ADP Workforce Now V3.0 Managing Candidate Manual Checks ... · ADP's Recruiting & Staffing provides...

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© 2011 ADP, Inc.

Manual Checks and Custom Grids

ADP Workforce Now V3.0

Instructor Guide


Copyright © 2012–2016 ADP, LLC

Managing CandidateApplications inRecruiting & StaffingHandout Manual

ADP Trademarks The ADP® logo and ADP® are registered trademarks of ADP, LLC. ADP Workforce Now® is a registered trademark of ADP, LLC. The Bridge Sponsored by ADP & Bubble Talk Design® is a registered trademark of ADP, LLC. Third-Party Trademarks Adobe®, Flash®, and Reader® are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft®, Excel®, PowerPoint®, and Word® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. WebEx is a registered trademark or trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and certain other countries. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.

Copyright © 2012–2016 ADP, LLC. ADP Proprietary and Confidential − All Rights Reserved. These materials may not be reproduced in any format without the express written permission of ADP, LLC. Any repurposing, reposting, or other use of this content (including but not limited to YouTube® or any other social media) is expressly prohibited. ADP provides this publication "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. ADP is not responsible for any technical inaccuracies or typographical errors which may be contained in this publication. Changes are periodically made to the information herein, and such changes will be incorporated in new editions of this publication. ADP may make improvements and/or changes in the product and/or programs described in this publication at any time without notice.


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Course Introduction

Navigating WebEx ........................................................................................................ 1

Course Agenda .............................................................................................................. 2 ....................................................................................................... 2

Introduction to Recruiting & Staffing

Overview ....................................................................................................................... 3

What Is Recruiting & Staffing? ..................................................................................... 3

How Recruiting & Staffing Works ................................................................................ 4

What Is a Job Posting? .................................................................................................. 5

Completing a Job Posting Job Aid ................................................................................ 6

Working with Candidate Applications

Overview ....................................................................................................................... 7

Searching for Applicants ............................................................................................... 7

Explore: The Recruitment Search Page ......................................................................... 8

Activity: Searching for Qualified Applicants on the Recruitment Search Page ............ 9

Activity: Searching for Qualified Applicants on the Application Management Tab ......................................................................................................... 11

Explore: The Candidate Record .................................................................................. 12

Viewing the Candidate's Application Job Aid ............................................................. 13

Learning Activity: Updating a Candidate's Record ..................................................... 14

Downloading the Candidate's Resumé Job Aid ........................................................... 15

Activity: Adding Candidates ....................................................................................... 16

Resolving Conflicts ..................................................................................................... 18

Activity: Merging Candidate Records ......................................................................... 19

Viewing Merged Applications Job Aid ....................................................................... 21

Activity: Applying Candidates to Other Positions ...................................................... 22

Activity: Updating a Candidate's Status ...................................................................... 23

Activity: Viewing and Updating the Candidate Record in Manager Self Service ...... 24

Practice: Updating Candidate Status and Personal Information .................................. 25

Practice Results: Updating Candidate Status and Personal Information ..................... 26


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Completing the Recruitment Process

Overview ..................................................................................................................... 27

The Pre-Employment Screening Request Process ....................................................... 27

Ordering Pre-Employment Screening Job Aid ............................................................ 28

Viewing Background Check Reports Job Aid ............................................................. 29

Ordering and Viewing Background Check Reports through Manager Self Service Job Aid ........................................................................................................................ 30

Explore: The Resources Page ...................................................................................... 31

Practice: Hiring Candidates ......................................................................................... 32

Informing Applicants that a Position Is Filled Job Aid ............................................... 35

What Is Recruitment Reporting? ................................................................................. 36

Generating a Recruiting & Staffing Report Job Aid ................................................... 36

Knowledge Check ....................................................................................................... 37

Exploring ADP Workforce Now Recruiting & Staffing

Overview ..................................................................................................................... 38

Accessing Recruiting & Staffing Job Aid ................................................................... 38

Explore: Navigating to Your Tasks ............................................................................. 39

Course Closing

Continuing Education Credits ..................................................................................... 40

Training Evaluation ..................................................................................................... 41

Managing Candidate Applications in Recruiting & Staffing (77460) ......................... 42



Copyright 2012-2016 ADP, LLC 1 V06061677462HR0312CMB2

Course Introduction

Navigating WebEx


Copyright 2012-2016 ADP, LLC 2 V06061677462HR0312CMB2

Course Introduction

Course Agenda This course will include the following topics:

Introduction to Recruiting & Staffing

Working with Candidate Applications

Completing the Recruitment Process

Exploring ADP Workforce Now Recruiting & Staffing is an online community for payroll and HR professionals where you can ask questions, share knowledge, make connections, and learn from industry experts and peers about a broad range of human capital management topics. You can access to do the following and more:

Learn how other professionals are getting more from their ADP solutions with time-saving resources and helpful features.

Join community spaces or topics of interest, including tax, payroll, HR and benefits, and time and labor management.

Connect with other payroll practitioners, HR professionals, featured industry representatives, and ADP subject matter experts.

Share your experiences.

Check the Frequently Asked Questions or ask the community.


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Introduction to Recruiting & Staffing

Overview Recruiting the right person for the job is a top priority in most organizations and is a costly endeavor.

What Is Recruiting & Staffing? ADP's Recruiting & Staffing provides the recruitment human resource professional with application tools that streamline the posting-to-hire process. The applicant tracking feature supports all candidate applications, Internet and non-Internet alike.

