ACD July New Release Newsletter

Post on 12-Mar-2016

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A listing of products scheduled for release in July, available for pre-order from ACD Distribution.



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4WF027 Phantasia Zoologica, Vol 1 $15.95 SDI

Phantasia Zoologica, Volume I: Cats, Dogs & Horses is a Pathfinder compat-ible sourcebook that details a wide variety of mundane and magical cats, dogsand horses for your game table. With 90 different magical and mundane cats,dogs and horses, along with a plethora of equipment and magic items for eachtype of animal and complete price lists for the purchasing and selling such ani-mals, Phantasia Zoologica Volume I brings more depth and realism to yourfantasy roleplaying game.

4WF100 Strategists & Tacticians $18.95 SDI

Strategists & Tacticians can make any character more versatile with variantclass features for all the core classes, a dozen new prestige classes, spells for avariety of spellcasters, and over fifty feats that unlock new abilities and improveexisting ones. New combat maneuvers allow you to throat hostages, severlimbs, choke your enemies, or take advantage of a free off-hand. Give charac-ters a multiclass flavor from 1st level with the Apprentice, a special new one-level base class. All this and more in the Definitive Guide to Clever Warriors.This is a Pathfinder Compatible product.

4WF101 Tyranny & Manipulation $19.95 SDI

Tyranny & Manipulation: The Advanced Guide to Modifying Monsters byRyan Costello, Jr. brings all-new templates and additions for monsters in yourgame. Includes new skills, new spells, new creature sub-types and much, muchmore! This is a Pathfinder Compatible product.

4 WINDS FANTASY GAMING 4WF005 Luven Lightfinger Gear&Treasure Shop $18.95 SDI

Part sourcebook, part catalogue, Luven Lightfinger's Gear and Treasure Shopis chock full of new items for outfitting your characters. From weapons, armorand trail gear to potions, oils and kits, Luven's shop has it all. He stocks local-ly produced goods as well as imports from exotic locales, and he guaranteeshe'll have at least one item in his inventory that you've never seen before.Interested in purchasing some magic items? Luven keeps his collection of thosein the back room. This is a Pathfinder Compatible product.

4WF026 Albion Armitages Astounding Arsenal $10.99 SDI

Albion Armitage's Astounding Arsenal is an action-packed fantasy adventuredesigned to challenge a party of four to six 8th - 10th level characters.Information on scaling the adventure for higher or lower level parties is includ-ed. Also included are battle maps, NPC stats, two new creatures, and a wideassortment of new magical and mundane weapons and armor.

2 Contact your sales representative for exact release dates

Pre-order by phone at 1-800-767-4263, or online at 3

AEG AEG3306 L5R RPG: The Great Clans $39.99 SDI

The Emerald Empire of Rokugan has long been one of war and conflict, agreat history forged at its heart by an unending sibling rivalry. The Great Clansof Rokugan were founded by the Kami, children of the Sun and Moon, andtheir adherence to their founders personalities and vows have defined theEmpire. Each seeks to gain ground over the others, a continuing reflection ofthe Tournament of the Kami that set the Empire in motion so long ago. TheGreat Clans takes you deep into the psyche and workings of the The GreatClans of Rokugan. The book features a full chapter on each of the Great Clans,focusing on on the various families, histories, and culture that makes up thoseClans. Additional chapters also cover the evil Spider Clan, the return ofHeritage Tables, and vassal families.

AEG5302 Nightfall: Martial Law $39.99 SDI

Darkness envelopes the world; chaos reigns. Humanity fights back in the onlyway they know how: with forceful control. But how does one control creatureswhose existence defies all logic? Nightfall: Martial Law is a stand-alone expan-sion to the smash-hit competitive deck building game Nightfall. Martial Lawbrings you a complete new set of cards with special new powers, and featuresall-new vampires, werewolves, hunters and ghouls. Martial Law also intro-duces the new feeding mechanic: feed your chained orders to give them greatereffect! Contents: 300+ cards, Card Dividers, Rulebook. For 2-5 players Ages 12and up.

ARMY PAINTER AMYCP3019 Colour Primer: Alien Purple $14.99 SDI

Advanced Primate Entertainment

APE0800 1955: The War of Espionage $24.99

In 1955: The War of Espionage, you are the head of one of the two major fac-tion’s Covert operations Agency. Your task is to protect your country from thetainted views of your enemies while seeking to gain the trust and support of theworld’s population. To do that, you will be utilizing resources provided to youby your supporters (represented by the cards you draw). Every successful oper-ation in a country gains you some level of temporary influence. Your main direc-tive is to stabilize the country and gain control by Securing the country (repre-sented by Advancing the Control Marker to your side of the board).


The fantastic universe of Dixit, winner of the Spiel des Jahres 2010, returns toentrance you once more! With Dixit Odyssey you can continue the adventurein enchanting and dreamlike new worlds. The idea is still the same: theStoryteller chooses a card from his hand and, inspired from the card, speaks.The other players then choose a card from their own hands. All the cards areshuffled and revealed. The players’ objective is to find the Storyteller’s card.Discover 84 new cards drawn in the magical style of Pierô and coloured byMarie Cardouat. Dixit Odyssey is a standalone game for up to 12 players andcontains, among other things, a new, more practical, scoreboard, voting padsand new “rabbit” tokens. Furthermore, Dixit Odyssey enables you to store allthe cards from Dixit and Dixit 2 in one place. Very practical for taking the gamewherever you go! With Dixit Odyssey, discover or rediscover Dixit! It's awhole new universe to explore!

ASMGOS02 Gosu Expansion: Kamakor $29.99

Five new clans will join the battle for goblin supremacy! The five clans of theexpansion include Kobuke Goblins, Warmachine Goblins, the ShadowGoblins, Dragoon Goblins and the Shibuke of the World Tree. The ShadowGoblins come from the other side of The Portal! For decades now, goblinsreturning from The Portal have reported having encountered members of amysterious and frightening goblin clan … The Shadow Clan! The design of theShibuke of the World Tree is an assumed nod to the Na'vi from the movieAvatar, and the strange creatures represent a new breed introduced into theextension. With 100 new cards, Kamakor is set to add whole new dimensionsto Gosu!

ASMSEV02 7 Wonders: Leaders $29.99

In 7 Wonders, players get hands of cards, pick those that will help them buildtheir City and pass the rest to their neighbor. Their goal: build commercial ties,strengthen their military might and build their Wonders. Leaders introduces inthe game notable personalities, who offer various advantages. At the beginningof the game, players create a Leader hand from which they will be able to playa leader at the beginning of every Age, or use him to get money or help buildyour Wonder. The recruited Leaders will allow you to build certain structuresat a cheaper cost, even maybe for free, or will be worth victory points, or... Well,with Leaders, the Wonders never cease!

Pre-order by phone at 1-800-767-4263, or online at 5

ATLAS GAMES ATG2705 Cliffourd the Big Red God $19.95

Little Wilbur Whateley has a god. It's a big red god. Other folks have gods, toobut Wilbur has the biggest, reddest god in Dunwich. Renowned CthulhuMythos aficionado Kenneth Hite retells H P Lovecraft’s classic "The DunwichHorror" in this story of childhood terror, with adorable* illustrations by AndyHopp. Cliffourd the Big Red God features 32 pages of full-color illustration,and is the third in our Mini Mythos series (after Where the Deep Ones Are andThe Antarctic Express). *May not be adorable to all earthly species.

BAKSHA GAMES BAK002 Evil Doctors and an Angry Mob $9.95

Evil Doctors and an Angry Mob is not an complete game, it requires "GoodHelp" in order to play. Get special abilities for your evil doctors! Build an angrymob to harass your monsters! Can you control the mob? Play time: 90 minutesAges: 12 and up Players: 3 to 6

BANDAI BAN23618 Naruto: Tournament Packs III

Booster Deck $57.00 NPI

These packs are specially made to assist with draft and sealed events for NarutoCCG players. It will be a 60 card set that introduces 34 new “Chibi” Ninjacards and 24 Jutusu and Mission cards. 10 cards per booster – 1 HolographicFoil card, 1 rainbow-stamped Rare, 2 Uncommon, 6 Common

BATTLE FRONT MINIATURES BFMWI285 Wargames Illustrated #285 $5.31 NPI

BLUE PANTHER BPN1111 Dice Tower, Knockdown, Stone $20.00

Like its predecessor, this dice tower does not require any glue, and assemblesand disassembles in seconds for game players on the go. A full color stonetower image is direct printed on one side, while the other side features a richwalnut color. No decorating required! And it's fully reversible - you can use thestone tower or wood tower - your choice.

BEREB ENTERPRISES BRB94922 CampAntics $29.95

Welcome to CampAntics™, the board game of summer camp adventures, mis-chief, and activities. Each trip around the board is one very realistic day at camp– and you decide how many days to play. During your stay at CampAntics™,you will win and lose points as you experience the ups and downs of daily life ata great summer camp. The winner is the camper with the most points at theend of the game. Camp rules are user-friendly and progressive. Start with theRules for New Campers, which are fun to read because they’re in a comic book.After you’ve played a couple of time by these rules, add the Rules for ReturningCampers. Then, when you’re ready, add the Rules for Senior Campers. Ifyou’d like to play alone, just follow the Rules for Single Campers.

BUFFALO GAMES BUF162 Phone Frenzy $10.00

Phone Frenzy is the first-ever socially interactive party game where it’s notabout WHAT you know, it’s WHO you know! Phone Frenzy is a board gamethat uses everyone’s mobile phone as the primary game component for calling,texting, and sending photos.

