ADC Ultra-Low Power for Micro-Sensors

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ADC Ultra-Low Power for Micro-Sensors

Ricardo Miguel Farinha Alves

Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in

Electronics Engineering

Examination Committee

Chairperson: Professor Jorge Manuel Torres Pereira Supervisor: Professor Carlos Mexia de Almeida de Azeredo Leme

Co-Supervisor: Professor João Manuel Torres Caldinhas Simões Vaz Member of the Committee: Professor Marcelino Bicho dos Santos

November 2013




Analog-to-Digital converters give us an essential interface between the analog and

digital worlds. These kinds of circuits perform a very important role in mixed-signal electronic


Over the last years, both power consumption and cost of such circuits have been

continuously decreasing mainly due to the evolution of MOS transistor channel length and new

techniques of power saving as well.

Low power sensors applications such as bio-medical applications, environmental

monitoring or even wireless sensor networks, require highly power efficient ADCs typically with

resolutions of 10 bit with a sample rate of 100 kS/s [1].

One of the typical approaches to implement low power ADCs often involves the choice

of the SAR architecture. This kind of architecture is suitable for low power applications since it

only consumes dynamic power and because there are few active circuits during a conversion.

In a SAR ADC, the energy is consumed mainly by 3 blocks. One is the comparator,

another is the control logic and the other is the charging and discharging of the DAC capacitors.

Minimization of consumption in all three blocks is achieved by careful design leading to below

1uA at 1.2V of supply voltage using 130nm CMOS technology in a 10-bit 100kSps ADC.

Keywords Analog-to-Digital converter, Digital to Analog converter, Switched-Capacitors

Successive approximations algorithm, Switching Techniques, Ultra low Power.




Os conversores analógico-digitais constituem uma interface essencial entre o mundo

digital e analógico. Este tipo de circuitos desempenham um papel muito importante nos

sistemas electrónicos de sinal misto.

Ao longo dos últimos anos, tanto o consumo de potência, como o custo deste tipo de

circuitos tem vindo a decrescer continuamente principalmente devido à evolução do

comprimento do canal do transístor MOS e também devido ao aparecimento de novas técnicas

de poupança de consumo.

Aplicações de sensores ultra low-power tais como aplicações bio-médicas,

monitorização ambiental ou redes de sensores sem fios requerem em geral, ADCs com

resolução de 10 bit e com uma frequência de amostragem de 100 kS/s [1].

Uma das arquitecturas preferidas para implementação de ADCs de baixa potência é a

arquitectura baseada nas aproximações sucessivas, SAR ADC. Este tipo de arquitectura é

adequada para aplicações que exijam baixa potência, porque apenas consomem potência

dinâmica e para além disso, durante um processo de conversão existem poucos circuitos

activos ao mesmo tempo quando comparando com outras arquitecturas.

Num SAR ADC o consumo de energia é dominado por 3 blocos. Um é o comparador,

outro a lógica de controlo e o outro é a carga e descarga dos condensadores do DAC.

Minimização do consumo em todos estes três blocos é conseguida com técnicas apropriadas

obtendo-se um ADC de 10 bits a 100kSps com menos de 1uA de consumo com uma

alimentação de 1.2V usando a tecnologia CMOS de 130nm.

Palavras-Chave Conversor Analógico-Digital, Conversor Digital-Analógico, Condensadores Comutados,

Algoritmo de Aproximações Sucessivas, Técnicas de comutação, Técnica de comutação de

VCM, Ultra Low Power.




Acronym English Designation Designação em


ADC Analog-to-Digital converter Conversor Analógico-Digital

DAC Digital-to-Analog Converter Conversor Digital-Analógico

ENOB Effective number of bits Número efectivo de bits

FoM Figure of Merit Figura de mérito

LSB Least significant bit Bit menos significativo

MSB Most significant bit Bit mais significativo

RMS Root Mean Square Valor eficaz

SAR Successive approximations


Registo de aproximações


SNR Signal to Noise Ratio Relação Sinal Ruído

SINAD Signal to noise and distortion


Relação sinal ruído e


VCM Common mode voltage Tensão de modo comum

UMC United Microelectronics


United Microelectronics





Firstly I would like to thank my supervisors, Professor Carlos Leme and Professor João

Vaz for the support and all the suggestions given throughout the elaboration of this dissertation.

I thank them for providing me the opportunity to work on this project. Their knowledge,

experience and patience was an important factor to complete this work.

I express my gratitude to all my friends at Instituto Superior Técnico, especially André

Costa, Patrick Pereira and Tiago Carvalho. Their company, friendship and support along this

dissertation was a valuable help to complete the work.

Thanks to all other friends and classmates I have had the pleasure to meet and to work

with along the 5 years spent at the university.

I dedicate this work to my parents Libânio Alves and Maria de Lurdes to my sister Inês

Alves and to my closest family. Without their support I couldn’t ever achieve my life goals.




Abstract ......................................................................................................................................... iii

Resumo ......................................................................................................................................... v

Acronyms ...................................................................................................................................... vii

Acknowledgments ......................................................................................................................... ix

List of figures ............................................................................................................................... xiii

Introduction .................................................................................................... 1 Chapter 1 -

1.1. Motivation .................................................................................................................. 1

1.2. Goals and Challenges ............................................................................................... 1

1.3. Document Organization ............................................................................................. 2

State of the Art ............................................................................................... 3 Chapter 2 -

2.1. Principle of Operation of the SAR ADC ..................................................................... 3

2.2. Successive Approximations Algorithm ...................................................................... 6

SAR ADC Overview ....................................................................................... 9 Chapter 3 -

3.1. Proposed Architecture ............................................................................................... 9

3.2. DAC Switching Techniques ..................................................................................... 10

3.2.1. Set-and-Down Technique ................................................................................ 11

3.2.2. VCM Switching Technique .............................................................................. 12

3.2.3. VCM Buffer-Free Switching Technique ........................................................... 13

3.3. Digital-to-Analog Converter design ......................................................................... 17

3.3.1. DAC Design Constraints and Considerations ................................................. 17 Noise Analysis ............................................................................................. 18 Capacitor Mismatch ..................................................................................... 19

3.3.2. Binary Weighed Switched-Capacitor DAC ...................................................... 20

3.3.3. Segmented Array DAC .................................................................................... 21

3.3.4. DAC Switches Design and Charge Injection Effects ....................................... 24

3.4. Dynamic Comparator ............................................................................................... 26

3.4.1. Noise Analysis ................................................................................................. 27

3.4.2. Input referred offset Analysis ........................................................................... 27

3.4.3. Kickback Noise ................................................................................................ 31

3.5. Asynchronous Control Logic ................................................................................... 34

3.5.1. Monostable based Delay Element ................................................................... 38

Pre-Layout Results and Simulations ........................................................... 41 Chapter 4 -


4.1. ADC Consumption ................................................................................................... 44

4.2. ADC Static DC Performance ................................................................................... 45

Layout and Post-Layout Results and Simulations ....................................... 47 Chapter 5 -

5.1. Layout Design .......................................................................................................... 47

5.2. Post-Layout Simulations .......................................................................................... 50

Conclusions and Future Work ..................................................................... 53 Chapter 6 -

6.1. Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 53

6.2. Future Work ............................................................................................................. 53

References .................................................................................................................................. 57

Appendix ...................................................................................................................................... 59


List of figures

Figure 1 - 4 bits ADC illustrating the sampling operation. ............................................................. 3

Figure 2 - 4 bits A/D converter illustrating hold mode. .................................................................. 3

Figure 3 - 4 bits ADC converter illustrating redistribution mode operation.................................... 4

Figure 4 - A/D converter with 4 bit final configuration. .................................................................. 4

Figure 5 - Flow graph for the successive approximation algorithm. .............................................. 6

Figure 6 - evolution of DAC voltage for a 600 mV input signal in a 4 bit ADC. ............................. 7

Figure 7 - Simplified SAR ADC architecture. ................................................................................ 9

Figure 8 - Some control signals during conversion process. ........................................................ 9

Figure 9 - 3-bit ADC example illustrating Set-and-down switching technique. ........................... 11

Figure 10 - 2 bit DAC configuration for 1st and 2nd bit estimation. ............................................ 12

Figure 11 - 3 bit ADC example comparing VCM Switching technique and Set-and-down. ........ 13

Figure 12 - DAC with differential configuration and corresponding circuit to generate VCM. ..... 14

Figure 13 - Steps for VCM generation. ....................................................................................... 14

Figure 14 - DAC and VCM capacitor configuration and steps using the proposed switching

method. ........................................................................................................................................ 15

Figure 15 - Phases of VCM voltage generation and parasitic capacitance Cp influence. .......... 16

Figure 16 - SAR ADC algorithm convergence to VCM voltage (300 mV input signal). .............. 16

Figure 17 - SAR ADC algorithm convergence to VCM voltage (800 mV input signal). .............. 17

Figure 18 - Proposed Filtered DAC in [8]. ................................................................................... 19

Figure 19 - Binary weighted DAC array for an ADC with 10 bit. ................................................. 21

Figure 20 – 6 bit SAR ADC example with segmented array DAC. ............................................. 21

Figure 21 - Proposed segmented DAC architecture with 2 5-bit sub-DACs. .............................. 22

Figure 22 - Segmented DAC with parasitic capacitances in critical nodes. ................................ 23

Figure 23 - Comparison between output DAC voltages in (a) - Binary weighed DAC and (b) -

Segmented DAC. ........................................................................................................................ 23

Figure 24 – Simulated Transmission Gate on-resistance as a function of the input voltage. ..... 24

Figure 25 - Diagram with the necessary switches for each DAC capacitor. ............................... 25

Figure 26 - Charge injection and clock feedthrough effects in a sampling circuit. ...................... 25

Figure 27 - Proposed dynamic comparator schematic. .............................................................. 26

