Advent Lutheran Church 06, 2017  ·...

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  • Advent Lutheran Church Newsletter

    Advent Lutheran Church July 2017


    Photos of Our Graduates


    Thoughts from Pastor Lundby, Super Youth Team-Tri-Parish VBS Photos


    Community Outreach, New Contact Infor-mation, Thank You, Worship & Hospitality


    Income & Expense, Food Bank, People in Our Prayers, Attendance


    Camp Lutherhaven News


    Announcements, Upcoming Events


    July Calendar 8

    July Hospitality



    Worship Schedule 10



    CJ Lorentz, Ferris High School

    Alison LaFrance, Central Valley High School

    Abigail Nurvic, Central Valley High School

    Kelsey McCune, Eastern Washington University

    Cody Bergstrom, Eastern Washington University

    Congratulations to all our graduates!;_ylu=X3oDMTB2a2h0aHA2BHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDAyMl8xNDQ-/SIG=1vvmsb0m4/EXP=1310600054/**http%3a/

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    Cody Bergstrom, Kelsey McCune, Alison LaFrance, Abigail Nurvic, CJ Lorentz

    Graduates wrapped in the gift of beautiful quilts made and donated by our Happy Piecemakers

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    “The Lord said to Abram, “go from your county and your kindred to the land that I will show you. I will bless you so you will be a blessing. So Abram went as the Lord told him.” Genesis 12:1-4 During this my first week with you I’ve been listening and reflecting on what this three month experience might be like. I’ve learned that the Lilly grant you’ve received pre-scribes, among other things, two distinct components-one provides for a quality time of rest, renewal and revitaliza-tion for your pastor and family. The other prescribes engaging in an intentional renewal exercise with the whole congregation. I’ve also learned that a process has been organized which will center round three Parish gatherings with some homework between each one. The first will focus on Advent’s past, the second on Advent’s present, and the third one, Advent’s future. Somewhat similar to Abram’s journey, Advent is summoned to set out on a journey which will take you where God is leading you. Also similar to Abram’s journey, yours will be a holy journey, a journey grounded in prayer and rooted in God’s promises. It will be a journey launched in faith that the God who brought you this far will continue to lead you and will give you confidence to trust the promise that God will make Advent a great renewed community of faith, one that will be empowered to be a blessing to all who are touched by its ministry. Prayer will be at the center of this journey. I invite you to develop a pattern to pray regularly for your own faith renewal and for the renewal of the whole Advent community. Biblical reflection should also be at the center of this journey. I invite you to engage in your own search of the scriptures and explore other resources that address God’s call to be the presence of Christ in the world and how Advent can best be that presence. The Parish gatherings will engage everyone in lively, enlightening conversations about the nature and mission of the church along with the culture and context of the Community of which Advent is a part. Stories will be shared about the events and actions, achievements and failings of Advent’s past history. Assessments of the strengths and weaknesses, gifts and resources of Advent’s present will be gathered. Casting a broad, bold and faithful vision for Advent’ s future will set the course for the next steps to follow. You will all be engaged in this process. My prayer is that God’s spirit will work within and among you in such a way that from the signature work completed in this process, a renewed future community of faith will emerge, one that will be a rich blessing to all who come within the sphere of Advent’s reach. Together with you in Christ’s mission, Darrel Lundby, Interim Pastor

    SUPER YOUTH TEAM By April Marshall

    I just want to give a big VBS THANK YOU to everyone who helped make another Tri-Parish VBS successful. I want to thank those of you who donated snack supplies, household items, and money! Thank you, Wes Todd for helping with decorations. I’d also like to thank the amaz-ing volunteers who donated their time all week by helping make snacks, lead groups, and run stations. Thank you Darrell Shoquist, Francie Shoquist, Midge Thorin, Midge Kiourkas, Missy Bliesner, Kara Wilson, Joyce Banna, and Jody Meddock for your hands-on help at VBS all week. I couldn’t have done it without you! The children had a great time learning how God is always with them and on their side at our Maker Fun Factory VBS this year, and it was so wonderful to have some new volunteers this year to show kids just how much we care about them.

    Darrell Shoquist helping with VBS

    Francie Shoquist, Midge Thorin, Midge Kiourkas, VBS Helpers

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    Last month we received 167 lbs. of donated food! Targeted food items remain the same every month: bean protein (chili, baked beans, pork n' beans), tuna, mac n' cheese, cereal, canned fruit ( no fresh fruit), canned veg-etables, canned soups, boxed dinners, and peanut butter.


    Sue May would like to update her contact information. She no longer has a landline phone. Her cell number is 509-413-6916.