Benefits and Descriptions Recruiting & Staffing is an optional feature that offers the following benefits:

Benefit Description

Accessibility Recruiting & Staffing users require only an Internet browser and an Internet connection. This makes accessibility for all participants in the recruitment process achievable and affordable ─ including the hiring manager.

HRIS integration Recruiting & Staffing leverages collected HR job and salary information for recruitment use. Candidate data already collected can streamline the employee hire process.

Web design technology Nontechnical recruiters are able to design a valid job posting description with prequalification screening questions to place on a company or public career site. Recruiters are able to open and close job postings without Web designer involvement.

Applicant tracking Manage candidate applications using the applicant tracking feature. Recruiters are able to search an applicant database using simple and complex qualification queries to find the best candidate for an open position. Recruiters are also able to purge the database of old candidate information.

Manager Self Service Manager Self Service includes Recruiting & Staffing. Managers can receive candidate applications for review without manual intervention by recruiters. Managers can update the status of a candidate’s application to communicate the next step in the recruitment cycle.

Extensive searching capabilities

Recruiters are able to search for and locate candidates based on responses to prequalification questions. Recruiters are also able to search for keywords within an applicant's text or attached resumé if the attachment is in one of the following file types:

Microsoft® Word

Microsoft Office Open XML (docx)

Portable Document Format (pdf)

Rich Text Format (rtf)

Microsoft Excel® (xls)

Pre-employment screening Recruiters can run background checks for job candidates. A background check includes verification of the information supplied by the job candidate and a search for any criminal record.


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How Recruiting & Staffing Works

Overview You purchased Recruiting & Staffing to meet your recruitment and staffing needs. Recruiting & Staffing shares information with your HR & Benefits module. Candidates that are hired will be available in the HR & Benefits module and flow to your other ADP modules.

While use of Recruiting & Staffing does not require prerequisite knowledge of the HR & Benefits module, you should understand how they work together.

Example As a candidate moves through the recruitment process, the candidate's information is tracked in Recruiting & Staffing. You hire the candidate, completing the recruitment process, and use the information already contained in Recruiting & Staffing to create an HR & Benefits employee record. The new hire's information flows to the Payroll module and, if applicable, to the Time & Attendance module.

In Addition, the new hire and the new hire's manager can view information through Employee Self Service and Manager Self Service.


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What Is a Job Posting?

Overview A job posting is composed of several components of information that allow the applicant to review the job description and requirements of the job opening. In addition, a job posting allows the applicant to respond to prequalification questions and to provide other information you require of interested candidates.

Example Your company has a career Web site that lists all of your open positions. Interested candidates can view a complete description of each job and apply to any job in which they are interested.

Note: You can create a career Web page with the help of a Web developer.

Features and Descriptions

Feature Description

Job list You can use HTML code to apply some basic formatting and to emphasize certain sections of the job description such as bolding and italicizing text, applying heading styles, inserting line breaks, and creating bulleted and numbered lists.

Standard application data The collection of personal data is standard; name and e-mail address are required. The Voluntary Self-Identification Information (VSID) section displays if you selected that preference when configuring your recruitment settings. Applicants are not required to enter race, gender, and ethnicity information. Collecting this information is useful for applicant flow log reporting.

Prequalification questions You define each question that displays when you set up your job posting. Use the answers to these questions to create search criteria for finding the best applicant to interview. The number of prequalification questions associated with a job posting is unlimited.

Standard job posting fields Each job posting automatically requests the applicant’s desired salary. You can search for job applications by salary requested. Applicants can also enter additional information in the Notes field.

Entering or attaching a resumé Depending on the recruitment setting you select, the applicant has the option to attach a resumé or paste a resumé into the provided text field.

Background report authorization If your company uses the Pre-Employment Screening feature, the applicant must authorize or deny authorization to your company to obtain a background report. Candidates must complete each section to proceed to the next page in the application. However, they are not required to complete the Date of Birth and Social Security Number text fields if they deny release authorization.

Verifying and finishing You determine where the Continue button directs the applicant when you configure your recruitment preferences — for example, back to your company's career page or to a thank you page.


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Completing a Job Posting Job Aid


Step Action

1 From the list of jobs, select the desired job.

Result: The job description displays.

2 Enter standard application data and click Next.

3 Answer the prequalification questions and click Next.

4 Complete the standard job posting fields and click Next.

5 Enter resumé text and/or upload a resumé from your computer and click Next.

6 Authorize or deny authorization for the company to obtain a background report and click Next.

7 Verify that the information is correct and click Finish.

Result: A success message displays.


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Working with Candidate Applications

Overview This topic will show you how to:

Search for applicants and view their applications

Update candidates’ records by loading resumés and changing personal information

Add candidates internally to positions or apply them to other positions

Merge candidate records and view merged applications

Update candidates’ statuses

View candidates' records in Manager Self Service

Searching for Applicants

Description When candidates apply to a job posting, their application data is received and stored in the applicant-tracking database. To find a qualified candidate, you must be able to search through candidate applications by selecting specific search criteria. You can search for applicants on either the Search tab or the Application Management tab.

Example Fifteen candidates applied to the Sales Executive position. You want to find the five most qualified candidates to be interviewed by the hiring manager.

