Abu Dhabi - The 1st Experince_ How to Obtain Driving License in Abu Dhabi

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10/28/13 Abu Dhabi - The 1st Experince: How to Obtain Driving License in Abu Dhabi

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Hello Expats, I am pleased to share my first few months experience in UAE, especially Abu Dhabi with

you. As like anyone, I use internet to search the details about, Obtaining Residence Visa, Driving

License, Emirates ID, Transportation, Bus & Taxi Services, etc. But what I found was, either the newest

details are at least 6 months old; and most of the other details are a year or two old. Hence, I thought

about providing you the current information as I go through everything.

Abu Dhabi - The 1st Experince

Saturday, April 23, 2011

How to Obtain Driving License in Abu


Though, the Driv ing License y ou obtain is valid throughout UAE, how y ou obtain it varies

state to state. There are three categories of people who are try ing to obtain the driving

license in Abu Dhabi; even in UAE.

Category 1 : First time drivers

Category 2: People who have home country Driv ing License, but they cannot

be transferred to UAE Driv ing License (I am in this category )

Category 3: People who have home country Driv ing License and it can be

transferred to UAE Driv ing License (Normally USA, Canada, Most European

countries, Australia, New Zeland, Singapore, etc citizens could do this).

Whatever category y ou are, every one has to,

Open a Driving License file.

Attend the theory classes conducted by Abu Dhabi Driv ing Company (The

Only Authorised body for Driv ing License theory & practical training).

Pass the theory T est.

Obtain the Driving License.

Category 1: Attend the practical classes in AD Driv ing Company in Mussafa and take

the practical exams to obtain the Driv ing License.

Category 2: Go through a practical exam and obtain the Driv ing License (practical

classes are not compulsory ).

Category 3: Change their home country Driv ing License to UAE Driv ing License.

Submitting the initial application for obtaining the UAE driv ing license is called “File

Opening”. I know there are several websites claims that y ou can open the file at Muroor

Traffic Police. Even the AD Police website say s so. But my experience was against this. When I

went to open the file in Muroor Traffic Police, I was told that only ladies can open the file

there, and gents have to go to AD Driv ing Company in Mussafa.

Getting to Muroor T raffic Police

If y ou are a lady and if y ou want to open the file in Muroor Traffic Police, its exactly in the

Street 27 between Muroor Road (also referred to as Street 4 / E Road / New Airport Road)

and Old Airport Road (also referred to as Street 2 /Shaiek Rashid Bin Saeed Al Maktoum

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How to ObtainDriv ing License inAbu Dhabi

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10/28/13 Abu Dhabi - The 1st Experince: How to Obtain Driving License in Abu Dhabi

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Street) in Muroor area. Y ou can reach here easily by taxi. If y ou want to reach by bus, router

no 32 & 52 buses goes through Street 2 and route no 34, 54 & 56 goes through Street 4;

whereas route no 44 goes through street 27 (very long route).

Getting to Abu Dhabi Driving School / Com pany in Mussafa

Y ou can reach AD Driv ing Company in Mussafa by metered taxi, shared taxi or route Bus.

Metered taxi from city centre (TCA) will easily cost 50AED (I haven’t tried it) and will take

30minues. If y ou could get a shared taxi (the old taxies) they will charge 5AED or 10 AED. But

shared taxi is not a suitable option for ladies.

The cheapest way to get to AD Driv ing Company is using bus – route no 116. The route no 116

starts from Kalifa Street (Street 3) and y ou could get this bus any where in Street 4 or AD

Central Bus Station. The fare is 2AED fixed price and it will drop y ou right before the AD

Driv ing Company . The journey time is approx 45 minutes to 1 hour. There is bus serv ice from

6am to 11pm every 30minutes.

Opening a file

Once y ou reach the Abu Ddhabi Driv ing School building, y ou could see there is an

Information Desk straight ahead, and it is surrounded by more than 10 counters to serve

people. Y ou don’t need to go to any of these initially . On y our right side, y ou could see the

sign board for “Traffic Section”. Follow the sign and turn at the 1st right corridor. Y ou will

reach the File Opening section for Gents and Ladies which are two separate rooms. As soon as

y ou reach the room, y ou will find a help desk where y ou will be checked by the staffs whether

y ou have the right documents.

Keep the following documents in y our hand.

Copy of the passport information page

Copy of the UAE Residency Visa Page

1 x Passport size photos

No Objection letter from y our company (Needs to in Arabic. Y ou can get it from

y our HR)

Copy of y our Emirates ID card. If y ou don’t have it y et, y ou can prov ide a

photocopy of y our Emirates ID application form. Y ou have to prov ide the copy ,

not the original as this will not be returned to y ou.

In case y ou have y our home country driv ing license (plastic card), Arabic

translation of y our home country driv ing license.

Home country Driv ing License - plastic card (for verification purpose)

10/28/13 Abu Dhabi - The 1st Experince: How to Obtain Driving License in Abu Dhabi

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Note: Y ou do not need any International Driv ing License from y our country . They will check

for the home country driv ing license which is the plastic card. The Arabic translation doesn’t

needs to be authorised by y our embassy even. Just a plain Arabic translation is enough.

Once y ou give all these to them, they will check and verify every thing and send y ou for ey e

test, which is in the adjacent room. Y ou will find a lady sitting over there. Y ou will be asked to

read different size of alphabets and numbers on the wall using both ey es separately . Then she

will show y ou some A4 sheets which consist of numbers. Each A4 sheets consists one number

written using small hexagons in different colour hexagons as background. Y ou have to

identify it. Once it’s done, she will charge y ou 20AED and give a paper which say s y ou are fit

for y our driv ing. Take this paper to the help desk people again and show it to them. They will

give y ou a token / number which y ou have to take it to the room which is behind the help

desk. Wait for y our number to be called patiently .

When y our number is called, go to the counter and give y our documents with the ey e test

results. They will check all y our documents again. Once all the documents are checked, they

will take a photograph of y ou. This photograph will be used in y our Driv ing License. Y ou will

be charged 100AED as the processing fee. Once this is done, y ou will be given two identical

sheets of “Drivers Test Appointment” which y ou have to keep it with y ou until y ou obtain the

Driv ing License. Y ou will be asked to wait for few minutes until y our trainee driv ing license

card is printed out. Once it is done, collect it from them and go to the Information Desk which

is at the entrance of the building.