    Carol Butler has a new cell phone number: 509-217-7742 and email:


    Sue May wishes to thank everyone for your kindness and encouragement, prayers, cards and calls as she has been going through her treatments. She has completed her treatments and is now recovering and hopes to be back worshipping with us soon. Your continued prayers are greatly appreciated! “Thanks to all who helped Team 3 during the month of June. We especially would like to thank Missy Bliesner and her family who signed up as Fellowship Hosts twice this month! It's a hard job and Missy often does this with the help of Lily and Noah of course! Shawn helps when he's in town. Lily is now an Acolyte and signed up to read! All the new Acolytes are much appreciated. Bronte Marshall and Kallie Haveman were also acolytes this past month. AWESOME!” Babs Velategui & SaraLu Moore Annis Young wishes to thank everyone for all the prayers, cards, phone calls, and love expressed to her while she was in Arizona over the winter and as she has been recovering. Your friendship has meant so much.

    WORSHIP & HOSPITALITY By Dianne Ronngren

    Team #1 Companionship Community

    Webster Dictionary defines Fellowship as “A Community of interest, activity and feeling or experience: and also defines Hospitable as “Giving generous and cordial reception of guests”. Advent welcomes all to Fellowship following services. Teams are formed to ‘host’ coffee and cookies. Members are all invited to serve. A great opportunity to meet one another over coffee. Paula Kenney and Mike McCune still have opportunities for July and Joani Nelsen and Selma Hair are taking signups for August. HOSPITALITY TEAMS are listed alongside of tables for sign-ups. Remember, there is no “I” in team….it takes all of us. Thanks for joining the team.

    ‘Fill the Shelf’ Sunday!

    Is the last Sunday of

    Every Month

    Submitted by Wes Todd


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    INCOME/EXPENSE INFORMATION By Bonnie Calhoun Advent General Fund Income/Expense

    May Year to Date

    Income 30,413.96 159,765.14

    Expense 31,296.78 163,870.61

    Net -882.82 -4,105.47

    Child Center Income/Expense

    May Year to Date

    Income 60,026.25 294,121.92

    Expense 59,641.74 286,109.00

    Net 384.51 8,012.92

    Notes for Advent Lutheran Church In May, expenses exceeded income by $883.

    Expenses included the budgeted disbursement (10%) of benevolence dollars for the ELCA, Spokane Valley Partners, Maasai Health Systems, Lutheran Communi-ty Services and the Wenatchee Valley Lutheran Latino Ministry.

    Average monthly expenses came in $1,283 higher than average budgeted monthly expenses. It is expected that monthly expenses will fall in line with budget esti-mates once the mortgage is paid off in August.

    Average monthly income came in $92 lower than aver-age budgeted monthly income.

    Sunday offering giving for January-May 2017 was $7,388 lower than in January-May 2016.

    Notes for Advent Lutheran Child Center In May, income exceeded expenses by $385.

    Total income for the Center has increased by $3,072 when compared to January-May last year.

    Expenses have decreased by $1,492.

    The Child Center is weathering the increases in tuition and minimum wage and have come through the first five months of the year with a net balance of $8,013.

    The Center has a cash reserve that is 86% of one month’s expenses. The goal is to reach 100% of one month’s expenses.


    By Ken Otteman Thank you all for your generous donations to the Spokane Valley Partners Food Bank. Our ‘Fill the Shelf’ Sunday food drive donations brought in 167 lbs.! The Food Bank is very grateful for all your donations.

