Actionable Data for Google Analytics Beginners

Post on 18-Feb-2016

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In this presentation, get the following must-know answers about your website performance: • Where is my traffic coming from? • Which of my pages are most popular? • Which pages are people seeing first? • What technology are people using to visit my site? *Campaign set up & How to Install Google Analytics:


Actionable Data for Google

Analytics Beginners

March 2014

In this presentation, get the following must-know

answers about your website performance:

• Where is my traffic coming from?

• Which of my pages are most popular?

• Which pages are people seeing first?

• What technology are people using to visit my site?

Date range:

1 2 3 4

5 6 7

Google Analytics: The Dashboard

The Dashboard Defined

1. Visits – Total number of visits to your site in a given time frame

2. Unique Visitors – Total number of individuals that visit your site in a given time frame (e.g. – “User A” visits website three times in one month, but is only counted once as a unique visitor)

3. Pageviews – Total number of pages within the website visitors have been to

4. Pages/Visit – Average number of pages a visitor will browse in one visit to your website

5. Avg. Visit Duration – Average time a visitor spends on your website

6. Bounce Rate – Percentage of visitors who navigate away from your website after visiting only one page

7. % New Visits – Percentage of total visits that are new to your website in the given time frame

Where is my traffic coming from?



View how

people are getting to your



• Organic – Visits to your site through a search engine (e.g. Google, Bing, Yahoo)

• Referral – Visits to your site through another website

• (none) – Visits through an unrecognized source, such as an email or digital newsletter

• Social – Visits through a social network (note: some may also be lumped within “referral” – so this amount is not always accurate)

• (not set) – Placeholder value from Google when it does not receive enough information from the visit

Where is my traffic coming from? Defined

2See what

websites are referring the

most visitors to yours


Where is my traffic coming from?

Where is my traffic coming from?

Click on URLs to view most

popular referral pages (this

example: most popular tweets)

Which of my pages are most popular?



These are the most viewed

pages on your website in your set time frame

� your homepage




Type in parts of the

website URL to

examine most

popular within a

segment (e.g. blog

pages, products or


Which of my pages are most popular?

Which pages are people seeing first?



Visitors are getting

to your website

primarily through

these pages (either

through social

media, other sites,

a web search, etc.)

Which pages are people seeing first?



Find out how many

visitors are using

desktops, mobile

or tablets to visit

your site

What technology are people using to visit my site?

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