Achieving Quality Improvement in the Mask Manufacturing ... · inspired by the two major project...

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Achieving Quality Improvement in the

Mask Manufacturing Industry by Using

Six Sigma Technique

Submitted to:

Science and Engineering Faculty

School of Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering

Queensland University of Technology

Submitted by: Wei-Fen Chiu

Research student

Queensland University of Technology

4th April 2012



Time flies, and the life of researching seems to be a challengeable but impressive

journey. I had a great time within the period of time since I have not only absorbed

and comprehended more in the particular area of knowledge but made friends with

some wonderful people who helped and supported me to accomplish my thesis.

First of all, I would like to offer my gratitude to my three supervisors Associate

Professor YuanTong Gu, Dr Azharul Karim and Professor Lin Ma. Thank you for

supporting and believing in me from beginning to end with your passion and

dedication. I also wish to thank you for always encouraging me to express my ideas

into my thesis with constructive feedback and positive praise. I am delighted with

having a good relationship with these two supervisors. They are not only my

supervisors but also my good friends inasmuch as they let me have absolute liberty

during the time and we would chat about everything like friends.

Secondly, I would like to acknowledge my lovely parents, Shaw-Kou Chiu and Pao-

Chao Yu, and my three sisters, who are Wei-Yi Chiu, Wei-Hsuan Chiu, and Wei-Chih

Chiu. I appreciate them supporting and encouraging me spiritually and practically

with their constant love and wisdom. To satisfy my material requirements, Dad has

been working very hard overseas, and thereby, Mom has been flying laboriously

between two countries every two months in order to take care of us physically and

psychologically. Thank you for my three beautiful sisters who make my research life

interesting and happy with their smiles and thoughtfulness.

Thirdly, I would like to thank my friends in the research office. Thank you for

providing considerable and useful information and generous friendships. It is my

fortune to have met all my excellent researching friends. Finally, thank you

Queensland University of Technology for providing a marvellous researching

environment and also the staff at the Research Support Office for always helping me

when I needed it.



The Six Sigma technique is one of the quality management strategies and is utilised for improving the quality and productivity in the manufacturing process. It is inspired by the two major project methodologies of Deming’s “Plan – Do – Check – Act (PDCA)” Cycle which consists of DMAIC and DMADV. Those two methodologies are comprised of five phases. The DMAIC project methodology will be comprehensively used in this research. In brief, DMAIC is utilised for improving the existing manufacturing process and it involves the phases Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, and Control. Mask industry has become a significant industry in today’s society since the outbreak of some serious diseases such as the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), bird flu, influenza, swine flu and hay fever. Protecting the respiratory system, then, has become the fundamental requirement for preventing respiratory deceases. Mask is the most appropriate and protective product inasmuch as it is effective in protecting the respiratory tract and resisting the virus infection through air. In order to satisfy various customers’ requirements, thousands of mask products are designed in the market. Moreover, masks are also widely used in industries including medical industries, semi-conductor industries, food industries, traditional manufacturing, and metal industries. Notwithstanding the quality of masks have become the prioritisations since they are used to prevent dangerous diseases and safeguard people, the quality improvement technique are of very high significance in mask industry. The purpose of this research project is firstly to investigate the current quality control practices in a mask industry, then, to explore the feasibility of using Six Sigma technique in that industry, and finally, to implement the Six Sigma technique in the case company to develop and evaluate the product quality process. This research mainly investigates the quality problems of musk industry and effectiveness of six sigma technique in musk industry with the United Excel Enterprise Corporation (UEE) Company as a case company. The DMAIC project methodology in the Six Sigma technique is adopted and developed in this research. This research makes significant contribution to knowledge. The main results contribute to the discovering the root causes of quality problems in a mask industry. Secondly, the company was able to increase not only acceptance rate but quality level by utilising the Six Sigma technique. Hence, utilising the Six Sigma technique could increase the production capacity of the company. Third, the Six Sigma technique is necessary to be extensively modified to improve the quality control in the mask industry. The impact of the Six Sigma technique on the overall performance in the business organisation should be further explored in future research.


Certification of Thesis The work contained in this thesis has not been previously submitted for a degree or

diploma at any other higher education institution. To the best of my knowledge and

belief, this thesis contains no material previously published or written by another

person except where due reference is made.

Wei-Fen Chiu 4th April 2012


PREFACE During the course of this project, one journal paper has been published and another journal paper is being submitted for publication. They are listed here for reference. JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS

1. WeiFen Chiu, YuanTong Gu, M.A.Karim and Lin MA, A modified quality control method for manufacturing process in mask industry, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 139-141 (2010) pp 1843-1846 (ERA ranking –B)


2. WeiFen Chiu, YuanTong Gu, M.A.Karim and Lin MA, Improving Quality Control methodology in the Mask Industry by implementing the Six Sigma Technique, Advanced Materials Research (ERA ranking –B)

3. WeiFen Chiu, YuanTong Gu, M.A.Karim and Lin MA, The Enhanced Quality

Control for Six Sigma Technique in Mask Industry, publish with InTech in the book project under the working title "Manufacturing System"



Page Number

1. THESIS TITLE ....................................................................................................... IX

2. PROJECT SUPERVISORS ................................................................................... IX

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ - 1 -

1.1 RESEARCH FRAMEWORK AND BACKGROUND ...................................................... - 1 - 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT, RESEARCH QUESTION AND RESEARCH OBJECTIVE .................... - 2 - 1.3 RESEARCH METHOD .................................................................................... - 5 - 1.4 OUTLINE OF THIS THESIS .............................................................................. - 6 -

CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................................... - 8 -

2.1 THE HISTORY OF THE SIX SIGMA TECHNIQUE ..................................................... - 8 - 2.1.1 The Six Sigma technique in practise................................................... - 9 -

2.2 THE QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ............................................................ - 12 - 2.2.1 Total Quality Management (TQM) .................................................. - 12 - 2.2.2 The difference between the Six Sigma technique and the Total Quality Management (TQM) ................................................................................... - 13 - 2.2.3 Basics for Six Sigma technique ........................................................ - 15 - 2.2.4 The Six Sigma technique principles .................................................. - 17 -

2.3 THE SIX SIGMA TECHNIQUE METHODS ........................................................... - 18 - 2.3.1 The DMAIC method for the Six Sigma technique.............................. - 18 - 2.3.2 The DMADV method for the Six Sigma technique ............................ - 19 - 2.3.3 The Comparison between two methods .......................................... - 20 -

2.4 IMPLEMENTATION ROLES FOR THE SIX SIGMA TECHNIQUE ................................... - 21 - 2.5 USEFUL TOOLS AND METHODOLOGIES FOR THE SIX SIGMA TECHNIQUE ................... - 24 -

2.5.1 Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) ....................................... - 24 - 2.5.2 Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) ................................................................. - 25 - 2.5.3 Flow Chart ...................................................................................... - 26 - 2.5.4 Histogram ....................................................................................... - 27 - 2.5.5 Pareto Diagrams ............................................................................. - 28 - 2.5.6 Cause and Effect Diagrams ............................................................. - 29 - 2.5.7 Control Chart .................................................................................. - 30 -

2.6 METHODS FOR OBTAINING THE DATA ............................................................. - 31 - 2.7 THE SIX SIGMA TECHNIQUE IN MASK INDUSTRY ................................................ - 34 - 2.8 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................... - 35 -


3.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ - 36 - 3.2 COMPANY BACKGROUND ............................................................................ - 36 -

3.2.1 Product Background........................................................................ - 37 - 3.3 PRODUCTION PROCESS IN CASE ORGANISATION ................................................ - 39 - 3.4 QUALITY CONTROL IN UEE .......................................................................... - 50 -

3.4.1 Quality control issues ...................................................................... - 50 -



4.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ - 54 - 4.2 SURVEY OF UEE MANAGEMENT AND EMPLOYEES ............................................. - 56 - 4.3 USE OF SIX SIGMA TOOLS TO IDENTIFY CAUSES OF QUALITY PROBLEMS .................... - 58 -

4.3.1 Cause and effect diagram ............................................................... - 59 - 4.3.2 Pareto chart .................................................................................... - 61 -

4.4 PRODUCTION DATA ANALYSIS ....................................................................... - 63 - 4.5 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................... - 73 -


5.1 EMPIRICAL FINDINGS ................................................................................. - 74 - 5.2 STEP OF IMPLEMENTATION THE SIX SIGMA TECHNIQUE ....................................... - 76 - 5.3 THE SIX SIGMA TEAM IN THE UNITED EXCEL ENTERPRISE (UEE) CORPORATION........ - 78 - 5.4 RESULTS OF CASE IMPROVEMENT .................................................................. - 80 - 5.5 SUMMARY .............................................................................................. - 89 -

CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION................................................................................... - 90 -

6.1 SUMMARY OF THE RESEARCH ....................................................................... - 90 - 6.2 CONCLUSIONS ABOUT RESEARCH QUESTIONS ................................................... - 93 - 6.3 CONCLUSIONS REGARDING THE RESEARCH PROBLEM .......................................... - 96 - 6.4 RESEARCH EVALUATION FOR THE MASK INDUSTRY .............................................. - 98 - 6.5 RESEARCH LIMITATIONS .............................................................................. - 99 - 6.6 RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE RESEARCH .................................................. - 100 -

REFERENCES .................................................................................................... - 102 -

APPENDIX A - THE SYMBOL OF MASK PRODUCTION ....................................... - 113 -

APPENDIX B - SAMPLING CONTROL METHOD ................................................. - 115 -

APPENDIX C - SAMPLE OF INTERVIEWS ........................................................... - 116 -


List of Figures

Page Number

Figure 1: The six sigma diagram ................................................................ - 17 -

Figure 2: DMAIC cycle ............................................................................... - 19 -

Figure 3: DMADV cycle ............................................................................. - 20 -

Figure 4: Levels of roles ............................................................................ - 23 -

Figure 5: FTA symbols ............................................................................... - 26 -

Figure 6: Flow chart symbols .................................................................... - 27 -

Figure 7: Example of histogram................................................................. - 28 -

Figure 8: Example for Pareto Diagram ........................................................ - 29 -

Figure 9: Example for Cause and Effect Diagram ....................................... - 30 -

Figure 10: Example of a Control Chart ........................................................ - 31 -

Figure 11: raw material Input process.......................................................... - 41 -

Figure 12: The process linking the company with its customers ................... - 42 -

Figure 13: Simplified depiction of output process ........................................ - 43 -

Figure 14: The process between purchase department and customers........ - 45 -

Figure 15: The whole production process for the mask company ................ - 47 -

Figure 16: Process for manufacturing masks ................................................ - 49 -

Figure 17: Theoretical Model for this thesis ................................................. - 55 -

Figure 18: Fishbone diagram for identifying defective products. .................. - 60 -

Figure 19: A Pareto chart of the main causes of defects............................... - 62 -

Figure 20: The p chart for finished goods in July 2009 ................................. - 68 -

Figure 21: The p chart for semifinished goods in July 2009 .......................... - 69 -

Figure 22: The P chart of total production in July 2009. ............................... - 72 -

Figure 23: Empirical Findings and Analysis ................................................... - 75 -

Figure 24: The lifecycle for implementing the Six Sigma technique .............. - 76 -

Figure 25: The Six Sigma deployment model ............................................... - 77 -

Figure 26: The p values for finished goods after improvement..................... - 83 -

Figure 27: The semi finished goods data after improvement. ...................... - 84 -

Figure 28: The total goods after improvement ............................................. - 85 -


List of Table

Page Number

Table 1: The sigma scale ............................................................................... - 16 -

Table 2: Comparison of DMAIC and DMADV................................................ - 21 -

Table 3: FMEA calculation diagram............................................................... - 24 -

Table 4: The classification of quality level for product quality. ..................... - 44 -

Table 5: Weekly data for finished goods in July 2009 .................................... - 64 -

Table 6: Weekly data for semifinished goods in July 2009 ............................ - 64 -

Table 7: The proportion of finished goods in July 2009 ................................. - 65 -

Table 8: The proportion of semifinished goods in July 2009 ......................... - 66 -

Table 9: The CL, UCL and LCL for finished goods in July 2009. ....................... - 67 -

Table 10: The CL, UCL and LCL for semifinished goods in July 2009. ............ - 68 -

Table 11: Summary of July production in 2009 ........................................... - 71 -

Table 12: The finished goods after improvement in July 2010 .................... - 81 -

Table 13: The semi finished goods after improvement in 2010. .................. - 81 -

Table 14: Summary of production after improvement in July of 2010 ........ - 86 -

Table 15: Comparison of total goods data .................................................. - 87 -

Table 16: The comparison for the case study. ............................................. - 88 -

Table 17: Summary of results in the case ................................................... - 92 -


1. Thesis Title

Achieving Quality Improvement in the Mask Manufacturing Industry by Using the

Six Sigma Technique

2. Project Supervisors

Principal Supervisor: Associate Professor YuanTong Gu

School of Engineering Systems

Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering

Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

Associate Supervisor: Dr. Azharul Karim

School of Engineering Systems

Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering

Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

Associate Supervisor: Professor Lin Ma

School of Engineering Systems

Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering

Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

- 1 -


In this chapter, the research framework is discussed first. The research problem,

research question and research objective are then explained. The next section

presents the research methodology. The outline of this thesis is given at the end of


1.1 Research framework and background

For industry, quality has been an essential issue since World War II, and therefore,

improving quality has become an important business tactic for many organisations

including those involved in manufacturing, distribution, transportation, financial

services , health care, and government (Amasaka, 2000; Wienclaw, 2008c). In

engineering and manufacturing organisation, quality control and quality

management techniques are used to ensure products or services meet or exceed

customer requirements.

The most important factor affecting a business’s performance is the quality of its

products and related services. Companies with superior quality products are more

competitive and are likely to have a larger market share (Azis & Osada, 2010).

Gradually, the demand for higher quality products is increasing because of a

competitive environment and rapidly improving technologies (Anil, Joe, & Jean,


Quality products need to be made economically so that they can compete in the

market. End products or services need to meet or exceed company goals (McCuiston

& DeLucenay, 2010). Producing high-quality products is also a competitive tool that

can result in considerable advantage to organisations. A business that can delight

customers by improving and controlling quality has the potential to dominate its

competitors. Developing an effective quality strategy is a factor in long-term

business success (Mast, 2004; Mast, Schippers, Does, & Heuvel, 2000).