Booking for T heory Classes / Orientation Course

Tell them that y ou have opened y our file and y ou want to register for the theory classes. They

will give y ou an application form to be hand filled. Y ou have to enter y our personal details

and other details such as, ty pe of license (light vehicle, etc), manual/automatic, language, etc.

Fill it carefully .

Before turn back to submit the application form, y ou need to take a photocopy of the trainee

license card and the Drivers Test Appointment sheet. There is a photocopy machine available

in the right side corridor where y ou have to do it by y ourself. It’s a coin operated machine

each copy is 1AED. So, have some coins with y ou by -hand.

Note: Y ou might need to keep a blank A4 sheet behind y our plastic card to make a copy .

Otherwise it won’t work.

Y ou need the following documents to be submitted with the application form.

Copy of the passport information page

Copy of the UAE Residency Visa Page

Copy of Trainee license

Copy of Drivers Test Appointment sheet

2 x Passport size photos

Upon verification of the documents, y ou will be given another token/number. Take it and

wait patiently . Once y our number is called, go to the counter and submit the documents. Y ou

will be charged 7 80 AED as the course fee and 50 AED as the Theory exam fees. Y ou will be

also given a theory lesson hand book.

Now, the number of theory classes vary depends on the profession mentioned in y our UAE

Visa. By default, its 8 classes (4 day s). There are 1 and 2 day courses also. Y ou may ask them

whether there is any speed course so y ou could reduce the number of classes. If y ou are lucky

to be an Engineer or Manager (Y our Visa should state that) y ou need to attend only 1 day

class which consist of 2 courses. Each course is just an hour; so within 2 hours, y ou theory

10/28/13 Abu Dhabi - The 1st Experince: How to Obtain Driving License in Abu Dhabi

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classes are done.

I went on a Sunday evening to open the file and my classes are scheduled for Monday

7 .30pm. I got 1 day classes as my profession in the Visa reads as Engineer.

By now, y ou have opened the file and booked for y our theory classes.

T heory classes

Theory classes are held in the first floor. Be on time for the theory classes. If y ou are

happened to be late for 10minutes y ou will be considered as absent. Once y ou attend the

classes, y ou can schedule the Theory Test date at Ground Floor Information Centre /


T heory T est

Again, be on time for the theory tests. Test halls are on the 1st floor. If y ou are late by 10mins,

y ou have to re-schedule the test – means extra money .

Y ou should take the “drivers test appointment sheet” which was given to y ou while opening

the file with y ou. In addition y ou should have some sort of photo ID such as passport, home

country driv ing license, Labour card. If y ou failed to prov ide any of this, y ou will be turned

away in the exam hall.

Prepare y ourself by reading the theory hand book page to page. Y ou do not need to memorise

any thing. But read it. That’s enough.

Theory test consists of 45 questions which y ou have to do it within 30 minutes. Y ou have to

get 36 or more correct answers to pass the exam. Each question has 3 answers where y ou

have to select the best answer. The test is a computer test, where y ou will be reading and

answering the questions in the computer screen. Each indiv idual in the exam hall will get

different set of questions. Believe me; the exam can be finished within 15-20minutes max.

Once y ou passed the theory exam,

1st time learners can book for the practical classes.

People who have their home country driv ing license which are not transferrable

can schedule for the practical exams straight away . When I went to collect the

Theory Exam sheet, I have been given the Road Test date with that. Its highly

recommended to brush-up the driv ing and parking skills by attending the private

div ing institutes. This is important, as y ou have only 1 chance to pass the practical

test. If y ou fail the test, y ou have to go through all the classes offered by the Abu

Dhabi Driv ing School and then do the practical test again.

People who have their home country driv ing license which are transferrable will

get the UAE driv ing license. I do not have any information about this as I haven’t

experience this. I appreciate if someone could share their experience on this as

this will be really helpful for other readers.

Practical Driving Classes

Practical driv ing class consist of five lessons and it is given in two sets, lessons 1-3 and lessons

4-5. The length of the course varies depends on whether y ou have enrolled to beginners,

intermediate or advanced course depends on y our knowledge and skills of driv ing.

Schedule for the classes are stretched from morning to late in the evening and y ou will be

trained in the driv ing y ard of Emirates Driv ing Company where y ou will experience a one-to-

one session with y our instructor. Lessons 1-3 will take around one week to complete and

lessons 4-5 for approx 10 day s. The schedule of y our classes will depend on the availability

and the fee will be Approx 2500 AED depends on the number of classes y ou are enrolled to.

10/28/13 Abu Dhabi - The 1st Experince: How to Obtain Driving License in Abu Dhabi

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Practical T est

Once y ou finished all y our practical courses, the first time learners have to do two practical

tests which are Parking Test and the Road Test.

Parking T est:- Parking Test is based on lesson 3. In case y ou need refresher classes for

lesson 3, y ou can opt for one. This will give y ou better chance of passing the parking test.

After y ou pass the parking test, the Traffic Police will issue y ou a green ID card. It is a

temporary driv ing card which will allow y ou to contact driv ing instructors if y ou need so for

real road training.

During y our driv ing class in Emirates Driv ing Company , y ou will be driv ing in Driv ing Y ard.

When y ou contact a driv ing instructor, y ou will be driv ing in the real road with his guidance.

This will give y ou more training to go for the road test. If y ou think y ou are already confident

to drive alone, then y ou can proceed with the road test.

Road T est:- This is the final test to obtain the driv ing license in Au Dhabi. Be early during

y our schedule for road test. Bring the “Drivers Test Appointment” sheet, temporary Driv ing

ID, passport copy and AED 200. There will be two police, one seated in front and the other at

the back, in the car.

If the policeman hands y ou the appointment sheet, it means y ou pass. When the policeman

returns to y ou the green card, it means y ou didn’t pass.

After y ou pass, y ou have to go back to the Driv ing Company , pay AED 200 and give the

appointment sheet and passport copy . They will take y ou a photo and prov ide y ou the UAE

Driv ing License.

There y ou go; y ou have obtain the driv ing license and y ou are ready to drive in Abu Dhabi &

UAE roads!!

My small piece of adv ice:-

Don’t take the driv ing for granted. While y ou go through y our theory and practical classes,

y ou will learn the road manners and how to drive in the road. Use that knowledge to drive

safely in the road.

Make sure y our actual designation is stated in the Visa page. Sometimes companies change

the designation to obtain the Visa. But sometimes this might create some problems for y ou.



