Adaptations for life on land. Amniotic egg. بيض جنيني Water-conserving kidney....

Post on 19-Jan-2016

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Adaptations for life on land.

Amniotic egg. بيض جنيني

Water-conserving kidney.

Three-chambered heart

Crocodilians التماسيح have 4

Claws for digging and locomotion.

Improved Respiratory System.

Loss of Lateral Line System of fish and amphibians.

17 orders of reptiles, but only members of 4 remain

alive today.

Lecture 19: 5- Class: Reptilia

1- Order: Testudines السالحف

300 species of turtles الس��الحفالس��الحف and tortoises البحري��ةالبرية

Bony shell.Limbs articulate internally to

the ribs ضلوعKeratinized beak منقار instead

of teeth.Fusion of vertebrae, ribs and

skin bones form plates – carapace (top of the shell).

2- Order: Crocodilia التماسيح

21 living species; crocodiles,

alligators االمريكي caiman ,التمساح

.التمس�اح الهندى and gavials ,االس�توائيAnatomically closer to birds and

dinosaurs than other reptiles (have

4-chambered heart, triangular eye

orbits, other skull characteristics).

Saltwater Croc. American Alligator

Brown Caiman

Gavial or Gharial

A- Suborder: Sauria: Lizards السحالي• Usually have two pairs of legs• Most are oviparous, some are

ovoviviparous or viviparous• Herbivorous, omnivorous, and

carnivorous.B- Suborder: Serpentes: Snakes الحيات• Most are harmless, but about 300 species

are venomous.• Elongate and lack limbs, have more than

200 vertebrae and pairs of ribs – for locomotion.

• All are carnivorous.

Coral Snake

Chameleon الحرباء

3- Order: Squamata الحرشفيات

6- Class: Aves

Adaptations for flight.

Appendages modified as wings.

Have feathers and lack teeth.

Endothermic ثابتة درجة الحرارة

High Metabolic Rate.

A Vertebral Column modified for flight.

Bones lightened by numerous air spaces.

1- Order: Sphenisciformes – Penguins البطريقHeavy bodied with fat, flightless,

flipper زعنفة like wings for swimming.Penguins2- Order: Strigiformes – Owls

البومLarge head with eyes fixed



3- Order: Anseriforms – Ducks, Geese الوز and Swans البجع

4- Order: Columbiformes –Pigeons and Doves اليمامDense Feathers loosely set in



Major Concept:

7- Class: Mammals

1- The skin of mammals is thick for protection and has an

insulation covering of hair.

2- Adaptations of teeth and digestive tract allows

mammals to exploit a wide variety of food resources.

Beaver Teeth Siberian

Brown Bear - Teeth

Whale teeth

3- Efficient systems for circulation and gas exchange support the

high metabolic rate associated with mammalian endothermy.

4- The brain of mammals

has an expanded cerebral

cortex that processes

information from various

sensory structures.

5- Metanephric kidneys

permit mammals to

excrete urea without

excessive water loss.

6- Complex behavior patterns

enhance mammalian survival.

7- Most mammals are

viviparous and have

reproductive cycles that

help ensure internal

fertilization and

successful development.