CUBICLE 7 CB75014 PF: Peril in Freeport $19.99

Peril In Freeport is a Pathfinder adventure release set in one of the mostbeloved fantasy cities in gaming: Green Ronin’s Freeport, City of Adventure!For 6th-8th Level Characters.

CB75105 InvaderZ Pocket Edition $17.99

This is the new, revised, updated and spruced up edition of Invaderz in a con-venient, smaller page format. Inside you'll find some extra adventure seeds, aplanet guide, the Jerkian Imperial Anthem, new art, rules for playing Jerkianslave races and a generally better presented and more awesome version ofInvaderz.

6 Contact your sales representative for exact release dates

CB76105 RQ2: C&C: Divers & Sundry $34.99

Divers & Sundry is a collection of curios for players and gamesmasters of theClockwork & Chivalry RPG, containing something for both veteran cam-paigners and those new to the weird and wonderful world of 17th century clock-work and alchemical warfare. Included are new Professions and Factions, newweapons, source material on Scotland, random NPC, village, and adventureseed generators, and a selection of pregenerated characters.

CB76703 Savage Worlds: Interface Zoo: Boston: Broken Cradle of Liberty $14.99

One of the hottest Hot Spots of North America, Boston was saved from theencroaching seas by a massive civic undertaking, and declared the capital ofAtlantica. Now, in the face of riots and acts of terrorism, the American ‘Cradleof Liberty’ reels under martial law as dissidents protest unpopular decisions inan effort to stoke the flames of rebellion. With soldiers patrolling the streets andviolence a way of life, Boston stands poised to either blossom into somethinggreater or be wiped off the map and into oblivion.

CB76803 PF: Dim Spirit: Curse of the Golden Spear 2 $19.99

The second of a three part campaign, Dim Spirit is an adventure set in thecursed land of Kaidan and is suitable for a group of 6th level characters.Drawing inspiration from Japanese folklore, and fully compatible with thePathfinder Roleplaying Game, Kaidan is a land of horror and mystery. InKaidan, demons stalk the land in human form, the dead seldom rest easy, andlife is cheap. This adventure continues the story which began in The Gift, intro-ducing players and game masters alike to the cursed realm of Kaidan.

CB77303 QUERP The Gamemasters Companion $21.99

This book has been written to introduce new Gamesmaster’s to QUERP butcould be adapted to introduce a budding Gamesmaster to any game system.Within these pages you will find a whole host of rules, suggestions and aids tohelp you create your own game world and write adventures (both campaign andsingle session), and new monsters to fill them. There is also a blank dungeonmap to get you started. Gaming aids include a city generator, a complete list ofspells from all of the QUERP books plus many new ones, magic item tables anddescriptions and a the first part of a campaign adventure - Realm of the IceGiants pt1 - with suggestions and tips for writing the second and third parts.

CB77310 QUERP Modern $19.99

No orcs, goblins or magic in this core rule book! What you will find is modernwarfare, crime bosses, firearms and explosives. And everything you need to runa modern adventure for first time role players or experienced gamers who wantto play a light rules gaming session. This book includes firearm rules, severalmodern character types, a whole host of modern equipment and vehicles aswell as a detailed adventure set in war-torn Afghanistan to get you started withQUERP Modern.

CB77400 ICONS: Doom $17.99

The first of the Misfits & Menaces product line for the ICONS rule systempresents DOOM, an organization of supernatural horror and unrepentant evil.Founded through the merging of several ancient dark, mystic, secret societies,DOOM looks to the insane-inspiring Lost Ones for favor by working blackmagic and even blacker goals towards ruling or ending the world.

CB77500 Villains and Vigilantes Core Rulebook $16.99

The world’s FIRST complete superhero RPG is back! Villains And Vigilantes islegendary among role-playing games for its dynamic random super-powered char-acter generation system, its accessible, open and fast-paced rules, and the imagina-tive, far-ranging campaign universe created by Jeff Dee and Jack Herman.

CB77501 V&V: Intercrime: Hostile Takeover $9.99

Who are the Firebrands, and who supplied them with the flame-spewing rock-et suits they use to perform their dastardly crimes? In this introductory adven-ture for Villains and Vigilantes™, players are superheroes on the trail ofIntercrime—the world-spanning criminal syndicate! This book provides infor-mation on Intercrime—the major criminal organization of the V&V™ universe.The first section describes Intercrime’s organizational structure, personnel,and operations. The final section is a complete introductory adventure for ateam of 4-6 beginning characters, introducing the players to Intercrime andgiving them an opportunity to take out a local Intercrime base!

CB77600 Bounty Head Bebop RPG $26.99

In a time when the worst criminals and scum run free, the Police have no choicebut to hire more Bounty Hunters for help. Are you ready to hunt these villainsdown? Are you ready to make lots of money? Full of fast-paced action and siz-zling drama, Bounty Head Bebop lets you play solar system-spanning anime-style adventures and live the “never say die, say profit” life of the bounty huntersof the ‘far modern’ future. The Bounty Head Bebop RPG is powered by theInverted 20 system, which uses a single d20 for all rolls and offers a quick andeasy resolution, but it’s not rules light—it’s rules quick.

CHESSEX MANUFACTURING CHX26245 Gemini set #5 - Black-Grey w/green -

set of 10 d10s $13.75 CHX26246 Gemini set #5 - Black-Shell w/white -

set of 10 d10s $13.75 CHX26247 Gemini set #5 - Blue-Magenta w/gold -

set of 10 d10s $13.75 CHX26248 Gemini set #5 - Gold-White w/black -

set of 10 d10s $13.75 CHX26249 Gemini set #5 - Purple-Teal w/gold -

set of 10 d10s $13.75 CHX26250 Gemini set #5 - Red-Yellow w/white -

set of 10 d10s $13.75 CHX26445 Gemini set #5 - Black-Grey w/green -

7-Die Set $9.80 CHX26446 Gemini set #5 - Black-Shell w/white -

7-Die Set $9.80 CHX26447 Gemini set #5 - Blue-Magenta w/gold -

7-Die Set $9.80 CHX26448 Gemini set #5 - Gold-White w/black -

7-Die Set $9.80 CHX26449 Gemini set #5 - Purple-Teal w/gold -

7-Die Set $9.80 CHX26450 Gemini set #5 - Red-Yellow w/white -

7-Die Set $9.80 CHX26645 Gemini set #5 - Black-Grey w/green -

16mm d6 - set of 12 $9.80 CHX26646 Gemini set #5 - Black-Shell w/white -

16mm d6 - set of 12 $9.80 CHX26647 Gemini set #5 - Blue-Magenta w/gold -

16mm d6 - set of 12 $9.80 CHX26648 Gemini set #5 - Gold-White w/black -

16mm d6 - set of 12 $9.80 CHX26649 Gemini set #5 - Purple-Teal w/gold -

16mm d6 - set of 12 $9.80 CHX26650 Gemini set #5 - Red-Yellow w/white -

16mm d6 - set of 12 $9.80 CHX26845 Gemini set #5 - Black-Grey w/green -

12mm d6 - set of 36 $13.75

CHX26846 Gemini set #5 - Black-Shell w/white - 12mm d6 - set of 36 $13.75

CHX26847 Gemini set #5 - Blue-Magenta w/gold - 12mm d6 - set of 36 $13.75

CHX26848 Gemini set #5 - Gold-White w/black - 12mm d6 - set of 36 $13.75

CHX26849 Gemini set #5 - Purple-Teal w/gold - 12mm d6 - set of 36 $13.75

CHX26850 Gemini set #5 - Red-Yellow w/white - 12mm d6 - set of 36 $13.75

CHXLE856 Gemini set #5 - Black-Grey w/green - Assorted bag of 20 $25.20 Gemini set #5 - Black-Shell w/white - Assorted bag of 20 $25.20

CHXLE858 Gemini set #5 - Blue-Magenta w/gold - Assorted bag of 20 $25.20

CHXLE859 Gemini set #5 - Gold-White w/black - Assorted bag of 20 $25.20

CHXLE860 Gemini set #5 - Purple-Teal w/gold - Assorted bag of 20 $25.20

CHXLE861 Gemini set #5 - Red-Yellow w/white - Assorted bag of 20 $25.20

CHXLE862 Gemini set #5 - Bag of 50 x d10 $67.20 CHXLE863 Gemini set #5 - Bag of 50 x d20 $67.20

CIPHER STUDIOS CISHD1010 Hell Dorado: Mourner $10.99 CISHD2006 Hell Dorado: Blade Master, Human $10.99 CISHD3009 Hell Dorado: Corvus Tormentors (2) $11.99 CISHD6010 Hell Dorado: Tarik ibn Malik ibn & Eagle $14.99 CISHD7010 Hell Dorado: Sister Eloise $10.99

CALLIOPE GAMESCLP020 Tsuro: The Game of the Path $29.99

Create your own journey with Tsuro™, the Game of the Path. Place a tile andslide your stone along the path created, but take care! Other players’ paths canlead you in the wrong direction—or off the board entirely! Find your way wise-ly to succeed. Tsuro is recommended for 2–8players ages 8 and up. Stay thepath—your journey begins here.

CRYPTOZOICCTZ01126 WoW TCG: Twilight of the Dragons

Booster Deck $59.85 NPI

War of the Warcraft Twilight of the Dragons is a trading card game withstreamlined rules that make the game easier to pick up for new players. It fea-tures the Black and Twilight Dragonflights, led by the Master Hero -Deathwing himself! Features new permanent hero powers and the continuingevolution of the new Stash keyword.

