Advances in Genetics - Ms. Casanova's...

Post on 31-May-2020

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Advances in Genetics


I will identify different techniques used in advanced genetics.

Key Terms

● Selective breeding ● inbreeding ● hybridization ● clone ● genetic engineering ● gene therapy ● The Human Genome Project ● Genome

Warm Up

Dachshunds are selectively bred to fit into badger holes. What do you think the difference between selective breeding and natural selection is?

What is Selective Breeding? ● The process of selecting

organisms with desired traits to be parents of next generation - two techniques ○ Inbreeding - involves crossing two

individuals that make similar characteristics

○ Hybridization - breeders cross two

genetically different individuals in

hopes of offspring having best traits from both parents

What about clones?

● A clone is an organism that has exactly the same genes as the organism from which it was produced.

Working with Genes ● Genetic Engineering

○ Genes from one organism are transferred into the DNA of another organism (ex. bacteria producing insulin or cows producing milk with blood-clotting protein for hemophiliacs)

● Gene Therapy involves inserting copies of a gene directly into a person's cell

The Human Genome Project

● Project to identify the DNA sequence of every gene in the human genome ○ A genome is all the DNA

is one cell of an organism



I will create an advertisement for Tastization (the company that deal in the hybrization of great tastes).

The Project
