Acne vulgaris

Post on 03-Jun-2015

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Basic facts about acne vulgaris with color pictures.


Acne Vulgaris

10 Facts about

Acne Vulgaris

Dr Miriam Kinai

1. Acne vulgaris affects the skin pore or the pilosebaceous unit.

2. Acne vulgaris can affect all age groups from newborns right up to the fifth decade of life.

3. Steroid acne is triggered by using steroids on the skin, intravenously or by inhalation. 4. Iatrogenic acne is triggered by using prescription medications such as phenytoin, lithium and isoniazid.

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5. Cosmetic acne is triggered by using oil rich products that clog skin pores.

6. Occupational acne is triggered by exposure to machine oils and coal tar.

7. Acne detergens is triggered by excessive washing of the face which can stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more oil.

8. Acne vulgaris is caused by an interplay of genes, increased sebum or oil production, clogging of the skin pore by skin cells, the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes and inflammation.


9. Cosmetics, skincare products, and hair pomades which contain synthetic lanolins, botanicals such as algae extract and coal tar derivatives can worsen acne.

10. Emotional stress can aggravate acne since it stimulates sebum production through the release of stress hormones.

Adapted from Acne Vulgaris by Dr Miriam Kinai which uses color pictures and clear explanations to teach about this skin disease.

Dark Skin Dermatology Color


by Dr Miriam Kinai