    PEOPLE IN OUR PRAYERS For our Church Family and Friends: Besemer family, Larry Butler, Belle Campbell, Mike Canney, Hazel Cascaden, Bud & Betty Jo Cook, Georgia Coulston, Lonnie Day, Sally Duenow, Rod & Sammie Fletcher, Sonja Fording, Tillie Funk, Alisa Gergawy, Margaret Gilcrease, Joan Gunby, Jan Hall & family, Dolores Hanson, Casey Hayden, Leigh & Steve Hopkins, Linda Ingebritsen, Elinor Johnson, Kay, Mary Ann Klemmer, Marilyn Keith, Doug Kelly, Shirley Kjos, Alison LaFrance, Larson family, Laut family, Velma Linerud, Eloise Lorentz, Jan Madden, Connie Martin, Sue May, Bonnie Mertes, Jack & Flo McDougall, Katie McIntyre, Joyce Mertes, SaraLu Moore, Marian Moseman, Gloria Nicol, Joanne Okert, Ken Otteman, Renee Powell, Myrna Rehn, Anna Rector and her brother Heinz, Gerry O’Rourke, Tim O’Rourke, Marvin & Darlene Schwartzenberger, Keith Shipbaugh, Gayle Shirey, Kathy Sordorff, Louise Sperline, Tito Tinajero, LeAnn Tinch, Uwe, Roy, Mary, and Helga, Florence Wilson & family, Sara Zabriskie. For Family Members & Friends Serving in the Military: 2 Lt. Ashley Allingor-Army; 2 Lt. Zane Allingor-USAF, CPL Damien Anderson, TSG Ryan Armstrong, Major Ryan Baker, MAJORS Megan & Robert Barnwell, SSGT Alex Baron, USAF, U.S. Army, Lt. Jordon Bolster, Steve & Christine Coulston, CPT Christopher Finch, Robert Guyton, TSG Christine Johnson, SGT Aaron Lang, Sr. Airman Richard Luna III, MSgt. Duncan McFarlane, Bryan McGoon, SSG Aaron Moeller, Sam Nelson, Sgt. Alex Pohle, Kurt Strigel, SPC Cody Strunks, Colin Wells, U.S. Air Force, Ryan Wells, TSgt Sarah Meddock, TSG Jason Wood, 1Lt. Michael West, SPC Steven West, Staff SGT Jacob McKenzie, 1 Lt. Steven King.

    For Family Members & Friends Serving in Mission fields around the world.

    If you have a prayer request, please send an email to the

    church office at or call the church office at (509) 928-7733.

    May Services Average Attendance: 145

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    Camp Corner Lutherhaven Ministries is your congregation's year-round outdoor ministry. We're Camp Lutherhaven on Lake Coeur d'Alene, Shoshone Mountain Retreat & Ranch up the North Fork of the Coeur d'Alene River, Idaho Servant Adventures, and week-long Lutherhaven Day Camps held in communities around the Northwest. The Camp Corner features news and happenings at Lutherhaven. Did you know? 2017 marks our 71st year offering quality, safe, Christ-centered programs for campers of every age! Here are a few things coming up at camp: Family Camp at Lutherhaven: July 14-16

    Bring your family, friends and neighbors and leave the rest to us!

    Build life-long memories, life-renewing relationships and life-changing faith. Launch your boat or jet-ski from Lutherhaven's fabulous waterfront! *NEW Cabernet, Canvas & Camp up the Creek!: July 28-30

    The perfect weekend for a mid-summer get-away with friends!

    Wine tasting with Kim Nelson of Vehrs/Spokane. Canvas painting lessons with local artist Lisa Mittelsaedt Seher. Kindercamp at Lutherhaven: August 4-6

    4 & 5 year old campers bring a big person to share all the fun of camp!

    Swimming, sand castles, art & crafts, Bible study, campfire with s'mores plus so much more! Meet new friends and make great family memories. *NEW Shoshone Family Camp: August 11-13

    Custom design a weekend just for you and your family (and friends!)

    Build life-long memories, life-renewing relationships and life-changing faith!

    Choices include horseback riding, dutch oven cooking lessons, mountain biking & trail riding, climbing wall, zip-line, Giant's swing & more!

    Find these events and more at!

    Other camp news:

    Join us for Sunday Summer Worship 10:30 AM at Lutherhaven and 9:00 AM at Shoshone Mountain Retreat. Summer Camp Registration! Your favorite camps are filling up fast so sign up soon! Check out the web for dis-count pricing options and camperships. Thanks for your patience as we continue to fix any bugs in our new regis-tration system. Go to and click 'My Registration' in the top right corner to register. The Retreat Center was dedicated at the Partner's Luncheon on June 3! Thanks to everyone who joined us for such a special day! The inside may be finished but there's still work to do painting the siding. Interested in volunteering? Email Steve Meyer at Lutherhaven is a Camp that Changes the World, (two years in a row) selected by Chicago's Center for Faith and Service for the crucial role we play in cultivat-ing the talents and passions of our young people; nurturing faith formation in kids, teens, adults and families; and inspiring and equipping our next generation of leaders. Thanks for being part of making Lutherhaven the fantastic outdoor ministry it is!

    All of us at Lutherhaven wish you well! Now we all thank our God!

    God Bless!

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    ANNOUNCEMENTS Pastor Matt will be on his Sabbatical June 19-September 18. We warmly welcome Pastor Darrel Lundby and his wife Joanne. Pastor Darrel will be filling in for Pastor Matt this summer. His focus will be Sunday worship and visita-tion. Pastor Darrel will be in the office on Mondays and Wednesdays, 9am-noon.