Figure 28 - Probability of comparator correct decision as a function of C1 and C2 .................... 27

Figure 29 - Example of a run in MonteCarlo simulation (for this run the obtained offset is 60

mV). ............................................................................................................................................. 30

Figure 30 - Histogram for comparator MonteCarlo simulation (with minimum widths of input pair

transistors). .................................................................................................................................. 31

Figure 31 - Histogram for comparator MonteCarlo simulation (after redesigning widths of input

pair transistors). ........................................................................................................................... 31


Figure 32 - Kickback noise generation at the input of differential pair.(a) – Without kickback

noise compensation, (b) – With kickback noise compensation. .................................................. 32

Figure 33 - Simulated input of the comparator without kickback noise compensation (a) and with

kickback noise compensation (b). ............................................................................................... 33

Figure 34 - Block Diagram for asynchronous controller and respective control signals. ............ 34

Figure 35 - Simulated control signals for comparator and for delay generator block. ................ 35

Figure 36 - Schematic of transmission gate based D Flip-Flop with reset. ................................. 36

Figure 37 - Successive Approximation Register, logic block and principal control signals......... 37

Figure 38 - Control Signals generated by Successive approximation register block. ................. 38

Figure 39 - Delay element based on a monostable circuit. ......................................................... 39

Figure 40 -Test Bench setup to measure ADC performance parameters. ................................. 42

Figure 41 - ADC input signal with 12.5 kHz (black line) and ADC output signal (red line). ........ 42

Figure 42 - ADC input signal with 12.5 kHz (black line) ADC output signal (red line). ............... 43

Figure 43 - Measured FFT (1024-point FFT) at a sampling rate of 400 kHz and an input signal

of 8.984 kHz. ............................................................................................................................... 43

Figure 44 - Measured FFT (256-point FFT) at a sampling rate of 200 kHz and an input signal of

10.9 kHz. ..................................................................................................................................... 44

Figure 45 - ADC consumption. .................................................................................................... 44

Figure 46 - Current consumption as a function of the sampling rate. ......................................... 45

Figure 47 - 10 bit ADC characteristics. ....................................................................................... 46

Figure 48 - SAR ADC floorplan. .................................................................................................. 47

Figure 49 - Common centroid configuration of the DAC capacitors. ........................................... 48

Figure 50 - Unitary capacitor designed for this work (based on MOM capacitors). ................... 49

Figure 51 - DAC capacitances and parasitic capacitances after layout extraction. .................... 49

Figure 52 - Common Centroid diagram for comparator input differential pair. ........................... 50

Figure 53 - Successive approximation algorithm convergence at DAC output (Vin = 800 mV). 50

Figure 54 - ADC input signal with 10.937 kHz (black line) ADC output signal (red line). ........... 51

Figure 55 - Measured FFT (512-point FFT) at a sampling rate of 400 kHz and an input signal of

10.156 kHz. ................................................................................................................................. 51

Figure 56 - Conventional NMOS bootstrap switch. ..................................................................... 54

Figure 57 - Comparator layout. ................................................................................................... 59

Figure 58 - SAR ADC layout. ...................................................................................................... 60

Figure 59 - DAC layout. ............................................................................................................... 61


Introduction Chapter 1 -

1.1. Motivation

Data converters are widely used as an interface between digital and analog worlds. This

creates a high demand for data conversion circuits. Such circuits are classified into two

categories which are the Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) and Digital-to-Analog converters


Nowadays, the use of portable electronic devices powered by battery has increased in a

large scale. As a consequence, the low power consumption is the most relevant concern when

designing applications of this kind.

ADCs play a key role in wireless sensor networks to create a “network of things”. In the

sensor nodes, the sensed environmental information such as humidity, temperature or magnetic

field, needs to be digitized. This kind of applications requires ultra-low power ADCs.

Lately, several techniques and new circuits with new techniques to save power have been

published. However, the development of new techniques for low power consumption has

continued due to two major reasons. Firstly, semiconductor technology has evolved

continuously, creating new opportunities and solutions to implement new techniques. Secondly,

there has been a constant demand for further reduction of power consumption in this type of


There are many approaches for low power ADCs. However the ADC architecture based on

successive approximations is the most suitable for low power applications, mainly due to the

few circuitry active during a conversion process. In addition, this type of architecture is good for

applications with low to medium sampling rates.

This work presents a SAR ADC with 10 bit resolution and asynchronous operation to avoid

the high frequency clock that generally increases the power consumption. Asynchronous logic

allows to use only the conversion clock and no oversampling clock is needed. A dynamic

comparator is used which consumes power only during the actual comparison transient. A split

array allows the reduction of parasitic capacitances and area to the minimum. These techniques

allow to reach below 1uA consumption in a 10-bit ADC running at 100 kSps.

1.2. Goals and Challenges

The main challenge of this work is to design a SAR ADC that consumes about 1 µA.

In order to achieve this goal, an innovative switching capacitors technique will be presented.

The proposed ADC is designed to operate at a sampling rate of 100 kS/s with a 10 bit

resolution. The SAR ADC is implemented with asynchronous logic that minimizes the digital

power consumption. The unit capacitance is designed to achieve not only the noise constraints


but also to reduce the analog power consumption. The target performance for this work is to

achieve 9.5 ENOB (Effective Number of Bits) including all noise and distortion sources.

1.3. Document Organization

In Chapter 2 the basic principles of the SAR ADC and the successive approximation

algorithm are explained.

In Chapter 3, the architecture of the SAR ADC is described in detail, including the novel

capacitor switching technique, the dynamic comparator and the asynchronous logic. The basic

blocks of the proposed topology are analyzed and the more important simulations to prove the

working principle are reported as well.

The more relevant schematic simulations of the ADC performance are reported in Chapter


Chapter 5 describes all the considerations taken for the lay-out of the complete ADC and

includes the post-layout simulations.

The conclusions and the future work to be done are reported in Chapter 6.


State of the Art Chapter 2 -

2.1. Principle of Operation of the SAR ADC

The SAR ADC consists basically of a comparator, a binary weighted capacitor array, switches and

a control logic to drive the conversion [2].

A conversion process from an analog signal into a digital word is performed by a sequence of

three basic steps. The first step shown in Figure 1 corresponds to the sampling of input voltage Vin.

The capacitors top plate is connected to ground and the bottom plates are connected to the input

voltage. This configuration results in a stored charge at the capacitor top plates which is proportional

to the input voltage Vin.

Figure 1 - 4 bits ADC illustrating the sampling operation.

In the hold mode, depicted in Figure 2, the switch in the top plate is opened and the capacitor

bottom plates are then connected to ground. Considering the charge conservation, the voltage at node

Vx goes to -Vin.

Figure 2 - 4 bits A/D converter illustrating hold mode.

Qx = -2CVin

Qx = -2CVin


In the redistribution mode, the conversion process starts by testing the most significant bit (MSB)

which corresponds to the largest capacitor (C). This operation is performed by connecting the

capacitor C bottom plate to the Vref voltage, while the remaining capacitors keep connected to ground.

At this phase, the equivalent circuit corresponds to a voltage divider between two equal capacitors. In

the previous phase, the node Vx, was equal to –Vin and at this phase it increased by half the reference

voltage as shown in (2.1) and in Figure 3.


Figure 3 - 4 bits ADC converter illustrating redistribution mode operation.

The comparator output has the logic value ‘1’ if Vx < 0 and presents the logic value ‘0’ if Vx > 0 as

shown in (2.2)


Similarly, the next bits will be tested until all bits from the most significant to the least significant

are decided. A possible final configuration is represented in Figure 4.

Figure 4 - A/D converter with 4 bit final configuration.

In the final configuration shown in Figure 4 the digital word is 1010. This configuration

corresponds in terms of contribution for the Vx voltage to the value given for (2.3).


Qx = -2CVin

Qx = -2CVin


Table 1 shows the state of the art for some ADCs based on successive approximation

architecture. All papers referenced in the table present special switching techniques for the DAC

capacitors in order to reduce the overall consumption of the ADC.

Equation (2.6) indicates the figure of merit (FoM) of an ADC. The equation provides a good way

to compare ADCs in terms of power consumed during the conversion process. The figure of merit of

an ADC is usually expressed in Joules per number of effective quantification steps.

The parameter ENOB corresponds to the effective number of bits, which in turn is given by

equation (2.5). The parameter SINAD reflects the overall ADC performance, since it includes all

components related to noise and harmonic distortion as shown in equation (2.4)


) (2.4)


[J/step] (2.6)

In [3] an input range prediction capacitors switching technique is used that allows to reduce the

consumption of the DAC array by up to 81% when compared to the classical topology described

above. However it requires sampling the input signal at the top plate and is sensitive to charge

injection and distortion.

The ADC in [4] also uses top plate sampling.

In [5] , the VCM – switching technique is introduced and it pre-charges the capacitors to a mid-

voltage between Vref and ground. This allows to reduce the DAC consumption by about 56%, but

requires a buffer for the VCM voltage, which can consume significant power.

Table 1 - ADCs performance comparison.

Reference [3] [4] [5]

Architecture SAR SAR SAR

Tecnology 0.13 µm 90 nm 0.18 µm

Resolution 10 bit 10 bit 8 bit

ENOB 8.5 bit 9.1 bit 7.5 bit

Supply Voltage 1.2 V 1.2 V 1V

Sampling rate 50MS/s 100MS/s 500KS/s

Power 920 µW 3 mW 7.75 µW

FoM 51 fJ/step 55 fJ/step 86 fJ/step


2.2. Successive Approximations Algorithm

The converters based on successive approximations, implement a binary search algorithm to

determine the closest digital word to the correspondent sampled analog signal.

In the first period, the most significant bit (b1) is determined. In the second period, the next most

significant bit (b2) is determined, followed by bit 3 and so on, until all N bits are decided. Therefore, a

conversion requires N clock cycles to complete an N-bit conversion and requires a high frequency

clock to complete the conversion within one conversion cycle.

