Acle St Edmund C of E Primary...

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Acle St Edmund C of E Primary School

5 July 2019

Headteacher: Mr Paul Henery

FOSA would like to say a big thank you to everyone who supported our annual School Fete and BBQ . Together we made a grand total of This is an incredible amount and more than £1,000 increase on 2018’s fete! This profit can only be achieved with the generous donations from our sponsors and from YOU!! We hope you enjoyed the atmosphere, food and refreshments and the different performances which took place in the ring. We understand there were some delays in receiving food on the BBQ and we are working hard to rectify this for next year.

The FOSA committee put a lot of hard work into planning the fete with preparations beginning as early as February and this year over 60 hours of planning went into the event so seeing it raise such an phenomenal amount for the children is fantastic and it couldn’t be done without your support! So again, THANK YOU! FOSA


Our target school attendance figure is 97%

Our current figure is… 96.07%

Message from Mr Henery, on behalf of

the school

“We would like to take this opportunity to say a massive THANK YOU to FOSA and to all of the parents, children and staff who worked so hard to make last Friday night’s Fete & BBQ such an enjoyable evening. The FOSA team have worked so hard to make the BBQ a success and we are delighted with the amount of money which has been raised.”


Transition for September

Our Year 6 pupils who will be going to Acle Academy will be having their transition days next Monday and Tuesday. We shall have our own transition morning for pupils within our school on the second of those days.

All our pupils will move up to be with their ‘new’ teachers on Tuesday morning, in readiness for September. They will return to their current classes at the end of the morning, having had the chance to work together with their new teachers and support staff.

Parents will have the chance to meet their child’s new teacher at the start of the day, whilst pupils are in a whole school assembly (from 9.05 to 9.25).

UEA Cluster Athletics competition Well done to all the amazing pupils who took part in the Cluster Athletics competition at UEA today! They swept the board and won both the overall Field, and Track trophies. Our school also won the South Shield, which is presented to the school that has achieved the most overall points from all of the Cluster events over the year.

Key Stage 1 Sports Day

All the pupils from Reception and KS1 took part in a range of sports throughout the day on Wednesday this week. During the morning the children took part in a range of fun sporting activities and in the afternoon the track events took place, as well as the tennis ball throwing competition. At the end of the afternoon, after lots of exciting races and fun relays, the Red team emerged as winners!

Well done to all the children involved, and thanks to all the parents who came out to cheer the pupils on final colour team results were as follows:

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Apologies for the error in the listing of the KS2 results, they were the correct points but not in the correct order. The results are shown correctly below:

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

535 points 690 points 610 points 485 points

385 points 375 points 400 points 545 points

Sports news

Don’t forget to put your green tokens in our box in the Co-op when you do your shopping to help raise up to £500 for school!

School reports (including SATs results for Year 6)

We shall be sending out school reports next week, once the SATs results are published. We hope that you will find the reports helpful and informative.

If you do wish to discuss any aspect of the report with your child’s class teacher, they will be available for an appointment on Monday 15 July (between 3.30 and 4.30pm).

Music concert

Mr Draycott, from the Norfolk Music Hub (who has been teaching whole class music sessions this year to Year 2 and Year 3 pupils) will be organising a short, relaxed musical concert next Tuesday afternoon in the school hall (2.45 pm).

The pupils from Year 2 and 3 will be playing a few pieces of music they have been learning this year and demonstrating some of the other musical skills they have been taught too.

Parents are very welcome to join us for this occasion, which will be finished before the end of the school day.

Music tuition from September

Letters have gone out to Year 3, 4 and 5 pupils this week, who are either already receiving lessons or who have expressed an interest in starting lessons, outlining the possible music lesson opportunities from September. Please could you return the completed slips by Tuesday 16 July.

We shall be continuing with some whole class music tuition next year, provided by Norfolk Music Hub, starting with Year 4 pupils; this will be free, as it is this year, and will form part of the pupils’ overall music curriculum at our school. More details will be sent out in September.

Big Sing

Our Year 4 children really enjoyed the experience of taking part in the Big Sing event at the Norfolk Show last week. The event went live on the Wednesday morning when they performed, so hopefully some of you were able to hear the songs and enjoy the occasion. Year 4s also sang brilliantly at the school fete and BBQ last Friday – well done to all of them!

Guitar Exams

Congratulations to the following Year 5 pupils, who have all passed their Trinity Guildhall guitar exams – Initial Grade (all with merit):

Toby Scott, Seth Aldous and Samuel Painter

Music news

KS2 Play

Pupils have been learning lines, practising songs and perfecting dance routines for the end of year KS2 musical play which is based on Roald Dahl’s revolting rhymes version of Snow White.

If you have not already done so, please return the request form for tickets as soon as possible so that we know how many people to expect in the audience at Acle Academy on 17 July (7 pm start).

Acle St Edmund C of E Primary School

Fletcher Way 01493 750322


NR13 3RQ


July Mon 8 Year 6 Acle Academy

& Tue 9

Mon 8 RW Belwilderwood

Tues 9 Whole school transition


Thu 11 Musical instrument try

out morning KS2

Broads & Marshes

exhibition 3.30 – 5.30pm

Fairhaven Primary

Mon 15 Defenders Club

Please use the calendar on our school


for more dates

This year’s Summer Reading Challenge theme is Space Chase - an out of this world adventure inspired by the 50th anniversary of the moon landings. Children join super space family The Rockets for a thrilling mission to track down books which have been nabbed by mischievous aliens. Everyone who signs up will receive a collector folder to get them started. As they read library books over the summer, they join The Rockets and track down the books - picking up some stinky stickers along the way. Anyone can take part - under 5s have their own special challenge and can collect stickers for sharing stories at home.

Join Space Chase this summer at your local library or mobile library from 13 July. A member of the local library will be talking to the children in an assembly to tell them about the challenge.

Library books Please can all school library books

be returned by next Friday, 12 July. Thank you.