Features and Tabs The following table describes the various methods for accessing applicant information:

Feature Search Tab Application Management Tab

Search by Keywords

Prequalification questions

Job postings

Application status

Applicant name


Prequalification questions

Search results show


Job posting

What matches criteria



Application status

Application date

From the Search results you can

Click the name to see the application.

Click the Contact Info link to expand the applicant's contact information.

Click the name or posting to see the application.

Merge, delete, or change the status of the applications.


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Explore: The Recruitment Search Page

Overview Recruiters can search for applicants based on answers to prequalified questions or keywords in the applicants' attached resumés, demographic information, or notes.

Elements and Descriptions

Element Description

Question Category section In this section, you select the specific prequalification question(s) and the specific values within the question(s) that meet your search needs.

Note: Only prequalification questions with a defined list of possible values will display (such as drop-down lists or multiselect fields).

Show/Hide links Click these links to display or hide the list of available values for each prequalification question shown.

Find Candidates that Answered Questions field

This field Enables you to refine your search to responses from a specific category of prequalification questions. When you select a category of questions, that category displays in the Question Category section, along with any questions within that category that contain a defined list of possible values (such as drop-down lists or multiselect fields).

Search For field and Search button

Enter your search criteria in the Search For field and click Search to locate records that match your keywords. This will search candidates' attached resumés as well as their responses to prequalification questions.

Filters Filters enable you to filter your search results by job postings, application status, application date, salary requirement, or screening status.

Important Information You can expand your search to include multiple question categories. In the Find Candidates that Answered Questions field, choose another category in which to search and specify the appropriate values within that category. When you click Search, Recruiting & Staffing will look for any records that match your first or second category's criteria.


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Activity: Searching for Qualified Applicants on the Recruitment Search Page

Overview If you wanted to search for applicants who, for example, had project management experience, you would use the Recruitment Search page using the keywords “project management.”

Candidates are ranked according to how well their records meet the criteria. A candidate whose application includes the keyword multiple times will be listed before a candidate whose application includes the keyword only once.

Scenario You want to find qualified candidates for the sales executive position by searching for those that have experience with customers both on the phone and in person, as well as some supervisory experience.


Step Action

1 Access the Search option.

For ADP solutions other than ADP Workforce Now:

For ADP Workforce Now:

Select Recruitment and then Search On the Recruiting & Staffing menu, select Candidate Search

2 In the Find Candidates that Answered Questions field, select General.

3 For the Describe Your Previous Customer Relations Experience question, click Show.

4 From the list of answer options that display, click Equal Phone and in Person.

5 In the Search For field, type Supervisory.

6 In the Filters field, do not choose any filters.

Note: You can opt to use the Filters field should you need more specific information.

7 Click Search.

Result: The search results display applicants with supervisory experience who indicated they have had phone and in-person customer relations experience.


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Important Information

The Hits by Term section displays only when multiple keywords are used.

Newly added applications may not display immediately in a search; new applications should display in search results within five minutes of being added.

Managers who are given the appropriate rights to search applications will have the same searching capabilities as the recruiter.

When searching by keyword, the search function will search attached resumés saved in the following file types:

Microsoft® Office Word® (doc)

Portable Document Format (pdf)

Rich Text Format (rtf)

Microsoft Office Excel® (xls)

Additional Resources For information on the following tasks, refer to the appendix:

Running a Compound Search Job Aid

Deleting Search Results Job Aid


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Activity: Searching for Qualified Applicants on the Application Management Tab

Overview Use the Application Management tab to search for qualified applicants when you want to search by:


Application status

Screening status

Candidate name

Application receipt date

Desired salary

Survey responses

In addition, you can choose how your search results display by changing the column order. By default, the column order displays as follows:

1. Candidate name

2. Job posting applied for

3. Status of application

4. Date application was received

Scenario You want to find all new applicants who applied for the Sales Executive - Atlanta position with a desired annual salary of $50,000 – $70,000.


Step Action

1 Refer to the following table for the first step:

For ADP solutions other than ADP Workforce Now:

For ADP Workforce Now:

1. Select Recruitment.

2. Click Application Management.

On the Recruiting & Staffing menu, select Application Management

Result: The Retrieve Candidate Application page displays.

2 In the Retrieve Candidate Applications with the Following Postings field, select Sales Executive - Atlanta.

3 In the Retrieve Candidate Applications with the Following Statuses field, select New Application.

4 In the Desired Salary - Annual field, type 50,000 to 70,000.

5 Click Search.

Result: A list of names displays showing those applicants who fit the specific search criteria. To view the applicant, click a name.


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Explore: The Candidate Record

Overview The candidate record may consist of four tabs:



Personal Info


Elements and Descriptions

Element Description

Application(s) This tab displays the:

Status of the application

Applicant’s survey responses

Notes made by the applicant, HR, and managers

E-mail communication sent to the applicant

Resumé This tab gives you access to the applicant's resumé.

Personal Info This tab displays the applicant's personal and VSID information.

Screening (not shown in the illustration)

This tab displays only if your company has the Pre-Employment Screening feature. It enables you to order a background check, view details, and review the order history.


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Viewing the Candidate's Application Job Aid

Overview The Search Results page on the Search tab or the Application Management tab displays all matching candidate records for the specified search criteria. You can view a candidate’s record by clicking the name or by clicking the specific application you want to view.

Scenario You want to search for a specific candidate who applied to a specific position.


Step Action

1 On the Application Management tab, search for the candidate's name.

Result: The candidate's Application(s) tab displays.