    As Pastor Matt shared with us several times over the past few months, this summer both he and the Advent congre-gation will be engaging in a “Congregational Renewal Program”. The first of three congregational dinners will be held Wednesday, July 12

    th. Each dinner will have a

    theme that will lead to defining our future. We will re-visit the forming of Advent and our initial goals at this first dinner. We will take a critical look at how we are doing at our second dinner August 2

    nd and begin to build a vision

    for our future at the third dinner August 31st

    . When Pastor Matt returns from his renewal program in September we will combine our respective visions for Advent’s future and create a roadmap for execution. In order to plan appropri-ately for the amount of food needed, we ask that you please sign up for the dinners. We have the sign-up sheet on the table in the Narthex, or you may contact the Church office. NAME TAGS: If you need a name tag please let the Church office know as we are placing an order soon. Our name tags come with a magnetic back, however, if you have a pacemaker or other medical condition that would prevent you from using a magnetic back, please let us know. We are happy to order you a name tag with a pin. We also have a sign-up sheet on the table. Thank you. Media Person needed! We are in need of additional help to run our PowerPoint slides each Sunday. If you are inter-ested, please contact the Church office.

    UPCOMING EVENTS Youth Yard Sale! Saturday, 9am-2pm, July 8th. You may drop off your donations on Friday, July 7th. Please, only donate items in good condition. The proceeds will go towards the 2018 Youth Gathering in Houston, TX.

    8 LAKES LEG ACHES BIKE RIDE: A benefit bike ride for the programs of LCS Northwest and the Sexual Assault & Family Trauma (SAFeT) Response Center of LCS North-west. Join over 700 riders for one of the best organized bike rides in Eastern Washington where riders enjoy the beautiful scenery of West Spokane, Cheney and Medical Lake. There’s a perfect ride for everyone. Choose from 30, 45 or 75 mile routes – the 75 mile route passes Willow, Granite, Silver, Medical, Clear, Chapman, Kepple and Fish

    UPCOMING EVENTS-Continued Lakes, for the full 8 Lakes ride experience. The 15-mile route is perfect for families and folks dusting their bikes for the first time this year. Each route includes snack stops and SAG support along the course. Ride only: $50.00 With T-shirt: $60.00.There are great prizes for those individuals raising pledges. Every rider who raises $225 or more in pledges receives a limited edition 8-Lakes Leg Aches Jersey! $350 includes a Waterproof Vest. In addi-tion, we offer great prizes! The more you raise, the better the prize! For more information go to or contact Christie McKee at 509-343-5020 or email at GoldenAgers Outing! B-Reactor Tour-Formerly a Top Secret Site! Join us on August 31, departing Spokane at 7:15 am. (Meeting location unknown at this time). We should arrive home by 7:00 pm. Formerly a top-secret site, this B-Reactor now offers tours. Part of the Manhattan Project originally, it helped develop the Atomic Bomb. Learn how it worked, discover the worker’s conditions, and why it was retired from its work. This is on the Hanford Reservation and the tour lasts about four hours, so plan a full day. Handicap needs can be accommodated. Pkg. includes lunch, admissions, transportation and tour guide. RSVP by August 21, to Dick Jensen, Inland Empire Tours. Cost is $72. Space on the bus is limited, they only accept 28 people. When making your reserva-tion, please tell them you are with the Advent Lutheran Church group and write #170903 on the memo line of your check. You may mail your check to Inland Empire Tours, PO Box 30935, Spokane, WA 99223. You may also phone in your reservation with a credit card at (509) 747-1335. Questions? Contact Linda Semmen at 389-4191. Inland Empire Tours contacts: email: or After making your reservation, should you need to cancel, you must do so 72 hours before departure day to get a full refund. Spokane Indian Baseball Games: The Spokane Indians have several ‘Faith Nights’ offering discounts. They are July 8 and 15, August 4, 18, and 25. All the games will have fireworks! To get your tickets, call 509-343-6886.

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    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Satur-day


    2 9:30 am-Worship Service/ Communion After Worship Coffee Fellowship Happy Cut-Ups Card Sale 10:45 am High School Bible Study at Starbucks 7:30 pm-Al-Anon 122 AA Meeting 106

    3 10:30 am–11:30 ALCC Happy Feet 7:00 pm Boy Scouts F/158

    4 Independence Day

    Church Office & Child

    Center Closed


    Child Center Closed

    6 8:00 am Happy Helpers Happy Cut-Ups 10:00 am Amazing Athletes 10:30 am ALCC Board Mtg. 6:30 pm Praise Team 7:30 pm AA Meeting 106

