ACIO 2014 History and Polity.pdf

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History: Ancient India12. To which place Aryabhata, the great mathematician, went for advanced studies?1.Takshashila2.Patliputra3.Kashi4.KaushambiHe went to Patliputra self-financed college. As per As per Bihar Government website16. Where was Bhaskara, also known as Bhaskaracharya or Bhaskara II, an Indian mathematician & astronomer, was born?1.Kanchipuramii2.Thanjavur3.Bijapur4.ViaduraiHe was born at Biddur, Bijapur Karnataka, says Britannica44. The caste-system during early Vedic age prohibited1.Inter caste dining2.Inter caste marriages3.Both4.None of theseNone because those righties begun only after post-vedic age period, says NCERT Sociology class12 Ch346. Which among the below mentioned Upper Palaeolithic places in India is wrongly matched with the state it is located in?1.Bhimbetka, Madhya Pradesh2.Betamcherla, Andhra Pradesh3.Inamgaon, Maharashtra4.Singh Bhumi, Himachal PradeshFirst three sites correctly matched with respective states, hence Singh Bhumi is wrong.47. Kalidasas Kumarasambhavam describes the story of the birth of which mythological character?1.Sanatkumar2.Kartikeya3.Pradyumna4.AbhimanyuIt describes the story of Kartikeyas birth. Question lifted verbatim from Pearson guidebook for LLB.48. Where and when was the 2nd Buddhist Council held?1.Patliputra in 250 BC2.Sri Lanka in the 1st century BC3.Vaishali in 383 BC4.Mandalay in 1871 ADIt was held at Vaishali,under Shishunaga dynasty, says Lucent GK page21Modern India35. In which year, Mahatama Gandhi travelled to Champaran in Bihar to inspire the peasants to struggle against the oppressiveplantation system?1.19142.19153.19164.1917He went to Chamapran in 1917. Ref: Spectrum, Page 123 OR LucentGK Page 108.36. With which objective, CR Das and Motilal Nehru formed the Swaraj Party within the Congress?1.Spearhead the mass struggles2.Forge Hindu-Muslim unity3.Participate in elections to the provincial council4.Organise legislative protests against RowlattThey did so, to Participate in election to enter in councils Spectrum, Page 136 OR LucentGK Page 108.37. The industrial working class did not participate in the Civil Disobedience Movement in large numbers, except in1.Nagpur region2.Madras region3.Surat region4.Calcutta regionNagpur NCERT class10, India & Contemporary world ch3, Page 6638. Dr B R Ambedkar clashed with Mahatma Gandhi at the 2nd Round Table Conference demanding1.Reservation for Dalits in Government jobs2.Reservation for Dalits in Ministries3.Separate citizen status for Dalits4.Separate Electorate for DalitsThey had difference of opinion over Separate electorate for Depressed classes (Dalits) Ref: Spectrum, 18041. Who brought the printing Press for the first time to India in the mid-16th century ?1.Dutch cloth merchants2.British traders3.Portuguese Missionaries4.Arab manuscript writersPortuguese missionaries brought printing press to India for the first time says NCERT Class10, Ch7 Print and Censorship42. Measures in India to impose censorship on printed material were initiated in 1798 by the East India Company. It wasdirected against1.Bengali social reformers2.Englishmen in India3.Bengali writers4.Indian Princely StatesEnglishmen in India NCERT Class10, Ch7 Print and Censorship77. The Radcliffe Line is named after its architect, Sir Cyril Radcliffe. It is a boundary demarcation line between1.Pakistan & Afghanistan2.India & Bhutan3.India & Pakistan4.India & MyanmarLord Mountbatten had appointed Radcliff commission for participation of Bengal and Punjab. Hence #3 is the answer. Ref:Spectrum Page 377.History: World13. The development of the worlds first practical design for an Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile, A9/10, was undertaken in NaziGermany during the World War II. It was intended for use in bombing1.London and other coastal cities of Britain2.Northern cities of France, including Venice3.New York and other American cities4.Interiors of USSR to cut off military supply lines to Moscow.It was meant to target New York city, as per this Google book34. The original name of Ho Chi Minh, the President of the Vietnam Democratic Republic, was Nguyen Van Thanh which he laterchanged to Ho Chi Minh before becoming the President. The literal meaning of Ho Chi Minh is1.He Who Leads2.He Who Fights3.He Who Enlightens4.He Who ProtectsThe meaning of his name is He who Enlightens, saysBritannica40. Which famous leader once said, we would not have made economic progress, if we had not intervened on very personalmatters: how you live, the noise you make, how you spit1.Adolf Hitler, Germany2.Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam3.Mussolini, Italy4.Lee Kuan Yew, SingaporeLee Kuan Yew made this statement, according tothis google book83. French Revolution ended in 1790s with the ascent of1.Rousseau2.King Louis XVI3.Napoleon Bonaparte4.RobespierreFrench Revolution ended with rise of Napoleon, says Tamilnadu State Edu. Book Class12 History, Page 269.85. In his youth, Adolf Hitler aspired to be a/an1.Architect2.Painter3.Singer4.FootballerHe wanted to be a Painter, but couldnt get admission in the prestigious acedmy for arts, says Telegraph news article86. Many of the famous political leaders had a University Degree in Law. Which of the following world leaders didnt have aDegree in Law?1.Nelson Mandela2.Fidel Castro3.Barack Obama4.John F KennedyJohn F Kennedy. Because other threes biography pages on Britannica say they had completed Law degree.87. Ernesto Che Guevara, the famous Marxist revolutionary of South America, was born in1.Bolivia2.Cuba3.Argentina4.GuatemalaHe was