- 2 -

The mask manufacturing industry has become an important sector due to the

spread of diseases like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), bird flu, swine flu

and influenza. Covering the mouth is based on the need to ensure the prevention of

respiratory diseases (Centre for Disease Control, 2011; Organization, 2011). Masks

have been widely utilised both in industrial and domestic environments. In industry,

the product is essential for employees who perform tasks in environments which

involve potential hazards from inhaling harmful substances. Types of masks differ in

the materials they are made from, and in techniques of manufacturing. Producing

appropriate quality masks for customers helps protect people’s health.

The applications for different types of masks can number in thousands. Clients need

to choose the masks which are most appropriate to their working environments. For

example, employees who work in hospitals select masks with high chemical and

bacterial resistance, whereas for workers on construction sites, need masks with

high protection from dust are needed.

Quality control is a key concern in mask industry. In recent decades, many types of

quality control methodologies have been developed, investigated and implemented.

They include the Seven basic Quality Tools, Total Quality Management (TQM), the

International Standards Organization (ISO) documentation, Statistical Process

Control (SPC), lean manufacturing, just in time (JIT), quality function deployment

(QFD) and the Six Sigma technique (Wienclaw, 2008b). However, many of these

tools, particularly six sigma techniques have not been used in musk industry.

This research will investigate the quality control methodologies used in the mask

manufacturing industry.

1.2 Problem statement, research question and research objective

As discussed before, the purpose of quality control tools is to support the

manufacturing process, improve product quality and reduce the numbers of product

- 3 -

defects. Quality control is an important element in manufacturing management

(Wienclaw, 2008e). To choose and utilise good quality control tools is an important

task for businesses and manufacturing managers.

In the recent time several quality control (QC) techniques and tools have been

developed and applied. These techniques include Seven basic Quality Tools, Total

Quality Management (TQM), the International Standards Organization (ISO)

documentation, Statistical Process Control (SPC), lean manufacturing, just in time

(JIT), quality function deployment (QFD) and the Six Sigma technique. The ultimate

goal of these tools is to improve operational performance and obtain higher

customer satisfaction (Jones, Parast, & Adams, 2010; Moosa & Sajid, 2010).

The Six Sigma technique is one of quality management strategy and is utilised

improving the productivity and the profitability in the manufacturing process. Sigma

(σ) is original from Greek letter which is a symbol of standard deviation in the

statistical analysis (Ayad, 2010). However, it represents the variability level of

products and the process of observation in the six sigma technique. Specifically, the

maximum number of effects is 3.4 per million opportunities at Six Sigma level and

the higher level of sigma represents the lower level of defective goods (Ayad, 2010;

Kumar, Saranga, Ramírez-Márquez, & Nowicki, 2007).

The Six Sigma management program is a project framework and it involves two

possible approaches (Ali, 2005; Jones, 2004). One is DMAIC which stands for “define

measure, analyse, improve and control”. Another is DMADV which stands for “define,

measure, analyse, design and verify”.

Majority of the Mask Industries are still using the traditional quality control

methodologies to minimise quality problems. For example, the total examination

and the random inspection are the two common quality control methodologies in

the Mask Industry. However, some manufacturing managers in the Mask Industry

are facing quality problems mainly because of the traditional quality control

- 4 -

techniques. Therefore, selecting a appropriate quality control technique is the prime

priority for those manufacturing managers in mask industry in today’s society.

Quality strategies in mask industry have not been thoroughly investigated in the

past owing to the mask industry is an emerging but burgeoning manufacturing

industry in the market and therefore right quality technique for the industry has not

been identified. Although six sigma technique has been successfully applied in many

industries, it has not been implemented in mask industry. Therefore, the purpose of

this thesis is to address the research problem:

Is the Six Sigma technique an appropriate quality control methodology to improve

the entire performance in the mask industry?

To answer the research question, the following research questions were designed to

investigate and evaluate the performance of the six sigma technique in the mask

industry as flows:

Research question 1: What is the quality control (QC) process in a mask company?

Research question 2: What are the possible root causes of defective products?

Research question 3: How could these root causes be addressed?

Research question 4: What quality control tools and software packages are used in

the mask industry?

Therefore, the main objective of this research is to address the research questions

listed above and the ultimate goal is to investigate the use and effectiveness of the

traditional quality control method in mask industry, identify a higher performing

quality control tool and apply this tool to a mask company. Specifically, this research

will investigate and apply the Six Sigma technique and identify a suitable statistical

software tool and apply it to the mask industry.

- 5 -

The outcomes of the project will pave the way for modifications of the quality

control tool used in an actual case. In this research, the United Excel Enterprise

Corporation (UEE) was selected as the real case organisation.

The case study was selected as the most appropriate technique to collect primary

data in this thesis regarding the research questions defined in the earlier..

1.3 Research method

A number of researchers have discussed empirical research methodology in

operations management. Reid and Sander(Reid & Sanders, 2005) proposed a

systematic approach to conducting empirical research. They suggested that one

method, or a combination of several data collection methods, should be used in

conjunction with the research design.

In this study, the research problem was firstly emphasised from the literature and

an in-depth case study. It has been suggested in the literature that case studies can

be applied to the area of theory development as well as problem solving (Creswell,

2008; Ponterotto, 2005). In general, case studies are often preferred when

researchers have little control over the event and when the focus is on a

contemporary phenomenon in some real life context(Cavana, Delahaye, & Sekaran,

2001; Reid & Sanders, 2005). The case study method was selected after careful

consideration of several issues.

First, one key aim of the study is to empirically identify quality related difficulties in

mask industry. Manufacturing takes place in a complex environment. Hence, it is

critical to capture the experiences of the relevant people and the context of their

actions to better understand quality practices and related difficulties. Case studies

are particularly suitable for identifying the difficulties. Second, as the research deals

with the difficulties and challenges mask manufacturers are currently facing, this

research deals with a contemporary event(Edmondson & Mcmanus, 2007;

- 6 -

Ponterotto, 2005). Third, as this study investigates in detail the quality practices in

its real life settings, no control over the behaviour of the organisation within the

plant is possible.

This research aims to identify root causes of quality problems and suggest a quality

improvement method for mask industry. Case study was conducted to identify the

root causes of quality problem, to investigate the suitability of six sigma technique

and suggest a quality control methodology for mask industry.

1.4 Outline of this thesis

This thesis comprises six chapters to develop the knowledge of improving the

quality in the Mask Manufacturing Industry by using the Six Sigma technique with

case study analysis. The chapter are summarised as follows:

Chapter 1 introduces the overall picture of this study. To begin with, the research

framework and background were introduced, and the research question and

research objective were identified after that. Chapter one also outlines the research

methodology and research classification for this study.

Chapter 2 particularises the Six Sigma technique from both theoretical and practical

perspectives. The history of the Six Sigma technique is firstly presented with

empirical literature. The principles and the methods of the Six Sigma technique then

are discussed later in this chapter.

Chapter 3 addresses the quality problems in the Mask Industry by analysing chosen

company, the United Excel Enterprise Corporation (UEE), as a case study in this

research. The research objectives and research questions are defined the following

explanation of mask industry in Taiwan.

Chapter 4 describes the research methodology in this research. In this chapter, the

- 7 -

research problems are attempted to be explained by using those Six Sigma

techniques with data analysis.

Chapter 5 summarises the findings of this research. Chapter 5 discusses the

requirements for improving quality control and also illustrates the implementation

and evaluation of the Six Sigma method.

Chapter 6 concludes those results in this study. The major implication for future

research is recommended at the end of this research.

- 8 -

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 The history of the Six Sigma technique

Since the 1980s, applying statistical methods for quality control and overall business

improvement have grown rapidly not only in the United States but all over the world

(Antony & Banuelas Coronado, 2002). This was motivated, in part, by the

widespread loss of business and markets suffered by many US companies that

began during the 1970s. For example, the US automobile industry was nearly

destroyed by international competition during this period. One US automobile

company estimated its operating losses at nearly $1 million per hour in 1980

(Antony & Banuelas Coronado, 2002; Caulcutt, 2001). The adoption and use of

statistical methods with respect to quality have played a central role in the renewed

competitiveness of US industry.

The Six Sigma technique was first used in the 1980s at Motorola. In 1983, Bill Smith

who is a reliability engineer concluded that inspections and tests were not detecting

all product defects. Customers were finding defects and defects causing products to

fail (Zu, Fredendall, & Douglas, 2008). Since process failure rates were much higher

than the indication from final product tests, Smith decided that the best way to

solve the problem of defects was to improve the processes and to reduce or

eliminate the possibility of defects in the first place (Barney & McCarty, 2002). The

CEO of Motorola, Bob Galvin, was impressed by the early successes Smith achieved.

Therefore, Motorola began to apply the Six Sigma technique across the organisation

and to focus on manufacturing processes and systems (He, 2008).

Motorola established Six Sigma as both an objective for the corporation and as a

focal point for process and product quality improvement efforts. The Six Sigma

concept was tremendously successful at Motorola. It has been estimated that

Motorola reduced defects in semiconductor devices by 94% between 1987 and

- 9 -

1993 (Wienclaw, 2008a; Zhang, Hill, & Gilbreath, 2011). In recent years, Six Sigma

has spread beyond Motorola and has become a program for improving corporate

business performance by improving quality, reducing costs and expanding markets

for products and services. The Six Sigma technique has been adopted by thousands

of companies both large and small in scale.

2.1.1 The Six Sigma technique in practise

The Motorola Company first used the Six Sigma technique in 1987 and the Six Sigma

technique is now accepted and utilised in several famous companies, for example,

GE (the General Electric Company), Allied Signal, Philips Electronics, Sony and

Samsung (Montgomery & Woodall, 2008). The application of the Six Sigma

technique has helped global enterprises to save over a billion US dollars and it has

brought about remarkable improvements in enterprise management (Djurdjanovic

& Ni, 2003).

The Six Sigma technique brings the following benefits to businesses (Desai &

Shrivastava, 2008; George, 2003; Gygi, Williams, & Gustafson, 2005):

1). It can reduce the production cycle time and percentage of defective units.

2). It can increase productivity and product reliability.

3). It can enhance customer satisfaction, quality of employees and quality of


4). It can also improve production capacity, outcomes and operation


- 10 -

On the other hand, using Six Sigma has two main disadvantages:

1). It will use up resources and time.

2). The company needs to invest an adequate amount of its budget for the

project at the outset.

Since data collection and analysis has become more important, there are some

famous software packages available for researchers. For instance, the Minitab,

Microsoft Excel and Sigma Work are widely implemented. These software packages

have some features including the statistical methods, statistical chart tools and

project management (Biehl, 2004; Redzic & Baik, 2006). Moreover, general users

find them easy to understand and utilise.

The Six Sigma technique has three powerful interconnected features (Connaughton,

2005a; Costello, Molloy, Lyons, & Duggan, 2005; Tayntor, 2007).

1). The executive leadership must choose a topic which is related with

company’s profit. Before beginning to use Six Sigma, the financial

department will select an area where there is potential for the greatest

amount of improvement.

2). A Black Belt (BB) employee should guide this project team so that the

company can execute and accomplish the project.

3). The project and training course should proceed simultaneously. During the

training course, the Black Belt (BB) has no other job except the project.

However, the Six Sigma technique’s shortcomings and features illustrate the

relationship between positive and negative characteristics (Azis & Osada, 2010;

Zackrisson, Franzén, Melbin, & Shahnavaz, 1995; Zhang, et al., 2011).

- 11 -

1). The key method of project improvement is to reduce waste but there are

also some positive effects from waste.

2). In the Six Sigma technique the improvement of customers’ satisfaction

levels requires weekly action.

3). Initially, the Six Sigma technique does not play a prominent role and does

not affect the foundations of the organisation. Most companies don’t

understand it and the only perceived effect is that it increases costs.

However, tactic management, which is part of the Six Sigma technique,

becomes a part of the way the company manages projects.

4). The Six Sigma technique does not have a method of unifying all the

employees in the company.

The basic components of the Six Sigma technique are not new, however, the

packaging of the method is new. The Six Sigma technique is a useful compilation of

proven techniques from many previous management methods (Redzic & Baik, 2006).

The power comes from the Six Sigma technique’s team-based approach, customer

orientation, financial motivation and assessment, tangible rewards for success,

qualitative and statistical tools and its focus on short duration and high impact

projects (He, 2008; Kim, 2008).

According to some researchers, there are some key elements which affect the

implementation of the Six Sigma technique. These factors also become problems

which need to be addressed by the company executives (Azis & Osada, 2010; Sekhar

& Mahanti, 2006; Tamura, 2006; Tayntor, 2007; Tká & Lyócsa, 2010; Tong, Tsung, &

Yen, 2004; Wienclaw, 2008d; Zou & Lee, 2010; Zu, et al., 2008). The problems are:

- 12 -

The company management levels of investment and commitment. In

successful cases, the company commits strongly to the Six Sigma


Six Sigma involves changes to enterprise values and requires cultural

adjustment. This often involves changing the organisational structure and

the staff may resist the changes. Continuous communication, motivation

and training are the best methods to solve this problem.

The team’s project management skills. Team members should have some

basic knowledge of project management, including an awareness of its

limitations, its use in problem solving, its goals, the resources used, how

much time it will take, and how much it will cost.

The team should correctly choose the project. It must be consistent with

the enterprise's overall goal, output value and profits. The team also has

to respond to and understand what its customers want.

The company should choose suitable tools and techniques. Companies

sometimes choose inappropriate tools or methodologies and this

increases costs and wastes human resources. To understand all relevant

tools is the most important things for company leaders.

2.2 The quality management systems

2.2.1 Total Quality Management (TQM)

There are various management systems which have appeared as frameworks to

achieve quality improvement. The Total Quality Management (TQM), then, is

another familiar quality control technique to be applied in manufacturing industry.

TQM is a system for implementing and managing quality improvement activities on

an organisation-wide basis (Chau, Liu, & Ip, 2009). TQM began in the early 1980s

- 13 -

and was influenced by some eminent philosophies, for example, those of W.

Edwards Deming, Joseph Juran, and others (Wienclaw, 2008b).

It developed some concepts and ideas, which involved connections between

participating organisations, work culture, customer focus, supplier quality

improvement, and other activities. It focused on all essentials of the organisation in

achieving the goal of quality improvement. Normally, organisations establish TQM

operation quality councils or high-level teams that cope with strategic quality

initiatives; workforce-level teams that focus on routine production or business

activities; and cross-functional teams that address specific quality improvement

issues (Ali, 2005; Jones, et al., 2010; Montgomery et al., 2005).

