Advanced Race Codex - Half-Elves

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  • 7/30/2019 Advanced Race Codex - Half-Elves


  • 7/30/2019 Advanced Race Codex - Half-Elves


    The Advanced Race Codex

    HALF-ELVESThe Advanced Race Codex


    Advanced Race Codex: Elvesi 2006G Ri Pblihi, LLC. All ihtvd. Rfc t th cpyihtd

    mtil i wy ctitt chllt th pctiv cpyiht hld f thtmtil.Advanced Race Codex, G Ri,Advcd Rlbk, d thi citdl tdmk f G RiPblihi, LLC.

    Dungeons & Dragons d Wizd fth Ct itd tdmk fWizd f th Ct, Ic., d dwith pmii.

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    Green Ronin Publishing

    P.O. Bx 1723Rt, WA 98057-1723

    Email: ctv@i.cmWeb Site:

    An Advanced Rulebook for the d20 System

    Design: Robert J. Schwalb

    Editing: Scott Fitzgerald Gray

    Art Direction and Graphic Design: Hal Mangold & Marc Schmalz

    Cover Art: Ozan Art

    Interior Art: Interior Art: Stephanie Pui-Mun Law,Mike Vilardi, Jennifer Meyer, Drew Baker,

    Jonathan Kirtz, Elizabeth DanforthProofreading: Evan Sass Executive Producer: Chris Pramas

    Green Ronin Staff: Steve Kenson, Nicole Lindroos, Hal Mangold,Chris Pramas, Evan Sass, Marc Schmalz, & Robert J Schwalb

  • 7/30/2019 Advanced Race Codex - Half-Elves



    Introduction ...........................................................C

    Advanced Race Codexand theAdvanced Rulebooks ................ CUsing the Codex ......................... CEpic Prestige Classes................... D

    Actions ........................................ DSwit Action ............................ DImmediate Action ................... D

    About the Authors ...................... D

    Chapter Five: Half-Elves..............................1

    Part I: PlayingHalf-Elf Characters .................. 2Character Concepts ..................... 2

    Champion ................................ 2Child o Love ........................... 2Child o War ............................ 2Hal-El Society ....................... 2

    ainted ..................................... 3Part II: Half-Elf Options ............. 3

    Modiying Racial raits ............... 3Inheriting Racial

    Ability Modiers ...................... 4Hal-Drow ................................... 4

    Hal-Drow Racial raits ........... 5Part III: Supplemental Rules ........ 6

    New Feats .................................... 6Ammunition Treat

    [General] .............................. 6

    Artiste [General] ...................... 6Blood o Elves [General] .......... 6Bull Rush Strike [General] ...... 6Cast on the Run [General] ....... 6Cloak and Dagger Fighting

    [General] .............................. 6Contacts [General] ................... 7El Kith - Aquatic [General] .... 8El Kith - Drow [General] ....... 8Emulate Feat [General] ............ 8Emulate Skill [General] ........... 8Fey Progeny [General] ............. 8Fey Soul [General] ................... 8Healing Hand [General] .......... 8Improved Combat Refexes

    [General] .............................. 8Magic Body [General] ............. 9Miracle Worker [General] ........ 9Opportunistic Escape

    [General] .............................. 9

    Precision Strike [General] ........ 9Pure Blood [General] ............... 9Skirmisher [General] ................ 9Specialist [General] .................. 9Unied Magic [General] .......... 9

    Wild Birthright [General] ....... 9Part IV: Half-Elf Prestige Classes 10Bounty Hunter ........................... 10

    Te Epic Bounty Hunter ........ 12Blood Champion ....................... 12Ki Mystic ................................... 14

    Jack ............................................ 16Master Merchant ....................... 17

    Te Epic Master Merchant .... 20Sister o the Sidhe ...................... 20

    Te Epic Sister o the Sidhe ... 22Part V: Spells and Magic ............. 23

    New Spells ................................. 23

    New Bard Spells ..................... 231st-Level Bard Spells .......... 232nd-Level Bard Spells ........ 233rd-Level Bard Spells ......... 234th-Level Bard Spells ......... 23

    New Cleric Spells ................... 231st-Level Cleric Spells ........ 232nd-Level Cleric Spells ...... 233rd-Level Cleric Spells ....... 234th-Level Cleric Spells ....... 235th-Level Cleric Spell......... 23

    New Druid Spells ................... 231st-Level Druid Spells ........ 232nd-Level Druid Spells ...... 234th-Level Druid Spell......... 235th-Level Druid Spells ....... 246th-Level Druid Spells ....... 249th-Level Druid Spells ....... 24

    New Paladin Spells ................. 243rd-Level Paladin Spell ...... 244th-Level Paladin Spell ...... 24

    New Ranger Spells ................. 242nd-Level Ranger Spell ...... 244th-Level Ranger Spells ..... 24

    New Sorcerer/Wizard Spells . 24

    1st-Level Sorcerer/WizardSpells ............................... 24

    2nd-Level Sorcerer/WizardSpells ............................... 24

    3rd-Level Sorcerer/WizardSpells ............................... 24

    4th-Level Sorcerer/WizardSpell ................................ 24

    5th-Level Sorcerer/WizardSpells ............................... 24

    6th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard

    Spell ................................ 24New Spell Descriptions ............. 24Alter ype .............................. 24Boon ....................................... 25Chilling Mist .......................... 25Contingent Critical

    Healing ............................... 25Contingent Light Healing ..... 25Contingent Minor

    Healing ............................... 25Contingent Moderate

    Healing ............................... 25Contingent Serious Healing ... 25

    Dwar Soul ............................. 26El Soul .................................. 26Fold ........................................ 26Gnome Soul ........................... 26Halfing Soul .......................... 26Hesitation ............................... 27Orc Soul ................................. 27Psychic win ........................... 27Remote Spy ............................ 27Skill Boost .............................. 28Surge ...................................... 28

    emporary Resurrection ......... 28rollskin ................................. 28Vermin Growth ...................... 28Vermin Shapes........................ 29

    Wall o Shields ....................... 29Watery Membrane ................. 29Word o Balance ..................... 29

    Part VI: Half-Elf Equipment ...... 30Charms ...................................... 30

    Charm o Cantrips ................. 30Charm o Deense .................. 30Charm o Mastery .................. 30Charm o Reaction ................. 30Charm o Resistance .............. 30

    Charm o Sorcery ................... 30Special Items and Substances ..... 30

    Drowsy Gas ............................ 30Garrote ................................... 31Skulking Suit .......................... 31Vermin Ward .......................... 31

    Weapon Dark ......................... 31

    Table of Contents

  • 7/30/2019 Advanced Race Codex - Half-Elves


    Welcome to theAdvanced Race Codex PDF series!

    Ever notice how ater your rst ew levels, the choice youmade or your characters race no longer seems to matter?Beyond a ew bonus skill points, perhaps an additional eat,and a handul o modiers or special situations, the benets

    o racial selection dont amount to all that much. Sure, yourdwar has darkvision, but so does anyone else touched by a3rd-level wizard who can cast the spell o the same name.Like the +2 bonus to Constitution your gnome got? You canbet your partys spellcasters like the +4 bonus they get rombears endurance. Tink your el is good at getting a ast shotof with a longbow? So is anyone else withgloves o Dexterity.When you really think about it, a eat, spell, or prestige classcan eventually replicate just about any bonus or edge you getrom your race choice. So should you care about what raceyou pick? Does it really matter in the long run?


    Tis is where theAdvanced Race Codex PDFscome in. Teprimary purpose o these electronic books is to bring backthe appeal o playing elves and hal-elves, gnomes andhalings, hal-orcs and other humanoid races. Each PDFexpands the scope o a race beyond the simplest terms othe deault campaign background, allowing racial choiceto really mean something. Tey provide the mechanics tosupport whatever character you want to play, rom whateverperspective you want to play it. From a black-clad dwarnecromancer, to a haling bare-sted ghter, to an el bardchanneling the music o nature, this series gives you thetools to expand the scope o character races in your games.

    Individually, the ARC PDFs provide rules expansions orone o the core races: dwarves, elves, humans, hal-elves, andthe rest in exquisite detail. By ofering them individually,

    you can sample the cool new rules and eatures as they applyto your character, easily printing of eats, spells, and prestigeclass notes you can bring to the table without luggingaround an extra book.

    Some o the material ound in these PDFs originated

    in Green Ronins popular Racesof Renown series. TeAdvanced Race CodexPDF series collects this wealtho older material and updates it to the v3.5 rules. TeAdvanced Race Codexseries is more than just a reprintand revision product, though. Here you will also nd all-new inormation presented or humans, gnomes, hal-elves,halings, and more. So rest assured, no matter what kindo character you want to play, theAdvanced Race Codexseries has something just or you.

    Each volume is organized into six parts. Part I details useulinormation or playing a member o a particular race,ofering quick roleplaying tips and suggestions, minor rules

    modications or expansions, and other useul material. PartII goes beyond the character to look at how the race as awhole ts into the game, with both sections complementingeach other to ully dene each race in roleplaying termsrom standard subraces to variant core races and newmechanics or existing rules.

    Part III comprises supplemental rules, presenting new orrevised eats or each race. Prestige classes ollow in Part IV.New spells in Part V and Equipment in Part VI round outeach volume, arming each race with tools powerul enoughto meet any challenge.

    I you like what you nd, and were sure you will, be sureto check out the other PDF releases in Green Ronins

    Advanced Race Codexseries, and watch or the print bookin the coming months.