born in Argentina says Britannica.History part is over, now moving to the next topic:Polity Questions from ACIO-201513 out 14 questions can be solved directly from Indian Polity by M.Laxmikanth OR LucentGK. Similar trend observed inprevious ACIO exam held in 2013 as well.But many of them are factual type- which article number, which amendment number has so and so provision.One trivial GK type question symbol of Republican Party in USA.Nothing asked from current affairs- land ordinance, insurance ordinance etc.Niti Ayog was asked but I classify that under Economy questions.Strategy for next ACIO Exam: just memorize any one of the following two books:LucentGK (if youre not competing for UPSC exam)LucentGK (if youre not competing for UPSC exam)Indian polity by M.Laxmikanth (if youre preparing for UPSC.) No need to refer to both books.49. In which among the following cases, the Supreme Court of India propounded the theory of basic structure of theConstitution?1.Gopalan vs. State of Madras2.Golak Nath3.Keshvanand Bharati4.Minerva MillsAnswer is #3, In Keshvanand Bharti case, the Supreme court gave the theory of basic structure. Ref. Laxmikanth Page 7.3 /LucentsGKPage295 The Doctrine of Basic Features50. The 52nd amendment to the Constitution of India is most closely related to1.Extention of Reservation in Government jobs2.Provision for special status to Tripura3.Provisions for increasing age of eligibility for voting4.Provisions against political defectionsAnswer is #3 Ref. Laxmikanth Chapter 67 introductory line- the 52Amendment act of 1985 provides for ground ofdisqualification for defecting to another party.51. Which among the following political party of India has an election symbol very similar to the election symbol of RepublicanParty of USA?1.Samajwadi Party2.Bahujan Samaj Party3.Janta Dal (United)4.Telugu Desam PartyRepublican party symbol is elephant as per Britannica kids, so nearest match is Bahujan Samaj party.52. How many members, the President of India can nominate to Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha, respectively?1.12, 22.2,123.2, 104.10, 2Answer is #2 Ref. Laxmikanth Page17.8Legislative power of president/ LucentsGKPage 299 President :- Legislative power53. Which among the following amendments to the Constitution of India, designated Delhi as National Capital Territory (NCT)?1.63rd Amendment Act2.69th Amendment Act3.74th Amendment Act4.76th Amendment ActndAnswer is #2 69Amenment of 1991 accorded NCT status to Delhi. Ref. Laxmikanth Appendix VI, page No.AVI-6 / LucentsGKPage 27754. On 29 August 1947, the Drafting Committee for Indian Constitution was appointed, with Dr B. R. Ambedkar as the Chairmanalong with six other members. Who among the following was not the member of the Drafting Committee?1.N. Gopalaswami Ayengar2.Jawahar Lal Nehru3.Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi4.Alladi Krishnaswamy lyerAnswer is #2. Nehru was not part of that Committee. Ref. Laxmikanth Page 2.4 Drafting Committee/ LucentsGK Page 26755. Part IV of the Indian Constitution deals with Directive Principles of State Policy. This feature of Indian Constitution wasinfluenced by a similar feature of1.Canadian Constitution2.Australian Constitution3.American Constitution4.Irish ConstitutionAnswer is #4 DPSP were inspired from Irish Constitution. Ref. Laxmikanth Page3.11 Constitution at Glance/ LucentsGK Page26756. Which among the following schedules of the Indian Constitution deals with forms of Oaths or Affirmations?1.2nd Schedule2.3rd Schedule3.4th Schedule4.5th ScheduleAnswer is #2 Third schedule deals with Oaths or affirmations. Ref. Laxmikanth Page 3.10 / LucentsGKPage 27357. Which of the following is not a constitutional provision relating to Governors of States?1.Same person can be appointed as Governor for two or more States2.He shall be appointed by the President3.He shall hold office during the pleasure of the President4.He should have completed the age of 25 years4statement is wrong because he should have completed 35 years. Ref. Laxmikanth Page 26.4/ LucentsGKPage 31358. Which Article of the Indian Constitution deals with special provision with respect to the States of Maharashtra and Gujarat?1.Article 3702.Article 3713.Article 371-A4.Article 371-B371 deals with those two state. Answer is #2 Ref. Laxmikanth PageAppendix A59. Indian Constitution provides for promotion of international peace and security. Which of the following deals with thisprovision?thth1.Article 51 of the Directive Principles of the State Policy2.It is implied by the Preamble of the Indian Constitution3.The 12th Schedule of the Indian Constitution4.Article 392 empowers the President in this regardInternational peace is provided under Article 51. Answer is #1 Ref. Laxmikanth Page Appendix I / LucentsGK 26960. Which Article of the Indian Constitution defines the Original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court?1.Article -1292.Article 1303.Article 1314.Article 132Original jurisdiction provided under Article 131. Hence Answer is #3 Ref. Laxmikanth PageAppendix I / LucentsGK 27162. The power to promulgate ordinances during recess of Parliament is vested with1.The Council of Ministers2.The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Urgent Enactment3.The President4.The Prime MinisterPresident can promulgate ordinances when parliament is in recess. Therefore, Answer is #3 Ref. Laxmikanth Page17.8 (k)/LucentsGK 30090. Who is non-member who can participate in the debate of Lok Sabha?1.Vice President2.Chief Justice of India3.Attorney General of India4.None of the aboveAnswer is #3 Ref. Laxmikanth Page 46.1Rights of AG / LucentsGK303