2.2.2 The difference between the Six Sigma technique and the Total

Quality Management (TQM)

In general, the Six Sigma technique and the TQM have some similarities. For

instance, both techniques are basically the same. They are common manipulated for

the quality improvement in manufacturing industry. However, the Six Sigma

technique is not a part of TQM. Generally, the purpose of utilising TQM is to

improve the quality of manufacturing processes, the products, and even the

services. On the contrary, the Six Sigma technique is to make those improvements

more sharper and more focused (Amasaka, 2000; Ayad, 2010; Catherwood, 2002).

Compared with the Six Sigma technique, TQM has been more successfully and

extensively practised in the manufacturing industry (Zu, et al., 2008). It is inasmuch

as TQM is aimed at keeping already existing quality standards at a high while

simultaneously improving quality and the term of “quality” in TQM is defined as the

level which the product reaches the standards produced inside the company

(Barney & McCarty, 2002). It is unlike TQM, the Six Sigma technique is more

emphasised the best results when focused on customers. The Six Sigma technique is

- 14 -

a statistical process control and data driven approach and is highlighted the quality

is the fewest number of defects, which must be removed as much as possible.

Furthermore, the term of “quality” in Six Sigma is defined in large part by targeting

segmentations (Besterfield, 2008; Pan, Park, Baik, & Choi, 2007).

Generally speaking, the Six Sigma technique is more focusing on the quality

improvement in entire business and TQM is more focusing on the simplex processes

or operations within departments. Considering the objectives in organisations,

therefore, managers in manufacturing industries would normally choose TQM to

attempt improving the quality in manufacturing department instead of the Six

Sigma technique (Barney & McCarty, 2002).

However, the importance of the Six Sigma technique has been maintained recently

since the growth of technology. Appling this technique in organisations has a strong

and a positive impact on the business financial performance (Yang & Hsieh, 2009;

Zou & Lee, 2010). Quality improvement projects with Six Sigma result in real savings,

expanded sales opportunities, or documented improvements in customer

satisfaction (Bengtson, 2008; Montgomery, 2010). Being a successful enterprise,

plant managers or managers who are in a higher managing positions start to pay

more attention to the entire business performance in the organisation (Azadegan &

Pai, 2008).

Moreover, the company leaders would be more likely to be fully concentrated,

provide the resources needed to train personnel and to establish full-time

employment positions related to Six Sigma once these improvements occur,. These

positions can be used as steppingstone to positions of higher responsibility in the

organisation (Bendell, 2004). It is much more likely that the techniques will actually

be used since the training is project-oriented, notwithstanding, the Six Sigma

technical training is normally deeper and more extensive than the typical TQM

program training (Antony, Banuelas, & Knowles, 2001; Patterson, Bonissone, &

Pavese, 2005).

- 15 -

2.2.3 Basics for Six Sigma technique

Six Sigma is a statistical measurement tool. It is used to identify customer-critical

features and evaluate performances at each step in the production process. DPMO

(Defects per Million Opportunities) is one measurement of performance level and

this measurement is frequently used in Six Sigma. DPMO standardises the rejects

rate and it is based on the opportunities in terms of units (He, 2008; Wienclaw,


The formula is:

DPMO = [Total number of defects / (Total number of units verified * Average

number of opportunities in a unit)] * 106

DPMO is the average number of defects in one million units. It is best used when the

process or characteristic is repeated many times (Evans, 2004). For instance,

company A manufactures 1,000 pieces of mask per hour every day and total 210 out

of 1,000 pieces of mask are defect goods. In the meanwhile, the manager also

discovered that there are four potential opportunities may result in those defect

goods during the manufacturing procedure. According to the formula above, it

computes that they will have 52,500 pieces of defect mask per million. The number

of DPMO, the 52,500 pieces of mask, is located in the range between 3 Sigma and 4

Sigma referring to the Sigma Scale in Table 1.

Table 1 below illustrates the DPMOs for a range of performance levels. Performance

at the Six Sigma level means that a process produces fewer than 3.4 defects or

errors per million opportunities for defects (Evans, 2004; Stevenson, 2005).

Therefore, the manager in Company A, then, can expect that there will be near 93

percentage of opportunity in producing the finished goods with reaching customer

satisfaction in normal circumstances.

- 16 -

Table 1: The sigma scale

Specific Limit Per cent inside specs Number of DPMO

1σ 30.23 697,700

2σ 69.13 608,700

3σ 93.32 66,810

4σ 99.3790 6,210

5σ 99.97670 233

6σ 99.999660 3.4

Source: (Evans, 2004; Stevenson, 2005)

Source: (Evans, 2004; Stevenson, 2005)

LCL Mean


-3σ -2σ -1σ σ +1σ +2σ +3σ





- 17 -

Figure 1: The six sigma diagram

Source: (Evans, 2004; Stevenson, 2005)

Figure 1 is derivative from the data in Table 1 and it demonstrates that the less the

process variation from suppliers, the less the number of defect opportunities and

the lower the potential risk for customers. That is the reason why customers are

paying more and more attention to the Six Sigma technique.

2.2.4 The Six Sigma technique principles

The Six Sigma technique begins with one general-purpose equation. This simple

equation is

Y = ƒ(х)+ ε (1)

Where: Y is the process outcome. It is the result which you desire or discover. ƒ is

the process by which inputs are transformed into outcomes. хis the inputs and

factors. There may be several x’s and if so, the symbol – “ε” is added after the х. This

indicates the presence of error and the uncertainty in depending upon the х’s. The

- 18 -

transformation function is used to actually create the desired outcomes (Stewart &

Spencer, 2006; Tká & Lyócsa, 2010).

2.3 The Six Sigma technique methods

The two project implementation methodologies in the Six Sigma technique

comprising DMAIC method and DMADV method will be demonstrated in this


2.3.1 The DMAIC method for the Six Sigma technique

The basic method consists of the following five steps:

Define (D): the company identifies high-level project goals, the current process

and problems. The problems are serious problem for organisation.

Measure (M): the company measures and researches the production process

and identifies the key aspects of the current process and collects relevant data.

Analyse (A): the company obtains the data and verifies the cause and effect

relationships. It attempts to ensure that all factors have been considered.

Improve (I): the company optimises the process based upon data analysis and

the use of techniques such as design for Six Sigma (DFSS).

Control (C): the company ensures that any failures to achieve targets are

corrected before they result in defects. The company sets up pilot runs to

establish process capability, move on to production, set up control mechanisms

and continuously monitor the process.

Some practitioners do not include the define (D) phase because they consider that

this phase is a part of preparation. This method is used to improve the existing

- 19 -

processes (Bañuelas, Antony, & Brace, 2005; Jones, 2004; Pojasek, 2003; Redling,


Figure 2: DMAIC cycle

Source: Developed for this research from (Bañuelas, et al., 2005; Jones, 2004;

Pojasek, 2003; Redling, 2005)

2.3.2 The DMADV method for the Six Sigma technique

The another project implement methodology is DMADV method which is basically

consisted of the following five steps:

Define (D) the design goals that are consistent with customer demands and the

enterprise strategy.

Measure (M) and identify CTQs (Critical to Quality factors), product capabilities,

production process capability and risks.

Analyse (A) to develop and design alternatives, create a high-level design and

evaluate design capability to select the best design.

- 20 -

Design (D) details, optimise the design, and plan for design verification. This

phase may require simulations.

Verify (V) the design, set up pilot runs, implement the production process and

hand it over to the process owners.

This type of method is utilised in the design of Six Sigma (DFSS). To implement the

DFSS requires a solid implementation of DMAIC as a foundation, and managerial

experience. Coordinated communication is the most important factor (Bañuelas, et

al., 2005; Jones, 2004; Pojasek, 2003; Redling, 2005)


Figure 3: DMADV cycle

Source: Developed for this research from (Bañuelas, et al., 2005; Jones, 2004;

Pojasek, 2003; Redling, 2005)

2.3.3 The Comparison between two methods

The original Six Sigma project focused on the improvement of the production

process and utilised the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Action) or the DMAIC for its project

model (AI-Mishari & Suliman, 2008). There are several differences between the two

- 21 -

methods (Anand, 2006; Antony & Banuelas Coronado, 2002; Antony, et al., 2001;

Besterfield, 2008; Chakravorty, 2009; Chau, et al., 2009). Table 2 below shows these


Table 2: Comparison of DMAIC and DMADV


The goal is to improve the process.

This is called the IFSS (Improvement

for Six Sigma) project

Looks for improvements with

changes that are within the system.

Uses the existing processes

Aims to discriminate and quantify

the reasons for variations in quality.

The DMAIC is passive.

Also called DFSS (Design for Six

Sigma) project

Aims to break through the existing


Used for designing both process

and product

The goal is to design or redesign the

process before the operation starts

The DMADV is active.

2.4 Implementation roles for the Six Sigma technique

The quality management function of the Six Sigma technique is its most important

innovation. In earlier applications of the Six Sigma technique in quality management,

quality control personnel and statisticians were always in separate departments

(Antony, Kumar, & Madu, 2005). The Six Sigma technique uses ranking terminology

to define a hierarchy that cuts across all business functions and a promotion path

which leads straight into the executive suite.

There are several key roles involved in successfully implementing Six Sigma (Antony

& Banuelas Coronado, 2002; Antony, et al., 2001; Chakravorty, 2009; Feo & Bar-El,

2002; Franza & Chakravorty, 2007; Montgomery, et al., 2005).

Executive Leadership which includes the CEO and other top management.

Their responsibility is to set goals for Six Sigma implementation. They also

- 22 -

motivate others who perform other key roles the freedom and resources

to explore new ideas for breakthrough improvements.

Champions are responsible for implementing the Six Sigma technique

across the organisation in an integrated manner. The executive leaders

choose them from upper management. Champions also act as mentors to

Black Belts.

Master Black Belts (MBB), identified by champions, act as in-house

coaches for Six Sigma. They devote 100% of their time to Six Sigma. They

assist Champions and guide Black Belts and Green Belts. Apart from

statistical tasks, their time spent ensuring the consistent application of Six

Sigma across various functions and departments.

Black Belts (BB) operate under Master Black Belts to apply Six Sigma

methodology for specific projects. They devote 100% of their time to Six

Sigma. They focus primarily on Six Sigma project execution, whereas

Champions and MBBs focus on identifying projects or functions for Six


Green Belts (GB) are the employees who take up Six Sigma

implementation along with their other job responsibilities. They operate

under the guidance of Black Belts.

- 23 -

Figure 4: Levels of roles

Source: Developed for this research from (Antony & Banuelas Coronado, 2002;

Antony, et al., 2001; Chakravorty, 2009; Feo & Bar-El, 2002; Franza & Chakravorty,

2007; Montgomery, et al., 2005)

- 24 -

2.5 Useful tools and methodologies for the Six Sigma technique

It is essential for a company to use the appropriate tools and techniques in order to

successfully support, develop and progress a process of continuous improvement

(Geoff, 2002). Some of these tools are simple to use, but some of them are more

complex. Those tools and methods have different roles to play in the improvements.

If the company applies those correctly, useful and reliable results will be obtained.

2.5.1 Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is a reliability technique for analysing

potential failure modes by classifying consequences within a system and its value is

as a planning tool to assist with building quality into a business’s products, services

and processes. This procedure is implemented to identify the failure modes and

determine the effect of failures upon the system (Goh, 2002; Goh & Xie, 2003).

FMEA is a fundamental tool adopted in numerous industries for asset management.

By measuring the severity of defects, this method can be applied in a variety of

phases including product design, product manufacture, equipment investment,

preventative maintenance and customer service. The objective is to eliminate or

minimise the potential risk and provide feasible remedies. Industries can utilise this

approach to ensure acceptable levels of reliability and improve product quality

(Huang, Yeh, Lin, & Lee, 2009). This method uses the table to calculate the each

potential value.

Table 3: FMEA calculation diagram

Part Function Failure mode

Failure mechanism

Effect S O D RPN

Source: Developed for this research from (Goh, 2002; Goh & Xie, 2003)

- 25 -

2.5.2 Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)

Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) is used to analyse the risk of undesirable outcomes and the

potential causes of these outcomes in the system. FTA is a top-down technique that

identifies the primary cause or causes of unexpected events such as compressor

failure (Mast, 2003). The important concept of the fault tree combines all of the

probable causes and depicts an undesired occurrence or state using a graphical

illustration. FTA illustrates the logical relationships between equipment failures,

human error and external events (Rao et al., 1996). It shows how combinations of

such factors can combine to cause specific accidents.

Basic event


Condition event

Undeveloped event

AND gate

OR gate

- 26 -

Figure 5: FTA symbols

Source: Developed for this research from (Mast, 2003)

2.5.3 Flow Chart

Flow charts are also called process mapping or flow sheets. They are necessary for

obtaining an in-depth understanding of a process (Rao, et al., 1996). A flow chart is

used to provide a diagrammatic picture and it often uses a set of established

symbols to represent the processes. It is shows all the steps or stages in a process,

project or sequence of events and it is of considerable assistance in documenting

and describing a process as an aid to understand the examination and improvement.

There are two main types of flow charts (Stevenson, 2005). One is used to display

processes such as manufacturing operations or computer operations. It indicates

the various steps taken as the product moves along the production line or the

problem moves through the computer. The other type is a traditional method of

representing in schematic form the flow of data in a system (Stuart, Mullins, & Drew,

1996). This flow chart illustrates the input and output points, the logic or sequence

of the various processing steps in the system and the relationships of each element

of the system to the other parts of the system or to other information systems

(Stevenson, 2005).

- 27 -




Manual operation

Stored data


Figure 6: Flow chart symbols

Source: Developed for this research from (Stevenson, 2005)

2.5.4 Histogram

Histograms are also called frequency diagrams. They are basic statistical tools and

also graphical diagrams. They illustrate the frequency or number of observations of

a particular value or occurrences within a specified group (Stevenson, 2005). The

histogram represents collections of large amounts of data. The reason for collecting

the information is to research the main data for each possible cause of an event and

to identify the differences between them. The abscissa axis represents measured

values of variations in some quality, characteristic or classification.

The ordinate axis represents the number of times each characteristic or variation is

observed. Histograms can be used to assess performance against a given standard,

specification or tolerance (Swarbrick, 2007). Variations which are seen with difficulty

in general digital graphs become very obvious in histograms.

- 28 -

Figure 7: Example of histogram

Source: Developed for this research from (Swarbrick, 2007)

2.5.5 Pareto Diagrams

The Pareto diagram is a tool which is used to illustrate key points in management.