    Advanced Race Codex

    and the Advanced RulebooksTough this is a sel-contained book, as a part o GreenRonins growing line oAdvanced Rulebooks, each PDF

    in theAdvanced Race Codexseries works alongside theAdvanced Bestiary, Advanced Players Manual, andAdvancedGamemasters Guide. By using the rules presented in thoseother works, you can expand on the inormation given here.TeAdvanced Bestiaryofers a host o new templates, sothat i you have an urge to play arboreal versions o elves,re-inused dwarves, or even ungal gnomes, no problem.TeAdvanced Players Manualprovides powerul tools orbuilding interesting racial variants, a wealth o new classoptions, and even skill modiers based on creature type.Finally, theAdvanced Gamemasters Guidepresents excellentadvice or building campaign settings and adventures, giving

    you denitive guidelines or introducing new material intoyour games and constructing a world in which you may

    place your new creations.I you use the classes presented in theAdvanced PlayersManual, or the purposes o determining a charactersstarting age, eldritch weavers, evangelists, spellmasters andwarpriests use the cleric column, scouts and thanemages usethe bard column.

    Using the CodexOne o the biggest benets o the Advanced Rulebooks isthat they arent beholden to a particular campaign setting.

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    Tis means they are equally useul whether you explore thedark jungles oMindshadowsor ght against Sets minionsinEgyptian Adventures: Hamunaptra. Even i you play ina campaign setting that doesnt eature elves, dwarves, orother staple antasy characters, you can still make use othis series by plundering the mechanics that work or you.Alternatively, you could use this book with Green RoninsBlack Company Campaign Setting, simply modiying eatsand prestige classes to conorm to the special rules used inthat particular world.

    Whatever you use it or, this book is about giving you thepower to make memorable characters. Feel ree to adaptwhat you like, leave what you dont, and above all, enjoywhat this resource has to ofer.

    Epic Prestige ClassesTeAdvanced Race CodexPDF series ully supports theEpic Level Handbook by providing epic class progressionsor every prestige class that has ten or more levels. Inaccordance with the guidelines presented in theELH, noprestige class with less than ten levels has an epic levelprogression. For more details on epic characters, check outChapter Six: Characters in the DMG.

    ActionsTe latest updates to the d20 System present two new typeso actions: the swit action and the immediate action. Forthis book, weve adapted them or use with both magic andspecial abilities. Where a spell or ability requires a swit orimmediate action, reer to these entries or details.

    Swift ActionA swit action consumes a very small amount o time, butrepresents a larger expenditure o efort and energy thana ree action. You can perorm one swit action per turnwithout afecting your ability to perorm other actions. Inthat regard, a swit action is like a ree action. However, youcan perorm only a single swit action per turn, regardless

    o what other actions you take. You can take a swit actionany time you would normally be allowed to take a reeaction. Casting or maniesting a quickened spell or power isa swit action. In addition, casting any spell or maniestingany power with a casting time o 1 swit action is a switaction. Casting a spell or maniesting a power with amaniesting time o 1 swit action does not provoke attackso opportunity.

    Immediate ActionMuch like a swit action, an immediate action consumesa very small amount o time, but represents a largerexpenditure o efort and energy than a ree action.However, unlike a swit action, an immediate action canbe perormed at any timeeven i its not your turn. Usingan immediate action on your turn is the same as using aswit action, and counts as your swit action or that turn.You cannot use another immediate action or a swit actionuntil ater your next turn i you have used an immediateaction when it is not currently your turn (efectively, usingan immediate action beore your turn is equivalent to usingyour swit action or the coming turn). You also cannot usean immediate action i you are currently at-ooted.

    About the AuthorRobert J. Schwalb is Green Ronins own Dr. Evil, d20developer, and line developer orWarhammer FantasyRoleplay. Hes written and developed the award-winningBlack Company Campaign Settingand designed and developedtheTieves World line o game products or the d20system. In addition, hes also designed or contributed to theWarhammer Fantasy Roleplaying Game, the Book o Fiends, theCavaliers Handbook,Aasimar & Tiefing: A Guidebook to thePlanetouched, AEGs Worlds Largest Dungeon, NecromancerGames Trouble at Durbenord, Fantasy Flight Games ENnieAward-winning Horizon: Grimm, Wizards o the CoastsTome o Magic: Pact, Shadow, and True Name Magic, and haswritten or a number o other companies including GoodmanGames, Paradigm Concepts, and Paizo Publishing. Robertlives in ennessee with his wie Stacee and their pride o cats.

  • 7/30/2019 Advanced Race Codex - Half-Elves


    Armed with human versatility and elven senses andresistances, hal-elves present an opportunity to sampletwo worlds, two cultures, two peoples, all within a singlecharacter. Certainly, hal-elves lack the true expression o

    human adaptability (not gaining the coveted bonus eator extra skill points), but in exchange, they are resistant tocertain types o magic, have double the range o vision inareas o low light, and have a selection o awareness andinteraction bonuses that give them a distinct social edgeover their human cousins. Perhaps the core o the hal-elstrength is their ability to multiclass reely, allowing unusualcombinations o classes to create memorable and interestingheroes.

    On the other hand, a hal-el s lack o cultural identity(or more precisely, their being positioned between twosometimes conicting cultures) can make playing these

    characters a challenge. As a player, you have to determinethe nature o your hal-el s amily and history. Was this acharacter born o love or violence? Was her childhood spentin an elven community where she aged rapidly compared toher long-lived brethren, or among humans, who viewed heras tainted, imperect, perhaps even a reak? Alternatively,your hal-el could be the product o an alliance betweentwo neighboring civilizations, whose hal-el children arerepresentative o the strong relations between peoples. Orperhaps your character comes rom an established societyo hal-elves who ed their elven and human ancestorsto make a new lie or themselves, ree o the bigotry and

    prejudices o their ancestors as they orged a distinct cultureand civilization.

    Tis chapter presents all-new material or hal-elcharacters, oering guidelines or building a compelling

    background to help defne personality, outlook, and evenalignment. As well, the chapter explores the same characteroptions presented or other races in this book, presentinghal-el appropriate eats, prestige classes, spells, and evenequipment. By building on their natural racial talents, thehal-elves in your game will never be the same.

    Standard hal-elves as presented in the PHBhave theollowing racial traits.

    Medium: As Medium creatures, hal-elves have nospecial bonuses or penalties due to their size.

    Hal-el base land speed is 30 eet.

    Immunity to sleepspells and similar magical eects,and a +2 racial bonus on saving throws againstenchantment spells or eects.

    Low-Light Vision: A hal-el can see twice as ar as ahuman in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similarconditions o poor illumination. She retains the abilityto distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

    +1 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks.

    +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and GatherInormation checks.


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    Elven Blood: For all eects related to race, a hal-el isconsidered an el.

    Automatic Languages: Common and Elven. BonusLanguages: Any (other than secret languages, such asDruidic).

    Favored Class: Any. When determining whether amulticlass hal-el takes an experience point penalty,her highest-level class does not count.

    Part I: Playing Half-Elf CharactersIn terms o game mechanics, hal-elves are greatcommunicators, serving as ideal diplomats and envoysas they bridge the gap between two distinct cultures.

    Tey also make excel lent spies, bringing their uncannyabilities o observation and investigation to the task ogathering intelligence. Yet their lack o niche abilitiessuch as a humans bonus eat, an el s automatic weaponprociencies, or even a halings luck oten makes this aninrequently chosen race.

    Character ConceptsMost oten, choosing to play a hal-el is a decision born

    rom an interest in exploring internal conict, or in creatinga character who is more than simply a set o statistics. Adesire to play something dierent (without slipping into therealm o the absurd or monstrous) is a good starting point,but oten does little to dene the character. What ollows isa short survey o background options or hal-elves, helpingto dene a characters attitudes and outlooks, and to serve asa guide or class selection.

    ChampionNot all hal-elves are accidents o birth. Some areintentionally created to serve as symbols o harmony, to

    realize a prophecy, or to champion two peoples. In thecase o the champion, the hal-el is the product o acareul union o el and human, combining bloodlinesto produce the perect specimen o both races. Insteado mere acceptance, the hal-el generates awe amongboth his peoples, symbolizing to them an example o thebest o both worlds. However, once the champion movesoutside o his homeland, he must contend with the normalsuspicions and prejudices held anywhere, and his nigh-divine status becomes meaningless to the oreigners hemust prove himsel to.

    Champions maintain a deep sense o duty to their people

    and the cause or which they were born. Tese hal-elveshave a strong sense o pride, and do not take well to insultsrom others. Champions tend toward the monk, paladin,and ranger classes.

    Child of LoveIn many antasy settings, elves live alongside humans in arelative state o harmony. El citizens walk the same streetsas humans, dwarves, and other races, lending their talentsto urthering the ends o their shared civilization. Giventhe closeness o such societies, it comes as no surprise

    that elves sometimes all into romantic liaisons withtheir human neighbors, requently resulting in a hal-elospring. A child rom this union usually grows up in ahappy and positive environment, inheriting the best traitso both parents.

    With an appreciation or aesthetics coupled with humaningenuity, hal-elves oten become successul in whateverthey do. Well-adjusted and condent, these children o loveemphasize their communication skills and versatility to llneeded rolls in an adventuring party. Good class selectionsor these characters include bards, clerics, and paladins.