Recently I met a guy who had his driv ing License from Saudi Arabia. He managed to obtain

the UAE license withn 2 day s. Whoa..!! Thats really fast. Incase if any of y ou had GCC DL, y ou

do not need attend the theory test. Y ou can straight away book for the Practical exams.

10/28/13 Abu Dhabi - The 1st Experince: How to Obtain Driving License in Abu Dhabi

abudhabi-expats.blogspot.ae/2011/04/how-to-obtain-driving-license-in-abu.html 6/25

Posted by Nimo at Saturday , April 23, 2011

+3 Recommend this on Google

127 co m m en t s :

m aldita July 16, 2011 at 2:28 PM

y ay ! thanks for the info, it really helps me a lot. I'm planning to go there by tom. Keep

it up, more post to come.


Anony m ous July 31 , 2011 at 10:11 AM

thanks for the info.. will have my theory test tomorrow, wish me luck ;)


GMG October 30, 2011 at 8:42 AM

Wow! A complete guide to obtain auh license. Awesome explanation. Just an add on

info for people holding v isa from other emirate. In addition to noc from the company

u need a company letter in arabic confirming ur place of work as AUH with AUH

company seal. This is needed even if u r on husband's v isa (noc from husband & place

of work from company for husband ). Important u can only open the file in murror

license department and not in edc in mussafah .


Anony m ous November 19, 2011 at 9:21 PM

thank y ou for post.. it is really helpfull! i am going tomorrow for theory classes. And

one more time thx that y ou give the # of bus to get to Emirates Driv ing company in



Anony m ous December 14, 2011 at 9:11 PM

Y ou are the best! this really helps,,, thank y ou so much as Im planning to take my

class this Month so exited.. What is the timings for the driv ing lessons? God bless y ou.


Anony m ous December 24, 2011 at 11 :28 AM

really informative for the new commers like me


Anony m ous December 28, 2011 at 7 :40 PM

Thanks a lot for the post :)


Anony m ous January 18, 2012 at 3:12 PM

superb information..really u have all the points..good job


Anony m ous February 1 , 2012 at 3:19 PM

10/28/13 Abu Dhabi - The 1st Experince: How to Obtain Driving License in Abu Dhabi

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great info......


Anony m ous February 1 , 2012 at 3:22 PM

Hi ,this a such a great info for all...I have one doubt i am undergoing theory classes, i

dont have home ocuntry license but i have driv ing experience,should i start practical

as beginner or will they take my practical assesment and tag me as

beginner/intermediate depending on my performance..?


Nim o February 1 , 2012 at 6:56 PM

Y ou can take an assessment test before starting the practical classes. After this

assessment, they will tell y ou which stage y ou should go for the practical. But, before

going to the assessment, make sure y ou know about reverse parking, parallel parking,

round about and fast driv ing. Good Luck.!


kim March 26, 2012 at 3:31 PM

Hi i am liv ing in muroor road 23 street beside the new kindergarten al mushrif school.

i want to take a bus because i had been taking taxi for a few day s now. where should i

exactly go to take a bus? please help.


Nim o March 26, 2012 at 9:14 PM

check this website. The timing and the route and mentioned clearly .



Rohail Khan March 28, 2012 at 2:56 PM

great info..good work


Intans April 3, 2012 at 9:00 PM

Great info, could I translate it into my home country language, then I will post it on

my blogspot?


Nim o April 4, 2012 at 9:53 PM

Y ou may do it, considering that y ou specify the source in y our blog.


sunil_shrivastava14 December 18, 2012 at 1 :14 AM

Dear Nimo,

This blog has become A-Z guide for driv ing licence seekers.

Many many congrats and thanks for y our such a helpful work.

I got my DL in 15 day s without any difficulty . All credits goes to y ou only ....

10/28/13 Abu Dhabi - The 1st Experince: How to Obtain Driving License in Abu Dhabi

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Thanks once again.

Anony m ous January 7 , 2013 at 11 :25 AM

Sunil did y ou get y our Indian DL's arabic translation attested by the

embassy or its notrequired

sunil_shrivastava14 April 16, 2013 at 11 :32 AM

No, Driv ing licence's authentic translation is mandatory but not attestation.

Anony m ous May 14, 2013 at 8:40 PM

Hi Sunil, Did y ou have an Indian licence prev iously ? Did y ou have to take a

parking test as well as a road test?

sunil_shrivastava14 September 12, 2013 at 2:10 PM

Y es, I am having Indian Driv ing Licence. Having that, y ou are eligible for

direct road test after attending Theory Classes.

No Road test required.

m 895 April 29, 2012 at 1 :02 PM

very much thank y ou for the detailed information


Anony m ous May 3, 2012 at 5:51 PM

Thank y ou Very Much ...


Anony m ous May 5, 2012 at 11 :59 PM

do they still required 1 photo for opening the file and 2 for registering for theory

classes. On one of their brochures its 4 and 2


Anony m ous May 6, 2012 at 5:14 PM

no trainee card for first time drivers who has no license at all


arm an May 22, 2012 at 12:07 PM

hey what about those who failed 3 times in road test?.


sunil_shrivastava14 December 18, 2012 at 12:46 AM

y ou can still apply no problem at all. y ou must be ready to pay fee for all

y our tests........

10/28/13 Abu Dhabi - The 1st Experince: How to Obtain Driving License in Abu Dhabi

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azhar August 1 , 2012 at 9:22 PM


as y ou mentioned i also use to search on net for any thing .. inthat case i found this

very useful detail. thanks lot


Anony m ous August 22, 2012 at 9:10 AM

thanks a lot! very helpful considering that edc website does not prov ide any



psonnaik August 22, 2012 at 4:50 PM

really a helpfull blog Nimo


Anony m ous August 24, 2012 at 12:27 PM

hi Nimo y ou did a great job,keep it up,well i dont have experience in driv ing cars only

motorbike and eager to do so,with y our info i will try .


Narender September 8, 2012 at 6:09 PM

Thanks y our advise and suggestions are very helpfull.


Anony m ous September 10, 2012 at 12:01 PM

Very informative and helpful post. Really feeling a bit more comfortable now to apply

for the license.


Anony m ous September 22, 2012 at 12:14 PM

Has there been any changes/updates after this has been written?


Anony m ous October 17 , 2012 at 2:53 PM

Wow no words man for y our great help. Its exactly like how y ou explained. Really its

a great gesture educating others from our learning. Y ou made it easy for all of us Man.