Pre-order by phone at 1-800-767-4263, or online at 7

8 Contact your sales representative for exact release dates

CTZ01195 WoW TCG: Twilight of the Dragons Epic Collection $21.88 NPI

World of Warcraft Twilight of the Dragons Epic Collection is an incrediblevalue for both current and new players. The packaging is redesigned with a newupscale look and the box is made to be used for card storage and guarantees lootin every box! This new box allows for the playmat to be rolled not folded. Nowincludes 6 packs per Epic Collection and new 6 pack configuration can be usedfor sealed pack tournaments! This Epic Collection box contains: 1 reusable stor-age box, card dividers to be used with the box, 1 Twilight of the Dragons play-mat, 1 Twilight of the Dragons Deck Box, 6 Twilight of the Dragons BoosterPacks, 1 Twilight of the Dragons visual pocket guide, 5 Random Foil Heroesfrom Twilight of the Dragons, and 1 Common Loot Card!

CATALYST LABS CYT26100 SR: Runners Toolkit $39.99

Announced as part of Shadowrun's twentieth anniversary celebration, theRunner's Toolkit contains essentials for groups on their first run or for experi-enced groups who want important resources in an easy-to-use format.Resources in the set include a gamemaster's screen, a pre-generated auxiliarycharacter and kit system, a collection of essential tables from all of the core rule-books, a copy of the introductory adventure On the Run, heavy-duty referencesheets covering a variety of common game tasks, and a booklet with samplecontacts and adventure seeds. The Runner's Toolkit will be a handy referencefor anyone playing Shadowrun, making it easier for beginners to start playingand for veterans to keep the game moving.

CYT26450 SR: Artifacts Unbound $24.99

SR: Artifacts Unbound continues the plot strands introduced in the Dawn ofthe Artifacts series of adventures. Introducing a new form of campaign bookthat provides the concrete information gamemasters need to run a game whilealso providing flexibility to design the campaign in a way that suits them.

DECISION GAMES DCGST270 Strategy & Tactics #270 $29.99 SDI

The American Revolution: Decision in North America (AR), is a two-playerwargame, designed by Joseph Miranda, in which you command the Americansor the British in the War of American Independence, 1775-82. The Americanplayer may also control French and Spanish units if those nations enter the war.Instead of the full campaign game, players may also choose to play the shorterscenario that ends in 1779.

EAGLE GAMES EGL101292N Defenders of the Realm: Hero Exp. #2 $24.99

Here are four new Heroes with matching Character Cards (Druid, Elf Lord,Healer and the Monk) who have come to help defend Monarch City; each withspecial powers. There are no new rules, simply add the cards and token to thebase game to begin a new adventure. Global Effects Cards should be added tothe Global Effects Cards from the other Expansions to create one “Good” andone “Bad” Global Effects Deck. Several cards from each deck are added to theDarkness Spreads Deck and will change game play in a thematic way. Optionsallow players to increase or decrease the level of difficulty.

EGL101298N Railways of the World Event Deck $9.99

The Railways of the World Event Deck adds entertaining layers of complexityto the basic Railways of the World game and all of its expansions. The EventDeck provides many interesting options and more cards than players can useduring a single game, so the deck never feels repetitive. Players can build theirown custom decks: from a vicious deck filled with negative events to a moreprosperous deck filled with positive events. The deck can also be tweaked foreach of the expansion maps and there are even 4 blank cards for those who wishto create cards of their own.

EGL101299N Railways of the World: Card Game Expansion $9.99

The Expansion creates new mechanics and additional bonus scoring options forthe base game by adding: Tunnels to connect existing cities giving access to cubesand impacting city control. Switchers to allow track color to change during build-ing thus allowing connection to a new color city. Grey Cities to provide addition-al goods for deliveries. Barons to provide additional bonus scoring options.

EGL101210N Age of Steam Exp - France/Germany $24.99

This is a two sided mounted map that brings new maps to Age of Steam.

EGL101300N Dragon Rampage $59.99

Dragon Rampage is a strategic dice game for 3 to 5 players. Each player takesthe role of one of the adventurers (all with different abilities) and the goal is toscore the most points at the end of the game by fighting against, or runningfrom (or some combination of the two) the dragon you just woke up, and tally-ing up the treasure and gold you obtain in the dungeon. Players roll 7 speciallydesigned dice, and can choose whether to focus on grabbing treasure (from thedragon or from another player), fighting the dragon, protecting themselves andtheir treasure, or running for the exit. Try not to draw the dragon’s attention asyou make your way, and note that your fellow adventurers may hinder (or aid)you in your strategy and that the final scoring changes depending on how thegame ends, so watch your step!

EGL101302N Age of Steam Exp - Moon/Berlin Wall $24.99

The Age of Steam: Moon Expansion is an extremely challenging map set onthe Moon where half the cities are always black and the track can be built offone side of the board, only to appear on the opposite side. The Berlin WallExpansion, meanwhile, takes Age of Steam back to the era of the Cold Warand the divided city of Berlin. Troop garrisons impede goods movement formuch of the game, and the wall also presents an imposing obstacle. Of course,the fall of the wall in 1989 changes everything.

Pre-order by phone at 1-800-767-4263, or online at 9

FFGDU14 Deadwood $34.95 SDI

Scofflaws are brawling in the streets of Deadwood. The railroad is being built,and to you and the other gangs in the Dakota badlands, this means one thing:cold, hard cash. As a cowboy on the wrong side of the law you know just how totake control of this shanty-town: threaten, fight, and kill off your rivals.Deadwood is a board game of cowboys and control for 2-5 players, and isplayable in 1-2 hours. Players control a gang of cowboys and send them into thevulnerable town of Deadwood to control businesses and collect as much moneyas they can. The player with the most cash at the end of the game is the winner.

FFGFFS44 DP: LotR Nazgul Art Sleeves $4.99 SDI

An attractive way to protect LCG, CCG, and other standard-sized cards (cardsize: 2 1/2” x 3 1/2”), Fantasy Flight Supply Art Sleeves keep cards safe in style.They’re made of 100 micron-thick, non- PVC, acid-free polypropylene plastic,meaning that the sleeves are durable and free of chemicals that will corrode thecards within. The sleeves are also designed to fit cards snugly, making shufflingand handling easy.

FFGFFS45 DP: LotR Goldenwood Singer Art Sleeves $4.99 SDI FFGFFS46 DP: LotR Gandalf Art Sleeves $4.99 SDI FFGFFS47 DP: LotR Gimli Art Sleeves $4.99 SDI FFGFFS48 DP: LotR The One Ring Art Sleeves $4.99 SDI FFGFFS49 DP: LotR Eye of Sauron Art Sleeves $4.99 SDI

FFGGOT72 GoT: LCG: Mask of the Archmaester $14.95 SDI

Mask of the Archmaester, the fifth monthly Chapter Pack in the Secrets ofOldtown cycle of expansions for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game, intro-duces 60 cards - 3 copies each of 20 never-before-seen locations, attachments,characters, events, and plots to aid your A Game of Thrones deckbuildinggoals. This Chapter Pack features more Chain attachments as well as morediverse and surprising events and support for the ever-deepening Maester trait.

FFGMEC04 LotR: LCG: A Journey to Rhosgobel Adventure Pack $14.95 SDI

A Journey To Rhosgobel is the third Adventure Pack in the Shadows ofMirkwood Cycle for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game! After facing afearsome group of trolls, the heroes have pressed further into the Anduin Valleyto continue their search for Gollum. However, when they stumble across adying eagle wounded in a fight with goblins, they are compelled to offer theirassistance. A Journey to Rhosgobel contains 60 never-before-seen cards.

FFGRA01 Rune Age $34.95 SDI

Rune Age is an exciting deck-building game of adventure and conquest for 2-4players. Set in the fantasy realm of Terrinoth (Runebound, Descent: Journeysin the Dark, Runewars, and DungeonQuest), Rune Age puts players in controlof one of four races, vying for dominance in a world embroiled in conflict. Withwar on the horizon and whisperings of a prophetic storm approaching, now isthe time to gather all your strength and set out to forge your place inTerrinoth’s book of legends! Designed by Corey Konieczka, Rune Age is aunique deck-building game that centers around scenarios. Each of the fourincluded scenarios presents different objectives for players, ranging from com-petitive to fully cooperative.

FAT DRAGON GAMES FDG9104 Realms of the Dwarf Lords:

Mountains and Cliffs $12.99

Mountains and Cliffs offers you a complete mountain terrain tool-kit. Create vastlayouts, massive mountains, staggered cliffs, harrowing bridges, waterfalls andmore! Pieces connect with common bobby-pins for quickly building your layout.This set also features our exclusive dragon layers graphic options allowing you toselect rock styles and vegetation options, multiple grid options and more!

FANTASY FLIGHT GAMES FFGCS2038 Anima Tactics: Maria (Boxed Set) $39.99 SDI

Dark Faction Maria, or the Puppet Master as she is known to many, is themost frightening of all the Church’s agents, with the possible exception of theBearer. With her amazing ability to control the remains of Memitim, she turnsthe forces of darkness in on themselves.

FFGCT12E CoC: LCG: Spawn of Madness Asylum Pack $14.95 SDI

Hauled forth from the depths of dusty and long-forgotten archives, a classicAsylum Pack for Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game returns to spread chaos.Spawn of Madness brings this seminal Asylum Pack back to the Living CardGame environment, now updated to the 60-card per pack format (3 copies eachof 20 unique cards), and with rules text based on the most recent FAQ andErrata. Introducing more chaos to Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game, Spawnof Madness also includes Madness, Disasters, Monsters, and Servitors!