    Child of WarWhere the child o love is born into warmth andacceptance, the child o war reverses the circumstances othe characters conception. Tough most humans and elvesenjoy good relations along their borders, war sometimesbreaks out between the new and ancient kingdoms.Soldiers sometimes take more than just gold and baublesas spoils o war, and bastards born o occupation are acommon result o human warare. Elves, cherishing lieover any ideal, allow these hal-breeds to live, but the liesuch a child leads is most oten one o shame, isolation,and sorrow. Always outside o their adopted culture, hal-elves never truly eel a sense o belonging, tainted as theyare by the sins o the ather. At the earliest opportunity,such hal-elves oten choose to leave their homelands toseek better environments among humans or other races.Some enter a sel-imposed exile, content to live by theirown devices and shun the company o others.

    Hal-el characters rom this background are survivalists,tending to be distrustul o relationships. Tey hone theirskills and abilities to enhance and acilitate their philosophyo sel-reliance. Good class selections or these charactersinclude barbarians, druids, rangers, and rogues.

    Half-Elf SocietyTere is no reason why hal-elves cannot orm their ownsocieties, distinct rom their human and elven ancestors.Perhaps they began as an enclave oering shelter to allhal-elves o the world, establishing a nation in a landno one wanted, or beyond the boundaries o civilization.Having been driven rom their homelands by suspicion andprejudice, they ormed their own unique culture. Over time,this mixed-blood people eventually bred true, becoming arace unto themselves. Tese hal-elves may distrust ull-blooded elves and humans alike, perhaps even to the pointo physically driving them rom their lands.

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    Alternatively, humans and elves in a particular regionmight have banded together to survive plague (magical ormundane), monstrous threats, or some other external orce.

    With their numbers dwindling, humans and elves joined tocreate a single society where hal-elves became dominantand purebloods rare. In these cultures, hal-elves are unlikelyto be hostile to humans and elves, perhaps even looking ontheir cousins with wonder and sadness, seeing each as anincomplete part o a greater whole.

    Hal-el societies generate characters o any class, rombarbarians to sorcerers. Depending on the complexities otheir society, these characters could be brutal savages orrened intellectuals.

    TaintedIn some cases, hal-elves are specically bred to achievea dark end. Evil wizards, wicked clerics, and dark endsall sometimes meddle with the aairs o gods, seeking tocreate a new race not through divine power but through aregimen o selective breeding and dark magic. From slavestock o multiple humanoid races, they attempt to create

    nightmarish hal-breeds, with hal-elves and hal-orcs analmost inevitable product o such experimentation.

    Lost scions o this mad research might spread throughoutthe world, with only minimal clues to their past(unexplained nightmares, or a strange tattoo on theirorearm, or instance). Alternatively, these hal-elves couldbe products o a monastery, church, or some other religiousor quasi-religious organization intent on creating a hosto hal-el warriors. Whatever the particulars, a dark and

    mysterious history should always haunt such a character,driving him to unearth the circumstances o his past.Occasional clues, recurring villains, and encounters withsimilar characters can all serve to add new depth to thishal-el characters story.

    ainted hal-elves are usually monks, rangers, sorcerers,or wizards, and their class selection can help dene thenature o the organization responsible or their birth. Forexample, a monk hal-el may have come rom a mysteriousmonastery but have no recollection o his past. In act, hemight not even be consciously aware o his ghting skillsuntil threatened, having them unexpectedly surace to hisown amazement (and the detriment o his oes).

    Part II: Half-Elf OptionsTe hal-el presented in the PHBrepresents the mostcommon result o an el-human union. Regardless o thesubrace o el (wood el, wild el, or high el ), the resultingospring share the same characteristics (beyond slightdierences in pigmentation). However, what i hal-elves

    were not guaranteed to inherit the racial traits they do?What i one hal-el inherited his elven mothers naturalrailty and agility, while another had little o his elvenmothers traits, instead being more like his human ather?

    Tis section presents several options or customizing yourhal-el characters by broadening the range o racial traitsavailable to them.

    Modifying Racial TraitsInstead o selecting the deault racial characteristics or hal-elves, you can customize your racial traits, selecting thoseeatures you want and discarding the rest. When building

    your hal-el, you gain racial eatures as normal but orgo axed set o abilities in avor o selecting abilities rom the

    options presented here.

    Hal-elves under these rules have the ollowing racial traits.

    Medium: As Medium creatures, hal-elves have nospecial bonuses or penalties due to their size.

    Hal-el base land speed is 30 eet.

    One set o traits rom the ollowing:

    +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Inormationchecks. Favored Class: Any. When determining

    whether a multiclass hal-el takes an experience pointpenalty, her highest-level class does not count.

    Weapon Prociency: Hal-elves receive the MartialWeapon Prociency eats or the longsword, rapier,longbow (including composite longbow), andshortbow (including composite shortbow) as bonuseats. Favored Class: Wizard. A multiclass hal-

    el s wizard class does not count when determiningwhether she takes an experience point penalty ormulticlassing.

    One set o traits rom the ollowing:

    +1 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks.Immunity to sleepspells and eects, and a +2 racialbonus on saving throws against enchantment spellsand eects.

    +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. Ahal-el who merely passes within 5 eet o a secret orconcealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice

    it as i she were actively looking or it. Elven Blood: For all eects related to race, a hal-el is

    considered an el.

    Low-Light Vision: A hal-el can see twice as ar as ahuman in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similarconditions o poor illumination. She retains the abilityto distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

    Automatic Language: Common. Bonus Languages:Any (other than secret languages, such as Druidic).

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    Inheriting RacialAbility Modifiers

    As seen in Chapter hree: Elves, there are manysubraces o elves, rom aquatic elves to the dreaded drow.Unlike hal-orcs, hal-elves do not inherit the abilitymodiers o their elven ancestors, but at your option,

    you can sacrice other hal-el racial traits in exchange

    or the ability modiers o an elven parent. o do so,the standard hal-el gives up his immunity to sleepeects and his racial modiers to saving throws and skillchecks. In exchange, the hal-el gains the ull abilitybonuses and penalties o his elven parent, and also gainsthe parents avored class. Tis applies to all elven races,including drow.

    For example, wood hal-elves would have the ollowingracial traits.

    +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, 2 Constitution, 2Intelligence.

    Medium: As Medium creatures, wood hal-elves haveno special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

    Wood hal-el base land speed is 30 eet.

    Low-Light Vision: A wood hal-el can see twice asar as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, andsimilar conditions o poor illumination. He retainsthe ability to distinguish color and detail under theseconditions.

    Elven Blood: For all eects related to race, a hal-el isconsidered an el.

    Automatic Languages: Common and Elven. BonusLanguages: Any (other than secret languages, such asDruidic).

    Favored Class: Ranger. When determining whethera multiclass wood hal-el takes an experience pointpenalty, his ranger class levels do not count.

    Half-DrowWith an impressive array o racial eatures, spell-likeabilities, and spell resistance, the drow are clearly superiorto their hated surace-dwelling kin (at least in all waysexcept their awed souls). Like all elves, though, dark elvescan breed with humans, spawning a hal-el child dierentthan either parent. Tese individuals are strange, torturedcreatures, never brought into the world through the bond

    o love or mutual aection. Instead, they are accidents orape or the result o experimental crossbreeding intent onimproving the human line.


    Hal-drow run the gamut o personalities, but most arewrathul creatures, cursing the mixed blood that runsthrough their veins, and hating a world that hates thembecause o it. A rare ew revel in their birthright, using itspower to achieve their aims. Some unortunates admire thedrow and try to emulate them in manner and dress, livingon the outskirts o drow cities and hoping to be accepted

    by their ull-blooded kin. For most, ridicule and murderousviolence is their only reward.

    Physical Description

    A hal-drow generally has most o the eatures o thenondrow parent race, but skin, hair, and eye color are alldark-elven. All the creatures hair is shocking white, and itsskin is the tell-tale jet black o a drow. Its eyes are brightgems o ruby crimson, and its ears come to at least a subtlepoint.


    Hal-drow have no established relations with other races.Most o the time they spend brie lives alone in thewilderness, but sometimes they come to dominate a groupo humanoids by orce. Hal-drow trust nothing and noone but themselves, and ew creatures will rely on them.Humanoids led by a hal-drow are oten only waiting orthe right moment to rebel.


    Hal-drow tend to be sel-serving, caring little or ideals oorder or reedom. Good and evil are oten viewed as oolishconcepts that limit options.

    Half-Drow LandsHal-drow have no lands o their own. Instead, they scratchout an existence in the wild reaches o the underworld or onthe outskirts o one o their parents home cities.


    Hal-drow usually care little or the gods, but should onehear a divine calling, she usually responds with anaticervor, proud and grateul to nd anyone willing to have her.

    Half-Drow andGreen Ronin's

    Advanced BestiaryTe hal-drow presented here is the resulto drow and human crossbreeding. o createunusual hal-drow creatures, such as hal-drow/hal-elves, hal-drow/hal-troglodyte,or other hal-drow combinations, usethe template presented in Green RoninsAdvanced Bestiary.

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    Hal-drow speak the languages o their parent races and haveaccess to the bonus languages o both races (usually any).


    Despised rom birth, hal-drow are oten not given namesbut instead choose names or themselves. Tese usuallyconsist o words or powerul orces, attacks, or creaturesthat the hal-drow knows. Names like Slash, Venoms Rage,

    Dark River, Fire King, and Black Scorpion are typical, andhal-drow oten use words rom dierent languages in thesame name.


    Hal-drow are adventurers by nature, always ready to moveon and ace new dangers when their current situationbecomes too threatening. Hal-drow instinctively distrustany group o creatures that seems willing to have them, evenas they secretly long or acceptance.

    Half-Drow Racial Traits Medium: As Medium creatures, hal-drow have no

    special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

    Hal-drow base land speed is 30 eet.