2 Click the candidate's name next to the job posting.


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Learning Activity: Updating a Candidate's Record

Overview Once a candidate's record is in Recruiting & Staffing, you can update it by loading a resumé, changing personal information, changing the candidate's status, or deleting the application.

Instructions Identify the location on the candidate's record where you can perform the necessary update action.

1. A candidate sent you a resumé through e-mail and asked you to attach it to his application that is already in the application. Location: __________________________________

2. The candidate's resumé is in PDF format. Is that file type allowed? Location: __________________________________

3. A candidate prefers that you use her cell phone number when contacting her during the day. Location: __________________________________

4. A candidate no longer wants to be considered for a posting. You need to delete his application. Location: __________________________________

Additional Resources For information on the following tasks, refer to the Appendix.

Uploading a Resumé Job Aid

Updating a Candidate's Personal Information Job Aid

Deleting an Individual Application Job Aid


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Downloading the Candidate's Resumé Job Aid

Overview To view resumés attached to the candidate record or entered as a text resumé, you select the Resumé tab. In addition, if you receive an electronic resumé from a candidate outside Recruiting & Staffing, you have the option to attach it on the Resumé tab.

Scenario You want to download a sales executive candidate's resumé and pass it along to the hiring manager.


Step Action

1 In the candidate's application, select the Resumé tab.

Note: Attached resumés display at the top of the page as downloadable files. Text resumés display in the lower half of the page.

2 Click Begin Download.

3 Click Save.

4 Select the drive and folder in which to save the resumé and click Save.

5 When the file download is complete, click Close.

6 Click Save Changes.


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Activity: Adding Candidates

Overview You may receive candidate information from a method other than the online posting you create. You can enter the candidate's information using the Add Candidate feature.

Scenario You received an e-mail message from an employee asking that you consider a friend for the sales executive position.

Instructions – Part 1: Add Demographic Information

Step Action

1 Access the Application Management tab.

For ADP solutions other than ADP Workforce Now:

For ADP Workforce Now:

1. Select Recruitment.

2. Click Application Management.

On the Recruiting & Staffing menu, select Application Management.

2 Click Add Candidate.

Result: The New Candidate page displays.

3 Complete the New Candidate page as follows:

4 Leave the VSID fields blank.

5 Click Next.


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Instructions – Part 2: Answer Prequalification Questions

Step Action

1 Answer the prequalification questions using the following information:

Question Answer

Describe your previous customer relations experience.

Describe your previous management experience.

No Management Experience

How many years of experience do you have in cold calling?

2 In the Desired Salary field, type 48,000.

3 In the Notes field, type HR received this resumé from Tom Allen. This is a friend who is moving to Georgia and then click Next.

Result: The Enter Resumé page displays.

Important Information While an applicant cannot leave required prequalification questions blank when applying to a posting, an HR practitioner using the Add Candidate feature can leave prequalification questions blank if the answers are unknown.

Instructions – Part 3: Attach a Resumé

Step Action

1 In the Attach a Resumé section, click Browse.

2 Attach Mary Thompson’s resumé.

3 Click Next.

4 Click Finish.


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Resolving Conflicts

Overview At times, a conflict between applications being merged may arise. This may happen if a candidate applies for the same position multiple times. It may also happen when a posting is edited between the times a candidate applies for a position.

Example A posting was edited between the two times that the candidate applied for this position. The edit consisted of adding questions to the posting in a different order. Therefore, upon merging two applications, the questions for each posting show a conflict due to the order of the published posting.

Conflict Page The following page displays a conflict between applications.


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Activity: Merging Candidate Records

Overview The candidate merge functionality allows you to merge multiple applications submitted by the same candidate. Recruiting & Staffing compares each record to find discrepancies. If none are found, the applications are merged into one file. When conflicting candidate information is found, a comparison page displays and you must select the information to retain.

Scenario Jeffrey Michael applied for the sales executive position twice. Betty Berkley applied for both the sales executive and account developer positions. You need to merge each candidate's records and ensure there is no conflicting information.

Instructions – Part 1: The Same Candidate Applied for the Same Position Twice

Step Action

1 On the Application Management page, search for all postings with a status of New Application.

2 On the Search Results page, select both of Jeffrey Michael’s applications.

3 At the bottom of the page, click Merge Selected.

Note: Any conflicting information displays and you must decide which information to choose.

4 Click the option for Candidate 1 - Jeffrey Michael (the record with the Oak Lane address).

5 Click Next.

Result: The Conflicting Application Information page displays for the postings.

6 Click the option for Application 2 (the application completed by Jeffrey Michael).

7 Click Finish.

Result: The Search Results page displays and the records are successfully merged.


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Instructions – Part 2: The Same Candidate Applied for Two Different Positions

Step Action

1 On the Search Results page, select both of Betty Berkley's applications.

2 At the bottom of the page, click Merge Selected.

Note: Any conflicting information displays and you must decide which information to choose.

3 Click the option for Candidate 1 - Betty Berkley.

4 Click Next.

Result: The Conflicting Application Information page displays for the first posting.

5 Click Next.

Result: The Conflicting Application Information page displays for the second posting.

6 Click Finish.

Result: The Search Results page displays and the records are successfully merged.

Important Information If the candidate applies for the same position multiple times and you merge those records, Recruiting & Staffing will also compare the results between each application. Any conflicts found will display on the following page, and you must choose the answers that will be saved with the merged record.


