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  • S:\APS\ASQC\Web-site\MQUonly\ASQC2013\Minutes\01_ASQC_minutes_19_March_2013.docx


    Minutes of the meeting of the Academic Standards and Quality Committee held on Tuesday, 19 February 2013 in Room 310, Lincoln Student Services Building, from 10:00am to 12:15pm.

    PRESENT: Dr N Anderson Mr K Baird Associate Professor H Carter Ms L Clark Associate Professor P Coutts (Acting Chair) Associate Professor M Hitchens Associate Professor N Klein Mr W Lee Professor A Ross-Smith Dr A Semple Ms J Sparks Ms S Spinks APOLOGIES: Ms D Anderson Ms F Burton Professor J Sachs (Provost) Mr J Wylie IN ATTENDANCE: Ms F Courtis Ms S Kelly Ms B Liu Professor N Mansfield Ms K Roth Ms K Shorrock Professor D Verity Associate Professor S Young

    1. MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 20 NOVEMBER 2012 The minutes of the meeting held on 20 November 2012 were approved. 2. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES

    2.1 Report to Academic Senate The Committee noted that Academic Senate at its meeting on 13 December 2012 approved the recommendations from the ASQC meeting held on 20 November 2012.

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    2.2 ASQC Membership

    The Committee noted that Academic Senate at its meeting on 13 December 2012 resolved the arrangements for Academic Standards and Quality Committee 2013 as follows:

    Resolution 12/453

    That the term of membership for members of Academic Standards and Quality Committee due to conclude on 31 December 2012 be extended to 30 June 2013. Associate Professor Coutts on behalf of the Committee expressed its most sincere thanks and acknowledgement to Professor Julie Fitness for her role as Chair of ASQC since 2009. The Acting Chair welcomed Mr Ward Lee as successor to Mr Andrew Burrell in representing the Centre for Open Education and Mrs JoAnne Sparks as the new University Librarian.

    3. MASTER OF RESEARCH UPDATE Professor Nick Mansfield and Associate Professor Sherman Young attended the meeting to provide an update on the Master of Research (MRes) and to address some issues that have arisen from discussion at the 7 February 2013 Postgraduate Sub-Committee meeting in relation to 600/700 level units (Item 5.1.1 in the Sub-Committee minutes). Professor Mansfield provided an update on the MRes as follows: (i) Enrolment is under way for the first year of the MRes program. The expected

    enrolment number is 270 which exceeds the 200 anticipated originally. Over 500 applications were received with about 400 offers issued.

    (ii) Templates for the second year time based 800 level units were circulated to faculties last year and encompassed five requisite activities to be addressed in each discipline: research framework, literature review, research plan, research methods and thesis.

    (iii) Issues around the process for credit for previous study/recognition for prior learning are under further consideration.

    (iv) The MRes is initially offered internally only while models of other flexible modes of offering including external/online offerings are being examined.

    (v) Recent national developments in relation to similar programs confirm positive government support in the two year Masters program model as a pathway program between undergraduate and postgraduate study.

    Associate Professor Coutts reported that the Faculty of Arts submitted to the 7 February 2013 meeting of the Postgraduate Sub-Committee a proposal to introduce the following 600 level units for inclusion in the MRes from 2014: AHIS600 Ancient Languages Foundation INTS600 Reading Academic Texts in German I INTS601 Reading Academic Texts in German II INTS602 Reading Academic Texts in French These units were proposed to be co-taught with undergraduate units and would count towards the first year of the MRes. The Sub-Committee raised issues about the inclusion of such units in the MRes and recommended that they be reviewed and modified as 700 level

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    units. Associate Professor Young addressed the Committee in relation to the issues raised. Firstly the Faculty had put forward the proposal in compliance with the broad AQF principles that refer to postgraduate study at the program level rather than at the unit level. Secondly the proposal was considered to adhere to the principal as approved by Academic Senate at their 4 September 2012 meeting, as follows: Resolution 12/288 The following principles, relating to units of study in postgraduate degrees, with effect from 1 January 2014 were approved: 1. That a maximum of one 600 level unit can be included as part of a 32 credit point Masters program where completion of such a unit is considered core to the understanding of the program; 2. ASQC will approve such proposals on a case-by-case basis. The Committee expressed concerns over a possible erosion to the first year of advanced coursework study that consists of 700 level units at an advanced undergraduate level by allowing a student to complete a 600 level unit in that year. Associate Professor Young clarified that completion of such a unit is considered core to the understanding of the program by equipping a student’s reading skills in other languages to enable engagement with the required texts. It was agreed that the learning outcomes of such a unit ought to be distinct from that of the co-badged undergraduate unit. The Committee agreed to RECOMMEND THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves the introduction of the above 600 level units with effect from 1 January 2014. The Committee agreed to approve that a maximum of one of the above 600 level units may be included in the first year of the MRes.

    4. INDIVIDUAL STUDENT CASES 4.1 Faculty Reports

    The Committee noted Individual Case Reports that have been received from the faculties (tabled report from Faculty of Science). The Committee discussed mechanisms around the deeming of units that are outside of the faculty who owns the program the student is admitted to. The Committee agreed on the principal that appropriate consultation between the two faculties should take place in such cases. The Committee also clarified that while approval is sought from the student in the preparation of a case by the Faculty, the Faculty reserves the right to propose alternative solutions as they deem appropriate.

    4.2 Appeal (s/n 41953487)

    An appeal against a Faculty decision has been received from the above student. The Committee noted that the previous Chair had approved on behalf of the Committee that the appeal not be upheld. The Faculty did not support the student’s request for the Saving Clause to be invoked to allow him to satisfy the requirements of the French major with 1cp short. The student argued that he was misadvised due to a faulty display on eStudent. The previous Chair however agreed that the student had not been misadvised given that the Faculty had provided explicit advice to the student in relation to this requirement. The Committee also agreed that until the appointment of the new Chair takes place, any appeal that needs to be considered outside of ASQC meetings will be considered by a panel

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    consisting of the Acting Chair and several members from other faculties.