    Immunity to sleepspells and eects.

    Resistant to Magic (Ex): Hal-drow gain a +1 racialbonus on Will saves against spells and spell-likeeects.

    Spell Resistance (Ex): A hal-drow gains spellresistance equal to 9 + her Hit Dice.

    Darkvision: Hal-drow can see in the dark up to60 eet. Darkvision is black and white only, but itis otherwise like normal sight, and hal-drow canunction just ne with no light at all.

    +1 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks.

    Drow Blood: For all eects related to race, a hal-drow is considered a drow.

    Automatic Languages: Common, Elven, andUndercommon. Bonus Languages: Any (other thansecret languages, such as Druidic).

    Spell-Like Abilities: 1/daydancing lights, darkness,

    andaerie re. Caster level equals the hal-drows classlevels. Te save DC is Charisma-based.

    Favored Class: Any. When determining whethera multiclass hal-drow takes an experience pointpenalty, her highest-level class does not count.

    Level Adjustment: +1. A hal-drow has an eectivecharacter level o 1 plus class levels, so that a 1st-level hal-drow ranger would have an ECL o 2 (theequivalent o a 2nd-level hal-el ranger). ECL is thesum o the races level adjustment, racial Hit Dice, andcharacter levels.

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    Like humans, hal-elves are a exible race, ully able toadapt to new environments with ease. Tey oten changeoccupations requently, switching rom one class to another

    with little concern as they progress. Tis section expands theeat choices available to hal-el characters, building on theirnatural talent or excelling in multiple areas o expertise.

    New FeatsIn addition to the eats presented here, many o the eatsdescribed in Chapter One: Humans and in Chapter Tree:Elves are equally suitable or hal-elves.

    Ammunition Threat[General]You can threaten an area when wielding a loaded crossbow.

    Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +2.

    Benet:When wielding any kind o loaded crossbow, you

    threaten adjacent spaces as i you were armed with a meleeweapon. When you have the chance to make an attack oopportunity, you may do so with your crossbow, albeit at a4 penalty on the attack roll. On a successul hit, you deal1d4 points o damage with a 2 critical multiplier.

    Normal: You can use an arrow or a bolt as a melee weapon,but you do not threaten adjacent spaces when wielding aranged weapon.

    Special: A ghter may select Ammunition Treat as one ohis ghter bonus eats.

    Artiste [General]You are a skilled perormer, capable o working the crowdsor your material gain.

    Benet: You gain a +1 bonus on all Blu, Diplomacy, andPerorm checks. In addition, when making a Perorm check,

    you may roll two dice and take the better result.

    Blood of Elves [General]You gain the ull benets o your elven heritage.

    Prerequisite: Hal-el.

    Benet: Your racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spotchecks increases to +2. In addition, merely passing within5 eet o a secret or concealed door entitles you to a Search

    check to notice it as i you were actively looking or it.Normal: Hal-elves have a +1 racial bonus on Listen,Search, and Spot checks, and do not get a chance toautomatically notice secret or concealed doors.

    Bull Rush Strike [General]You gain an extra attack against a oe you bull rush.

    Prerequisites: Str 13, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack.

    Benet: Whenever you successully bull rush an opponent,you immediately get a single ree attack at your highestattack bonus.

    Special:A ghter may select Bull Rush Strike as one o hisghter bonus eats.

    Cast on the Run [General]You are trained to cast spells as you move.

    Prerequisites: Dex 13, Con 13, Concentration 5 ranks,Dodge, Mobility.

    Benet: When casting a spell with a casting time o onestandard action or less, you may move both beore and ater

    you cast the spell, provided the total distance moved is no

    greater than your speed. When you cast the spell, you mustsucceed on a Concentration check (DC 15 + spell level). Ona ailed check, the spell is wasted.

    Cloak and Dagger Fighting[General]You incorporate your cloak into your ghting style, maskingyour maneuvers and blocking your enemies attacks.

    Prerequisites: Dex 17, Improved Feint, wo-WeaponDeense, base attack bonus +9.

    Part III: Supplemental Rules

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    Beneft: By draping your cloak over the arm o your o-hand weapon, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC whenghting with two weapons and a +1 bonus on Blu checksmade to eint in combat.

    Special: A ghter may select Cloak and Dagger ghting asone o his ghter bonus eats.

    Contacts [General]You have riends in the right places.

    Prerequisites: Cha 13, Gather Inormation 9 ranks,Leadership.

    Beneft: You gain a number o contacts equal to yourLeadership score +2. Contacts are not predened. Instead,

    whenever you go to a community o any size, you maymake a DC 20 Gather Inormation check. I you succeed,

    you gain one contact rom your pool o contacts. Tese

    characters do not accompany you on quests or missions,but are always well placed individualsa unctionary in athieves guild, a member o a merchant house, a noble, andso on.

    Beore making the Gather Inormation check, consult withyour GM as to what kind o contact youd like to make.I making the particular contact is dicult (a connection

    within a secretive assassins guild, or a virginal priestess in acloistered temple, or example), the GM may increase the

    DC o the check.Once a contact has been gained, you retain that contact or therest o your career. I the contact dies, you may gain anothercontact in the deceased contacts place. I your Leadershipscore increases, so do your potential contacts. Likewise, i yourLeadership score alls, you could very well lose contacts.

    A contact can provide all kinds o assistance, rominormation to monetary aid. A contact can never lend

    Table 5-1: New Feats

    Feat Prerequisite

    Ammunition Treat1 Base attack bonus +2


    Blood o Elves Hal-el

    Bull Rush Strike1 Str 13, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack

    Cast on the Run Dex 13, Con 13, Concentration 5 ranks, Dodge, Mobility

    Cloak and Dagger Fighting1 Dex 17, Improved Feint, wo-Weapon Deense, base attack bonus +9

    Contacts Cha 13, Gather Inormation 9 ranks, Leadership

    El KithAquatic Hal-el

    El KithDrow Hal-el

    Emulate Feat Hal-el, Concentration 15 ranks

    Emulate Skill Hal-el, Concentration 10 ranks

    Fey Progeny El or hal-el, Cha 13

    Fey Soul Fey Progeny

    Healing Hand

    Improved Combat Refexes1 Combat Refexes

    Magic Body El, hal-el, ey, dragon, or magical beast

    Miracle Worker

    Opportunistic Escape Dex 15, Mobility, Run

    Precision Strike1 Dex 17, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, base attackbonus +11

    Pure Blood Hal-el

    Skirmisher Dex 17, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack

    Specialist2 Favored classany

    Unied Magic Knowledge (arcana) 9 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 9 ranks

    Wild Birthright Hal-el, Wis 13

    1 A ghter may select this eat as one o his ghter bonus eats.2 You can gain this eat multiple times. Its eects do not stack. Each time you select this eat, it applies to

    a new set o skills.

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    more gold than his level 100 gp per month. I you abusea contact or his nancial resources (or exploit him inother ways), you could very well lose the contact, perhapseven taking a reduction in your Leadership score.

    Special: Like the Leadership eat, check with your GMbeore selecting this eat.

    Elf Kith - Aquatic [General]Te blood o sea elves ows in your veins.

    Prerequisite: Hal-el.

    Benet: You gain a +2 bonus on Swim checks. In addition,your low-light vision becomes superior low-light vision,allowing you to see our times as ar as a human instarlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions olow illumination.

    Special: You may take this eat only at 1st level.

    Elf Kith - Drow[General]Te blood o dark elves ows in your veins.

    Prerequisite: Hal-el.

    Benet: You gain a +1 bonus on Will saves against spellsand spell-like abilities. In addition, hand crossbows countas martial weapons or you.

    Special: You may take this eat only at 1st level.

    Emulate Feat[General]Trough observation, you can replicate the eects o a eator which you qualiy.

    Prerequisites: Hal-el, Concentration 15 ranks.

    Benet: As a ull-round action, you can observe anothercharacter make use o a eat or which you wouldordinarily qualiy, then make a DC 25 Concentrationcheck. I you succeed, you may use that eat, though onlyin the ollowing round.

    Special: You may only use this eat to emulate Generaleats.

    Emulate Skill [General]Trough observation, you can replicate anothers skill.

    Prerequisites: Hal-el, Concentration 10 ranks.

    Benet: As a ull-round action, you can observe anothercharacter make use o an untrained skill or a trainedskill in which you have ranks, then make a DC 20Concentration check. I you succeed, you can make asingle skill check in the ollowing round using the othercharacters ranks in that skill (but using your own ability,racial, and other modiers).

    Fey Progeny [General]Te blood o the ey ows in your veins.

    Prerequisites: El or hal-el, Cha 13.

    Benet: You may cast dancing lights,ghost sound, andprestidigitation each once per day, as the spells, with acaster level equal to your character level. Te save DC isCharisma-based.

    Fey Soul [General]Your body and health are sustained by beauty and your

    own orce o personality.

    Prerequisites: Fey Progeny.

    Benet: You use your Charisma bonus instead o yourConstitution bonus to determine bonus hit points. Tisaects your existing hit points (which are recalculated totake advantage o your current Charisma bonus) and newhit points you gain at each subsequent level.

    Healing Hand [General]You are a gited healer.

    Benet: You gain a +2 insight bonus on Heal checks.When administering long-term care, your patient recovershit points at our times the normal rate (4 hit points perlevel or a ull 8 hours o rest; 8 hit points per level oreach ull day o complete rest; and so on). In addition, allcurespells you cast heal +1 point o damage per die.

    Improved Combat Reflexes [General]When a oe gives you an opening, you know where to hitwhere it counts.

