Ad specialties

Post on 06-Jul-2015

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Promotional products, advertising specialties and business gifts. Products that can be imprinted with your company name


T&N Promotions Plus  

  Presented by:Nora Sevaslian


ASI #466487

 What is an Ad Specialty?

  •Also known as a promotional product, an ad specialty is any item that can be imprinted with a logo or slogan. •T-shirts, mugs, pens and key tags are popular examples, and just about anything can be imprinted. •Other unique examples include imprinted plant leaves, toasters, and VISA or music download card.

 Did you know …

  •Wrigley started in 1891 selling soap and baking soda •Gave gum with their logo on it as promotional product •Now a $5 billion gum company*!

 The Ad Specialty Advantage  •Make an impression •Stay top of mind •Long lasting effect •Higher perceived value and low Cost Per Impression (CPI) •Complements other advertising media

 Ad Specialties – Proven & Effective

  •Generate goodwill •Increase sales and leads •Improve marketing Return on Investment (ROI)

 Advertising Specialty Institute (ASI) ROI Study

  •A team of interviewers surveyed businesspeoplein four metro areas: New York, Chicago, Los Angeles & Philadelphia •An online survey to additional end-users augmented the in-person survey •618 completed surveys in all

 Ad Specialties Make An Impression

 Among wearables, bags were reported to be used most frequently with respondents indicating that they used their bags an average of 9 times per month. Bags also have the highest number of impressions in a month, over 1,000


  84% of respondentswere able to identify the advertisers of the majority of items received 62% of respondents have done business with the advertiser AFTER RECEIVING the item


 Ad Specialties Stay Top of Mind

 Ad Specialties Long Lasting Effect

  The majority (81%) of promotional product items were kept because they were considered useful. Receivers of wearables items were more likely to keep these items because they were considered attractive.


 Ad Specialties Cost Per Impression (CPI) 

Advertising Specialties deliver a better CPI than virtually any other media.

 Ad Specialties Leave a Favorable Impression 

42% of end-users have a MORE favorable impression of an advertiser after receiving the item.

 Survey Results  • Of those who had not done business with the

advertiser that gave them the product, almost one quarter stated that they were more likely to do business with the company that gave them the item

• 42% of participants reported having a more favorable impression of the advertiser since receiving the item.

• 62% have done business with the advertiser AFTER receiving the item o Only 53.1% of participants recalled the name

of an advertiser they had seen in a magazine or newspaper.

 Generating Customer Referrals Using Ad Specialties

 In a 1993 study by Baylor University, 20 Mary Kay consultants participated in a study where half of them distributed promotional gifts to customers and the other ten offered no promotional items to their customers. Both groups then asked customers (200 in all) to refer names of acquaintances.

 The Results

  The customers who received ad specialties were more willing to provide leads than the customers who didn’t receive them.

 Ad Specialties Increase Referrals and Leads

  Accompanying a request for referrals, an offer of an ad specialty or an ad specialty incentive & sweepstakes drew as many as 500% more referrals than an appeal letter alone.

 Print Media vs. Promotional Products Results

 According to the 2004 Study by L.J Market Research, only 53.1% of participants recalled the name of an advertiser they had seen in a magazine or newspaper in the previous week.


 Ad Specialties Improve Ad Campaigns

  A 1996 study by Dallas Marketing Group helped a national tile distributor integrate the use of direct mail and promotional products into a print advertising campaign. One group of subscribers received only the trade ad while other groups received a sales letter, a promotional product, or a promotional product incentive with the trade ad.

 The Results

  The group who received the trade ad plus a calculator incentive responded approximately 10% higher than those who only received the trade ad.

 Ad Specialties Improve Direct Mail Marketing  According to a 1992 study by Silver Marketing Group, the inclusion of an ad specialty to a mail promotion increased the response rate by 50%.

 Direct Mail Results

 The use of ad specialties as an incentive to respond generated four times as many responses as a sales letter alone.

 Ad Specialties Improve Tradeshow Marketing

 A 2004 study by Georgia Southern University showed that including a promotional product with a pre-show mailing or an offer of a promotional product increases the likelihood of an attendee stopping by a tradeshow booth.

 Tradeshow Marketing Results

  •71.6% of attendees who received an ad specialty remembered the name of the company that gave them the product •76.3% of attendees had a favorable attitude toward the company that gave them the product

 Ad Specialties Improve Tradeshow Marketing  In a 1991 Study by Exhibit Surveys, Inc., invitations to 4900 trade show registrants to promote traffic at its booth. The researchers measured booth traffic, post-show memory of having received the invitation and goodwill toward the company.

 Trade Show Booth Visitation Rate Results


  As your ad specialties provider, I am also your: • Idea generator • Marketing partner • Brand consultant I am here to help you improve your Marketing ROI with ad specialties. Please contact me today at 310-989-8208 or email me at