FFGDH14 40KRPG: Dark Heresy: Church o/t Damned $24.95 SDI

Investigating corruption within the Ecclesiarchy itself is as delicate as it is dan-gerous, but when an influential leader is suspected of heresy, a team of Acolyteswill uncover an ever-deepening conspiracy that could spell the end of the entireCalixis Sector! The Church of the Damned is the second adventure in TheApostasy Gambit, a Dark Heresy campaign that takes a cell of Acolytes frominvestigating the tragic history of a warped Cathedral to crusading against aconspiracy at the heart of one of the Imperium’s most vaunted organizations.

10 Contact your sales representative for exact release dates

FFGSL08 Red November Revised Edition $34.95 SDI

Red November is a cooperative board game for 3-8 players (or 1-2 with option-al rules), and is playable in 1-2 hours. Control desperate sailors in a frantic raceagainst the clock. Can you survive in the submarine until you are rescued? Therevised edition of Red November introduces a larger game board, Item cards,and clarified rules. The larger game board allows a greater number of playersmore room and accessibility. The previous Item tokens have been transformedinto Item cards, providing an easier handling experience, and eliminating thenecessity to check reference sheets during turns.

FFGST07 Ventura $79.95 SDI

In an age of great battles, valiant leaders, and unscrupulous mercenary armies,fortune lies within your grasp. Ventura is a board game of nobility and conquestfor 2-4 players. Set in 14th century Italy, Ventura puts players in control of war-ring noble houses, each vying for control of the countries growing wealth.Balance your house’s earnings and maintain your hired soldiers to keep yourfamily’s noble standing. Remember, the best armies are also the ones that costthe most! With more than 120 plastic pieces, 40 Territory tiles, 4 FamilyBoards, a scoring board, and over 100 cards, Ventura will whisk players into aworld of warring mercenaries and noble families, all seeking control of Italy’sburgeoning wealth.

FFGWHC21 WH LCG: Invasion: Fiery Dawn Battle Pack $14.95 SDI

Fiery Dawn is the sixth and final Battle Pack in The Morrslieb Cycle forWarhammer: Invasion The Card Game! When the small village ofSwartzenholden falls to a violent raid by ungors, their attack culminates in anorgy of murder and destruction. But their excessive bloodlust catches the atten-tion of the Chaos God Slaanesh, who has different plans altogether for the sav-age beastmen... Fiery Dawn, a 60 card expansion pack containing three copieseach of 20 unique cards, brings a versatile selection of new units, tactics, andsupport cards to your Warhammer: Invasion deck.

GMT GAMES GMT1004-10 Wilderness War $60.00 SDI

Wilderness War takes two players into the French & Indian War, 1755-1760, theclimactic struggle between France and Britain for control of North America. Ituses strategy cards and a point-to-point map similar to GMT's award winningFor the People and Paths of Glory. Players maneuver and fight over a mapstretching from Northern Virginia to Canada. As the leader of French orBritish forces in North America, you will need to defend your frontier, raidyour enemy's frontier, build fortification networks through the harsh wilder-ness, recruit Indian allies, besiege forts and fortresses, and deal with eventsoccurring in Europe that are above and beyond your control.

HUNTERS BOOKS HB1000 Outbreak: Undead RPG $49.99 SDI

Outbreak: Undead is a Zombie Survival Simulation RPG that is not only fun,but an essential step in preperation for surviving the undead. This book pro-vides the most dramatic, effective, and above all, realistic means to (safely) sim-ulate the events of a zombie uprising and to try your chances at survival! In thisbook, you will find: A simple and unique percentile-based game system Use ofeveryday items as weapons against the undead. Endless scenario types that canform missions from any and all existing zombie lore. Easy-to-use charts to cus-tomize outbreak scenarios for players of all levels of experience. Dynamic andrealistic rules including factors such as ‘Panic’, ‘Pain’, and ‘Empathy’ Charactertemplates for all survivor archetypes: firemen, military personnel, civilians andmore! Even the ability to play yourself as a character!

HIDDEN CITY GAMES HCG970 BSara: Chibis Foil Booster Deck $47.76

The newest craze in kids’ collectibles, these soft, squishy figures will fit in the palmof your hand. Continue enjoying the beauty of Bella Sara™ with these new,adorable horses and magical friends. Each Bella Sara Chibi (Chee-Bee) comeswith its own stacking cube container and bracelet. Kids can go online and get thedigital versions of these cuddly creatures. Collect all 24 horses and magical friends!

HCG971 BSara: Chibis 4-Pack Blister Booster Deck $59.88

Each Bella Sara blister contains: 4 Bella Sara Chibis in cubes, one of which isa blind purchase, 1 Bracelet, 1 Ring, 4 Connector links, 1 Bella Sara tradingcard, Cube decoration sheet and a Secret code for online Chibis!

HCG973 BSara: Winter Festival w/Chibi Booster Deck$71.76

Winter Festival is a celebration of the holiday spirit. Horses and fairies gatherfrom all over North of North for a great feast and the lighting and decorating ofCanter Hollow. The amazing Ice Palace is revealed by our heroes, and the won-der and beauty of Canter Hollow is brought to life with the help of Herd Elemyn.Enter your secret codes at to play with dazzling, new horsesonline. With every activation, you get to play fun games, adopt your own horse,decorate your world, and more. Each pack contains 45 new Bella Sara magicalhorse and character cards, 10 new story cards that tell one large story and 1 Chibi!

HCG974 BSara: Winter Festival DVD w/Chibis Booster Deck $18.00

In the DVD “Emma and the Ice Palace,” the Winter Festival comes to life. Horsesand fairies gather from all over North of North for a great feast and the lighting anddecorating of Canter Hollow. The amazing Ice Palace is revealed by our heroes,and the wonder and beauty of Canter Hollow is brought to life with the help ofHerd Elemyn. One Bella Sara DVD Box contains a DVD with secret online code,2 Bella Sara Chibis and 1 rare Chibi, each in their own cube, 1 decoration sheet for3 cubes, 1 secret code for online Chibis and 1 Bella Sara trading card!

KENZER + CO K+C177 KoDT #177 $5.99 SDI

Pre-order by phone at 1-800-767-4263, or online at 11

K+C2600 Hack Master: Hacklopedia of Beasts $59.99 SDI

This is it – the monster book for those who know that a creature’s story goes farbeyond a collection of combat statistics. This encyclopedic sourcebook detailsthe history, habitat, behaviors, and ecology of over 170 creatures and monsters,including never-before-seen creatures as well as old favorites. Each beautifullyillustrated entry includes not only game mechanics, but also first-hand excerptsfrom researcher field notes, naturalist sketches ‘drawn from life’, range maps,local legends, and more.

K+C703 KoDT: Bundle of Trouble #3 Reprint $12.99 SDI

KONAMIKOI88643 YGO: Hidden Arsenal Special Edition

Booster Deck $59.31 NPI

Since 2009, Hidden Arsenal booster sets have released in addition to the regu-lar booster releases. These 5-card, all-foil packs have introduced their own spe-cial monster themes to the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG, like X-Sabers, Naturias, and IceBarrier monsters. Hidden Arsenal Special Edition gives Duelists anotherchance at the first three Hidden Arsenal releases, collected into one product!Each Special Edition will also include 1 of 2 Variant Cards of a highly sought-after key card from the Hidden Arsenal monster themes.

KOI88695 YGO: 2011 Starter Deck $59.31 NPI

The 2011 Starter Deck serves two roles. It’s designed to teach new players theins & outs of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG. It’s also to teach current players about thisbrand new category of monsters. And it’s the first place for Duelists to get theirhands on these hot new monsters. The first booster set with the new monsterswill be releasing in August 2011, but Duelists who want to be ahead of the gamewill get a leap forward by picking up their new monsters in this Starter Deck!Each Starter Deck Contains: 40 Common Cards, 1 Ultra Rare Card, 2 SuperRare Cards, 1 Beginner’s Guide, 1 Game Mat

LOONEY LABS LOO-046 Looney Pyramids - Treehouse $14.00

Treehouse is a fast, fun, easy-to-learn game for 2 to 4 players, winner of theOrigins Award for Best Board Game of 2006. Your goal is to rearrange yourpyramids to match the set in the center of the table, using only the moves youroll on the custom die. Rules to a bonus game are also included, along with 11other games that can be played with the pyramids. Packaged in a pyramidshaped zippered pouch (5.5" x 3.25" x 3.25") with 15 pyramids, 2 custom dice, andinstructions for two games.

MERCSMCX030 Keizai Waza: Leader $10.00 MCX031 Keizai Waza: Pathfinder $10.00 MCX032 Keizai Waza: Demolition $10.00 MCX033 Keizai Waza: Sniper $10.00 MCX034 Keizai Waza: Heavy Hybrid $10.00 MCX035 Keizai Waza: Forward Observer $10.00 MCX505 Sefadu Game Deck $8.00 MCX506 Keizai Waza Game Deck $8.00

MANTIC GAMES MGCKWU61-1 Undead Wraiths $24.99 SDI MGCKWU77-1 Undead Mounted Vampire Lord $19.99 SDI MGCKWU78-1 Undead Vampire Lord & Revenant Cavalry $44.99 SDI MGCKWU82-1 Undead Elites $74.99 SDI

MINION GAMES MNIKOS100 Kingdom of Solomon $49.99

King Solomon presided over a golden age of peace and prosperity in ancientIsrael. As one of Solomon's chief governors, you must procure materials andoversee construction of buildings and roads across the land for the glory ofSolomon. Kingdom of Solomon is a worker-placement game with a few newtwists and turns. Do you claim a resource space, an action space or throw in allyour remaining pawns to grab a powerful Bonus Space? Will you spend yourresources to extend Solomon's kingdom, take some points in the Market oradd to the Temple? These and many other choices await you in this highlyinteractive game.