    Prerequisite: Combat Reexes.

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    Benet: Whenever you make an attack o opportunity, yougain a +1 bonus on attack rolls. In addition, i your attackresults in a critical threat, you gain a +4 insight bonus onthe conrmation roll.

    Special: A ghter may select Improved Combat Reexesas one o his ghter bonus eats.

    Magic Body [General]Magic surrounds and protects you.

    Prerequisites: El, hal-el, ey, dragon, or magical beast.

    Benet: Gain +2 hit points or every metamagic oritem creation eat you have. Whenever you take a newmetamagic or item creation eat, you gain +2 hit points.

    Miracle Worker[General]Your skills at magical healing are without peer.

    Benet: You cast all curespells at +2 caster level.

    Special: Tis eat stacks with the granted power o theHealing domain.

    Opportunistic Escape [General]When an opponent gives you an opportunity, you take it.

    Prerequisites: Dex 15, Mobility, Run.

    Benet: Whenever an opponent provokes an attacko opportunity rom you, you may orgo the attack oopportunity in order to immediately move up to hal yourspeed in any direction. You do not provoke an attack oopportunity rom the opponent you move away rom, buti you move through spaces threatened by other creatures,

    you provoke attacks o opportunity as normal.

    Precision Strike [General]By exposing yoursel to attack, you can strike or moredevastating damage.

    Prerequisites: Dex 17, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focuswith selected weapon, base attack bonus +11.

    Benet: On your action, beore making attack rolls or around, you may choose to subtract a number rom your ACand add that number to all melee damage rolls made with alight weapon or which you have taken the Weapon Focus

    eat. Tis number may not exceed your Dexterity bonus. Tepenalty to your AC and bonus on damage rolls apply untilyour next turn.

    Special: I you wield two light weapons, you may add thebonus on attack rolls made with both weapons.

    A ghter may select Precision Strike as one o his ghterbonus eats.

    Pure Blood [General]Your human traits are recessive to your elven ones.

    Prerequisite: Hal-el.

    Benet: You gain a +2 bonus to your Dexterity score, buttake a 2 penalty to your Constitution score.

    Special: You may take this eat only at 1st level.

    Skirmisher[General]You are highly trained in taking actions while on the move.

    Prerequisites: Dex 17, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack.

    Benet: You can move both beore and ater taking anystandard action (casting a spell, activating a magic item,making a skill check, and so on) provided your totaldistance moved is not greater than your speed. Moving inthis way does not provoke an attack o opportunity romthe opponent you attack, but i you move through spacesthreatened by other creatures, you provoke attacks oopportunity as normal.

    Unlike Spring Attack, you can use this eat even i you arewearing heavy armor.

    Specialist[General]You are ocused in a particular area o study.Prerequisite: Favored classany.

    Benet: Choose any two skills. Tese skills are alwaysclass skill or you, and you gain a +1 bonus on all checksmade with these skills.

    Special: You can gain this eat multiple times. Its eectsdo not stack. Each time you select this eat, it applies to anew set o skills.

    Unified Magic[General

    ]Your skill with arcane and divine magic allows you greaterexibility with the spells you cast.

    Prerequisites: Knowledge (arcana) 9 ranks, Knowledge(religion) 9 ranks.

    Benet: You may lose any prepared spell, either arcane ordivine (except or domain spells or specialist wizard bonusspells), in order to cast any spell o the same level that youcan spontaneously cast (typically a cure, infict, or summonnatures allyspell). I you do not prepare your arcane spellsin advance, you may cast one o your spontaneous spells bylosing a spell slot o an equivalent level.

    Wild Birthright[General]You have a preternatural connection with nature.

    Prerequisites: Hal-el, Wis 13.

    Benet: Select any 0-level druid spell. You may cast thisspell as a spell-like ability once per day, with a caster levelequal to your character level. In addition, you gain a +1bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.

    Special: You may take this eat only at 1st level.

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    Hal-elves ll many niches in a antasy society, pursuingdreams, careers, and lives as any other race. Not having anindividual culture, they tend to blend in with the societyaround them. In an elven society, hal-elves pursue elvengoals and uphold elven virtues. Likewise, in human societies(which they inhabit more oten than not), hal-elvesembrace diversity in their careers and the brisk atmosphereo human culture. Tis section presents a number o newprestige classes with requirements or entry demanding a

    wide and diverse range o abilities, building on hal-elvesability to reely multiclass. Tough most o these classes arenot restricted to hal-elves, all o them build on that races

    versatility and unique position between established cultures.

    Bounty HunterEvery race and culture generates ugitives rom justice, and

    whether the criminal is a ormer derro slave in service to the

    drow, or a simple thug who jumped bond, people turn to thebounty hunters to get such renegades back. A widespreadorganization, bounty hunters rival assassins with theirruthless efciency, and can be ound in nearly any society.Hired to return ugitives to whatever brand o justice seeksthem, the bounty hunter is committed to returning with hisquarry, alive or dead as the mission demands.

    With their advanced social skills and ability to reelymulticlass, hal-elves do well as bounty hunters. Toughmulticlass ranger/rogues are the most common bountyhunter, levels in barbarian allow bounty hunters to track theirmarks quickly, while a ew levels o ghter can give them thecombat edge necessary to overcome tough oes. Tough rare,druids and clerics excel at this prestige class, relying on a widearray o spells to help them track and deeat their quarry.

    NPC bounty hunters are relentless pursuers, alwaysshadowing their marks movements while waiting or theopportune moment to spring out and attack. A bounty

    hunter hired to capture a player character makes or a goodlong-term nemesis, always dogging the heels o the partyuntil the inevitable conrontation. Even i deeated, bountyhunters are not likely to give up, and most pursue their oesuntil either they or the target are dead.

    Hit Die: d8.

    Requirementso qualiy to become a bounty hunter, a character mustulll all the ollowing criteria.

    Base Attack Bonus: +5.

    Skills: Gather Inormation 4 ranks, Knowledge (local) 4ranks, Survival 8 ranks, Use Rope 8 ranks.

    Feats: Alertness, Endurance, rack.

    Class SkillsTe bounty hunters class skills (and the key ability or eachskill) are Climb (Str), Gather Inormation (Cha), Hide(Dex), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Ride(Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str),and Use Rope (Dex). See Chapter Four: Skills in the PHBor skill descriptions.

    Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modier.

    Class FeaturesAll o the ollowing are class eatures o the bounty hunterprestige class.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency

    Bounty hunters are procient with all simple and martialweapons, plus bolas and nets. Tey are procient with lightand medium armor, but not with shields.

    Part IV: Half-Elf Prestige Classes

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    Whenever a bounty hunter catches a mark unprepared, hemay strike or extra damage any time his target would bedenied a Dexterity bonus to AC (though not simply whenanking the target). Tis extra damage is +1d4 at 1st level,and increases by +1d4 at 5th and 9th level. Should thebounty hunter score a critical hit with an ambush, do notmultiply this extra damage. Ranged attacks can count asambushes, but only i the target is within 30 eet.

    With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, a bountyhunter can make an ambush to deal nonlethal damageinstead o lethal damage. Until he gains the proessionalability at 4th level (see ollowing), he cannot use a weaponthat deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in anambush, not even with the usual 4 penalty.

    A bounty hunter can ambush only living creatures withdiscernible anatomiesundead, constructs, oozes, plants,and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Anycreature immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to anambush. Te bounty hunter must be able to see the target

    well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able toreach such a spot. A bounty hunter cannot ambush whilestriking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs oa creature whose vitals are beyond reach.

    Bounty hunters with levels in classes which grant sneakattack damage may stack that damage with ambush damage

    when their opponent is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC(but not simply when anking).

    Mark (Ex)

    Starting at 1st level, the bounty hunter can apply his specialtalents toward hunting and capturing his prey. o do so, the

    bounty hunter selects one specic target creature, gaininga +1 bonus on Blu, Listen, Sense Motive, and Survivalchecks made against or in the pursuit o this target. Tisbonus lasts until the bounty hunter captures or kills theindividual, or until the individual dies rom other causes. I

    the mark dies beore the bounty hunter conronts him andthe bounty hunter is not yet aware o this act, he retains thebonuses until such time that he learns the ate o his mark.

    A bounty hunter may have one mark per class level. Tebonuses rom this ability stack with avored enemy classbonuses.

    Improved Trip

    At 2nd level, the bounty hunter gains Improved rip as abonus eat even i he does not have the normal prerequisitesor that eat.

    Bonus Feat

    At 3rd and 7th level, the bounty hunter gains a bonus eatrom the ollowing list: Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise,Combat Reexes, Dodge, Diehard, Improved Disarm,Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Mobility,Power Attack, Spring Attack, oughness, or Weapon Focus.

    A bounty hunter must meet all prerequisites or a bonus eat.

    Professional (Ex)

    o ensure their marks come back alive, bounty huntersare skilled at subduing their oes. From 4th level, a bountyhunter never takes the 4 penalty on attack rolls whendealing nonlethal damage with a melee weapon thatordinarily deals lethal damage. Te bounty hunter can usethis ability to deal nonlethal damage with any weapon whilemaking an ambush (but not on a sneak attack i he has thatability as well).

