Active Reading

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Active reading lesson presented by LaLinda Street



Active Reading

Reading Simulation

Watch the video below and see if you are able to answer the six questions that follow accurately.

Reading Simulation

YouTube video

QUICK TIPSThe Reading Simulation (ADHD) video demonstrated that with a variety of distraction it is very difficult to be an active reader. Thus, it is imperative that we reduce distractions by setting goals and changing our environment in order to increase comprehension and acquiring new information on the subject matter being learned.

How to become an Active reader in the midst of a distracting world.

1. Choose a environment that eliminates as many distractions as possible.

2. Be sure that you are consistent with your study area, we learn best when we are able to associate learning with a particular space.

3. Avoid phones(texting, etc.), television and audio

4. Eat a healthy snack before engaging in learning

5. Write down what reading, assignments and activities that need to be accomplished.

--adapted from Mindscapes: Critical Reading Skills and Strategies


Active reading is defined as being involved with material they are reading. Think, question, challenge, criticize, and take specific steps to understand, remember and evaluate what they read.

Read: Malcolm X Speech

I want to thank Allah for coming and giving to us our leader and teacher here in America, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. I want to thank Brother Benjamin at the outset for doing a wonderful job of opening up our eyes and giving us a good preliminary basic understanding of the means and the objectives of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and also I am thankful to Allah for bringing so many people out here tonight, especially just before Christmas. You know, it's next to a miracle when you get this many of our people together so close to Christmas interested in anything whatsoever that's serious. And actually what this shows is the change that's taking place among the so-called Negroes not only here in New York but throughout the entire world. Today dark mankind is waking up and is undertaking a new type of thinking, and it is this new type of thinking that is creating new approaches and new reactions that make it almost impossible to figure out what the black man is going to do next, and by black man we mean, as we are taught by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, we include all those who are non-white. He teaches us that black is the basic color, that black is the foundation or the basis of all colors. And all of our people who have not yet become white are still black, or atleast part of the Black Nation,and here at Muhammad's Mosque when you hear us using the term "black" we mean everbody who's here, regardless of your complexion. If you're here at the Mosque you're black, because the only ticket you need to get into Muhammad's Mosque is to be black. So if you got in you know you're black. You may not have known that you were black before you came here. In fact, very few of our people really look upon themselves as being black. They think of themselves as practically everything else on the color spectrum except black. And no matter how dark one of our people may be, you rarely hear him call himself black. But now that The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has been teaching among the so-called Negroes, you find our people of all complexions going around bragging that "I'm a black man." This shows you that a new teaching is taking place and there is new thinking among the so-called Negroes. Yet just yesterday you would have to admit that it was very difficult to get our people to refer to themselves as black. Now all of a sudden our people of all complexions are not apologizing for being black but bragging about being black. So there's a new thinking all over America among the so-called Negroes. And the one who is actually the author of this new thinking is The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. It is what he is teaching that is making our people, for the first time, proud to be black, and what's most important of all, for the first time it makes our people want to know more about black, want to know why black is good, or what there is about black that is good


What did you notice about Malcolm X Speech? What was hard? What did you do to make sense of the text as you read?


"Did anyone notice that they had to re-read any part?" or "Did anyone think of something else that they knew about that was kind of related?"





-What is the figure doing?

-What do you notice about him?

-This statue is called The Thinker, and it is in Paris. It is bigger than life-size and carved of stone. What do you think the artist’s message is?

-Why did he choose this particular method of sending it?

-Now think about why you are here? What is your motivation for being in college?


Like the image of The Thinker effective reading requires that individuals have a clear understanding of why you are reading an assigned passage and what your learning goals are for reading.

Reading is an active thinking process ofunderstanding an author’s ideas, connecting

thoseideas to what you already know and organizing

allthe ideas so you can remember and use them.


There are several possible purposes for reading:

 reading to search for specific information reading for pleasure reading for general comprehension reading to learn reading to integrate information



The purpose of reading strategies is to recognize how an author has structured a reading.

Two important reading strategies are: Surveying Previewing – allows for the reader to skim the reading

more closely and allows for readers to determine important features of the passage.


a technique that allows for you to quickly scan the materials to determine what you already know about the topic. It also allows for you to connect to your prior knowledge and readies your brain to receive new information.


Surveying the text means looking at the table of contents, at chapter headings, titles, boldfaced words, subheadings at summaries, abstracts or graphics, for an overview of content and purpose.

Let’s PracticeUsing Surveying

1. Read the title and ask yourself: What is this reading about?

2. Ask yourself: What do I already know about this topic?

3. Predict what you think the reading will be about.4. Flip through the reading and read the headings

and captions. Look at the diagrams or pictures. 5. Turn the title and headings into questions to

hone in on content and organization.6. Scan for words you don’t know and circle them.7. Repeat step #3. What do you now think the

reading will cover?


Allows for the reader to skim the reading more closely and allows for readers to determine important features of the passage.

While you may survey a textbook in its entirety, you preview only a section of the chapter at a time.

Previewing requires that you read a significant parts of the passage.

Requires that you look at the introduction


1. Read the title2. Read the first paragraph3. Reading the first sentence of each of the middle paragraphs 4. Reading the entire concluding paragraph