Anony m ous November 12, 2012 at 9:11 PM

I am on Sharjah Visa and I am working in Abu Dhabi at client site,I am software

consultant by profession,, my company has no trade license of Abu Dhabi. Can I still

10/28/13 Abu Dhabi - The 1st Experince: How to Obtain Driving License in Abu Dhabi

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follow the same above procedure dor DL.


sunil_shrivastava14 December 18, 2012 at 12:44 AM

This comment has been removed by the author.

Anony m ous December 5, 2012 at 12:43 AM


If I have my home country license and I have passed the theory test, will I also have

to take the parking test or just the road test??


Anony m ous December 6, 2012 at 11 :57 AM

hi. is any photo id valid for the theory exam? dont have my emirates id and passport

for i am in the process of shifting jobs. thanks.


sunil_shrivastava14 December 18, 2012 at 12:43 AM


1 . Y ou are not required to appear in parking test if y ou have y our home country

license (please make sure y ou have mentioned this while opening the file).

Y ou can straight away book for y our road test, still it is adv isable to freshen up y our

driv ing skill with some private driv ing school. It will increase the probability of y our

success in road test.

2. In case of non availability of y our emirates id and passport y ou can show y our

medical insurance card as y our photo id.


sunil_shrivastava14 December 18, 2012 at 1 :08 AM

Some inputs which may help y ou..

1 . I was hav ing home country driv ing licence. Got UAE driv ing licence in exact 15

day s.

2. I booked fast track theory classes by pay ing some additional fee. Y ou can ask about

this when booking for theory classes. Please note, this facility is for the people hav ing

v isa stating their designation as engineers / managers and above. I need to attend

only four classes in place of eight. Still i strongly adv ise to go through the theory book

given to y ou while booking for theory classes. It is very essential for read the entire

book, irrespective of which classes y ou attended. This will really help in increasing

the probability of y our success in theory test.

3. For road test y ou will be travelling in a bus behind the test vehicle. Y ou have to get

down and reach to test vehicle when its y our turn. Some important tips for road test...

a. Keep y our learners licence in y our hand. On arriv ing to test vehicle first of all hand

over this card to the examiner.

b. Be patient, take y our own time to settle down on the driv ing seat. Follow all

procedure like Seat adjustment, Mirror adjustment, Shifting of gear, Release of hand

brakes etc. Do not show hurry even if y ou are asked for by examiner.

c. While driv ing v iewing back mirror and side mirror at frequent intervals is as

important as v iewing in front.

d. and last but not least... maintain the speed between 60 - 7 0 kmph. My personal

observation is failure ratio of slow drivers is higher than the good speed drivers.

10/28/13 Abu Dhabi - The 1st Experince: How to Obtain Driving License in Abu Dhabi

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Hope this information helps y ou...


Anony m ous January 27 , 2013 at 7 :36 PM

I have a Qatar driv ing license. Can I give test in automatic vehicle? How

long we need to drive in the road test and on which road?

Please help

Anony m ous December 22, 2012 at 10:18 AM

can any body give me information that which v isa title holder can not apply for

driv ing license.thanks


Anony m ous December 30, 2012 at 4:26 PM

I just passed my test 10 day s back (first attempt). Recently there has been a slight

change in the sy stem, after y ou finish the parking test y ou have to find a good

instructor as y ou will be driv ing in the real road with his guidance, y ou now need to

make a contract with the instructor for the classes, the instructor evaluates y ou and

will let y ou know how many classes y ou need to take before y ou go for the final road

test. Y ou have to produce this contract before the road test or y ou will not be

evaluated for the road test.


Anony m ous January 12, 2013 at 1 :05 AM

Hi congratulations first and thanks for these information. from the new

sy stem thus this instructor y ou're referring to is coming from Abu Dhabi

Driv ing Company who authorized body only to give driv ing theory classes

& practical training? Thank y ou

Anony m ous January 7 , 2013 at 11 :26 AM

Is it compulsory for us get out home country DL attested (arabic translation) ?? the

blog say s its not .. please help


sunil_shrivastava14 April 16, 2013 at 11 :40 AM

No need for attestation but translation should be legal translation (with

stamp of ty ping cente etc.)

Anony m ous January 9, 2013 at 9:16 AM

I had already a file before and already took a theory , i did not continue this because of

10/28/13 Abu Dhabi - The 1st Experince: How to Obtain Driving License in Abu Dhabi

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my hectic working schedule, i received a text message that my driv ing application is

expired, so now i transfer in another company and different v isa which is ( dubai

v isa)but my company now is residing here in abu dhabi. Can i continue driv ing classes

even if my v isa change?


Anony m ous January 13, 2013 at 1 :17 PM

Can u please tell me within how many day s we need to open file from the date of NOC

from our sponsor?


T ay Z January 15, 2013 at 4:16 PM

Thanks to the gentleman/lady who posted this blog. It was detailed enough to get the

necessary formalities over with. And I just got my license on Sunday . I am sure this

blog will help a lot of new aspirants pursuing the UAE license.

Thanks again.



Anony m ous January 22, 2013 at 7 :05 PM

Appreciate if y ou can post me link to practice theory test in online. .


sunil_shrivastava14 September 12, 2013 at 2:24 PM

http://my rta.com/odkt/serv let/nswrta.odkt.bo.ODktDemoServ let

Anony m ous January 30, 2013 at 2:13 PM

thnx,ur this shared experience is very helpful for newcommers


jay p1964@gm ail.com February 3, 2013 at 2:16 PM

Thanks my friend,I surely hope the information given by y ou is very useful to me and

others.Once again I wish for the broaded mind for posting this information.God bless

y ou and y our family .After I gets success I will be posting again.Tommorrow I am

going to step forward to get the licence


George Zakhem February 4, 2013 at 12:05 AM

hi, i'm George, head of corporate communication from the Driv ing Company ,, Thank

y ou Nimo for y our post, it is comprehensive... Please v iewers, feel free to contact me

for any request for driver licensing or corporate training or defensive driv ing

(0553008848); Good Luck


10/28/13 Abu Dhabi - The 1st Experince: How to Obtain Driving License in Abu Dhabi

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Anony m ous February 9, 2013 at 6:34 PM

Part 1


My experience of opening a driv ing test/training file between 28 and 30 Jan 2013 was

terrible. To help newcomers, I propose that Mr George Zakhem prepares a list of steps

or, even better, a flow chart to ensure that all relevant procedures are clear and

standardised. Generally , the Emirates Driv ing Company has the procedures in place,

except for some customer serv ice issues which I will describe below. It is basically

the traffic police who is being difficult by not standardising the procedures and by

giv ing a poor serv ice to applicants.