MNIVF100 Venture Forth $49.99

Across the realm, ordinary souls are longing for their dreams. Some seekwealth or power, others seek knowledge, but all pursue their own personalquest. Guiding your party, you populate a fantasy world with adventurers andenemies, recruit new companions, and venture forth out into the world ofadventure! This is a EURO-Style game with an Adventure theme. CollectWILL and complete life goals for your characters to gain victory points.

MISKATONIC RIVER PRESS, LLC MRP0013 Dead But Dreaming 2 $19.99

Ancient and inimical, the alien influences of the Cthulhu Mythos are all aroundus. They are here, destroying us, devouring us, shattering our minds with theone truth we cannot bear to admit: that no matter what we do we cannotescape the fact that, deep down, we are very much like them. Dead ButDreaming 2 is the second volume of the critically-acclaimed anthology seriesfrom Miskatonic River Press. Herein are 22 tales of Lovecraftian horror fromthe modern masters of Cthulhu Mythos fiction.

MRP0015 Dissecting Cthulhu $19.99

The Cthulhu Mythos is H. P. Lovecraft’s most dynamic invention. His boldvision of a cosmos filled with baleful “gods,” forbidden books of occult lore, anda constellation of richly imagined New England cities was the perfect vehicle toexpress his “cosmic indifferentism.” The Mythos has become one of the mostimitated tropes in horror literature, and hundreds of writers have made theirown extrapolations on it. But many misconceptions remain about the CthulhuMythos. Its very name was not invented by Lovecraft, but by his discipleAugust Derleth. Derleth altered the Mythos in significant ways, and it is onlyrecently that scholars and writers have returned to the purity of Lovecraft’s ownvision. This collection of essays, gathered by pre-eminent Lovecraft scholar S.T. Joshi prints many of the seminal essays on the Cthulhu Mythos.

CLOSET NERDNRD50200 Cambria $19.95

Cambria is a fast and aggressive game of siege combat. To win, the playersmust make skillful use of their die rolls to surround and capture Romanfortresses. This light euro-style strategy game for 3-5 players, ages 8+, includeswooden markers, tokens, and dice.

NRD50210 Hibernia $19.95

Long ago in ancient Ireland, the chiefs of the four kingdoms vied for control ofthe land. The heads of Munster, Leinster, Connacht and Ulster used whatev-er means they could; be it diplomacy, intimidation, or sheer force. With theblessing of the druids, they waged their wars with hopes to one day be crownedhigh king of Hibernia. In Hibernia, players march armies into colored regionseach representing a different county of ancient Ireland. Occupy the right colorcombinations of counties to advance your marker around the score tracker. Thefirst player to circle the board wins.

NRD50400 Balance of Power $39.95

It is 1815 and the World has been turned upside down. Napoleon Bonapartehas finally been defeated after nearly conquering all of Europe through years ofdevastating warfare. Now the Great Powers must deal with the chaos leftbehind. As each nation tries to expand, a careful balance of governmental, mil-itary and economic interests must be maintained. In Balance of Power playerscarefully create and move Kings, Generals and Bankers as they capture territo-ries and expand their empires. Only a player's skill and strategy stand betweenhim and ultimate victory!

NRD55010 Kittens in a Blender $9.95

Sure, kittens are curious by nature, but when they get in a kitchen full of dan-gerous appliances, it is up to you to save them. This fast-paced card game hasplayers working to save all of their own kittens before the unthinkable happens!

NUMBSKULL GAMES NUM008 Bullfrog Goldfield $49.99

In 1905, the last great North American gold and silver rush took place nearDeath Valley, in Nevada. Bullfrog Goldfield is a stock trading game whereplayers attempt to cash in on the discovery of this ore. Players must developmines to acquire the ore, construct towns to support the miners, and lay rail-roads to ship the ore away. Competition can be brutal as railroads race acrossthe desert to arrive at mines first, fortunes ebb and flow on the mercy of miner-al veins, and hostile takeovers threaten hard-earned holdings. Only the develop-ment of mines brings chance into the game, luck is absent everywhere else.

ON MILITARY MATTERS OMMMW340 Miniature Wargames #340 $8.50 SDI OMMWSS57 Wargames S&S #57 $8.00 SDI

OSPREY PUBLISHING OSPACE097 Naval Aces of World War 1 Part I $22.95

In the first of a two-part study covering all of the naval fighter pilots to achieveace status during World War I, author and artist Jon Guttman examines theelite members of the Royal Naval Air Service (RNAS). The first to employSopwith’s excellent line of scouts, such as the Pup, Triplane and Camel, someof the RNAS pilots such as Raymond Collishaw, Robert A Little andRoderick Stanley Dallas rated among the most successful fighter pilots in theBritish Commonwealth. This book covers all of the members of the RNASwho ‘made ace’. The Second Volume will cover the naval Aces from the otherparticipants in the war.

Pre-order by phone at 1-800-767-4263, or online at 13

OSPCAM236 Operation Pointblank 1944 $19.95

Operation Pointblank was the code name for the United States Army AirForce’s attempt to destroy German fighter capability through the use of day-light strategic bombing in advance of the D-Day landings. Launched in 1943,the operation immediately met with severe problems, most notably the horribleattrition experienced by the US bomber forces. However, with the arrival ofthe P-51 Mustang, the United States was able to equip the fighters to fly onlong-range-bomber escort missions and take the fight to the Luftwaffe in theskies over Germany. This book examines the entire operation from both theAllied and the German perspectives, covering all the main decisions and tech-nological innovations made by both sides in this epic struggle.

OSPCMD016 Horatio Nelson $17.95

The most famous admiral in history, Horatio Nelson’s string of naval victorieshelped secure Britain’s place as the world’s dominant maritime power, a positionhe held for more than a century after Nelson’s death. A young officer during theAmerican Revolution, Nelson rose to prominence during Britain’s war withRevolutionary France, becoming a hero at the battle of Cape St. Vincent. He wenton to win massive victories at the Nile and Copenhagen, before leading the Britishto their historic victory at Trafalgar in 1805. But, in that moment of his greatestglory, Nelson was struck down by a French sharpshooter. Today Nelson isrevered as an almost mythical figure – a naval genius and a national hero. He wasalso a deeply flawed individual whose vanity, ego and private life all threatened toovershadow his immense abilities. This book reveals the real Nelson.

OSPCMD017 Bill Slim $17.95

Bill Slim was one of the greatest British generals of World War II. In a careerthat stretched from 1914 until 1958, Bill Slim's greatest triumphs came in Indiaand Burma in the long war against the Japanese. Thrust into a desperate situ-ation, he orchestrated the longest retreat in British Army history in the with-drawal from Burma. He then turned on the Japanese in India, shattered theirarmy, and pursued them to destruction. Apart from his great military victories,Slim also left a legacy of training and morale building that endures in theBritish Army to this day. This book examines both Bill Slim’s military careerand his place in military history by examining some of his greatest battles andthe strategy and tactics that set him apart from his contemporaries.

OSPFCE002 Enduring Freedom $24.95

This latest expansion for Force on Force provides players with everything theyneed to recreate battles in the deserts of modern Afghanistan. Beginning witha detailed background section, the book presents extensive orders of battle forall of the combatants, including the Coalition, Northern Alliance, Taliban andAl-Qaeda. It also presents numerous new scenarios, new mission objectivesand guidelines for constructing your own scenarios. This book is an indispen-sable guide for depicting the complex and intense pressures of combat inAfghanistan on the tabletop.

14 Contact your sales representative for exact release dates

OSPFG1006 Cities of Gold $17.95

Follow Cortés and Pizarro in a quest for El Dorado or stand against theonrush of European expansion and colonialism with Cities of Gold, the sixthField of Glory: Renaissance Companion. With artwork, maps and historicaloverviews, Cities of Gold journeys from the mountain stronghold of MachuPicchu and the great city of Tenochtitlan, to the forests and lakes of NorthAmerica and the deserts and jungles of Africa, to bring you the forces and foesof the Aztecs, Incas, Tuaregs and Conquistadors.

OSPGEN5151 Battlefield Angels (HC) $24.95

Author, journalist, and USS Midway Museum spokesman Scott McGaughreveals the riveting stories of the men and women who save lives on the frontlines in Battlefield Angels, the first book about battlefield medicine in the USmilitary. Told from the point of view of the unsung heroes who slide into bombcraters and climb into blazing ships, this unique look at medicine in the trench-es traces the history of the military medical corps and the contributions it hasmade to America’s health, for example, how the military medical corps pio-neered the ambulance concept, emergency medevac helicopters, hospitaldesigns, and contagious disease prevention. McGaugh also details how themilitary medical corps has adopted medical science discoveries, field testedthem in battle, adapted them, and proved their value.

OSPMAA468 World War II Soviet Armed Forces (2) $17.95

In this second volume of a three-part series on the Soviet Armed Forces inWorld War II, author Nigel Thomas turns his attention to the mid-war period.Focusing on the uniforms and organization of Soviet troops during the cam-paigns of the Caucasus, Stalingrad and Kursk, this book offers a detailedbreakdown of all the armed forces which conducted the valiant defensive cam-paigns, including the army, air force, paratroopers, navy and NKVD troops. Italso covers equipment and insignia and the changes brought about by the newregulations of 1943.