    4.3 Saving Cases

    The Committee noted that a number of Saving cases had been referred to the attention of the Committee from Academic Senate regarding People and Planet exemptions. Mrs Kelly tabled a copy of an email entitled Communication to students in relation to impact of eStudent error sent on 4 July 2012. A number of students were identified as potentially having been prevented from selecting people and planet units due to an eStudent error. The email communication to these students clarified that the error had since been rectified which would enable them to specify their People and Planet units on their study plan. The Committee considered the circumstances involved and agreed that invocation of the Saving clause may not be warranted in most cases. The Committee however also agreed that there may be grounds for invocation of the Saving clause in certain cases where the program is highly prescribed or if there are time constraints. In such cases the Committee also agreed that Deeming rather than Saving may be a more appropriate solution.


    The Committee reviewed the minutes of the Undergraduate Sub-Committee meeting held on 5 February 2013. The agenda and associated papers for the Sub-Committee’s meeting can be found for review by members on the ASQC web site at: 5.1 2013 Academic Program Urgent Changes to Units Approved by Chair of ASQC since 16 November 2012

    Unit Type of Change Date Approved

    STAT321 Logistics and Project Management

    Emergency Change 2013 Remove prerequisite and add a Corequisite


    MSM310 Museology of Natural History

    Emergency Change 2013 Change to prerequisites


    HLTH316 Principles in Health and Disease 2

    Emergency Change 2013 Change to owning Department


    PSYS201 Physics IIA

    Emergency Change 2013 Change to prerequisites


    ASTR278 Advanced Astronomy

    Emergency Change 2013 Change to prerequisites


    PHYS202 Physics IIB

    Emergency Change 2013 Change to prerequisites


    PHTN221 Introduction to Optical Science and Technology

    Emergency Change 2013 Change to prerequisites


    PHYS143 Physics IB

    Emergency Change 2013 Change to prerequisites


    PHYS143 Physics IB

    Emergency Change 2013 Change to NCCW


    PHYS140 Physics IA

    Emergency Change 2013 Change to NCCW


    PHYS149 Physics for Technology

    Emergency Change 2013 Change to NCCW

    14/12/2012 14/12/2012

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    LAWZ448 Animal Law

    Emergency Change 2013 Change to prerequisites


    TEP442 English as a Second Language in Schools

    Emergency Change 2013 Change to prerequisites


    PHIL702 Frontiers of Research in Mind and World

    Emergency Change 2013 Change to unit name - Research Topics in Mind and World


    PHIL704 Frontiers of Research in Modern European Philosophy

    Emergency Change 2013 Change to unit name - Research Topics in Modern European Philosophy


    PHIL706 Frontiers of Research in Ethics

    Emergency Change 2013 Change to unit name - Research Topics in Ethics


    FOAR300 Participation and Community Engagement in Arts

    Emergency Change 2013 Change to NCCW and co-taught (co-badged) with LAW442


    LAW442 LAW-PAL: Leading Peer Learning

    Emergency Change 2013 Change to NCCW and co-taught (co-badged) with FOAR300


    All 700 level units in the Master of Research

    Urgent Changes 2013 Change to prerequisite


    SOCI706 Advanced Policy Research 3: Political Economy for Social Policy Research SOCI705 Advanced Policy Research 2: Political Economy for Social Policy Research

    Request to co-teach units


    ECH231 Young Children's Language, Literature and Literacy

    Urgent Changes 2013 Change to corequisite


    The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves the Urgent Change requests for the above units, with effect from 1 January 2013. Late Amendments to Programs and Majors Approved by Chair of ASQC since 16 November 2012

    Program/ Major Type of Change Date

    SPCO01GD Graduate Diploma of Speech and Communication

    Backmapping to 2012 Required LING199 or LING110 Required LING398 or LING217


    SPCH11GC Graduate Certificate of Speech and Communication

    Backmapping to 2012 Add LING217 to 6cp requirement group (as an alternate to LING398). Add LING110 to 6cp requirement group (as an alternate to LING199).


    EDUC03 Bachelor of Education (TESOL)

    2012 Late Amendment Request to add MPP402 as an alternate to MPP404


    PUL01 Public Policy, Law and Governance

    Late amendment to program request to add LAW491 to 300 level option set


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    SEN02 Software Engineering

    2013 Late Amendment to Program Remove COMP342 (which was deleted from 2013 Schedule of Units) and reduce total credit points to 51 (from 54).


    The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves the above Late Amendments, with effect from 1 January 2013.

    Late Amendments to Programs

    Diploma of Languages (Spanish) (SPNH03)

    The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves the inclusion of SPN315 to the Diploma of Languages (Spanish) (SPHN03) program with immediate effect. Emergency Changes to Units

    CHN341 Chinese Capstone Unit

    The Faculty requested to change the prerequisite from CHN340 to “CHN340 or CHN361”. It was also requested that the corequisite be changed from CHN321 to “CHN321 or CHN362”.

    FRN123 Introductory French II

    The Faculty requested to change the existing prerequisite from “FRN122 or (HSC French Continuers Band 2 or 3 or 4) or (HSC Beginners Band 4 or 5 or 6)” to FRN122. It was also requested that the current NCCW of “FRN295, HSC Extension or Continuers Band 5 or 6” be removed.

    FRN122 Introductory French I

    The Faculty requested that the current NCCW be changed from “FRN295, HSC French Extension or Continuers Band 3, 4, 5 or 6, HSC Beginners Band 5, 6” to “HSC French Extension or Continuers Band 4, 5 or 6”.

    CHN378 Chinese Research Project

    The Faculty requested that the prerequisite be changed from “30cp and permission of Executive Dean of Faculty” to “39cp and permission of Executive Dean of Faculty”.

    The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves the Emergency Change requests for the above units with immediate effect.

    Credit for Previous Studies The Committee recommended at their 23 October 2012 meeting that the calculation for credit for previous studies (CPS) be updated to reflect multiples of 3. It was also recommended that the CPS granted for a bachelor award and a diploma award be amended accordingly. The Committee now also RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves that the CPS for incomplete Bachelor awards be amended from 44cp to 45cp with effect from 1 January 2013.