The successive approximation algorithm is based on the following procedure. Considering a

random number from 1 to 128, the first question may be whether this number is greater or smaller

than 64 (half scale). If the number is greater, then the next question to ask is whether the number is

greater or smaller than 96, which corresponds to the middle of the range between 64 and 128.

However, if the number is smaller, the next question to ask is whether the number is greater or smaller

than 32, which is the middle value from the range between 0 and 64. Next steps consist on

successively dividing the scales by two until the initial random number is determined. Figure 5

illustrates the algorithm.

To more intuitively understand the algorithm of successive approximation AD converter, the Figure

6 shows an evolution of the voltage at the output of the ADC DAC. The figure is the equivalent to the

algorithm described in the flow chart of Figure 5 and it shows the process in terms of successive

approximation to the input voltage.


Sample Vin, VD/A = 0, i=1

Vin > VD/A

bi = 1

VD/A à VD/A + Vref/2i+1

i à i+1

i >= N


VD/A à VD/A - Vref/2i+1

bi = 0





Figure 5 - Flow graph for the successive approximation algorithm.








e (V


1st bit = 1 2nd bit = 0 3rd bit = 0 4th bit = 1

Input voltage = 0.6V DAC voltage

Input voltage


Figure 6 - evolution of DAC voltage for a 600 mV input signal in a 4 bit ADC.



SAR ADC Overview Chapter 3 -

3.1. Proposed Architecture

The SAR ADC proposed topology is represented in Figure 7. The ADC comprises two differential

capacitor networks, a dynamic comparator and the successive approximation control logic.

Figure 7 - Simplified SAR ADC architecture.

There are many ADC topologies that use several parallel paths to perform a conversion. These

architectures generally need only a clock cycle to complete the conversion operation. Such

characteristics are suitable for applications that require high sample rates and for example the flash

ADC is a good converter that meets those requirements. However, these kinds of characteristics

increase not only the chip area, but also the power consumption of the ADC. Besides that, the offset

error caused by multiple conversion paths is another problem.

On the other hand, the successive approximation architecture presents only a possible path for

the conversion algorithm, but requires multiple clock cycles to perform a conversion. These features

are suitable for applications that demand low to medium sampling rates.

Since the sensor devices require low power ADCs and do not need high sample rates, the SAR

ADC is the preferred architecture for such applications. Figure 8 shows some signals and phases

used in conversion process for the proposed SAR ADC


1st phase (reset)

2nd phase(Vin sampling)

3rd phase (1st bit comparison)

VCM generation signals

Comparator clock

Time Scale

Figure 8 - Some control signals during conversion process.

10 bit decision (high frequency clock)


To perform a conversion in a 10 bit ADC, at least 12 clock cycles are necessary, considering the

control signals illustrated in Figure 8. All control signals shown in figure, are generated by the control

logic unit. The sequence of the signals illustrated in figure is as follows. At first phase the signal reset

is used to reset all capacitors in DAC to a common mode voltage. After this phase, the sampling signal


phase), is used to connect the capacitors to the input voltage and at last the VCM voltage is

connected to DAC capacitors (through control signals “VCM generation signals”) and the DAC

capacitors are set for the first bit estimation. This control signals are better explained at both sections

3.2.3 and 3.5.

3.2. DAC Switching Techniques

The conventional switching techniques are inefficient and much power consumption is wasted in

pre-charging of capacitors and possibly discharging them dependent on the bit decisions. Much of the

power consumed in an ADC (about 30%) is derived from the DAC. In order to reduce DAC

consumption, it is important to design carefully the DAC capacitors as well as developing efficient

capacitor switching techniques.

The order of the capacitors switching in the DAC is always made from the largest capacitance to

the smallest. As a consequence, most of the energy will be consumed in the first DAC switchings.

In general, the power consumption during the switching of a capacitor C for a given voltage Vref,

can be expressed as in (3.3) [6] [7]

In order to better understand the equation (3.3), it is assumed that for the instant time t = 0-, the

input voltage is sampled in DAC capacitors and at the instant time t=0, the capacitor bottom plates are

connected to Vref voltage. The energy associated with this switching can be obtained by

( )


∫ ( ) ∫ ( )

( )

( )

( ( ) ( )


The two equations above can be generalized to any case in which the current to charge the

capacitors is derived from Vref voltage. The equation (3.3) indicates the energy consumed during the

capacitor switching. That formula is obtained considering that ( ) ( ) and ( )


( ) (3.3)


3.2.1. Set-and-Down Technique

The Set-and-Down technique [3] obtains a half capacitance reduction and as a consequence there

are significant savings in switching energy. While in conventional switching methods, the necessary

MSB transition costs significant switching energy, the Set-and-Down technique avoids the up

transition of the MSB capacitor: the energy needed for the first bit settling is just the necessary to

charge bottom plates parasitic capacitances of DAC array.

The average power dissipation in a N-bit ADC with conventional switching techniques can be

derived as in equation (3.4) as in [5]

∑ ( )


With Set-and-Down technique, in an N-bit ADC is possible to reduce the average switching

energy as in equation (3.5). The equation is shown in [3]. For example for a 10 bit ADC, the proposed

technique in [5], consumes 1365.3CVref2 and the Set-and-Downs technique reduces the consumption

to 255.5 CVref2, which is a reduction of about 81%.


At sampling phase, the top plates of the capacitors sample the input voltage and at the same

instant, the bottom plates of the capacitors are connected to Vref. Next, the comparator determines

which terminal has a higher voltage. During the conversion phase there are only transitions for ground,

not being necessary transitions for Vref voltage. Figure 9 illustrates a 3 bit example of a SAR ADC with

Set-and-Down scheme configuration. However, this procedure is sensitive to charge injection and

distortion resulting in non-linearities in the ADC characteristic such as the error gain, since the charge

injection is linearly dependent on the input sampled voltage. This effect will be analysed with further

detail in section 3.3.4. These effects are consequence of input sampling in capacitor top plates.

Figure 9 - 3-bit ADC example illustrating Set-and-down switching technique.


For a 10 bit resolution ADC, and considering equations (3.4) and (3.5), the conventional switching

technique consumes and in turn, the Set-and-down switching technique,

consumes .

3.2.2. VCM Switching Technique

The working principle of VCM Switching [4] is similar to the Set-and-Down technique. Both

techniques reduce the capacitance, that is, both techniques minimize the power consumed during the

largest capacitor transition. In VCM-Switching technique, the parasitic capacitances are charged to

half the reference voltage (VCM voltage) while in Set-and-Down technique, the parasitic capacitances

are charged to Vref.

With VCM-Switching technique, the corresponding capacitor to the most significant bit is not

considered in terms of power consumption. That means that, the DAC bits estimation is done using

just n-1 bits instead of using n bits like in conventional switching techniques, obtaining a half reduction

in capacitance and fewer transitions in capacitors.

The VCM-Switching technique has other advantages. The DAC capacitor transitions to Vref or to

ground are performed after the comparator determines the bit and not before. This does not require

pre-charging of the capacitors and possibly their discharging after the bit decision.

Besides the reduction of capacitance involved in switching process this procedure uses directly

the supply voltage as reference, avoiding the voltage generators during the bit-cycling.

The VCM-Switching technique performs the transitions to Vref or to ground after the comparator

determines which terminal has higher voltage and not before as in conventional techniques. As in Set-

and-down technique, the necessary energy for the first bit comparison is just the necessary to drive

the bottom plate parasitic capacitances which can be reduced by designing properly the DAC and a

good layout implementation. The larger capacitor is used for second most significant bit estimation

and the second most significant bit is used for the third bit estimation and so on.

Figure 10 shows a 2 bit DAC configuration for 2 most significant bits estimation.





2C C C











1st bit estimation 2nd bit estimation

Figure 10 - 2 bit DAC configuration for 1st and 2nd bit estimation.

Figure 11 illustrates a comparison between the two techniques explained above, the VCM-

Switching technique and Set-and-Down technique. In most of transitions, the energy consumed in

VCM switching technique, corresponds to half of the energy consumed in Set-and-Down technique.


The VCM-Switching technique presents an important disadvantage - the technique still requires a

VCM buffer to generate the VCM voltage. This work presents a novel switching technique which

avoids the use of VCM buffer. The technique is based on VCM switching technique and is described in

detail in next section.







Vp < Vn


1/4CV ref2



Vp < Vn

Vp > V




2C C















2C C C











Vp < Vn


iVcm = 0



1/8CV ref2

Vp < Vn



p > Vn




2C C










2C C















t an

d D



1st bit comparison 2nd bit comparison 3rd bit comparison


2C C C






Figure 11 - 3 bit ADC example comparing VCM Switching technique and Set-and-down.

3.2.3. VCM Buffer-Free Switching Technique

The proposed solution is depicted in Figure 12.

There are two different phases to generate VCM voltage. At the first phase, C1 and C2 equal

capacitors are connected in series through switches 1 and 3. At this phase, the voltage at the node

between the two capacitors is VCM or VDD/2. At the phase 2, the switches 1 and 3 are opened and


simultaneously the switches 2, 4 and 5 are closed. At this phase, the C1 and C2 bottom plates are

connected to ground, while the top plates of both capacitors are connected to DAC capacitors bottom

plates. Figure 13 illustrates the capacitor configuration in both phases.







Figure 12 - DAC with differential configuration and corresponding circuit to generate VCM.

Figure 13 - Steps for VCM generation.

Since the VCM generation circuit is not buffered, it can provide a very limited output current.

Therefore, the DAC switching scheme must be such that it sinks minimum current from VCM.

