Academic Archery World Championships · Academic Archery World Championships Dear sport friends,...

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Academic Archery World Championships

DDeeaarr ssppoorrtt ffrriieennddss,, ddeeaarr gguueessttss,,

Let me kindly welcome you to Slovakia, in the famous vineyard village of Viniãné, which in the next few days willbecome the hometown of university students in archery from 27 world countries.

I am very happy, that the World University Archery Championships will be held in Slovakia between June

12th – 18th of this year. After having participated at the World summer Universiade 2005 in Turkey, our sportsmencan compete on top international level in their home country – in Viniãné, which is the cradle of Slovak archery.

Our country is a small spot on the world map, but it will win your hearts by its beauty, culture and hospitality ofits inhabitants. I wish you a pleasant stay, during which I hope you will form new friendships and will be happy tocome back one day.

Every year Slovakia hosts several world events. It is a country with a high sports culture which should guaranteethat also these Championships will be organised at an adequate level and will help to the positive presentation of ourcountry in the world.

I wish you enjoy your stay in Slovakia in good atmosphere and excellent conditions. I wish all the sportsmen a lotof success and to the spectators an enjoyable sport adventure.

SSttaanniissllaavv KKoossoorriinnGeneral Director of the Sports section

at the Slovak Ministry of Education


Academic Archery World Championships

Basic Information

EEvveenntt vveennuuee:: Viniãné, Slovak republicDDaattee ooff tthhee eevveenntt:: June 13. – 18. 2006NNuummbbeerr ooff rreeggiisstteerreedd ccoouunnttrriieess:: 29NNuummbbeerr ooff ppaarrttiicciippaannttss:: 203SSppoorrtt ccaatteeggoorriieess:: recurve bow – women,

recurve bow – men, compound bow – women compound bow – men.

HHiissttoorryy ooff aarrcchheerryy aaccaaddeemmiicc cchhaammppiioonnsshhiippss iinn tthhee wwoorrlldd

1993 The World University games Belgium - Louvain-La-Neuve1996 1. Academic archery world championships France- Vaulx-en-Velin1998 2. Academic archery world championships China - Taipei - Taoyuan2000 3. Academic archery world championships Spain - Madrid2002 4. Academic archery world championships Taiwan - Chonbui2004 5. Academic archery world championships Spain - Madrid2006 6. Academic archery world championships Slovakia - Viniãné


Academic Archery World Championships

LLiisstt ooff ppaarrttiicciippaattiinngg ccoouunnttrriieess

Country No. of particiAustria 4Czech Republic 4Estonia 3Finland 1France 9Germany 3Great Britain 11China 10Indonesia 13Italy 9Japan 9Korea 16Malaysia 3Mexico 7Netherlands 3Poland 8Russia 8Serbia 5Slovakia 7Slovenia 5Sweden 1Chinese Taipei 13Turkey 3Ukraine 8United States of America 15

TToottaall 2255 117788


Academic Archery World Championships

DDeettaaiilleedd ccoommppeettiittiioonn pprrooggrraammmmee

MMoonnddaayy,, JJuunnee 1122tthh,, 22000066Arrival of delegations. Accreditation. Accommodation.

TTuueessddaayy,, JJuunnee 1133tthh,, 220000669:00 - 12:00 Non-official prectice. Accreditation.14:00 - 17:00 Non-official practice. Accrediation.

TC and Judges meeting.18:00 OOppeenniinngg cceerreemmoonnyy

Pezinok-Radniãné square

WWeeddnneessddaayy,, JJuunnee 1144tthh,, 220000669:00 - 12:00 Official practice MR & WC.

Equipment inspection. 9:20 Team captains meeting.14:00 - 17:00 Official practice MC & WR.

Equipment inspection.

TThhuurrssddaayy,, JJuunnee 1155tthh,, 220000668:30 - 09:15 Practice arrows - MR and WC. 9:30 - 12:00 Qualification round Men recurve & Women compound.

70 m, 2x36 arrows15:00 - 15:45 Practice arrows - MC and WR. 16:00 - 19:00 Qualification round Men compound & Women recurve.

70 m, 2x36 arrows

FFrriiddaayy,, JJuunnee 1166tthh,, 220000668:00 - 12:00 Individual elimination and final rounds.14:30 - 16:00 BBrroonnzzee mmeeddaall mmaattcchh MMRR,, WWRR,, MMCC,, WWCC.. GGoolldd mmeeddaall mmaattcchh MMCC,, WWCC.. GGoolldd mmeeddaall mmaattcchh MMRR,, WWRR..