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    5.2 2014 Academic Program

    Units to be Deleted in 2014

    Faculty of Human Sciences

    EDUC393 A Comparative Curriculum Study: Malaysian and Australian Classrooms EDUC394 Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Malaysian Classrooms The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves the deletion of the above units, with effect from 31 December 2013. New Units 2014

    Faculty of Human Sciences EDUC701 Educational Psychology and Practice (submitted as EDCN701) EDUC704 Assessment Issues EDUC705 Educational Institutions and Organisations (submitted as EDCN705) EDTE301 Professional Experience in the Primary School I EDTE302 Introduction to the Professional Experience in the Secondary School EDTE410 Social Sciences in the Secondary School 1 Faculty of Science MATH399 Participation and Community Engagement in Mathematics

    The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves the introduction of the above units with effect from 1 January 2014.

    Change of Name and Prerequisite

    Current Name: EDUC392 Research Inquiry in the Primary Classroom New Name: EDUC392 Research Inquiry in the Classroom New Prerequisite: 39cp The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves the above change of name and prerequisite, with effect from 1 January 2014.

    Recoded Units Following People and Planet Review The Committee noted that the following units will no longer be People or Planet units from 1 January 2014 as they were not renewed following the People and Planet Review. These units must therefore be recoded for 2014. The Programs Team will recode and amend affected prerequisites and programs prior to circulation of the schedules for annual review.

    Current Code New Code

    ENV201 ENVG201

    LING110 LING111

    PHL264 PHIL201

    Change of Degree Name Proposal

    The Faculty of Human Sciences requested the name for the degree of Bachelor of Speech and Hearing Sciences (BSpHSc) be changed to the degree of Bachelor of Speech, Hearing

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    and Language Sciences (BSpHLSc) effective 1 January 2014. The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves the above change of degree name with effect from 1 January 2014.

    Proposal for New Awards

    Faculty of Business and Economics Bachelor of Business Analytics (BBusAnalytics)

    The Faculty submitted a preliminary proposal for a 3 year named degree, Bachelor of Business Analytics of 72 credit points. Further information and details regarding the program structure will be considered at a future meeting.

    The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE RECOMMENDS TO COUNCIL the approval of the name of the new award of Bachelor of Business Analytics (BBusAnalytics), with effect from 1 January 2014. Bachelor of Business Leadership with the Degree of Bachelor of Commerce (BBusLeadBCom) The Sub-Committee considered a proposal submitted by the Faculty for the introduction of the above award from 2014 that requires completion of a minimum of 96 credit points. The Committee shared the concerns of the Sub-Committee in relation to the Bachelor of Business Leadership not being available as a single award. The Committee noted the memo from Professor Ross-Smith to ASQC dated 13 February 2013 addressing these concerns. In addition to the Sub-Committee’s concerns, the Committee queried the proportion of the two components in the program, noting that the business leadership units total 24cps which constitutes 25% rather than 50% according to the current University structure for double degree. The Committee recognised the intent of the proposal and gave in principle support to the proposed content of the program. The Faculty was asked to consider alternative names and structures of the program and to resubmit a revised proposal for further consideration by Academic Senate. Faculty of Human Sciences Bachelor of Human Sciences (BHumanSc) The award name of Bachelor of Human Sciences was recommended at the 20 November 2012 ASQC meeting. The program structure has now been received and considered. The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves the program structure of the Bachelor of Human Sciences, with effect from 1 January 2014.

    Proposals for New Majors

    Faculty of Arts Ancient History

    The Faculty has requested the establishment of an Ancient History major as a qualifying major for the Graduate Certificate of Arts. The proposed major will require the completion of a minimum of 12 credit points.

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    Faculty of Human Sciences Community Services

    The Faculty has requested the establishment of the Community Services major with a minimum of 24 credit points as a qualifying major for the Bachelor of Human Sciences. Human Movement Major The Faculty has requested the establishment of the Human Movement major with a minimum of 24 credit points as a qualifying major for the Bachelor of Human Sciences.

    The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves the introduction of the above majors, with effect from 1 January 2014. Participation Requirement in New Awards

    The Committee agreed that in line with the University strategic direction for participation, it resolved to RECOMMEND THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves that the general requirement for all new awards proposed for introduction from 1 January 2014 include a requirement of a participation unit. Distinctiveness between a Named Award and an Award with Majors The Sub-Committee considered an issue regarding distinctiveness between a named award and an award with majors where a unit is required in both. The Sub-Committee discussed the example of the Bachelor of Actuarial Studies with Bachelor of Science with a Major in Statistics, where the units in question were STAT171, STAT271 and STAT272. In this example the Sub-Committee agreed that the unit can only count once and that the student would be required to do other STAT units at the same or higher level to replace the units required by the other part of the double degree. The student must therefore still complete 24 distinct credit points in the Statistics major including all the required units. The Committee agreed that the general issue of distinctiveness between a named award and an award with majors where a unit is required in both needs further discussion by the Sub-Committee. The Sub-Committee will formulate recommendations to be forwarded to ASQC for consideration.

    6. REPORT OF THE POSTGRADUATE SUB-COMMITTEE The Committee reviewed the minutes of the Postgraduate Sub-Committee meeting held on 7 February 2013. The agenda and associated papers for the Sub-Committee’s meeting can be found for review by members on the ASQC web site at: 6.1 2010/2011/2012 Academic Program Late Amendments to Programs Faculty of Business and Economics

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    Abbreviation Program Title Action Existing Entry

    Revised/New Entry

    MAppFin [APFN11M] & [APFN01P]

    Master of Applied Finance Mapping new 2013 units to pre2013 programs:- 2012 2011 2010

    Add to the Required 12 cp from AFCP805 Accelerated Financial Instruments and Investments (4) AFCP853 Topics in Risk Management (2) AFCP854 Topics in Corporate Finance (2) AFCP855 Topics in Wealth Management (2)

    The interim Chair of ASQC has approved the Late Amendments to the above pre 2013 programs. The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves the above Late Amendments to programs with immediate effect. 6.2 2013 Academic Program Late Amendments to Programs 2013 Faculty of Arts

    Abbreviation Program Title Action Existing Entry Revised/New Entry

    MIntTrdeComLaw [ITCL11M]