Figure 14 represents the 4 steps from the reset until 1st bit decision in the VCM buffer-free

switching technique. This technique requires one additional step to perform the reset in DAC

capacitors. As a consequence, N additional switches are necessary to initially reset all the capacitors

to a common-mode voltage in an N-bit ADC. In conventional VCM-Switching technique, the resetting

is done together with the input sampling because it is done against VCM.




2 3



VCM generator

Phase1 Phase 2





Capacitors array




Capacitors array


Vin -

Step 1: Capacitors Reset Step 2: Sample input differentially with floating common mode


VCM generator

Capacitors array

Step 3: Reconfigure left capacitors to hold VCM. Set arrays capacitors to VCM






VCM generator

Capacitors array

Step 4: Set first bit (MSB) after comparator decision. Continue for second bit.









Figure 14 - DAC and VCM capacitor configuration and steps using the proposed switching method.

The phases to generate the VCM voltage are represented in Figure 15. Initially the VCM

capacitors (C) are connected in series and the DAC is in sampling phase, resulting in a voltage in the

top plates of the DAC which is equal to Vin/2. At the phase 2, the common top plates of capacitors

CDACn and CDACp are disconnected and the voltage at these nodes remains at Vin/2, since the bottom

plates of the capacitors are still connected to Vin and to ground. At the next phase 3, the VCM

capacitors top plates connect to the DAC capacitors bottom plates. Considering the charge

redistribution and the charge conservation at the terminals of DAC capacitors, the CDACp top plate

voltage is VDD/2-Vin/2, while the CDACn top plate voltage is VDD/2+Vin/2

Ideally, without the parasitic capacitance Cp, the voltage generated by VCM capacitors would

remain constant (VDD/2) when the VCM capacitors connect to the DAC capacitors. However, the

parasitic capacitance of the bottom plates must not be neglected, since by layout extraction, the

parasitic capacitance of the unitary capacitance is about 30 fF. The VCM voltage can be given as in


















Vin/2 Cp

















e 2











Figure 15 - Phases of VCM voltage generation and parasitic capacitance Cp influence.

In Figure 16 and in Figure 17 is illustrated the successive approximation algorithm using the VCM

Buffer-free switching technique. The input voltages are 300 mV and 800 mV respectively.

Figure 16 - SAR ADC algorithm convergence to VCM voltage (300 mV input signal).


VCM 1st bit 2

nd bit 3

rd bit 4

th bit 5

th bit 6

th bit 7

th bit 8

th bit 9

th bit 10

th bit


Figure 17 - SAR ADC algorithm convergence to VCM voltage (800 mV input signal).

For an input voltage of 300 mV, the DACn output voltage should be 750 mV while the output

voltage of the DACp should be 450 mV. The simulation results in a voltage of 738 mV and 445 mV at

the output of DACn and DACp, respectively. For an input voltage of 800 mV, ideally the output of

DACp and DACn should be 1V and 200 mV, respectively. The measured results are 987 mV and 205


The simulated values take into account the equation (3.6). The output values of the DAC at the

phase 3 inFigure 15 - Phases of VCM voltage generation and parasitic capacitance Cp

influence.Figure 15 do not consider the parasitic capacitance Cp. Thus, considering Cp, the DAC

output voltages can be rearranged as follows






As seen from previous equations, in order to get the ideal values at the DAC output (as in Figure

15) it is necessary to guarantee that the value of C is much higher than the Cp value.

3.3. Digital-to-Analog Converter design

3.3.1. DAC Design Constraints and Considerations

In a ADC, the capacitive DAC is used to generate precise analog voltages in the feedback path.

There are many considerations that must be taken when designing a digital-to-analog converter

for a SAR ADC. The capacitor size of the DAC is a function of various parameters such as the

smallest realizable capacitor (limitation imposed by the technology), thermal noise, mismatch of the

DAC capacitors, power consumption in capacitor DAC and even the settling time of the capacitors.


VCM 1st bit 2

nd bit 3

rd bit 4

th bit 5

th bit 6

th bit 7

th bit 8

th bit 9

th bit 10

th bit


The unit capacitor in the DAC must be kept as small as possible mainly for power consumption

saving. The minimum capacitor in the DAC is usually determined either by thermal noise or by

capacitor mismatch. Noise Analysis

In a switched-capacitor SAR ADC a major contributor for noise is the thermal noise on the

switches that control the DAC capacitors. They form an RC lowpass filter with the capacitors.

It can be demonstrated that the thermal noise in such RC circuits depends only on the value of the

capacitance C according to

[VRms] (3.8)

Where k is the Boltzmann constant and T corresponds to the absolute temperature in Kelvin. The

noise contributed during both the sampling phase and the DAC Switching phases must be considered.

Another noise contributor is the comparator itself.

The total noise referred at the input of the comparator is given by equation (3.9).

[VRms] (3.9)

The sampling noise ( ), depends on the total DAC capacitance (CDAC).

[V] (3.10)

The 2nd

term, , corresponds to the DAC noise, where the DAC capacitors are floating and

the relevant capacitance is the parasitics to ground (Cp).




if (3.11)

At last, the comparator noise, is better explained in Section 3.4, where all the parameters

of the dynamic comparator are analysed in detail. The comparator is designed to have an input

referred noise of at most 1 mV in order to be much lower than a LSB.

Theoretically, the minimum sampling capacitor Cu is limited by the thermal noise of the sampling

capacitor array. Then, the requirement to design the unit capacitance is given by



Considering that CDAC is equal to 64Cu and one LSB corresponds to 2Vref/2N, the unitary

capacitance must be at least 0.05 fF. This value is not supported by technology and thus, it is used the

minimum capacitance provided by technology. As shown in equations (3.9) and (3.11), the ADC noise

depends not only on the DAC capacitance and comparator noise, but also on the parasitic

capacitances because the DAC is used in floating configuration.

It can be concluded from equation (3.11) that the DAC noise is much higher than sampling noise.

In order to reduce DAC noise, the capacitance must be increased. However, increasing Cp,

reduces the input voltage to the comparator, which is proportional to /( + ) and increases


In [8] an additional capacitor CLPF is used as represented in Figure 18. With this approach, the

DAC noise is approximately reduced to KT/(Cp+CLPF) without degrading the input voltage to the


To keep the DAC noise bellow 330 μVrms, and using equation (3.6) CLPF must be 38 fF.

Generally, the bottom plate parasitic capacitances have considerable values. By layout extraction,

these parasitic capacitances is approximately the required (38 fF) and no additional capacitance CLPF

is needed. Figure 18 shows the configuration of CLPF capacitor.







Low pass filter C







. .


Figure 18 - Proposed Filtered DAC in [8]. Capacitor Mismatch

In this project, the thermal noise constraint is considered to be dominant over the capacitor

mismatch when designing the unit capacitance. The DAC output is generated based on a

capacitances ratio. In order to get very precise voltages at the DAC output, a good matching of

capacitors is therefore a must, since the mismatch in DAC capacitor will result in non-linearities in the

ADC transfer function, reducing the dynamic range of the proposed ADC.

For a binary weighted DAC array, the worst case in differential nonlinearity (DNL) occurs at the

MSB transition code. So, the DNL analysis can be considered as follows in equations (3.13), (3.14)

and (3.15) [9].



N is the number of bits of ADC. From technology documentation and for a MIM capacitor (no data

on MOM capacitors was available and so data from a MIM capacitor is used instead) the capacitor

mismatch versus the capacitor area is given by (3.14)



√ (3.14)

In previous equation, the parameter is the matching coefficient and the parameter A is the area

of the capacitor. Besides that, considering that a given capacitor C is equal to its area multiplied by a

capacitor density coefficient ( ) and considering that to achieve the best possible match, we have to

maintain 3 0.5LSB, combining the previous equations, the unitary capacitance can be given

by equation (3.15)

( ) (3.15)

From technology documentation, the mixed mode capacitors have a matching of about 0.0095%

μm and a density of 1fF/ . From previous equations, the necessary unitary capacitance for the

required matching is 2 fF.

As mentioned before, the noise constraint is the limiting factor over the the mismatch constraints.

However, as the minimum MIM capacitance allowable for this technology is 17 fF, this value is taken

for schematic simulations.

As it will be referred later in report, for layout design limitations, the DAC array is designed with

MOM capacitors instead of MIM capacitors. However the results obtained for mismatch analysis are

considered valid for MOM capacitors, since the limiting factor is the noise constraint.

3.3.2. Binary Weighed Switched-Capacitor DAC

An N-bit binary weighed capacitor array consists basically of binary scaled capacitors, 2N-1

C, 2N-

2C...2C, C. The last capacitor (dummy capacitor) has an equal value to the LSB capacitor so that the

total value of the capacitors is 2NC

Figure 19 illustrates a 10 bit binary weighted array for a ADC. The capacitor correspondent to the

MSB has a value which is 512 times bigger than the smallest capacitor.







Figure 19 - Binary weighted DAC array for an ADC with 10 bit.

3.3.3. Segmented Array DAC

One of the major limitations of the sampling rate in an architecture based on successive

approximation register is often related with the limitations imposed by the RC constant of the DAC

array capacitors.

In a binary weighted array, the capacitors size increases exponentially with the number of bits of

the ADC. This leads to a higher consumption and also to a higher voltage settling time in DAC

capacitors. To overcome this problem, the segmented array technique allows to reduce the total

capacitance in a DAC array. Figure 20 illustrates an example of a 6-bit SAR ADC with a segmented

array DAC.

The figure shows that there are two sub DAC arrays separated by an attenuation capacitor (Catten).

With this technique, the total capacitance is smaller than the total capacitance used in a binary

weighted DAC array. From Figure 20 is possible to get a ratio of 4C/C between the largest and the

smallest capacitance. With the same ADC, using a binary weighted DAC array, the ratio is much

higher (32C/C).

Equation (3.16) gives us the value of the attenuation capacitor [10]. The total capacitance of the

MSB array is equal to the capacitance of the LSB array less C.


