Accounting Treatment of Provisioning Requirements Under Expected Loss -CAFRAL Sep 2012

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  • 7/30/2019 Accounting Treatment of Provisioning Requirements Under Expected Loss -CAFRAL Sep 2012


    Accounting Treatment of

    Provisioning Requirements

    Under Expected Loss ApproachRecent Developments

    P.R.Ravi Mohan

    Reserve Bank of India

  • 7/30/2019 Accounting Treatment of Provisioning Requirements Under Expected Loss -CAFRAL Sep 2012



    Impairment requirements of IAS 39

    Objective evidence of impairment

    Recognising impairment losses for different assetcategories

    G 20 Recommendations

    Expected loss approach Recent developments

    Issues and challenges

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    Impairment requirements of IAS 39

    There are different impairment requirements for Loans and receivables and held to maturity instruments (asset accounted for under the

    effective interest method)

    Available-for-sale debt securities Available-for-sale equity securities

    An asset is impaired if its recoverable amount is less than its carrying amount

    An impairment loss should be recognised when, and only when, there is objective evidence

    that an impairment has occurred

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    Objective evidence of impairment

    Evidence of impairment

    Significant financial difficulty of the issuer

    Default or breach of contract

    Granting of a concession by the lender due to the borrowers financial position

    Bankruptcy or financial reorganisation of the borrower

    Disappearance of an active market for the assets concerned because of financial difficulties

    Significant or prolonged decline in market price in the case of an equity security

    Observable data that there is a measurable decrease in the estimated future cash flows for agroup of financial assets

    Adverse changes in the payment status of borrowers in the group

    National or local economic conditions that correlate with defaults on assets in the group

    At each balance sheet date, the entity should assess whether there is objective

    evidence of impairment for an asset or group of financial assets

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    Assets carried at amortised cost

    Calculate individually or on a portfolio basis for groups of similar assets

    Reversals of impairment losses Reversal allowed if objective evidence that impairment loss decreased after the impairment loss

    was recognised

    Restated carrying amount not to exceed what it would have been without impairment

    Reversal recognised in income statement

    Impairment loss in P&L


    Carrying amount present value of estimated future cash flows

    (excluding future credit losses)

    discounted at original effective interest rate

    Impairment model for:

    Loans and receivables

    Held-to-maturity investments

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    Assessment of objective evidence for assets measured at

    amortised cost

    Individually significant financial


    yes no


    significant impaired

    Asses separately


    Not included in



    yes no

    Included in





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    Collective assessment for assets

    measured at amortised cost

    Financial assets are grouped on the basis of similar credit risk characteristics (grading,

    industry, region, etc..)

    The characteristics chosen are relevant to the estimation of future cash flows for

    groups and are indicative of the debtors repayment ability

    Future cash flows for groups of financial assets are estimated on the basis of historicalloss experience, adjusted for current observable data at the reporting date

    It is only appropriate for an impairment loss to be recognised for incurred but not

    reported losses i.e. the expected loss event has occurred but it is unknown which

    asset is impaired

    Note that the methodology used should ensure that an impairment loss is not

    recognised on the initial recognition of an asset

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    Available for sale assets recognising

    impairment losses Situation A: asset with gains recorded in equity Situation B: asset with losses recorded in equity

    = fair value

    Reversal ofpreviousupward fairvalueadjustment

    Write downrecognised inP&L




    D Fair

    value in


    D Fair

    value in



    Period x+1 Period x+2

    Transfer fairvalue writedown to P&Lnowimpairment

    Recogniseimpairment inP&L



    Fair value

    write down



    in equity


    Period x+1 Period x+2

  • 7/30/2019 Accounting Treatment of Provisioning Requirements Under Expected Loss -CAFRAL Sep 2012


    Impairment loss in P&L


    Acquisition cost (net of repayments and amortisation)

    Current fair value less any impairment loss previously recognised in P&L

    (Such cumulative loss is removed from equity

    and recognised in P&L)

    AFS financial assets carried

    at fair value

    Impairment reversals of:

    Equity instruments impairment should not be reversed through P&L (but in equity)