OSPRAID022 Decaturs Bold and Daring Act $18.95

On a dark night in 1804, Lt. Stephen Decatur and a team of hand-picked men,slipped into Tripoli harbor in a small boat. Their target was the USSPhiladelphia. Captured by the Barbary pirates four months previously, thePhiladelphia had been refitted to fight against her former masters. Decatur’smission was to either recapture the ship, or failing that, burn her to the water-line. This book recounts one of the greatest raids in American military history,an event that propelled Stephen Decatur to international renown, and whichprompted Horatio Nelson to declare it ‘the most bold and daring act of the age’.

Pre-order by phone at 1-800-767-4263, or online at 15

OSPWAR156 Early Roman Warrior 753-321 BC $18.95

The prototypical ‘Roman Legionnaire’ often seen on television and in movies isactually the product of nearly a millennium of military development. Far backin the Bronze Age, before the city of Rome existed, a loose collection of inde-pendent hamlets eventually formed into a village. From this base, the earliestRoman warriors launched cattle raids and ambushes against their enemies. Atsome point during this time, the Romans began a period of expansion, con-quering land and absorbing peoples. Soon, they had adopted classical Greekfighting methods with militia forming in phalanxes. This book covers the evo-lution of the earliest Roman warriors and their development into an army thatwould eventually conquer the known world.

OSPWPN010 The Pattern 1853 Enfield Rifle $17.95

The Pattern 1853 Enfield Rifle was the first rifled firearm issued to every soldierin the British Army, and gave the infantry a revolutionary increase in firepow-er. First issued in 1853, the Enfield proved itself worthy during both theCrimean War and the Indian Mutiny, where its long range, durability, andinterchangeable parts made it a perfect campaign rifle. However, it was duringthe American Civil War that the Enfield saw the greatest use, with over a mil-lion rifles being sold to the armies of both the North and South. This title takesan in-depth look at the design, the history, the mechanics, and the use of one ofthe most important firearms of the 19th century.

PRIVATEER PRESS PIP31078 WM:Cygnon Storm Strider Battle Engine $84.99

Towering above its enemies, the lightning-wreathed Storm Strider movesacross the battlefield raining voltaic death upon all who stand against Cygnar.Its lightning cannon represents the pinnacle of stormsmith achievement. Moredevastating still is the Storm Strider’s ability to capture and store the energy ofenemy attacks, enabling it to use that kinetic force to augment its witheringlightning blasts. A player may field two Storm Striders for each warcaster in aCygnar army.

PIP31091 WM:Cygnon Gallant Heavy Warjack Upgrade Kit $13.99

Based on the Ironclad chassis and heavily modified by Sancteum armorers,Gallant is a walking instrument of righteous battle and the favored warjack ofthe warcaster Constance Blaize. In combat Gallant wields the mighty bladeLasting Light to strike down the enemies of Morrow as dictated by the Prayersfor Battle, the holy catechism mounted onto its hull. The Gallant warjackupgrade kit is NOT a complete model. Players will need a Cygnar heavy war-jack plastic kit (PIP 31062) in addition to this kit. A player may field one Gallantin a Cygnar army or Highborn Covenant Mercenary army.

PIP32085 WM:Menoth Blood of Martyrs Warjack Upgrade $13.99

Fueled by vengeance, Blood of Martyrs demonstrates an insatiable desire tounleash its twin blades upon infidels who spill Menite blood. Only its mistress,Thyra, Flame of Sorrow, matches Blood of Martyrs’ thirst for retribution, andthe two are a scything whirlwind of righteous destruction on the battlefield.The Blood of Martyrs warjack upgrade kit is NOT a complete model. Playerswill need a Protectorate of Menoth heavy warjack plastic kit (PIP 32061) inaddition to this kit. A player may field one Blood of Martyrs in a Protectorateof Menoth army.

PIP33087 WM:Khador Black Ivan Warjack Upgrade Kit $14.99

Black Ivan is the prized companion of Kommander Harkevich, a warcasterrenowned for his ingenuity on the battlefield. Armed with a bombard and anindustrial wrecking claw, Black Ivan is an unparalleled instrument of war thatexcels at both long-range bombardment and the brutal press of melee. TheBlack Ivan warjack upgrade kit is NOT a complete model. Players will need aKhador heavy warjack plastic kit (PIP 33063) in addition to this kit. A playermay field one Black Ivan in a Khador army.

PIP34093 WM:Cryx Erebus Helljack Upgrade Kit $10.99

The helljack known as Erebus serves Lord Exhumator Scaverous, murderingall in its path as it eagerly gathers souls for its master. The lives Erebus hasclaimed leave it steeped in the detritus of a thousand deaths. This spectral efflu-vium envelops the machine, repelling any who try to strike its blackened cara-pace. The Erebus warjack upgrade kit is NOT a complete model. Players willneed a Cryx heavy warjack plastic kit (PIP 34066) in addition to this kit. A play-er may field one Erebus in a Cryx army.

18 Contact your sales representative for exact release dates

PIP50035C Monsterpocalypse: DMZ Battle Miniatures Game Expansion $239.94 SDI


Once you’ve battled with the figures available in the core Monsterpocalypsebattle miniatures game, turn up the heat with Dangerous Monster Zoneexpansion forces. Each Dangerous Monster Zone box features one preset fac-tion of classic monsters, units, and buildings from Monsterpocalypse Series 2:I Chomp New York and Series 3: All Your Base that will take your force to thenext level. Contents: 3 monsters (alpha form and hyper form of each), includ-ing 1 morpher type monster; 16 unit figures; 2 faction-specific installations; 1building; 1 morpher rules card.

PIP75036 Hordes:Minion Targ Character Solo $13.99

The disfigured farrow assistant of Dr. Arkadius, Targ aids his master in the lab-oratory and tends the violently unpredictable farrow warbeasts. Targ can pusha warbeast to lash out with an unpredictable attack, administer vital medicalcare to his charges, or provide guidance to farrow warbeasts that wander too farfrom their masters. A player may field one Targ in a Thornfall Alliance Minionarmy or in a HORDES army that contains at least one Minion warlock.

PIP99088 WM: Wrath Book Release Event Kit $44.99 NPI

As the fury of war shatters the fragile peace, the nations of the Iron Kingdomsprepare to unleash new weapons against their foes. While old grudges bringabout new hostilities, a sinister force prepares to cast its shadow across all ofImmoren as events unfold that will change the Iron Kingdoms forever! TheWARMACHINE: Wrath book release event kit brings back the ever-popularfaction coins to help celebrate the ongoing epic saga of the Iron kingdoms.This kit contains 1 championship coin and 6 WARMACHINE faction coins(1 for each faction).

PIPNQ37 No Quarter Magazine #37 $7.50

PALLADIUM BOOKS PLB155 The Rifter #55 $11.95

PLB876 Rifts: Megaverse in Flames $24.95

The Minion War™ spills across Rifts Earth, and life will never be quite the same.Demons and infernals try to recruit allies and use the Rifts as dimensional gate-ways of destruction. Their influence shakes things up across the planet, especial-ly at locations where demons and Devils already have a strong presence.


Who let the cats out? In Herding Cats, these frisky felines have minds of theirown, and only the Cowdog can wrangle them back up again. Cats are lassoedby a Cowdog of a matching color, and you want to be the players to capture aherd of three cats. Beware of the Stampeded Card that will send the cats run-ning to score points for other players, and look out for the Wild Cat Lady, whomay be able to help you out, if you're in a pinch. This silly card game will delightthe whole family and show that while Herding Cars is fun, it's no easy task!

PLE41431 KB:Ody Deadly Aliens Elementals $9.00

PAIZO PUBLISHING PZO9048 PFA: Shadows of Gallowspire $19.99 SDI

The plot of an undead-obsessed cult, the Whispering Way, comes to its terrify-ing climax! With relics gathered from across the land, the death-worshiperstravel to the most feared location in the Pathfinder campaign setting, the towerof Gallowspire, wherein lurk the deathless remains of the immortal evil wizardknown as the Whispering Tyrant. Can the heroes withstand the ageless evil ofGallowspire to finally defeat the Whispering Way? Or will the WhisperingTyrant, one of the greatest fiends ever known, be unleashed upon the worldonce more? A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 13th-level charac-ters, this volume brings the Carrion Crown Adventure Path to its climacticconclusion, drawing on themes of classic horror stories and RPG adventureslong awaited by Pathfinder players.

PZO9050 PFA: Night of Frozen Shadow $19.99 SDI

The Jade Regent Adventure Path continues! The first stage of the expeditionfrom Varisia to distant Minkai begins with a journey into the Lands of theLinnorm Kings, where the heroes must prepare for the coming ordeal in whichthey must traverse the northern continent known as the Crown of the World.The trade route that links the Linnorm Kingdoms to Tian Xia is fraught withperil, and those who know its dangers are much in demand from merchanthouses—in order to secure the all-important guide for this stage of the journey,and in order to recover an ancient weapon that will help the PCs and their alliesface the Jade Regent, the PCs clash with the mysterious assassin's guild knownonly as the Frozen Shadows—a guild whose assassins strike swift in the darkand rarely leave witnesses to their deeds. A Pathfinder Roleplaying Gameadventure for 4th-level characters.

Pre-order by phone at 1-800-767-4263, or online at 19

PZO9236 PFCS: Carrion Crown Poster Map Folio $15.99 SDI

Within this map folio you'll find a huge 8-panel poster map of the country ofUstalav, along with four 4-panel poster maps of the gothic cities of Ardis,Caliphas, Karcau, and Lepidstadt, several of which serve as settings for the ter-rors of the Carrion Crown Adventure Path. Even if you aren't running theCarrion Crown Adventure Path, the maps inside can serve as the sinister sur-roundings for all manner of mysteries, murders, and macabre machinations inany RPG campaign. The shadows of Ustalav gather, dare you gaze within?