C C 2C 4C




LSB array



MSB array

Figure 20 – 6 bit SAR ADC example with segmented array DAC.


Figure 21 depicts the proposed segmented DAC array with two 5-bit sub-DAC. In this work the

capacitance Catten has the value of the unitary capacitance C. Considering the equation (3.16) and the

proposed architecture in Figure 20, the attenuation capacitor has a value of (32/31)C. This

capacitance is difficult to implement in layout, resulting in poor matching between the two sub-DACs.

Therefore, the dummy unitary capacitor in the LSB array was removed, leading to unit capacitance for

the attenuation capacitor which provides best matching.

From Figure 21 the ratio between the largest and the smallest capacitor is now 16C/C while in a

binary weighted DAC the ratio was much higher – 512C/C.

The 5 least significant bits correspond to the left side array, while the 5 most significant bit

correspond to the right side array.

C 2C



4C2CC8C 8C 16C



C 2C 4C




4C2CC8C 8C 16C




-SAR Logic

Figure 21 - Proposed segmented DAC architecture with 2 5-bit sub-DACs.

The segmented DAC array is more vulnerable to parasitic capacitances than the binary weighted

array. Figure 22 depicts some critical nodes with parasitic capacitances Cp1 and Cp2. Generally, the

parasitic capacitance in node Vleft is larger than the capacitance Cp2. The layout of a segmented array

needs to be carefully designed in order to decrease as much as possible the parasitic capacitances

Cp1 and Cp2 and to decrease the non-linearities generated by those capacitances.

Assuming that the bottom plates of the capacitors in node Vleft are connected to voltage Vx, and

the voltage Vright is equal to 0 Volts and considering the voltage divider between left array capacitors

and Cp1, Cp2 and Catten, the voltage at the node Vleft can be given by (3.17) as in [11].


Then the charge contributed to node Vright is given for (3.18)

( ) ( )


As shown in two previous equations, the voltage contribution of the left sub-array depends on the

parasitic capacitances Cp1 and Cp2, which must be minimized in order to avoid non-linearities in ADC


C C 2C 4C




4C2CC8C 8CCp1





Figure 22 - Segmented DAC with parasitic capacitances in critical nodes.

Figure 23 compares the evolution of the voltages at the output of the DAC. Figure 23 (a)

represents the output voltage of the binary weighted DAC while Figure 23 (b) represents the evolution

of the voltage at the output of segmented array DAC. It is clear to see that as a consequence of the

largest capacitance in (a), the settling time is much bigger than in (b). Since the total capacitance in a

segmented array is much smaller, during the comparator clock rising edge, the glitches are more

visible at diagram (b) than in (a). This problem will be discussed later, in section that analyses the

comparator. The voltage variations in both diagrams are similar.



Figure 23 - Comparison between output DAC voltages in (a) - Binary weighed DAC and (b) - Segmented DAC.


3.3.4. DAC Switches Design and Charge Injection Effects

The capacitors bottom plate sampling switches have been implemented using transmission gates.

NMOS transistors cannot conduct for source voltages beyond Vdd-Vth, while PMOS transistors cannot

conduct for voltages below Vth. In order to overcome these limitations and to achieve a full range input

sampling, two transistors (NMOS and PMOS) are placed in parallel forming a transmission gate.

Generally, the sampling circuit (capacitor plus on-resistance of the transmission gate) is designed

to achieve a settling error of the input voltage, which is less than half of LSB, for an N-bit converter.

Then, considering the low pass filter formed by transmission gate and the sampling capacitors, the

equation (3.19) must be satisfied [12].

( )


Since in this design the ADC has a 10 bit resolution and the sampling frequency is 100 kHz, the

is about 243 kHz.

Considering a total input sampling capacitance of the ADC of around 0.5 pF, the transmission gate

switches must be designed to have an on-resistance less than 1.3 MΩ. Figure 24 illustrates the on-

resistance of a transmission gate (with minimum widths of the transistors) as a function of the input

voltage. As shown, the on-resistance is much lower than the required for all the range of the input

voltage. The switches to control the DAC switches are represented in Figure 25.

Figure 24 – Simulated Transmission Gate on-resistance as a function of the input voltage.

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.40







14x 10


Input Voltage (V)


tance (



PMOS resistance

NMOS resistance

Transmission gate resistance

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1










Input Voltage (V)


tance (



X: 0.55

Y: 1911

PMOS resistance

NMOS resistance

Transmission gate resistance
















Figure 25 - Diagram with the necessary switches for each DAC capacitor.

With regard to the ADCs, the charge injection generated in the sampling switches results in an

error in the sampled input voltage. The charge injection effects can be minimized by either reducing as

much as possible the sizes of the switches or by having some clock signals slightly advanced with

respect to the remaining signals.

As mentioned in [13], the channel charge of an NMOS transistor can be given by:

( ) (3.20)

Figure 26 shows a sampling switch.

When the MOS switch is closed, the charge is injected onto the sampling capacitor and into Vin

source voltage. Since Vin node can be assumed as a low impedance node, the effect of the charge

injection can be neglected. However, the charge injected onto sampling capacitor, generates a voltage

variation across the capacitor. The voltage variation due to charge injection can be given as in (3.21).

CsampAC Vin



Figure 26 - Charge injection and clock feedthrough effects in a sampling circuit.

( )



3.4. Dynamic Comparator

Comparators are a very important part of analog-to-digital converters. There are many important

factors that must be considered when designing a comparator, since the accuracy of an ADC depends

largely on the decisions taken by the comparator. For high speed and high resolution ADCs, they are

required to have low input referred offset and high speed operation. Either the input offset voltage or

the input referred noise is the two most critical parameters that must be optimized in a dynamic


The dynamic comparator is a good solution for low power ADCs due to no static current

consumption, since there only is current flowing from supply to ground during the clock flanks.

However, these kinds of comparators are generally difficult to analyse, since they do not operate

around a static bias point. Both the noise and offset analysis are not straightforward to perform and so,

not only analytical expressions but also the test benches to simulate the response of the comparator

must be worked carefully.

The proposed dynamic comparator circuit is depicted in Figure 27. The operation principle is not

complicated and is described below. At the first stage clk is low, the comparator is in precharge phase

and both comparator outputs are set to ground. During this phase there is no current flowing from

supply voltage to ground, because transistor M1 is off. In the next phase, clk goes high and the

comparator is in comparison. During this phase, according to the voltage Vi+ and Vi-, the nodes A+ and

A- go to ground at different rates. This effect is reinforced by positive feedback created by transistors

M7 and M8. At the end of this phase, both nodes have different logic values.

The transistors M10 and M11 are necessary to reduce the kickback noise as it will be explained









M2 M3




A+ A-

B+ B-



C1 C2M10 M11




C+ C-

Figure 27 - Proposed dynamic comparator schematic.


3.4.1. Noise Analysis

The noise analysis in dynamic comparators is not easy to perform, since they have no static

biasing point. In comparators to be implemented in an ADC, a fundamental limitation on the available

resolution derives from the thermal noise. The input referred noise of dynamic comparators is

described in [14]. In this work, the author divided the noise analysis into three comparator operation

phases. The input referred noise in a dynamic comparator can be reduced by reducing its bandwidth,

increasing the input stage load capacitors.

Capacitors C1 and C2 are then used to set the input referred noise of the comparator below the

LSB. Due to clocked nature of the dynamic comparator, the noise must be obtained with transient

noise simulations.

Without the capacitors C1 and C2, the input referred noise of the comparator is about 3 mVrms,

which is higher than one LSB for this ADC (LSB = 2.34 mV) and therefore it was decided to reduce the


To get 1mVrms of input referred noise, the capacitors C1 and C2 were increased until the

probability of correct comparison is 84.1% with a 1mV input signal, which corresponds to the

probability of a gaussian variable going higher than its standard deviation. Figure 28 shows that it is

obtained for C1 and C2 a value of 190 fF to get a 1 mVrms of input referred noise, which is much below

the LSB value of the ADC.












0 1 2 3




Differential input voltage (mV)

Probability of comparator right decision









20 70 120 170 220





Capacitance value (fF)

Probability of comparator right decision






Figure 28 - Probability of comparator correct decision as a function of C1 and C2 capacitance with 1 mV of input voltage.

3.4.2. Input referred offset Analysis

As previously referred, the dynamic comparators are very attractive, mainly because of their high

speed and low power consumption. However, the accuracy of such comparators is highly affected by

their input referred offset, resulting from mismatches in threshold voltage or in current factor β

(µCoxW/L) and also in parasitic capacitance mismatch in both branches of the dynamic comparator.

The offset in a comparator is therefore a parameter of high importance.


Offsets are classified into systematic offsets and random offsets. Systematic offsets can be

reduced by a symmetric design and a good layout. On the other hand, random offsets are the result of

random variations during the fabrication process, which may cause mismatches in factor β and in the

threshold voltage of the transistors.

The calculation of offset voltage in a comparator with static bias is well defined and easy to

perform, since all the transistors operation is known. However, in a dynamic comparator, the offset

analysis is not straightforward, since the gm of the transistors depends on the operation phase of the


The offset voltage of the differential input stage can be approximated as expressed in equations

(3.22) and (3.23) as demonstrated in [15] and [16]. The transistors M2 and M3 are the most critical for

the offset voltage in dynamic comparator, since

( )

( )







From the two previous equations and from [16] it is possible to get the approximation for the

comparator input offset as in equation (3.24), in which the capacitance C is the capacitance at the

source of both transistors M4 and M5








The random mismatch in threshold voltage Vth is given for (3.25), while the random mismatch in

current factor (β) is given for (3.26).

√ , W and L are in µm (3.25)

√ , W and L are in µm (3.26)

From three previous equations, the total input offset voltage increases proportionally to the

threshold voltage mismatch and to the current factor as well. Increasing the area of the transistors

leads to a lower random mismatch in threshold voltage and in current factor. In addition, increasing the


capacitances in nodes C+ and C-, reduces the input voltage offset as well. By equations (3.25) and

(3.26), if the area of the comparator is doubled, the offset will be reduced by a factor of √ .

