Activites of Daily Living

Post on 10-Feb-2016

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Jordan Trevino. Activites of Daily Living. Importance of ADL's. Refers to the daily self-care activities within an individuals place of residence "The things we normally do...such as feeding ourselves, bathing, dressing, grooming, work, and leisure.". Basic ADL's. Personal hygiene - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Activites of Daily Living

Jordan Trevino

Importance of ADL'sRefers to the daily self-care activities within an individuals place of residence

"The things we normally do...such as feeding ourselves, bathing, dressing, grooming, work, and leisure."

Basic ADL's

• Personal hygiene

• Dressing and Undressing

• Self feeding

• Functional Transfers

• Bowel and Bladder Management


• Shaving is necessary for proper hygiene

• Shaving improves the patients self-image and studies have shown that it also helps you feel better faster

• Consider the patients medications such as anti-coagulants!

Notice the cheeks are covered in shaving cream and skin is being pulled

Steps to Shaving

• 1. Use a brand new razor to ensure proper cleanliness

• 2. Wash hands and put on gloves

• 3. Introduce yourself to the patient and what you'll be doing

Steps to Shaving (cont.)

• 4. Place dry hand towel on patients chest

• 5. Run another hand towel under warm water use to moisten patients cheek and neck

• 6. Apply shaving cream to area

Steps to Shaving• 7. Use free hand to pull skin taut and

shave from the top of the cheek downwards

• 8. Repeat with whole area and shave beneath the chin

• 9. Use rinsed wash clothed to wipe excess shaving cream off once done

Steps to Feed a Patient

Introduce yourself and ask if they would like to use the bathroom then afterward, wash the patients hands

Give them time for denture care if needed

Move the head of the bed above 30 degrees to prevent choking

Give the patient the correct meal plan and double check to make sure

Check the food temperature

Feeding a Patient

Some patients aren't capable of feeding themselves and require assistance to eat

Tips on Feeding a Patient

Make sure the patient feels as though they still retain their freedom

Ask if they would like water after every few bites of their food

Make sure to watch for pocketing within the patients cheeks

Pocketed food becomes a breeding ground for bacteria

Pocketing also leads to tooth decay and gum disease