The key use of the Pareto chart is to focus on root causes. Compared to the total

number of causes, the number of root causes is small, but once the root causes are

understood, the other elements can be controlled. The significance of Pareto chart

is to calculate the important factors or majority of influences in the research

outcomes. This chart is exerted by minority of input features. In this chart, the

variable factors will organize and calculate with percentage from higher proportion

to lower proportion. Those factors’ percentage will be cumulated until a hundred

percentages. The most root causes have been occupied around eighty percentages.

This is called “80-20 Principle”. According to the 80-20 principle, 80 per cent of

effects are due to 20 per cent of causes. (Stevenson, 2005; Tiwary, 2008).

Pareto Diagrams do not classify data according to projects or items. They categorise

according to size and arrange data in a chart. Pareto analysis is often used to analyse

data from check sheets or histograms. The Pareto distribution is a kind of histogram

in which the characteristics observed are arranged from the largest frequency to the

smallest frequency. In addition to that, there is often a line which depicts the







1 2 3 4

- 29 -

cumulative frequency curve. Pareto diagrams can also display the results of

improvement programs over time (Adams, Gupta, & Wilson, 2003).

Figure 8: Example for Pareto Diagram

Source: Developed for this research from (Stevenson, 2005; Tiwary, 2008)

2.5.6 Cause and Effect Diagrams

This type of diagram is also called a fishbone diagram or Ishikawa diagram. It is used

to explain the relationships between primary and the secondary factors and quality

characteristics (Besterfield, 2008). It deals with the characteristics of problems and

it shows correlations that are considered to be influential. These diagrams

reorganise information from charts into a form that can be easily understood

(Chakraborty & Tah, 2006).

There are two basic types of Fishbone diagrams. The first one involves dispersion

analysis and is usually used to find and identify the possible major causes of specific

quality problems. In addition it carries out the suitable classification of data. The

other type involves process classification. It uses information from process flow

charts. It finds out the possible major causes of problems from each step in the flow

chart (Coleman, Arunakumar, Foldvary, & Feltham, 2001). Each stage of the process

is then brainstormed and ideas developed by the team members.















1 2 3 4

- 30 -

Figure 9: Example for Cause and Effect Diagram

Source: Developed for this research from (Chakraborty & Tah, 2006)

2.5.7 Control Chart

Quality Control is a continuity activity in the company and it needs to be measured

periodically by engineers. Control charts are used to calculate the control limitation

in statistics for fundamental elements of processes and differentiate between

unusual variations and normal variations according to the data. It presents data for

the performance of one actual product characteristic and compares current process

capability with previous capability. This data is displayed in a time sequence graph

(Chen, Hsu, & Ouyang, 2007; Chen, Chang, & Huang, 2009).

Control charts have two horizontal lines which are called control limits. They are

upper control limit (UCL) and lower control limit (LCL). Control limits are selected by

statistical calculation and specify a high probability (generally greater than 0.99) that

experimental points would fall between these limits. This condition will be met if

the process is in control (Connaughton, 2005b).

Cause Cause

Cause Cause



- 31 -

Figure 10: Example of a Control Chart

Source: (K. Chen, et al., 2007; S. C. Chen, et al., 2009) (Connaughton, 2005b)

2.6 Methods for obtaining the data

There are several methods which can be used to obtain information from companies.

In this report, several methods of obtaining knowledge from an expert operator

were suitable for my topic due to the expert (the main source of knowledge) being

one of the team members. An explanation and analysis of each method is given


- 32 -

1. Unstructured interviews

Interviewers ask experts questions relating to a specific topic or the expert

actively shares his/her expertise and experience with the interviewers. This

is the most common and simple method for eliciting knowledge. The

following six methods are generally utilised during interviews (Evans, 2004):

Problem discussion

Problem description

Problem analysis




However, this method is time-consuming because interviewers might not be well

prepared for extracting knowledge and the procedures of the interview might not

be well managed. In addition, interviews are costly and they have sometimes been

considered as ineffective (Evans, 2004; Mast, 2003).

2. Brainstorming

Brainstorming is a group creativity technique designed to generate a large

number of ideas for the solution to a problem. Although brainstorming has

become a popular group technique, researchers have generally failed to find

evidence of its effectiveness for enhancing either the quantity or quality of

ideas. Because of problems such as distraction, social loafing, evaluation

apprehension, and production blocking, brainstorming groups are not much

more effective than other types of groups, and they are actually less

effective than individuals working independently (Barney & McCarty, 2002;

Mairani, 2007). For this reason, there have been numerous attempts to

improve brainstorming or replace it with more effective variations of the

basic technique.

- 33 -

Although traditional brainstorming may not increase the productivity of groups, it

has other potential benefits, such as enhancing the enjoyment of group work and

improving morality. It may also serve as a useful exercise for team building

(Murugappan & Keeni, 2000).

To prepare for brainstorming, we need to do self-study first and then create various

ideas of directions for the topic based on what we know.

3. Collecting historical data

Quality control and manufacturing departments should have monthly data

which can be used to identify problems and draw a curve line. Moreover, it

can be used compare with historical and current information.

4. Modifying and developing the tool

As we discussed before, this study is the first time where the Six Sigma

technique has been implemented in the mask industry. The Six Sigma

technique uses some statistical charts and diagrams to present the data. In

this research project, it will utilise the special statistical software package,

Minitab (Biehl, 2004; Pan, et al., 2007).

5. Apply the method back to the case

The Six Sigma technique is a new technique for the United Excel Enterprise

Corporation (UEE). This research will modify the Six Sigma technique for

application to this company. Moreover, it will adapt the Minitab program for

applying to this company. After the company implemented the Six Sigma

technique and software package, it evaluated and observed its performance

and this enhanced its quality control level.

The main source of information for this project is from expert knowledge and data

collection. Fortunately, a specialist was available who were working in a mask

company and this specialist provided information about the types and quantities of

- 34 -

materials required for production and the equipment used. Moreover, technical

sources, quality reports and manufacturing reports were also provided by the


2.7 The Six Sigma technique in mask industry

To conclude, the Six Sigma focuses on finance and operation objectives which have

major impacts on process regulation and product improvement. Therefore, Six

Sigma is relevant to business strategies, customers, human resource and suppliers

(Montgomery & Woodall, 2008). Most of literature review about the Six Sigma

technique, reports that it is a popular and useful tool for the manufacturing and

service industries, such as the car industry and banking services. Manufacturing

masks involves many unpredictable factors which could cause defective products

(Nesladek, 2007). One issue is the quality control methodology.

A gap between the theoretical quality control technique and the real case dealt with

in this research arises because the Six Sigma technique is being introduced into the

mask industry for the first time. Moreover, there is no prior experience to indicate

what kind of the quality control tools are the best ones to apply to a mask

manufacturing company. The mask industry is still utilising traditional quality control


The traditional inspection methods have limitations as discussed before. Mask

companies often provide large quantities of rejects which reduce production

capacity and increase costs. This can lead to decrease their investments. Therefore,

introducing the Six Sigma technique to the mask industry is an important

contribution made by this thesis.

- 35 -

2.8 Conclusion

The Six Sigma technique is a measurement tool and management philosophy. It

utilises two statistical methods which are normal distribution and the probability

model. The major aims of the Six Sigma technique are to improve quality rates,

reduce costs, increase customer satisfaction and eliminate errors in business tactics,

management methods, research and development of products, manufacturing the

products, delivery to customers and after sales service (Amasaka, 2000; Anand,


The Six Sigma approach makes full use of the standard deviation (σ). In the Six Sigma

approach a company aims to reduce the rate of defects to almost zero (Vore, 2008).

Traditional quality improvement methods cannot achieve this goal because

traditional quality control presumes that the way to improve quality is by

inspections and it focuses on the problem itself. If a company wants to accomplish

the Six Sigma standard, it needs to accept that quality also depends on design,

manufacture and planning (Dedhia, 2005; Montgomery & Woodall, 2008).

The next chapter discusses the quality problem in the mask industry with the case


- 36 -

Chapter 3 Quality Problems in the Mask Industry – A Case Study

3.1 Introduction

As mentioned earlier, due to the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), bird flu,

influenza, swine flu, radiation and hay fever , the mask industry has become an

important industry in the last ten years. Some experts indicate that 80% of these

diseases or viruses will occur again . Most governments around the world are

working to prevent these diseases(Centre for Disease Control, 2011; Organization,

2011; Sinica, 2011). Masks are good protective tools and these can protect the

respiratory tract and prevent inhaling viruses from the air. In fact, there are

thousands of mask products on the market. Customers buy masks for wide variety

of purposes. Masks are also used by various industries such as, medical industry,

semi-conductor industries, the food industry, traditional manufacturing and the

metal industry. The mask usage differ from industry to industry (Grenon, Hamaker,

& Buck, 1995; Reita, 2006). In this chapter, background information about the

production line is presented.

3.2 Company Background

The United Excel Enterprise Corporation (UEE) was registered in March, 1990. It is

Taiwan’s first company to specialise in designing and manufacturing masks for

customers. This company’s products aim to satisfy all customers’ requirements and

to produce high quality products. The main business of UEE is to design and

manufacture a diverse range of masks based on customers’ requirements.

The company management philosophy is dedicated to the manufacture of high

quality products and to provide perfect after-sales services. It adopts suitable

- 37 -

marketing strategies for the Taiwanese and Japanese markets and promotes its

products to semi-conductor factories in Taiwan, as well as to hospitals and

traditional industries. It has a good reputation because of its quality products. In

addition to that after-sales service helps UEE gain customer loyalty and trust.

This company has four factories which produce different products designed to meet

customers’ needs. These factories are located in three different countries:

1. Taiwan (Hsinchu). This factory is also near to the Hsinchu Science Based

Industrial Park. It provides masks for some traditional industries, newer

industries, semi-conductor factories, and hospitals.

2. Japan (Tokyo). This factory is a joint venture with K.T. International Inc.

3. China (Shanghai). This factory is also a joint venture with K.T. International


This research was conducted in UEE’s Taiwan factory.

3.2.1 Product Background

The performance of masks is primarily depends on the materials used. Non-woven

textiles are the principal fabrics used to fabricate masks. Non-woven fabrics provide

specific functions such as absorbency, liquid repellence, filtering, bacterial barriers

and sterility.

Masks are made from a combination of different types of non-woven fabrics, for

example, polypropylene non-woven (PP non-woven), melt-blown non-woven, fibre

non-woven, and spun-bonding non-woven and active carbon fibre (Kang Na Hsiung

Enterprise Co. Ltd. - Nonwoven, 2011; MATSUKURA CO., 2011). Details of the fabrics

used in masks and their properties are provided below;

- 38 -

Polypropylene non-woven (PP non-woven): this type of non-woven fabric

is used to contact human skin and ensure the user’s comfort.

Melt-blown non-woven: this cloth’s function is to protect the user from

bacteria and pollen. In three-level masks, this fabric is placed in between

polypropylene non-woven and fibre non-woven fabrics.

Fibre non-woven: this sort of fabric is normally used as the outer level to

provide waterproofing and exclude a range of substances.

Spun-bonding non-woven: this type of cloth can strengthen the

performance of masks by providing specific traits, including air

permeability, chemical resistance, and bacteria resistance.

Active carbon fibre: good activated carbon filters are used to make carbon

fibre cloth and the cloth presents a pliable soft shape. The active carbon

fibre in the cinereous black colour has extremely well for the adsorption


Recently, some techniques of producing non-woven fabrics have been developed

and have become popular. Two of these new techniques that are widely used and

therefore described below:

Nano (Gold) non-woven: It is produced using nanotechnology; which has

three main characteristics: the reaction rate is rapid, the temperature is

low and the acceptance is high. A nanometre mask emits the anion

elements and the remote infrared ray material into the cotton material.

Active carbon anion has antibacterial effect.

- 39 -

Nano Ag (Silver) non-woven: uses new vacuum sputtering coating

technology. The SGS (Société Générale de Surveillance Group) test reports

have verified its anti-bacterial effect on many common types of bacteria.

Zero pollution which will be more and more important in future products

is enforced in manufacturing processes.

Whether or not all these properties are needed depends on what jobs the masks

are to be used for. Various materials have different characteristics and the

properties and specifications of the masks sold to customers depend on the working

environment of the customer.

3.3 Production Process in case organisation

In the case organisation, the whole production process is divided into three sections.

The first one is the procurement process (input) in which the materials and parts are

purchased from the suppliers. The second one is the manufacturing process, in

which the masks are produced. The last section is the delivery process (output) in

which the products are transported or delivered to the customers.

Figure 11 shows what happens when the sales and/or research and development

departments receive order information from customers. The purchasing department

identifies required component and orders the required raw materials. The suppliers

deliver those raw materials to the company’s storage depot. The quality control

department then inspects the materials. If the materials satisfy the required

specifications and quality requirements, the supply is accepted. However, the

company will return them to the providers if the supply fails to satisfy the required


The UEE purchases raw materials such as non-woven mask cord and wire from

different suppliers. After IQC (Incoming Quality Control), the manager delivers the

raw materials to the production lines and workers assemble those parts. After

completing production, inspectors check the product to ensure quality and then the

- 40 -

products are delivered to customers. During these processes, every stage involves

some causes for defects to occur. In order to find out those causes of defects, a

number of factors should be taken into consideration. The investigator has looked at

factors related to workers, machines, method and materials.

Figure12 shows the procedures the UEE follows with its customers. Figure 13

illustrates the processes UEE follows to minimise the risk of delivering defective


- 41 -

Figure 11: raw material Input process


Sales / Research and Develop departments

Order information

Identify and order raw materials

Purchasing department (PO number)

Material management


Materials delivered

Quality control department


Inventory Return to suppliers

Defective goods

- 42 -

Figure 12: The process linking the company with its customers


Release order

Sales / R&D Department

Production management Department

Identify requiring parts

Production Planning (PP)


Quality Department N


Y Products delivered

Customer Quality Department

Customer Inventory Return


- 43 -

Figure 13: Simplified depiction of output process








Delivery Rework

Customer IQC


Customer Warehouse Return

- 44 -

After UEE finishes making its products, it implements Finish Quality Control (FQC)

before delivery to customers. When customers receive a batch of products,

inspectors use the IQC procedure to check product quality. The measured product

values are then presented and compared with specification values. Normally, if an

inspected sample fails to meet the required standard, the batch of products will be

considered as failure.

Table 4: The classification of quality level for product quality.