    Debt instruments impairment reversal should be recognised in P&L

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    Assets carried at fair value through the

    profit or loss

    Write downs and reversals No specific rules all gains and losses already taken to the profit or loss

    Note also that if objective evidence that an impairment loss exists for an unquoted equityinstrument that is not carried at fair value because its fair value cannot be reliably measured,the amount of the impairment loss is measured as the difference between the carrying amountof the financial asset and the present value of estimated future cash flows discounted at thecurrent market rate of return for a similar financial asset. These impairment losses cannot bereversed (IAS 39.66)


    Equity instruments:

    Fair value

    Debt instruments:

    Present value of expected cash flowsdiscounted at current market rate


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    The global financial crisis challenged the

    conventional wisdom in the area of acounting

    Fair value measurement of financial

    instruments failure to deal with illiquid

    markets and distressed sales

    Incurred loss model -Provisioning being too

    little & too late

    Lack of convergence between IASB & FASB.

    Financial Crisis

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    G 20 formulated the following recommendations:

    Accounting standard setters to reduce complexity

    of accounting standards for financial instruments &

    enhance presentation standards

    IASB to enhance efforts to facilitate global

    convergence towards a single set of high quality

    accounting standards

    G 20 Recommendations

  • 7/30/2019 Accounting Treatment of Provisioning Requirements Under Expected Loss -CAFRAL Sep 2012


    G 20 Recommendations

    Accounting standard setters should strengthen

    accounting recognition of loan loss provisions

    by considering alternative approaches for

    recognising and measuring loan losses thatincorporate a broader range of available credit


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    G 20 Recommendations

    Accounting Standard setters and Prudential

    Regulators should work together to identify

    solutions that are consistent with the

    complementary objectives of:

    Promoting the stability of financial sector and

    Providing transparency of economic results in

    financial reports

  • 7/30/2019 Accounting Treatment of Provisioning Requirements Under Expected Loss -CAFRAL Sep 2012


    ImpairmentLatest Developments

    ED on Financial Instruments- Amortised Cost

    & Impairment published by IASB in November

    2009 which was open for comments till 30

    June 2010

    A supplement to this ED was issued in January

    2011 with a comment period up to 1 April


    This was a joint document with FASB

  • 7/30/2019 Accounting Treatment of Provisioning Requirements Under Expected Loss -CAFRAL Sep 2012


    Impairment -Proposals in original EDs


    Component IASB Expected cashflow (ECF)



    Initial loss


    Allocate over life

    (integrated effective

    interest rate)



    changes in


    Immediate Immediate

    Information set Forward-looking Hold constant

    The BIG question.

    How to converge and create a more operational model,

    especially for open portfolios?

  • 7/30/2019 Accounting Treatment of Provisioning Requirements Under Expected Loss -CAFRAL Sep 2012


    17 of 13

    Overview of impairment proposal January 2011






    Good Book

    Recovery Bad book

    Good book

    Highest of:

    Time proportional amount oflosses for the remaining life;

    Expected losses in the

    foreseeable future (12 months)

    Loan Loss Allowance

    +Bad book

    All expected losses

    Feedback on model

    Mostly negative feedback from banks and


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    Impairment methodology- revised proposalCredit Quality Approach

    (a) An expected deterioration in

    financial performance of the

    borrower that results in a change

    in credit risk from low/medium to

    medium/high, together with

    (b) an increase in uncertainty

    about the ability to fully recover

    cash flows.

    Bucket 1 Bucket 2 Bucket 3

    Low to Medium Medium to High High to Very High

    (a) A deterioration in

    financial performance of theborrower that results in a

    change in credit risk from

    medium/high to high/very

    high, together with

    (b) expected non-

    recoverability of cash flows.



    Internal credit categories need to be mapped to buckets

    As loans are purchased or originated, they are classified in accordance with level of credit risk (eg credit


    Loans migrate downward or upward depending on the change in credit quality/rating

    Newly originated higher credit risk loans could be in Bucket 2 or 3.




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    Impairment -Allowance balance

    * Can use loss rate basis for calculation

    The boards have not yet decided on the measurement of Bucket 1 allowance.