I am in the same category as Nimo, whereby I cannot convert my home country

license automatically . Y ou may wish to read the following real story to understand

what could go wrong.

As most people do these day s, I searched for official online information first. There is

useful information from the Abu Dhabi Government website (www.abudhabi.ae) but

unfortunately they are not well integrated to cover the whole process. Nimo’s

description on the process is better and I definitely benefited from the

comprehensive details. However, the inconsistency of the traffic police has made my

experience miserable, even when I read the information available online carefully .

The official links are given below:

1 . Getting a Driv ing Licence (Note: this is an overv iew):



2. Opening a Driv ing Licence File:


_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=p1296&did=337 7 62&lang=en#337 7 58

(Extracted from the webpage:

Please follow the steps below:

1 . Submit the application and the required documents at the customer serv ices

centres of the Drivers Licensing Department.

2. Pay the fees and get the receipt.

3. Receive the trainee card from the customer serv ices centres of the Drivers

Licensing Department.)

3. Opening Driv ing Training File and Theoretical Training:



(Extracted from the webpage:

Working Hours:

Administration offices:

Sunday – Thursday : 7 :30 AM – 3:30 PM

Theory section:

Saturday – Thursday : 7 :00 AM – 11:00 PM

Practical section:

Saturday – Thursday : 7 :30 AM – 3:30 PM

Evaluation section:

Saturday – Thursday : 7 :00 AM – 3:00 PM

Special Condition: Applicants must open a driv ing test file with the Traffic & Licensing

Department before coming to Emirates Driv ing Company .)

4. Driv ing Licence Issuance:


_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=p1296&did=337 518&lang=en#337 514

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Anony m ous February 9, 2013 at 6:35 PM

Part 2


What the above links and Nimo’s description do not explain is that the so called

“Drivers Licensing Department” or “Traffic & Licensing Department” is a traffic police

department and it is bey ond the control of the Emirates Driv ing Company (EDC). In

order to be careful in case of outdated online information, I called the EDC customer

serv ice line (+97 1 2 551 1911) to confirm the requirements and the working hours.

The representative who answered my call informed me that I did not really need an

Arabic translation of my home country license since it is in English and I could go to

the EDC around 7 pm despite the working hours stated in the webpage (see the 2nd

link above). It was a good news to me because it meant no need to take leave from my

busy work schedule. What turned out was: even though the EDC was opened in the

evening, the Licensing Department which is a traffic police department to process the

application was closed.

I then v isited EDC the next afternoon around 2pm. When the traffic police officer at

the Licensing Department noticed that I did not have an Arabic translation of my

home country license, he shouted rudely “Arabic, Arabic” to me. This is despite the

fact that my “International Driv ing Permit” has a page in Arabic. His reason was that

that was a translation of the permit, not that of the plastic driv ing license card.

Leav ing with no choice, I went back and obtained the translation required in the city

in the evening.

With all the documents complete, I went to the Licensing Department the next

morning at 7 am with an expectation that this would be the final round. What

happened then was the traffic police officer said they only started processing new file

after 9.30am. He asked me to v isit the nearby Musaffah police station if I do not want

to wait. Again, the attitude was rude and he did not bother to explain how to get there.

Leav ing with such a choice, I went out of the department and checked with an EDC

staff outside for directions because I had no idea of the existence of the police station.

A staff said it was 5 minutes away and possible to walk there. With all these

experiences in mind, I asked another staff who then gave a better adv ice say ing that it

was better to take a taxi.

When I reached the first gate of the police station, the officer there explained politely

that I needed to go to the other side. When I finally reached the police station at

7 .45am, I was asked to surrender my passport at the counter to get a v isitor’s pass to

enter the building. Any way , the worse was y et to come. At the Licensing counter, the

officer just gave me a form and asked me to simply wait for ey e test outside a room

labelled as Visual Examination. There were four people sitting beside the room at that

time. When a few others came later, I knew there was a need to get a number to

maintain order. When somebody started to get a number from a machine by the wall

near the area, a few followed and so did I. The result was: chaos. At least 7 others who

came later got a number before me and some who came earlier got a number later

than me. The officer at the counter really should have directed all applicants to get a

number and put a noticeable label at the machine location. Then again, the “doctor”

for ey e test was late and he only arrived at 8.45am. The actual ey e test only took

about one minute but so many people’s time was wasted due to the sheer

inconsistency of the traffic police. With ey e test result stated as “Fit”, I was issued a

temporary driv ing or trainee license card (since the card has no label, the proper

name for this card is not certain). I then went back to the EDC around 9.15am for the

rest of the process, which was smooth and mostly as described by Nimo. Well, I could

have waited at EDC for 2 hour without all these hassles. May be… again may be.

I think we should give EDC an opportunity to explain. Failing which, publishing this

experience in the newspaper is probably good for all future applicants.


10/28/13 Abu Dhabi - The 1st Experince: How to Obtain Driving License in Abu Dhabi

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Anony m ous February 19, 2013 at 4:19 PM

Part 3A


It seems that there is no explanation from EDC. Any way , I have passed the road test

and obtained my driv ing license since then. I will share my experience again for the

benefits of others since this part was not elaborated by Nimo and there appeared to be

some new changes.

I had an appointment for road test at 7 .45pm. I went to the Licensing Department

inside the EDC building, got a number and then passed the appointment sheet to the

officer behind the counter. I was told to board a specific bus number outside the

building. When I was approaching the bus, a man without uniform stopped me and

asked me to pay AED40 to another man without uniform sitting in a car at the car

park. I followed the crowd and paid. When the receipt given to me showed Santana

Driv ing School, I was puzzled. Since it was only about 7 .20am, I went in to check with

the security and he just every body had to paid to the man. Perhaps EDC can explain

why the need for this pay ment was not informed earlier and why the receipt came

from a private driv ing school.

The bus was almost full when I was on board. Every body seemed to be waiting

patiently in the stuffy bus until the driver switched on the air conditioner half an hour

later. A police officer then came to bus door and marked the attendance according to

the appointment sheets he had. The bus finally started shortly after 8am following the

test car to the roads in the Musaffah industrial zone.

Again, there was no number sy stem for who would take the test next. After a few guy s

sitting in front went down to have their test one by one, somebody from behind

volunteered to be the next. Obviously some people towards the front were unhappy

and stopped him. A more senior man somehow started instructing the guy s to move

to the empty seat in front one by one but not every body listened to him. Basically I

just ignored the commotion. One has to accept that there is simply no queue. EDC

could have improved this.