Quality level Percentage of quality

A 100%

B 95%

C 90%

D Under 90%

Table 4 shows that the company has categorised product quality in four levels. The

quality level “A” means that the mask’s appearance is in good condition and that this

type of mask always sells at a good price. Level “B” mask are usually lower priced

than level “A”. Masks in this category have some minor defects but these defects will

not cause any price reduction. Level “C” masks have some serious quality and

appearance problems and the manufacturing department often reworks these

defective products. Level “D” masks have problems which cannot be repaired and

they are scrapped.

- 45 -

Figure 14: The process between purchase department and customers


Sales / R&D Department

Production management Department Inventory


Materials from suppliers





- 46 -

Figure 14 shows the internal relationships between materials and quality

departments. IQC (incoming quality control) checks the incoming items to ensure

their quality with design specifications. They randomly pick the raw materials to

check from every lot. Once they find any defective items, they stop the lot entering

and warn the supplier of the bad quality materials. In situations where the

production schedule is tight, the UEE informs the customer about the bad lot of

materials and asks for permission to accept the bad lot and start manufacturing. The

permission document requested from the customer commits the customer to

accept the final products whether the quality is good or not.

PQC (processing quality control) works with production. They select every end

product of a day to inspect and record any quality related issues. PQC employees

also play the role of supervisor in production processes.

FQC (finally quality control) is the last door to make sure the UEE is delivering

quality products to its customers. They check only three products out of a batch and

record the specifications and then submit it to their customer. It is a serious problem

if FQC detects any non-conforming products from those three.

Figure 15 displays the whole process in which the company receives the order from

its customers, manufactures the products and the customers accept those products.

- 47 -

Figure 15: The whole production process for the mask company


Produce information (PO no.)

Sales / Research & Develop departments

Identify and require materials

Production management department

Production plan


Quality department

Reworking / sorting


Products delivered

Customer Quality Department

Customer Inventory Return



- 48 -

Figure 16 illustrates the production of masks. Most masks have similar processes;

however, cup mask are made with a different process. To begin with, the raw

materials should be feed in the mask blank masking machine. After this, the

materials are turned into semi-finished products.

The workers inspect these products. If they are in good condition, the employees

put those semi- finished products into the mask ear-loop welding machine. If they

are defective, the workers store them in the warehouse or scrap them. After the

mask ear-loop welding machine process, a member of staff will examine the masks

and pack good quality masks into a box or bag.

For defective products, the company has two different processes. One is to rework

them. The other is to sell them to different customers at reduced prices.

- 49 -

Figure 16: Process for manufacturing masks

Materials installation

Mask Blank Making Machine Processing

Mask Ear-loop Welding Machine processing

Semi-finished products

Finished products

Quality audit and control

Packing in box or bag



Store or scrap



Rework or sale

- 50 -

3.4 Quality control in UEE

3.4.1 Quality control issues

The United Excel Enterprise Corporation’s products are based on customer’s

requirements. Each customer has different needs. For example, the Taiwan Semi-

conductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (TSMC) wants its employees to wear very

comfortable masks which do not slip off their faces because they wear the mask all

the time in the cleaning room.

Therefore, the United Excel Enterprise Corporation’s research and development

(R&D) department communicated with TSMC’s departments and employees. They

decided to use tie-back cord style masks. Another example is a medical company in

Japan which wanted to protect their employees from ninety-five percent of viruses

and so it needs high quality protection. The masks made for this company are made

of high quality active carbon materials.

Different customers have different requirements and the company has to satisfy

them. For this reason, the company experiences the following major problems

related to the product quality:

Raw materials consistency. Each customer requires different materials’

weight and stretch and so on. The company needs to have a good

communication with suppliers and request them to provide materials with

consistent quality.

Machine fluency. Since different materials have different features and

steps, mask manufacturing machines sometimes cannot adapt to those

materials. Machines need to operate for a short time and the worker

needs to adjust raw materials which could make them suitable for

machine operation.

- 51 -

Operator training. In the factories, there are different production lines to

produce masks. For diversities of work, each worker needs to learn

different types of inspection and packaging. They need to have few weeks

of training.

Defective goods. There are several timings that can sieve out the

production of damaged goods during the manufacturing procedure. Firstly,

operators may manufacture defective masks in the production of semi-

finished goods. Secondly the quality controller may find damaged goods in

the finished masks. They also can discover the imperfect goods in other


Productivity achievement. Due to inappropriate operation of machines, or

employees’ inefficiency the production of finished goods may not reach

the required standard.

At present, the company has a quality control department which is very large and

important. Quality control is also the one of the important requirements for

satisfying customer. However, current quality control systems cannot always ensure

goods which meet the customers’ requirements. Because the United Excel

Enterprise Corporation produce masks based on customers’ requirements, the

products must pass specific examinations. Normally, quality control has four

inspections: IQC (In-coming quality control), PQC (Process quality control), FQC

(Final quality control) and OQC (Out-coming quality control). Total inspection (100%

inspection) and random inspection are also used in this company.

The research and development department of United Excel Enterprise Corporation

designs and develops suitable masks for its customers. There is much variability

which the UEE and its customers consider like working area, ventilation and

absorbency. Before the factory manufactures masks, it determines the raw materials

weight. Each raw material has a different density, and different filtration and

- 52 -

sterilisation properties. These variations influence the mask manufacturing process.

The company spends about three to four months in researching and designing new

masks before production begins.

For this reason, the raw materials are the key factor in the quality control of the

mask industry. The manufacturing department of United Excel Enterprise

Corporation asks the suppliers to provide raw materials with the same weight as the

materials used in developing the product. However, sometimes the contractors

supply the wrong materials. This mistake will result in defective goods.

The quality control department of UEE usually ask each supplier to provide test

reports of its raw materials quality. These test reports need to be from a certified

authority. Suppliers must provide these test reports each year. Moreover, the quality

control department also requests providers to supply high quality products and they

must sign a work contract and basic ordering agreement. The contract specifies that

the suppliers use total inspection for their whole manufacturing process and that

they should provide zero defective raw materials to the United Excel Enterprise


When the raw materials are delivered to the United Excel Enterprise Corporation’s

warehouse, the quality control department conducts an IQC (In-coming quality

control) inspection. In this stage, the company uses random inspections, machine

validation and sight checks. The raw material validity check is to inspect weight,

tensile strength, weld and calliper. Random examinations have potential risks;

however, the probability of not detecting defects is very small. After this inspection,

the company accepts those raw materials which pass examination.

Sometimes the manufacturers would not sift the masks from defective raw

materials during the process because the inspection is random. However, the quality

control department in the United Excel Enterprise Corporation would reject those

raw materials and return the whole batch to the suppliers once the manager

- 53 -

discovers defective raw materials. It is inasmuch as If the company did not reject

those defective materials, the production line would process some defective semi-

finished goods.

The manufacturing department of United Excel Enterprise Corporation requisitions

materials before manufacturing masks. During the process, each working station’s

operator has to check the quality of masks. These are PQC (Process quality control)

and FQC (Final quality control). However, sometimes the worker fails to check the

quality. As a result, the customers may request the company to indemnify or reduce

the price.

- 54 -

Chapter 4 Root causes of quality problems in case organisation

4.1 Introduction

This research uses a modified version of the DMAIC method of the Six Sigma

technique. The first step of the Six Sigma technique is to define and discover the

critical problems. When the company determines problems or root causes of the

problems, the project team should analyse the data and consider the possible

solutions (Brady & Allen, 2006; Liu, 2006).

In this chapter, root causes of the quality problems in the case organisation are

analysed, The production data will be presented by utilising a particular software

package (Minitab, 2011).Figure 17 shows the methods followed to identify root

causes of quality problems. This also represents the relationship between the

research question and the theory presented.

- 55 -

Figure 17: Theoretical Model for this thesis

- 56 -

4.2 Survey of UEE management and employees

To identify the root causes of the quality problems at UEE, management and

employees of the company were interviewed using a semi structured questionnaire

presented in appendix C. Archive data was also analysed to determine the causes of

the quality problems. Results of the interviews are summarised below:

There are some possible causes which could lead to the company manufacture the

defective products. Moreover, there are some probable solutions to solve those


The suppliers may provide defective raw materials. Masks are made at

different levels of non-woven fabrics, which vary from polypropylene non-

woven (PP non-woven), melt-blown non-woven, fibber non-woven, and

spun-bonding non-woven and active carbon fibber. Those raw materials have

different basic weight, stretch, softness, strength, washability, density and

sterility and so on. Those possible elements would cause the suppliers

provides the defective raw materials for the company. In the IQC (incoming

quality control) procedure, those factors are not simple to discover by

random inspection. The better solution of this situation is to request the

suppliers provide the quality report of raw materials for each batch.

Moreover, the quality control of the UEE Company should have a good

communication and supervision to the manufacturing department of

supplier’s company.

The manufacturing department adjusted the machines. Each product has

their setting and design requirements. The employees who are working in

the maintenance department may set the incorrect product’s information for

the machines. Moreover, the workers would need to adjust the product’s

information for many times. This situation might produce defective masks

and those masks cannot be repaired.

- 57 -

Wrong product size: Sometimes the workers, who are working in the

production of semi-finished goods station, are providing the oversize or

small sized semi-finished masks to the next work station or storage. The

masks have their specification, for example, the adult’s size is approximately

90cm*25cm and the children’s size is around 45cmX25cm. If the mask is

oversize or small size, the machine could not properly manufacture the

perfect masks for the customers. This is one of the major reasons for

producing the defective masks.

The workers who are working in the manufacturing department may not

concentrate on the works for long hours. Sometimes the employees might

have worked for over 8 hours per day and they did not take a good relax in

their holidays. Due to this situation, the workers might feel tired and they

could not focus on the manufacturing the masks.

Another situation is that sometimes the employees will chat with other

workers when they are manufacturing the products. Because of this situation,

the workers might accumulate many masks in the working station and they

do not have adequate time for inspection the semi-finished and finished

goods. When the workers have those masks on the table, they do not check

clearly for each mask and they will pass those masks to package into the box.

The employees are not trained adequately: In the factories, there are

different production lines to produce customers’ masks. Each worker has to

learn different type of inspection and package. They need have a few weeks

to train and teach. The company usually train the new employees for about

one month before they start working in the working environment. In this

training, the company just tell the new workers the rules and inspection

methodology. After that, the company will arrange the proper job for those

workers and request them to do which they had learnt before. The company

do not have training after this initial training.

- 58 -

The inspection method also has problems. When the raw materials are

delivered to the United Excel Enterprise Corporation’s (UEE) warehouse, the

quality control department adopts the IQC (In-coming quality control)

inspection. In this stage, the company will use random inspection, machine

validation and sight check. The raw material of validity checking is to inspect

the weight, tensile strength, weld and calliper etc. For the incoming products,

the quality control department is utilizing the random inspection. They will

select randomly for each batch of raw materials. For the PQC (Process quality

control), the workers are implementing the total examination. In this process,

they just use simple visual check that checks the colour, size and appearance

and so on.

The machine problems. Sometimes the workers will increase the speed for

increasing the production rate. Each machine has their setting for production

rate. If the machine undergo over speeding, the machine might create some

problems. For instant, the speed of packaging machine is around 80 pieces

per minute. If the machine is over speeding, the machine will produce

defective goods. The company recommend the workers should not over

speed the machine and maintain the same speed for producing the products.

4.3 Use of six sigma tools to identify causes of quality problems

The UEE Company purchases raw items such as types of non-woven materials, wire

and mask cords from suppliers. After the IQC, manager distributes those raw

materials to the production line and workers collect them. After production is

completed, inspector’s measure values to ensure quality and then employees

deliver the product to customers.

When the employees collect the data from the quality control department, a team

member analyses those information. In the collection of the data, there are some

possible problems. This is shown in Figure 18.

- 59 -

4.3.1 Cause and effect diagram

During these processes, every stage involves some potential for non-conforming

results. In order to find out the root causes of problems, a number of factors should

be taken into consideration. The analysis comprises four sections: worker, machine,

method and material.

1) Manpower

Assembly procedure variation: Workers assemble parts in the masks

machine. Although every worker follows the same assembly procedure,

variations generally occur. Work experience, work training, and even a

worker’s mood affect the quality of the final product. For example,

operators may put the wrong input value into the machine program to

calibrate the rotation of screws or screw harder than other workers.

Delivery: Raw materials or finished products are delivered to storage by

staff. In the process materials or products might be damaged because of


2) Machine

Lifespan: every machine has its own lifespan. Older machines are more

likely produce defective products. Therefore, the implementation of

repair, regular maintenance and inspection is an important issue.

- 60 -

Figure 18: Fishbone diagram for identifying defective products.

Machine Manpower



Worker Experience

Measuring Method

Supplier delivery

Supplier produce

Worker Training

Daily work hours




Maintenance method/assembly

Material Inventory

Method Material


Measuring Device

- 61 -

3) Method

Measuring methods: Measuring methods might be different between

UEE Corporation and it’s suppliers and customers. For instance, the IQC

(Incoming Quality Control) of UEE measures raw material quality and

UEE requests quality reports from the suppliers. The FQC (Finally

Quality Control) of UEE measures overall appearance of products before

delivery. Although employees confirm that the products meet the

specifications, the customer’s IQC might report non-conforming results.

The situation can be attributed to different measuring methods.

Moreover, the PQC (Processing Quality Control) in the company is still

implementing the same inspection method which is total examination.

4) Material

Material storage: UEE receives raw materials from suppliers and stores

them in its warehouse. During the storage period, raw materials may


Raw material specification: The IQC of UEE inspects raw materials to

check if they meet the company’s standards. Even if the raw materials

from the supplier meet the specifications, the values may be close to

the borderline of upper control limit (UCL) and lower control limit (LCL).

In such cases, after production, final products may be measured as


4.3.2 Pareto chart

The Pareto principle states that the eighty per cent (80%) of effects comes from the

twenty per cent (20%) of the causes. A Pareto chart could help the company

understand the issues which contribute most to the problematic products or

processes (Stuart, et al., 1996). A team member can create a Pareto chart based on

a group brainstorming and an analysis of the collected data. Using this chart, the

team members can try to resolve the potential issues.

- 62 -

In Figure 19, the Pareto chart illustrates that problems regarding raw materials

(23%), semifinished goods (20%), machine problems (13%), speed problems (10%),

chatting (10%) and inspection method (10%) are the main causes of rejection of the

defective masks and the company should focus on these categories for problem


These findings are based on collected data and opinion of thirty employees’ in the

company. As can be seen, there are eight categories of defect quality causes, namely,

raw material problems, semi-finished products problems, machine problems, speed

problem, operators chat with each other, inspection method, employees less

training and adjustment machine.