IInnddiivviidduuaall MMeeddaall CCeerreemmoonnyy

SSaattuurrddaayy,, JJuunnee 1177tthh,, 220000668:00 - 12:00 Team elimination and final rounds.14:30 - 18:30 MMiixxeedd tteeaamm eelliimmiinnaattiioonn aanndd ffiinnaall rroouunnddss..

TTeeaamm aanndd MMiixxeedd tteeaamm mmeeddaall cceerreemmoonnyy..21:00 Banquet and closing of the WUACH 2006

SSuunnddaayy,, JJuunnee 1188tthh,, 22000066Departure of delegations


Academic Archery World Championships

WWoorrlldd CChhaammppiioonnss –– TTeeaamm World Champion Compound bow - TEAM MEN Stephen SCHWADE, Braden GELLENTHIEN, Joshua BINGERUNITED STATES OF AMERICA World Champion Compound bow - TEAM WOMENAmandine BOUILLOT, Joanna CHESSE, Caroline MARTRETFRANCEWorld Champion Recurve bow - TEAM MENMing-Huang LIU, Cheng-Wei KUO, Tzu-Yi HSUTAIPEIWorld Champion Recurve bow - TEAM WOMENUrszula NIEMIEC, Wioleta MYSZOR, Justyna MOSPINEKPOLANDWorld Champion Compound bow - TEAM MIXBrittany LORENTI, Braden GELLENTHIENUNITED STATES OF AMERICAWorld ChampionRecurve bow - TEAM MIXJae Seung LEE, Ji Yeon HONGKOREA

WWoorrlldd CChhaammppiioonnss –– IInnddiivviidduuaall World Champion Compound bow - men Braden GELLENTHEIN

United States of America World Champion Compound bow - women Amandine BOUILLOT

France World Champion Recurve bow – menJong Young LEEKorea

World Champion Recurve bow - women Hiroko TAGUMAJapan


Academic Archery World Championships


Time : 20:00Date: 16,June 2006

Recurve menA/A COMPETITOR IOC NO. Q TOT. 1/64 1/32 1/16 1/8 1/4 1/2 1-3 FINAL1. LEE Jong Young KOR 61 669 0 107 110 113 114 1162. KUO Cheng-Wei TPE 97 678 0 107 110 110 109 1083. MOKRYNSYY Yaroslav UKR 108 648 0 112 109 103 107 1124. LEE Jae Seung KOR 60 674 0 113 111 114 112 1125. ZHAO Shenzhou CHN 31 665 0 113 108 1066. MIYAHARA Mashashi JPN 54 665 0 104 115 1016. HSU Tzu-Yi TPE 99 649 0 113 107 1017. LIU Ming-Huang TPE 98 660 0 113 111 978. ZORZETTO Andrea ITA 38 653 0 100 1109. HASHIMOTO Chiaki JPN 56 635 112 106 10910. TONELLI Amedeo ITA 39 653 0 106 10710. PIATEK Piotr POL 76 668 0 112 10712. KUSWANTORO INA 42 637 0 108 10612. HAN Woo Tack KOR 62 668 0 114 10614. TARANENKO Maxym UKR 107 640 0 109 10515. PROC Jacek POL 78 653 0 110 6016. SALISTYAWAN Rahmat INA 43 630 98 11017. ZUPANC Matej SLO 95 639 0 10717. ONO Takaki JPN 55 616 100 10717. LAZAROFF Brett USA 116 623 106 10720. SINCLAIR Dakota USA 115 624 105 10621. ERDYNIYEV Victor RUS 80 644 0 10521. CHEN Hongyuan CHN 32 646 0 10523. PALMIOLI Giuliano ITA 40 614 108 10423. HUGEJILE CHN 33 629 107 10425. WUKIE Jacob USA 117 614 108 10325. WARTOWNIK Tomas SVK 125 618 100 10326. ERGIN Goktug Yusuf TUR 104 614 101 10227. NAGY Pavol SVK 124 570 103 10127. ALEKSIYENKO Oleksandr UKR 106 628 104 10129. MIKESKA Jakub CZE 6 596 104 9830. PRECLIK Jan CZE 5 624 103 9731. POVZ Matej SLO 92 608 10832. GYRYLOV Evgeny RUS 79 590 10333. ZLENDER Matija SLO 94 586 10033. CIS Tomasz POL 77 598 10035. TASIC Ivan SCG 89 625 9935. AMIRNULAH Ahmad MAS 69 594 9935. CALLAWAY Andrew GBR 21 615 9937. BARTOVSKY Jan CZE 4 560 9737. SETTA WIBAWA Ciptadi INA 44 594 9739. RONKANEN Perttu FIN 10 597 9439. ENNEMUIST Taavi EST 9 594 9441. BOSANSKY Miroslav SVK 126 561 9142. ROMAN Enrique MEX 132 555 8843. PRODANOVIC Nikola SCG 90 460 79


