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· ./ AMALI FEM 3101



To help student understand adolescent better and what are the developmental aspect involved in theprocess. Student will be taught how to access respondent's physical, cognitive and socio-emotional development With the information obtained, student would be able to make conclusionon respondent's overall development.


l.Choose an adolescent aged between 12-18 years old (state development level).

2.Collect respondent's background information. (Refer to Practical Form 1).3.Make an observation/assessment on the following dimension:

o Physical developmento Cognitive developmento Socio-emotional developmento Moral development

4.Apply appropriate theory to explain respondent's development. .

S.Write a report on respondent's overall developmento Introduction (Plus photo & personal information)

o Respondent's development level (based on analysis conducted)o Conclusion on every aspect of developmento Referenceo Appendix (All amali Forms)



Respondent's NameAge

Name of School


Date of Observation

1.To know your respondent better2.Rapport Building

o. Sibling



Education level


Do you have computerat home?

minlhours *----------------------

Ever used a computer?What for?

If yes, at what age doyou start using?

How often did youplay games on yourcomputer?

.------..,Name your

favourite computergame



(why do you want tobe a ?)


____________________ -'per day Jper week*



Objective: To evaluate respondent's physical development level.Task

1. Enquire/observe respondent's physical development 0 used the questions provided. Write yourcomment in the space provided.

2. Observe specific activity (either structured or unstructured) that involves physical development(sport, recreational activities, gardening, swimming etc.). Write your conclusion on his/herphysical development based on your observation.

3. Make an overall conclusion about your respondent physical development.


1. Changes in voice

· Changes in body structure

·Have reach puberty? When?

· Involvement in sports. If active,state type of activities.

· Involvement in recreationalactivities. e.g camping, mountainclimbing, canoeing etc.State activity.


IConclusion: Based on activities that involves physical development

Overall conclusion on adolescent physical development



Objective: - To evaluate respondent cognitive development.- To observe respondent intellectual and creative thinking.

Task: In this session you (student) must:-1. (Section A)

o Observe how respondent think? Is it based on their logical thinking or based on facts obtained .from their observation and reading? Observe whether respondent are able to do abstractthinking and concept-building.

o Observe whether answers given were based on concrete thinking or own sentimental values.

o Report all the answers and discussions.

2. (Section B).

o Conduct Torrence Test of Creativity To calculate the score, refer to Dr. Rohani Abdullah:Perkembangan kanak-kanak. Page 132

***********************************************************************SectionA: Items to be forwarded to respondent:

Give the meaning of the followingproverbs:"Seperti Kacang Lupakan Kulit"

What is the meaning of this proverb?

How is it correlated?

What is the significance of this proverb?

Give examples on situations reflected in thisproverb .

. What is your favourite board game?

• Does it have a specific rule /regulation? howdo you play it?

• Do you need to think while playing?

. In your opinion, What are the characteristicsof a good teacher? Why?

• If student have problems, how can ateacher help?

• Do your teacher always motivate her/hisstudents? How?

• What can she/he do if the class isnoisy/students are naughty?


Section B: Torrence Test of Creativity

Taskl: Observe how respondent expand /develop his/her ideas, THEN evaluate their creativity level.


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Task 2: Complete the circles into meaningful/attractive picture.


Write a conclusion on respondents cognitive development based on Tasks carried out inSection A and Section B



: To evaluate respondent socio-emotional developmental level.

As:sess respondent's relltionshiP with family and friendsAccess respondent's self-esteem.To calculate self-esteem score:

• 2 marks for every I No answer given (except for Q 4, 7, 9, 12)• 1 marks for every Don't Know

Calculate total sc~re• A high score indicate a high self-esteem level.• Make a conclufion on respondent socio-emotional development, based on what you

o have observed/enquired.Section A: I

Task1: Ask the following questions:

Ie ations IP WIt nen s

How is your relationship with ~ourpeers? (good/close/not good/eT

100 you have a best friend??

~O you have a special bOYfrierirlfriend

What is your perception towar~sriendship? (negative/positive) I



ObjectiveTaskSection A:Section B:

RIo hO Oh UO d

Relationship with family

How is your relationship with tourIfamily? (good/close/not goodleJco)

~hat is your opinion of your parentsbaiklgarang/ mesra)

What is your opinion towards yoursibling? Are you close with any ofhem? Who?



