Adventa lowe kiev_burn_eng

Post on 22-Apr-2015

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Market Analysis

• 2003 burn was launched in 2003 and was the first Energy drink in the market with National distribution and Marketing Communication support.

• 2003 – 2005 Being the “establisher” of Energy Drink category and had enjoyed 80% of Market Share

• 2005 Non Stop and Red Bull has been launched , investing in to total segment rapid growth.

• 2006 - 2008 Main competition is between two premium Brands (Burn & Red Bull). Non-Stop is cheap (-44% discount vs. Burn) and flat.

• 2008 Summer (Crisis Start) Cheap Energy feast!! Non –Stop is enjoying rapid growth. Burn & Red Bull in Decline

• 2009 -2010 Boom of cheap Energy Drinks! Burn suffers the most, both due to image and distribution (trade presence) issues.

• Burn has traditionally been perceived as a night-time energy drink and was an undisputed leader up to 2005*. From 2006 onwards competitors’ timid attacks at the night-time energetic market began.

• By 2009 the brand faced serious problems. Night life territory was under serious attack, first of all by lower priced energetics.

• In order to fight back the market share Burn broadens the consumption situations and changes the “night energy” positioning to “energy 24/7”.

* Source : Burn. Internal data.


Campaign tasks

• To make Burn the #1 day-time choice among youth on the “energy 24/7” platform

• To strengthen brand loyalty among current customers

• To engage the audience in an online dialogue with the brand


First of all we took a different look at the TA and learnt about our consumers the following:

they want to prove that nothing is impossible

they want to conquer the world day and night

So we decided to make it possible for them to hang out not only from dusk till dawn, but from dawn till dusk as well.

To create an opportunity for 24/7 participation of the young people in the

brand’s activity

Campaign idea

While the others are waiting for the night to fall, Burn offers you real drive already in day time

Party-goers, trendsetters and party geeks, change the time on your watches. Now you can party and continue studying. Right away at your alma mater. Meet the idea that we’ve created by teaming up with you. Meet the daytime party at your university

Meet “My uni burnssss!”


• On day X all active students by coming to a square of their university were able to take part in photo shoot and in improvised day disco party. All the photos were edited into a video that was placed in social networks (Vkontakte/Facebook) and on the promosite for online voting.

• The students of the winning university would receive a great concert performed by the popular band “Boombox”.

• The slogan of the campaign became an aggressive call-to-action

“Free your fire!”

• The campaign took place in May-June 2011 and included three waves


• The first wave actively incited the students to ‘set a fire” in the Burn-events

• The events were held at 10 universities of 5 Ukrainian cities. At first glance, not very impressive figures for a national level promo. But behind those numbers there are 200 000 students that were involved in our events! A unique content was created especially for each university: shooting of ten different stop-motion videos with all the slides been printed on hundreds of t-shirts. Within two days of photo shooting over 5000 pictures were made, over 2000 of them became part of the videos uploaded for voting at social networks and the promo site.

• The possibility to get night-club impressions made the events unique and different from previous campaigns: the students could dance to music played by a DJ, shoot cool and dynamic photos and at the same time become the main characters in a video about their own alma mater.


• The second wave of the campaign was the main one

• At the special website people could observe voting in real time and find out which of the universities was in the lead. For convenience all the votes from the groups in Vkontakte, Facebook and YouTube were pulled up to the website. On their walls in Vkontakte and on Facebook the students could publish photographs of themselves wearing t-shirts as well as links to the videos of their universities with incitements to vote, like, re-tweet and support in every possible way.


• The third wave was the most intense – the winner university was selected

• We were slightly shocked by the students’ activity and the minimum gap between the two leaders: KPI (Kyiv) and LNPU (Lvyv).

• What is to be done? From the very beginning only one concert was promised. However, the young guys and girls participated with the intensity of the Burn principle: act now, don’t give up and you’ll pull through.

• And they did!

• Burn decided to reward both leading universities with concerts: one in Kyiv, the other in Lvyv.

Creative materials

Creative materials

Creative materials

Creative materials

Creative materials


• Burn has set the record 21% growth in brand relevance for morning time consumption for the entire year. It created a significant gap of 27% with the main competitor Red Bull. Daytime consumption has grown by +6% while Red Bull’s performance had dropped*

* Source : UMG-International, Radar 2010-2011.


• Burn was named favourite brand by 43% of consumers, which is +5% higher than last year’s result

• At the same time a dramatic downfall of Red Bull is observed at -12%. Only 9% named it their favorite drink

*Source: UMG-International, Radar 2010-2011.


• Record results were received during the two weeks of the campaign:

20 075 votes in total were cast for the universities;*

131 290 views of the universities videos in YouTube during 2 weeks of voting. In comparison the music video of the popular band “Boombox” released in April 2011 got only approx. 127 000 views in 5 months;**

140 000 unique visitors at;*

400 000 page views of (during 6 weeks of campaign);*

12 000 visitors per day during the peak of voting;*

amazing earned media of 20 000 references in Google by direct request «Мy university burns” by the time the campaign ended.*

*Source: site statistics, YouTube brand channel.

**Source: music channel Ello (240 million views),


• More than 5000 people attended events at the universities


• Student truly enjoyed the photo shooting sessions. The T-shirts with the video scenes were liked so much that many users updated their profiles in social networks with the personal photo taken in this unique T-shirt


• In order to support their own university students created special groups and meetings. Several unique groups were opened in Vkontakte in order to provide latest updates on a contest and arrange meetings in real life


• Students were involved in the competition in record numbers and involved their acquaintances:

– Lyubomyr Mudryi: “Hurrah! LNPU video received 2700+ your votes in Vkontakte thank you for your support!!! Let’s invite new people to vote more actively!!! TOGETHER WE WILL WIN THIS COMPETITION!!!”

• Within 2 minutes after this comment 136 votes were added.

– Yura Slavych: “KPI is 114 votes ahead… and that’s despite the fact I passed the link of the video to all my friends and 50% of them – to their friends… Guys, let’s be more active! send to everyone you know and don’t know )))

• After this comment KPI lost its leadership position. However, not for long.


• over 17 000 people visited the concerts (approx 35% students of each winning university).

• 16 995 of them began the day after with a can of Burn to make it to a class