It was not necessary to sit in the bus after taking the driv ing test. Some people got off

the bus after their test, presumably to take a taxi back to EDC or they might have

other transport arrangement. After about 2 hours of going through almost endless

roundabouts in the industrial zone, the bus finally returned to EDC around 10am.

When y ou thought every thing was over, what happened next brought total confusion



Anony m ous February 19, 2013 at 4:20 PM

Part 3B


With the appointment sheet marked as Passed in hand, a few candidates and my self

were directed by the security outside the Licensing Department to the Musaffah

police station nearby to get our license. This is different from Nimo’s and my

colleague’s experience some months ago. With the prev ious experience in mind (see

my Parts 2 and 3 above), I queued up and asked the police officer at the Licensing

Department. (Sometimes y ou just cannot trust the security guard.) The rude police

officer again pointed me to Musaffah police station. The funny thing was, when we

reached the Musaffah police station, the officer at the reception said we should go to

the Muroor police station, which is half an hour away towards the Abu Dhabi city ,

after 2pm. Being upset, I decided to go back to the Licensing Department inside EDC

and checked again. When I explained to the police officer at the counter, he could not

be bothered. I then insisted to see a more senior officer inside, who finally gave me a

satisfactory explanation. He said the police needed some time to enter the driv ing test

results into the computer sy stem and my license could be issued at any traffic police

station and I only needed to wait about one hour. So resting for one hour at the EDC

cafeteria, I went to the Licensing Department again at 11 .30am. I told the rude officer

10/28/13 Abu Dhabi - The 1st Experince: How to Obtain Driving License in Abu Dhabi

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at the counter that I was asked to go in and check the status after one hour. The officer

inside checked the computer and said I could now get the license at the Musaffah

police station. I reached there shortly after. Luckily there was no queue at Licensing

counter. After taking a number from the machine beside the wall (see my Part 2

above) and my photo taken by the officer, my driv ing license was issued to me just

before 12 noon. Had I listened and went to Muroor, I would have had to take another

half day leave from my work.

Are the EDC and the traffic police ever going to improve? God knows!


Anony m ous February 27 , 2013 at 7 :08 AM

Thanks for the Message.. What happened to me y esterday also same like

y ou, so people who got a sheet marked with the PASS... alway s check after

three hours of y our test completed time and also first check in the counter

at Traffic dept., at EDC and then go to any where (In mussafah or Abu dhabi


Anony m ous March 8, 2013 at 10:57 AM

Checking after one hour is adv isable. Good luck to all applicants out there.

T ariq February 24, 2013 at 5:57 AM

Thanks a lot buddy ,


Anony m ous March 11 , 2013 at 10:10 PM

first of all i would like to congratulate blogger nimo for prov iding this wonderful

information and the anony mous blogger for sharing his "bitter" experience, for most

of y ou wil face it. must say the instructors for theory classes are very good but its the

support staff like the ones sitting behind the customer serv ice(not all but some of

them) who lack courtesy and tarnish the name of EDC.


Anony m ous March 25, 2013 at 11 :41 AM




Masudul Am in March 28, 2013 at 3:39 PM

Who will put signature on NOC on behalf of company . Can any senior sign on NOC

instead of sponsor with company stamp.


Waleed Am jad April 9, 2013 at 1 :37 PM

I failed today my final road test. Have a test again this Thursday . Pray for me please. I

hope I pass :O


10/28/13 Abu Dhabi - The 1st Experince: How to Obtain Driving License in Abu Dhabi

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Anony m ous May 7 , 2013 at 4:14 PM

When y ou opened y our file....nd how may day s it totally took from day 1 to

y our final road test.....

hope u reply ...

Shahadat Hossain May 1 , 2013 at 10:37 AM

I am a messenger v isa ..I can open a file in this v isa..???


Anony m ous May 6, 2013 at 4:51 PM

How many day s it takes for a beginner to get his driv ing license from day 1 (File

opening) to the last day .

The purpose is to update with the present statistics....

Hope those who got the license recently to reply ASAP...


Anony m ous May 7 , 2013 at 4:49 PM

I will be moving to UAE shortly . However, my left leg is affected by polio. Both my

hands and right leg are normal. i do not have a driv ing license in India. Can i get a

driv ing license in UAE ?


Anony m ous May 11 , 2013 at 12:00 AM

Hi every one! I am a lady here, with experience in driv ing back home.I do have a

plastic license but it has been expired since I got here in Abu dhabi. By this week, I

will be going to open a file in muroor if not in Mussafah. Now, what category should I

select as Category 1 - first time driver? I wish I could get a shorter process:-)



Anony m ous May 11 , 2013 at 12:16 AM

Hi every one! I am a lady here, with experience in driv ing back home.I do have my

plastic country license but it has not been renewed. Since I got here in 2007 . By this

week, I will be going to open a file in muroor if not in Mussafah. Now, what category

should I select as Category 1 - first time driver? I wish I could get a shorter process:-)

Thnxx FSA


Anony m ous May 25, 2013 at 4:08 PM

thank y ou so so much!


10/28/13 Abu Dhabi - The 1st Experince: How to Obtain Driving License in Abu Dhabi

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Anony m ous May 26, 2013 at 1 :41 PM

I like y ou My friend!!! Too good information


dee May 31, 2013 at 10:34 AM


i wish to obtain a driv ing license from uae. i already have a driv ing license from my

home country which is attested by state government and it is in a paper in form.i want

to know if attestation is necessary or not from india embassy in abudhabi. if so i want

to attest before arabic translation or after translation


sunil_shrivastava14 September 12, 2013 at 2:35 PM

Attestation not required.

Y ou can simply get it translated into Arabic by legal translators.

Anony m ous June 9, 2013 at 8:22 AM

Hii Every One I got lots of information from this block thanks,

But I have 1 question, I opened last y ear my driv ing license file I passed theory exam

then after that I dint continue my driv ing classes, now almost its 10 months finish can

any one tell me how to reopen the same file or I have to open new file again....please

help me...!!!!!!


zubair June 9, 2013 at 8:23 AM

Hii Every One I got lots of information from this block thanks,

But I have 1 question, I opened last y ear my driv ing license file I passed theory exam

then after that I dint continue my driv ing classes, now almost its 10 months finish can

any one tell me how to reopen the same file or I have to open new file again....please

help me...!!!!!!