Academic Archery World Championships


Time : 20:00Date: 16,June 2006

Recurve womenA/A COMPETITOR IOC NO. Q TOT. 1/64 1/32 1/16 1/8 1/4 1/2 1-3 FINAL1. TAGUMA Hiroko JPN 52 611 0 97 104 100 102 1072. KSENOFONTOVA Kateryna UKR 111 639 0 109 107 109 113 1013. MOSPINEK Justyna POL 73 652 0 107 107 105 105 1044. WU Hui-Ju TPE 103 629 0 109 105 111 98 955. JANG Hey Jin KOR 58 656 0 112 115 1056. HONG Ji Yeon KOR 57 667 0 106 112 1026. JUNG Jin Min KOR 59 648 0 107 110 1028. ZHONG Hua CHN 28 629 0 96 105 1009. PUSPITA SARI Rina DEWI INA 45 626 0 107 10810. TAI Jui-Hsien TPE 102 600 0 109 10710. MAFFIOLI Elena ITA 37 626 0 100 10712. ZHANG Nina CHN 29 646 0 107 10512. LIN Hou-Shan TPE 101 617 0 106 10514. LOKLUOGLU Begul TUR 105 623 0 107 10214. NAVIGANTE Chiara Lucia ITA 34 598 0 105 10216. KOVAL Viktoriya UKR 110 652 0 155 9917. XU Linlin CHN 30 613 0 10617. PIAN Lindsay USA 121 605 0 10619. RENAULT Elodie FRA 11 598 0 10520. NIEMIEC Urszula POL 75 604 0 10220. FRIGERI Maura ITA 35 635 0 10222. MURATA Asuka JPN 53 578 91 10123. MYSZOR Wioleta POL 74 639 0 10024. TERAI Mami JPN 51 609 0 9925. ARININA Alla UKR 109 589 96 9825. DRAGAN Carissa USA 122 581 95 9825. NULLE Wiebke GER 19 613 0 9828. FAIRUZ HANISAH Cheirkahim MAS 70 590 108 9628. KASCAKOVA Lucia SVK 128 576 91 9630. DOWNIE Emma GBR 25 624 0 9531. RASINGER Theresa AUT 1 576 90 9332. BADMAYEVA Erzhena RUS 81 605 0 8833. MELICHAROVA Kristina SVK 127 540 9134. LUIK Siret EST 8 563 9035. MAJAROVA Hana CZE 3 563 8936. CARMICHAEL Lindsey USA 123 522 8837. JEPPSSON Jenny SWE 96 571 8338. LANG Eva EST 7 505 76


Academic Archery World Championships


Time : 20:00Date: 16,June 2006

Compound menA/A COMPETITOR IOC NO. Q TOT. 1/64 1/32 1/16 1/8 1/4 1/2 1-3 FINAL1. GELLENTHIEN Braden USA 112 692 0 117 115 118 1172. PAGNI Sergio ITA 41 691 0 114 114 118 1103. BRASSEUR Sebastien FRA 12 688 0 116 117 114 1154. FAUCHEUR Florian FRA 13 691 0 112 115 116 1125. BINGER Joshua USA 114 688 0 118 1156. SCHWADE Stephen USA 113 687 0 113 1147. TSOU Yung-Ming TPE 100 678 111 112 1108. HUMETZ Guillaume FRA 14 681 0 116 1099. LISENKO Vladimir RUS 84 658 110 11510. PURUHITO I.G.Nyoman INA 48 663 114 11311. LAUBE Marcus GER 18 669 112 11111. KIM Chur Min KOR 66 654 109 11111. MALJEVAC Josip SLO 93 673 109 11114. SCHOORMANS Lucas NED 71 666 111 11014. WARD Andrew GBR 22 677 109 11016. IGNJATOV Viktor SCG 87 636 108 10717. HAAKSMA Rolf NED 72 668 11118. DUMANSKIY Alexander RUS 83 673 11019. VOLKOV Maxin RUS 82 670 10920. BOWLEY Neil GBR 23 673 10821. DURNY Matus SVK 129 672 10721. HIDAYAT Wahyu INA 49 627 10723. KIM Hyo Sub KOR 67 632 10624. PARK Bum Chul KOR 68 674 10425. NASH Tim GBR 20 658 103