    Scent (Ex)

    At 6th level, the bounty hunter is able to detectapproaching enemies, sni out hidden oes, and trackby sense o smell. Te bounty hunter can identiyamiliar odors just as he does amiliar sights. He candetect opponents within 30 eet by sense o smell. Ithe opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 eet;i downwind, it drops to 15 eet. Strong scents, such assmoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice these

    Table -: The Bounty Hunter

    Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Re Save Will Save Special

    1st +0 +2 +2 +0 Ambush +1d4, mark

    2nd +1 +3 +3 +0 Improved trip3rd +2 +3 +3 +1 Bonus eat

    4th +3 +4 +4 +1 Proessional

    5th +3 +4 +4 +1 Ambush +2d4

    6th +4 +5 +5 +2 Scent

    7th +5 +5 +5 +2 Bonus eat

    8th +6 +6 +6 +2 Orientation

    9th +6 +6 +6 +3 Ambush +3d4

    10th +7 +7 +7 +3 Relentless

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    ranges. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk ortroglodyte stench, can be detected at triple normal range.

    When a bounty hunter detects a scent, the exact locationo the source is not revealed, only its presence somewhere

    within range. Noting the direction o the scent is a moveaction. Whenever the bounty hunter comes within 5 eet othe source, he pinpoints the sources location.

    Te bounty hunter can also ollow tracks by smell,making a Survival check to nd or ollow a track. Te

    typical DC or a resh trail is 10 (no matter what kind osurace holds the scent). Tis DC increases or decreasesdepending on how strong the quarrys odor is, the numbero creatures, and the age o the trai l. For each hour thatthe trail is cold, the DC increases by +2. Te abilityotherwise ollows the rules or the rack eat. Bountyhunters ignore the eects o surace conditions and poor

    visibility while tracking by scent.

    Orientation (Su)

    Upon attaining 8th level, a bounty hunter always knows inwhat general direction his mark lies (north, south, north-

    east, and so on) in relation to his own position. Te bountyhunter gains no sense o his targets distance, though.Using this ability is a standard action and requires a DC 15Concentration check each round to rst determine, thenmaintain the proper direction.

    Besides its benets in locating a target, orientation isuseul when ghting invisible or hidden opponents inmelee. A bounty hunter who is aware he is in the sameroom as an invisible or hidden mark can make theConcentration check to orient himsel to the target sposition as a swit action. I successul, he halves thepercentage miss chance against the target s concealment.

    o attack an invisible opponent, the bounty hunter muststill successully guess which space his target is in (unlesshes within 5 eet and conrms the targets position withthe scent ability).

    Relentless (Ex)

    At 10th level, when the bounty hunter aces his mark incombat, he gains a +10 enhancement bonus to his landspeed until combat ends. In addition, the bonuses gainedrom his mark ability increase to +2, and he gains a +4bonus on initiative checks. Te bounty hunter loses thesebonuses i wearing medium or heavy armor.

    The Epic Bounty HunterFor the epic bounty hunter, no oe is too canny, too elusive,or too difcult to nd. Crossing great distances, planes, andeven other worlds i necessary, the epic bounty hunter eitherreturns with his mark or doesnt return at all. Rivaling theassassin in his skills and combat potential, the epic bountyhunter is a dread oe.

    Hit Die: d8.

    Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modier.

    Mark (Ex): Te epic bounty hunter continues to have anumber o marks equal to his class level.

    Ambush:Te epic bounty hunters ambush damageincreases by +1d4 every our levels beyond 9th (+4d4 at13th, +5d4 at 17th, and so on).

    Bonus Feats: Te epic bounty hunter gains a bonus eatevery our levels beyond 7th (11th, 15th, and so on). Teseeats may be any eats or which the character qualies.

    Blood ChampionIn lands where the burden o survival inspires humans andelves to orm one culture, the hal-el is the living realizationo their peaceul union. Tese individuals share the besttraits o both parents, combining adaptability with keensenses and a magical nature. Occasionally, these hal-elvesascend to the position o champion, developing their skillsand abilities as they undergo powerul rituals to unlock theull potential o both their bloodlines. When ully realized,the blood champion is an ardent deender o both humansand elves, taking the war directly to his enemies in a

    courageous eort to destroy those who would threaten light,lie, and peace.

    With the varying prerequisites or this prestige class, hal-elves o nearly any class or class combination can easilygain access. As well, the benets gained rom the class aresuitable to nearly any hal-el character.

    Blood champion NPCs are ocused combatants. Whileuniversally good, some blood champions may be opposedto player character actions, intervening whenever characterstrespass in orbidden lands, interere with a missionespecially important to elves and humans, or otherwisethreaten the people whom the blood champions are charged

    to protect. Conversely, blood champions make excellentallies, serving as envoys to those seeking audience withhigh-ranking nobles, or as capable adventurers, lending theirabilities to aid in nearly any quest.

    Hit Die: d8.

    Requirementso qualiy to become a blood champion, a character mustulll all the ollowing criteria.

    Alignment: Any good.

    Race: Hal-el.Skills: Knowledge (history) 4 ranks.

    Special: One o more o: Ability to rage (or a similar ability)2/day, ability to cast 2nd-level arcane or divine spells, abilityto maniest a 2nd-level power, evasion ability, uncannydodge ability, or base attack bonus +4.

    Special: Blood champion candidates must rst undergo aspecial ceremony where they are anointed by high priests ohuman and elven gods. Ritualistically tattooed and scarred,candidates experience a spirit journey, whereby they ingesta powerul psychoactive concoction unlocking the hidden

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    potential within them. Hal-elves must be ound worthy oundertaking the ceremony by their elders, typically throughsome quest (destroying an ancestral enemy, recoveringa relic or item o import to their people, and so on, as

    determined by the GM).

    Class SkillsTe blood champion may choose any eight skills to beclass skills. See Chapter Four: Skills in the PHBor skilldescriptions.

    Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modier.

    Class FeaturesAll o the ollowing are class eatures o the blood championprestige class.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency

    Blood champions are procient with longswords, rapiers,longbows (including composite longbows), and shortbows(including composite shortbows). Tey gain no prociency

    with armor or shields.

    Elven Perception (Ex)

    Starting at 1st level, the blood champion gains a +2 bonuson all Listen, Search, and Spot checks (these bonusesstack with any racial bonuses the character might have).In addition, when passing within 10 eet o a secret or

    concealed door, the blood champion may make a Searchcheck as i she were actively looking or it.

    Spells per Day/Spells Known or Bonus Feat

    At 2nd, 4th, and 6th level, the blood champion gains newspells per day (and spells known, i applicable) as i she hadalso gained a level in a spellcasting class she belonged tobeore adding the prestige class. Alternatively, the charactermay select a bonus eat o her choice or which she qualies.

    I the blood champion opts to advance her spellcasting class,she does not gain any other benet a character o that class

    would have gained, except or an increased eective level ospellcasting. I a character had more than one spellcastingclass beore becoming a blood champion, she must decideto which class she adds the new level or the purpose o

    determining spells per day and spells known.Blood champions may select one or the other option at eachindicated level. For example, a character could advance aspellcasting class at 2nd level, gain a bonus eat at 4th level,then advance his spellcasting class again at 6th level.

    Talented (Ex)

    At 3rd level, the blood champion chooses any our classskills she selected at 1st level. She gains a +1 bonus on allchecks made with those skills.

    Table -: The Blood Champion

    LevelBase Attack



    WillSave Special Spells per Day/Spells Known

    1st +0 +2 +2 +2 Elven perception

    2nd +1 +3 +3 +3 Bonus eat1 +1 level o existing spellcasting class1

    3rd +2 +3 +3 +3 alented

    4th +3 +4 +4 +4 Bonus eat1 +1 level o existing spellcasting class1

    5th +3 +4 +4 +4 Graceul

    6th +4 +5 +5 +5 Bonus eat1 +1 level o existing spellcasting class1

    7th +5 +5 +5 +5 Arcane resilience

    1 Te blood champion gains new spells per day (and spells known, i applicable) or a bonus eat, but not both.

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    At 5th level, the blood champions body undergoes a slightphysical transormation. Reroll her height and weight usingthe el characteristics. In addition, she gains a +2 bonus toher Dexterity score.

    Arcane Resilience (Su)

    At 7th level, the blood champion ully realizes her elvenand human heritage, drawing upon the ancestral energy o

    both lines. She gains spell resistance equal to her Hit Dice+ her Charisma modier. In addition, her racial bonuson saving throws against enchantment spells and eectsincreases to +4.

    Ki Mysticrapped between two identities, each hal-el must cometo terms with his place in the worldeither adopting onepath over the other, or nding peace within himsel. Te kimystic represents the realization o inner harmony, attainingperect balance through martial arts mastery. By embracing

    the duality o the sel, the ki mystic is a capable warrior,channeling his unity o sel with every attack, anticipating themovements o his enemies with a preternatural awareness,and pushing his body past the limits o either bloodline.

    Given the classs psionic prerequisites, a ki mystic is alwaysa multiclass psionic character (psion, wilder, psychic warrior,and so on). With the ocus o inner reection, multiclassmonks are the most likely to pursue the ki warrior prestigeclass. Other class combinations are possible, thoughtypically require higher levels or entry. Some ki mysticscontinue on this path by advancing into the psionic stprestige class (see the Psionics Handbook or details).

    Tough warriors o considerable power, most ki mysticsshun combat, preerring to solve conict through reasonrather than destruction. Still, i pressed, they move withliquid grace, combining martial arts with psionic power toslide past their enemies deenses. When ully engaged, theki mystic sees combat as a means o restoring the balanceo energies, and never backs down until either he or hisopponents are destroyed.

    Hit Die: d8.

    Requirementso qualiy to become a ki mystic, a character must ulll allthe ollowing criteria.

    Base Attack Bonus: +4.

    Skills: Autohypnosis* 4 ranks, Concentration 9 ranks,Diplomacy 4 ranks, umble 7 ranks.

    Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Sidestep Charge*.

    Power Points: 1.

    * See the Psionics Handbook or skill and eat descriptions.

    Class SkillsA ki mystics c lass skills (and the key ability or eachskill) are Autohypnosis* (Wis), Balance (Dex), Climb(Str), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape

    Artist (Dex), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Spot ( Wis),Swim (Str) and umble (Dex). See Chapter Four: Skillsin the PHB(or see the Psionics Handbook*)or skilldescriptions.

    Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modier.

    Class FeaturesAll o the ollowing are class eatures o the ki mysticprestige class.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency

    Ki mystics gain no prociency with any weapons, armor,or shields.

    Powers Known

    At 1st, 3rd, and 5th level , the ki mystic gains additionalpower points per day and access to new powers as i hehad also gained a level in a maniesting class he belongedto beore adding the prestige class. He does not, however,gain any other benet a character o that class would havegained (such as bonus eats, metapsionic or item creationeats, psicrystal special abilities, and so on). I a characterhad more than one maniesting class beore becoming aki mystic, he must decide to which class he adds the new

    Table -: The Ki Mystic

    LevelBase Attack



    WillSave Special Powers Known

    1st +0 +2 +2 +2 Greater ki strike,monk abilities

    +1 level o existing maniesting class

    2nd +1 +3 +3 +3 As the reed bends

    3rd +2 +3 +3 +3 Martial harmony +1 level o existing maniesting class

    4th +3 +4 +4 +4 Harmonious deense

    5th +3 +4 +4 +4 opple the mountain +1 level o existing maniesting class

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    level o ki mystic or the purpose o determining powerpoints per day, powers known, and maniester level.

    Greater Ki Strike (Ex)

    At 1st level, the ki mystic can launch a devastating attackueled by the psionic power he harnesses. By expendinghis psionic ocus, the ki mystic may make a single meleeattack bypassing his targets nonepic damage reduction.In addition, the attack deals an additional +1d6 points odamage per class level. Ater expending his psionic ocus,the ki mystic must make a greater ki strike within a numbero rounds equal to his class level, or the power dissipates. Aki mystic may make one greater ki strike per day.

    Monk Abilities

    A ki mystics class levels stack with his monk levels or thepurpose o determining his unarmed damage, his AC bonus,and his bonus to unarmored speed.

    As the Reed Bends (Ex)

    Starting at 2nd level, the ki mystic attunes his innerharmony to turn the worst blows aside. Whenever the kimystic is psionically ocused, he is not subject to death bymassive damage.

    As well, whenever the ki mystic would take enough damageto reduce him to 10 hit points or less, he may expend hispsionic ocus and attempt a Reex save (DC 10 + totaldamage dealt) to negate the damage altogether. A ki mysticmay use this ability once per day as an immediate action,

    but not i he would normally be unable to make a Reexsave (i he is helpless, or example).

    Martial Harmony (Ex)

    Starting at 3rd level, whenever the ki mystic is psionicallyocused, he adds a bonus on all Balance, Jump, and umblechecks equal to his class level. In addition, he gains Dodgeas a bonus eat even i he does not have the normalprerequisites or that eat. I the character already has theDodge eat, the dodge bonus rom that eat increases to +2.

    Harmonious Defense (Ex)

    At 4th level, the ki mystic may ocus his martial abilitiesto reinorce his psionic deenses. By expending his psionicocus and taking the total deense action, the ki mystic gainsa dodge bonus to AC or that round equal to his class level.In addition, until his next action, he gains power resistanceequal to 11 + his character level.

    Topple the Mountain (Ex)

    At 5th level, the ki mystic develops his ultimate attack orm.When he activates his greater ki strike, he may maintainits eects or all o his melee attacks or a single round. Inaddition, he can maintain the greater ki strike eect orattacks made in subsequent rounds by spending 1 powerpoint each round as a swit action.

    Multiclass Note

    A monk who becomes a ki mystic may continue to advanceas a monk.

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    JackA dabbler in all things but master o none, the jack takesthe versatility o the bard to a new level. Skilled in a varietyo proessions and abilities, the jack can do just abouteverything. An ideal companion, he ulls nearly everyneeded niche. I the rogue alls in combat, the jack canstep in and help out with traps, sneak attacks, and pilering

    valuable objects as needed. I the ghter is pressed, the jack

    can leap into the ray and relieve enough pressure or heand his allies to win the day. No two jacks are the same, aseach is a completely dierent mix o skills and abilities. Inact, the only thing that really unites jacks is their lack ocommon elements.

    Any class can become a jack, though multiclass charactersoten nd it easier, having a solid mixture o abilities andtalents to build on. A jack must have sampled rom a widearray o character classes in order to achieve even the rst levelo this class. As a result, many jacks continue to mix in newclasses, broadening their class eatures even as they advance.

    One can usually spot a jack by his motley appearance, andmany are striking by their eclectic mixtures o strangeabilities. A scimitar-wielding barbarian toting a spellbook

    will send some observers into ts, and many jacks havepersonalities to match their career choices, lending tounpredictable behavior bordering on madness.

    Hit Die: d8.

    Requirementso qualiy to become a jack, a character must ulll all theollowing criteria.

    Alignment:Any chaotic.

    Race: Human or hal-el.

    Skills: Any three skills 8 ranks.Feats: Jack-o-All-rades*.

    Spellcasting: Te ability to cast 2nd-level spells.

    Special: Evasion ability.

    * New eat described inAdvanced Race Codex: Humansandin Appendix A.

    Class SkillsTe jack may choose any ten skills to be class skills. SeeChapter Four: Skills in the PHBor skill descriptions.

    Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modier.

    Class FeaturesAll o the ollowing are class eatures o the jack prestige class.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency

    Jacks gain no prociency with any weapons, armor, orshields.

    Spells per Day/Spells Known or Bonus Feat

    At 1st level and each level thereater, the jack gains new

    spells per day (and spells known, i applicable) as i he hadalso gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged tobeore adding the prestige class. Alternatively, he may selecta bonus eat o his choice or which he qualies.

    I the jack opts to advance his spellcasting class, he does notgain any other benet a character o that class would havegained, except or an increased eective level o spellcasting.I a character had more than one spellcasting class beorebecoming a jack, he must decide to which class he adds thenew level or the purpose o determining spells per day andspells known.

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    Table -: The Jack

    LevelBase Attack



    WillSave Special Powers Known

    1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Adaptable, bonus eat1 +1 level o existing spellcasting class1

    2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Bonus eat1 +1 level o existing spellcasting class1

    3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Improved evasion, bonus eat1 +1 level o existing spellcasting class1

    4th +3 +1 +4 +4 Bonus eat1 +1 level o existing spellcasting class1

    5th +3 +1 +4 +4 Fools blessing, bonus eat1 +1 level o existing spellcasting class1

    1 Te jack gains new spells per day (and spells known, i applicable) or a bonus eat, but not both.

    Jacks may select one or the other option at each indicatedlevel. For example, a character could advance a spellcastingclass at 1st, 3rd, and 4th level, but gain a bonus eat at 2ndand 5th level.


    A jack is a living paradox, and his complex and chaotic

    nature allows him to ignore much o the worlds moralrequirements. A jack may ignore ethical alignmentrestrictions (lawul or chaotic) or any class, though heis still bound by multiclass restrictions and moralityrestrictions (good or evil alignments). Tus, a neutral goodor chaotic good jack could take levels in paladin, but wouldbe unable to continue advancing as a paladin once he tookhis next level in jack (or any other class not allowing paladinadvancement).

    Improved Evasion

    Jacks are adept at avoiding danger. At 3rd level, the jack

    gains improved evasion, which works like evasion, exceptthat while the jack still takes no damage on a successulReex saving throw against attacks, he henceorth takesonly hal damage on a ailed save. A helpless jack does notgain the benet o improved evasion.

    Fool's Blessing (Su)

    At 5th level, the jack becomes the master o his ownortune, able to manipulate chance in the world aroundhim. On his turn as a move action, the jack may selectany target creature within 30 eet (including himsel ) andgrant that creature a +1 bonus or a 1 penalty on the next

    d20 roll it makes (typically a check or attack roll). Te jackmay choose a dierent target each round. Only creatureswith Intelligence scores o 3 or higher can be aected byools blessing.

    Master MerchantA champion o coin and trade, the master merchant is thepinnacle o mercantile success. Moving caravans across the

    world, he controls a great ortune and wields inuence thatcan destroy his rivals, shame nobles, and (at the height o hispower) depose kings with a word. As he gains in experience

    and prociency at his trade, he develops an impressivenetwork o other merchants and prospectors, generatingenough income to retire in wealth and comort.

    Rogues and bards are the most likely to advance into themaster merchant prestige class, as their mixture o skillsand abilities gives them an edge over more legitimateentrepreneurs. Fighters sometimes enter this c lass, especially

    those who have tired o the dangers o exploring dankdungeons and serving warlords on the eld o battle.Rangers and barbarians sometimes branch into this class,having access to natural treasures, rare pelts, or even thetrade o exotic and dangerous creatures. Sorcerers and

    wizards who develop skills as magical craters may alsoadvance in this class, seeking to reap reward or theircreations in marketplaces throughout the world.

    NPC master merchants can be useul allies oracquaintances o player characters, oering the meansto acquire rare or expensive supplies and equipment.

    Alternatively, these characters may pit themselves against

    the interests o the PCs, unding a rival adventuringgroup to thwart their eorts to acquire some rare artiact.Despite his lack o martial abilities, a master merchantsnetwork o contacts makes him a ormidable oe, always atthe center o a web o intrigue.