    Master of International Trade and Commerce Law

    Addition to electives

    Required 20cp from AFIN867 International Financial Management BUS827 Entrepreneurship in Business ECON847 International Trade IRPG849 International Political Economy LAW850 Sustainable Corporate Governance and Financing LAW852 Trade and Environment Law LAW860 International Environmental Law LAW868 Electronic Commerce and the Law LAW869 Law, Globalisation and Cultural Transformations LAW888 International Dispute Settlement LAW890 Law of International Organisations LAW891 International Law LAW895 Legal Research Dissertation MKTG801 International Marketing

    Required 20cp from AFIN867 International Financial Management BUS827 Entrepreneurship in Business ECON847 International Trade IRPG849 International Political Economy LAW850 Sustainable Corporate Governance and Financing LAW851 Climate Change Law LAW852 Trade and Environment Law LAW860 International Environmental Law LAW868 Electronic Commerce and the Law LAW869 Law, Globalisation and Cultural Transformations LAW888 International Dispute Settlement LAW890 Law of International Organisations LAW891 International Law LAW895 Legal Research Dissertation MKTG801 International Marketing

    PGDipIntTrdeComLaw [ITCL21D]

    Postgraduate Diploma of International Trade and Commerce Law

    Addition to electives

    Required 12cp from AFIN867 International Financial Management BUS827 Entrepreneurship in Business ECON847 International Trade IRPG849 International Political Economy LAW850 Sustainable Corporate Governance and Financing LAW852 Trade and Environment Law LAW860 International Environmental Law LAW868 Electronic Commerce and the Law LAW869 Law, Globalisation and Cultural Transformations LAW888 International Dispute Settlement LAW890 Law of International Organisations LAW891 International Law LAW895 Legal Research Dissertation MKTG801 International Marketing

    Required 12cp from AFIN867 International Financial Management BUS827 Entrepreneurship in Business ECON847 International Trade IRPG849 International Political Economy LAW850 Sustainable Corporate Governance and Financing LAW851 Climate Change Law LAW852 Trade and Environment Law LAW860 International Environmental Law LAW868 Electronic Commerce and the Law LAW869 Law, Globalisation and Cultural Transformations LAW888 International Dispute Settlement LAW890 Law of International Organisations LAW891 International Law LAW895 Legal Research Dissertation MKTG801 International Marketing

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    PGCertntTrdeComLaw [ITCL31C]

    Postgraduate Certificate of International Trade and Commerce Law

    Addition to electives

    Required 4cp from AFIN867 International Financial Management BUS827 Entrepreneurship in Business ECON847 International Trade IRPG849 International Political Economy LAW850 Sustainable Corporate Governance and Financing LAW852 Trade and Environment Law LAW860 International Environmental Law LAW868 Electronic Commerce and the Law LAW869 Law, Globalisation and Cultural Transformations LAW888 International Dispute Settlement LAW890 Law of International Organisations LAW891 International Law LAW895 Legal Research Dissertation LAW896 International Business Transactions MKTG801 International Marketing

    Required 4cp from AFIN867 International Financial Management BUS827 Entrepreneurship in Business ECON847 International Trade IRPG849 International Political Economy LAW850 Sustainable Corporate Governance and Financing LAW851 Climate Change Law LAW852 Trade and Environment Law LAW860 International Environmental Law LAW868 Electronic Commerce and the Law LAW869 Law, Globalisation and Cultural Transformations LAW888 International Dispute Settlement LAW890 Law of International Organisations LAW891 International Law LAW895 Legal Research Dissertation LAW896 International Business Transactions MKTG801 International Marketing

    MIntRelMIntTrdeComLaw [IRTC11M]

    Master of International Relations Master of International Trade and Commerce Law

    Addition to electives

    Required 12cp from AFIN867 International Financial Management BUS827 Entrepreneurship in Business ECON847 International Trade LAW850 Sustainable Corporate Governance and Financing LAW852 Trade and Environment Law LAW860 International Environmental Law LAW868 Electronic Commerce and the Law LAW869 Law, Globalisation and Cultural Transformations LAW888 International Dispute Settlement LAW890 Law of International Organisations LAW891 International Law LAW895 Legal Research Dissertation MKTG801 International Marketing

    Required 12cp from AFIN867 International Financial Management BUS827 Entrepreneurship in Business ECON847 International Trade LAW850 Sustainable Corporate Governance and Financing LAW851 Climate Change Law LAW852 Trade and Environment Law LAW860 International Environmental Law LAW868 Electronic Commerce and the Law LAW869 Law, Globalisation and Cultural Transformations LAW888 International Dispute Settlement LAW890 Law of International Organisations LAW891 International Law LAW895 Legal Research Dissertation MKTG801 International Marketing

    The interim Chair of ASQC has approved the Late Amendments to the above 2013 programs. Faculty of Business and Economics

    Abbreviation Program Title Action Existing Entry Revised/New Entry

    MIntBusMIntRel [IBIR12M]

    Master of International Business with Master of International Relations

    Addition to electives

    Required 12cp from IRPG830 The Politics of International Human Rights Law IRPG831 International Security IRPG832 Europe, the European Union, and the International System IRPG833 The USA in the International System IRPG837 International Politics and Economics of East Asia and the Pacific IRPG838 International Internship Program IRPG840 The International System IRPG843 International Relations of the Middle East

    Required 12cp from IRPG830 The Politics of International Human Rights Law IRPG831 International Security IRPG832 Europe, the European Union, and the International System IRPG833 The USA in the International System IRPG837 International Politics and Economics of East Asia and the Pacific IRPG838 International Internship Program IRPG840 The International System IRPG843 International Relations of the Middle East IRPG844 The Asian-Pacific Region and Australia

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    IRPG844 The Asian-Pacific Region and Australia IRPG846 International Relations Special Project IRPG849 International Political Economy IRPG850 International Relations Special Project A IRPG851 International Relations Special Project B IRPG855 Globalisation and the North-South Relationship IRPG857 International Law and Institutions MHPG856 The World Since 1750 IRPG854 War and Violence in World Politics POL825 Health Policy

    IRPG846 International Relations Special Project IRPG849 International Political Economy IRPG850 International Relations Special Project A IRPG851 International Relations Special Project B IRPG855 Globalisation and the North-South Relationship IRPG857 International Law and Institutions MHPG856 The World Since 1750 IRPG854 War and Violence in World Politics POL825 Health Policy BUS840 Business Project Management

    Faculty of Human Sciences

    Abbreviation Program Title Action Existing Entry Revised/New Entry

    Translating and Interpreting (Korea)

    Addition to Program Structure and create new version

    PD-TRANS version 7 Is Not Available

    Create PD-TRANS version 7 add TRAN878 which then allows articulation of the pre2012 cohort through the Korea University pathway program

    The interim Chair of ASQC has approved the Late Amendments to the above 2013 programs.