    Bucket 1 Bucket 2

    Possible approaches:

    12 months worth of expected losses*

    24 months worth of expected losses*

    Emergence Period

    Full remaining lifetime expected losses

    Bucket 3

    Allowance balance equal to:


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    Variation of Impairment supplement

    Category or bucket 1

    A possible cyclical


    Category or bucket 2

    A portfolio loan bucket

    Category or bucket 3-

    Individual loan bucket

    Low Credit deterioration High Credit deterioration

    Category or bucket 1

    - No events with

    possible direct

    relationship to

    possible defaults

    Category 1

    No expected lossindicators

    Minimum 12 months worth

    of expected losses

    Expected loss

    indicators would suggest a direct relationship with possible futureDefaults

    Life time expected losses

    Default trigger eliminated

    Expected credit losses not



    Expected credit losses are



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    Users Perspective

    Integrated Effective Interest rate in Original ED

    not found feasible

    Good Book Bad Book Separation in SD was

    also not acceptable to stakeholders

    Will the three bucket approach be

    conceptually sound and operationally


  • 7/30/2019 Accounting Treatment of Provisioning Requirements Under Expected Loss -CAFRAL Sep 2012


    Boards Tentative Decisions-Summary

    Summary of IASBs tentative decisions regarding

    measurement of impairment allowance are as follows:


    Financial assets measured at amortised cost

    Financial assets measured at Fair Value through OCI

    Trade Receivables within scope of IFRS on revenue

    Lease receivables within scope of IAS 17

  • 7/30/2019 Accounting Treatment of Provisioning Requirements Under Expected Loss -CAFRAL Sep 2012


    Boards Tentative Decisions-Summary


    At each reporting date an entity shall measurethe impairment allowance at:

    Lifetime expected losses for a financial asset thatsatisfies certain conditions

    The change in lifetime expected losses sinceinitial recognition for a financial asset acquired ata deep discount that reflects incurred creditlosses

    12 month expected losses for all remainingfinancial assets

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    Boards Tentative Decisions-Summary

    Measurement of Lifetime Expected Credit Losses -Conditions

    An impairment allowance shall be measured at lifetimeexpected credit losses if as at the reporting date:

    There has been a more than insignificant deteriorationin credit quality since initial recognition

    The likelihood that some or all of the contractual cashflows may not be fully collected is at least reasonablypossible

    For trade/lease receivables either policy election or theabove conditions



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    Boards Tentative Decisions-Summary

    An entity shall measure lifetime expected

    losses at the present value of all cash

    shortfalls expected over the life of the

    financial asset

    Cash shortfalls are the difference between all

    cash flows due to the entity under the

    contract and all cash flows expected to bereceived by the entity

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    Boards Tentative Decisions-Summary

    An entity shall measure 12 month expectedlosses at the present value of all cashshortfalls expected over the life of the

    financial asset associated with the probabilityof a loss event in the 12 months after thereporting date

    In otherwords 12 month expected losses arenot only the cash shortfalls expected over thenext 12 months

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    Boards Tentative Decisions-Summary

    The estimate of expected losses shall reflect:

    All reasonable and supportable informationconsidered relevant in making the forward

    looking estimate A range of possible outcomes that considers

    the likelihood and reasonableness of those

    outcomes ( ie It is not merely an estimate ofthe most likely outcome

    The time value of money

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    Boards Tentative Decisions-Summary

    An entity shall consider information that is

    reasonably available without undue cost and


    As a consequence, the estimate of expected

    losses does not require a detailed estimate for

    periods far in future

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    Boards Tentative Decisions-Summary


    An entity shall write off a financial asset or

    portion of financial asset and associated

    impairment allowance when it has no

    reasonable expectation of recovery of that

    financial asset or portion of that financial asset

  • 7/30/2019 Accounting Treatment of Provisioning Requirements Under Expected Loss -CAFRAL Sep 2012


    Application Guidance:

    If a financial asset shares risk characteristicswith other assets held by an entity the entity

    is permitted to individually evaluate thefinancial asset or to include it in a collectiveevaluation of the group of financial assetswith shared risk characteristics to determinewhether the measurement of lifetimeexpected losses is required

    Boards Tentative Decisions-Summary

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    Boards Tentative Decisions-Summary

