Adjectives are words that are used to describe nouns or

Post on 20-Jan-2022

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Adjectives are words that are used to describe nouns or

pronouns. An adjective makes the meaning of a noun or a

pronoun clearer.


Describe appearance, numbers, colours, size, shape, sound, taste,

weather, texture and feelings of nouns and pronouns such as

person, place, animal or things.


1. Complete each sentence by adding the correct describing

adjective from the given options:

soft strong empty raw fast Open

a. I put water in the ____________________bucket.

b. We went through the __________________door. c. A cheetah is a very __________________ runner.

d. A pillow made of feathers is ________________. e. We have to cook the __________________ meat. f. An elephant is an ____________________animal.

2. Complete the following story by filling in each blank

with an appropriate describing adjective:

Last week a (a) ________________ boy and his

(b) _____________ friend were walking along a (c) ___________street. They looked at the top of

(d) a __________tree and saw a (e) _____________

bird sitting on a (f) __________________ branch.

The bird swooped sown and landed on (g) ____________fence

where it had started to build a (h) ___________________ nest.

3. In each sentence, rearrange the jumbled letters to make a

describing adjective.

a. Tom is very __________________for his age. (llta)

b. This is a very __________________ building. (lod)

c. Here is a ______________________ shirt. (eancl)

d. This is a piece of ________________ wool.( lbue)

e. Matt does ____________ writing in his book. (enat)

f. This is a very ___________________ river. (edep) 4. Add an adjective of your own to describe each noun:

a. A ______________________meal.

b. A ______________________kite.

c. A _____________________flower.

d. An _____________________ game.

e. A _____________________ boy.

f. A _____________________ girl.

g. A _____________________ bird.

h. A _____________________ river.

i. A _____________________ fish.

j. A ____________________pillow.

5. Complete each sentence by adding the correct

describing adjective from the given options:

brown red white black Green Blue

a. The cow ate the ________________ grass.

b. Coal is ____________________________.

c. I dived into the _________________water.

d. I ate the _______________________apple.

e. She drank the ___________________milk.

f. A chocolate bar is usually _____________.

6. Write two descriptive adjectives to complete these


a. Teachers should be _____________ and ______________.

b. The grass was______________ and______________.

c. The flowers were_______________ and_______________.

d. My dog is ________________ and_______________.

e. My best friend is _______________ and_______________.

7.Complete each sentence by adding the correct number

adjective from the given options:

five eight twelve Four Two

a. There are________________months in the year.

b. You have______________ fingers in each hand.

c. Octopus has___________________ tentacles.

d. A bicycle has __________________wheels.

e. Most cars have_________________ wheels.

8. Read the passage and circle all the number adjectives:

Thirty children entered the swimming races. Two girls tied to

win the first race. The new boy won the second race. I missed

the second and third races because I was buying a drink.

The fourth race was my favorite.

They threw one hundred corks into the pool

and teams had to race to get as many as

they could. My team won. We gathered

forty corks. By the tenth race I was exhausted and ready to

come home.

9. Complete each sentence by adding the correct

describing adjective from the box.







a. I cut the bread with a ________________ knife.

b. A mouse is a _____________________ animal.

c. A giraffe has a _____________________neck.

d. A whale is a _____________________ animal.

e. A tiger is a ______________________animal.

g. An old crab has a _________________ shell.

10. Write a suitable describing adjective in each space

to complete the sentence:

a. A ____________ dog chased a _____________ boy.

b. The ____________ cat followed the __________


c. It was a _______day when we went to the


d. A___________ bird laid three _________ eggs in the


e. I put the _______ milk back in the _________