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Viewing Merged Applications Job Aid

Scenario A candidate applied for two jobs posted on your company's career Web site. You successfully merged the two applications and now want to view them.


Step Action

1 On the Application tab of the candidate’s record, click the down arrow next to the Application field.

Result: The job titles associated with the candidate display.

2 Click the first job title to show the application information for that job.

3 Click the second job title to show the application information for that job.


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Activity: Applying Candidates to Other Positions

Overview On occasion, HR may receive an application for a job posting in which the candidate is better suited for a different or an additional job within the company. Recruiting & Staffing supports this process.

Scenario After reviewing Mary Thompson’s application for the sales executive position, you have decided that she is also suited for the account developer position.


Step Action

1 Navigate to the Application Management tab and search for Mary Thompson.

2 Click Apply to Another Posting.

Result: The Choose a Job Posting page displays.

3 Select Account Developer and click Next.

Result: The Application for Account Developer page displays.

4 Answer the prequalification questions as follows:

Question Answer

Describe your previous customer relations experience.

Describe your previous management experience.

No Management Experience

How many years do you have in cold calling?

5 In the Desired Salary field, type 48,000.

6 In the Notes field, type Mary was originally submitted by Tom Allen for Sales Exec, but she's better qualified for this position.

7 Click Next and then click Finish.

Result: A successful message displays.

8 Click Close.

9 In the Application field, click the down arrow.

Result: The account developer position is now listed.

Important Information When you apply a candidate to another position, Recruiting & Staffing automatically merges the applications from the original posting and the new posting.


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Activity: Updating a Candidate's Status

Overview As you've learned, status labels move the application through the hiring process. Specifically, status labels trigger communication with the candidate, grant managers access to applications, and notify practitioners and managers when an application enters a new stage.

Scenario You reviewed Betty Berkley’s application and determined that she meets the minimum qualifications for the sales executive position. You would now like to give the manager the opportunity to interview the candidate.


Step Action

1 Navigate to the Application Management tab and search for Betty Berkley’s application.

Result: Betty’s application displays.

2 In the Application field, select Sales Executive - Atlanta.

3 In the Select an Application Status field, select Manager Interview.

4 Click Change Status.

Result: The Application Status Change window opens.

5 In the Email Option field, select No Email.

Result: The Email Subject, From, and Preview and Edit Email Text before Sending fields are unavailable.

6 In the Add a Note to the Candidate Record field, type Betty meets the minimum qualifications.

7 Click Save Changes.

Result: The window closes and a successful message displays.

Note: Due to earlier setup options, an e-mail message was sent notifying the manager of the application.

Important Information Only HR practitioners and managers can view notes. You can add a note on the Application page by clicking the Add Note button.


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Activity: Viewing and Updating the Candidate Record in Manager Self Service

Overview The candidate record in Manager Self Service is similar to the record in Recruiting & Staffing. However, actions that managers can perform on a candidate record are restricted. Managers have the ability only to:

Search through applications to which they have been granted access

Update candidates’ status

Add notes to candidate records

Send candidates e-mail messages

Define screening settings and preferences

Access the Resource Library (if user rights allow)

Scenario To view the applications for the sales executive position, log on as Alicia McDuffy.


Step Action

1 Open a new browser and enter the URL provided by your instructor.

2 Log on using the following information:

User name: amcduffy

Company Identifier: adp#### (where # equals the number assigned to you)

Password: student1

Result: Manager Self Service displays.

Note: The Terms & Conditions window may open. Although you already accepted this notice when you logged on Employer Access, you are now logging on as a different person who has not yet accepted the terms and conditions. Click Yes and then Submit.

3 Select Recruiting > Application Management.

Result: The Application Management search page displays.

4 In the Available Statuses field, select Manager Interview and click Search.

Result: The results of the search display.

5 Click Betty Berkley.

6 In the Select an Application Status field, select Make Offer and then click Change Status.

Result: The Application Status Change window opens.

7 In the Email Option field, select No Email.

Result: The Email Subject, From, and Preview and Edit Email Text before Sending fields are unavailable.

8 In the Add a Note to the Candidate Record field, type Betty should be offered $65,000 and full benefits and then click Save Changes.


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Practice: Updating Candidate Status and Personal Information

Overview Once it is time to offer a candidate a position in your company, you should verify the personal information needed to perform background, employment, and credit checks. Recruiting & Staffing stores this information.

Scenario Betty Berkley accepted the offer for the sales executive position. You need to update her status accordingly and update some personal information in preparation for the background check conducted prior to her start date.


Step Action

1 Log on the application and access Betty Berkley's candidate record.

2 Update her status to Accepted Offer and add the note Betty accepted $65,000 per year; her start date is pending background check results.

Note: You do not need to send an e-mail message.

3 Update Betty's personal information with the following:

Enter a fictitious social security number.

Date of birth: 06/30/1985


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Practice Results: Updating Candidate Status and Personal Information

Update Status to Accepted Offer

Update Personal Information


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Completing the Recruitment Process

Overview Once you have selected the candidate you want to hire, you can order pre-employment screening and hire the candidate in Recruiting & Staffing.

The Pre-Employment Screening Request Process

Overview Once the Pre-Employment Screening feature is set up for your company and you configure the appropriate settings, you are ready to begin submitting background check orders.