    Faculty of Science

    Abbreviation Program Title Action Existing Entry Revised/New Entry

    MWldMgt [WILM12M]

    Master of Wildlife Management

    Amendment to Study Mode

    Full Time, Part Time Part Time

    PGDipWldMgt [WILM22D]

    Postgraduate Diploma of Wildlife Management

    Amendment to Study Mode

    Full Time, Part Time Part Time

    PGCertWldMgt [WILM32C]

    Postgraduate Certificate of Wildlife Management

    Amendment to Study Mode

    Full Time, Part Time Part Time

    The interim Chair of ASQC has approved the Late Amendments to the above 2013 programs.

    The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves the above Late Amendments to programs with immediate effect.

    Emergency Changes to Units 2013 Faculty of Arts

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    Unit Code Unit Name Action Existing Entry Revised/New Entry

    ICOM821 Intercultural Communication

    Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to MIntComm or MIntRel or MIntCommMIntRel or MBiotech

    Admission to MBiotech or MBiotechMCom or MIntBusMIntComm or MIntComm or MIntCommMIntRel or MIntRel or MLabQAMgt

    LAW861 Local Government and Planning Law

    Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to MEnvLaw or PGDipEnvLaw or PGCertEnvLaw or MEnvMgt or PGCertEnvMgt or MPP or PGDipPP or MWldMgt or PGDipWldMgt or LLM in Environmental Law or 42cp in LAW units at 400 or 500 level

    Admission to MIntEnvLaw or MEnvLaw or PGDipEnvLaw or PGCertEnvLaw or MEnvMgt or PGCertEnvMgt or MPP or PGDipPP or MWldMgt or PGDipWldMgt or LLM or 42cp in LAW units at 400 or 500 level

    LAW889 International Trade and Finance

    Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to MIntTrdeComLaw or PGDipIntTrdeComLaw or PGCertIntTrdeComLaw or MIntRelMIntTrdeComLaw or 42cp in LAW units at 400 or 500 level

    Admission to MIntTrdeComLaw or PGDipIntTrdeComLaw or PGCertIntTrdeComLaw or MIntRelMIntTrdeComLaw or LLM in International Environmental Law or 42cp in LAW units at 400 or 500 level

    LAW895 Legal Research Dissertation

    Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to LLM or 42cp in LAW units at 400 or 500 level

    Admission to MEnvLaw or MIntEnvLaw or MIntTrdeComLaw or MIntRelMIntTrdeComLaw or LLM or 42cp in LAW units at 400 or 500 level

    PICT848 Cyber Security Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to MPICT or PGDipPICT or PGCertPICT or MPICTMIntSecSt or MIntSecStud or PGDipIntSecStud or PGCertIntSecStud.

    Admission to MPICT or PGDipPICT or PGCertPICT or MPICTMIntSecSt or MIntSecStud or PGDipIntSecStud or PGCertIntSecStud or M/PGDip/PGCertCompForensics

    POL802 Comparative Public Policy

    Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to MPP or PGDipPP or PGCertPP or MPASR or PGCertPASR or PGDipPASR or MIntRel

    Admission to MPP or PGDipPP or PGCertPP or MPASR or PGCertPASR or PGDipPASR or MIntRel or MSc in Environmental Health or PGDipSc in Environmental Health

    POL820 Politics and Policy: Theory and Applications

    Change to Prerequisite

    MPASR or PGCertPASR or PGDipPASR or MIntRel

    Admission to MPP or PGDipPP or PGCertPP or MPASR or PGCertPASR or PGDipPASR or MIntRel or MSc in Environmental Health or PGDipSc in Environmental Health

    POL822 Using Research Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to MPP or PGDipPP or PGCertPP

    Admission to MPP or PGDipPP or PGCertPP or MSc in Environmental Health or PGDipSc in Environmental Health or PGCertSc in Environmental Health

    Faculty of Business and Economics

    Unit Code Unit Name Action Existing Entry Revised/New Entry

    ACCG828 Management Control Systems

    Change to Prerequisite

    ACCG613 or admission to MAdvProfAcc or admission to MCom or MIntBus or MEc or MActPrac prior to 2011

    ACCG613 or ACCG921 or admission to MAdvProfAcc or admission to MCom or MIntBus or MEc or MActPrac prior to 2011

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    ACCG871 Advanced Corporate Accounting

    Change to Prerequisite

    ACCG612 or admission to MCorpGvnce prior to 2013 or admission to MCom or MIntBus or MEc or MActPrac prior to 2011

    ACCG612 or ACCG926 or admission to MCorpGvnce prior to 2013 or admission to MCom or MIntBus or MEc or MActPrac prior to 2011

    ACCG872 Advanced Financial Reporting

    Change to Prerequisite

    ACCG612 or admission to MCorpGvnce prior to 2013 or admission to MCom or MIntBus or MEc or MActPrac prior to 2011

    ACCG612 or ACCG926 or admission to MCorpGvnce prior to 2013 or admission to MCom or MIntBus or MEc or MActPrac prior to 2011

    ACST603 Principles of Finance Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to MActPrac or MCom or MEc or MIntBus or MBioTechMCom or MIntBusMIntRel

    Admission to MActPrac or MCom or MEc or MIntBus or MBioTechMCom or MIntBusMIntComm or MIntBusMIntRel

    ACCG611 Principles of Accounting Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to MAcc(CPA) or MAcc(Prof) or MCom or MEc or MIB or MBioTechMCom or MIntBusMIntRel

    Admission to MAcc(CPA) or MAcc(Prof) or MCom or MEc or MIB or MAcc(Prof)MCom or MBioTechMCom or MIntBusMIntComm or MIntBusMIntRel

