Adaptive Strategies Based Upon Tolerant Rootstocks ... · Dr Andrés Zurita-Silva Santiago,...

Post on 31-Jul-2020

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Adaptive Strategies Based Upon Tolerant Rootstocks

Development for Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Grapevines


Dr Andrés Zurita-Silva

Santiago, February 2020

Verdugo-Vásquez et al. 2019 (in prep)

Days >30ºC Growth Season (Sept 1st- May 1st)

@ Vicuña Experimental Center


Mineral concentration in petioles cv. Flame Seedless on

various rootstocks @ Vicuña Experimental Center

Antonio Ibacache, Nicolás Verdugo-Vásquez & Andrés Zurita-Silva, 2019.

Rootstock: Scion combinations and nutrient uptake in grapevines.

*Each bar represents the average of 4 years plus standard error. Different letters denote significant differences (P<.05).

148 collected



20 Rootstock

lines assessed

for drought @

CEx Vicuña.

5 Rootstock



Grapevine Germoplasm Bank from Northern

Chile (GermoVidNor).

P32 P57 P65 P70 PF 140 Ru

Measurements were performed at two-week interval along both growing


• Shoot leaf number (ShLN)

• Area (ShA)

• Trunk cross sectional area (TkCSA)

• Rootstock CSA (RsCSA),

• Stem water potential (Ψx) by pressure chamber PMS 1505D

• Stomatal conductance (gs), Net photosynthesis (Pn) by Li-Cor 6400 XTR


Root traits (area [RtA], volume [RtV] and length [RtL]) estimated monthly

from accession tubes in each pot by Rootscan Imager (CID BioScience),

analyzed with Rootsnap software.

RNA Isolation and cDNA Synthesis

• 100mg Leaf tissues were sampled and RNA was extracted by 2% CTAB /

LiCl2 precipitation, purified and treated with RQ1 RNase-Free DNase.

• First strand DNA was synthesized from 2 μg of total RNA using High

capacity RNA kit for cDNA.

Gene expression analysis by qRT-PCR

• Diluted cDNA (10 ng/μL) was assessed for quantification of specific

primer pairs products using SYBR Green QPCR Master mix in AriaMx

Materials & Methods

Functional Trait Responses to Irrigation (T100) &

30%Deficit (T30) in cv Cabernet Sauvignon & Syrah

Rootstocks effects over responses to 30 % irrigation

Principal Components (PC) Season 2 for 30% DI

R32 was closely associated to ShA irrespective of season and cultivar and opposed to Pn, gs and Yx.

Higher ShA was related to increased root growth and rootstock and trunk CSA, traits which were

also closely related to R32 for both cultivars.

Franck et al., Scientia Horticulturae 262 (2020)

Cabernet Sauvignon & Syrah grafted into R32 in two

irrigation regimes for RNA-Seq studies

Franck et al., Scientia Horticulturae 262 (2020)

535 412 1214

Leaf specific DEG

Root specific DEG

633 1474 2287

Cabernet Sauvignon


Number of Differentially Expressed Genes

(DEG) grouped by tissues

Franck et al., Scientia Horticulturae 262 (2020)

Functional trait responses to irrigation and 50% Deficit

irrigation in grafted cv Cabernet Sauvignon & Syrah

@ CExp-Vicuña

Phenology Responses to Water Deficit (50% WD) in cv

Syrah & Cabernet Sauvignon grafted into selected


Variance explained by each factor and interaction (RxI) for phenological variables in each cv and season.

Significant portion of variance (p<0.05) is shown in Variance explained percentage and color intensity.

Verdugo-Vásquez et al. 2020 (in prep)

Leaf Nutrient Content at Veraison @ CExp-Vicuña



INNOVA Chile 05CR11PAT-19 Genotipos Radiculares

Dr Nicolás Franck

M Sc Antonio Ibacache

Dr Nicolás Verdugo

Dr Claudio Balbontín

MgSc Irina Díaz

MgSc Alejandra Montoya

Agr Denisse Zamorano

Agr Britt Walberg

Agr Charlotte Hardy

Agr Natalia Rivera

Agr Mario Ahumada

Dr Claudio Meneses UNAB

Dr Iván Balic ULL

Claudio Urra UNAB

Macarena Bastías UNAB

Dr Pedro León

Dr Humberto Prieto

Dr Javier Ibáñez ICVV