Stages and Descriptions The following table summarizes the process you initiate when you submit a background check request:

Stage Description

1 The candidate (applicant) authorizes your company to run a background check.

2 You submit a background check of the candidate.

3 ADP contacts the appropriate agencies to collect the necessary information.

4 You receive a notification that the reports are complete.

5 You review the reports from within Recruiting & Staffing.


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Ordering Pre-Employment Screening Job Aid

Overview Once an applicant has accepted a job offer, you can begin the pre-employment screening process. The candidate's name, date of birth, social security number, and home address are all required for the background check. You may need to enter additional information such as school names and graduation dates for education verifications.


Step Action

1 From the candidate's record, click Screening.

2 Click Start a New Order.

Result: The Screen a New Candidate page displays.

3 Select the products (background checks) you would like to order and click Continue.

4 On the Enter Candidate Info page, enter any additional information required for the products you requested and click Continue.

Result: The Checkout page displays.

5 On the Checkout page, verify the products, make any necessary modifications, and then click Place Order to submit the request.

Note: You can also click Save for Later to hold the request until you are ready to submit it.


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Viewing Background Check Reports Job Aid

Overview Each background check you order displays a status. The statuses are Not Ordered, In Progress, On Hold, Cancelled, and Complete.

The status continuously updates to indicate the different processing stages and any delays (such as courts requiring more time). Once the status is Complete, you can view the background check report.

Different types of background checks require different amounts of time to complete. Therefore, a series of different background checks in the same order may finalize at different times. You can configure your notification settings to define who is notified at each processing stage.


Step Action

1 From the candidate's record within Recruitment, click Screening.

2 Click View Details and Order History.

Result: A list of the reports ordered for the candidate and a status indicator displays.

3 Select the report you need to view.

Note: You can only view reports that are in Completed status.

4 Make a selection from the Select an Action for This Order field.

IF you need to view: THEN select:

Additional comments about the candidate View Candidate Notes for This Order

Special processing instructions View Processing Notes for This Order

5 From the View/Download Reports field, select a view option from the following:

View Results of Checked Orders (Summary & Detail)

View Results of Checked Orders (Detail)

View Results of Checked Orders (Summary)

View Results of Checked Orders (Summary & Record)

Export All Data

View/Print Candidate Information

6 Click Go.

Note: A message displays asking whether you want to open or save the file. The file displays after you make a selection.


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Ordering and Viewing Background Check Reports through Manager Self Service Job Aid

Overview Companies that use Manager Self Service can also allow their managers to order and view background check reports by activating Recruiting & Staffing and certain rights. When enabled, managers can search and access applications for related job postings assigned to them. Managers have access to the same posting and application search, view, and order features as practitioners.


Step Action

1 From Manager Self Service, point to Recruiting.

Result: A drop-down list displays.

2 Select Search or Application Management.

3 Use the search and filter tools to locate candidates who applied to the assigned posting.

4 Follow the same steps an HR practitioner would use to request and view background check reports.

Important Information If you reject a candidate because of a background check, you may need to share the report with the candidate in accordance with federal and state laws.


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Explore: The Resources Page

Overview When Pre-Employment Screening is activated, the Recruiting & Staffing Resources page provides an online library of numerous resources relating to pre-employment screening, the hiring process, employment laws, and other information.

For example, you can access information about the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act. The Resources tab is available to practitioners and managers of those using pre-employment screening, provided they have been granted access rights.

Elements and Descriptions

Element Subtab Description

Home Page HR Services Links to product tutorials, information, and free human resources seminars

Employment Process HR Services Resources you can access for hiring, developing and managing, and terminating employees

Employment Laws HR Services Information you can view regarding federal and state laws

Background Check Documents

HR Services Various forms and resources you can use during the background check process

Compliance Forms and Sample Documents

HR Toolkit Forms and samples you can download and use for various compliance purposes

Sample Policies HR Toolkit Examples of company policies you can utilize when creating or updating your policies

Calculators HR Toolkit Bad Hire and Crash calculators to help you determine the impacts

Software Downloads HR Toolkit Links to software you can download, such as Adobe® Reader® and Flash® Player


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Practice: Hiring Candidates

Overview You can hire a candidate by changing the application status to Hired. This action launches the Hire Candidate wizard.

Scenario You are going to hire Betty Berkley. Acme company policy is to assign Employee Self Service rights on the first day of hire, not during this process.


Step Action

1 Access Betty Berkley's record and change her status to Hire This Candidate.

Result: The Hire Candidate wizard launches.

2 Complete the page using the following information:

Field Value

Action Hire

Reason for Add Existing Position (accept default)

Date of Hire/Rehire One Week from Monday

Job Title Sales Executive (ATL-SALES)

Job Effective Date Defaults from Date of Hire

Company Code HR Only

File Number 13579

First Name Defaults from candidate record

Middle Name Anne

Last Name Defaults from candidate record

Payroll Name Defaults from candidate record

Date of Birth Defaults from candidate record

SSN/National Identifier Defaults from candidate record

Gender Defaults from candidate record when VSID is tracked by applicant

Employee Classification Regular (Full-Time)

Business Unit Eastern

Location Atlanta

Company Class Salaried

Home Department Sales

Pay Group P030ABCB

Unpublish the Posting for This Job? Yes


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Instructions (cont.)

Step Action

3 Click Next.

Result: The second page of the Hire Candidate wizard displays.

