Accutane lawsuit

Post on 24-Apr-2015

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• What is Accutane?• Who created Accutane ?

• Side Effects of this drug?•Lawsuit & Compensation

What is an Accutane?

Accutane is a form of vitamin A. It reduces the amount of oil released by oil glands in your skin, and helps your skin renew itself more quickly.Accutane is used to treat severe nodular acne. It is usually given after other acne medicines or antibiotics have been tried without successful treatment of symptoms.

Generic Name: isotretinoin

Brand Names: Accutane, Amnesteem, Claravis, Sotret

Who Created Accutane Drug?

Accutane, created by Swiss based Pharmaceutical Person Hoffmann La Roche created in USA Pharmaceuticals, was approved by the FDA(Food & Drug Administration) in 1982 and started being prescribed to people suffering from severe inflammatory and nodular acne.Earn 1.2$ Million Annually

What are the Side Effects ?There are many severe injuries and permanent side effect cause by due to take this medicine about two to three Month. The medical Researcher and Clinical Trial prove that this medicine is very harmful and dangerous for patient. The Side Effect of this medicine are:

Suicide Tendency, Birth death, dryness of the skin and lips, Sensitive Skin, dry mouth and nose, nose bleeds, headaches, increased sensitivity to sunlight, dry eyes, eye irritation, itching, muscle pain, Hair thinning or hair loss(Alopecia types Areate, Totalis, Barblis, Universalis, forehead),Inflammatory Bowel disease, decreased night vision, aggressive behavior, depression and suicidal thoughts, psychosis, ulcerative colitis, joint pain and tenderness of the bones, corneal scar, hepatitis, blood in urine, pancreatitis, decreased pigmentation of the skin, liver damage, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems, decreased density of the bones, gum inflammation, bleeding gums, ringing in the ear, high blood, erectile dysfunction, allergic, heart disease, asthma, an eating disorder.


Lawsuit and CompensationJames Marshall actor also suffering from injuries due to his personal Doctor prescribe him and his career was destroy. He need surgery but he had some permanent side effect. He lawsuit charged filed against Roche.

In May of 2007, a man who suffered gastrointestinal harm received a judgment of $2.5 million against Roche.

In October 2007 by a judgment for $7 million to a man who had his colon removed. Roche appealed the second judgment and it was upheld in February 2008.

In April 2008, a 24-year-old woman who had part of her intestines removed won a $10 million verdict against Roche.

Hoffman La Roche was filed by a 33-year-old mother who suffered severe depression when she took Accutane and had a child with severe birth defects.

After my one week research upon this drug you can take this medicine for one month only If you have severe and seriously damaging Acne not fix or treat by antibiotic or some live saving steroids drugs but remember one thing if you feel that you get some side effect on initial day or your body can’t afford this medicine leave this medicine immediately and don’t try to put yourself on death.