Figure 19: A Pareto chart of the main causes of defects

defect of




defect of





















23.33 20.00 13.33 10.00 10.00 10.00 6.67 6.67

% 23.33 43.33 56.67 66.67 76.67 86.67 93.33 100.00












- 63 -

4.4 Production data analysis

In July of 2009, the UEE worked 12 hours per day on weekdays and eight hours per

day on weekends. The UEE Company executed total inspection during this time. The

manufacturing department manufactured two types of products – semi-finished

goods and finished goods. That is, an operator will first put the raw material into the

Mask Blank Machine, and the machine then will combine and roll with the whole

materials after the first procedure. In the meanwhile, the machine will produce

masks into the designated flat pattern which are the manufacturers’ requirements.

The products manufactured in this procedure is so-called the semi-finished goods.

However, these semi-finished goods are incomplete masks during the entire mask

manufacturing procedure, and they need further work to be done on them at a later

stage. As a result of incomplete masks, the second procedure of manufactured

goods is designed by using other machine. To manufacture the complete and

standard goods based on specimen of the masks, the workers need to put those

semi-finished goods into the Mask Ear-Loop Welding Machine with necessary raw

materials in processing the final manufactured product. Ultimately, those complete

goods which are manufactured in the second procedure are termed as “finished

goods” in manufacturing industry.

Tables 6 and 7 show the number of finished and semifinished goods produced in

July 2009. Numbers of good and defective products are also presented in the tables.

In this research, the working days in this month were equivalent into six weeks

considering five-day working per week (including weekends). The weekly

productivity was calculated from data provided by the quality department as shown

in Tables 5 and 6.

In this month, the company manufactured around 500,100 finished masks.

Approximately 495,900 masks were accepted and 5,000 were defective.

- 64 -

Table 5: Weekly data for finished goods in July 2009

Week / July Finished goods Accepts Defects

1 77,265 76,359 906

2 88,241 87,093 1,148

3 76,640 75,758 882

4 76,674 76,125 549

5 81,409 80,464 945

6 100,699 100,048 651

Total 500,928 495,847 5,081

In summary, during this month, the number of finished masks in week 4 was only 26

more than in week 3. However, the number of defects in week 4 was significantly

lower compared with week 3. This difference could be related to problem caused by

machine and speed problems. These risks were mentioned before (Table 5).

Similarly, for the semifinished goods, there were 2,421,648 goods manufactured. Of

these, 2,367,565 were accepted and 54,083 were defects.

Table 6: Weekly data for semifinished goods in July 2009

Week / July Semifinished goods Accepts Defects

1 368,438 359,110 9,328

2 426,826 414,699 12,127

3 371,360 362,955 8,405

4 367,788 362,072 5,716

5 400,936 391,000 9,936

6 486,300 477,729 8,571

Total 2,421,648 2,367,565 54,083

- 65 -

With the availability of above data, this research recommends that UEE can use p

control chart, a c control chart or an np control chart to analyse its data. The p chart

provides information about the proportion of defective goods. In this type of chart,

the subgroups do not need to be of equal size. The np control chart is used to plot

the number of non-conforming units. The c control is used to determine the number

of defects. However, the subgroups have to be of equal size in the np and c charts.

To begin with, the value of p needs to be calculated.

The formula of calculating p is


In equation (2), d is the number of defective good for each sample and is the

number of manufactured products in that sample. Table 7 and Table 8 present p

values for the data presented in tables 5 and 6.

Table 7: The proportion of finished goods in July 2009

Week / July Finished goods Accepts Defects P value

1 77,265 76,359 906 0.0117

2 88,241 87,093 1,148 0.0130

3 76,640 75,758 882 0.0115

4 76,674 76,125 549 0.0072

5 81,409 80,464 945 0.0116

6 100,699 100,048 651 0.0065

Total 500,928 495,847 5,081

- 66 -

Table 8: The proportion of semifinished goods in July 2009

Week / July Semifinished goods Accepts Defects P value

1 368,438 359,110 9,328 0.0253

2 426,826 414,699 12,127 0.0284

3 371,360 362,955 8,405 0.0226

4 367,788 362,072 5,716 0.0155

5 400,936 391,000 9,936 0.0248

6 486,300 477,729 8,571 0.0176

Total 2,421,648 2,367,565 54,083

Table 7 presents the proportion of finished goods that were defective in July 2009.

The company produced the largest number of finished goods in week 6 and about

0.65 per cent was defective goods. The highest defective proportion of 1.3 precent

occurred in week 2 as seen in Table 8.

Similarly, Table 8 shows that more than one-third of the total semifinished goods in

July were manufactured in the last two weeks and the peak productivity was in

week 6. The average proportion of defective semifinished goods was higher than the

proportion of defective finished goods. For instance, the defective proportion for

semifinished goods (2.84 per cent) in week 2 was 1.55 per cent higher than that of

finished goods in the same week.

Following the calculation of p value, the CL (centre limit), UCL (upper centre limit)

and LCL (lower centre limit) had to be calculated for each day in July. The equations

for CL, UCL and LCL are:



- 67 -


The values of CL, UCL and LCL for finished goods and semifinished goods are shown

in Table 9 and Table 10. The quality control department then can minimise the

amount of defective goods by monitoring the weekly proportion of imperfection in

mask products via calculating the weekly statistics. As can be seen in Table 10 and

Table 11, those two tables demonstrate the weekly productivity of finished goods

(Table 9) and semi-finished goods (Table 10) and the scopes of acceptable quality

restriction by calculating the CL, UCL, and LCL in UEE in July 2009.

Table 9: The CL, UCL and LCL for finished goods in July 2009.

Week / July Finished goods CL UCL LCL

1 77,265 0.0101 0.0112 0.0091

2 88,241 0.0101 0.0112 0.0091

3 76,640 0.0101 0.0112 0.0091

4 76,674 0.0101 0.0112 0.0091

5 81,409 0.0101 0.0112 0.0091

6 100,699 0.0101 0.0111 0.0101

Total 500,928

- 68 -

Table 10: The CL, UCL and LCL for semifinished goods in July 2009.

Week / July Semifinished goods CL UCL LCL

1 368,428 0.0223 0.0231 0.0216

2 426,826 0.0223 0.0230 0.0217

3 371,360 0.0223 0.0231 0.0216

4 367,788 0.0223 0.0231 0.0216

5 400,936 0.0223 0.0230 0.0216

6 486,300 0.0223 0.0230 0.0217

Total 2,421,648

Figure 20: The p chart for finished goods in July 2009

Source: Analysis of research data in the case study

- 69 -

Generally Figure 20 and Figure 21 were generated from statistics found in Table 9

and Table 10. Figure 20 shows that all of the p results are beyond the control limits.

In weeks 1, 3 and 5, p values are above the upper control limit (p values are 0.0117

in week 1 and 0.0115 in week 3 and 0.0116 in week 5). Conversely, in weeks 4 and 6

p values are below the lower control limit. In short, the numbers of finished goods

seems to be unstable in the period.

Figure 21: The p chart for semifinished goods in July 2009

In Figure 21, the semi-finished goods chart shows that most of the p values are

outside the control limits. In week 2, 4 and 6 are beyond the control limit which the

p values are 0.0284 in week 2 and 0.0155 in week 4 and 0.0176 in week 6. The week

- 70 -

1 and 5 are above the upper control limit. Only week 3 is within the control limit

which the p value is 0.0226.

A summary of the data from July can be seen in Table 11 which shows the numbers

of finished and semifinished products in each week. In July, the manufacturing

department produced around 2,922,600 masks. Of those products, 2,863,412 were

acceptable and 59,164 were defective.

As can be seen in Table 11, in two weeks in July 2009 Company manufactured over

500,000 pieces of mask. During the experimental period, the week 6 was

highlighted as the manufacturing department produced the largest amount of

products (586,999 pieces of mask with the highest acceptable goods of 577,777

pieces of mask). On the contrary, week 2 had high performance of producing

515,067 pieces of mask. However, it also produced highest of defective products in

that week (13,275 pieces of mask).

- 71 -

Table 11: Summary of July production in 2009

Week Goods Accept Defect P value CL UCL LCL

1 445,703 435,469 10,234 0.0230 0.0202 0.0209 0.0196

2 515,067 501,792 13,275 0.0258 0.0202 0.0208 0.0197

3 448,000 438,713 9,287 0.0207 0.0202 0.0209 0.0196

4 444,462 438,197 6,265 0.0141 0.0202 0.0209 0.0196

5 482,345 471,464 10,881 0.0226 0.0202 0.0209 0.0196

6 586,999 577,777 9,222 0.0157 0.0202 0.0208 0.0197

Total 2,922,576 2,863,412 59,164

- 72 -

Figure 22: The P chart of total production in July 2009.

Figure 22, shows that in week 3 (p=0.0207) p was within the control limits. The

defective proportion in week 4 was below the lower control limit. Referring to Table

11, it can be seen that in week 4 the company produced around 6,265 defective

masks which is the lowest number in this month.

- 73 -

4.5 Conclusion

This chapter has discussed the systematic methodology followed to identify the root

causes of quality problems in a mask industry. The face to face interview of

management and shop floor employees was designed as a data collection method.

Production and archive data was also used for this purpose.

From the face to face interview and analysis of production data, possible root causes

of quality problem were identified. This research also utilized some techniques for

analysing the information.

There are various causes which could explain why this situation occurred. First of all,

the technique of the manufacturing department might be the reason. The goods

may be defective due to the inability to follow the predetermined method for

production. Another reason might be the manufacturing department. The

employees might use an incorrect inspection method or apply the wrong product

information for the machines.

The raw material quality might also be a cause. The quality control department may

accept defective raw materials from external suppliers. Finally, the purchase

department might purchase the wrong machine components. All these situations

can result in defective products.

United Excel Enterprise (UEE) Corporation, on average, manufactured approximately

487,000 pieces of mask weekly in the experimental period according to the tables

and figures shown within this chapter. However, the p value (p=0.0207) was within

the control limits only in week 3. That is to say, the quality control department in

UEE now is facing the issue of unstable quantity of output in products owing to

beyond the scope of defective goods.

- 74 -

Chapter 5 Improving quality using the Six Sigma technique

5.1 Empirical Findings

The DMAIC approach to the Six Sigma technique has five steps for process

improvement. In this chapter, the empirical findings will be discussed and analysed

using this theoretical framework and the analysis will be connected to the approach.

Empirical findings for this chapter follow the conceptual model shown in Figure 23.

This figure shows the clear connection between the data, the research question and

the theoretical model. This figure also shows that the analytical model is connected

to the empirical model.

- 75 -

Figure 23: Empirical Findings and Analysis

- 76 -

5.2 Step of implementation the Six Sigma technique

In this research, the Six Sigma technique has been first applied into a Mask Company.

There are five stages of implementation initiative for the Six Sigma technique which

are initialization, deployment, implementation, expandability and sustainability.

Figure 24: The lifecycle for implementing the Six Sigma technique

Source: Six Sigma Software Development

Figure 24 illustrates the lifecycle of the Six Sigma technique. First, an organisation

needs to initialize program for the Six Sigma technique by establishing objectives

and creating necessary facilities. Next, team members need to be assigned the jobs,

provided training and necessary resources

After that, the organisation should implement the selected tasks and improve



Implement Expand


- 77 -

quality performance. Following the successful implemented, the organisation needs

to expand the scope of initiative goals into new functional areas and others

additional organisation departments.

Figure 25: The Six Sigma deployment model

Source: Six Sigma Software Development

Opportunity & initial implementation

Management Champion & Excutive Leader

Strategic Plan

Project Selection

Master Black Belt, Black Belt selection

Green Belt selection

End of project & Continuous improvement

Awareness &


Coaching &


- 78 -

Figure 25 illustrates that the company obtains opportunity and selects the projects

for reducing the defective product rate, improving the product quality and

increasing the product performance. The executive leader and general manager

choose the Master Black Belt (MBB), Black Belt (BB) and Green Belt (GB).

5.3 The Six Sigma team in the United Excel Enterprise (UEE)


As this research discussed previously, the Six Sigma methodology is about tools,

techniques and statistics. However, the results of the Six Sigma approach depend on

the people applying the technique (Coleman, 2008; Shanmugam, 2007).

In this study, the Six Sigma technique was first introduced in the mask industry. This

technique is the first time utilised in the UEE Corporation. In order to implement the

Six Sigma technique successfully, the UEE Corporation firstly selected the team

members and they were five key players for the Six Sigma initiative. This team

included the following positions: Executive Leader, Champion, Master Black Belt

(MBB), Black Belt (BB) and Green Belt (GB) (Cheng, 2008; Hahn, Doganaksoy, &

Hoerl, 2007; Hilton, Balla, & Sohal, 2008).

In the first place, the key role of the “Executive Leader” was chosen by the CEO of

the UEE Corporation to decide on applying which types of Six Sigma technique and

promoting it throughout the UEE Corporation (Antony, et al., 2001). A

“Companion” , the senior level of general manager, was chosen to promote the

technique throughout the company and especially in functional groups. The

“Companion” in the UEE Corporation was required not only to understand the

discipline, strategies and tools of the Six Sigma technique but also to be able to

educate other employees about the tool and its implementation (Antony &

Banuelas Coronado, 2002; Barney & McCarty, 2002; Evans, 2004). The general

manager in the UEE Corporation was also required to ensure that the project was

selected aligns with the executive strategy and would be supported by the team

- 79 -

members. Furthermore, the general manager selected Black Belt (BB) employees to

identify the project area, and to establish clear goals for the UEE Corporation

(Barney & McCarty, 2002; Jones, et al., 2010; Moosa & Sajid, 2010).

The position of Master Black Belt (MBB) in the UEE Corporation recruited the person

who was an expert in the Six Sigma technique with the highest level of proficiency.

MBB was also required of cooperating with both the frontline working colleagues

and the outside experts engaging in introducing, training and supporting the

initiative Six Sigma technique in the UEE Corporation during the investigation. This

position in the organisation was taken by a department manager to serve as a

trainer, mentor and guide (Desai & Shrivastava, 2008; Franza & Chakravorty, 2007).

Furthermore, the Black Belt (BB) was chosen to conduct a team on selecting

projects either on a full time basis or part time based on the occasion. They worked

on defining, measuring, analysing, improving and controlling processes to reach the

targeting outcomes in the UEE Corporation. Black Belt in the organisation was

selected to solve problems within the Six Sigma framework and the person was

trained to be technical leaders in using tools and methods to improve quality

(Barney & McCarty, 2002; Tayntor, 2007).