The equation (3.24) is a good approximation to evaluate the offset voltage in dynamic

comparators, since both transistors M2 and M3 start to operate in saturation region during the

evaluation phase (input voltages comparison phase)

Figure 31 depictes an histogram of the final input referred offset of the proposed comparator. The

results were obtained from 1000 iterations of Monte Carlo transient simulations. As shown in the

figure, the standard offset deviation is aproximately 7.8 mV with a mean of -813 uV.

To obtain both the histograms of Figure 31 and Figure 30, it was performed a MonteCarlo

simulation with 1000 iterations. In each iteration it was obtained a similar result as in Figure 29. For

example, for the simulated result shown in the figure there was an offset of 60 mV.

It was necessary to create a good testbench to get accurate results and automatic and fast

simulations, since the output of the comparator just takes logical values, either 1 or 0. The offset

analysis simulation is not as easy as in case of comparators with static biasing in which the output can

generally take any value in range between ground and supply level.

To get an aproximation of the offset value in each iteration, it was applied to one input of the

comparator a ladder shaped signal (with 1mV steps) while in the other input it was applied a DC

voltage with a value of 600mV. For each iteration, the simulator applies a different mismatch in

transistors of the comparator, resulting in different offset values for each iteration. The iteration shown

in Figure 29 resulted in an offset of 60 mV for a given mismatch applied by simulator.

In order to get the histogram of the input reffered offset it was necessary to transform the

comparator output (red line in Figure 29) into a scalar value, so that the simulator can automatically

obtain the histogram of the input referred offset after 1000 MonteCarlo iterations with a transient of T

time. The scalar value of the offset was obtained by (3.27)

In the equation the parameter m corresponds to the slope of ladder signal, the parameter T is

the duration of the transient simulation and the parameter Vinitladder corresponds to the initial voltage

of the ladder signal (at the instant t = 0 µs).




Figure 29 represents a ladder shapped input signal with 12 mV steps, although the simulation

to get the final offset value was performed with a ladder shapped signal with 1 mV steps to get more

accurate results.


Figure 29 - Example of a run in MonteCarlo simulation (for this run the obtained offset is 60 mV).

Figure 30 illustrates the obtained histogram with the minimum width values (W =160 nm), the

standard deviation is about 133 mV and the mean value is about 42 mV. The obtained values for the

input referred offset for a dynamic comparator to be implemented in an ADC are not acceptable, since

it results in an error of about 50 LSB for the ADC proposed in this work.

Therefore, to achieve the values represented in histogram of Figure 31 the widths of the more

critical transistors in terms of mismatch (M2, M3, M10 and M11 in Figure 27) were set to 9 µm. With

these new values, the error caused by the comparator offset is reduced to about 4 LSB, which is much


After setting the widths of those transistors to have relatively large size, the sizes of the remaining

transistors were optimized for high speed, low offset and less power consumption.


Figure 30 - Histogram for comparator MonteCarlo simulation (with minimum widths of input pair transistors).

Figure 31 - Histogram for comparator MonteCarlo simulation (after redesigning widths of input pair transistors).

3.4.3. Kickback Noise

There is another source of errors in comparators which is the so called kickback noise. In order to

reduce as much as possible the input referred offset of the dynamic comparator, the widths of the

input pair transistors were increased. However, the larger the widths of the transistors M2 and M3 the


more the voltage variations in the internal nodes of the comparator are coupled to the input, disturbing

the input voltage.

When the decision phase starts, the cross coupled inverters make the output voltages go towards

0 or VDD. These large voltage variations are coupled to the input of the comparator through the

parasitic capacitances formed by transistors M2 and M3 which have large widths. This effect on the

input of the comparator may degrade the accuracy of the converter.

In Figure 32 is represented the effect of the Kickback noise at both inputs of the dynamic

comparator differential pair. In diagram (a) the output voltage nodes are coupled to the input through

the capacitances CM2 and CM3 which correspond to the gate-drain capacitance of the transistors M2

and M3 respectively. The input voltage variations (glitches) can be given by equation (3.28)


As mentioned back in DAC topologies analysis, the glitches at the comparator input depend on the

DAC capacitance as seen by equation (3.28). In Figure 23 is possible to see that the glitches are

attenuated using a binary weighted capacitor, which has a higher capacitance CDAC than the

segmented DAC array.

In diagram (b) the transistors M4 and M5 are introduced to reduce the effect of the kickback noise.

These two transistors isolate the large output voltage variations from the input of the dynamic

comparator. The kickback noise is then attenuated since the voltage variations at the drain of

transistors M2 and M3 are reduced by the introduction of two parasitic capacitances CM4 and CM5.




M2 M3





M4 M5









M2 M3





Vin+ Vin-

Vout+ Vout-


Figure 32 - Kickback noise generation at the input of differential pair.(a) – Without kickback noise compensation, (b) – With kickback noise compensation.

To verify the real effect of the kickback noise, in Figure 33 are represented two different inputs

of the comparator. In diagram (a) there is no kickback noise compensation and as a consequence,

there is about a 10mV variation in the input voltage of the comparator at the rising edge of the first

comparator clock (corresponds to the first bit decision). That variation introduces in ADC an error of


about 5 LSB. With kickback noise compensation, the variation is much lower (about 0.5 mV), although

the glitches have higher amplitude.

Figure 33 - Simulated input of the comparator without kickback noise compensation (a) and with kickback noise compensation (b).




3.5. Asynchronous Control Logic

As previously mentioned, in this work the control is asynchronous to avoid high frequency clock

generators. Figure 34 represents the control logic block and some important signals that regulate the

entire conversion operation. The SAR ADC control is triggered by an external clock (External clk) with

a frequency of 100 kHz (this ADC was designed to run at a sample rate of 100 kSamples/s, but the

converter can operate at a maximum sampling rate of 1.2 MS/s)

The conversion of an input voltage starts at the rising edge of external clock and when the

conversion is ready the ADC remains idle until the next rising edge of the external clock triggers again

the control unit. That means that the ADC only consumes power during the conversion period. The

control unit is based on work presented in [17].

The external clock is the time reference for SAR ADC operations. However, internally there must

be a clock which must run at least 13 times faster than external clock, considering the reset cycle, the

sampling cycle, the VCM generation cycle and at last the 10-bit cycling.







Delay Element

Clk cmpgenerator

EnableLogic and

SA Register


Sample andReset


Enable generator



External clk

. . . . . .

. . . . . .Vin

10 b


1 2 3 10

External clk






Sample Time for DAC settling

Figure 34 - Block Diagram for asynchronous controller and respective control signals.

When the external clock goes high, it triggers the signal “Enable” which stays high during the entire

conversion process as shown in Figure 34. As soon as the signal “Enable” goes high, the signal

“sample” goes low. At this time, the converter stops the sampling of the input voltage by oppening the

input voltage sampling switches. As mentioned back in the chapter with the proposed DAC switching


technique, the next step after the sampling phase is to reset all DAC capacitors by rising the “reset”

signal. After the reseting, the VCM voltage is connected at the bottom plates of the DAC capacitors.

After the VCM voltage is settled in DAC capacitors (the time needed for capacitors settling is defined

by “delay element” block), the comparator takes the decision.

After the comparator decision, the signal “comp_ready” indicates that the comparator output is

ready. The block “Delay Element” generates a pulse with a duration defined by a monostable. Its

duration allows time for DAC settling and the falling edge of signal “Clk_delay” sequences the operation

of the sucessive approximation algorithm triggering again the block to that generates the clock for the


“Clk_comp” clocks the comparator. It is triggered initially by “Enable” and thereafter by the falling

edge of “Clk_delay”. The signal “conv_ready” indicates that the conversion is done after all 10 bits are

decided. It sends the comparator to stand-by, outputs the conversion result and resets the “sample”


Figure 35 represents the simulated time sequence of the four main control signals for the

comparator. As described above, the figure shows that the rising edge of the signal “Enable” triggers all

the conversion process, initiated by comparator clock until delayed signal (Clk_delay) which defines the

time for DAC settling. The process is repeated until all ten bits are decided.

Figure 35 - Simulated control signals for comparator and for delay generator block.

The transmission gate based D flip flops are the preferred topology for this ADC. Comparing

this architecture with the traditional nand based D flip flop, it is possible to reduce the area of the flip

flop since it requires less transistors than in conventional D flip-flop


Basically to implement this topology, two level-sensitive latches are used in cascade. The first

stage tracks the D input when the clock is low and the second stage holds the previous output. Then,

in the rising edge of the clock, the first stage captures the input voltage and transfers it to the second


When clk is high, both TG1 and TG4 are turned off and TG2 and TG3 are turned on.

Considering that the reset is high, the D input is passed to the output Q at the rising edge of the clock.

On the other hand, when clock goes low, TG1 and TG4 turn on and TG2 and TG3 turn off and then

the value of D input circulates around the inverter and nand at the output Q.





clkclk nclk




TG 1

TG 2

TG 3

TG 4

Figure 36 - Schematic of transmission gate based D Flip-Flop with reset.

Figure 37 represents the successive approximation register schematic, the logic block and the

main control signals that drive the DAC switches either to the VCM voltage or to Vref+/Vref

- . The first

array of the SAR register (shift register) controls the logic block through signals “s” and. For the

proposed switching technique, all the ten capacitors are connected either to VCM or to Vref+ or Vref


during the conversion process. The signal “clk” corresponds to the signal “Clk_delay” referred in

Figure 35. As explained before, this signal controls the timing for DAC capacitors settling.