4 Complete the Personal Information section using the following information:

Field Value

Street Address Defaults from candidate record

City Defaults from candidate record

State/Province Defaults from candidate record

Zip/Postal Code Defaults from candidate record

5 Scroll to Work Information and complete this section using the following information:

Field Value

Employee ID 10563

I9 Citizenship Citizen of U.S.

6 Scroll to Work Information and complete this section using the following information:

Field Value

State 1 Income Tax GA

State 2 Income Tax GA


7 Scroll to Earnings and complete the remainder of the page using the following information:

Field Value

Base $2,500

Per Two Weeks

Weekly Hours 40

Self Service Skip this field. HR will assign on first date of hire.

Employee Access Account Skip this field. HR will assign on first date of hire.

Confirmation Screen Select the check box.


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Instructions (cont.)

Step Action

8 Click Next.

Result: A summary displays for final review.

9 Click Finish.

Important Information If your company settings are set to the Auto-Generate Employee ID option, you do not need to add an employee ID when hiring an employee. An ID will be automatically created.


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Informing Applicants that a Position Is Filled Job Aid

Overview Once a position is filled, you can notify the other applicants with one bulk e-mail message.


Step Action

1 Search for the remaining applicants who applied for the specific position.

Result: Search results include those who applied for that position.

2 Select the names of the applicants and then change the status to Keep on File.

3 Click Change Status.

Result: The Change Application Status page displays.

4 On the Change Application Status page, you can:

Choose that no e-mail message be sent to the applicant

Create a custom e-mail message to send to an applicant

Add a note to the applicant's record

5 Click Save Changes.


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What Is Recruitment Reporting? Several recruitment reports are available. The analytical reports you create will vary based on your reporting needs and the linking option you define on the Settings tab in Recruiting & Staffing.

Example Federal contractors may need to measure applicant flow if they are regularly recruiting by perusing resumés on the Web.

Types of Analytical Reports The HR & Benefits analytical reporting tool provides the following reports to support recruitment:

IF your company: THEN select the following reports for VSID information:

Does not require applicant-level VSID reporting Applicant Flow by Gender and Minority

Applicant Flow by Gender and Race

Candidate Race and Ethnicity

Candidate Summary

Requires applicant-level VSID reporting and that you activate VSID linking

Applicant Flow Log

Candidate Summary

Generating a Recruiting & Staffing Report Job Aid


Step Action


For ADP solutions other than ADP Workforce Now:

For ADP Workforce Now:

Select Reports On the Recruiting & Staffing menu, select Reports > HR & Benefits Reports

Result: The Report Management page displays.

2 Select Analytical Reports.

3 Click the desired report.

4 Change the selections as needed and click View Report.

Note: Analytical reports are based on the data available as of close of business yesterday.

Additional Resources For information on analytical reports, refer to the HR & Benefits Administration guide on the Support Center or enroll in the Generating Custom HR & Benefits Reports and the Post-Implementation Reporting virtual classes on Learn@ADP.


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Knowledge Check

1. On the Application Management tab, you can search using the following criteria (Select all that apply.):

a. Application status

b. Salary

c. Keywords

d. Name

2. When viewing a candidate’s record, which of the following tabs do you select to view the applicant’s responses to prequalification questions?

a. Application(s)

b. Resumé

c. Personal Info

3. Which of the following functions can managers perform during the recruitment process? (Select all that apply.)

a. Create job postings.

b. Search through applications.

c. Update candidates’ status.

d. Send candidates e-mail messages.


Copyright 2012-2016 ADP, LLC 38 V06061677462HR0312CMB2

Exploring ADP Workforce Now Recruiting & Staffing

Overview In this topic you will learn how to log on ADP Workforce Now to access Recruiting & Staffing. You will also learn how to navigate through the application so you can perform the tasks you have just learned.

Accessing Recruiting & Staffing Job Aid

ADP Workforce Now Logon Information Items and Descriptions When you are back in your office, you will use your company’s logon information. Refer to the following table for an explanation of each item:

Item Description

User name A string of characters assigned to you by your ADP representative. It must not contain spaces.

Password A unique string of characters that you create when you register for ADP Workforce Now. Passwords must contain at least 8 characters, including at least one alpha character (letter) and either one number or special character. The following special characters are valid: ! @ # $ -.


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Explore: Navigating to Your Tasks

Navigation Elements and Descriptions

Element Description

Recruiting & Staffing

HR & Benefits

Role Selector


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Course Closing

Continuing Education Credits ADP is an approved provider of recertification credit hours (RCHs) by the American Payroll Association (APA) and continuing professional education (CPE) credits by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA), and is an authorized provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET), 1760 Old Meadow Road, Suite 500, McLean, VA 22102. Most ADP courses are eligible for RCHs, CPE credits, and continuing education units (CEUs).

RCHs, CPE credits, and CEUs provide recognition for updating or broadening professional competencies and may be used to maintain certifications such as the Certified Payroll Professional (CPP) and Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Professional organizations establish their own certification procedures, which are subject to change.

Professional organizations often require documentation of class objectives, agenda, and duration, along with a certificate of completion. This information is provided at the end of your handout manual. At your request, your instructor will provide you with a certificate of completion at the end of this class.


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Training Evaluation Thank you for attending this course. Please take a moment to complete the evaluation.