Finally, Green Belts (GB) were chosen to assist the Black Belt (BB) in their functional

area in the UEE Corporation. They worked part time in this role and they usually

work in a limited and specific area during the researching period. They used Six

Sigma tools to examine and solve continuing problems within their regular jobs

(Costello, et al., 2005). Green Belts (GB) are full-time employees in the UEE

Corporation. They also helped the manager in the organisation collect information,

analyse data and do other important tasks for this team. They were the team

members with enough understanding of the Six Sigma technique so that they can

share the Sigma tools, their working experience, and basic knowledge for other

employees during the training (Jalali, Shafieezadeh, & Naiini, 2008; Xu, Sikdar, &

Gardner, 2006).

- 80 -

The leader in the UEE Corporation organised these five key players into the team of

Six Sigma and guided the team members to communicate with each other in the

cause of making the best decisions for the project of the company. All members

came from various functions in the UEE Corporation and they also worked part time

on the project. They are very familiar with the processes and they have attended

any training courses which related to the quality control area during the research.

The improvement phase was initiated into company by selecting the performance

characteristics from products or processes. These characteristics were improved to

achieve the goal. They started to select the objective of research project and

identify the critical few factors that caused the defects when the team members

went through the first four phases of the DMAIC process. Moreover, the purpose of

the control phase in the Six Sigma technique is to maintain the changes that the

team members make to some critical factors in order to continue the improvement

(Mach & Guaqueta, 2001). The team members are now ready to develop tests and

implement solutions and use a software package to improve the processes by

reducing the variations in the critical output variables after the investigation (Zhang

Wu & Shamsuzzaman, 2005; Zhang. Wu, Shamsuzzaman, & Wang, 2007; Xiao,

Huang, Qian, & Lou, 2007).

5.4 Results of case improvement

Six sigma was applied exactly after one year of initial investigation at UEE. The root

causes identified in Chapter 4 was addressed by the six sigma team. In July of 2010,

the United Excel Enterprise (UEE) Corporation worked for 12 hours per day in the

weekdays and 8 hours per day on the weekend. After the company implemented

the quality control tool, the manufacturing department made some changes to the

production process.

From Table 12 and Table 13, it can be seen that in July 2010, the company

manufactured around 501,000 finished masks. There were approximately 496,100

acceptable masks and 4,766 were defective masks. For the production of

- 81 -

semifinished goods, there were 2,420,538 goods manufactured with 2,369,465

acceptable and 51,073 defects.

Table 12: The finished goods after improvement in July 2010

Week / July Finished goods Accepts Defects

1 78,569 77,559 1,010

2 87,707 86,893 814

3 75,958 75,468 490

4 76,586 76,125 461

5 81,409 80,464 945

6 100,594 99,548 1,046

Total 500,823 496,057 4,766

Table 13: The semi finished goods after improvement in 2010.

Week / July Semifinished goods Accepts Defects

1 367,938, 359,010 8,928

2 426,826 416,699 10,127

3 371,360 362,955 8,405

4 367,788 362,072 5,716

5 400,826 391,000 9,826

6 485,800 477,729 8,071

Total 2,420,538 2,369,465 51,073

- 82 -

Table 12 represents the total amount of finished goods after the development of

quality control in July 2010. The production in week 6 had the highest performance

during the experimental period which produced over 100,000 pieces of finished

goods and the productivity was also higher than the average in July in 2010 referring

to the analysis in Table 12. In addition, within the experimental implementation

period, the week 6 was highlighted that the manufacturing department also

produced the largest amount of products for 99,548 pieces of acceptable mask but

with the maximum of defective goods of 1,046 pieces of mask. On the other hand,

the week 3 was manufacturing the lowest productivity in this month. The

production and acceptable mask in week 3 were approximate 24,600 pieces in

production and 24,000 pieces in acceptable masks less than the amount in week 6


Table 13 is similar to Table 12. Table 13 represents the total amount of semi-finished

goods after the development of quality control in July 2010. The manufacturer was

producing the products with maximum efficiency for 485,800 pieces of semi-

finished goods in week 6. In the same week, it also produced 477,729 pieces of

acceptable mask. On the contrary, notwithstanding the production in week 4 had

lowest performance of producing 367,788 pieces of semi-finished mask in July 2010,

it minimised the defective products dropping in 5,716 pieces of mask which was

obviously lower than the average of defective goods in July 2010.

- 83 -

Figure 26: The p values for finished goods after improvement.

Figure 26 demonstrates the curve of the finished goods data after the quality

control development in July 2010 based on the statistics in Table 13. As shown in

Figure 26, p values in weeks 2 and 6 were within the control limit (0.093 in week 2

and 0.0104 in week 6). Table 13, shows that week 6 produced the most defective

goods which was 1,046 masks.

Similarly, Figure 27 illustrates the curve of semi-finished products data after the

quality control development in July 2010 based on the statistics in Table 14. In week

4, for semi-finished goods less defective goods were produced than in other weeks.

In week 4, only 5,716 masks were manufactured. However, from Figure 27 it can be

seen that this week was far below the lower control limit.

- 84 -

Figure 27: The semi finished goods data after improvement.

To sum up the data, the summary of total production data after the Six Sigma

technique implemented in July 2010 is represented in Table 15. The manufacturing

department produced around 3 million pieces of mask for the company. Among

those masks, there were approximately 2.8 million satisfactory masks and 55,000

pieces of defective mask. The manufacturer was producing the maximum of

products for total 586,394 pieces of goods with the largest amount of acceptable

goods in approximate 577,300 pieces of mask. In comparison, the quality control

department also examined that the highest defective products was in week 2 in

10,941 pieces of mask.

Figure 28 illustrates the calculation of defective proportion for total production after

implementing the Six Sigma technique in July 2010. The result shows that the

defective proportion in week 1 was the highest (p=0.0223) during the experimental

- 85 -

month. On the contrary, the p value in week 4 (p=0.0139) was the lowest point and

producing the lowest total production (444,374 pieces of mask) within the smallest

defect products (6,177 pieces of mask) in this month referring to the analysis in

Table 14. Moreover, Figure 28 also points out that the week 4 and 6 were far below

the lower control limit.

Figure 28: The total goods after improvement

The result shows that in week 1 production capacity was high. After this week, the

operators were trying to reduce the capacity and adjust the machines. In the

following weeks, the capacities of the production lines decreased. However, the

defect rate also fell.

- 86 -

Table 14: Summary of production after improvement in July of 2010

Week Goods Accept Defect p CL UCL LCL

1 446,507 436,569 9,938 0.0223 0.0191 0.0197 0.0185

2 514,533 503,592 10,941 0.0213 0.0191 0.0197 0.0185

3 447,318 438,423 8,895 0.0199 0.0191 0.0197 0.0185

4 444,374 438,197 6,177 0.0139 0.0191 0.0197 0.0185

5 482,235 471,464 10,771 0.0223 0.0191 0.0197 0.0185

6 586,394 577,277 9,117 0.0155 0.0191 0.0197 0.0186

Total 2,921,361 2,865,522 55,839

- 87 -

Table 15: Comparison of total goods data

Week (July)

Pre-test (2009)

Post-test (2010)


1 445,703 446,507 -804

2 515,067 514,533 534

3 448,000 447,318 682

4 444,462 444,374 88

5 482.345 482,235 110

6 586,999 586,394 605

Total 2,922,576 2,921,361 1,215

Table 15 is the comparison of the total amount of goods between pre-test and post-

test experimental group design. The outcome in this table presents the difference in

capacity between pre-test and post-test by manipulating the Six Sigma technique in

mask manufacturing industry. These results seem to suggest that there was a

negative effort due to using the Six Sigma technique. Productivity was 1,215 pieces

lower after the improvement in technique.

In particular, the lowest production during the research period was in week 3, in

which total production fell by 682, as can be seen in Table 16. In addition, only the

first week in the post-test experimental period manufactured 804 pieces more than

same period in pre-test experimental period (2009). The smallest difference in

capacity between the period of time was only 88 pieces in week 4.

The finding was surprisingly different with respect to overall production (Table 16).

Table 16 however expatiated on the comparison of the experimental results in the

case study with detailed statistics consisting of accepted goods and defected goods.

This table compares total goods production for the same period but in different year.

The number of defective semi-finished and finished goods decreased by 3,325

pieces of mask (from 59,164 down to 55,839) after the use of the Six Sigma

technique. In comparison with the significant reduction in defective goods, the

- 88 -

company manufactured only 2,080 pieces more acceptable goods than before which

was from 2,863,412 up to 2,865,522 pieces of mask.

Table 16: The comparison for the case study.


Pre-test (July 2009) Post-test (July 2010)

Accept Defect Total Accept Defect Total

Semi-finished goods

2,367,565 54,083 2,421,648 2,369,465 51,073 2,420,538

Finished goods

495,847 5,081 500,928 496,057 4,766 500,823

Total of produce

2,863,412 59,164 2,922,576 2,865,522 55,839 2,921,361

- 89 -

5.5 Summary

This chapter has discussed the data analysis for this research. To investigate the

influence of the Six Sigma technique, this research used a longitudinal study to

collect the data before and after the change in approach at more than one point in

time. The data were collected in the same month in two successive years (July in

2009 and 2010).

The result of implemented the Six Sigma technique illustrated that the defective

goods rate and total mask production capacity had slightly reduced. and the total

acceptable production rate had increased.

To sum up, the total production via the Six Sigma technique in July 2010 was 1,215

pieces less than same period in 2009 with an increase in the number of acceptable

goods and a decrease in the number of defective goods.

The Six Sigma technique is a continuous improvement (CI) strategy for controlling

the quality system. The limitation in this research is that the time frame in

implemented the Six Sigma technique was only one month.

As a consequence, the results show that using the Six Sigma technique had a

positive impact on the total goods production, and therefore, company needs to

spend more time on conducting and adjusting the Six Sigma technique.

- 90 -

Chapter 6 Conclusion

The Six Sigma technique was practised with the case study and the result was

analysed in the previous chapter. This chapter, which is also the final chapter, will

summarise and discuss the conclusions and the limitations for the future research.

Section 6.1 will summarise the overall performance by utilising the Six Sigma

technique in the United Excel Enterprise Corporation (UEE) referring to the main

research problem and research questions. Section 6.2 and 6.3 will describe the

conclusions about the research questions and main problem; moreover, evaluate

the performance in the mask industry in Section 6.4. Eventually, limitations in the

research will be expounded in Section 6.5 and Section 6.6 will consider the further

research area for future research.

6.1 Summary of the research

In this research, the process of quality control improvement was explored in mask

manufacturing industry by using the Six Sigma technique involving the group

activities, data analysis, and specialist knowledge and training courses. The five

steps DMAIC approach was selected as the Six Sigma technique in this thesis which

consists of define (D), measure (M), analyse (A), improve (I), and control (C).

In the DMAIC approach of the Six Sigma technique, there are some techniques and

tools which are excellent in identifying and classifying the quality problems within

the group activities. For instance, the 5W2H (why, what, where, who, how and how

many), Pareto chart, cause and effect diagram, and control charts were conducted

with the case in this research.

The Six Sigma technique was firstly introduced in 1980’s and it has been a

remarkable technique to improve the quality in manufacturing industries. Chau, Liu

and Ip’s (2009) defined that the Total Quality Management (TQM) is a system for

implementing and managing quality improvement activities on an organisation-wide

- 91 -

basis and the concept of TQM was established in manufacturing industries since

early 1980s. However, recent literature shows that mask industry do not really

utilise the Six Sigma technique for improving the quality of products. Hence, the Six

Sigma technique was first time introduced and applied into the mask industry in this


The United Excel Enterprise Corporation (UEE) was chosen as a case to study for this

research. This mask company uses the traditional quality control techniques of total

inspection and random inspection for IQC (Incoming Quality Control), PQC

(Processing Quality Control) and FQC (Finally Quality Control) to determine the

problem and process characteristics in the quality control department of the


This research mapped the current supplier processes, manufacturing processes and

delivery processes from the UEE Corporation. To understand and present those

three processes in mask industry, the flowchart was utilised as a mapping tool to

provide an idea about the current processes in this research.

Analysis of the data revealed that there are some possible root causes which could

lead to defective goods. Raw material quality and inspection methods were found to

be the main root causes for providing defective products. The quality control

department has difficulty for measuring and examining the whole materials.

The production data was collected through the company’s manufacturing and

quality control departments. The employees and managers from this company were

also interviewed.

In the recent time, there is about 95% of the masks produced by the UEE Company

are rated as being of an acceptable standard. This means that the quality control

level is around the five sigma level.

- 92 -

Table 17: Summary of results in the case

Pre-test Post-test Result

Semi-finished goods in July 2009 and 2010

Accept 2,367,565 2,369,465 Increase

(1,900 pieces)

Defect 54,083 51,073 Decrease

(3,010 pieces)

Finished goods in July 2009 and 2010

Accept 495,847 496,057 Increase

(210 pieces)

Defect 5,081 4,766 Decrease

(315 pieces)

Table 17 summarises the difference between acceptable goods and defective goods

in semi-finished and finished products in July 2009 and 2010. As can be seen from

above table, the capacity of acceptable products in semi-finished goods and finished

goods were increased after implementing the Six Sigma technique. In addition to

that, the total amounts of defective goods were decreased during the post-test

experimental periods. The results of the research appear to illustrate that the Six

Sigma technique has the positive effect on improving quality control in mask

manufacturing industry.

In particular, the number of semi-finished acceptable goods was increased by 1,900

pieces where the finished acceptable goods was increased by only 210 pieces.

This technique is not currently the chosen method of quality control in the mask

industry. After implementation the Six Sigma technique into mask industry, the team

showed some improvements regarding total production, defective rate and

acceptable rate. In this research the time frame was only one month. More time is

needed to assess the results of implementing the Six Sigma technique in this

industry. Eventually, company needs to concentrate on employee training period

and training budget. The Six Sigma technique is a continuous improvement tool that

- 93 -

will help industries to provide high quality products and increase process reliability.

6.2 Conclusions about research questions

In order to have a better understanding about the research process and problem,

the four major research questions were generalised in this research in Section 1.2.

This section will summarise the findings according to the investigation this time for

each research questions with the case study in this research.

Research question 1: What is the quality control (QC) process in a mask company?