    ACCG614 Business and Corporation Law

    Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to MAcc(CPA) or MAcc(Prof) or MCom or MEc or MBioTechMCom

    Admission to MAcc(CPA) or MAcc(Prof) or MCom or MEc or MAcc(Prof)MCom or MBioTechMCom

    ACCG615 Quantitative Methods Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to MAcc(CPA) or MAcc(Prof)

    Admission to MAcc(CPA) or MAcc(Prof) or MAcc(Prof)MCom

    AFIN808 Corporate Finance Change to Prerequisite

    ACCG611 and ACST603 or admission to MCom or MIntBus or MEc or MActPrac prior to 2011

    ACCG611 and (ACST603 or AFIN858) or admission to MCom or MIntBus or MEc or MActPrac prior to 2011

    AFIN818 Investments Change to Prerequisite

    ACST603 or admission to MCom or MIntBus or MEc or MActPrac prior to 2011

    ACST603 or AFIN858 or admission to MCom or MIntBus or MEc or MActPrac prior to 2011

    AFIN837 Capital Markets Change to Prerequisite

    ACST603 or admission to MCom or MIntBus or MEc or MActPrac prior to 2011

    ACST603 or AFIN858 or admission to MCom or MIntBus or MEc or MActPrac prior to 2011

    ECON633 Intermediate Macroeconomics

    Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to MCom or MBioTechMCom or MEc or MIB or MIntBusMIntRel

    Admission to MCom or MBioTechMCom or MEc or MIB or MIntBusMIntComm or MIntBusMIntRel

    ECON649 Economic Analysis

    Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to MAcc(CPA) or MAcc(Prof)

    Admission to MAcc(CPA) or MAcc(Prof) or MAcc(Prof)MComm

    MKTG696 Introduction to Marketing Management

    Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to MCom or MBioTechMCom or MIntBus or MIntBusMIntRel

    Admission to MCom or MBioTechMCom or MIntBus or MIntBusMIntComm or MIntBusMIntRel

    MGSM868 Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility

    Change to Prerequisite

    MGSM850 and MGSM870 Admission to MBA or MMgt or PGCertMBAExt or MSusDev

    Faculty of Human Sciences

    Unit Code Unit Name Action Existing Entry Revised/New Entry

    AMED836 Ethics and Professionalism

    Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to MSurg or MASurg or MAMed or MMedPrac

    Admission to MSurg or MASurg or MAMed or MMedPrac or DAdvSurg

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    AMED884 Medical Education and Evidence-Based Practice

    Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to MASurg or MAMed or MMedPrac or MSurg

    Admission to MASurg or MAMed or MMedPrac or MSurg or DAdvSurg

    APPL911 Pragmatics and Intercultural Communication

    Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to MAppLing or PGDipAppLing or PGCertAppLing or MAuslEngInt or PGDipAuslEngInt or MSpchLngPath or MCommDis

    Admission to MAppLing or PGDipAppLing or PGCertAppLing or MAuslEngInt or PGDipAuslEngInt or MSpchLngPath or MCommDis or MConfInt

    ECED604 Leading and Managing Early Childhood Services

    Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to MTeach(Birth to Five Years)

    ECED600 and ECED601

    ECED833 Child Development in Context

    Addition of NCCW

    None ECED885

    LING900 Grammar, Meaning and Discourse

    Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to MAppLing or PGDipAppLing or MCommDis or MTransInter

    Admission to MAppAnth or PGDipAppAnth or MAppLing or PGDipAppLing or MCommDis or MTransInter

    LING903 Languages and Cultures in Contact

    Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to MAppLing or PGDipAppLing or MAuslEngInt or PGDipAuslEngInt or MCommDis or MTransInter or MTransInterMIntRel or MTransInterMAppLing or MSpchLngPath or MConfInt

    Admission to MAppAnth or PGDipAppAnth or MAppLing or PGDipAppLing or MAuslEngInt or PGDipAuslEngInt or MCommDis or MConfInt or MTransInter or MTransInterMAppLing or MTransInterMIntRel or MSpchLngPath

    LING908 Language Planning and Language Policy

    Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to MAppLing or PGDipAppLing or MCommDis

    Admission to MAppAnth or PGDipAppAnth or MAppLing or PGDipAppLing or MCommDis

    LING960 Organisational Communication

    Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to MAppLing or PGDipAppLing

    Admission to MAppAnth or PGDipAppAnth or MAppLing or PGDipAppLing

    PSY979 Advanced Assessment and Therapy

    Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to MClinPsych or DClinPsych

    (Admission to MClinPsych or DClinPsych) and PSY978

    TRAN826 Dialogue Interpreting in Professional Settings

    Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to PGCertTransInter in Community Interpreting or PGDipTransInter in Interpreting Studies or MTransInter in Interpreting Studies or MTransInterMIntRel or MTransInterMAppLing or MConfInt

    Admission to MAuslEngInt or MTransInter in Interpreting Studies or PGDipTransInter in Interpreting Studies or PGCertTransInter in Community Interpreting or MTransInterMIntRel or MTransInterMAppLing or MConfInt

    TRAN834 Advanced Translation Practice 1

    Change to Prerequisite

    TRAN820 or admission to MAdvTrans

    TRAN820 or admission to MAdvTrans or MConfInt

    TRAN868 Business Translation and Interpreting

    Change to Prerequisite

    TRAN820 or admission to MAdvTrans

    Admission to MAdvTrans or MTransInter or PGDipTransInter or MTransInterMAppLing or MTransInterMIntRel

    TRAN873 Technical Translation and Interpreting

    Change to Prerequisite

    TRAN820 or TRAN822 or admission to MAdvTrans

    Admission to MAdvTrans or MTransInter or PGDipTransInter or MTransInterMAppLing or MTransInterMIntRel

    TRAN880 Discourse and Text Analysis for Translators and Interpreters

    Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to MAdvTrans or MTransInter or PGDipTransInter or MTransInterMAppLing or MTransInterMIntRel

    Admission to MAdvTrans or MConfInt or MTransInter or PGDipTransInter or MTransInterMAppLing or MTransInterMIntRel

    TRAN884 Advanced Consecutive Interpreting

    Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to MConfInt Admission to MAdvTrans or MConfInt