Anony m ous July 12, 2013 at 6:50 PM

y es y ou can open y our file and continue.

Stephen8 June 12, 2013 at 5:32 AM

I am happy to find this post very useful for me, as it contains lot of information. I

alway s prefer to read the quality content and this thing I found in y ou post.

Bloom Gardens


Anony m ous June 21 , 2013 at 11 :49 AM

10/28/13 Abu Dhabi - The 1st Experince: How to Obtain Driving License in Abu Dhabi

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While y ou approching with y our contry DL's transalation copy to open file , some

times they asking to have a stamp of embossy on it (Means attestation ). i had to be

submit the attested copy but one of my college havn't asked .


sunil_shrivastava14 September 12, 2013 at 2:40 PM

They will ask for attestation if y ou have got the translation done by normal

ty ping center. Please remember, y ou have to get it translated by legal

translators. They will translate, attach photo copy of y our original

documents, duly paste and will put their own stamp. If this process is done,

then attestation from embassy is not required.

Salim Miy an June 29, 2013 at 12:12 AM

thank y ou all for y our experiences and reply . in my case the current company has

issued the Ordinary Laborer Visa in order to get quick v isa for my job . i am working

as a Building Administrator in Abudhabi. Can i open the file with this Visa Category ???


sunil_shrivastava14 September 12, 2013 at 2:41 PM

NO, y ou can not open file with VISA as Ordinary Laborer....

Om ar Fay y az July 13, 2013 at 1 :48 PM

i have international driv ing license from pakistan . can i apply for the golden try ??

after opening of file or not ???


sunil_shrivastava14 September 12, 2013 at 2:43 PM

Y es, y ou can but theory classes are mandatory .

Dawit T eshom e July 15, 2013 at 12:14 PM

can any body give me information v isa title hold to pone file can u help me to pone

driv ing license file ...any one


Anony m ous July 15, 2013 at 12:21 PM

can any body give me information v isa title hold to pone file can u help me to pone

driv ing license file ...any one


10/28/13 Abu Dhabi - The 1st Experince: How to Obtain Driving License in Abu Dhabi

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Anony m ous July 17 , 2013 at 9:58 AM

Hi I took the road test and sad to say I fail the test, the police handover to me the

Appointment Slip with Fail Remarks and the Green Card. Is this means that I can have

appointment again for the 2nd Test.


aston m artin July 31 , 2013 at 12:51 AM

Will have my DL translated tomorrow. thanks for this very informative article. And to

the one who's ranting about "rude" personnel in EDC, stop moaning and get over it!

Y ou got y our drivers licence right? I reckon y ou'd have probably jumped off musaffah

bridge if they failed y ou.. :p


Sim on July 31 , 2013 at 2:02 PM

Hi! Thanks for the information. I just had my license translated and will probably

open a file next week before Eid. A friend of mine recently opened file with the Muroor

Traffic police, and last time I checked, he was a man, lol. They might have opened it

again for us blokes, quite convenient if it were true. I'll try my luck there first,

Musaffah is quite far. '(--,)~ Cheers!


Am ar August 3, 2013 at 4:49 PM

Hey NIMO, y ou are a CHAMP. Glad to see someone who soent so much time in

explaining every thing in detail. "Keep coins for copy ing" LOL..thats called sharing the

expereinces..THank y ou so much mate!! IT will for sure help to get the license at one

go!! Wish me good luck!! by the way y ou posted this message in 2011 and see what its

doing in 2013.....


Anony m ous August 5, 2013 at 10:26 PM

Y ou are great man.. May ALLAH bless y ou with what y ou alway s y earn for... Y ou've

given us a complete picture by taking time out and explaining every thing in great

detail. Bless y ou !!


Anony m ous August 13, 2013 at 10:17 PM

How is the theory test?..is it easy or tough?


sunil_shrivastava14 September 12, 2013 at 2:48 PM

Very easy , if y ou sincerely read the theory book prov ided by them. Taking

the book lightly means entering into danger zone of over confidence....

Anony m ous August 14, 2013 at 8:24 AM

I do not have home country license and also do not know about driv ing. I had really

10/28/13 Abu Dhabi - The 1st Experince: How to Obtain Driving License in Abu Dhabi

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bad experience after passing my theory test, for registering in Practical classes for

two times. Both times I was waiting for more than 3 hours and did not get number. Is

there any fast way to get register for practical classes. Please help me out.



Sim on August 18, 2013 at 9:17 AM

Hey , guy s! Just wanted to update y ou. I've already opened my driv ing file, and y es,

y ou can open it at the Muroor Police Station even if y ou're a guy . I had some trouble

finding the exact building inside the police compound. I went into the new building

when I should have gone to the old one. It's brown and has a long stairway at the


My experience so far was good. The customer serv ice desk forwarded me to the

officer-in-charge. He was a friendly person, checked all my documents first. I then

went back to the customer serv ice desk to get my number, I waited a while to be

called. When it was my turn, the lady at the counter took my documents, checked my

home country driver's license, received the pay ment for the processing, took a photo,

gave me my "Driver's Test Appointment" sheet, and was finally forwarded to the last

counter to get my "green" card. It actually looks like an all-white card.

Every thing went smoothly , just make sure y ou have all y our papers with y ou. The

documents I brought were the following: passport copy + v isa page copy , translated

home country driver's license + the plastic card itself, No-Objection Certificate in

Arabic from my company , photocopy of my Emirates ID, and two passport-sized

photographs. All in all, I paid 100 (processing fee) + 25 (ey e test) = Dh125. I came in

around 5PM, so there wasn't a lot of people. It took around an hour and a half only ,

including waiting time.

Word of adv ice: wait for y our green card. In my case, the person distributing those

temporary licenses wasn't at the counter, so I had to wait around 20 minutes. Turns

out the machine automatically prints out the card, and it does take a while. So don't

just leave y et until y ou get the card, I think that's the most important thing.


Ajoy September 2, 2013 at 8:24 AM


I did take the long stairway one and went to the information desk. the lady

present over there told me i had to open the file in mussafah? there was a

customer serv ice counter as well . but i did not enquire there as the

information counter prov ided me with the above info.

Sim on September 3, 2013 at 5:19 PM

Hi, AJoy . Hm, that's surprising. I also spoke to some ladies at the

information desk. They told me something about how they only entertained

online applications here. (?)