The scale is a 10-item Likert scale with items answered on a four point scale--fromstrongly agree to strongly disagree. The original sample for which the scale wasdeveloped consisted of over 5,000 High School Juniors and Seniors from 10 randomlyselected schools in New York State.

Instructions: Below is a list of statements dealing with your general feelings aboutyourself. If you strongly agree, circle SA;if you agree with the statement, circle A;if youdisagree, circle D;and, if you strongly disagree, circle SD.

1. On the whole, I am satisfied with myself. SA A D SD2.* At times, I think I am no good at all. SA A D SD3. I feel that I have a number of good qualities SA A D SD4. I am able to do things as well as most other people SA A D SD5.* I feel I do not have much tb be proud of SA A D SD6.* I certainly feel useless at dmes SA A D SD7. I feel that I'm a person of'l0rth, at least equal to others SA A D SD8.* I wish I could have more r~spect for myself SA A D SD9.* All in all, I am inclined to eel that I'm a failure SA A D SD10. Itake a positive attitude t~ward myself SA A D SD

Scoring:-For questions 1, 3,4,7, and 10 score SA=3, A=2, D=I, and SD=O: Your Total. _-For questions 2,5,6,8, and 9 score SA=O,A=l, D=2, and SD=3: Your Total _

IScore between 15-25 are considered average

Grand Total---

"""'-"Vll v; oeu-esteem ecaieTick" the appropriate section:

1. Does your parents like to hear your opinion? I I I~. Are you always feeling lonely in school?

i 1/3. Are the other students in your school bored with you and reluctant to

befriend with you?

~. Do you like outdoor games?

~. Do you think that other children do not like you?

~. Do you feel embarrassed if you are forced to speak to a teacher?

r? Do you like to write stories or do creative writing?

8: In school, do you ever feel sad because no one wants to play with you.?

~. Are you good in maths? I

10. Are there many things about ~ou that YOU want to change?

11. Do you feel stupid and embarrassed if you have to speak in front of otherchildren? I

12. Is it difficult for you to do craft work/wood work?

13. When you want to inform something to your teacher, do you feelstupid? I

14. Do you always have to seek for new friends because your old friends arewith someone else?

IS.Do you always feel stupid when talking to your parents?

16. Does other people always think that you like to tell lies?

Write a Conclusion on respondents's psychosocial development:I I


.- ..---.


Objective: To evaluate respondent,l moral development based on Kohlberg Theory.Task: I

1.Read the passage below to your respondent and ask the questions below.2. Observe:- j

o Respondent thinking process .o Whether respondent lev~l of thinking parallel to the level in Kohlberg Moral development


Answer the following questions- I

Fuad is very lazy. He is also lazy in school. En. Zamri (his form teacher) wants Fuad to study hardand start concentrating in his study. Therefore, he instructed other students not to help Fuad withbis schoolwork. Hamdan, Fuad best friend, ignored En. Zamri's instructions, and helped Fuad withhis schoolwork because he want ~obe a good friend to Fuad.

1. What is your opinion towards Hamdan? Is his action right or wrong?

2. In your opinion, what will happen to Hamdan when En. Zamri found that he helped Fuad ?

3. In your opinion, how will the other students react to Hamdan's action?

Give your conclusion on respondents reasoning ability, and relate this to their moral developmentlevel.-


Adolescents Lab's Report

1. Format lab Report

• Times New Roman, Font 12, Double spacing

• Lessthan 50 pages

• Bibliography i1nAPA style2. Checklist

1. Table of content2. 1. Introduction

1.1 Adolescents' background3. 2. Physical development

2.1 Theory2.2 Grossmotor developmeit and fine motor

development2.3 Comparisons2.4 Conclusion

4. 3. Intellectual development3.1 Theory3.2 Thinking skill3.3 Drawing (Torrence Creative Test)3.4 Comparisons3.5 Conclusion

5. 4. Social emotional development4.1 Theory4.2 Relationship with family, peer and self-

esteem4.3 Comparisons4.4 Conclusion

6. 5. Moral development5.1 Theory5.2 Comparisons5.3 Conclusion

7. 6. Overall conclusion8. 7. Bibliography9. 8. Appendix