    Risk Characteristics may include the following: Asset Type

    Credit risk ratings

    Collateral type Date of origination

    Term to maturity


    Geographical location of the debtor Value of collateral

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    Boards Tentative Decisions-Summary

    Indicators of credit deterioration include but not

    limited to the following:

    1. General Economic or market conditions

    2. Borrower specific factors

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    Recent Developments

    FASB has not agreed to these and the

    convergence regarding impairment between

    two Boards has fallen apart

    IASB has since decided to go ahead with an

    Exposure Draft on impairment

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    Issues& Challenges

    Interaction with Basel II

    Basel II = Probability of Default X Loss Given Default X Exposure at Default

    ECF = Probability of Default X Loss Given Default X Exposure at Default

    Look the same?..if only it were that simple

    The Basel II IRB Approach and the expected cash flow approachcalculations both have the following inputs

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    Interaction with Basel II (contd)

    For Basel II only one PD is calculated and recordedin risk systems

    ECF approach would require 40 sets of PDs to be

    captured for a 10 year loan to facilitate quarterly


    Even if data existed, systems do not have fields or

    capacity to capture

    Major banks have millions customers, data storagerequired would be huge

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    Interaction with Basel II (contd)

    Basel II PDs are through the cycle PDs

    ECF PDs are point in time

    As a result of Basel II, bank systems have moved

    away from point in time PDs, hence almost allsystem PDs would require adjustment

    Basel II PDs are 12 month

    ECF PDs are for estimated life of assets

    How would you estimate PDs for mortgage booktoday in respect of 2017?

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    Interaction with Basel II (contd)

    LGD for Basel II is an estimate of the actual loss incurred during downturnconditions, ie the highest point reached historically

    Under ECF approach, it is the actual loss expected to be incurred at the time of


    To calculate this, it is necessary to know when an asset will default and the

    conditions at default. Both require significant judgement

    During downturn conditions, as now, there is no material difference, however these

    may not reflect the conditions at default date


    Basel II

  • 7/30/2019 Accounting Treatment of Provisioning Requirements Under Expected Loss -CAFRAL Sep 2012



    Interaction with Basel II (contd)

    Basel II EAD is calculated as:

    the outstanding balance; plus

    the committed but undrawn amount multiplied by a conversion factor.

    ECF approach only applies to recognised exposures

    The undrawn element is particularly material, for example, on credit card portfolios,

    where substantial credit limits may be in place that are rarely fully used or balances

    are paid in full each month. It is unclear how such revolving facilities would be dealt

    with under ECF approach.

    Again, timing of expected defaults will be key in estimating EADs, and different

    EADs will be required throughout the life of an instrument.

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    Operational challenges

    Data - banks do not generally hold the long run PD and LGD data by

    vintage and tenor and quality of underwriting criteria

    Systems - databases will need to be constructed to hold data and

    contractual/behaviouralised cashflow information

    (note EIR is typically a high level portfolio

    adjustment due to immateriality)

    Re-estimation - ED requires the relentless re-estimation of cash flows

    and the underlying PD and LGD matrices

    Historical data - in many countries there is little historical PD and LGDdata

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    Bank risk management systems (contd)

    Considerable degree of analysis and review is being undertaken by the


    Complex adjustments to multiple internal risk systems would be

    required, in addition to those required for Basel II

    No definitive solutions or preferences have emerged so far

    Issue is whether the shorter-term and/or higher level approaches can be

    utilised or calibrated to a (simplified) expected loss model?

  • 7/30/2019 Accounting Treatment of Provisioning Requirements Under Expected Loss -CAFRAL Sep 2012


    Users Perspective

    Use of Practical Expedients

    Original ED had the concept of Practical

    Expedients for short term trade receivables

    Can be in the nature of Single loss rate,

    Provision matrix

    Has to be expanded

    Makes it simple for jurisdictions having

    standardised, Less complex banks

  • 7/30/2019 Accounting Treatment of Provisioning Requirements Under Expected Loss -CAFRAL Sep 2012


    Main open points & Timelines

    Practical Expedients & Application Guidance

    Clarity needed in guidance related to pooling

    Loan commitments and financial guarantee



    Disclosures Exposure draft in Second half of 2012?