    Hit Die: d6.

    Requirementso qualiy to become a master merchant, a character mustulll all the ollowing criteria.

    Skills: Appraise 8 ranks, Blu 4 ranks, Proession(merchant) 8 ranks, Sense Motive 4 ranks.

    Feats: Leadership.

    Special: Must be able to speak three or more languages.Te character must have an established mercantile companywith its base o operations in a small or large city, as workedout between player and GM.

    Class SkillsTe master merchants class skills (and the key ability oreach skill) are Appraise (Int), Blu (Cha), Decipher Script

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    (Int), Forgery (Int), Gather Inormation (Cha), Intimidate(Cha), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int),Listen (Wis), Proession (merchant) (Wis), Sense Motive(Wis), Speak Language (), Spellcrat (Int), and UseMagic Device (Cha). See Chapter Four: Skills in the PHBor skill descriptions.

    Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modier.

    Class FeaturesAll o the ollowing are class eatures o the mastermerchant prestige class.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency

    Master merchants gain no prociency with any weapons,armor, or shields.

    Silver Tongue (Ex)

    Te master merchant is a supremely skilled trader, gaining abonus equal to one-hal his class level (minimum +1) on allBlu, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks made to buy or sell.

    Efficient Traveler (Ex)Te ability to move merchandise rom one location toanother quickly and efciently is essential to a mastermerchants success. Starting at 2nd level, whenever themaster merchant oversees the packing o goods into a

    vehicle (a cart, boat, and so on), he increases the vehiclescapacity by +5% per class level (maximum +50%).

    In addition, i the master merchant accompanies thecargo, he can reduce the length o any trip that wouldnormally take one week or longer. By inspiring his crewto additional willing labor each day, knowing the best

    shortcut routes, having an instinct or catching avorablewinds, and so on, the master merchant reduces the numbero days it takes to reach the destination by 5% per classlevel (maximum 50%).

    For example, a 2nd-level master merchant oversees the

    stowing o his cargo onto a galley. Ordinarily, a galleycan saely stow 150 tons o cargo, but because the mastermerchant oversees the process, he can squeeze another 15tons o material (150 110% = 165 tons). Once the shipsets sail, it normally takes seven days to reach the next port.Because the master merchant accompanies the ship, he canreduce the travel time by 10%, reducing the overall voyageto a little over six days.


    Starting at 2nd level, the master merchants investmentsbecome sel-sufcient, providing him with a steady andconstant income. Each week, the master merchant canmake a Proession (merchant) check and gain the ullamount o the check in gold. Te merchant does not needto directly oversee his enterprises; he merely need make thecheck. I not in a location where he can receive his earnings(adventuring in a dungeon, or instance), he may obtain thisgold in the city where he has his central operations (or canmake arrangements to have it shipped rom there).

    Skill Focus

    At 3rd level, the master merchant narrows his ocus on aparticular skill. He gains Skill Focus as a bonus eat, and canapply it to any one o his master merchant class skills.

    Uncanny Appraisal (Ex)

    Te master merchant is rarely wrong when assessing thevalue o an object. At 4th level, he gains a bonus equalto one-hal his class level on all Appraise checks. Inaddition, should he ail an Appraise check, the mastermerchant narrows his estimate o the value o the objectrom 60% to 140%. (Te GM calculates 2d6+3 10% asnormal, but treats any result o 50% as 60% and any result

    o 150% as 140%.)

    Social Adaptation

    Always on the lookout or new markets, the mastermerchant can slip into new cultures with ease. At 5th level,

    Table -: The Master Merchant

    Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Re Save Will Save Special

    1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Silver tongue

    2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Efcient traveler, stipend3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Skill Focus

    4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Uncanny appraisal

    5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Social Adaptation, improved stipend

    6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Numeric savant

    7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Contacts

    8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Greater stipend, sense deception

    9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Hide intention

    10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Honeyed words

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    he gains Social Adaptation (seeAdvanced Race Codex:Humansor Appendix A) as a bonus eat even i he does nothave the normal prerequisites or that eat. I he already hasSocial Adaptation, he gains Skill Focus instead.

    Improved Stipend (Ex)

    Te master merchants power and inuence grows in themarketplace, improving his income. Starting at 5th level,

    when the master merchant rolls his weekly Proession(merchant) check, he gains twice the result o the checkin gold.

    Numeric Savant (Ex)

    Starting at 6th level, the master merchant may calculateexact quantities with a mere glance. As a swit action, hecan count the precise number o any open collection othings, be they coins, trade goods, or even soldiers. TeGM secretly rolls an Intelligence check (DC 10 + 1 per100 o the objects being counted). Failure means thatthe master merchant makes an estimate o 50% to 150%(2d6+3 times 10%) o the actual number.

    By increasing the DC by +10, the master merchant canmake a good guess about the quantity o goods held in acontainer. o do so, he must have an idea what is insidethe container (pickled herring in a barrel, a saddlebagull o silver coins, and so on). Naturally, i the mastermerchant wishes to take the time, he can simply count likeanyone else.


    Expanding his network ensures that the master merchantretains some control over his various operations. At 7thlevel, he gains the Contacts eat (see page 7) as a bonuseat even i he does not have the normal prerequisites orthat eat. I he already has Contacts, he gains Skill Focusinstead.

    Greater Stipend (Ex)

    Te master merchants power and inuence reach theirpeak. From 8th level, when he rolls his weekly Proession(merchant) check, he gains three times the result o thecheck in gold.

    Sense Deception (Ex)

    Skilled at erreting out misinormation, the master

    merchant gains uncanny insight at uncovering deception. At8th level, he gains a bonus equal to one-hal his class levelon all Sense Motive checks. In addition, i he succeeds on aDC 30 Sense Motive check, he can sense when a creature islying to him (as i he were concentrating on the subject o adiscern liesspell).

    Hide Intention (Ex)

    With their exceptional insight, master merchants canhone their own ability to conceal their motives. Startingat 9th level, the master merchant gains a bonus equal toone-hal his class level on all Blu checks. In addition, his

    bonus on Blu checks made to buy or sell is equal to hisclass level.

    I subject to any spell that would reveal his alignment (suchas detect good), the master merchant automatically becomesaware that he is under the spells scrutiny, and may attempta Blu check against it (DC 10 + the spellcasters casterlevel). A successul check prevents the spell rom workingon him.

    Honeyed Words (Ex)

    At 10th level, the master merchants prociency atmanipulation and mercantilism gives him the means toaect almost any potential buyer. He receives a +4 insightbonus on all Charisma-based skill checks involving thebuying or selling o goods (in addition to the bonuses toBlu, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks gained previously).Furthermore, i he can cast spells, his caster level increasesby +2 when casting spells rom the enchantment andillusion schools.

    Ex-Master Merchant

    A successul master merchant must maintain a near-rabid attention to the details o his businesses. Should acharacter advance in another class ater attaining a level inthis prestige class, he immediately becomes an ex-mastermerchant, losing access to the stipend, improved stipend,and greater stipend abilities. Once he takes his ocus o his

    work, he can never return to the same degree o power, andmay never again advance in this prestige class.

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    The Epic Master MerchantTe epic master merchant is as rare as he is powerul.Capable o bending kings to his will, elevating commonersto nobility, and destroying the lotiest lords, they are thetrue power behind a nations economy. Tese charactersrarely deign to emerge rom their networks o commerce,trade, and intrigue, committed as they are to acquiring ever-greater sums o wealth.

    Hit Die: d6.Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modier.

    Bonus Feats: Te epic master merchant gains a bonus eatevery three levels beyond 10th (13th, 16th, and so on). Teseeats may be any eats or which the character qualies.

    Sister of the SidheTe elven rontier nations have orders o knights whorigorously train to deend them against threats, abandoningthe sometimes careree and capricious ways o their kin orthe sake o what might be lost should their vigilance ail.Many o these knights ollow the customs and practices ohumans and dwarves. A rare ew however, join the esotericorder o the Sisterhood o the Sidhe (shee). Committingthemselves to the deense o their people, they take theirname rom their ancient ancestor matronsey spirits withclose ties to nature and the spirit world beyond. Forswearingtheir mates and amilies, the Sisters o the Sidhe wed

    violence in the hope o preserving the elven way o lie.

    o become a Sister o the Sidhe is the goal o a greatmany o the rare emale el and hal-el cavaliers (see theCavaliers Handbook). Each hopeul knight petitions thelord o her land, proessing devotion to all o her peopleand a willingness to sacrice her ties to her amily in orderto protect her nation. I her lord nds her worthy, she joinsthe order or rigorous training, honing her skills with thebow as she develops the oundation o a specialized swordand dagger style. Once her training is complete, a Sistero the Sidhe rides out, serving as the rst deense against

    orcs, goblins, dragons, drow and all the ancestral enemies osurace elven lie.

    Tough an elven order, a great many Sisters o the Sidheare drawn rom the ranks o hal-elves living in the elvenrontier lands, who look to the class as a means o provingthemselves to their sometimes aloo elven kin. Multiclassclerics, rangers, ghters, and cavaliers can all meet the classrequirements at higher levels.

    NPC Sisters o the Sidhe are oten distant to the point orudeness, and though most hunt drow or orcs, some targethumans in areas where tensions between communities runhigh. Dangerous and pragmatic, a Sister o the Sidhe has nocompunction about who her victims aremale or emale,adult or child. Even the child o an enemy may grow up tokill, and the deense o the homeland always takes priorityover personal reservations or ethical quandaries.

    Hit Die: d8.

    Requirementso qu