Adulthood Jessen Blankenzee, Nicole Pate, Taylor Johnson, Tara Anderson.

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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AdulthoodJessen Blankenzee, Nicole Pate, Taylor Johnson, Tara


Vocabulary Menopause- The biological event

in which a women's production of sex hormones is sharply reduced.

Generativity- The desire, in middle age, to use ones accumulated wisdom to guide future generations.

Stagnation-A discontinuation of development and the desire to recapture the past.

Physical ChangesHealth ProblemsMenopauseMarriage and DivorceSexual Behaviors

Health Problems3 most common causes of death:Heart disease, Cancer, Cirrhosis

of the liver.Drug AbuseInadequate diet

MenopauseBetween the ages of 45-50The irritability and severe

depression some women experience during the climacteric, however, appear to have an emotional rather than physical experience.

Climacteric- psychological and biological changes occurring at the time.

Marriage and Divorce 90% of adults in the United States will

marry sometime in their life. 40-60% of new marriages end in divorce.Good marriages:Listen to each otherFocus on solving the problem Show respect for each others viewsUnhealthy MarriagesIgnoring or denying conflictExaggerating issuesVerbal fights

Sexual BehaviorsStudies have shown that sexual activity

does not automatically decline with age. Most older people who have an available

partner maintain a quite vigorous sex life.Those who are inactive cite boredom with

a partner of long standing, poor physical conditions or illness (such as heart disease), or acceptance of the stereotype of loss of sex drive with aging.

Cognitive ChangesAn adults reaction time begins to

slow after a certain age. Even with a decline in speed,

people continue to acquire information and to expand their vocabularies as they grow older. The ability to comprehend new material and to think flexibly improves with years and experience.

Social and Personality Development

Levinson’s Theory of Male Development**

Entering the adult worldThe Age thirty CrisisSettling downThe midlife transitionMiddle Adulthood

Levinson’s Theory of Male DevelopmentShows the developmental

sequence of a mans life that Levison proposed. The Scheme emphasizes that development is an ongoing process that requires continual adjustment.

Entering the Adult WorldFrom ages 22-28The young man considers himself

and by society, to be novice- not fully established as a man, but no longer an adolescent.

During this time, he attempts to resolve conflict between the need to explore the options of the adult world and the need to establish a stable life structure.

The age 30 crisisBetween ages 28-30, this is a major

transitional period.The 30th birthday can be a turning point

called the “Age thirty crisis”.Tentative commitments that remain in the

1st life structure are reexamined, and many questions about the choices of marriage partner, career, and life goals are reopened often in a painful way.

Mans feels that his life is incomplete and unsatisfying, because he feels it will be too late to make any major changes.

Settling down

Ages 36-40 , there is a distinctive BOOM phase which is becoming ones own man.During this period the man becomes fully independent and strives to attain the sincerity and position in the world.

The midlife transitionThis happens about the age of

40-45.The man begins to ask questions

such as “What have I done with my life?”, “What have I accomplished?”, “what do I still wish to accomplish?”.

During his transition he develops yet another life structure.

Middle adulthoodLate 40’s, is a time when true

adulthood can be achieved.He finds satisfactory solutions to his

life’s crisis, and reaches a period of stability.

He understands and tolerates others, he displays a sensitivity and concern for other people as people. He is able to strike a balance between the need for friend’s and need for privacy.

Female Development The “Empty Nest” syndromeDepression in midlife

The empty nest syndromeA significant events in any

women's lives is the departure of home from the last child!!!

Contrary to popular belief this event needs to not be traumatic, IN FACT it’s the best time of their lives!!

Depression in midlifeDepression can affect people of all

ages, but is most common among middle aged woman.

Those who have defined themselves as child bearers now view themselves as useless, other woman welcome this time of life.

Some woman in their 50’s find that the nature of their marriage changes when they no longer have to focus their attention on the needs of their children.