    7 6:30 am Men’s Prayer Breakfast at Denney’s Restaurant 6:00 pm Co-DA Meeting 122 (Donations for yard sale may be dropped off today)

    8 9:00 am-2:00 pm Youth Yard Sale

    9 9:30 am-Worship Service/ Communion After Worship Coffee Fellowship 10:45 am High School Bible Study at Starbucks 7:30 pm-Al-Anon 122 AA Meeting 106

    10 10:30 am–11:30 ALCC Happy Feet 7:00 pm Boy Scouts F/158

    11 9:00 am Happy Piecemakers 5:30 pm Executive Committee 6:00 pm Cub Scouts F/106/158

    12 6:30 pm

    Renewal Time


    13 8:00 am Happy Helpers Happy Cut-Ups 10:00 am Amazing Athletes 7:30 pm AA Meeting 106

    14 6:30 am Men’s Prayer Breakfast at Denny’s Restaurant 6:00 pm Co-DA Meeting 122


    16 9:30 am-Worship Service/ Communion After Worship Coffee Fellowship 10:45 am High School Bible Study at Starbucks 7:30 pm-Al-Anon 122 AA Meeting 106

    17 10:30 am–11:30 ALCC Happy Feet 7:00 pm Boy Scouts F/158

    18 9:00 am Happy Piecemakers 9:30 am Child Center Chapel 6:00-pm Council Meeting 122 Cub Scouts F/106/158


    20 8:00 am Happy Helpers Happy Cut-Ups 10:00 am Amazing Athletes 6:30 pm Praise Team 7:30 pm AA Meeting 106

    21 6:30 am Men’s Prayer Breakfast at Denny’s Restaurant 9am-11am-SVP Food Sorting 6:00 pm Co-DA Meeting 122


    23 9:30 am-Worship Service/ Communion After Worship Coffee Fellowship 10:45 am High School Bible Study at Starbucks Praise Team Practice 7:30 pm-Al-Anon 122 AA Meeting 106

    24 10:30 am–11:30 ALCC Happy Feet 7:00 pm Boy Scouts F/158


    25 9:00 am Happy Piecemakers 9:30 am Child Center Chapel 6:00 pm Cub Scouts F/106/158


    27 8:00 am Happy Helpers Happy Cut-Ups 10:00 am Amazing Athletes 7:30 pm AA Meeting 106

    28 6:30 am Men’s Prayer Breakfast at Denney’s Restaurant 6:00 pm Co-DA Meeting 122


    30 “Fill the Shelf’ Sunday 9:30 am-Worship Service/ Communion After Worship Coffee Fellowship 10:45 am High School Bible Study at Starbucks 7:30 pm-Al-Anon 122 AA Meeting 106

    31 10:30 am–11:30 ALCC Happy Feet 7:00 pm Boy Scouts F/158

    JULY 2017

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    July 2

    9:30 am

    July 9

    6:30 pm

    July 16

    9:30 am

    July 30

    9:30 am

    July 23


    Assistants (4)

    Grace Carlson

    Carol Scheurer

    Shelle Seaholm

    Marian Moseman

    Shelle Seaholm

    Francie Shoquist

    Carol Scheurer

    Denise Walker

    Katy Brownlee

    Marian Moseman


    Minister (1)

    Jeffrey Zaleski Kara Wilson Mike Canney Jeffrey Zaleski Kara Wilson

    Reader (1) Jeffrey Zaleski Kara Wilson Mike Canney Jeffrey Zaleski Lily Bliesner

    Acolyte (1)

    Lily Bliesner Demetrios Tsakarestos Lily Bliesner

    Media (1)


    Ushers (3-4) Denise Walker Norm & Audrey Knuttel Roger Scheurer Bill & Rita Thurston Jeff & Diedra


    Greeters (2-4) Roger Scheurer Denise Walker Patt Scott Chris Worth



    Moseman Family



    Mike McCune Michelle Bliesner


    (4 people,

    4 dozen each)

    NO COOKIES NEEDED Anna Tsakarestos

    Denise Walker

    Grace Carlson Bill & Rita Thurston


    Team #4 Leaders: Paula Kenney: 926-0702 Mike McCune: 893-2694

    “Share with God’s people .....,Practice Hospitality”

    Romans 12:13 (NIV)

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    9:30 am Worship Service with Holy Communion 10:45 am High School Bible Study at Starbucks on Sprague

    “Called by God’s Grace to Love and Serve”




    PERMIT NO. 19


    Advent Lutheran Church 13009 E Broadway Spokane Valley, WA 99216

    Church Phone: 509-928-7733 Child Center Phone: 509-928-0231 Fax: 509-892-5219