PZO9418 PFPC: Faiths of Balance $10.99 SDI

Between good and evil dwell some of the most interesting and involved gods ofthe Pathfinder world, from stern Abadar, god of cities, to vengeful Calistria,goddess of lust and revenge. This player-focused guide provides details on thehistory, dogma, and religious practices of those who follow deities who walkbetween darkness and light.

PZO9532 PF Module: The Harrowing (SC) $13.99 SDI

"The Harrowing" is an adventure for 9th-level characters, written for thePathfinder Roleplaying Game and compatible with the 3.5 edition of the world'soldest RPG. In addition to the adventure, this book features a brand new mon-ster and rules for incorporating the popular Harrow deck (not required) direct-ly into play, adding an exciting new level of chance into the game.

QUEEN GAMES QNG60528 Chicago Express: Extension $24.95

RIO GRANDE GAMES RIO331 Mogul $29.95

Players portray enterprising moguls competing for the auctioned shares of fivemajor railroad companies. There are four to seven shares of each of the fiverailroad companies. Each turn, one of the share cards is revealed and an auctionensues. Players earn money by dropping out of the auction, but the last playerin wins the right to take the card or sell shares he already owns. Points are kepton a scoring track.

STUDIO 2 PUBLISHING S2P10208 Deadlands: 1880 Smith & Robards Catalog $19.99 SDI

With the The 1880 Smith & Robards Catalog, you’ll find a variety of wondersbrought to you by the most modern scientific, engineering, and manufacturingprocesses known to man! With one mail-order form, untold marvels can be inthe palm of your hand faster than you can recover from a HellstrommeIndustries mishap! The 1880 Smith & Robards Catalog includes a wide vari-ety of gadgets and supplies for your Deadlands game, as well as the completeSmith & Robards story and their secrets. With expanded rules for mad scien-tists and new rules for steam augmentations, the early cyberware of the WeirdWest, you can take your game where it’s never been—to Science! The 1880Smith & Robards Catalog is not a complete game. It’s a supplement for theDeadlands setting for Savage Worlds.

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Redakai animated series on Cartoon Network.

Hobby stores will have exclusive access to a

full launch program:

• Organized Play program beginning in June

• Exclusive product SKUs, including tournament-ready

structured decks

• An exclusive set of rare X-Drives, only available in Gold

Packs and other hobby-exclusive products

• Robust web support at

Get the world’s first 3D trading card game

(with Blast3D™ technology)! Transparent cards introduce

stackability to gameplay – play attacks, bolster your

defenses and easily track your opponent’s damage

Easy to learn game basics transition to fast-paced and

complex gameplay with reacts, deck building and

strategic decision points. Advanced rules have been

designed to support tournament play.

First-to-Market Exclusive Hobby/Specialty Launch!

in association with the broadcast debut of the

Redakai animated series on Cartoon Network.

Hobby stores will have exclusive access to a

full launch program:

• Organized Play program beginning in June

• Exclusive product SKUs, including tournament-ready

structured decks

• An exclusive set of rare X-Drives, only available in Gold

Packs and other hobby-exclusive products

• Robust web support at

Exclusive Hobby/Specialty

Release Coming June 2011!


EXCLUSIvE ITEMS (avail 6/1/11)

SMY6017217 Hobby Power Pack

SRP $143.76

SMY6017219 Hobby Gold Pack

SRP $ 119.76

SMY6017321 Hobby Structured Deck

SRP $ 151.92

SMY6017415 Hobby Championship Set

SRP $ 29.99

Mass Market Retail Launch – August 2011

22 Contact your sales representative for exact release dates

STEVE JACKSON GAMES SJG1977 Ogre 6th Edition $100.00

Ogre was Steve Jackson’s first game. Originally published in 1977, it became ahit as the first “Microgame,” and is now considered a classic. Over 25 years afterits release, it earned a spot in James Lawder’s popular book “Hobby Games:The 100 Best.” Now the Ogre is back . . . in a gigantic new “designer’s edition”that will be the crown of any game collection. Three giant-sized mapboardscover Ogre and the follow-on G.E.V. Shockwave. The game features oversizedfull-color counters for regular units... and the Ogres and buildings are huge 3-D constructable models! The rules have been completely revised and reorgan-ized into a rulebook, a separate scenario book, and a handy player referencesheet. Yet Ogre remains easy to learn and quick to play. The basic game takesonly a half-hour... but you’ll want to play again and again. And, with the twogeomorphing Ogre maps and the new overlays, an infinite number of scenariosare possible.

SJG5523A Munchkin Jumbo d6 Red $5.99

Bigger is Better! All gamers love dice, especially cool, unusual dice . . . andthey’ll love the Munchkin Jumbo d6s! These 25mm six sided dice are availablein six colors (conveniently matching the six player and monster colors fromMunchkin Quest). Each pack has two jumbo dice – a “Munchkin d6” and a“Monster d6,” with classic John Kovalic art on every face. Plus, every set comeswith a pair of new Treasure cards (one for Munchkin and Munchkin Quest)that gives the players abusive bonuses just for owning these dice! (And morecolors means more bonuses . ..) Two 25mm six-sided dice and two cards in ablister pack.

SJG5523B Munchkin Jumbo d6 Orange $5.99 SJG5523C Munchkin Jumbo d6 Yellow $5.99 SJG5523D Munchkin Jumbo d6 Green $5.99 SJG5523E Munchkin Jumbo d6 Blue $5.99 SJG5523F Munchkin Jumbo d6 Purple $5.99

SPIN MASTER SMY6014511 Bakugan: Extension Pack $17.55 NPI

Build the ultimate collection of Bakugan to devastate your enemies! EachBakugan gives you a powerful advantage in the arena. Get air born with 3 BakuSky Raiders as they fly through each battle. Plant your Bakumine for an explosiveimpact while punishing your enemies with your new Ability cards. Grow yourcollection with this expansion pack and become the ultimate battle brawler!Contains - 3 Baku Sky Raiders 1 Bakumine 4 Ability Cards 4 Gate Cards.

SMY6014517 Bakugan: Bakutrinity $11.54 NPI

The ultimate starter pack for the next generation of Bakugan! Overthrow youropponents with these powerful high-tech monsters. Put your enemies into acold sweat as you unleash Bakugan that can soar through the air or explode onimpact. Combine the right Bakugan to create 2 in 1 and 3 in 1 monsters. Makeyour opponents dread the power of your collection with the Bakutrinity pack!

Pre-order by phone at 1-800-767-4263, or online at 23

SMY6014520 Bakugan: Bakusolo $4.56 NPI

Dedicated exclusively to the Baku Sky Raiders Segment. The Bakugan jumpin the air when activated on a metal gate card. Some connect and combine intolarger 3-in-1 and 2-on-1 monsters.

SMY6014595 Bakugan: Mechtogan $8.75 NPI

SMY6015694 Bakugan: Dragonoid Destroyer $36.00 NPI

SMY6015952 Bakugan: Battle Suit $11.40 NPI

Get the latest innovation in Baku-technology! Transform your Bakugan intothe strongest and fiercest brawler ever! Bear witness to the powerful and highenergy transformation as you drop in your Bakugan and trigger the formationof a massive fully-armoring suit. Gain the G-power you need to conquer youropponents and leave them with chills of fear.

SMY6016380 Bakugan: Bakugan Vs. Marvel $12.21 NPI

Get the best of both worlds in the Bakugan VS Marvel 2 pack! Watch each uni-verse battle the other as epic arena wars are fought. Bring the power of IronMan face to face with the destructive forces of Dragonoid. Will the legendarysuper powers of Marvel prevail? Or will the Bakugan universe come out ontop? Only your roll can determine who will be victorious. Enter the ultimatebattle with Bakugan VS Marvel!

STEEL SQWIRE SQW30040 Flip-Mat: Haunted Dungeon $12.99 SDI

Few locales inspire more horror among fantasy gamers than the dungeon, andGameMastery Flip-Mat: Haunted Dungeon provides tons of terror and traps totrouble legions of would-be heroes! With a full dungeon level on each side, thisdurable accessory can serve as any deadly dungeon in any tabletop fantasy campaign!

TRIPLE ACE GAMES TAG20101 All For One: Paris Gothique $24.99

Paris Gothique is the definitive guide to Paris for All for One: RegimeDiabolique. This supplement includes information on all the important figures,places, and secret societies in France’s capital city. Also included is informationon Parisian streets, architecture, and other aspects of everyday life. Contents ofthe book include detailed information and locations in central Paris, how to setup adventures, new personalities and secret societies, and of course new mon-sters and lackeys!

24 Contact your sales representative for exact release dates

TROLL LORD GAMES TLC2110 Zombies!!! 10: Feeding the Addiction $14.99

Everybody has issues! Maybe things would be different if you didn't spend somuch time on the phone (or at the bar; or at the mall; or in the gym...)Youmight even be able to spend some time, you know, fighting for your life!Zombies!!! X adds a whole new level of complication to the Zombies!!! boardgame. Now, not only do you have to worry about your brains being eaten by thezombies, you also have to remember to: Feed the Addiction! This expansionfor the Zombies!!! board game adds: 15 new map tiles, 30 new event cards,Rules, 6 copies of the New "Addiction" cards!!! Requires the Zombies!!! coreset (TLC 2010) to play.