Generally speaking, the term “quality control process” in mask industry is defined as

a procedure to ensure that the entire quality of manufactured masks are all reach

the requirement of the customers (Schilling & Neubauer, 2009; Webber & Wallace,

2007). To accomplish their requirement successfully, the quality control process in

the United Excel Enterprise (UEE) Corporation is divided into three procedures

consisting of the Incoming Quality Control (IQC), Processing Quality Control (PQC),

and Finally Quality Control (FQC) (Gustavsson & Wanstrom, 2009; Ramlan, Ahmad,

& Kellyn, 2009).

First of all, the Incoming Quality Control (IQC) inspects the whole incoming raw

materials to ensure the quality being consistent with design specifications from

suppliers, such as from Kang Na Hsiung Enterprise Corporation (Kang Na Hsiung

Enterprise Co. Ltd. - Nonwoven, 2011) before the assembly process starts. The

Process Quality Control (PQC), then, is conducted to detect any potential problems

which may arise the quality issues during the assembly process. PQC works in whole

production and records the number of defective products (Schilling & Neubauer,

2009). The Finally Quality Control (FQC) is the final procedure before the masks ship

to the customers and it is applied to ensure the final shipment is defect-free after

the manufacturing process (Gustavsson & Wanstrom, 2009; Nicolay et al., 2011).

The products in the United Excel Enterprise (UEE) Corporation are designed by

- 94 -

customers’ requirements. To satisfy every single customer and its requirement, the

company, therefore, has abundant experience in resolving the issues regarding to

the quality control. For instance, the issues about raw materials consistency, the

machine fluency, operator training, and so on. The detailed explanation was early

discussed in Section 3.3 in this thesis.

Research question 2: What are the possible root causes of defective products?

According to the findings in this thesis, the eight issues were concluded as the

possible root causes resulting in defective products in mask industry as follows and

was elaborated in Section 4.2:

The suppliers may provide defective raw materials to company.

The manufacturing department adjusted the machines.

Wrong product size.

The workers who are working in the manufacturing department may not

concentrate on the works for long hours.

Another situation is that sometimes the employees will chat with other

workers when they are manufacturing the products.

The employees are not trained adequately.

The inspection method also has problems.

The machine problems.

Research question 3: How could these root causes be addressed?

According to Gustavsson and Wanstrom (2009) point of view, those root causes in

the mask industry could be noticed from the four perspectives involving employees,

machine, method, and material. Those four perspectives were expounded with the

case study in Section 4.3.

These findings are based on collected data and opinion of thirty employees’ in the

company. As can be seen, there are eight categories of defect quality causes, namely,

- 95 -

raw material problems, semi-finished products problems, machine problems, speed

problem, operators chat with each other, inspection method, employees less

training and adjustment machine.

Research question 4: What quality control tools and software packages are used in

the mask industry?

The five tools were mainly utilised to assist in monitoring the products during the

procedure for controlling the quality in the mask industry which are Flow Chart,

Histogram, Pareto Diagrams, Cause and Effect Diagrams, and Control Chart.

In the first place, the Flow Chart is necessary for obtaining an in-depth

understanding of a process (Rao, et al., 1996). It is shows all the steps or stages in a

process, project or sequence of events and it is of considerable assistance in

documenting and describing a process as an aid to understand the examination and

improvement (Stevenson, 2005).

Secondly, the Histogram is known as frequency diagrams. The reason for collecting

the information is to research the main data for each possible cause of an event and

to identify the differences between them (Stevenson, 2005).

The Pareto Diagrams, then, is used focusing on root causes in mask industry. The

significance of Pareto chart is to calculate the important factors or majority of

influences in the research outcomes. The most root causes have been occupied

around eighty percentages. This is called “80-20 Principle”. According to the 80-20

principle, 80 per cent of effects are due to 20 per cent of causes. (Stevenson, 2005;

Tiwary, 2008).

Cause and Effect Diagrams is to explain the relationships between primary and the

secondary factors and quality characteristics (Besterfield, 2008). The final tools is

Control Chart. It presents data for the performance of one actual product

characteristic and compares current process capability with previous capability (K.

- 96 -

Chen, et al., 2007; Chen, et al., 2009). The detailed explanation was early discussed

in Section 2.5 in this thesis.

6.3 Conclusions regarding the research problem

The purpose of this section is to summarise the results relating to the initial

research problem in Chapter 1 which was:

Is the Six Sigma technique an appropriate quality control methodology to improve

the entire performance in the mask industry?

To recapitulate, the findings in the case study could conclude that the Six Sigma

technique is an appropriate and ideal quality strategy in managing the overall

organisational performance for mask industry as the technique is a statistical

process control and data driven approach and is highlighted the quality is the fewest

number of defects, which must be removed as much as possible.

The Six Sigma technique was first introduced into the UEE Corporation in 2010.

Firstly, the UEE Corporation organised one Six Sigma team with the five major

positions during the preparatory work in 2009. This team included the following

positions: Executive Leader, Champion, Master Black Belt (MBB), Black Belt (BB) and

Green Belt (GB) (Cheng, 2008; Hahn, et al., 2007; Hilton, et al., 2008).

In short, the key role of the “Executive Leader” was chosen by the CEO of the UEE

Corporation to decide on applying which types of Six Sigma technique and

promoting it throughout the UEE Corporation (Antony, et al., 2001). The

“Companion” in the UEE Corporation was required not only to understand the

discipline, strategies and tools of the Six Sigma technique but also to be able to

educate other employees about the tool and its implementation (Antony &

Banuelas Coronado, 2002; Barney & McCarty, 2002; Evans, 2004).

The position of Master Black Belt (MBB) in the UEE Corporation recruited the person

who was an expert in the Six Sigma technique with the highest level of proficiency.

- 97 -

MBB in the organisation was taken by a department manager to serve as a trainer,

mentor and guide (Desai & Shrivastava, 2008; Franza & Chakravorty, 2007).

Furthermore, the Black Belt (BB) was chosen to conduct a team on selecting

projects either on a full time basis or part time based on the occasion. Black Belt in

the organisation was selected to solve problems within the Six Sigma framework

and the person was trained to be technical leaders in using tools and methods to

improve quality (Barney & McCarty, 2002; Tayntor, 2007).

Finally, Green Belts (GB) were chosen to assist the Black Belt (BB) in their functional

area in the UEE Corporation. They not only used Six Sigma tools to examine and

solve continuing problems within their regular jobs (Costello, et al., 2005) but also

helped the manager in the organisation collect information, analyse data and do

other important tasks for this team in the organisation.

Those five members all came from various functions in the UEE Corporation and

they also worked part time on the project. They are very familiar with the processes

and they have attended any training courses which related to the quality control

area during the research.

The improvement phase was initiated into company by selecting the performance

characteristics from products or processes since the use of Six Sigma technique.

These characteristics were improved to achieve the goal. Employees started to

select the objective of research project and identify the critical few factors that

caused the defects when the team members went through the first four phases of

the DMAIC process. The team members are now ready to develop tests and

implement solutions and use a software package to improve the processes by

reducing the variations in the critical output variables after the investigation (Zhang

Wu & Shamsuzzaman, 2005; Zhang. Wu, et al., 2007; Xiao, et al., 2007). The results

also revealed that this technique had a positive impact on the overall production

with reducing the rate of defective goods and increasing the productivity of

acceptable masks after utilising the Six Sigma technique.

- 98 -

6.4 Research evaluation for the mask industry

In this research, the Six Sigma technique has been investigated, modified and

applied to the mask industry. The Six Sigma technique is a continuous improvement

tool that can help the mask industry to control the activities of production and

improve quality (Cantrell, 1992; Tayntor, 2007).

Before implementation of the Six Sigma technique, aspects of the technique were

explained. This included a description of the roles of Green Belts (GB), Black Belts

(BB), Master Black Belts (MBB) and Champions. A manufacturing company should

select at least five employees as the members of a Six Sigma team. Those members

should understand their working areas, share their working experiences and have

backgrounds in quality control (Adams, et al., 2003; Chakravorty, 2009).

After the technique was applied in the company, the defective rate decreased. To

control the activities involved in the production process, including the acquisition of

raw materials from suppliers, the mask industry should focus on communication

between suppliers and purchase department employees.

Collaboration between departments is essential for achieving the overall goal of the

organisation. If a mask industry is well managed, the implementation the Six Sigma

technique result in the following benefits (Chau, et al., 2009; Coleman, et al., 2001;

Dale, 2002):

It can reduce the number of defects and returned goods.

It can increase the company profits and reputation.

It can decrease the variations in materials or manpower.

It can improve the customer satisfaction.

The company could enhance its production capacity and the quality if its


It could also increase its products’ reliability.

- 99 -

6.5 Research limitations

There are a number of limitations that need to be identified and addressed within

this research. Firstly, this research comprised of both theoretical and practical

perspectives with the case study analysis. The longitudinal study(Cavana, et al.,

2001) was conducted to explore the phenomena at more than one point in time in

order to answer the research questions in this thesis. However, the short research

period was a prime issue as it is difficult to explore and resolve the defined

problems in this research within the short period of time.

There are many companies have achieved remarkable success in manufacturing

adopting Six Sigma technique in the business world. It is because the Six Sigma

technique would take around five years to examine and evaluate any significant

improvement of implementing the technique since an initial assurance has been

made under the normal circumstances, Therefore, it was not enough as the Six

Sigma technique has been utilised in the company for approximately one to two


Secondly, difficulty in gathering the complete data from the United Excel Enterprise

Corporation was another limitation in this research. The company is located in four

locations and therefore, it increased the difficulty to obtain the prompt information

and data from the site of that company.

Finally, the research budget was a limitation for this research. To investigate and

implement the Six Sigma technique and statistical software involves large budget for

any industry. The initial institutionalisation of Six Sigma technique into the

corporation would be a significant investment This cost might discourage many

enterprises to introduce, develop and implement this technique.

Moreover, the Six Sigma technique consists of numerous preparations for

developing the quality control in organisations. The preparations are namely the

training courses, the counselling an advisory counsellor company, and so forth. The

- 100 -

complexity of preparation for Six Sigma technique therefore leads to a costly

expenditure for manufacturers. Considering the expenditure for applying the Six

Sigma technique in the organisation, it is unaffordable for small or medium

businesses to sponsor their employees wholeheartedly participating in the training

course of the Six Sigma technique without taking their job responsibility.

6.6 Recommendation and future research

The DMAIC approach of the Six Sigma technique is a technique of continuous

improvement in quality improvement. The present research investigated the use of

the Six Sigma technique in the mask industry. Based on this thesis, future research

for this industry could be done in a few areas such as budget plan, quality control

tool and manufacturing managements.

The company needs to allocate budget for training courses for its employees. In

early days the Six Sigma program, the key players will need some training about the

technique and specialist roles.

The techniques such as brainstorming sessions and nominal group techniques must

not be overlooked. Particularly, the transfer of expert knowledge from individuals to

teams through socialization practices in the Six Sigma team increases their

performance levels significantly. The managers should not only be trained in

complicated analytical techniques but should also increase their expertise in

practices for generating ideas and encouraging team members to share their


The major purpose of the Six Sigma technique is to reduce waste and costs. It can

also improve product quality and improve the company’s reputation. In recent

decades, lean manufacturing has become popular in many industries. Practitioners

have developed “Lean Six Sigma” technique, based on the Six Sigma technique

(Breyfogle, 2010). The goals of lean manufacturing and the Six Sigma technique are

to reduce waste, increase capacity and improve the company’s reputation (Gubata,

- 101 -

2008; Pojasek, 2003; Roth & Franchetti, 2010; Sharma, 2003).

Moreover, the Six Sigma technique and lean manufacturing are related and share

the same general foundations in terms of their aim of achieving customer

satisfaction (Breyfogle, 2010). Their integration is both possible and beneficial. It

would be good opportunity to implement Lean six sigma in mask industry.

There is more scope for improvement in moving towards cost reduction, increased

product reliability, a minimisation of risks, and transparency of supplier costs and

quality and enhanced efficiency of sourcing processes.

- 102 -


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- 113 -

Appendix A - The Symbol of Mask Production

Process symbol Name of process Control and check items


Inspection of raw material

Name, specifications and quantity


Storage Raw material storage management


Material requisition Process work sheet


Put materials on the machine

Confirmation before operation


Operation Appearance, size and thickness


inspection Tensile strength and weld


Semi-finish goods in storage or bank

Quantity and coordination


Process the semi-finish goods on the machines

Size, tensile strength and mask direction


Examination Weld and size


Aseptic package Quantity and packaging


Bank or warehouse Stamp in the box


Warehouse Storage management

- 114 -


Delivery and shipping Delivery note

- 115 -

Appendix B - Sampling Control Method

Item Check Check item Method


The raw materials

inspection before

the storage

The colour’s


The material number,

category and weight

The tensile strength,

tear strength and

elongation porosity

Confirmation the

test report


The tensile

strength machine

The callipers


2 Process inspection

Size and length

Appearance and


Tensile strength and


Sight check

Length inspection

Tensile test

Destructive test

3 Packaging


Appearance and weld

Quantity and


Sight check

The counter test

4 Delivery


Specification and stamp

Description and the

number of case

Sight check

- 116 -

Appendix C - Sample of Interviews

There are four questions and the interview time will be almost 10 minimums.

Question 1:

How long have you been working in this area? And what is your

position in here?

Answer 1:

I am production manager in the manufacturing department and I

have been working in the manufacturing department for almost ten


Question 2:

Do you understand or clear about the quality control tools for whole

manufacturing process? And how many quality control tools or

software does this company use?

Answer 2:

I have been an operator for almost 8 years and I only can state that I

understand and clear about the manufacturing processes for around

ninety percentages. There are only two methods in this company

which are total inspection and random inspection. This company

does not utilize any particularly statistic software at this moment and

it just uses Microsoft Excel.

Question 3:

Does the department calculate the production capacity for monthly

or weekly? Why do the manufacturing and quality control

departments produce amount of defective goods each week?

- 117 -

Answer 3:

In this company, the department calculates the data for monthly. And

I will also look the calculation data and observe the employees

working situations.

There are some possible reasons for providing the defective products.

For example, sometimes the workers will increase the speed for

producing the high capacity and sometimes the employees will chat

with other workers when they are manufacturing the products.

Moreover, I also have considered that the inspection method might

have inaccurate problems and the supplier might provide defective

raw materials for our company.

Question 4:

Have you want to resolve those problems by using different skill or


Answer 4:

I want to resolve those problems and increase the acceptable

product rate. Because when the manufacturing department produces

the amount of defective products, those products are costly expenses

for the business profit. If there has any better resolution or technique,

I think I will consider it.