Academic Archery World Championships


Time : 20:00Date: 16,June 2006

Compound womenA/A COMPETITOR IOC NO. Q TOT. 1/64 1/32 1/16 1/8 1/4 1/2 1-3 FINAL1. BOUILLOT Amandine FRA 15 676 0 113 115 109 1142. KIM Hyo Sun KOR 64 667 0 116 110 110 1133. STRATTON Anna USA 120 659 0 114 112 106 1094. MARCEN Maja SLO 91 672 0 107 108 109 1095. KWON Oh Hang KOR 63 654 0 114 1116. LOGINOVA Albina RUS 86 681 0 114 1087. MARTRET Caroline FRA 17 660 0 113 1077. MENESES Zenaida Reinos MEX 130 638 0 110 1079. REFFAELI Amanda USA 119 659 0 11310. LORENTI Brittany USA 118 668 0 11011. NESTEROVA Alexandra RUS 85 610 110 10912. SEO Jung Hee KOR 65 642 0 10712. CHESSE Joanna FRA 16 659 0 10714. HUNT Nicola GBR 27 636 0 10415. GRIDLEY Rebecca GBR 24 650 0 10116. ASCOUGH Philippa GBR 26 613 100 9917. SANTILAN TORES Yolanda MEX 131 598 10318. KUTSCHER Maria Dominika AUT 2 585 0


Academic Archery World Championships

Team Final Results

Recurve men

A/A TEAM Q TOTAL 1/16 1/8 1/4 1/2 1-3 FINAL1. TPE 1987 0 20 19 20

Ming-Huang LIU, Cheng-Wei KUO, Tzu-Yi HSU,

2. KOR 2011 0 19 18 18Jae Seung LEE, Jong Young LEE, Woo Tack HAN,

3. CHN 1940 0 17 17 18Shenzhou ZHAO, HUGEJILE,

Hongyuan CHEN, 4. ITA 1920 0 18 13 15


5. UKR 1916 14 17Maxym TARANENKO, Yaroslav MOKRYNSYY, Oleksandr ALEKSIYENKO,

5. SLO 1833 21 17Matej ZUPANC, Matija ZLENDER, Matej POVZ,

6. POL 1919 18 16Jacek PROC, Piotr PIATEK, Tomasz CIS,

7. USA 1861 15 10Jacob WUKIE, Dakota SINCLAIR, Brett LAZAROFF,

8. JPN 1916 18Takaki ONO, Mashashi MIYAHARA, Chiaki HASHIMOTO,



11. SVK 1780 8Tomas WARTOWNIK, Pavol NAGY, Miroslav BOSANSKY,


Academic Archery World Championships

Team Final Results

Recurve women

A/A TEAM Q TOTAL 1/16 1/8 1/4 1/2 1-3 FINAL1. POL 1895 19 17 15

Urszula NIEMIEC, Wioleta MYSZOR, Justyna MOSPINEK,

2. KOR 1971 19 18 14Jin Min JUNG, Hey Jin JANG, Ji Yeon HONG,

3. TPE 1846 16 15 12Jui-Hsien TAI, Hou-Shan LIN, Hui-Ju WU,

4. UKR 1880 16 11 12Alla ARININA, Viktoriya KOVAL, Kateryna KSENOFONTOVA,

5. ITA 1859 15Elena MAFFIOLI, Chiara Lucia NAVIGANTE, Maura FRIGERI,

5. JPN 1798 15Asuka MURATA, Mami TERAI, Hiroko TAGUMA,

6. USA 1708 9Lindsay PIAN, Lindsey CARMICHAEL, Carissa DRAGAN,

6. CHN 1888 9Linlin XU, Hua ZHONG, Nina ZHANG,


Academic Archery World Championships

Team Final Results

Compound men

A/A TEAM Q TOTAL 1/16 1/8 1/4 1/2 1-3 FINAL1. USA 2067 0 24 22


2. FRA 2060 0 24 21Guillaume HUMETZ, Florian FAUCHEUR, Sebastien BRASSEUR,

3. GBR 2008 0 16 22Tim NASH, Andrew WARD, Neil BOWLEY,

4. RUS 2001 15 22 20Maxin VOLKOV, Vladimir LISENKO, Alexander DUMANSKIY,

5. KOR 1960 13Bum Chul PARK, Hyo Sub KIM, Chur Min KIM,

Team Final Results

Compound women

A/A TEAM Q TOTAL 1/16 1/8 1/4 1/2 1-3 FINAL1. FRA 1995 17 20

Amandine BOUILLOT, Joanna CHESSE, Caroline MARTRET,

2. KOR 1963 19 20Jung Hee SEO, Oh Hang KWON, Hyo Sun KIM,

3. USA 1986 16 20Anna STRATTON, Amanda REFFAELI, Brittany LORENTI,

4. GBR 1899 13 18Philippa ASCOUGH, Rebecca GRIDLEY, Nicola HUNT,