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    TRAN886 Legal Translation and Interpreting

    Change to Prerequisite

    TRAN820 or TRAN822 or TRAN869 or admission to MAdvTrans or MConfInt

    TRAN869 or admission to MAdvTrans or MTransInter or PGDipTransInter or MTransInterAppLing or MTransInterMIntRel

    TRAN888 Medical Translation and Interpreting

    Change to Prerequisite

    TRAN820 or TRAN822 or TRAN869 or admission to MAdvTrans

    TRAN869 or admission to MAdvTrans or MTransInter or PGDipTransInter or MTransInterMAppLing or MTransInterMIntRel


    Unit Code Unit Name Action Existing Entry Revised/New Entry

    MGSM868 Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility

    Amendment to Prerequisite

    MGSM850 and MGSM870 Admission to MBA or MMgt or PGCertMBAExt or MSusDev

    All 700 level units in the MRes – Change to prerequisites

    Unit Code Unit Name Action Existing Entry Revised/New Entry

    XXXX7XX Various Change to Prerequisite

    Admission to MRes and Permission of Executive Dean of Faculty

    Admission to MRes

    The interim Chair of ASQC has approved the Emergency Changes to the above units for 2013. The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves the Emergency Changes to the above units with immediate effect.

    Units to be reinstated for the purpose of teaching out in 2013 Faculty of Science

    Unit Code Unit Name Action Existing Entry Revised/New Entry

    CHIR883 Chiropractic Technique 3

    Unit Reinstated for 2013

    Unit Deleted for 2012 Not offered

    To be Taught Out in 2013 S1 Day

    CHIR884 Chiropractic Technique 4

    Unit Reinstated for 2013

    Unit Deleted for 2012 Not offered

    To be Taught Out in 2013 S2 Day

    CHIR885 Diagnostic Image Interpretation I

    Unit Reinstated for 2013

    Unit Deleted for 2012 Not offered

    To be Taught Out in 2013 S1 Day

    CHIR886 Diagnostic Image Interpretation II

    Unit Reinstated for 2013

    Unit Deleted for 2012 Not offered

    To be Taught Out in 2013 S2 Day

    CHIR887 Clinical Studies 1 Unit Reinstated for 2013

    Unit Deleted for 2012 Not offered

    To be Taught Out in 2013 S1 Day

    CHIR888 Clinical Studies 2 Unit Reinstated for 2013

    Unit Deleted for 2012 Not offered

    To be Taught Out in 2013 S2 Day

    CHIR894 Advanced Patient Management 1

    Unit Reinstated for 2013

    Unit Deleted for 2012 Not offered

    To be Taught Out in 2013 S1 Day

    CHIR895 Advanced Patient Management 2

    Unit Reinstated for 2013

    Unit Deleted for 2012 Not offered

    To be Taught Out in 2013 S2 Day

    The interim Chair of ASQC has approved the reinstatement of the above units for teaching out in 2013. The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves the

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    reinstatement of the above units for teaching out in 2013. 2013 Unit Renewals MGSM MGSM891 Operations and Logistics Strategy MGSM951 Report 2 MGSM986 Healthcare: The Australian Perspective The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves renewal of the above units, with effect from 1 January 2013. Dual Degree Arrangements Faculty of Business and Economics Indonesia – dual degree with Universitas Bina Nusantara Amendment to articulation agreement with Universitas Bina Nusantara for a period of three years. Mexico – dual degree with Tecnologico De Monterrey Amendment to articulation agreement with Tecnologico De Monterrey for a period of three years.

    Chile – dual degree with Universidad del Desarrollo Proposal to continue dual degree arrangement with Universidad del Desarrollo for a period of three years. France – dual degree with École Superieure de Commerce et Management (ESCEM) Proposal to continue dual degree arrangement with École Superieure de Commerce et Management for a period of three years. France – dual degree with School of Business (INSEEC) Proposal to continue dual degree arrangement with School of Business (INSEEC) for a period of three years. Colombia – articulation agreement with Universidad Nacional de Colombia Proposal for an articulation agreement with Universidad Nacional de Colombia for a period of three years. The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves the above dual degree arrangements with immediate effect. Faculty of Human Sciences China – dual degree with Beihang University Proposal for a dual degree articulation with Beihang University, Haidian District, Beijing for a period of three years. The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves the above dual degree arrangement effective May 2013.

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    6.3 2014 Academic Program

    Case for the Establishment of New Postgraduate Award MGSM Master of Social Entrepreneurship (MSocEntre) The Postgraduate Sub-Committee requested clarification in relation to the “minimum time to complete (full time)” as 1 year, given that the award load is 48 credit points. Confirmation was received that the program could be undertaken as 12 credit points per term over the four term annual structure and that each unit was compliant with the expected workload of 180 hours. The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE RECOMMENDS TO COUNCIL the establishment of the award of Master of Social Entrepreneurship (MSocEntre) with effect from 1 January 2014. Faculty of Human Sciences Master of Education (OUA) with specialisations in: Curriculum and Pedagogy ICT in Education With Nested awards of: Postgraduate Diploma of Education Studies (OUA) Postgraduate Certificate of Education Studies (OUA) The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves the establishment of the new OUA awards of Master of Education, Postgraduate Diploma of Education Studies and the Postgraduate Certificate of Education Studies with specialisations in Curriculum and Pedagogy and ICT in Education, with effect from 1 January 2014. Case for the Establishment of a New Specialisation New Specialisation in School Education in the following awards: Master of Educational Leadership (OUA) Postgraduate Diploma of Educational Leadership (OUA) Postgraduate Certificate of Educational Leadership (OUA) The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves the introduction of the specialisation in School Education in the OUA awards of Master of Educational Leadership, Postgraduate Diploma of Educational Leadership and the Postgraduate Certificate of Educational Leadership, with effect from 1 January 2014. Revised Programs of Study Faculty of Human Sciences Master of Clinical Sciences (MClinSci) Master of International Clinical Practice (MIntClinPrac) The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves the revised