TERRA/SOL GAMES TSG10003 Tinker, Spacer, Psion, Spy: Twilight Sec $24.99 SDI

Tinker, Spacer, Psion, Spy details over eighteen careers specifically for use inthe Twilight Sector Campaign Setting but easily adaptable for any MongooseTraveller game. More than just a careers book it also includes details on the lat-est in cyberware out of the Oster Republic called CyrgeWare. We get a look atPowered armor and Twilight variant Psionics. In addition the book is filledwith options to personalize your character: Pre-adult Career Paths, Life Eventcharts, Extended Basic Training Skill Packages, Rules and Tips for Longevityand Alternate Injury Tables. All that and charts and tables for creating worldsspecific to The Twilight Sector make this book a must have.

ULTRA-PROULP82833 Binder: Pro Binder White $12.00 NPIULP82844 Binder: Pro Binder Purple $12.00 NPIULP82845 Binder: Pro Binder Red $12.00 NPIULP82846 Binder: Pro Binder LT Blue $12.00 NPIULP82847 Binder: Pro Binder LT Green $12.00 NPIULP82848 Binder: Pro Binder Pink $12.00 NPI


Furt is a party game that defies logic and explanation. You have to play tounderstand and when you do, you'll laugh until your sides ache. Players race tobe the first INTO the mouth of the volcano and along the way are challengedto do things like draw an 'invisible jet', make up a diary entry that includes thewords 'pussy willow' and 'nose hair', act out the words 'holiday sweater', oreven eat a spoonful of butter.

WIZARDS OF THE COAST WOC169212040 Battleship Galaxies $65.00 SDI

Outsmart and outmaneuver your enemy with courage, instinct and strategy asthe theater of battle launches into the vast reaches of space. When Saturn’s min-ing settlement is attacked by warmongering aliens known as TheWretcheridians, the newly-commissioned First Fleet of the Intergalactic SpaceNavy races back from the edges of the solar system to mount a fierce defenseagainst the invaders. Outgunned and outnumbered, the brave young ISN offi-cers strategically drive the battle deep into the rings of Saturn to begin a deadlygame of seek and destroy. Command the ISN fleet and defend the settlement.Or lead the attack as the commander of the ruthless Wretcheridian invaders.

WOC219080000 R: Unbroken Chain: The Darker Road (PB) $7.99 SDI

The witch Ilvani's nightmares of a storm and a suffering soul are luring shad-ow creatures into Ikemmu, bent on hunting her down and killing her for rea-sons no one can ascertain. Ashok, however, is determined to find a way to stopit before the shadow creatures destroy the city he worked so hard to save. Thetrail leads him, the witch Ilvani, Cree, and Skagi along a caravan to Rashemen,where similarly strange attacks are happening among the secretive maskedwitches of the steppes.

WOC308750000 Still Sucks to Be Me (PB) $9.95 SDI

WOC314170000 D&D: Red Sails in the Fallout (PB) $7.99 SDI

In the fall of 2012, scientists at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva,Switzerland, embarked on a series of high-energy experiments. No one knowsexactly what went wrong, but in the blink of an eye, thousands of possible uni-verses all condensed into a single reality . . . . Between a desert and a dried upsea lies the town of Watering Hole, the only oasis for miles and the home of ourintrepid heroes Shaani and Xoota. Where there was once fresh water to spare,now there is only a trickle of brackish sludge. Theorizing that the water camefrom a source beyond the desert, Shaani proposes an expedition to re-establishthe town's water supply. Xoota, of course, is voted to go with her. Crossing thedesert has never been done--and with water in short supply, the task seemsimpossible. But the ever-helpful Shanni appeals to the town patron Benek, andhis love of cryogenically frozen brides, to back the project. What follows is theadventure of a thousand lifetimes.

WOC316810000 D&D: Under the Crimson Sun (PB) $7.99 SDI SOO

Tharizdun, the Chained God, has released the Voidharrow--a liquid crystalimbued with his will and all the chaos of the Abyss--into the universe, and withit comes a transformative engine of pestilence. When exposed to theVoidharrow, individuals look as though they've been stricken by disease as theAbyssal liquid twists and deforms them into chaotic demonlike creatures.Behold the Abyssal Plague! When a trading caravan manned by grafters andcon men comes across a dead man in the desert they open the door to anAbyssal realm long since destroyed. As the Voidharrow takes hold of one oftheir companions, he begins to morph into a beast like none they have everseen. When the stakes are raised in an attempt to defraud some of the moreunsavory rulers of this cruel world, the Voidharrow comes to play a role in amove that could transform our heroes forever.

WOC316820000 FR: The Spectral Blaze (PB) $7.99 SDI SOO

Aoth and the Brotherhood of the Griffon have succeeded in rescuingTchazzar, the lost king of Chessenta and a formidable red dragon, and arerewarded with a contract to aid in his war with a powerful dracolich. But themore Aoth sees of the war, the more suspicious he becomes that theBrotherhood may be just a pawn in a cutthroat draconic game that puts wholekingdoms at risk--a game played for stakes of gold and blood. And the more hesees the game play out, the more he realizes that he will have to become a play-er in this most dangerous of games if he wants the Realms to remain free.

WOC316830000 FR: Elminster Must Die (PB) $7.99 SDI SOO

The long-anticipated return of Elminster, the most famous mage in theForgotten Realms®--now in paperback! Elminster, the most famous wizard inthe Forgotten Realms, has foiled countless world-spanning threats, leaving atrail of powerful enemies behind him. Now that the Spellplague has robbedElminster of much of his power, those enemies are coming out of the shadows,whetting their blades, and preparing to hunt him down.

WOC317240000 FR: Gauntlgrym (PB) $7.99 SDI

WOC322980000 FR: EG Presents Waterdeep 1 Omni (TPB) $15.95 SDI

Collected together in one deluxe, trade paperback package for the first timeever, these three tales straight from the streets of Waterdeep, one of theForgotten Realms' most classic cities, are a great entry point for new readersand a classic collectible for current fans. Join the revolution in Steven E.Schend's Blackstaff Tower, as a band of idealistic adventurers combat corrup-tion and aid in the ascent of a new mage protector of Waterdeep. Uncoversecrets of the past in Jaleigh Johnson's Mistshore, as a young woman is forcedto bargain with hardened criminals in a district built on the backs of derelictships. And fight for justice in Erik Scott de Bie's Downshadow, as the vigilanteShadowbane delves into the recently settled ruins of one of the Realms' mostnotorious dungeons.

WOC332750000 DS: Untold Adventures (PB) $7.99 SDI SOO

Your favorite award-winning, critically acclaimed, and best-selling authorsunite to tell stories set in the Dungeons & Dragons world, filled with desper-ate dragons and cruel elves, honorable demons and fickle gods, wild magic andthe sharpest of steel. You don't want to miss this rarest of opportunities to geta glimpse into the D&D adventures created by some of the most brilliant fan-tasy writers of our age.

Pre-order by phone at 1-800-767-4263, or online at 25

WOC343970000 Ikusa $80.00 SDI

It is the sixteenth century in feudal Japan, where war rages across the land. Amidthe chaos and conflict, you have risen to power as one of five warlords mightyenough to conquer and control the whole empire. Your victory depends on howexpertly you extend your domain while defending it from your enemies. Sendyour daimyo leaders, samurai, and ashigaru warriors into battle to seize newprovinces and lay siege to castles. Spend your hard-won treasury on building for-tifications and bolstering your forces with ronin and ninja. Prove the strength ofyour strategy, defeat your rivals, and earn the exalted title of Shogun.

WOC356140000 4E: Fortune Cards: Glory of Neverwinter $95.76 SDI

WOC360420000 MtG: M12 BD $143.64 SDI

Like the Magic 2011 Core Set, a significant proportion of the Magic 2012 CoreSet will be new cards. The rest of the set will be familiar to players fromthroughout Magic’s 18-year history.

WOC360430000 MtG: M12 Intro Pack Display $129.90 SDI

1 premium card, 1 60-card deck, 1 booster, 1 learn-to-play insert, 1 strategy insert

WOC360460000 MtG: M12 Fat Pack $39.99 SDI

9 boosters, 1 card box, 1 player’s guide, 1 80-card land pack, 1 learn-to-play insert,1 Spindown™ life counter, 2 deck boxes

WYRD MINIATURES WYR1038 Guild Hounds (2) $14.00 WYR2038 Night Terrors (2) $15.00 WYR2039 Dead Rider (small box) $30.00 WYR3034 Snow Storm (small box) $35.00 WYR3035 Mobile Toolkit $8.50 WYR4039 Neverborn: Collodi $10.50 WYR4040 Neverborn: Marrionettes (4) $16.50 WYR4041 Neverborn: Wicked Dolls (3) $16.50

EXPEDITIOUS RETREAT PRESS XRP6120 AA#20: The Riddle of Anadi $12.00

Evoking the early days of roleplaying, Advanced Adventures have the actionand style of the modules of old. Compatible with the first edition of the world'smost popular fantasy roleplaying game, stock up on Advanced Adventures andturn long-time browsers into enthusiastic shoppers. The Riddle of Anadi, anadventure for 5-7 adventures of levels 6-10, is the twentieth title in AdvancedAdventures, where a group of hardy adventurers are tasked to discover the fateand lost knowledge of the grand sage Anadi, hidden away in her cryptic andlethal tomb.

Out of the Box Publishing

First, a crazy definition is read to the group. Next, players use the wacky word parts to create wildly funny new words to fit the definition. Each new word is read out loud, and the “Wordmeister” picks the best one! Faux•Cabulary— it’s where new words come from!

• Ages 13 to Adult • 3-7 Players• 20–30 Minutes per Game• SRP $29.99


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Madison, WI 53713