Because that contradicted to the information I read here and the Abu Dhabi

government website, I was doubtful and still went further in and spoke to

spoke to a man at the customer serv ice desk(opposite the closed coffee

shop), and he directed me to an Emirati officer's office, beside the rightmost

counter. He then asked me why I didn't open file in Mussafah, but I

reasoned with him that the driv ing school told me that I also had the option

to open there at Muroor.

I'm not sure if it's the case now, but what I know is that I was able to open

my file there.

10/28/13 Abu Dhabi - The 1st Experince: How to Obtain Driving License in Abu Dhabi

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Ajoy September 5, 2013 at 10:04 AM

Simon, I will check it out again with the customer serv ice desk. Also is there

actually a road test to be taken if i want to convert my saudi license to UAE.

the website say s differently . It say s i can just replace it. I really need some

accurate info with regards to this.

Anony m ous August 20, 2013 at 4:10 PM

I have a copy of saudi license(I dont have the original plastic card), and I also have

indian license(Original). can I go directly to road test.Is copy of saudi license will help

me any way ?


Anony m ous August 23, 2013 at 11 :06 PM

is there any chance to apply without the NOC.


sunil_shrivastava14 September 12, 2013 at 2:50 PM


Anony m ous August 24, 2013 at 5:28 PM

I'm not sure. Recently , I open my file at Muroor office. First thing they asked: Who is

y our sponsor? where is y our letter? I think without letter from y our company , they

won't proceed.

I had Malay sian license. So I have to finish theory class / test and road test only .

By pass the practice class & packing test. But there is only 1 chance for road test, if fail

then need to go back and do all the practice classes again (costly ).

Hence, I'm looking for the private school where I can register few hours refresh

driv ing, because in Malay sia there is right hand driver. Any body know where I can

find such serv ice, could y ou please help?


josh August 28, 2013 at 11 :13 AM

iam working in ruwais,my v isa mission v isa, It possible to apply licence?


Rania99 August 30, 2013 at 5:33 PM

I got my license in Abu Dhabi from my first teast and all thanks goes to the greatest

driv ing trainer i had, from Ras Al 2akhdar driv ing school. His name is Sami , Mobile

050 254 17 17 . Good Luck to all of y ou ...


Anony m ous September 8, 2013 at 4:56 PM

10/28/13 Abu Dhabi - The 1st Experince: How to Obtain Driving License in Abu Dhabi

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Hi Rania,

Can y ou tell me where is Ras Al Akhdar driv ing school situated?


Im ran September 8, 2013 at 11 :11 PM

very informative and helpfull


rakepaka September 12, 2013 at 3:39 PM

Best adv ice i got till now on liscense.


Little Pieces of Light September 13, 2013 at 10:19 AM

Super helpful!! Will now go off and try to apply for the drivers' license. Thank y ou.


Anony m ous September 18, 2013 at 12:30 AM

INDEED Good Work Nimo . God Bless Y OU.


Albert T um palan September 18, 2013 at 3:46 PM


This comment has been removed by the author.

Anony m ous September 18, 2013 at 3:48 PM

Hi, what ty pe of ey e test are being done? Isn't shihara test? to detect color blindness?

coz i have difficulty of reading those, so i might be failed the ey e test.....


Sim on September 22, 2013 at 10:26 AM

No, nothing like that. They just cover y our left or right ey e, and y ou have to

recite a bunch of differently -sized letters or numbers projected on the wall.

I have astigmatism but it went okay . Y ou'll pass, I'm sure.

Ghanta Siva Rajesh September 19, 2013 at 4:18 PM

Thanks for y our info


Anas Ibn Aziz September 24, 2013 at 12:30 PM

Hi All

Could y ou please suggest me a good instructor (I prefer malay ali) as I am ty ing my

10/28/13 Abu Dhabi - The 1st Experince: How to Obtain Driving License in Abu Dhabi

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luck by apply ing for direct road test. Please email the contacts. I am stay ing in

Hamdan St. Abu Dhabi

Email: anasgeneva@gmail.com


Lakshm anan B October 10, 2013 at 10:12 AM

Contact Kareem on 050-67 09156; y ou can refer my name (Lakshman).

Kareem is from Kerala and, he is a very good trainer with real time tips.

All the best!

Anony m ous October 3, 2013 at 9:55 AM

Wow! Awesome and very informative. It gets me ready to get through all this and

makes me excited to start the driv ing lesson.


Anony m ous October 3, 2013 at 3:02 PM

Great work my fend .I m Pakistani but have British driv ing license can I replace it with

UAE license plz reply


Saheer October 8, 2013 at 2:51 PM

Its really informative . Can any one tell me the Muroor Police station timing when I

can go for opening a file in evening.


Jam es Sm ith October 11 , 2013 at 11 :22 AM

Driv ing schools teach the basics of proper driv ing. They also prov ide the technical

things that new drivers have to learn for them to be effective and safe drivers.

cpc training & cpc transport


Anony m ous October 15, 2013 at 7 :49 PM

**** NEED HELP**** My Visa ty pe is Visit Visa, and im planning to apply for ABU

DHABI Driv ing license, is it possible for me to apply even if my v isa ty pe is Visit

Visa?? I do have a home country Driv ing license... is it possible??


Anony m ous October 17 , 2013 at 9:02 PM

Hoe many areas are there in practical training?


Arghie Gulanes October 21 , 2013 at 8:41 AM

First of all thanks to Nimo and other bloggers who contributed here, it's definitely a

10/28/13 Abu Dhabi - The 1st Experince: How to Obtain Driving License in Abu Dhabi

abudhabi-expats.blogspot.ae/2011/04/how-to-obtain-driving-license-in-abu.html 25/25


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big help from all of y ou I am on category 2 as what Nimo describes. Is any one here

recently open a driver's license file? Will the Muroor Traffic police still accepting male

applicants? If y es can they process after 6pm? Thanks a lot guy s.


Whity October 25, 2013 at 10:20 PM

Please note that y ou can open y our file in Muroor from 7 - 2pm. I hope y ou can make

the changes


T ri T hai October 27 , 2013 at 9:33 AM

Hi Arghie, I opened my file in Muroor around 8pm. I dont remember exactly but it

open untill 9-10pm. They accepted male applicant also. As long as y ou have proper

papers with y ou, the process will be very past.


Reji R October 27 , 2013 at 4:29 PM

Hii..I am Reji..I am holding the Engineer Visa in our company ..Is it compulsory to

produce NOC for opening the File for driv ing licence????


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