The second array of Flip Flops (Bit Register) is controlled by signals “s” and “COMP”. These

flip flops are used to save the value of the decision of the comparator (signal COMP). The signal

“COMP” is generated by a Latch SR, which saves the value of the comparator output until the next

comparator decision. Figure 38 shows the timing sequence of the signals sw1 until sw10 used to

control the operation sequence in second array of flip flops.

It is important to guarantee non-overlapping in the signals generated by logic and by

successive approximation register block, since two different switches to same capacitor cannot be

closed at the same time resulting in errors during the conversion. The non-overlap between signals is

guaranteed by using inverters to delay the output signals of the shift register and logic block.













































s1 s2 s9 s10vdd


s1 s2 s9 s10


Shift Register

Bit Register

Logic Block






. .







b1 b2 b3 b4


























. .













VCM10 nVCM10









DAC switches and capacitors

Figure 37 - Successive Approximation Register, logic block and principal control signals.


Figure 38 - Control Signals generated by Successive approximation register block.

3.5.1. Monostable based Delay Element

It is very important to define the necessary time for DAC settling. If this time is too short, the

capacitors in DAC may not be completely charged when comparator starts the comparison, resulting

in incorrect decisions and in incorrect conversions as well.

On the other hand, if the time defined by delay block is too long (longest than the necessary time

for DAC settling), there is an unnecessary wasting of power, since the power consumption in a

monostable is proportional to the delay that it creates. Besides that, increasing the pulse duration of

the monostable delayed output signal, results in a longer conversion time and as a consequence, the

maximum allowable sampling rate of the ADC is lower.

Figure 39 represents the schematic of the monostable used in this work. The pulse duration of the

output signal is a function of the capacitor C (25 fF) and the equivalent resistor formed by transistor

M1, which is designed to have a large L (40 µm). Both transistors M1 and M2 operate as switches,

while transistors M3 and M4 correspond to the inverter1 and the transistors M5 and M6 correspond to

the inverter2.


L >>>








L >

L >






L >>>





M4 M5




Figure 39 - Delay element based on a monostable circuit.



Pre-Layout Results and Simulations Chapter 4 -

The ADC´s dual functions, the quantization and the sampling, provide an efficient

transformation from the analog to digital world. However, both functions have consequences

with regard to the ADC´s performance.

The SNR or signal to noise ratio is a good metric to determine the performance of an ADC.

The SNR relates the power of the noise generated in ADC during a conversion and the RMS

full-scale signal. In an ideal ADC in which the quantization noise is the only contributor for

distortions, the SNR can be given by (4.1) in which N corresponds to the number of bits.

( ) (4.1)

The previous equation gives only the theoretical limit for a SNR in a N-bit converter. For this

work, considering equation (4.1) and with 10 bit resolution, it is possible to achieve at most a

SNR of 61.96 dB. Real converters do not provide this level of performance, mainly because of

the additional sources of noise as described in this report. However, formula (4.1) is a good

reference to judge the candidate ADC

Taking into account all the noise sources described throughout the report, the signal to

noise ratio of a non-ideal ADC is given by equation (4.2) in which the parameter VREF

corresponds to the reference voltage, Cp is the parasitic capacitance at the comparator input

and CDAC is the total DAC capacitance. The main sources of noise (in the denominator) are the

sampling noise, the DAC noise and comparator noise as described previously in report.

Reducing the noise generated from all sources by increasing either the DAC capacitance

or the decreasing comparator noise is therefore a must to achieve the maximum SNR.




The Test Bench Setup for measuring the ADC performance is depicted in Figure 40, in

which the designed ADC samples a sine wave at a sampling rate defined by signal clock. The

ideal DAC was implemented with Verilog-A code, which converts the 10-bit word from the ADC

into an analog voltage. The output of the ideal DAC is then exported to a csv file (comma

separated values file) which is after used in Matlab® software in order to obtain the

performance parameters of the ADC.


ADC under test

Ideal DAC































.csv file







CADENCE environment



Figure 40 -Test Bench setup to measure ADC performance parameters.

Figure 43 represents the measured spectrum of a 8.984 kHz sine wave with amplitude and

a mean value of 600 mV. The signal was sampled at a sampling rate of 400 kS/s. The

measured SNDR is 58.9 dB.

Considering the equation to get the effective number of bits in the Chapter 2, which relates

the ENOB with the SNDR, for this ADC is obtained a 9.49 ENOB, which is around the design

specification (9.5 ENOB).

Figure 41 illustrates ADC output signal (red line) sampled at a frequency of 500 kHz. The

input signal is a sine wave with 1.2 V of amplitude and with a frequency of 12.5 kHz. The red

line was obtained with the ideal DAC as in Figure 40.

Figure 41 - ADC input signal with 12.5 kHz (black line) and ADC output signal (red line).


Figure 42 shows another simulation with the same input signal of the Figure 41 In this

simulation, the input signal was sampled at a sampling rate of 1 MS/s.

Figure 42 - ADC input signal with 12.5 kHz (black line) ADC output signal (red line).

Figure 43 - Measured FFT (1024-point FFT) at a sampling rate of 400 kHz and an input signal of 8.984 kHz.

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200







X: 9.002

Y: 0



ude (



Frequency (kHz) Fs/2


Figure 44 - Measured FFT (256-point FFT) at a sampling rate of 200 kHz and an input signal of 10.9 kHz.

4.1. ADC Consumption

Figure 45 illustrates the consumption of the three main blocks of the ADC running at a

sampling rate of 100 kS/s: The comparator consumes almost half of the total consumption. The

capacitors at the input differential pair of the comparator are the main contributors for the

consumption in the dynamic comparator. The DAC consumption comes from the capacitors

switchings. The value is obtained when all the capacitors are connected to Vref+. At last, the

digital block (SAR Register and logic block) consumes about 37% of the total consumption. To

minimize the consumption of this block, the widths of the transistors are set to the minimum

allowed by technology.

Figure 45 - ADC consumption.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100-80







X: 11.11

Y: 31.6

Frequency (kHz) Fs/2





SAR Register and logic block - 353.9

nA 37%

DAC - 162 nA 17%

Comparator- 435 nA


ADC Overall Consumption

SAR Register and logicblock - 353.9 nADAC - 162 nA

Comparator- 435 nA


Most of the time, the comparator is in idle state and the power consumption depends

directly on the sampling rate. For higher sampling rates, the idle state is shorter and as a

consequence the average current consumption increases. Figure 46, relates the sampling

frequency with the current consumption. For sampling frequencies of 10 kHz the current driven

from supply can be as small as 200 nA. On the other side, for sampling frequencies of about 1

MHz, the consumption can reach up to almost 10 μA.

Figure 46 - Current consumption as a function of the sampling rate.

4.2. ADC Static DC Performance

Gain error is defined as the deviation between the last actual transition and the last ideal

transition. The last actual transition means the transition from 3FE to 3FF for a 10-bit ADC. In an

ideal case, the transition from 3FE to 3FF in a 10-bit ADC should occur when the input voltage

is equal to the full-scale voltage less 0.5 LSB.

On the other hand, the offset error is defined as the deviation between the first actual

transition and the first ideal transition.

Figure 47 shows an offset error of approximately 0.05 LSB, which corresponds to 117 µV

while the gain error is about 9.4 mV which corresponds to 4 LSB.
















X: 100

Y: 0.912

Sampling Frequency (kHz)




ption (




ADC input voltage (V)

0.05 LSB








Ideal 9.4 mV

gain error

offset error

ADC code output

=117 uV

Figure 47 - 10 bit ADC characteristics.


Layout and Post-Layout Results and Chapter 5 -


5.1. Layout Design

The floorplan of the SAR ADC is illustrated in Figure 48. In this floorplan the capacitors for

VCM generation are not considered. The ADC layout configuration was planned to be

symmetric to avoid as much as possible offset errors and mismatches in the two main blocks of

the ADC – comparator and DAC:

Figure 48 - SAR ADC floorplan.

The two most critical blocks in terms of layout implementation are the comparator and the

two DAC sub-blocks. These three blocks must be carefully designed and must be symmetric in

order to avoid non-linearities due to an asymmetrical implementation. As previously referred, in

the comparator section, the input offset of the comparator (mainly the systematic offset) can be

highly affected if the comparator layout is not carefully designed.

Layout design techniques as common centroid are therefore a must, principally in input

differential pair of the comparator (which are the most critical transistors in terms of systematic


As in comparator, the capacitors in the two DAC sub-blocks are critical in terms of

mismatch caused by process variations. The implemented common centroid configuration is

illustrated in Figure 49. The left sub-array corresponds to the 5 LSB capacitors and the right sub

array corresponds to the 5 MSB capacitors. The DAC configuration is set not only to achieve a

good matching between the capacitors and also to minimize the parasitic capacitances between

the adjacent capacitors. Therefore, as shown in Figure 49, all capacitors are shielded by a layer


of ground (dashed line) in order to reduce the parasitic capacitance between capacitors.

Besides that, the configuration for the proposed common centroid for DAC capacitors minimizes

the routing of both bottom and top plates of the capacitors.

Dummy Capacitor

Unitary Capacitor (C) 16C Capacitor

4C Capacitor

8C Capacitor

2C Capacitor

Catten Capacitor (C)

Metal 5

Metal 4gnd









Figure 49 - Common centroid configuration of the DAC capacitors.

The design technology in this work (UMC 130 nm) provides two different types of

capacitors: MOM or metal-oxide-metal capacitors and MIM or metal-insulator-metal capacitors.

The ADC capacitors were firstly implemented with MIM capacitors which have the higher

capacitance density per μm2 (1 fF/ μm

2, accordingly to the technology documentation). Besides

that, since the MIM capacitors are designed above the last metal, they have minimum parasitic

capacitances to the substrate. On the other hand, the MOM capacitors have lower capacitance

density and higher parasitic capacitance to the substrate, since they are designed in the 5 lower


However, the technology layout design rules present some limitations in terms of spacing

between two adjacent MIM capacitors because they use top metal. For example the minimum

allowable distance between two adjacent top plates is 1 μm and routing lines are 3 μm wide.

