Accelerated learning Certification Proposal

Post on 21-Feb-2017

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Accelerated Learning

Certification ProposalThis presentation outlines the proposal for an Accelerated Learning Certification using gamification principles to encourage interactivity

between participants and instructors.

K. David Swagler | 9.2016

The Goal

The goal of the certification is to expand the reach of Accelerated Learning methodologies.

Making certification accessibleand easy to complete supports this goal.

Who we are looking for

As the success of learning a new skill depends on the learners interactivity, we will be looking for people like the following:

• Outgoing and social people who can work with partners and groups

• High achievers who go above and beyond in everything they do

• Self-motivated learners who are willing to work towards extracurricular goals

• Learners that are willing to work with and support other learners

We are not looking for ego driven or self-centered individuals. Accelerated learning is meant to support the learners’s own learning, not the ego of the instructor.

The Certification process

The certification process is made up of points, levels, and badges for each component of the Accelerated Learning cycle.

Level 2 – Trainer

500+ points

Level 1 – Facilitator

100+ points

Level 3 – Creator

1000+ points

Points are awarded per phase of the cycle (learner prep, discovery, etc.). Learners can become proficient in multiple areas at a time.

Levels of Certification


Prep Phase

Facilitator100 pts

Trainer500 pts

Creator1000 pts



Facilitator100 pts

Trainer500 pts

Creator1000 pts



Facilitator100 pts

Trainer500 pts

Creator1000 pts



Facilitator100 pts

Trainer500 pts

Creator1000 pts



Facilitator100 pts

Trainer500 pts

Creator1000 pts

Attaining Points

To earn points, learners can:• Attend educational events

One (1) hour of education is worth 10 points.

• Participate in collaborative projectsOne (1) hour of work with an Accelerated Learning peer (outside of work) is worth 50 points. This collaboration should result in product, it is not meant to be peer coaching.

• Submit real-world experienceOne (1) hour of real-world experience is worth 100 points. Real-world experience includes facilitating workshops at ALSIG, presented at meeting/conferences/seminars outside of work, and/or other experiences where Accelerated Learning is utilized as the primary means to educate.

Example of a diary

Sarah, attends a two hour long ALSIG workshop on activation. Later in the week, she helps a friend in creating a class. She spends one hour over the phone helping to refine the connection phase of the class. A couple weeks later, she presents a two hour class at an ATD meeting on the integration phase of Accelerated Learning.

How has this month gotten her closer to certification?

Diary explained

Sarah already has points for each phase, then she adds points to the Connection, Activation, and Integration phases. She now has:

• Learner Prep Phase – 200 points + 0 points = 200 points

• Connection Phase – 50 points + 50 points = 100 points*

• Discovery Phase – 0 points + 0 points = 0 points

• Activation Phase – 400 points + 2x10 points = 420 points

• Integration Phase – 800 points + 2x100 points = 1000 points*

Sarah has now leveled up to the Facilitator level in the Connection Phase and the Creator level in the Integration Phase!

How to submit for certification

To record points, learners log into the Accelerated Learning LearningManagement System online. From there, they record points, their levels are automatically updated, and they can download badges to show their hard work.

Badges can be downloaded from the website and displayed on social media, CVs, and anywhere else mastery of knowledge needs to demonstrated.

Certification badges

Each badge will represent the level of work and dedication that learners gave to the program. Each will be certified and have a link back to the certification page. Here are a few examples:

1 2 3

Next steps

In order to get this program off the ground, a number of things must happen, they include:

• Setup LMS on website

• Advertise the certification program and requirements

• Facilitate workshops on how to move forward for learners

• Start tracking and handing out badges

For more information

Contact me at or 440.655.3725!