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    programs of study for the above awards, with effect from 1 January 2014. Units for Deletion 2014 Faculty of Business and Economics ACCG845 Performance Measurement and Management ACCG846 International Taxation ECON835 Applied Econometrics II ECON896 Applied Time Series Analysis The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves the deletion of the above units, with effect from 31 December 2013. New Units 2014 Faculty of Arts MHPG851 Euro-Visions of Islam and the Middle East [submitted as MHPG8XX/MHPG9XX] Faculty of Human Sciences MEDI841 Structure and Function of the Human Body 1 MEDI871 Specialist Skills Rotation 1 MEDI872 Specialist Skills Rotation 2 MEDI873 Specialist Skills Rotation 3 MEDI897 Assessing Specialist Competence PHTY812 Health and Wellbeing Across Lifespan A PHTY813 Physiotherapy in Workplace and Recreation PHTY814 Health and Wellbeing Across Lifespan B PHTY815 Physiotherapy, Healthcare and Society New OUA Units ECEX600 Early Childhood Philosophy and Pedagogy ECEX601 Health and Well-being in Early Childhood ECEX602 Early Childhood Development ECEX820 Families in Context ECEX828 Creativity and the Arts: Contemporary Perspectives ECEX830 Early Intervention: Theory and Practice EDUX800 Introduction to Educational Research EDUX811 Educational Psychology and Practice EDUX812 Curriculum Studies EDUX813 Advanced Pedagogy EDUX814 Assessment Issues EDUX815 Evaluation of Educational Programs EDUX817 Sociology and Education EDUX847 Human Resource Management in Education EDUX848 Legal Foundations for Leaders in Learning Institutions EDUX851 Innovation and Change in Educational Organisations EDUX865 Learning Technologies in Practice MGSM MGSM869 Social Entrepreneurship

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    The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves the introduction of the above units, with effect from 1 January 2014.

    Implementation of 2012 Postgraduate Curriculum Renewal The Committee noted that during the 2012 postgraduate curriculum renewal process it was resolved that greater flexibility would be offered to postgraduate students commencing in the new curriculum. Students wishing to undertake additional units of study for interest or additional specialisations over minimum requirements would therefore be permitted to do so. The Sub-Committee discussed issues that have arisen during the implementation of this decision. The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves the following:

    Students may only take additional units from within their program of study;

    If they wish to study units outside their program, they will need to study units as non award except in special cases, which may be approved by the FSQC.


    7.1 Changes to Credit Points A proposal was considered and recommended at the meeting held on 23 October 2012 to amend the credit points for three units from the Foundation Program with effect from 1 January 2013. MQC have since reconsidered and would now like to retract that proposal and make no changes to workload or assessment for 2013 for FPEN032, FPEN033 and FPEN034. The Committee considered this request as outlined in the memo from Mr Asher and Mr Devlin dated 20 December 2012 and agreed to RECOMMEND THAT ACADEMIC SENATE that the original recommendation from the 23 October 2012 ASQC meeting be retracted. 7.2 Changes to Grading of Units A proposal was considered at the meeting on 23 October 2012 and recommended to Academic Senate to change the grading of the units FPTP021, FPTP032, FPEN021, FPEN022, FPEN031 and FPEN034 subject to provision of further details to demonstrate that the amendment assessment for the units that are proposed as fully graded satisfactorily meets the University assessment guidelines. The Committee considered further details as submitted by MQC. The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves the change of grading of the above units with effect from 1 January 2013.

    8. REVIEW OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROVIDERS The Committee noted that Macquarie International has commenced a review of English Language providers as outlined by the report dated 15 January 2013 submitted by Macquarie International that includes a summary of its content.

    9. PROCESS FOR ENGLISH WAIVER The Committee noted that Macquarie International has provided a revised process for English Waiver for the next 12 months as approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Provost), as outlined in the paper submitted by Macquarie International dated 15 January 2013.

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    The Committee sought clarification to the following discussion points in the paper:

    Student has missed 0.5 in one of the bands with good overall score – this should exclude writing;

    Student has completed the degree in English speaking country and been working in the country for sometime – time duration should be specified against “sometime”;

    Recommendation from MQ department – is faculty level sign off required? Ms Roth will resubmit a revised paper to provide clarification to the above.

    10. TOEFL ENTRY REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL ENGLISH LANGUAGE CATEGORIES A proposal has been received from Macquarie International dated 6 February 2013 for a revised methodology for setting TOEFL entry requirements for all IELTS English Language categories, for implementation from Session 2, 2013. The Committee agreed that with the revision of the TOEFL iBT Total Score from “79 – 93” to “83 – 93” against the IELTS Overall Band Score of 6.5, it RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves that Macquarie University adopts the revised methodology for setting TOEFL entry requirements for all IELTS English Language categories, for implementation from Session 2, 2013.

    11. SIJIL PELAJARAN MALAYSIA (STPM) FOR ENGLISH RECOGNITION A proposal has been received from Macquarie International dated 15 January 2013 in regards to seeking approval for the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia Test (STPM) as meeting the English Language requirements for entry to Macquarie University. The Committee RECOMMENDS THAT ACADEMIC SENATE approves that students achieving a grade level of C pass in 920 or B pass in 914 English in the STPM qualification will meet the English Language requirements for entry at Macquarie University.

    12. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 12.1 Repeating a Unit of Study Ms Kelly raised a matter on behalf of the Faculty of Human Sciences in relation to the University policy on repeating a unit of study in psychology for the purpose of achieving a higher GPA for meeting eligibility requirements into the fourth year honours program of the Bachelor of Psychology. Currently students may repeat such a unit of study as non award study, noting that there is no Commonwealth support in this pathway. The Committee expressed support for a case to be made by the Faculty to Academic Senate to allow students in the above scenario to repeat the unit of study as part of their admitted program. 12.2 Academic Advisors Training Ms Spinks reported that the Enrolment Planning Manager had expressed concerns over a potential lack of training of academic advisors from the recent enrolment experience. The Committee agreed that it is fundamental to the student experience that the Academic Advisory Working Group recommendations in relation to the training of academic advisors be implemented. The Acting Chair will follow this matter up with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students and Registrar).

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    The Committee noted that the next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 19 March 2013 commencing at 10:00am in Room 310 Lincoln Student Services Building.