Since the implementation of the DAC requires high capacitance density to reduce as much as

possible the dispersion between capacitors, this distance was not considered affordable.

Therefore, the MOM capacitors were the final choice over the MIM capacitors, since the

distance between two adjacent capacitors is only the allowed distance between two metals (0.2

μm), which is much smaller

The available MOM capacitors have a minimum capacitance of 25 fF, which was

considered high, given the noise and mismatch analysis performed previously in this work.

There was the necessity to reduce this capacitance to lower values and to design a capacitor

based on the MOM capacitor provided by technology. One of the main restrictions when laying

out a DAC is to guarantee that the ratios between DAC capacitors are maintained. Thus, the

precise value of the capacitor is not so relevant, provided that the noise requirements analysed


in Chapter 3 are guaranteed. By layout extraction, the designed capacitor has a value of

approximately 15 fF. The layout of the designed unitary capacitor is represented in Figure 50.

Figure 50 - Unitary capacitor designed for this work (based on MOM capacitors).

In Figure 51 illustrates the parasitic capacitances (red capacitors) after the layout

extraction. The ratios of DAC capacitances are maintained, and the unitary capacitor has a

value of around 15 fF. The parasitic capacitances at the top plates of both sub-DACs have a

value of around 28 fF and 19 fF for LSB array and MSB array, respectively. These capacitances

affect the voltage contribution from left sub-array to the right sub-array, which may degrade the

ADC performance.

The parasitic capacitances at the bottom plates of the DAC capacitors, don´t affect the

ADC performance, since those nodes are always connected to a voltage source. However, as

long as the capacitances at those nodes increase, the power consumption of DAC array

increases, as well. Besides that, these parasitic capacitances to ground can be used to reduce

the DAC noise as explained before in section

15.2f 30.47f 60.94f 121.7f 243.4f 15.3f


30.57f 60.9f 121.7f 243.2f


12.7f 22.42f 39.84f 72.2f 145f 12.3f 41f 72.8f21.1f 145f

C 2C 4C 8C 16C


C 2C 4C 8C 16C

15.3f 30.49f 60.94f 121.8f 243.5f 15.2f


30.59f 61f 121.8f 243.3f


12.8f 22.41f 39.84f 72f 144f 12.2f 41f 72.85f21.1f 145f

C 2C 4C 8C 16C


C 2C 4C 8C 16C

-SAR Logic+

Figure 51 - DAC capacitances and parasitic capacitances after layout extraction.

The common centroid configuration for the input differential pair of the dynamic comparator

is illustrated in Figure 52. The 4 transistors have a width of 9 µm. In layout, each transistor is


divided into 12 small transistors with 760 nm of width. The complete layout of the comparator is

in Appendix.











WB = 9 umWA = 9 um

WC = 9 um WD = 9 umC












































Figure 52 - Common Centroid diagram for comparator input differential pair.

5.2. Post-Layout Simulations

The Figure 53 illustrates the successive approximation algorithm at the DAC output for an

input voltage of 800 mV. The simulation was performed after a RC layout extraction. Ideally, at

the phase “VCM”, the voltage at the output of the DACn should be around 1V (VCM+Vin/2) and

the output voltage at the DACp should be 200 mV (VCM –Vin/2). AS the figure shows, the DAC

output voltage is around 956 mV and 233 mV, for DACn and DACp, respectively. At the end of

the conversion (10th bit) the algorithm converges approximately to VCM.

Figure 53 - Successive approximation algorithm convergence at DAC output (Vin = 800 mV).

Figure 55 illustrates the measured spectrum of the sine wave (red line) in Figure 54 The

input signal (black line) has a frequency of 10.937 kHz with amplitude and a mean value of 600

mV. The signal was sampled at a sampling rate of 400 kS/s. The measured SNDR is 49.2 dB

giving an 8.87 ENOB. Comparing this value with the value obtained at the schematic level,

there was a reduction of about 1 ENOB. One of the causes is related with an increasing of the

VCM 1st bit 2

nd bit 3

rd bit 4

th bit 5

th bit 6

th bit 7

th bit 8

th bit 9

th bit 10

th bit


parasitic capacitance at the critical nodes such as at the comparator input and at the DAC

output which degrades the SNR.

Besides that, the ratios of the DAC capacitors implemented in layout may not have been

maintained as in schematic level. For example a large variation at the attenuation capacitor

value which is the most critical capacitor in DAC, may lead to a large error in the ADC


Figure 54 - ADC input signal with 10.937 kHz (black line) ADC output signal (red line).

Figure 55 - Measured FFT (512-point FFT) at a sampling rate of 400 kHz and an input signal of 10.156 kHz.

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200












X: 10.2

Y: 0



ude (



Frequency (kHz) Fs/2




Conclusions and Future Work Chapter 6 -

6.1. Conclusion

In this work an ultra-low-power ADC for micro-sensors to run at a sampling rate of 100 kS/s

is designed at transistor level and at layout level. The ADC utilizes a low power design strategy,

imposing maximum simplicity on ADC architecture, using low power consumption switching

schemes and a dynamic comparator which consumes only at the clock flanks.

The ADC achieves 9.49 ENOB with a power consumption of 0.9 μA at a sampling rate of

100 kS/s at the schematic level. The two main goals of this work were fully achieved: 9.5 ENOB

and a consumption below 1 μA. At the schematic level, the ADC has a FoM of 15 fJ/step.

At the layout level, the ADC achieves a 8.87 ENOB with a consumption of 1.7 μA. These

achievements result in a FoM of 43 fJ/step. The figure of merit considerably increased when

compared to the results obtained at schematic level. The effect of the parasitic capacitances in

the most critical blocks and nodes such as in comparator input and in DAC arrays has a great

influence on ADC performance, reducing the SNR and increasing the overall consumption,

which reduces the ADC FoM.

In this work is proposed a novel switching technique – the VCM buffer free switching

technique. The proposed technique is confirmed by a 10-bit split DAC based SAR ADC

designed in 130nm CMOS with 1.2V power supply

There are many switching capacitor techniques to use in a low power ADC. The most

common for these requirements are the Set-and-Down-Technique and the VCM switching

techniques. Both of these procedures have some limitations either by charge injection effects

due to the top plate sampling or by the necessity of a VCM voltage generator. The proposed

switching technique comes to overcome the mentioned problems.

In a data converter, the comparator is always a critical block. In this work, great efforts are

spent on the design of the comparator to reduce as much as possible the input referred noise

and the offset with minimal increase on the comparator consumption

To overcome layout limitations imposed by the technology, a new capacitor had to be

created, since the capacitance of the capacitor provided by technology was too large.

The realization of this dissertation allowed to verify the real differences between a layout

and a schematic level implementation.

6.2. Future Work

In a converter, the switches to drive the capacitors are fundamental for the overall

performance of the ADC. For example, the problems related with charge injection are one of the

main factors for linearity in a converter. The transmission gate is a good implementation for a

switch since it passes a full range input signal.


However, for some simulations with corners, and considering a variation of ±10% in the

supply voltage, the switches have a high threshold voltage of about 540 mV. This is a problem

for input voltages around 600 mV, which is an issue for the switches that generate the VCM

voltage and for the sampling switches as well.

To overcome this problem, the gate-bootstrapped sampling technique is required, since the

switches control voltage is added to the input voltage making the transistor VGS constant and

independent of the input signal.

The solution is to implement bootstrapped switches as represented in Figure 56. The circuit

is triggered by signal clk, which turns off and on the transistor M13. When clk is low, the gate of

transistor M13 is discharged to ground and simultaneously the voltage Vdd is applied across the

capacitor C3 by transistors M3 and M10.

At the next phase, (clk is high) the transistor M5 pulls down the gate of the transistor M7, and

then the charge from capacitor C3 flows to the gate of transistor M13. Thus, the gate source

voltage of transistor M11 (node G) is kept constant, regardless of the input signal, since the gate

voltage of M13 is boosted to approximately Vin+Vdd provided that M12 connects the voltage Vin to

the bottom plate of C3.






C1 C2 C3









M8 M9



M12 M13


Figure 56 - Conventional NMOS bootstrap switch.

The expected results at the layout level were not fully achieved. It is also proposed as a

future work, to reduce both the power consumption, which has increased significantly when

compared to schematic values, and to improve the ENOB as well.

A further analysis in the implemented DAC layout block must be done in order to verify if

the correct ratios between the capacitors are maintain as in schematic level. The parasitic

capacitances after the layout extraction are the main factor for the reduction of the ADC

performance. For example, the lateral parasitic capacitances between a capacitor and the

grounded guard-ring increase the consumption. In layout the distance between the guard-ring

and a capacitor was set to be the minimum allowed by technology (0.2 μm). As a future work,

this distance must be increased in order to reduce the lateral capacitance between the guard-

ring and the capacitor at the expense of a slightly larger DAC.

The routing at the input of the comparator (top plates of DAC capacitors) must be analysed

and redesigned if necessary, since the parasitic capacitances at this node are critical for the

overall ADC performance.


At last, it is important to perform a further characterization of the complete ADC parameters

(after all optimizations in ADC layout).

It is also proposed to fabricate the ADC and to re-evaluate the ADC performance

parameters and compare them with the values measured at the layout level. This gives a good

insight in terms of the real differences between the simulator level and the fabricated chip.




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Figure 57 - Comparator layout.

Capacitors for noise reduction


Figure 58 - SAR ADC layout.

SAR Register and logic



Bus and Switches


VCM capacitors

VCM capacitors

C1 C1 C1 C1 C1

C1 C1 C1 C1

C2 C2 C2 C2

C2 C2 C2 C2 C2


Figure 59 - DAC layout.

LSB DAC array MSB DAC array