università degli Studi di Trieste. Da molti anni collabora alla progettazione e realizzazione di programmi radiofonici basati sugli archivi delle Teche RAI e su cicli di trasmissioni di interesse storico e antropologico. Da questa esperienza di lavoro è derivato il volume Bandiere Antenne Campanili. Co-munità immaginate nello specchio dei media, Roma 2005. Dal 2005 la sua ricerca etnografica si è concentrata in Molise con particolare riferimento al sistema festivo e cerimoniale di questa regione e sulle strategie di patrimo-nializzazione dei beni culturali immateriali. Autrice di numerosi contributi nazionali e internazionali, ha pubblicato Volatili Misteri. Festa e città a Campobasso e altre divagazioni immateriali, Roma 2009, vincitore del Pre-mio Scanno dello stesso anno per la sezione “Tradizioni Popolari”. Paolo di Laura Frattura è presidente della Camera di commercio di Campo-basso e di Unioncamere Molise dal 2003. Architetto libero professionista, sin da subito ha mostrato interesse per l’attività d’impresa impegnandosi nei settori dell’ingegneria, dell’immobiliare e dell’energia da fonti rinnovabili. Segue direttamente diverse società operanti proprio in questi settori. Al ver-tice del sistema camerale molisano che fa della propria modernità il punto di

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partenza per lo sviluppo competitivo del territorio, attualmente ricopre anche gli incarichi di Amministratore Unico di Mondimpresa – Agenzia per la mondializzazione dell’impresa – S.c.a.r.l. e di presidente del Patto Territoria-le per l’Occupazione del Matese. Massimiliano Crisci è ricercatore presso l’Istituto di ricerche sulla popola-zione e le politiche sociali del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche (Ipps-Cnr), si occupa di studi di popolazione, con particolare interesse alla variabilità territoriale con cui si sviluppano le dinamice demografiche. I suoi interessi si concentrano soprattutto sulla mobilità territoriale, l’invecchiamento della popolazione e lo studio della demografia dell’area romana. Per il Molise è autore di Migrazioni oggi: tra emigrazione persistente e immigrazione stra-niera, in Gino Massullo, a cura di, Storia del Molise, Donzelli, Roma 2006; Recenti tendenze della mobilità territoriale in Renato Lalli, Norberto Lom-bardi, Giorgio Palmieri, Campobasso capoluogo del Molise, Campobasso 2008 (entrambi con Oliviero Casacchia). Norberto Lombardi, dopo un’attività di insegnamento nelle scuole superiori e una prolungata esperienza istituzionale e politica in Molise, negli ultimi decenni si è dedicato ai rapporti con gli italiani all’estero e alla conoscenza dell’emigrazione molisana, visitando direttamente e ripetutamente le comu-nità d’origine formatesi in ogni parte del mondo. È stato fondatore e coordi-natore internazionale del Forum per gli italiani nel mondo, fa parte del Con-siglio Generale degli Italiani all’estero, è stato componente della Commis-sione nazionale per la promozione della lingua e della cultura italiana nel mondo, ha contribuito all’iniziale progetto del Museo dell’emigrazione ita-liana. Ha promosso il Centro di studi sui molisani nel mondo, operante pres-so la Biblioteca provinciale “P. Albino” di Campobasso, di cui è uno dei co-ordinatori, e cura tre collane editoriali dedicate alle migrazioni presso l’edi-tore Cosmo Iannone. Ha pubblicato diversi saggi sulla storia dell’emigra-zione italiana e soprattutto molisana, sui musei delle migrazioni, sulla tran-sumanza ed è stato di recente uno dei curatori di un’opera in tre volumi sulla storia di Campobasso. Edilio Petrocelli ha studiato Storia dell’Arte, Sociologia e Giornalismo. È stato consigliere regionale e deputato. Ha scritto su L’Unità, Il Bene Comu-ne, Urbanistica informazioni, Op. Cit., Riforma della scuola, Cooperazione educativa, Corriere del Molise, Molise oggi, Il Mattino, Proposte molisane. Ha collaborato alla Storia del Molise, Donzelli 2006. Alcune sue monografie sono: Il divenire del paesaggio molisano, Campobasso 1984, Il Molise nelle immagini cartografiche, Isernia 1995. Ha curato: Dall’autonomia territoria-le al sistema Molise 1799-2007: dossier, Campobasso 2007; Civiltà della

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transumanza, Isernia 1999, Pinocchio contro Pinoccchio (Saggio sulla di-sobbedienza e il conformismo), Campobasso 1981; Dossier sulla istituzione della Provincia di Isernia, Isernia 1992. Sebastiano Martelli è professore ordinario di Letteratura italiana presso l’Università degli studi di Salerno. È stato visiting professor presso le universi-tà di Rennes, Johannesburg, Albany e Stony Brook-New York. È condirettore della rivista «Misure critiche», Associate Editor di «Forum Italicum» (Univer-sità di Stony Brook-New York), fa parte del Comitato scientifico della «Rivi-sta di studi italiani» (Università di Toronto) e di «Studi di Italianistica nell’Africa Australe» (University of South Africa), della redazione di «Gradi-va» (Università di Stony Brook-New York), del Comitato direttivo di «Gloca-le». Dirige la collana “Mappe/letteratura” dell’editore Laveglia e, insieme a Piero Bevilacqua, la collana “Segnature” per l’editore Avagliano. Fa parte del Direttivo e dell’Esecutivo dell’Adi, Associazione degli Italianisti italiani. Ha pubblicato numerosi saggi e volumi dedicati alla circolazione delle idee illu-ministiche nell’Italia meridionale, al dibattito culturale e alla letteratura degli anni cinquanta del Novecento, alla letteratura italiana di emigrazione con par-ticolare attenzione alla produzione in Italiano degli scrittori italo-americani. Valeria Cocozza, dopo aver conseguito la laurea specialistica in Scienze dei beni archeologici e artistici presso l’Università degli Studi del Molise, dal 2010 sta svolgendo presso la medesima Università il corso di Dottorato di ricerca in Storia della società Italiana (XIV-XIX secolo). Già cultore della materia in Storia del Mezzogiorno d’Italia nella facoltà di Scienze Umane e Sociali della stessa Università, da tempo si sta dedicando allo studio della storia del Regno di Napoli nella prima età moderna.