ADP Course Description

Managing Candidate Applications in Recruiting & Staffing (77460)

Program Content

For HR and benefits practitioners of HR/Benefits Solution or ADP Workforce Now V2.0 or V2.0-1: This course prepares participants to use Recruiting & Staffing. Topics include searching for candidate applications, updating candidates' status throughout the hiring process, and hiring candidates.


Upon completing this course, participants will be prepared to:

Search for qualified candidates

Enter and update candidate information as an HR practitioner or manager

Combine multiple candidate applications

Apply candidates to other positions

Request a background check for candidates

Hire candidates


This course is intended for HR practitioners whose job responsibilities include using Recruiting & Staffing to search for candidate applications and update applicant status throughout the hiring process.


Before beginning this course, participants should have a working knowledge of personal computers, Microsoft® Windows®, and Internet navigation.

Participant Materials

Participants need to print the Managing Candidate Applications in Recruiting & Staffing handout manual prior to attending class.

Method of Presentation

Virtual class (VC), Group: Internet-based


2 hours

Continuing Education Credits

This course may be eligible for the following recertification credit hours (RCHs), continuing professional education (CPE) credits, and continuing education units (CEUs):

RCH: 2

CPE: 2

CEU: .20

In accordance with the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, CPE credits have been granted on a 50-minute hour.

ADP, LLC, Employer Services, is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

ADP, LLC, Major Account Services, Learning and Performance, has been accredited as an Authorized Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET), 1760 Old Meadow Road, Suite 500, McLean, VA 22102; (703) 506-3275.

In accordance with the American Payroll Association (APA), recertification credit hours (RCHs) apply to Certified Payroll Professional (CPP) and Fundamental Payroll Certification (FPC) credentials.

Recommended Field of Study (NASBA)

Specialized Knowledge and Applications

Cost and Training Policy

For information about course cost, registration, and cancellation policies, refer to the Training Policy.

Learner Records and Privacy Policy

Learner records are available on Learn@ADP within 24 hours after participants complete their training classes. To access learner records, refer to these instructions.

View ADP's Privacy Policy on Learn@ADP.


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Managing Candidate Applications in Recruiting & Staffing

Running a Compound Search Job Aid ......................................................................... 1

Deleting Search Results Job Aid .................................................................................. 2

Uploading a Resumé Job Aid ....................................................................................... 3

Updating a Candidate's Personal Information Job Aid ................................................ 4

Deleting an Individual Application Job Aid ................................................................ 5


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Managing Candidate Applications in Recruiting & Staffing

Running a Compound Search Job Aid

Overview You can search for candidates using criteria such as:

Applied to a specific position (one or more)

Answered specific questions

Search using keywords


Step Action

1 Access the Candidate Search page.

For ADP solutions other than ADP Workforce Now:

For ADP Workforce Now:

Select Recruitment and then Search On the Recruiting & Staffing menu, select Candidate Search

2 Select a category of questions to search.

3 In the Search For field, enter a keyword to search.

4 Click Filters.

Result: The Search Filters menu displays.

5 Select the filter you want to search.

6 Click Search.

Result: All applicants who fit the selected criteria display.


Copyright 2012-2016 ADP, LLC 2 V06061677461HR0312CMB2

Deleting Search Results Job Aid

Overview Deleting search results involves deleting a group of applications at one time. This is beneficial when you have hired for the posted position and want to clean up your database.


Step Action

1 Access the Application Management page.

For ADP solutions other than ADP Workforce Now:

For ADP Workforce Now:

Select Recruitment and then Application Management

On the Recruiting & Staffing menu, select Application Management

2 In the For the Following Postings field, select the posting for which you want to delete applicants.

3 In the With the Following Statuses field, select all of the status types and click Search.

4 Select each application you want to delete.

5 In the For field, select Only Above Selected.

6 Click Delete Candidates/Applications.

Result: You are asked to confirm the deletion.

7 Click Confirm Deletion.


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Uploading a Resumé Job Aid

Overview Because a resumé is not required as part of the application process, you may have candidate records with no resumés. If you receive the resumé later or if a candidate submits an updated version, you can use the Upload Resumé feature to store it with the candidate’s application.


Step Action

1 In the employee's application, select the Resumé tab.

2 In the Upload Resumé field, click Browse.

Result: The File Search page displays. Select the drive and folder where resumés are stored.

3 Double-click the resumé to attach it to the record.

4 Click Save Changes.


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Updating a Candidate's Personal Information Job Aid

Overview You can find a candidate’s personal contact information including name, address, and telephone numbers on the Personal Info tab. You can also enter a candidate’s national identifier (such as social security number) and date of birth to assist you in the verification or hire process. You can enter or update a candidate's VSID information and veteran status on this page as well.


Step Action

1 In the candidate's application, select the Personal Info tab.

Result: The Edit Candidate Personal Information page displays.

2 Update the appropriate information.

3 Click Save Changes.


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Deleting an Individual Application Job Aid

Overview At times, you will need to delete applications or an entire candidate record. Keep in mind that a candidate record can include multiple applications. If you delete all applications in a candidate record, the candidate’s application is purged.

To delete an individual application, you retrieve the application through a search. Once the application displays in the search results, you select it and delete it.


Step Action

1 Access the Application Management page.

2 Search for the specific applicant.

3 Select the appropriate position.

4 Click Delete This Application.

Result: You are asked to confirm the deletion.

5 Click OK.

Important Information If two or more applications are merged in a single candidate record, you must delete each application to delete the entire candidate record.